Finishing the veranda inside with plastic panels. Decorating the veranda with your own hands, choosing the material for covering the veranda, useful tips

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People who plan to equip their home with a veranda or terrace often have a question: what material to use for cladding the structure? Considering that the veranda is enough open space, during the construction of which insulation and waterproofing are not used, the issue can be considered relevant. The material used for cladding must be reliable, durable and safe.

Lining is environmentally friendly material used for interior decoration, which is why it is very popular today.

All these requirements are met by lining - a modern building material made from edged boards. Typically, the thickness of the lining does not exceed 22 mm, but there is also non-standard material that is thicker. As a rule, lining boards are used for interior decoration, but in some cases they can be used outside. For example, finishing the veranda.

Preparing for cladding work

When planning work, first of all it is necessary to decide on the method of attaching the lining elements to the structure. Today there are several of them:

The clamps do not need to be driven into the lining elements, which eliminates the possibility of damage and cracking of the boards.

  1. Claymers are the most convenient and neat way in which finishing the veranda will be as successful as possible. This is explained by the absence of the need to drive foreign parts into the lining elements, which will completely eliminate the possibility of cracking and damage to the boards.
  2. Paper clips construction staplerquick way, which allows for sheathing to be carried out quite accurately, but there is damage to the boards, which significantly reduces their durability.
  3. Nails or screws are the fastest way to fasten the sheathing, but at the same time they also have the most damaging properties to the lining. In addition, the risk of material damage is quite high.

If the master has great experience When working with clapboard, you can use nails. In this case, the finishing process will go as quickly as possible, and a well-trained hand will eliminate any shortcomings. In all other cases, it is recommended to use a method that is less traumatic to the material.

When the method of covering the veranda is determined, it is necessary to prepare necessary materials and tools. IN in this case you will need:

  • lining;
  • screwdriver;
  • fine-tooth saw;
  • hammer drill or drill;
  • building level;
  • beam;
  • fasteners for lining (clasps, nails, screws);
  • yardstick;
  • antiseptic compositions for processing lining;
  • stain, varnish or paint.

Coating the lining with an antiseptic is necessary to prevent it from rotting.

When choosing lining for covering a veranda, you need to pay attention to its length. So, if when carrying out finishing work in a room it is desirable to purchase the longest possible boards, then finishing the veranda requires the purchase of shorter material. This is explained by the presence large quantity window openings in this room. Short material is easier to adjust to the required size.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the type of wood from which the lining is made. Here the best choice would be boards made of pine, larch or aspen. They are suitable for both a cold terrace and a heated room.

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Covering the premises with lining boards

As a rule, few owners build an insulated veranda; it is usually an open space intended for use in summer time of the year. This means that moist air from the street can easily penetrate onto the veranda. Therefore, all material used for finishing must be treated with antiseptic solutions to prevent the occurrence of mold and rot. This will significantly extend its service life.

If the climate in the region where the country house is located is characterized by high humidity, it is more practical to use not wooden, but plastic lining or metal profile. This will slightly increase costs Finishing work, but will also give the structure durability.

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Features of the internal lining

The need to install sheathing depends on the design of the veranda. So, if the room is built of even and smooth boards, lathing is not needed: the lining boards can be attached directly to the tree. If the structure is an open frame made of timber, it is necessary to create a base to which the lining will be attached.

For the lathing, bars with a cross section of 20x40 mm are selected. The bars are then attached to wooden frame. The beams, which will form the basis of the sheathing, are installed in the corners of the structure. Their verticality is checked using a plumb line. Then the beams are attached horizontally under the ceiling and along the floor line.

Subsequent actions depend on the method of fastening the lining boards. So, if the lining is nailed horizontally, the sheathing bars are fastened vertically along the walls in increments of 50 cm. When the lining boards are positioned vertically, the sheathing elements are nailed horizontally in increments of 50 cm.

The first element of the lining is nailed with a comb into one of the corners of the room. If clamps are used as fasteners, either special nails or screws can serve as fasteners. Claymers are put on bottom bar groove of the lining element and nailed to the sheathing. The next element of the lining, inserted with a ridge into the groove, covers the attachment point.

