Wall decoration under the board. Finishing boards for walls: lining, imitation timber, block house, planken, siding, unedged products

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Many owners of private houses in Lately give preference to natural, environmentally friendly finishing materials. In particular, cladding boards for wall decoration are very popular. In this article we will take a closer look at this material, its types and installation methods.

General information

The great popularity of wood finishing materials is associated with their many positive qualities, among which are the following:

  • are environmentally friendly, natural material;
  • look attractive;
  • are strong and durable material;
  • easy to install, so you can do the finishing yourself;
  • retain heat;
  • If necessary, it is easy to carry out repairs by replacing damaged panels.

Of course, like any other material, wood flooring also has some disadvantages:

  • high price compared to artificial analogues, especially for materials made from expensive species;
  • requires periodic care;

Therefore, before deciding to use wood for wall decoration, you need to consider all the pros and cons of this coating.

Types of finishing boards

There are currently many options on the building materials market wood coverings intended for wall decoration are:

  • lining;
  • imitation timber;
  • block house;
  • parquet board and laminate;
  • croaker;
  • unedged lumber.

Below we will take a closer look at each of these types of materials.

Lining is perhaps the most popular board for wall decoration, which consists of panels 12-15 mm thick. It has a groove on one edge and a tenon on the other. Thanks to this, the panels are securely joined together, forming a solid wooden sheet.

The front side of the forcing is flat, reminiscent of timber. Therefore, a house finished with this material resembles a timber frame.

Forcing can be used for both interior decoration, and external. Due to its light weight, it is also used for cladding ceilings and attic floors.

Like other wood finishing materials, wooden lining differs in the type of wood from which it is made. The most common types are:

On a frame made of slats using self-tapping screws. This process is reminiscent of wall cladding with many other wall materials.

In the photo - block house

Block house

This material is essentially the same lining. Its only difference is the profile of the front side, which has cylindrical shape. As a result, the block house imitates a rounded log.

Otherwise, these materials are identical. There is also no difference in the technology of their installation.

Imitation timber is in many ways reminiscent of lining, but it also has some differences in the following points:

  • massiveness - the thickness and width of the panels is much greater;
  • can only be positioned horizontally;
  • has a more prominent relief.

Otherwise, imitation timber has the same properties as lining.

Parquet board or laminate

Interior wall decoration with parquet boards looks unusual and impressive. This material is especially often used to create the effect of extending the floor. To achieve this, the coating is mounted on the wall in the same direction as on the floor.

Advice! Parquet can be used not to cover entire walls, but only part of them, for example, to zone a room or create accents.

The installation instructions for this coating look like this:

  • the bottom row of panels near the floor is attached to the wall with dowel nails. Subsequently, the place where the panels are attached will be hidden by the baseboard;
  • then subsequent rows are attached to the bottom row using a tenon/groove locking connection, which are additionally fixed to the wall with glue, for example, “liquid nails”;
  • the top row is also fixed to the wall with dowel nails. The place of their attachment is hidden by the ceiling plinth.

Wane boards

In the process of sawing a log, first of all, the outermost part of the trunk is cut off from two or four sides. As a result, this material is flat on one side and round on the other, covered with bark.

This “top” is called a slab or ash board, which, in fact, is a waste product from woodworking. However, creative designers have found use for it as a finishing material.

You can secure this lumber to the wall using self-tapping screws. The only thing, as in the case of lining, is that you first need to make a frame of slats.

Advice! To get rid of bugs that live under the bark, croakers should be placed in drying chamber and heat to high temperature.

I must say that decorating the walls with ash boards looks very original. Moreover, the costs for it are minimal, since you can purchase slabs at woodworking enterprises for a nominal fee or completely free of charge.

Unedged board

Another original solution is to decorate the exterior walls with unedged boards. Its principle resembles the installation of a conventional wood siding when the boards are mounted on the wall in a herringbone pattern.

To make this coating look beautiful on the wall, you must first select suitable lumber. After this, a frame is mounted on the walls according to the principle of a ventilated facade, and boards are attached to it with self-tapping screws.

These are, perhaps, all the most common types of boards that are used for wall decoration.


Thanks to the variety of wall boards, they can be used to give your walls the most different type, starting from the classic log house, and ending original options in the form of cladding with slab or parquet. Therefore, before you start finishing, you should think about how you would like the walls to look and how they will fit into the intended interior.

