Where do Drosophila flies come from and how to remove them? Why does the Drosophila fruit fly appear in an apartment and how to get rid of it.

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Summer is the time for delicious fresh fruits and berries that people are waiting for whole year. But along with apricots, peaches, strawberries and other garden delights, Drosophila flies - small insects that live in fruits, vegetables and berries - come into our home. It’s not very pleasant to see them in your kitchen, but we must pay tribute: fruit flies are an indicator that something in the kitchen has begun to deteriorate, and you should check the products. What kind of flies are these and why are they dangerous or, conversely, useful for us humans?

Who are fruit flies?

Drosophila belong to the family of small fruit flies; they have a very small body - 2.5 mm in females and about 2 mm in males. They have a yellow-brown, unsegmented body. The visibility of the segments is created by transverse black stripes on the abdomen. The back of the body of males is much darker than that of females. The eyes of fruit flies are a rich red color.

If any mutations have occurred in the Drosophila fly, its appearance may be very different from that described above. For example, she may have a different eye color: yellow, white, cherry. The wings may become shorter or disappear altogether. The body can change color to shades from light gray to dark brown.

Drosophila flies are very small creatures, people wouldn't notice them if they weren't so annoying

It’s not for nothing that fruit flies belong to the family of fruit flies - they feed mainly on vegetables, fruits and tree sap, but their favorite dish is spoiled fruit.

These flies live mainly in southern regions, where it is warm enough and there is a lot of food. But you can also meet them in the north; here flies like to settle close to people who buy fruits and vegetables. Drosophila's favorite habitats are vegetable warehouses, fruit storage facilities, juice and wine factories.

Drosophila feed on both fresh and rotten fruits and vegetables

Drosophila lay eggs on vegetables and fruits. It is very difficult to notice them, so it is completely unclear where these flies come from on spoiling fruit. It's very simple: the larvae appear when the process of rotting of a fruit or vegetable begins. It may be invisible to the human eye, but if fruit flies appear, it is a sign that something has begun to deteriorate.

In apartments, flies settle mainly in the kitchen, closer to fruits and vegetables, as well as to the trash can. If there are indoor plants in the room, fruit flies can settle there too, since rotting processes also occur in the ground, and flowers are also very delicious juice.

Drosophila drink moisture that remains on plant leaves

In private homes, fruit flies live in the kitchen and in basements where vegetables, canned vegetables and fruits are stored. IN summer time they can be found in the yard, garden or vegetable garden, and in winter period they prefer to live closer to a heat-loving person.

Drosophila flies live for 10 days at average temperature 25 degrees, at 18 degrees - 2–2.5 times longer, and in winter their life expectancy is about 2–2.5 months.

Such unusual properties Drosophila organisms made it possible to use these flies as experimental subjects for genetic research. They have only eight chromosomes, and each mutation, of which they have a huge number, is clearly visible and clearly distinguishable.

American researcher Seymour Benzer made a model of Drosophila, thanks to which he established the connection between genes and behavior

Where do fruit flies come from?

Flies lay their eggs on vegetables and fruits. It should be noted that these eggs are very resistant to changes in environmental conditions, so even in a relatively warm winter, fruit flies are not uncommon.

Drosophila are born from eggs the very next day, but if the process of rotting of the fruit or vegetable on which the eggs are laid begins, the insects appear much faster.

Sweet fruits attract fruit flies

One female fruit fly can lay up to 400 eggs, so flies reproduce very quickly. If you don’t get rid of rotting food and an annoying pair of flies in time, within two or three days a horde of these insects will live in your apartment.

From fruits and vegetables

Drosophila not only lay eggs on fruits and vegetables, but also live in these products, feeding on their juice and pulp. In markets and stores, fruits are not processed in any way, so when buying them, be prepared to receive several flies as a gift. Even if it is winter, this will not save you - in the cold season, fruit flies live much longer.

Drosophila are not very picky and will settle on any fruits and vegetables.