Produced in a similar way interior decoration verandas. After this, you need to move on to the exterior finishing.

Veranda owners may often ask themselves the question of decorating this comfortable space. There are two types of finishing, which are determined by the scope of work. The first is covering the veranda from the outside, the second is working from the inside. On our website you could find information about materials for external cladding. And this article will be devoted internal work. At the same time, you will consider economical cladding options that are worthy and have been used for many years. Then your veranda will be beautiful and protected.

After all, this room is adjacent to the living room and can be used for different purposes. We can say that for owners of private houses this is additional space. Let's find out what to cover the inside of the veranda inexpensively and how to do it. Then you can make full use of the veranda area.

Features of the room

It is clear that the requirements for material for interior decoration are much lower when it comes to exterior decoration. But still, the veranda has some peculiarities, so the selection of products for covering must also be done wisely. The fact is that the veranda has its own special microclimate and can be an unheated room. Therefore, the finishing material must meet the following requirements:

  1. Practicality.
  2. Attractiveness.
  3. Resistance to temperature changes.
  4. Moisture resistant.
  5. Resistance to mechanical damage.
  6. Environmentally friendly, since we are talking about the premises inside.

There are quite a lot of materials that meet these requirements. However, not all of them are affordable in terms of price. Therefore, we recommend that you consider using MDF panels, wood paneling and PVC. They solve assigned tasks perfectly and cope with all negative factors. And their price is low. Let's look at each material in more detail.

MDF panels for the veranda

Often the veranda is sheathed MDF panels. In some ways the material resembles lining, as it is produced wide boards. Their length can reach from 2.6 to 3 m, and their width can range from 15 to 30 cm. In the store you can see a fairly large color scheme products, which allows you not to use standard set, but to expand the spectrum. Thanks to this, you can harmoniously match the style of the entire house, or make a veranda of any color. Moreover, MDF boards can be made to look like natural wood, imitating it.

Here are the advantages of this material:

  1. Quite attractive and comes in a wide range of tones.
  2. Is practical material for covering the veranda, as it is easy to wash. The surface will practically not collect dirt, and dust can be easily removed with a damp cloth. This is important for the veranda, because people often take off their shoes there.
  3. Installation of MDF panels is quite simple, so even a non-professional can cope with this task.
  4. Low cost, which allows you to buy this material for the veranda, despite a limited budget.

As you can see, the cladding looks pretty good. Therefore, it is a worthy analogue of expensive materials for covering a veranda. And the installation process is completely simple. You just need to make a frame on the walls from slats, the thickness of which is 2 cm and the width is 4 cm. Next, the MDF boards themselves are fastened to the slats with nails. The process is very similar to covering a veranda with clapboard.

Note! Thanks to this technique, you can hide wall defects, cracks and unevenness. And this also affects the cost.

In order for the veranda trim to be neat and even, it is recommended to use a plumb line or level when working to control everything. The main thing is to set the starting level correctly, and then things will go like clockwork. The panels have grooves, thanks to which the fixation will be reliable and durable. If necessary, the panel can be easily adjusted to size. They can be cut with a saw or jigsaw. After completing the covering of the veranda, you can hide the joints near the ceiling and floor, covering them with skirting boards of identical color.

Now your veranda is ready for use. You can relax in it, make it a dining area, workplace or your greenhouse.

PVC panels for finishing the veranda

Finishing facilities plastic panels also quite popular. This option is loved by many specialists and is used everywhere. Plastic panels are the same lining, but made of plastic. Due to this material, finishing has many advantages:

  1. Long service life.
  2. Excellent resistance to moisture.
  3. Easy to care for. The coating can be washed with a cloth.
  4. Resistance to ultraviolet rays.
  5. Light weight, which allows you not to weigh down the structure.
  6. Quite attractive and at the same time practical.
  7. Installation is very simple.
  8. The price is reasonable.
  9. The range of products is large, so the veranda can turn into anything.

It will not take much time to treat a large veranda. The work is done quickly and effortlessly. A veranda finished with this material can be used for various purposes. In addition, you can cover both the ceiling and walls of the veranda with PVC panels.

