Finishing the sauna inside - photos of finishing, interiors, interesting design. Finishing the bathhouse inside: photos, stages of installation work and choice of materials Wall tiling

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Sauna and bathhouse are a combination of words reminiscent of a kinder surprise or two in one. There is only one difference.
People who are tired of their whining and are not liked are sent to the bathhouse, and those who are liked and pleasant are invited to the sauna. There is some truth in the joke, although it is difficult not to agree that the bathhouse and sauna are healing remedies that have been proven over centuries, delivering true and unique pleasure to the soul and body.
Why has the construction and finishing of saunas on private plots and even in apartments of multi-storey buildings become popular and relevant? Why is it that for many who want to purchase ready-made buildings and view photo and video offers in print media and on the Internet, the presence of a sauna or bathhouse is decisive factor in decision making.

A sauna can be installed in any apartment - in Stalinist, Khrushchev and later buildings, not to mention own home. The minimum required area of ​​a sauna designed for two people is 1.5-2 m².
Measure your bathroom and make sure it fits easily standard room. There are two alternatives for finishing the sauna in a house or apartment with your own hands or a team of specialists.
During construction new apartment or at home, it is possible to immediately decide on the place where the sauna will be located. The difficulty arises where the bathroom has already been renovated some distant years and the walls are tiled.
You shouldn’t be upset, because there are instructions for performing work in a small room:

  • Bare concrete walls are needed, so tile and the old finish is completely removed.
  • The sauna floor can be made of planks, but this option is more applicable in your own home. In the bathroom it is preferable to lay it out of tiles.

Attention: Tiled floors are laid before the construction or decoration of walls, before, and not after.

Cost estimate for a sauna set

The question always comes down to the cost of construction, repairs, alterations, and restoration. A simple list of necessary materials for arranging a small sauna on an area of ​​1.5 x 2 m² will allow you to get a clear picture; if you have a large surface, then the calculations are not difficult to do yourself.

  • Finishing the inside of a sauna begins with the purchase of a fire-retardant board or panel for shielding the stoves of saunas, baths, and fireplaces. The fastening is carried out in close proximity to the fuel elements.
    The stove belongs to fireproof materials with an operating temperature range of 80-150ᵒС and a maximum temperature of 400ᵒС. When heated, it does not emit toxic and harmful components; environmentally friendly components are used for production, which include fiber cement, lime filler, reinforced cellulose fiber.
    The material is not susceptible to fungal diseases and mold. When moisture gets in, the strength does not decrease and the size of the panel does not change, which allows them to be installed end-to-end.
    The cost depends on the manufacturers and quality, starting from 700 rubles.
  • Finishing a sauna and bathhouse is not complete without foil, there is no need to list its properties, they are known to everyone, it will cost 1150 rubles for a sauna.
  • Mineral wool is one of the cheapest materials - 1,700 rubles.
  • Heat-resistant cable, primer and diffuser another 1000 rubles.
  • The most expensive items in the estimate are an electric furnace from 14,000, lining 7,000, and the purchase of a door 7,000 rubles.
  • The rest of the purchases - lamp, lampshade, ladle, thermometer, hygrometer, lounger mat - will fit into 4000-5000 rubles

You can make simple mathematical calculations and determine the cost of a small sauna, which will cost 37,000-40,000 rubles, provided that you do the work yourself. Contact a specialized team of craftsmen and the price will increase by the amount paid for the work performed.

Installation of a sauna in a bath

The steam room can be located anywhere indoors, where it is dry and there are no drafts, in an apartment it is a bathroom, in a private house it can be an extension or a separate room.

  • Before starting the main work on arranging the sauna, the interior finishing is done, and in order to avoid fire hazards, a copper cable is laid.
  • The walls are completely treated with the proposed anti-fungal disinfectants.
  • A frame made of wooden slats is attached to the concrete walls and ceiling, which forms the basis of the future sauna.
  • Placed on the frame mineral wool, which acts as insulation and is covered with foil on top, which serves as a heat reflector.
  • The ceiling and walls of the sauna are covered with clapboard.

This is the algorithm for constructing a sauna in brief.
What you need to pay attention to when performing this work:

  • The sufficient height of the frame is 2 meters.
  • The frame bars are pressed well against the wall, and they are tied at five levels.
  • The markings are made on foil, where 5 horizontal lines are marked with chalk.
  • The first line is located at a height of 3 cm from the floor, the second - 60 cm, the third 100 cm. The fifth line is measured from above, 5 cm from the ceiling, and the fourth will be the middle between the third and fifth.
  • The frame is attached through pre-made special holes, strictly along the lines through the insulation.
  • The pitch between the holes is 50-70 cm, the holes are plugged with wooden plugs and nylon dowels.

It is known that the interior decoration of a sauna cannot do without the heart of the room, electric oven. The stove is installed on the wall to save space.

Attention: The oven must be factory-made and must have an automatic shut-off.