From the ground

Drosophila are very small, so it is difficult to notice them until they start flying annoyingly right in front of your nose. It is quite easy for them to hide in the ground, where it is not only warm, but also a lot of rotting elements. Drosophila lay eggs mainly on fruits, so that food is closer to their offspring, but they can also lay eggs in the ground, so with soil on the sole of your shoes, you can bring either fly eggs or adult flies into the house.

There may also be Drosophila larvae in the soil for indoor plants.

Drosophila larvae look like small worms and are often found in the ground

Through ventilation

Drosophila react very well to various odors; at distances large enough for their size, they sense the aromas of fruits and vegetables, and are particularly sensitive to the smell of rotten foods. In the summer, everyone opens the windows, which is why the aromas of fruits, berries and vegetables are wafted outside from the apartments - fruit flies fly towards this smell and through open windows get into houses.

In winter, flies enter premises in this way much less often, but inside the house (from one apartment to another) they can move through the ventilation if they smell an alluring aroma somewhere.

Drosophila flies can travel through the air and enter rooms through ventilation

From indoor plants

All plants have juice that is very tasty and nutritious for insects. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a tree, a bush, grass or indoor flower. The difference lies in how difficult or easy it is to obtain this juice. For example, it is much easier to extract juice from a flower or blade of grass than from a tree or even a bush. Therefore, small plants that do not have woody cover are suitable for such small insects, like fruit flies, are very easy prey.

Drosophila can settle both on the plants themselves and in the soil.

Drosophila love indoor flowers and settle on them

From leftover food

All products are subject to rotting, especially in the hot season. But in the trash bin, rotting occurs much faster, because some of the food there is already rotten, some has rotted, so fresh waste quickly turns into rot. Since rot is the favorite delicacy of fruit flies, they are happy to settle where there is a lot of it - in the trash can.

There is always a lot of different waste in trash cans that flies feed on.

Harm from fruit flies

Drosophila feeding on plant products Agriculture, spoil vegetables, fruits and berries. On their paws they carry particles of rot from already spoiled foods that they love so much, so the process of spoilage of fresh foods accelerates. In addition, on their bodies Drosophila can carry various microorganisms, which, when entering the human body, cause unpleasant painful sensations in the abdominal area. The same sensations can be caused by the waste products of these flies. Therefore, wash fruits and vegetables before eating so that no infection enters your body.

When you wash vegetables and fruits, you clean them of flies and their eggs.

In addition to excrement and foreign microorganisms, Drosophila eggs can enter the human body along with fruits and vegetables. A few hours after eating, the following sensations may occur:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • vomit.

People often think that the reason for this is “I ate something wrong,” but in reality it’s much worse. If the next day you feel well, then your body has coped with the Drosophila larvae, but if you feel sick or your stomach continues to hurt, go to the doctor.

How to get rid of fruit flies

Usually people do not welcome the appearance of fruit flies in their home and dream of getting rid of it as soon as possible.


If an adult tolerates low temperatures well and its life is extended by several weeks, then the Drosophila larvae die in cold conditions. Therefore, it is recommended to keep those vegetables, fruits and berries that do not spoil in the cold in the refrigerator, in a special freshness zone. It is better not to buy fruits such as banana, which spoil in cold places, in large quantities, wash them cold water and eat immediately so that they do not lie.

Store fruits and vegetables in a fresh area - this is where Drosophila eggs die

Product revision

Some people naively believe that if you throw away all spoiled food and leave only fresh and good food, then the flies will disappear on their own. Perhaps there will actually be fewer of them, but this will not last long, because one female Drosophila can lay up to 400 eggs at a time - and the next day you will have a new “fresh” brood of flies.

Separate fresh fruits and vegetables from spoiled ones


Drosophila flies are very sensitive to changing environmental conditions and to various chemicals, therefore, the most common aerosols used to kill any other insects will be very effective against them: Raptor, Combat, Dichlorvos.

Before spraying the aerosol, you must remove all products and close windows and doors. Animals and children should be moved to distant rooms. After treatment, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and after the time specified in the instructions for the aerosol, open the window in the treated area for ventilation.