Note! The material can imitate wood, metal, natural stone and textiles. There is an option for everyone.

If you try, then all the cladding work can be completed in one day. Installation is also carried out on a frame made of slats, 30×20 or 30×10 mm thick. PVC panels are fastened with nails. The disadvantage of the material is its fragility. By hitting the trim, you can make a dent in it.

Wooden lining for the veranda

And finally, we have come to one of the most popular materials, which has earned an honorable place among homeowners. The lining is made from natural wood, therefore 100% safe. The material is ideal for finishing interior spaces both walls and ceilings. A appearance The trim is simply magnificent.

Main advantages of the material:

  1. The lining is durable and resistant to impacts and all kinds of loads.
  2. Is practical.
  3. Has an attractive appearance.
  4. It does not release any toxins, but, on the contrary, enriches the room with the pleasant smell of natural wood.
  5. The cost is not exorbitant, but quite affordable. In this case, the material is divided into classes, which allows you to choose your category.
  6. Installation is quite easy.
  7. You can choose a board of different shades.
  8. Durability, the material with proper care and protection will last 20 years.

As for the classes mentioned above, the lining is divided into 4 groups:

  • class "Extra".

The quality of the material in this list is listed in ascending order. The cheapest lining option for finishing a veranda is class “C”. In products greatest number knots and minor defects. To finish the veranda, it is recommended to use class “B” or “A”, since “Extra” is very expensive.

How to cover the inside of the veranda with clapboard? The technology should be familiar to you:

  1. Vertical slats (lathing) are placed on the wall.
  2. After which the first plank is fixed, starting from the corner.
  3. This is the most critical stage, since the evenness of the entire finish will depend on it. When working, use a level.
  4. Further boards are fixed to each other through grooves.

The method of fixing the bar may be different. They are nailed with galvanized nails, wood screws, a regular stapler or clamps. After installation is complete, it is recommended to protect the lining with varnish or other impregnations. This will extend the life of the covering on the veranda.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, you don’t need to spend fabulous money on covering a veranda when buying expensive material and hiring workers who will do everything for you hard work. Thanks to these easy-to-install materials, which are inexpensive, you can sheathe your veranda with high quality, creating comfort, beauty and protecting the walls from various factors.

One of the most significant advantages of living in a private house is the opportunity to go outside at any time of the day or night. Fresh air and enjoy the aroma of flowers in summer or the enchanting smell of rotten leaves in late autumn.
Enclosed veranda V country house can easily be turned into a dining room where the whole family will gather for Sunday lunch: share impressions, make plans and just chat. Important role In creating the necessary mood, not only the view from the windows plays a role, but also the decoration of the veranda. She is the one who will help you create the atmosphere home comfort and peace.

Selection of materials
The choice of materials for finishing the veranda is not only aesthetic, but also practical. As a rule, the word “veranda” means unheated room. In some cases, an open veranda is more like a gazebo attached to the house, so there is no question of heating here at all. This means that the decor should not only be beautiful, but also resistant to high humidity and temperature changes.

In winter, the room will be damp, and if you use non-moisture resistant facing materials, then after two or three years the repairs will have to be done again.
Usually, the bottom of the wall is lined with modern finishing material - plastic wall panels from PVC. The surfaces of the walls from panels to the ceiling are covered with moisture-resistant paint.

It is not recommended to use laminate when finishing the floor on a closed veranda. Since in harsh conditions operation, in a damp room even moisture-resistant high-quality expensive laminate will lose its original appearance and shape.

Ceramic tiles, on the contrary, will not lose their wonderful properties and original appearance in such conditions. If used as flooring tiles, then it is better to use large tiles as they are easier to install. As a result, if the seams between adjacent tiles are reduced to a minimum, or removed altogether, a smooth, visually uniform surface is obtained.

After the final finishing of the floor, it is necessary to install plastic skirting boards, since they are considered the most durable compared to wooden skirting boards and are not afraid of exposure to moisture.

Warming the veranda.
Of great importance proper thermal insulation the lower part of the walls (under the windows) and the ceiling. The interior decoration of the veranda begins with it. If insulation is carried out correctly, the room can be inhabited until late autumn.