The sauna door always opens outward and should not have any latches or locks. It can be made of special tempered glass and looks very stylish and luxurious.
Dry steam in a sauna gives very low humidity, but there is a lot of moisture there, so ventilation should be in order. The role of the supply vent can be played by the gap under the door, but the exhaust vent is mounted in the corner farthest from the stove.
The lighting in the sauna is done in such a way that moisture cannot penetrate to the source of electricity. Lamps must be resistant to high temperature and humidity, they are covered with special caps or lampshades, and are not mounted on the ceiling, but mounted in the walls. It is prohibited to install the lamp directly above the heater.
All that remains is to arrange the bath accessories in their places and the sauna in the apartment is ready.

Regular visits to the sauna bring a boost of vigor and health. Increasingly, owners of personal plots take into account the construction of a sauna or bathhouse when planning the area. The size of this structure depends on the desires and capabilities of the owner. Apartment saunas occupy a minimum of space; country saunas can be located on two floors with a terrace. Let's consider various options arrangement of a home sauna.



The dry steam of the sauna heats up to 100-110 degrees Celsius, being there for a long time is contraindicated, therefore, long breaks of 25–30 minutes are required between visits to the steam room. To follow all recommendations for taking a sauna, the following premises are required: a steam room, a shower or a swimming pool and a relaxation room. Each of these rooms has its own finishing features. The size of these rooms may also vary. The location of the sauna in the form of a separate building or cabin in a city apartment affects the choice of design.

A sauna in a city apartment is a miniature steam room, made according to all the canons of a steam room, but heated by electricity. There is no need to install a chimney here; the entire room is occupied only by benches. A shower bar is located in close proximity. The entire complex occupies no more than a couple of meters of space. The material for finishing the sauna in the apartment is chosen to be lightweight so that the load on the supporting structures of the house does not change. High requirements are presented in terms of environmental indicators - in a small area it is easier to afford finishing with linden or cedar, which are considered the best types of wood for saunas.

A sauna in a separate building made of brick, aerated concrete or logs or built into a private mansion allows you to equip a complex of spacious premises. The choice of finishing materials is expanding, as for separate bathhouse We make our own calculations of load-bearing structures, taking into account the finishing. In the room there is a stove with a chimney running on solid fuel or gas, which is an element of the overall design. A shower room or a swimming pool also affects the visual perception of the property. The rest room is furnished with furniture, sofas, armchairs, massage table or accessories for cosmetic procedures.

Each of these rooms must have its own temperature and humidity conditions. This should be taken into account when selecting finishes. There are options for uniform design of the entire complex with the same finishing material, for example, tiles. It is better to choose the covering of walls, floors and ceilings in different functional areas according to technical parameters, but in the same style direction.

The internal lining must be resistant to high humidity, be non-flammable and not emit harmful compounds at high temperatures. Materials for saunas are preferably durable, with good performance qualities, easy to clean, with a high level of hygiene.

The finish should be non-slip, without sharp protrusions, with a pleasant texture. Great importance given aesthetic qualities.

When arranging a sauna, compliance with fire safety rules comes first. Hot parts of the stove and chimney should not come into contact with wood trim. Combinations of wood and brick or ceramic tiles are used here. Linings made of of stainless steel or decorative stone. The insulation should be 50 centimeters above the stove body, and the chimney pipe should be covered with expanded clay in the ceiling.

All sauna rooms are equipped with ventilation systems to provide access fresh air and removal of excess moisture. It is advisable to use dim lighting for better relaxation, but sufficient for good visibility. High temperatures cause a person’s consciousness to slow down and become unfocused, so moving around the room should be comfortable. The active movement area is not cluttered, leaving enough space for bath procedures.

Varnishing or painting surfaces in the steam room is not allowed due to harmful emissions from hot air. Wooden parts treated with oil or wax and special compounds against rotting and mold. Finishing materials are preferable to light colors; this visually increases the space and adds light. The glazing looks beautiful. The decor of the steam room is minimal, but the relaxation room is decorated with artistic accessories according to the chosen style.


The traditional material for finishing a sauna made of timber is natural wood. It is resistant to high temperatures and does not burn when touched, which is important for arranging benches in a steam room. Has moisture-resistant flexibility. The elastic structure of wood does not deform from exposure to moisture. This material is environmentally friendly, and when heated, it releases healing essential oils.

The beautiful structure of wood fibers has high aesthetic qualities. In first place in terms of performance properties, the beauty of light pinkish wood without knots, with smooth surface there is an African oak - abash. This is a fairly expensive and valuable type of wood. A sauna made of abasha will last long years with this durable, crack-free, moisture-resistant coating. Because of high cost Abash can be used to make beds and benches in the steam room, and the rest of the cladding can be made from other types of wood at an affordable price.

Popular finishing materials are hardwood lumber - linden, alder, aspen. In addition to the aesthetic appearance and pleasant color of the wood, these tree species have healing properties. When heated, healing essential oils are released. Hardwood is heat-resistant, does not form cracks, and is moisture resistant. The price range belongs to the middle segment.