Drosophila flies are very sensitive to various chemicals and die from them


Sometimes Drosophila flies settle in shells. It is difficult to explain why this happens, but you can get rid of them and especially their larvae by using boiling water (pour boiling water over the sink) or using sink cleaners such as Domestos, Mister Muscle and Mole.

If you don't wear gloves when using Mr. Muscle, your skin will deteriorate - what can we say about small defenseless flies?

Sticky tape trap

There are special sticky tapes that have a specific smell that attracts insects. This smell is unpleasant for people, but it is not very strong, so it is easy to get used to it. You need to hang sticky tape where there are the most flies. As the surface of the trap fills, it needs to be changed.

The hardest part about using sticky traps is not getting your hair, hands, or face in them. Firstly, the sticky composition is quite difficult to wash off. And secondly, it can cause irritation on the skin and destruction of the hair structure.

Sticky tapes will save you not only from fruit flies, but also from other annoying insects

Special devices - fumigators - are often used against insects. Plates with toxic substances are installed in them or various insecticidal liquids are poured, after which the fumigator must be inserted into electrical network and wait 2–2.5 hours until the flies die or fly away.

A simple fumigator will save you from flies, mosquitoes and other insects

Predatory plants

Scientists have long learned that some plants are predators and feed on various insects, which are lured to them by their sweet aroma. The insect lands on the flower, the petals or leaves close, and the plant begins its meal. Some eat the victim whole, others suck the blood out of it and “spit out” the skin. Any such predatory plant can be used at home to combat flies.

Carnivorous plants feed on various insects, but are dangerous for pets

If you have any animal at home, especially a cat, it is better not purchase carnivorous plants, because your pet may want to eat bright and beautiful plant and get poisoned.

Video: do-it-yourself fruit fly trap

Prevention measures

To prevent Drosophila flies from appearing in your home, the following conditions must be observed:

  • If fruits and vegetables can be stored in the refrigerator, then keep them in the fresh zone to kill fruit fly eggs;
  • wash fruits and vegetables with cold water immediately before eating;
  • do not leave fruits unharvested;
  • promptly separate rotten fruits and vegetables from fresh ones;
  • throw away garbage in a timely manner so that the rotting process does not begin;
  • Install protective insect nets on windows in the warm season - get rid of flies, flies, and mosquitoes.

The fruit fly, or Drosophila, is morphologically a representative of the genus Drosophila, and according to the results of genetic studies, it belongs to the genus Sophophora. As a rule, flies appear where there are missing vegetables and fruits. There are many different means to combat annoying pests.

Appearance of a fruit fly

The insects are yellow-brown in color with black rings across the abdomen. In nature, flies feed on rotting plant debris and plant sap, and their larvae also feed on microorganisms. Males are smaller in size than females, whose body length does not exceed 2.5 mm. Also, males have a darker back part.

Reproduction of the Drosophila fly and where pests come from

Small insects feed on tree sap and vegetables, but they give preference to fruits. Fruit flies live in large numbers in vineyards and orchards. These places are safe for flies, since they do not harm the crop, which means there is no point in fighting them. In some regions they can be found in the following places: fruit warehouse, wine Vault, factories for the production of canned fruits and juices. In open areas only at air temperatures above 16ºС.

The duration of ontogenesis of a fruit fly is about 10 days at a temperature environment 25ºС, at 18 ºС – almost doubles. At favorable temperature in the winter season life cycle can be up to 2.5 months.

During her short life, the female lays for organic materials up to 400 eggs. The larvae appear a day later. Their growth period is five days. During this time, the larvae molt twice. During this time, they feed on rotten fruits and then turn into pupae. The duration of this stage is five days. After this, young flies emerge from them.

How to get rid of fruit flies using chemical means

Insecticide in aerosol - a remedy for fruit flies

You can quickly destroy small flies in your home using insecticides.