You can insulate the veranda ceiling with almost any thermal insulation materials: mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam (EPS), polystyrene foam or liquid spray polyurethane foam. Having chosen polystyrene foam, you must be prepared for the fact that for high-quality thermal insulation you will have to lay a fairly thick layer of this material, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in the ceiling level by 10 -15 cm. Sprayed polyurethane foam is an effective, but expensive insulation material. And here is the EPS and mineral wool at a fairly affordable price they can perfectly protect your veranda from the autumn cold.
Important! It should be remembered that mineral wool is very susceptible to dampness. Under the influence of moisture, after just a few years, such insulation turns into dust.

Finishing with PVC panels

Most budget option finishing the veranda walls last years are plastic panels. This material is resistant to high humidity and temperature changes. In addition, it is quite easy to install and clean.

The only disadvantages of plastic include low environmental friendliness and fragility - it is very easy to break by carelessly moving a chair or accidentally hitting the wall with your knee.

Can be used as a frame for PVC panels wooden slats, with a cross section of 30*20 or 30*10 mm or a metal profile for mounting drywall. When using wood, it must be pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Helpful advice! On the walls of the veranda facing the street, it is better to use wooden slats for lathing. Fastenings metal profiles can create “cold bridges”, which will significantly reduce the quality of thermal insulation. But for those who are not too smooth interior walls It is better to use a profile on special hangers.

The slats must be fastened perpendicular to the direction of laying the panels. So, if the plastic is placed vertically on the wall, then the slats are installed horizontally in increments of no more than 50cm.

Important! The walls of the veranda are decorated with panels with a pattern from left to right. You can start installing plain panels from any side of the wall.

When the sheathing is ready, a starting profile or mounting angle is attached in the corner of the room using nails or self-tapping screws. The first is used if the adjacent wall will be finished with a different material, and the second will allow PVC panels to be joined together.
Then the first panel is inserted into the guide profile so that the wide mounting flange is directed towards the installation.
To fix the panel to the sheathing, you can use metal holders, or you can simply screw it to the batten with a self-tapping screw.

Important! If you are not using holders to mount the panels, do not overtighten the screw. Otherwise the panel will “drive”.

We insert the next panel so that there is no gap left and fasten it.
Remember that PVC panels are susceptible to thermal expansion. To compensate for this, it is necessary to leave a gap of 2-3 cm at the top and bottom of the wall and cover it with a plinth.

MDF - cheap imitation wood

Another popular finishing material is MDF panels. They are somewhat stronger than plastic, but less resistant to moisture. You should not use this material on open verandas, but for closed ones it is quite suitable.

MDF panels are installed in the same way as plastic ones.

Wooden lining- classics of the genre

When listing materials for finishing a veranda, it is impossible not to mention the most traditional of them - wood. Most often this is the so-called lining.

Lining is a cladding board, up to 22mm thick, with special grooves that facilitate installation and joining.

This material is used to cover not only the walls, but also the ceiling of the veranda. After treatment with antiseptics, the lining will serve you for up to 20 years. Talk for a long time about the advantages of wood over artificial materials not necessary. Just look at the delightful woody smell that will be felt on your veranda for many years.

Choosing wooden lining

First of all, it should be said that according to the production method, the lining is divided into jointed and solid. In the first case, the highest quality pieces of wood are joined in a special way. Despite the fact that this material looks excellent - there are no knots, cracks or other putty defects on it - for finishing open veranda he doesn't fit. With high humidity, cracks may form at the splice site, which will greatly spoil the appearance of the finish.

Important! When purchasing material, be sure to unpack it. Very often, in the middle of the pack there are defective or low-grade planks.

Perhaps this is all about the interior decoration of the veranda.


Tired of the dusty hustle and bustle of megacities, city residents are eager to purchase suburban real estate. They build houses themselves that suit individual tastes. Therefore, the relevance of the question of how to decorate a veranda at the dacha is increasing every day. Progressive technologies are emerging and innovative materials, turning the process of hand-made cladding into a pleasure accessible to every owner of country mansions.