The optimal species for finishing a sauna are cedar and larch. Durable, with beautiful design Cedar and larch wood fibers do not require additional decor. High stability resistance to moisture and heat resistance make them indispensable for the steam section of the sauna. According to healing properties essential oils are not inferior to linden. If all the above-mentioned wood species are used for cladding walls and ceilings, then larch is also suitable for flooring as the most durable moisture-resistant material.

Pine is the most affordable material on the domestic market and has little resistance to moisture. When heated, resins form unsightly streaks on the surface of the wood. This material is best used in the design of a rest room. Wooden Decoration Materials are produced in the form of linings with various profiles.

Cladding the walls and ceiling with a block house is an excellent imitation of a log house made from solid logs. Used for benches and canopies edged board at least 4 centimeters thick with a rectangular profile. The ceiling is covered with clapboard with a rectangular or cylindrical profile. The floor is made of tongue and groove boards.

Facing a natural stone or brick will add solidity to the sauna. The combination of stone and wood is considered classic. The stove-heater and some walls of the steam and washing compartments, made of stone or brick, have a noble appearance. Stone is the most durable material; it does not burn and does not deform from water. For a rest room, you can use artificial stone; in its aesthetic qualities and performance characteristics it is not inferior to its natural counterpart, and sometimes surpasses it.

Not all types of stone are suitable for a steam room, only jadeite, soapstone, and coil are preferred. This type of finish perfectly accumulates heat and retains optimal heat for a long time. temperature regime in the steam room. The beautiful grainy texture of the stone will decorate the walls of the room. The coil has high aesthetic qualities; its layered structure has healing properties.

The organization of lighting will add refined features interior saunas.

Practical finish sauna walls and floors with ceramic tiles – good decision for shower and swimming pool. The tiles have excellent moisture resistance and have good fireproof properties. This is the most convenient and hygienic material. Variety of tile decor, size, color palette, special anti-slip textures allow you to choose the desired design option. Imitation of luxury marble, granite or oriental mosaic details will add a stylish touch to the sauna.

A budget finishing option is plastic panels. They are distinguished by ease of installation and variety of designs. Plastic resists moisture well. It is easy to keep clean, just wash it with regular detergents. The disadvantage is low heat resistance, susceptibility to mold and short service life in high humidity conditions. Plastic trim used for the rest room and ceiling in the shower.

Style and design

The design and choice of finishing materials depends on the overall design of the sauna. Small steam rooms should be styled in one key. Today, a dry steam room is becoming a necessity in the intense rhythm of city life. Modern technologies allow you to install a sauna in a city apartment. It becomes part of a small space with the help of glass partitions and elements of the overall design of the living room in a minimalist style.

Miniature sauna cabins are often placed in the bathroom, then its design is selected accordingly. The Scandinavian style of the entire room is perfectly suited for a sauna decorated with natural wood. Light tone The walls and whiteness of the plumbing harmoniously combine with the yellowish color of the wood. Lightweight glass shower structures do not clutter up the room and make bathing procedures convenient. A plain floor made of large porcelain tiles unifies the space, big windows allow you to admire nature and create a bright, pleasant interior.

The open space of the loft is not divided into separate rooms. Glass partitions conditionally separate the sauna, bathroom and bedroom. The technology of all components and ultra-modern equipment give futuristic features to the entire interior. The sauna, located at the back of the room, becomes an element of the decor. This emphasizes its convenience for regular use.

With all the advantages of an apartment sauna, nothing compares to a bathhouse in a country house. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and decorate the house to your liking. Small bathhouse from round log assumes decoration in a traditional rural style. Small windows with wooden frames, a wide solid table top, and a brick stove will add rural charm. To create dry steam, the steam room is insulated with durable wooden door, the wash room occupies the middle room, the entrance area is formed by a locker room combined with a rest room.

The furnishings in the rest room are stylized as rustic - stable benches, a table with a samovar, and a chest are installed. The walls are decorated with peasant household items. Brooms on the walls, wooden buckets in the washroom, and simple lamps with bulbs in the yellow part of the spectrum would be appropriate. The unique traditions of the national culture are manifested in the deliberate roughness of finishing materials; modern technological equipment is hidden behind traditional rural decor.


Spacious saunas in a private house have several rooms, each of which can be decorated in a specific style. The steam room inside can be decorated in high-tech style. LED colored lighting will give the interior a futuristic feel. The smooth lines of the benches model the space in an unusual way. The simplicity of the decor is compensated by the concept of lighting and curved walls.


In terms of its functions, the relaxation room can serve as a regular locker room or a place for drinking tea after bath procedures. Modern comfortable lounges are decorated like living rooms and are complemented by a cooking area, TV, and billiard table. Finishing materials here are not exposed to intense moisture or heat, but still must be hygienic, easy to care for, and have good decorative qualities. In between visits to the steam room, most of the time is spent in the relaxation room. It should be pleasant to be here, so the walls and windows are decorated in a certain style.

A popular finishing option is chalet style. The rest room should have large windows with beautiful landscape. The walls are lined with natural wood materials or plastered and painted in a single light color, decorated with hunting trophies or paintings with hunting scenes. The floor is made of tongue and groove boards or ceramic granite tiles. The firebox of the stove is designed in the form of a fireplace and leads into the rest room.