Get more useful information on the topic discussed can be found in the video in this article.

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finishing board How original decoration your house

In the history of our country, finishing boards for walls, both external and internal, have been used for a very long time. In this review we will talk about what happens decorative board for wall decoration, and in what design areas it is in demand today.

Wooden board for finishing - what is it like?

A true motto modern world can be called a slogan - “Let’s go back to the wild, but at the same time let’s not forget to take with us all the benefits and conveniences of civilization”. And although in pure form This task is practically impossible; in design, wall decoration with boards has become one of the symbols of naturalness in the interior. Of course, there are both pros and cons here.

Advantages and disadvantages of wood finishing

  • Naturally, the first thing that advertising trumpets and absolutely all designers talk about is the environmental friendliness and naturalness of wood. Shiny polished furniture and cladding slabs made from wood are certainly good. But you must admit that finishing with unedged boards is much closer in appearance to wild nature;
  • Wood, of course, is not stone or concrete, but still such cladding is quite durable. Plus, the board is elastic, and where the stone breaks or the plaster cracks, nothing will happen to the board;

  • A house decorated with wood is not only beautiful and prestigious, but also warm. In itself, such cladding has quite low level thermal conductivity;
  • Facade board for exterior finishing at home, being a porous and elastic material, it has always been considered an excellent sound insulator;
  • Wood finishes come in a fairly wide range of colors. Now you can choose your own type of wood to suit any design; even the notorious one does not shy away from board inclusions. And thanks to modern impregnations and stains, the facade and internal lining can be decorated to your liking;

  • Beautiful, natural look and the pangs of creativity at the birth of a new design are certainly interesting things. But there's another one important point, any home craftsman can install such cladding with his own hands.

You can take my word for it, the instructions for installing the board on the wall can be mastered within half an hour. There are 3 types of board fastening: end-to-end, overlapping and using the tongue-and-groove system. And all these types are extremely easy to learn.

Like anyone finishing material, a wooden board is not without its drawbacks. Although here a lot depends on how you look at these shortcomings:

  • Many critics point to the high cost of such finishing. Of course, if you decorate a house or cottage from the inside, for example, with oak parquet boards, then the price will be exorbitant;

From my own experience, I can say that finishing a bathhouse with unedged boards made from species such as pine and linden is quite affordable for the average person, even taking into account the cost of protective impregnations.

  • Wood burns well and there is no escape from this. Nowadays, many fire retardants (fire-retardant impregnations) are produced, but, firstly, they are chemicals, and secondly, fire retardants only reduce the flammability of the material;
  • And one more negative point Where I fully support the critics is the need for periodic prevention. Especially when it comes to finishing the outside with unedged boards and cladding wet rooms with wood. IN in this case protective covering on wood will need to be renewed every few years.

Let's understand the terminology

It is commonly called a board wooden crafts, in which the width of the strip is 2 or more times greater than its thickness. If the plank does not meet this requirement, then it is already a block or timber (a block has a cross-sectional side size of up to 100 mm, and a timber - 100 or more millimeters).

  • Edged board is the most common construction material. In this case, the product is processed on all four sides. Moreover, processing should be carried out precisely technically, sawing, planing or grinding;

  • Not edged board technically processed only on two wide sides. Simply put, a “wild” log is taken and dissolved on a sawmill in one plane. As a result, the edges of such planks remain untreated, often even with bark;

  • The so-called wane or slab are cuts of a log along the edges. In fact, in such planks only one plane is flat, with reverse side they are not processed. Such wood has always been considered a woodworking waste; it could only be used in inconspicuous places, for example, for arranging a roofing pie;

Modern designers have found another use for this material and create original panels from slab.

  • There are also such specific terms as frontal, terrace and shipboard. But they no longer come from the type of processing, but rather from the purpose:
  1. Thus, the place for the frontal board has always been considered the transition zone from the walls of the house to the roof; in some cases, this was the name of the material used for the manufacture carved frames and pediments;

  1. A ship's board is a fairly thick, well-planed plank, originally intended for finishing the outer sides and decks of ships. Luxurious view, beautiful texture and the highest quality surface treatment made this expensive material one of the most popular not only in construction, but also in design;

  1. A terrace board is, in principle, the same as a ship board; as you can understand from the name, it was intended for paving floors on open terraces. Although the wood used here is not so expensive. Therefore, finish the balcony terrace board or clad the façade with it will be cheaper than with a ship's one.