Purpose and types of verandas

Often, a terrace is a relatively small open space adjacent to one of the walls of a personal building. However, there are also closed options verandas acting as warm vestibule at the entrance to the main building. In cold weather, it can be used as a changing room, leaving outerwear and outdoor shoes. This application will protect the rooms from the penetration of winter slush and dirt.

Most often, open verandas are used as premises for family vacation having a tea party in the fresh air. Friendly gatherings bring you closer to the surrounding beauties of nature, without forcing you to move away from the familiar atmosphere of your home.

Based on location, there are two main types of combined verandas:

  1. A passageway separating rooms from the street, preceding the entrance to the main building. This familiar option is used in the construction of most small private houses.
  2. The second type includes verandas attached to one of the rooms and not having a separate exit to the courtyard.

Despite the simple design of such a structure, facing the terrace requires some effort. In this case, you can completely get by on our own, creating cozy place family vacation.

To understand how best to decorate a veranda located at the dacha, you should first thoroughly study the list of materials offered by specialists. Based on your own preferences, limited only by financial capabilities, you can make the right choice.

  1. Wooden lining is considered the most popular material for cladding a veranda. It is used to decorate the ceiling and walls both inside and outside the extension. After special processing the lining becomes resistant to negative influences, which allows it to withstand various tricks of nature.
  2. Interior finishing of the ceiling and walls can be done with sheets moisture-resistant plasterboard. The ability of this material to be processed is used by designers to create original interiors.
  3. For the veranda closed type Experts recommend that internal lining be done with using MDF. Its advantages are its presentable appearance, reminiscent of natural wood, as well as strength and durability. However, the material's exposure to moisture, as well as significant temperature fluctuations, does not allow the use of MDF panels outside the room.
  4. Products made of polyvinyl chloride for finishing verandas are becoming increasingly popular. Thanks to diversity color solutions, types and textures, you can easily select suitable PVC panels. An attractive opportunity for beginning craftsmen is the opportunity self-installation. In addition, such panels are not afraid of water and other negative influences. A beautiful appearance does not require any special care. Dirty panels can be easily washed with soapy water.
  5. For exterior finishing you can use siding. By purchasing material that imitates stone, brick, natural wood, the process of facing work can be significantly simplified.

When choosing from the proposed options, be guided by your own taste. However, you should not save money by purchasing material from unverified manufacturers. Although the products famous brands They will cost a little more than counterfeit products, but the quality is guaranteed.

Ceiling finishing

It is recommended to start with thorough impregnation of all elements made of natural wood with a special antiseptic composition. This way you can protect the structure from premature rotting and protect it from the encroachment of voracious insects.

After antiseptic treatment, you can begin installing the frame base. The wooden sheathing is made from timber with a section of 30x50; 50x50 mm is also suitable. The frame material also requires pre-treatment with antiseptic agents.

The beams are fixed to the roofing rafter system self-tapping screws. It is allowed to fix the sheathing using long nails. When installing the frame base on the rafters, it is recommended to maintain a spacing of 30-40 cm between the bars. Maintain a horizontal orientation wooden elements allows the use of a building level.

The simplest cladding option is the use of wooden lining. Fragments of finishing material are fixed on the sheathing perpendicular to the beams of the frame base. Galvanized nails are used as fastening elements.

It should be noted that a ceiling finished with wooden lining takes on a finished look after sanding and varnishing.

Independent installation of a veranda ceiling from PVC panels

It will require a little more effort than covering it with natural wooden lining. By diligently following the suggested recommendations, you can finish the ceiling without much difficulty. country veranda with your own hands, saving on the costly call of a team of professional tilers.

  1. The initial profile is securely fixed to wooden sheathing. Subsequently, individual plastic fragments are combined into a single piece with its help. ceiling structure.
  2. Sheets of panels are fixed in the grooves of the original profile. The stability and reliability of the system is facilitated by the use of special clamps. Can be used as fastening elements accessible to everyone home handyman self-tapping screws
  3. Installation of the next panel is carried out using a similar method of fixation in the initial profile.
  4. The further process is a periodic sequence of the manipulations described above.

When performing self-installation, it is necessary to take into account the ability of the plastic material to expand when heated. Having a small gap of up to 20 mm will protect the ceiling structure from troubles caused negative impact heat.