The use of color to highlight looks beautiful structural elements V Scandinavian style. The lighting beautifully models the space. Wooden wall cladding elements are combined with stone, which gives solidity to the room. The live fire of the stove becomes an attractive center of relaxation. The floor should be finished with granite tiles, which replicate the colors and texture of the wall finishing stone.

Shower room

The shower room is the most vulnerable room in terms of moisture resistance, so the use of tiles, stone, glass, and metal would be optimal here. Pool shower equipment has become popular. It is traditionally finished with tiles. In the shower room, lighting plays an important role in decorating the space. Soft light on multi-level ceiling imitates the reflection of water, creating the effect of depth.

Wood is a material that has long been used for cladding baths and saunas. It is there that wood best reveals its properties - the ability to create a microclimate and retain heat perfectly.

In truth, there is simply no alternative to wood for use in humid and hot environments. Accordingly, it is better to sheathe the inside of the bathhouse wooden clapboard. Below is the technology stage-by-stage covering baths with clapboard inside.

Finishing a bathhouse or sauna with clapboard has its own characteristics that must be taken into account at the stage of selecting wood.

When choosing lining for cladding a bath, you need to consider:

  • high temperature;
  • temperature fluctuations (drops);
  • humidity level;
  • budget.

Which lining to choose for a bathhouse

The selection criteria are determined by the characteristics and properties of the lumber:

1. Board type

When finishing a pair of wooden linings, it is better to give preference to Euro linings.

  • Firstly, because it has a large tongue-and-groove system (the length of the tongue reaches 8 mm).
  • Secondly, because it is guaranteed to have compensation slots on back side lamellas, which promotes ventilation of the coating and prevents possible cracking of the lamellas.
  • Thirdly, because the eurolining is already pre-treated with wood preservatives that can be used in a sauna.

2. Type of lining

For a steam room, only the first or highest (elite) grade of wood is suitable, in which there are no knots, wormholes, etc. Please note that even living knots can gradually fall out under the influence of temperature changes.

3. Wood species

To understand which sauna lining is best, you need to know the characteristics of each breed. We will not review all the breeds available on the market, but will focus on those that are recommended by professionals.

The lining of the bathhouse can be made of deciduous and coniferous wood. The choice depends on the purpose of the bath room: steam room, dressing room, washing room, shower room, as well as on the properties of the wood itself.

The most popular material for a steam room in a bathhouse or sauna is hardwood lining. Their common advantage is that the wood does not heat up in the sauna and cannot cause burns when touched, and is also resistant to moisture.

Linden lining for a bath

The most popular for saunas and baths is linden lining. The advantages of this wood are its ability to create a special microclimate. From a utilitarian point of view, the undoubted argument in favor of linden lining will be the strength of the species, resistance to drying out, as well as the beautiful color and structure of the wood. Linden is considered an energy donor.

Aspen lining for a bath

The second most popular place for baths is occupied by aspen lining. Aspen wood is beautiful, soft, and easy to work with. The peculiarity of the breed is that over time, aspen lining only becomes stronger.

Aspen is also good because it provides easy care behind the clapboard in the steam room. It is enough to lightly sand it when it begins to darken. And popular belief says that aspen stretches negative energy from a person.

Alder paneling for a bathhouse

In third place was the alder paneling. From a medical point of view, alder is good because it contains tannins. The wood of this species is hygroscopic and has a low thermal conductivity coefficient. However, the high cost prevents its widespread adoption.

Note. Lining made from linden, aspen, and alder is usually sold in short pieces. Commercial length is up to 3 m. This should be taken into account when planning the finishing of the bathhouse and making material calculations.

Oak lining for a bath

The most expensive and difficult material to process is oak lining for baths. But it does not rot, does not lose its properties and can be installed in a sauna without the slightest additional processing. Unfortunately, all this is not available to everyone due to the high cost of oak lining.

The situation is similar with ash paneling - very expensive and rare lumber for lining a bathhouse.

A common disadvantage of hardwood lining is that it loses color over time and needs to be protected.

Coniferous species are rarely used in steam rooms. Because the resin emitted by softwood lining (pine, spruce) makes it practically unsuitable for use in a steam room. They are more suitable for washing and dressing rooms. This is facilitated by such indicators as moisture resistance and low price. In addition, coniferous lining is easier to process, has a beautiful structure and a rich palette of shades, allows you to veneer rounded shapes and does not require additional processing(except for detarring). Often pleasant pine aroma also becomes an argument in favor of pine needle lining.

Do-it-yourself lining of a bathhouse with clapboard inside

Ways to fasten the lining

The first step is to choose a method for attaching the lining. There is no definite answer on how to properly attach the lining in a bathhouse, horizontally or vertically (lengthwise or across). Each master defends his point of view. But by summarizing their statements and user reviews, we can draw conclusions regarding the methods of laying the lining.

Laying lining along has become more widespread due to its comparative simplicity, convenience and high speed of work, and due to this, lower installation costs. Moisture (condensation) easily flows down vertically located lamellas. But, by the way, it also easily rises up through the microcapillaries that make up the wood. With this fastening, the tongue-and-groove system is more protected from water ingress.