Five ways to remove fruit flies indoors:

  1. The use of aerosols such as Raid, Raptor, Dichlorvos, Combat and others shows good results in the fight against fruit flies indoors. When processing, there should be no pets or people in the room, and food should also be removed. After the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap, and after the time specified in the instructions, open the window to ventilate the room.
  2. The soil of indoor plants is a suitable environment where fruit flies can reproduce. To detect larvae, you need to pick them up with a toothpick or a small spatula. soil mixture without violating the integrity of the root system. If there are worms in it, you can use the insecticides Fitoverm, Actellik to destroy them, or simply transplant the plants into a new substrate.
  3. To deal with fruit flies living in the kitchen sink, you can pour boiling water over it or add Mole, Mister Muscle or Domestos.
  4. Effective - a fumigator with a plate treated with toxic substances. The device is very simple to operate; just plug it into the electrical network and wait for the flies to die.
  5. To remove fruit flies, you can hang it in the kitchen. Place the trap in a place where flies accumulate.

Fighting flies at home with folk remedies

Tomato tops - a means to repel small flies

Drosophila are attracted to rotting leaves and moist substrate, so they often hover near pots of indoor plants. Insects can also be caused by contaminated soil. To prevent them from multiplying, it is necessary to calcine the soil in the oven. It is recommended to promptly remove rotten and fallen leaves and not to pour water into the ground.

Four ways to deal with fruit flies:

  1. Small insects cannot tolerate caustic. To get rid of fruit flies, you can grow seedlings on window sills.
  2. Camphor – effective remedy from small flies, since they cannot tolerate the smell of this product. To destroy annoying flies, you need to pour camphor into a frying pan and heat it on the stove to maximum temperature until steam forms. Next, walk with it throughout the house so that the aroma spreads throughout all the rooms.
  3. Drosophila can be repelled essential oils basil, anise, eucalyptus. To scent a room of 15 m², the product consumption will be 5 drops.
  4. At the dacha near the house, you can plant myrtle, eucalyptus, tansy or geranium to repel pests.

Fly in the house: how to get rid of it using traps

The destruction of fruit flies is a rather labor-intensive process. In order not to take up the newspaper and kill flies manually, you can make traps from improvised materials or buy ready-made ones.

For small insects:

  1. IN glass jar you need to put a few pieces of banana or apple, pour in sweet syrup or juice. Make a funnel from a sheet of paper so that there is a small hole at the bottom. Place the funnel in the container with the tip down and seal the diameter with tape on the neck at the joint. They will fly to the smell of bait, fall into a trap and will no longer be able to get out.
  2. Pour apple cider vinegar into a deep plate, add a little water and a couple of drops detergent for dishes. Cover the container with cling film and make several holes in it with a thick needle or toothpick. The flies will fly into the trap, they will be attracted by the smell of the bait, and will no longer be able to get out of it.
  3. You can remove small flies from your home using a glue trap with Raptor liquid bait. Insects are attracted to the substance with which it is treated inner side. Once they land on a sticky surface, they can't get back out. Drosophila remain inside the trap, thereby maintaining its aesthetic appearance.

How to get rid of fruit flies without using various means

Favorable environment for the life of fruit flies - rotten vegetables and fruits, plant debris, trash cans with waste. To get rid of flies, it is necessary to eliminate the food source and breeding sites.

How to destroy fruit flies in an apartment:

  • Small insects are attracted to rotting vegetables and fruits. The reason for their appearance can be even a small piece of pear or banana that has fallen into the gap. When a source that attracts flies is identified, it must be eliminated immediately.
  • Contain in pure form pet dishes. After feeding, she should be washed thoroughly.
  • Close the trash can tightly, as the odors from it attract fruit flies. Throw away garbage in a timely manner.
  • Fruit flies do not like low temperatures. In cool weather, windows should be opened to ventilate the home; in cold weather, closets should also be opened. In such conditions they will die from hypothermia.
  • Check the condition of food in the refrigerator; throw away spoiled food immediately.
  • Small flies can settle in indoor plants. Effective ways with them: take containers with crops to another room, depriving them of food, cover the substrate with a layer of mulch, reduce the number of waterings.
  • To avoid the need to get rid of fruit flies, the kitchen should always be clean. After eating, you should wash the dishes immediately, and not accumulate them in the sink.