The use of other materials for finishing the ceiling

If you plan to cover the veranda with siding, this coating is quite suitable for self-registration ceiling. The installation process is similar PVC installation panels. In the same way, you can finish the terrace ceiling with MDF boards. Manufacturers provide the construction market huge selection various designs siding and MDF, ensuring the growing popularity of these materials.

When used as ceiling covering It is recommended to replace wooden frame elements with plasterboard sheets with a metal profile. Special elements are installed directly on it. Such parts are the basis for fixing drywall sheets. Self-tapping screws are used to secure the covering fragments.

After fixing the drywall, it is recommended to prepare the surface for finishing. The ceiling must be puttied and thoroughly cleaned.

Self-clad veranda walls

Applicable only for closed premises. Open terraces do not require walls.

Finishing should begin with the formation frame system from wooden blocks. The accuracy of installation is controlled by the building level.

Laying a special thermal insulation layer will make it possible in the future to use the veranda for relaxation in the cool season. It is recommended to first protect the room from moisture and condensation. For this purpose, a special waterproofing film, which is fixed under the insulation.

A necessary condition is the initial treatment of all wooden elements with an antiseptic composition. This precaution will protect the structure from damage resulting from rotting.

The simplest option internal lining Do-it-yourself verandas include finishing the walls with wooden clapboards. Coverings made from MDF panels are also becoming increasingly popular. PVC products are no less in demand.

Veranda flooring

The choice of material for the terrace floor is determined by the operating conditions of the room. Today, solid or terrace boards, ceramic tiles, laminate and other well-known finishing materials are used as veranda flooring. Here a lot depends on financial capabilities.

The best option for a country house is a floor covered with terrace board or waterproof laminate. Such materials are distinguished by the availability of self-installation, ease of maintenance and durability.

An alternative solution is to use it for flooring modern PVC panels or traditional ceramic tiles. Inventive and creative personalities prefer tiles due to the opportunity to realize their own fantasies. By placing the coating fragments in in a certain order, create unique patterns and original ornaments underfoot. Wealthy owners of country estates can afford finishing with new linoleum models that have improved performance characteristics that complement a fairly respectable appearance.

External cladding

The variety of modern finishing materials does not allow them to fit detailed description in one article. Therefore, we will consider the most popular options.

Many summer residents tend to cover the outer surface of the veranda with wooden clapboard. However, even careful treatment with special compounds is not able to preserve natural beauty for a long time. natural material. Changeable weather and precipitation leave their mark, disrupting the pristine beauty of the cladding.

Horizontal siding, usually used when performing facade works, manufacturers provide a special locking mechanism. This simple device allows you to easily connect individual fragments. This quality attracts ordinary people who want to independently implement external cladding terraces.

It should definitely be noted that the installation of siding panels is preceded by preparatory stage. It consists of forming a special frame (sheathing) onto which the plastic elements of the outer cladding will be attached.

One of the most significant advantages of living in a private house is the opportunity to go out into the fresh air at any time of the day or night and enjoy the aroma of flowers in summer or the enchanting smell of rotten leaves in late autumn. And how pleasant it is to sit with a cup of tea on the open veranda during the first thunderstorm in May, when the air is filled with ozone and tender young greenery rustles under the elastic streams. A closed veranda in a country house can easily be turned into a dining room, where the whole family will gather for Sunday lunch: share impressions, make plans and just chat. An important role in creating the necessary mood is played not only by the view opening from the windows, but also by the decoration of the veranda. It is she who will help you create an atmosphere of home comfort and peace.

Selection of materials

The choice of materials for finishing the veranda is not only aesthetic, but also practical. As a rule, the word “veranda” means an unheated room. In some cases, an open veranda is more like a gazebo attached to the house, so there is no question of heating here at all.

This means that the decor should not only be beautiful, but also resistant to high humidity and temperature changes.

Protection of wooden structures and thermal insulation

Most Popular building material For the construction of the veranda, wood is used. Before starting finishing work, everything wooden structures must be treated with a special antiseptic composition.