Vertical fastening of the lining allows more heat to be accumulated inside the steam room, again, because the horizontal fastening of the sheathing beam interferes with the free movement of air. Experts note that vertical cladding is justified for saunas with their dry steam mode.

Laying the clapboard crosswise has advantages due to the fact that the board is fastened with the tenon facing upward, which means that water ingress is just as unlikely as with a vertical one. At horizontal mounting linings are equipped with a vertical frame (lathing), which contributes to natural circulation air between the panels and the wall.

Another argument in favor horizontal laying clapboards in the bathhouse (steam room) - ease of replacing the boards below. The fact is that the floor in the bathhouse is not just a damp place, but a wet place. Naturally, the lower boards are subject to faster rotting than the upper ones. Replacing several bottom boards is easier than cutting off the bottom of all the vertical ones. In addition, drying due to constant temperature changes is more noticeable on vertical mounting. The horizontal method of attaching the lining is best chosen by those who have a classic wet Russian bath.

Based on the above, everyone can decide for themselves how to attach the lining in the bathhouse - vertically or horizontally.

Finishing the sauna with clapboard involves installing lathing. This is due to the fact that the presence of lathing makes it possible to insulate the sauna.

If there is no such need, then air circulates freely between the frame, condensation drains, and the likelihood of the lining rotting and the appearance of fungus and mold on the walls is reduced.

The lathing for the bathhouse lining is made only from timber, which is coated with a primer. The use of galvanized profiles for drywall is unacceptable.

Lathing in the bathhouse makes it possible to organize electrical wiring in the steam room. For example, under lamps.

Note. To protect against moisture, the wires are laid in a metal corrugation.

The internal insulation of a bathhouse consists of several layers. The insulation in such a damp room requires special fastening.

First, waterproofing is laid on the wall. It can be nailed to the wall or secured with sheathing slats.

Cotton wool is placed between the beams of the sheathing. By the way, it was cut with an overlap of 10 mm. The cotton wool will settle tightly between the frame beams and will be securely fixed in them. A foil vapor barrier film is placed on top of the cotton wool, which reflects heat. The vapor barrier is stapled to the sheathing beams.

The film is laid overlapping and must be glued aluminum tape. Next, narrow slats, the so-called counter slats, are stuffed. For counter-railing, boards up to 20 mm thick are used. The purpose of the counter-rail is to provide a ventilation gap between the lining and the vapor barrier.

A simpler option is to use foil-coated basalt wool, which is laid with foil to the lining (also with a gap).

An important condition for proper functioning is ventilation in the bathhouse.

Therefore, when installing the sheathing and laying insulation, do not forget to mark the location for the ventilation holes.

It is preferable to use aluminum corrugation with a diameter of 100 mm as an air duct. We remind you that for effective ventilation in the bathhouse you need to place one hole under the ceiling, and the second at a height of 150-300 mm from the floor. Preferably next to the stove.

Note. Ventilation holes should be placed in accessible places to be able to regulate the flow of air.

Only non-flammable materials are used in the sauna. thermal insulation material. That is why the use of foam plastic is excluded. It is better to give preference to basalt wool.

Installation of lining in a steam room

Fastening the lining in the bathhouse is done exclusively using a hidden method. Experts explain this by three factors:

  • Firstly, the hardware, twisted through, heats up and there is a risk of getting unpleasant sensations when touching the fastening point.
  • Secondly, rough hardware can rust and ruin the surface of the lining.
  • Thirdly, such fastening looks somewhat primitive and affects the appearance of the room.

TO hidden methods Fastening includes the use of nails, clamps or self-tapping screws. Regarding self-tapping screws, it should be additionally noted that the self-tapping screw can be tightened with front side boards, but it must be covered with a wooden plug.

This method is quite labor-intensive, so users are advised to fasten the wooden paneling with their own hands using nails and clamps.

How to cover the ceiling in a bathhouse with clapboard

The decoration of the steam room, as well as other rooms of the bathhouse, begins from the ceiling. This is due to the fact that large thermal gaps are left on the ceiling, and the wall slats must rest against the ceiling.

Installation of wooden lining on the ceiling begins from the entrance side and is carried out only with nails or a clamp. And the point here is not even the visual effect, but the fact that the finishing nail is not able to withstand the weight of the lining ceiling.

The boards that are nailed last are difficult to “plant” on the clamp or drive a nail into the groove. In this case, use a finishing (hidden) nail that does not have a head. In order not to damage the front surface of the lining, the nail should be finished off with a hammer. And the place where the nail is installed is cleaned sandpaper to avoid the appearance of roughness and, as a result, splinters.

It is important that the ends of the lining are located at a distance of 40-50 mm from the wall of the bathhouse. This is due to the fact that the temperature under the ceiling is higher and the lamellas “play” more. And also with the need to leave a ventilation gap for air circulation along the wall.

How to cover walls in a bathhouse with clapboard

Decorating the walls with clapboard starts from the corner of the room (steam room, sauna) and is implemented in the same way as installing clapboard on the ceiling.