Types of finishing boards

Now let's move on to the most popular types material. And if we take it in percentage terms, then, of course, lining can be considered the queen here. These strips got their name back at the beginning of the 20th century, when they were used to line the inside of railway cars.

A distinctive feature of this popular material is the tongue-and-groove connection. In the vast majority of cases, such cladding is mounted on a frame made of wooden blocks.

There are many types of lining, although imitation and block house are deservedly considered the most common. Everything is clear with the imitation of timber, but under the outlandish name of block house there are planks that copy the appearance of rounded logs.

Now many are trying to distinguish the block house into a separate niche. I was specifically interested in this issue and I can assure you that a block house is one of the types of lining.

The planks can have different sizes and are intended for exterior or interior decoration, but all attempts to highlight the block house in independent species finishing is just a marketing ploy.

Exactly the same as “eurolining”. It differs from the usual one only in strictly fixed sizes. And also the mandatory presence of compensation cuts on the back side.

Modern parquet boards are also joined using the tongue-and-groove principle, but here you get a perfectly smooth and durable coating. Previously, this material was made from solid, well-dried and impregnated protective compounds array.

Nowadays, parquet boards are often glued together from several planks. And some careless manufacturers even make it from thick plywood.

The so-called planken or planking board is exclusively a decorative and finishing material. If you understand the history of origin, then planken can easily be called the grandfather of modern lining.

The fact is that initially the cars were lined with even boards and only a little later, a tongue-and-groove connection appeared on these boards. But the planks, out of habit, continued to be called clapboard.

The term planking board was again coined by good marketers. After all, it was necessary to somehow call smooth planed boards without tenons and grooves, but with chamfered on the front side.

Interior wall finishing with planking boards can be done either end-to-end or overlapping. But on the facade, most often the plank is mounted only with an overlap. Moreover, the slats are packed horizontally so that rain can easily flow down them. This is a kind of wooden tile.

The chamfer on the front side of the planking board can be either rounded or have straight corners. But remember, if you decide to mount planks end-to-end somewhere, you should leave a gap of a couple of millimeters between the planks (the thickness of a match). It is necessary to compensate for the expansion of wood during fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

Types of wood from which finishing boards are made

It's no secret that in addition to beauty natural wood It also has a beneficial effect on human health. Personally, I have never heard of anyone being allergic to a particular type of wood. In the table below I have outlined the main characteristics of the most popular breeds on the domestic market.

Characteristics and average cost finishing wood
Wood species General characteristics average price
Linden It has a light color and a smooth, uniform texture. It practically does not heat up, so it is often used as a budget option finishing of the steam room in the bathhouse. From 700 RUR/m²
Alder Alder is valued as an antiseptic. Its aroma can kill pathogens in the room and prevent the appearance of mold and mildew. From 900 RUR/m²
Oak It belongs to the elite breeds and has unique strength. The color range of different types of oak can range from light with a golden tint to dark with burgundy splashes. From 3000 rub/m²
Ash Clean and light wood with original texture. In terms of strength, ash is not far from oak, so it is quite difficult to process. From 1500 rub/m²
Aspen Aspen has an original color and texture. It, like linden, is often used for cladding steam rooms. It is also valued for the fact that it practically does not rot, which means it does not require aggressive impregnations for protection. From 1200 RUR/m²
Coniferous wood
Larch Larch has a number of advantages. Its beautiful color and texture cannot be confused with anything else, it is not subject to rotting, has high strength and at the same time has good elasticity. This is the same ship plank that I spoke about above. From 750 RUR/m²
Cedar This pearl of Siberia is valued almost as much as larch. Although it is inferior to larch in strength and resistance to aggressive environments. From 550 RUR/m²
Pine and spruce In terms of finishing, pine and spruce are almost equivalent. Their undeniable advantages are ease of processing, affordable cost and beauty. From 350 RUR/m²

Subtleties of wooden wall design

If we talk about design as such, then you will agree that lining plays a role original finish doesn't fit at all. This material has a strong association with balconies, garages and bathhouses.

I mean something exclusive, something that others don’t have and preferably at an affordable price. And here it’s better for us to work with edged boards, unedged boards and slabs. As a last resort, you can use old boards and parquet boards.

But you need to be very careful with old boards, otherwise instead of originality you can end up with clutter.