In addition, for glazed verandas great importance has proper thermal insulation of the lower part of the walls (under the windows) and the ceiling. The interior decoration of the veranda begins with it. If insulation is carried out correctly, the room can be inhabited until late autumn.

You can insulate the veranda ceiling with almost any thermal insulation materials: mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam (EPS), polystyrene foam or liquid sprayed polyurethane foam. Having chosen polystyrene foam, you must be prepared for the fact that for high-quality thermal insulation you will have to lay a fairly thick layer of this material, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in the ceiling level by 10 -15 cm. Sprayed polyurethane foam is an effective, but expensive insulation material. But EPS and mineral wool at a fairly affordable price can perfectly protect your veranda from the autumn cold.

Insulation is laid on the walls and ceiling according to the same pattern. First of all, it is necessary to ensure waterproofing. To do this, a waterproof film is spread along the entire wall, and the joints between its sheets are hermetically sealed with metallized tape. Then we install vertical wooden blocks at an equal distance from each other, and we lay insulation between them.

Important! It should be remembered that mineral wool is very susceptible to dampness. Under the influence of moisture, after just a few years, such insulation turns into dust.

The last layer will be a heat reflector, which is laid with a metallized film inside the room and secured with tape.

We insulate the ceiling in the same way.

Finishing the walls and ceiling of the veranda

When all preparatory work completed, it's time to think about the interior of your veranda. You can entrust its development to a professional designer, or you can cope with this task yourself. Finishing options are open and closed terraces enough. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Finishing with PVC panels

The most budget option for finishing veranda walls in recent years has been plastic panels. This material is resistant to high humidity and temperature changes. In addition, it is quite easy to install and clean. Will help you imagine how interesting something made from PVC inner finishing the veranda photo taken in one of the hardware stores.

The only disadvantages of plastic include low environmental friendliness and fragility - it is very easy to break by carelessly moving a chair or accidentally hitting the wall with your knee.

Wooden slats with a cross section of 30*20 or 30*10 mm or a metal profile for mounting drywall can be used as a frame for PVC panels. When using wood, it must be pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Helpful advice! On the walls of the veranda facing the street, it is better to use wooden slats for lathing. Fastening metal profiles can create “cold bridges”, which will significantly reduce the quality of thermal insulation. But for internal walls that are not too smooth, it is better to use a profile on special hangers.

  • The slats must be fastened perpendicular to the direction of laying the panels. So, if the plastic is placed vertically on the wall, then the slats are installed horizontally in increments of no more than 50cm.

Important! The walls of the veranda are decorated with panels with a pattern from left to right. You can start installing plain panels from any side of the wall.

  • When the sheathing is ready, a starting profile or mounting angle is attached in the corner of the room using nails or self-tapping screws. The first is used if the adjacent wall will be finished with a different material, and the second will allow PVC panels to be joined together.
  • Then the first panel is inserted into the guide profile so that the wide mounting flange is directed towards the installation.
  • To fix the panel to the sheathing, you can use metal holders, or you can simply screw it to the batten with a self-tapping screw.

Important! If you are not using holders to mount the panels, do not overtighten the screw. Otherwise the panel will “drive”.

  • We insert the next panel so that there is no gap left and fasten it.

Remember that PVC panels are subject to thermal expansion. To compensate for this, it is necessary to leave a gap of 2-3 cm at the top and bottom of the wall and cover it with a plinth.

MDF - cheap imitation wood

Another popular finishing material is MDF panels. They are somewhat stronger than plastic, but less resistant to moisture. You should not use this material on open verandas, but for closed ones it is quite suitable.

MDF panels are installed in the same way as plastic ones.

Wooden lining - a classic of the genre

When listing materials for finishing a veranda, it is impossible not to mention the most traditional of them - wood. Most often this is the so-called lining.

Lining is a cladding board, up to 22mm thick, with special grooves that facilitate installation and joining.

This material is used to cover not only the walls, but also the ceiling of the veranda. After treatment with antiseptics, the lining will serve you for up to 20 years. There is no need to talk at length about the advantages of wood over artificial materials. Just look at the delightful woody smell that will be felt on your veranda for many years.