When installing, it should be taken into account that water can rise up the wood to a height of up to half a meter when mounted vertically and half as low when mounted horizontally. Therefore, at a height of 10-30 mm. a gap is left from the floor, which will protect the lower boards from rotting.

It is impossible to join the slats of wooden lining until they stop, as is done in the house, in the sauna. Wood swells and shrinks due to humidity and temperature, so there must be a compensation gap for the “movement” of the wood. Consequences improper fastening(deformation, discrepancy) are shown in the photo.

How to make a gap between the lining?

Execution technology: the next board is driven into the previous one until it stops. Then several marks are made along the seam lines (preferably not with a pencil, but with a sharp object). Then the board moves relative to the previous and intended marks. Since the lamella moves by eye, each subsequent board must be checked with a level.

Advice. Installing lining on the wall will look more beautiful if you maintain the joining of the boards on the ceiling and wall.

The upper ends of the boards are adjacent to the ceiling.

Fastening skirting boards for lining and decorative elements

Skirting boards, corners, and other accessories for finishing the sauna cannot be “set” on glue. For their fastening, only finishing nails are used, followed by sanding the installation site.

How to cover a doorway with clapboard

Doorways are given special attention. The slopes in them are finished using lining, cut to the required length. And the openings themselves are framed with platbands.

How to sheathe slopes on windows with clapboard

They are rarely installed directly into paired windows; more often they are installed in a dressing room or washing room. In any case, it won’t hurt to know how to make slopes from clapboard.

In order to simplify the installation of the lining, professionals advise installing the slope in window opening using a starting strip to a plastic lining. Then wooden lamella one end is inserted into the plank, and the second is attached to the sheathing beam. This framing method is ideal in its simplicity, and is suitable for those who install metal-plastic windows. But, it should be remembered that the thickness of the starting profile is 10 mm.

The second installation option is to install a frame for the slope, cover it with clapboard and then decorate the junction of the clapboard with the window with decorative strips.

This method of finishing slopes with clapboard is best used by those who have wooden windows installed in their bathhouse.

If the wall thickness is small and the slope is not wide, then you can line it with a wooden lining for lining.

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Finishing the washing room in the bathhouse with clapboard

Installation of lining in a washing room is carried out similarly to installation in a steam room, but it should be remembered that the bottom boards or ends of the boards when laid vertically must be at a distance of at least 30 mm. from the floor.

Users note that in interior decoration In washing, plastic panels and PVC lining have proven themselves well. Wood decor allows you to create desired design and at the same time ensure long-term operation of the finish. Ceramic tile and the tiles also look great in the washroom.

How to cover a bathhouse dressing room with clapboard

The dressing room is designed to leave your things in it and take a break after a steam bath. In more modern versions The bathhouse dressing room serves as a rest room in which furniture and equipment are installed. Due to the fact that this room is not much different from any other in the house, the installation of the lining is no different.

Due to flammability, the lining is not installed near the furnace firebox. It is better to decorate the fireplace with brick, stone, or, in extreme cases, sheet metal or other non-combustible materials.

It is worth noting that the chimney pipe is also not allowed to join the lining on the ceiling. Therefore, a stainless steel screen is installed on the ceiling. Behind the screen, the pipe should be wrapped with basalt wool.

Installation of lining near the sauna heater

But the heater (the place where the traditional Russian bath stones are stacked) is not only possible, but also necessary. Moreover, preference should be given deciduous trees linings. Due to the fact that wood heats up less than stone, wood trim heaters will protect sauna users from thermal burns.

Now you are familiar with how the lining is installed in individual rooms of the bathhouse, you know how to attach the lining in the bathhouse correctly. This means there are no obstacles to finishing the bathhouse with wooden clapboards yourself.

A home sauna or bathhouse can be not only convenient and practical, but also very original. Even using standard finishing materials, you can decorate the interior in a very interesting and unusual way, the main thing is to show your imagination. Combining wood and tiles, combining contrasting shades, experimenting with shelf shapes will make the room truly exclusive. In addition, finishing the sauna with your own hands does not require high costs or special knowledge.

Wood is considered the ideal finishing material for a steam room. Wood must have high density, beautiful view, rot resistance. It is not recommended to line the steam room with pine: when heated, it releases a large amount of resin. If funds allow, you can purchase African oak, Canadian cedar, fir or rosewood. These breeds have a delicate aroma, very beautiful patterns and attractive shades.

Budget options include linden, birch, aspen, ash and alder. Linden croaker covered with bast is in great demand. Its surface is pleasant to the touch, never gets too hot and, thanks to its porous structure, has the ability to regulate humidity in the steam room. Birch, like alder, is valued for medicinal properties, and ash for its durability and beautiful cut of the core.

To line the washing room, it is not necessary to use the same wood as in the steam room. Pine lining is ideal for this room: thanks to the presence of resin, the wood is not afraid of high humidity, emits a pleasant aroma, does not rot, and retains a beautiful color for a long time. Spruce lining has the same properties, which is why it is also often used to decorate a sauna washroom.