Where is the best place to put emphasis?

Decorating the walls with boards will only look good if it is done in doses. In other words, you shouldn’t sew up the whole house with the same material, as you definitely won’t achieve exclusivity.

A wooden panel should catch your eye immediately upon entering, which means it needs to be connected with other interior details. There are 4 suitable places for interior wood decoration in the house:

  1. In the bedroom, natural wall decoration would be appropriate at the head of a wide bed. This can be only a fragment covering the head of the bed and side tables or the entire wall;

  1. The wooden background will contrast perfectly with the wide plasma TV. So you can organically combine naturalness wildlife with the technocratic benefits of civilization;

  1. Your favorite sofa, in front of which you watch TV with the whole family in the living room, will also harmonize perfectly with natural wood. Especially if this sofa is covered genuine leather. But keep in mind, here you need to choose one thing. Either decorate the wall behind the TV or behind the sofa, otherwise the zest will be lost;

  1. In the kitchen, even if it has a respectable size, there are also only 2 walls on which it will look good wood trim. This work zone, that is kitchen apron and everything around him. AND dinner table, only if this table is adjacent to the wall.

Although that's all classic options. No one is stopping you from creating. For example, in my house, an unedged board covers the corner in which there is an aquarium and a cage with birds. Add some more live ones indoor vines and you get a corner of wild nature in your own home.

Styles with which wood harmonizes

In general, in design it is believed that wood can fit into absolutely any style. Even high-tech, with its black and white colors, strict forms and the shine of nickel-plated parts, is quite loyal to natural wood. True, it is better to use glossy and laminated surfaces, unedged board there will be a stranger here.

Eco-trends, in addition to the already traditional “back to basics” trend, include Asian ones, in particular Japanese style. Although rough shapes are not welcome in Asia, all details must be carefully processed.

The so-called country direction includes a lot of different branches. This is American, English, scandinavian styles, rustic and, in essence, all ethnic trends. This is where you can arbitrarily arrange a board with rough processing.

Worth it separately French Provence and the Mediterranean. They welcome the design of whitened planed boards. In addition, glossy inclusions would be appropriate in an Italian theme, but without fanaticism.

If you want to decorate your interior in a retro style, you don’t have to cover everything with aged or old boards. Brushed wood with a highlighted texture and light cracks certainly won’t hurt, but I repeat once again, don’t get carried away.

  • The board can be attached to the lathing or glued to the wall. There are plenty of adhesives now, but Liquid Nails are usually used. If you decide to glue the material, the wall will have to be perfectly leveled;

  • Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with single-color cladding, even from elite wood species. Don't be afraid to experiment with different colors, or better yet, with different types of wood, this will give your wall additional volume;
  • The layout looks great vertical, horizontal and diagonal laying slats. Even a classic parquet herringbone can be inserted in fragments;

  • Golden oak can be diluted with pink Karelian birch boards or rich burgundy splashes of cherry;
  • My advice to you is to use synthetic varnishes and paints as little as possible for interior decoration, or better yet, give them up altogether. The wood will look good and will not lose color for a long time if it is coated with linseed oil once a year. To preserve the aroma of, for example, natural pine needles for a long time, you need to infuse this pine needle linseed oil within 2 weeks;

  • To ensure that your design masterpiece does not fall out of the overall ensemble, it is advisable that the leading color of the wall be repeated in some other interior details;
  • If the wall is plain with a polished or laminated coating, you can revive it with the help of accessories, decorative shelves with figurines, light bulbs, pictures, etc.;
  • Decorating the walls with boards in a nursery is a separate issue. Firstly, I do not recommend that you put the planks on glue, no matter how high-quality it is, your child can pick out these planks. Secondly, something durable and smooth, for example, a parquet board, would be appropriate for a child’s room. It is better not to use an unedged board or slab here; the child may get hurt or get a splinter.


Interior made of wood and other natural materials in eco-style is certainly one of the most popular today. This is not only a tribute to fashion, but also an understanding that it is the healthiest and closest to nature way of organizing a room.

Covering floors, walls, and other elements internal space finishing materials from natural wood designed to give the room attractiveness, insulate and protect it from excessive humidity.

When decorating with natural wood inside a house, it is usually placed between the sheathing and the finishing surface. multilayer construction with heat-insulating and sound-proofing qualities.