Fruit flies, or flies, can infest any home. To prevent this, you need to keep your home clean. Remember, rather than fighting fruit flies in an apartment, it is easier to prevent their appearance by following preventive measures.

Drosophila is also called fruit flies, for a long time they have been living in close proximity to people, since every apartment has a trash can with waste.

Drosophila fly, photo below:

Appearance, differences between individuals of different sexes

Drosophila is different small in size, the average length of an individual is 1.5-3 mm, wings longer than body. The eye color is red, which is only noticeable under a microscope. The insects are distinguished by their yellow-brown color and pronounced sexual dimorphism: the body length of females is on average 2.5 mm, the body length of males is noticeably shorter, the back part is darker.

A distinctive feature of the male is also considered to be pointed bristles, the female's abdomen has a more rounded shape, the end is pointed, in the male individual the abdomen has cylindrical shape, blunt end. The female has 8 developed tergites, the male has only 6, 6 and 8 are fused, in 8 it is part of the reproductive system.

The female individual has more chitinous plates on the ventral side; in males, sternites 1, 2, 7 and 8 are not developed.

Important! Some differences between females and males vary depending on feeding and living conditions.


Insects widely common in southern Russia, penetrate into the northern part of the country through vegetables and fruits. The species is distributed throughout the country, with the exception of Far North, which explains low temperatures during the whole year.

Fruit flies are at 25 degrees on average ten days, at 18 degrees the period increases three times. Over the course of her entire life, the female lays several hundred eggs, much of which depends on living conditions, temperature, planting density, food conditions.


Larvae have a worm-like shape, hatch from eggs in just a day, the transformation period of the larvae into an adult is ten days, which is why they can quickly populate the room in which they originated. The main source of food for the larvae are microorganisms that cause acetic acid fermentation processes; they live on the surface of the fruit.

Adults feed on rotting vegetables and fruits, juices, wine, tree sap, jam and various wastes.

Important! Drosophila reproduce very quickly and can become a real problem if this happens in an apartment. In order to prevent their occurrence, it is recommended to throw out garbage as often as possible, not leave waste on the table, and promptly get rid of rotten vegetables and fruits.

If this does not help, there are special chemical and mechanical ones, many use insecticides, traps and folk recipes.


There are more than a thousand on the planet, greatest number observed in tropical and subtropical climate zones, about three hundred species are localized in Hawaii.

The most famous is Drosophilia melanogaster - flightless fruit fly, which is widespread in Russia.

This species is considered very important for research; hearth flies have been used in science for several decades.

Important! TO known species can also include Drosophila histrio, Drosophila trivittata, Drosophila funebris.

The Drosophila fly feeds on fermentation products, it is sensitive to sour odors and inhabits rooms in which rotting fruits, vegetables, and fermented drinks are stored. During her life, the female lays several hundred eggs, which explains the high reproduction rate of insects. There are more than a thousand varieties of Drosophila, with male and female individuals having visual differences.

Useful video

How to get rid of an annoying fly:

All you have to do is leave the fruit in the kitchen outside the refrigerator for a couple of days and that’s it – out of nowhere, a Drosophila fly appears. And not alone!

Before you even have time to blink an eye, there is already a whole swarm of small flies!

What kind of fly is this

Drosophila flies have been familiar to us since school. Remember? In biology lessons we tried to teach genetics with their help. And, indeed, the fruit drosophila is an exemplary and most studied genetic object. Its genome has been completely isolated and is widely used in scientific research.

So, the Drosophila fruit fly, or as it is often called, the vinegar fly, is a genus of the Diptera order, distinguished by its diversity and numbering more than 1.5 thousand described species.

It is precisely because of its small size, very high fertility and transparency of embryos that this genus has become a favorite subject of geneticists. These are tiny insects - the body length of the female is only 2-2.5 ml, the size of the males is even smaller. Males can also be distinguished by their darker rear part of the body.