Not only the species, but also the quality of the wood is of great importance. You should choose boards with a minimum number of knots, well dried, without bending or black spots. When cut, the wood should have an even light shade; slices gray indicate poor quality of the material and inappropriate storage conditions.

Along with wood, other materials are also used in sauna decoration. The areas around the stove are exposed to high temperatures, and therefore they need to be lined with stone or heat-resistant tiles. shower walls, separate areas It is also recommended that the sink and floor be tiled. For convenience, you can install on a tiled floor wooden pallets rectangular or square shape. To make the sauna interior extraordinary, you should wisely combine wood with stone and tiles.

Surface preparation

Before you begin finishing, you need to properly prepare the floor, ceiling and walls of the room: isolate them from moisture, insulate them well, and test them for strength. Wooden ceiling and the walls must be treated with a primer with antiseptic properties; walls made of bricks or blocks are leveled with cement plaster.

The floor is leveled especially carefully: both tiling and plank flooring require the most even surface with a slight slope. At the preparation stage, they think about the location of the water drain and chimney, and install everything necessary.

Finishing technology

In progress finishing works required:

  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • regular and rubber hammer;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • tile adhesive;
  • notched spatula;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • clinker tiles;
  • lining;
  • timber and slats for sheathing;
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier film.

Step 1. Floor covering

Finishing a sauna should start from the floor. Clinker tiles are usually chosen for cladding, since its surface does not slip even after getting wet. Experienced builders It is recommended to immerse the tiles in water before laying, which will reduce glue consumption. So, mix the glue, lay out the tiles, and take a notched trowel.

Finishing the floor in the steam room

The cladding begins from the corner opposite the entrance to the steam room. On concrete surface Apply a layer of heat-resistant glue and level it with a notched trowel. Place the first tile, press it to the floor, and insert plastic crosses between the wall and the edge of the tile. Next, adjacent tiles are laid, again inserting crosses to ensure uniform seams. Be sure to check the horizontal position of the tiles, and adjust the protruding elements with a rubber hammer. Excess glue is wiped off with a clean, dry cloth so that there are no sloppy marks left.

After covering the entire surface, grout the joints. special composition. It is applied with a narrow rubber or metal spatula, thoroughly rubbed into the seams, and the excess is removed. Finally, wipe the floor with a clean damp cloth. While the glue dries, you can start making wooden pallets.

Step 2. Installation of lathing on the walls

To insulate and vapor barrier the walls, you will need lathing. To make it, take a flat 50x50 mm beam and nail it to the base of the wall. If the walls are brick or made of blocks, the sheathing is secured using anchor bolts. The sheathing is attached to the sheathing perpendicular to the beams, so for horizontal sheathing, the beams are nailed to the walls vertically and vice versa. The distance between the posts is approximately 50 cm.

Step 3. Laying thermal insulation

A waterproofing membrane is stapled on top of the sheathing so that the material sag slightly. Sheets of insulation are inserted between the timber racks in one or two layers. The thickness of the insulation should not exceed the thickness of the studs. Carefully check the surface for gaps and cracks and, if necessary, blow it with foam. The final layer is a vapor barrier film. It is also attached to the frame with staplers, laying the material with an overlap of 10 cm. The seams are sealed with tape.

Step 4. Wall paneling

At this stage, it becomes possible to show your imagination and decorate the interior to your liking. You can completely cover the walls with clapboard or boards, selecting fragments of different shades, or you can combine wood and tiles. Stone-like tiles around the perimeter of the doorway framed in light wood look beautiful. The mosaic inserts in the middle look original wood panels, niches framed with tiles for bath accessories, stonework around the stove.

All wooden elements are brought into the room a day before the start of work so that the material acclimatizes. First you need to mark the areas for tiles and wood, and then start covering. Wooden slats are placed across the racks, which will provide a gap between finishing coat and a vapor barrier layer. Then the lining is attached to the slats using self-tapping screws, checking the vertical position of the boards with a level.

In the steam room, it is advisable to make inserts of heat-resistant tiles only around the stove, but in the washing and changing rooms you can tile any surfaces. After wood paneling, the remaining areas are covered decorative tiles. The joints between the end board and the ceramics should be as smooth and tight as possible, so all gaps are sealed with mastic.

Step 5. Ceiling finishing

The ceiling beams are covered with waterproofing film, fixing it to the ceilings with staplers. The space between the beams is filled with any insulation, the thickness of which does not exceed the thickness of the beams themselves. Then the insulation layer is carefully covered with a vapor barrier film or foil, and the seams are sealed with a special tape. Slats 2 cm thick are nailed to the protruding beams every half meter. The finishing trim - lining - is attached to the slats.

Sauna paneling with bamboo panels

An alternative wood paneling are bamboo panels. This material is just gaining popularity, so it is not often found in home saunas. Bamboo panels have a lot of advantages: they are not afraid of high temperatures, humidity, mold, have high strength and an unusually attractive appearance. Due to their flexibility, these panels can easily take on any shape, so they can be mounted on curved and rounded surfaces, arches and niches.