Benefits of wood finishing

Provided that it grows in ecologically clean areas, wood is one of the most pure materials for finishing the interior space of the home.

Coziness and comfort in the home

Wood can be used for any surfaces inside the house and serve as a material for:

  • walls;
  • gender;
  • ceiling;
  • flights of stairs;
  • floors;
  • door structures;
  • window frames;
  • decorative elements.

Wood finishing can create a special healthy microclimate in the home, in which all life processes proceed normally: sleep well, work, breathe. Unlike artificial materials emitting harmful fumes, the tree does not cause headache and also the feeling chronic fatigue and can neutralize the harmful effects of other materials.

Wood reduces dampness in the room, prevents the development of bronchopulmonary diseases, as well as the appearance of mold and other consequences of excessive humidity.

Choosing wood for interior decoration

Before you start finishing work, you should decide on the choice of wood type. First you need to decide whether it will be coniferous or deciduous wood. Here the criterion will be operating conditions and wear resistance requirements. For rooms with excess humidity(baths, bathrooms, saunas) you should choose wood coniferous species tree. And well-ventilated ordinary rooms can be decorated with wood hardwood(alder, oak, linden).

It is necessary to choose the right material for the job


By lining we mean a collective concept that unites all finishing materials equipped with a locking system. Fastening is carried out using the tongue-in-groove method and can be “butt” or “overlapping”.

The peculiarity of the use of this material is its exceptional ease of installation, which allows you to complete the interior decoration of the house in a short time. Having information about the area and shape of the room that you plan to cover, you can accurately calculate required amount linings.

The material has practicality, versatility and high decorative properties, thanks to which it can be perfectly combined with any design direction. Cladding with clapboard can be carried out in vertical and horizontal directions.

With proper care and treatment, lining can last a very long time. Its popularity is only growing over time, not inferior to more modern finishing materials. In its production, carefully dried wood with both a smooth and untreated surface is used.

Advantages of lining:

Practical and universal material
  • naturalness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • nice smell;
  • unique appearance;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • ease of installation;
  • availability;
  • durability;
  • thermal insulation and sound insulation.


  • possibility of deformation;
  • sensitivity to temperature changes;
  • swelling from exposure to moisture.

The manufacturing quality of eurolining is strictly controlled at all stages. The raw materials used for its production are premium, obtained from coniferous wood, often grown specifically for these purposes. Eurolining is divided into 1-3 quality classes and complies with all accepted European standards.

The material is manufactured in accordance with European standards

This material differs from ordinary lining in its precisely adjusted dimensions, as well as the presence of a special groove that provides ventilation and moisture removal. This design feature increases durability, prevents deformation and swelling of the cladding when used in a damp environment. The excellent quality of the material makes it possible to assemble with the smallest tolerances. Thanks to this, the result of the work is highly decorative.

In conditions industrial production the surface of the eurolining is coated with a special composition, freeing home owners from the need additional processing paint and varnish materials.

The difference between eurolining and conventional lining:

  • significantly smoother surface;
  • strict adherence to quality standards;
  • minimum humidity level (12% versus 15-28% for lining);
  • polyethylene packaging;
  • the presence of a special protective coating;
  • larger spike size;
  • presence of a groove at the junction;
  • more ventilation grooves.

Floor board

There are two varieties: solid board and laminated board. The first option is made from a solid mass, and the other is made from spliced ​​pieces. In addition, the floorboard is divided into tongue-and-groove (having tongues and grooves) and non-tongue.

Options wooden board for floor

Eat regular board and Euroboard. The latter is manufactured using a special technology the latest equipment from high-quality raw materials in compliance with European standards. This board is quite expensive, but has high quality. It has a smooth surface, perfect shape, low humidity and is completely free from defects (holes, knots, blue discoloration). The massive Euroboard is equipped with ventilation grooves to avoid deformation due to load distribution, eliminate the risk of mold development, and also increase service life.

Pros and cons of regular solid wood flooring

The material is environmentally friendly and easy to install


  • naturalness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • speed and ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • beauty of the material;
  • low thermal conductivity, sound insulation;
  • healthy microclimate at home.


  • Resin pockets are sometimes present;
  • knots that reduce the quality of the board.

Also, one of the most important advantages of such a board is the possibility of its repeated restoration. It can be sanded up to 15 times, this extends its service life to at least 100 years.

In order for the floorboard to last as long as possible, you should choose a suitable substrate and follow simple rules for caring for it.