The life cycle of a fly, like that of all dipterans, consists of three alternating stages: larva-pupa-imago, i.e. during its development it undergoes a complete metamorphosis. How long the Drosophila fly lives depends on environmental conditions.

If at +23-25 ​​it can live up to 10 days, then by lowering the temperature by 5-6 degrees, life expectancy almost doubles. In winter, when optimal conditions environment, one individual can live longer than two months.

It feeds on the juice of various fruits, plants and berries. The most attractive to them are rotting food residues. Larvae do not hesitate to feast on microorganisms.

Where does this fly come from in the house?

Quite often we notice that Drosophila flies appear “out of nowhere.” It seemed like nothing had gone bad and the trash can was clean, but annoying creatures appeared above the fruit tray. small flies. In fact, everything is very simple.

Fruit flies lay their eggs on fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc. while they are still in the garden or bed. And we bring these annoying “neighbors” from the store already with larvae.

As soon as favorable conditions are created further development conditions for larvae are fermentation or rotting, which are accompanied by the release of heat, the larvae quickly turn into adults, and they, in turn, begin to actively reproduce. In a few days, the number of flying individuals can increase by tens, or even hundreds.

When two or three flies fly around the kitchen, you can somehow put up with it, but when there are hundreds of them... This is where the owners start thinking about how to get rid of small annoyances.

How to breed Drosophila

Since the favorite breeding ground for these flies is a fermented environment, they inhabit in large numbers places where vegetables and fruits are stored and processed. It is impossible to remove fruit flies from there.

Once in a person’s home, they move well through ventilation shafts, crawl into cracks, and can also fly through a window from neighbors.

Since there are plenty of food sources in houses and apartments, the population of small insects is constantly growing. Flies settle and lay their eggs in the trash can, food waste, fermented foods, and even in flowerpots if the owners water their flowers abundantly and often.

The thought of how to get rid of fruit flies comes to apartment/house owners more and more often.

To begin with, it is necessary to deprive insects of all possible sources of food:

  • urgently get rid of all spoiled and rotting products;
  • Close the trash can tightly and ensure that garbage does not accumulate;
  • regularly check containers for fruits and vegetables and sort them;
  • Do not leave unwashed dishes in the sink;
  • when a little fly and its whole family got into flower pots, you should reduce the intensity of watering and cover the soil of the flowerpot with a special mulch layer.

If all the measures taken have not brought the desired result and small annoying flies are still flying around the kitchen, the owners will have to resort to radical measures– use of traps and pesticides.

How to make bait

To make a bait that that little fruit fly is sure to come to? Everything is very simple, because we know her food preferences. So, let’s prepare baits from improvised means:

A glass jar would be an excellent trap for fruit flies:

  • In an ordinary glass jar we place a delicacy for the fly, for example, a little fermented compote or fruit;
  • make a cone out of paper or cardboard with a small hole at the tip;
  • We lower a homemade “funnel” into the neck of the jar, and seal the joints with tape.

That's all, fruit flies will fly to the smell, climb inside, and it will be very difficult, almost impossible, to get out. Some sources advise placing the jar of flies in freezer. In a few minutes all insects will die.

A disposable cup will also come in handy:

  • put a suitable bait in a plastic or paper glass;
  • Cover the top with cling film;
  • Use a needle or toothpick to make several small holes in the film;
  • We place the glass in the place of the greatest concentration of flies.

The principle of the trap is that the fruit fly will fly to the smell and find a hole through which it hears it; it will be able to get inside, but not to get out back. Glasses are changed periodically.

A plastic bag can also do a good job. As soon as you put something sour or fermented in it, fruit flies will immediately flock to its aroma. When the number of muses in the bag reaches its maximum, you just need to tie it very carefully so that all the insects remain inside. Then feel free to take the buzzing bag out of the house.

In addition to combating the use homemade traps industrial achievements can also be used. There are some specially designed for fruit flies on the market. glue traps. They have proven themselves excellent among home winemakers.

The principle of operation is that the trap is a “house” with sticky sides that emits an aroma that attracts fruit flies. The effect of one such trap lasts up to 30 days. It is also good because you can safely install it in close proximity to food.