To cover the walls of the sauna with bamboo panels, the surface is prepared in the same way as the linings. After insulation and fastening vapor barrier film Strong wooden slats with a thickness of 2 cm or more are nailed or screwed to the racks. The panels are attached to the slats with the staples of a construction stapler or with liquid nails if the panels are small.

Manufacturing and installation of shelves

Furnishings always play an important role in interior decoration. In the sauna, this function is assigned to the shelves. Usually they have rectangular shape and are mounted on 2-3 levels. They are sheathed completely or with small gaps, and linden boards are used as sheathing. There are 3 ways to arrange a shelf in a steam room: “compartment”, stepped and L-shaped.

The first option involves the arrangement of a lower stationary shelf and an upper lifting shelf adjacent to the wall. This method allows you to save space in a small sauna: if necessary, the seat can be easily raised and fixed in this position against the wall. The second option is to install three shelves different widths against one of the walls. The shelves are located one above the other, the widest is attached at the bottom and is the coldest. With the L-shaped method, two shelves are installed around the perimeter of the corner, and the third is mounted above one of them.

Of course, the easiest way is to assemble shelves of a standard type and size by arranging it in one of the described ways. But if you use your imagination, you can make everything much more interesting. For example, if you use light wood to cover a shelf and fasten a dark-colored board around the edge, the appearance of the room will noticeably change.

The corners of the shelves can be rounded or decorated with parts cut out with a jigsaw, lattice fragments can be inserted between the solid upholstery of the seats, and the seats can be moved along the walls in a checkerboard pattern. Anything that differs from the standard arouses interest and attracts attention, so even a small change in shape will help add a touch of originality to the decoration.

Video - Do-it-yourself sauna finishing

How to choose the right finishing materials, and what qualities should they have? First of all, it must be massive material, high heat capacity and good resistance to moisture and hot steam. Secondly, the building material must be safe to use, environmentally friendly, durable, aesthetically attractive and fit into the interior of the sauna. The most acceptable in this regard is wooden lining, although other types of finishing can be used.

Classic version- wood. It not only has a presentable appearance, but also has good moisture resistance and does not heat up excessively. Natural boards do not emit any unpleasant odors or harmful substances. Optimal temperature for a steam room with wooden paneling - +120 0 C. But it is worth considering high humidity indoors, so wooden board“acclimatization” is needed. It is advisable that it lie in the sauna for several days and be treated with a special impregnation.

The photo of finishing the sauna inside, as shown below, assumes that all surfaces are covered with clapboard. The most durable boards will be made from larch, oak, cedar or ash; they can be used for both floors and ceilings.

Since the humidity in a sauna is lower than in a Russian bath, spruce, pine lining, and linden are used for the walls of the relaxation room. But for the steam room it is better to choose poplar, aspen or birch, which, when heated, do not emit a pungent odor. This lining warms up slowly, but not excessively, and retains pleasant heat for a long time.

Do not use coniferous trees, fiberboard, chipboard, plastic lining and linoleum. At high temperatures these materials release dangerous toxins.

For the beautiful and non-standard interior the boards can be combined with each other, as in the photo below.

In the place where the fireplace is installed and in the washroom, brick or glazed tiles are used.

In terms of style, the rooms decorated like a Turkish hammam with mosaic tiles look very impressive.

DIY sauna decoration

The work begins with laying the floor and ends with installing the ceiling. It is not advisable to choose for floors Oak planks, as they become too slippery in wet conditions. All planes are carefully leveled.

First, a thermal insulation layer is laid; for brick saunas, an additional vapor barrier is required, and a wooden sheathing is made. The slats are fixed at a distance of 65-70 cm. The lining is attached to it. Nails are not used; euro paneling or tongue-and-groove designs are selected. The sheathing slats are secured with stainless steel nails.

The ceiling above the fireplace or electric stove is raised by 15 cm.

The outermost rail is secured first and the rest are placed from it. If the walls in the sauna are perfectly smooth, it is possible to install lining without lathing.

The tiles are laid with a rough face and a smooth base. This will prevent mold from falling and spreading between the tiles and the wall. Modern look There are a lot of tiles, but if you are laying them yourself and for the first time, it is better to choose traditional square or rectangular ones.

The section of the wall near the firebox is trimmed with stone or heat-resistant tiles.

If the entire room is equipped with tiles, begin laying ceramics from the most visible corner. Before work, the tiles must be soaked in water for a couple of minutes. Swollen tiles will absorb less glue, this will help save on it. When laying, you need to use separator crosses and a comb spatula. After the glue dries, the seams are rubbed.

For ceilings use film vapor barrier And basalt fiber, sawdust or shavings as thermal insulation. As finishing A well-dried hardwood board will do.

According to the design, the ceiling can be made as a floor, panel or hemmed ceiling. The finished steam room will look harmonious with ceilings made from the same elements as the walls or floors, as well as with contrasting options.

In a spacious sauna or building with an attic, you can additionally equip a swimming pool, allocate space on the veranda for a barbecue, or place a games room or bar on the second floor.


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