This material looks very noble in large rooms with good natural light.

Wooden block house

This material is used for interior and exterior decoration. It is practical, convenient, easy to care for, and at the same time looks very decorative. All these qualities, as well as environmental friendliness and affordable price material make it popular among consumers. A high degree of wood drying eliminates deformation, premature deterioration and cracking of the material. Treatment with antiseptics and fire retardants prolongs its full use.

Wood is used to make a block house various breeds, but the most used species are larch and pine. A block house made of linden, birch or cedar looks very decorative.

Affordable and environmentally friendly material

Various unattractive surfaces, such as concrete or brick, after finishing works with the use of a block house they look more than decent. The feeling of a solid facade is created due to the fact that its individual elements in the corners are joined with special corners.

A block house made of larch wood has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, as well as the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, due to the release of volatile substances by larch wood - phytoncides. This property completely covers the inconvenience when processing this hard, resinous material.

Imitation of timber will highlight the most comfortable areas

This product is an effective material for interior decoration, allowing you to change the space of your home without drastic measures.

The material is not subject to deformation

Imitation of timber is produced using a special technology. First, it is dried for 8-12 weeks using special chambers until almost complete evaporation of moisture and the destruction of pests. Then ready-made boards sorted and trimmed. Panels made in this way are not subject to deformation, cracking, and also perfectly retain their original shape.

Assembling the canvas from individual elements Thanks to the tongue-and-groove system, it is quite possible to do it yourself without any special qualifications.

The cost of the product depends on the class and type of wood. The most popular materials are pine and spruce. They have a low price, and for some technical specifications even superior to more expensive species, for example, larch.

Imitation timber, like all natural wooden products, has low thermal conductivity and perfectly conserves heat in the room. If necessary, you can make additional thermal insulation of the building using layers of insulation placed between finishing coating and the wall of the house.

Installation of wooden blocks

The variety of types of finishing materials allows you to create your own unique design home, and the wealth of colors will help you match it to almost any type of interior.

Interior wood trim is an excellent contribution to healthy image life, the opportunity to surround yourself with elements of ethno-style created by nature itself.

Even one wooden wall in a room can revive it and set a pleasant mood for the entire interior. In most interiors, such a wall will be called an accent wall. In some styles that imitate a rustic atmosphere, it would not be a bad idea to make all four walls wooden. There is only one catch: if you are renovating an apartment, then wooden walls initially they are not foreseen in it - they will have to be created using finishing. In this article we will look at ways to do this that differ in cost and complexity.

Pallet boards

What you will need: pallets, sandpaper, stain, nails, antiseptic, tools.

Price: very low - only the price of consumables, pallets can be found for free.

Who to entrust: easy to do yourself.

Cross cuts

A wall decorated with round cuts of wood of different sizes looks very original. They can be glued directly to the wall or to a panel, for example, plywood, and mounted on the wall.

You can’t decorate the whole apartment like this, since the process is labor-intensive, and washing such a wall is a dubious pleasure. The reception is rather decorative and will suit accent wall or even for a small segment of it.

What you will need: branches collected from the forest, saw, wood impregnation, glue.

Price: very low cost of impregnation and glue.

Who to entrust: It’s easy to do it yourself, you can even glue it with children.

Option: if you like a wall assembled from small “squares” or textured blocks of different sizes, use beams and boards instead of branches.


The same laminate that is placed on the floor can be placed on the walls. This is not natural wood, but the difference is not very noticeable, and the price is significantly lower. The laminate is assembled at the joint and can only be held on the wall with glue or liquid nails, but for reliability you can mount it on metal carcass- this installation option will be more complicated and a little more expensive.

Photos: palletfurnitureonline.com, architecturendesign.net, wowamazing.com, homesemoh.com, kinggeorgehomes.com, hometalk.com, stenamaster.ru

Mankind has been using board wall decoration for more than one century, so it can rightfully be considered a kind of eternal value. Today the use of wood for decoration interior walls is a way to create an aesthetically attractive, yet environmentally friendly and safe interior design for those present.

Finishing specialists identify at least five types of finishing boards for walls. Despite the fact that they have much in common, there are also differences, which in some cases play a decisive role. Before covering the walls with boards, you should understand each of the options.