If the above control methods are unsuccessful, you can use aerosol insecticides or plate fumigators.

You can scare away a fly

As it turns out, you can get rid of fruit flies simply by scaring them away from your home.

They just can't stand certain smells:

  • tomato tops - for this purpose, some housewives grow tomatoes on windowsills;
  • geranium;
  • camphor – it is preferable to use the aroma of heated camphor;
  • essential oils of anise, basil and eucalyptus.

If you planted tansy or myrtle in the yard under the window, be sure that the neighbor's flies will not fly to you.

Drawing conclusions

No matter what we do or undertake, no kitchen is immune from the appearance of small, annoying fruit flies.

Therefore, when you bring fruits or vegetables into the house, wash them without giving the larvae a chance to develop further.

Timely removal of garbage and washed dishes will also reduce the risk of midges appearing in your kitchen to a minimum.

The fruit fly or fruit fly is a tiny insect that appears where there is spoiled fruit. To date, scientists have studied more than 1,500 species of this insect, a representative of the order Diptera.

What does it look like

The color of the insect is yellow-brown, transverse black rings surround the abdomen; red eyes stand out well; the female Drosophila is 2.5 mm long, the male is even smaller, its back part is somewhat darker.

How does it reproduce

A female fruit fly lays approximately 400 eggs in rotting fruit or other vegetation during her lifetime. At favorable conditions The larvae are born within a day. Then, for 5 days, they grow and feed on microorganisms (which cause the fruit to decompose), as well as the juice of the fruit itself. After this, the larva turns into a pupa; it remains in this stage for 5 days. A metamorphosis occurs in the pupa, and a young fly appears. The period from egg laying to the emergence of a young Drosophila takes from 10 to 20 days.

Where does it live, what does it eat?

The fruit fly feeds on various vegetables and tree sap, but most of all it loves spoiled fruits. It lives en masse in the southern regions in gardens and vineyards, where no one makes an attempt to fight it, because, in fact, it is practically harmless. In general, the Drosophila fly prefers to settle closer to people, especially in the cold season; it can be found in warehouses and fruit storage facilities, in factories where fruit juices are produced, and in wine production.

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How they appear

Drosophila often appear in a house or apartment along with vegetables or fruits brought from the south, or simply settle in the trash can or on indoor plants.

Also, many people wonder where fruit flies come from if there are no apparent reasons for this: nothing has spoiled anywhere and the trash can is empty. So, know that the Drosophila fly lays eggs on vegetables, fruits or other greens while they are growing. And when all these products are brought from the store, they are already carriers of Drosophila larvae.

As soon as favorable conditions occur (rotting, fermentation), flies appear from the larvae. Therefore, do not forget that when the process of decay begins, this is a signal for the active reproduction of insects, which, under favorable conditions, can multiply to tens or even hundreds of individuals.

Study of mutational changes in flies

In 1971, R. Konopka and S. Benzer published an article about the first mutations that affect the behavior of animals, especially using the example of fruit flies. Under natural conditions, flies exhibit a 24-hour active rhythm, but scientists have described mutants with faster or slower altered rhythms—flies that move or rest at random intervals. Research lasted for 30 years, as a result of which it turned out that such mutations concern a group of genes and their derivatives that are responsible for the rhythm of the biochemical or molecular clock. Such “clocks” are present in many cells of flies, but those clock cells that are able to control activity are many neurons located in the central brain of the fly.

Mutations of Drosophila flies are also known to change the shape of the wings (up to their complete absence), body color, development of bristles on the body, changes in the shape of the eyes, their color (red, cherry, yellow, white), and other physiological characteristics (life expectancy, fertility , resistance to various damaging influences).


How long fruit flies live depends directly on the ambient air temperature. At a temperature of +25°C, the fruit fly lives for about 10 days; when it drops to +18°C, the lifespan almost doubles. In winter when optimal temperature— the life cycle can increase to 2.5 months.

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Be sure to find out how to get rid of fruit flies


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