Choosing wooden lining

First of all, it should be said that according to the production method, the lining is divided into jointed and solid. In the first case, the highest quality pieces of wood are joined in a special way. Despite the fact that this material looks excellent - there are no knots, cracks or other putty defects on it - it is not suitable for finishing an open veranda. With high humidity, cracks may form at the splice site, which will greatly spoil the appearance of the finish.

In addition, the lining is divided into 4 classes. The most expensive and high-quality - the “extra” class - is almost always spliced. But class A, B or C material is usually made from solid wood. On such lining there are knots and potholes. Most often they are treated with putty during production.

Important! When purchasing material, be sure to unpack it. Very often, in the middle of the pack there are defective or low-grade planks.

Preparation and installation of lining

Preparing the lining for installation comes down to treating it with an antiseptic and adapting the material. It is necessary to leave the lining in the room being finished for several days, and then cover it with a protective compound.

When using lining, finishing the veranda with wood is done in almost the same way as PVC panels or MDF. The lathing is done according to the same scheme, but there are several methods of fastening:

  • Fastening with galvanized nails. This is the easiest way. The nail is simply driven into the center of the board, and then the head is recessed using a hammer.
  1. Fastening with self-tapping screws. In this case, a hole about 10mm deep is drilled in the board from the tenon side. The diameter of the drill must correspond to the diameter of the screw head. Then we screw the lining to the sheathing, sinking the screw into the hole, close it with a dowel and sand it. As you can see, the method is more labor-intensive, but the fastening is not visible.

Important! Using clamps, only the inside of the veranda can be finished.

When the installation of the lining is completed, you need to cover the corners and joints in the area of ​​doors and windows with a corner and begin finishing. To give wood a tint, colored varnishes or stains are used.

Important! Before you begin, coat the distilled scraps with your chosen varnish and let dry. Sometimes after drying the color becomes completely different from what it was when applied. It will be very difficult to remove varnish you don’t like from the walls. For the same reason, do not buy a large amount of varnish at once: buy a little, try it, and if you like it, buy more.

You need to apply the varnish from top to bottom: first we cover the ceiling, and then the walls.

Exterior finishing

So, we looked at the main options for finishing the veranda from the inside. How to veneer it on the outside? In principle, you can use lining here, but is it worth it? Despite all kinds of impregnations and antiseptics, wood, constantly exposed to negative impact environment, quickly loses its decorative effect. This means that you will have to re-process it annually.

If you still decide to choose wood, remember that you can attach the lining horizontally from the outside only with the tenon facing up. In this case, it must be fixed in two rows - on the tenon side and on the groove side.


In recent years, finishing the veranda with siding has become especially popular. Even if the house is lined with brick or covered decorative plaster, you can easily choose a shade of siding that will fit perfectly into the ensemble.

The most commonly used variety of this material is vinyl siding. It owes its popularity to its fairly affordable price, good performance qualities and ease of installation.

For finishing facades, horizontal siding with interlocking joints is most often used. We will consider the technology of its installation in more detail:

Let's start cutting and installing the panels. Cutting vinyl siding is fairly easy. This can be done with metal scissors, a hacksaw or a jigsaw.

Important! Vinyl is highly susceptible to thermal expansion. Therefore, each panel should be 5-7mm shorter than the wall.

  • We bend the panel slightly in the center and insert its edges into the grooves of the corner profiles.
  • We align the panel and insert its bottom edge into the starting strip.
  • We fix the upper edge of the panel with self-tapping screws through the prepared holes.

Important! Do not press the screw tightly against the sheathing. Oval hole for fastening is designed to allow the material to move freely along the screw during temperature fluctuations. The distance between the cap and the sheathing should be 1-1.5mm.

  • We also set the next bar in corner profiles, snap it into the groove of the previous one and attach it to the sheathing.
  • Before installing the last level strip, we mount the finishing profile, cut off the required width of the siding strip, snap it into the previous strip, and simply insert the free edge into the finishing profile.
  • Here detailed video instructions for installing this material:

That's all. From the outside, your veranda looks perfect.

Finishing the veranda - photo selection

To make it easier for you to make the final choice in favor of one or another finishing material, we have prepared small photo selection:


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