In the interior of modern homes, among other types of boards, lining is most often found. This is the least expensive wooden finishing material, which, however, does not deprive it of most of the main advantages of wood finishing. The lining is strong and durable; it is often made with special grooves, which turn the installation procedure into a formality. The material weighs very little, which means it can be used in any conditions. If desired finished surface can be painted or coated with colored varnish. Often such a decision is justified because decorative properties linings, especially inexpensive ones, are not too high.

Lining is the most popular material for finishing interior walls and ceilings with wood.

The installation is carried out on top of the sheathing, which somewhat complicates the whole procedure, but allows you to hide communications, insulation or additional sound insulation in the resulting void. In general, the characteristics of the lining strongly depend on what type of wood was used for its manufacture.

This material is very reminiscent of lining, as in appearance, as well as in terms of basic performance qualities and installation features. At the same time, imitation timber is relatively rare in the interior, since it is much more often used for exterior wall decoration. The visual difference from the lining lies only in the larger width, which inside the room would create an unnecessary effect of reducing the area. However, no one is stopping the consumer from using a board that imitates timber indoors.

Imitation timber is an analogue of lining, which is more often used for facade cladding, but interior decoration with this material creates the feeling of being in a real timber house

Some manufacturers initially process imitation timber with all necessary compounds, protecting the product from harsh conditions streets. If the material is purchased for interior decoration, it may be worth taking a less secure option, because additional protection increases the price of the product, and snow and rain are unlikely to fall on the wall inside the building.

Block house

If you are really looking for a board for, then a block house is perhaps the best you can find. Visually the interior will look natural wooden frame, with the difference that there is no talk of using full-fledged logs. In essence, a block house is a log trunk from which the square core has been removed, leaving only a thin convex layer of wood on the outside, which was formed by cutting the log on four sides.

The block house is made from various types of wood and always has the most natural look. Preference is given to pine or spruce. Installation of the finish in this case will be a little more difficult, so it is advisable to seek the help of specialists. In general, the material is divided into two categories, and for use in the interior, that is, indoors, it is advisable to give preference to category “A”, since it has more smooth surface. The buyer has the opportunity to choose the diameter of the original trunks from which the block house is made.


Planken is an alternative to the materials described above, the only difference is the absence of a tongue-and-groove connection. It is used both for cladding facades and interior decoration of the house. Individual fragments of material have an oblong shape and are usually used to highlight a wall or some element in the interior. At the edges, it is most often equipped with sharp or rounded chamfers.

Basically, planken is made from pine or larch, which is naturally very resinous, thanks to which it can withstand an almost unlimited amount of moisture.

When installing planken, remember that this material expands easily when high temperatures and humidity, therefore gaps should be provided between individual boards.

Parquet board

Parquet perfectly withstands the high loads constantly placed on the floor, and at the same time looks very aesthetically pleasing - so why not use it for wall decoration? Look at the photo below. Is not it original solution?

Parquet boards on the walls are stylish, original and practical

Few people still do this, but that’s the trick – unusual finish It also allows you to stand out from the homogeneous crowd.

As with any other elongated material rectangular shape, the specific placement of individual fragments allows you to change the perception of the room. If the parquet board is placed vertically, this visually makes the ceiling higher. The diagonal spatial orientation creates a complex geometric impression. For a greater variety of results, you can cover only one wall, or cover only up to a certain height level. You can also combine boards of different shades.

An interesting result is obtained if the parquet on the floor and walls is “directed” in general direction– then the room seems more elongated and purposefully oriented.

The most natural effect will be obtained if unedged boards are used when creating an interior design. This solution is most often used for exterior finishing, since inside it looks rough and even brutal, but on the other hand, this allows you to create a unique design, which in certain situations will also be appropriate. Initially, the material was intended as a lathing for everything that was described above, but today the edged board has firmly entered the arsenal of progressive design ideas.

For finishing, unedged boards are often used in gazebos or buildings for household needs, that is, where some wildness in design seems quite appropriate. They do not refuse this material when decorating the interior to give the home a primitive style. With a lot of effort, unedged boards can be installed without gaps, and then the structure will look as if it was built entirely from untreated wood. The most “wild” option does not even involve removing the bark.

Like any other wood for finishing, an unedged board must be impregnated with protective compounds that protect it from moisture and pests.

What interior styles involve finishing the walls with boards?

Wood fits well into most interior variations and goes well with all popular styles. However, there are styles in which wood paneling walls will look as harmonious as possible:


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