Long-burning heating boilers using solid fuel. Long-burning solid fuel boilers

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Often people who are superficially familiar with the topic of solid fuel boilers believe that these units are completely similar in design to a conventional stove and differ from it only in the body material. This point of view is not true. Heating equipment manufacturers have significantly improved traditional stove heating, presenting to the world wood boilers long burning.

Long burning wood boilers

Types of long-burning boilers

Until a certain time, solid fuel heating boilers were not in particular demand among the population, since their operation was quite troublesome: fuel had to be added every three hours. The operating time without refueling can be extended by using automatic fuel supply systems, consisting of a hopper and a screw or piston feeder, but such devices can only work with fine fuel: coal chips, shavings, pellets, husks, etc.

They are not yet capable of feeding large pieces into the firebox, so heating a wood-burning boiler can only be done manually. This state of affairs prompted manufacturers of solid fuel equipment to approach the problem from a different angle. If firewood cannot be put into the boiler automatically, then perhaps it can be made to burn longer? That's how they were invented thermal boilers long burning.

According to the principle of operation, all units of this type are divided into three types:

1. Boiler with an extended firebox

This is the simplest long-burning wood-burning boiler. Unlike classic solid fuel boilers, its firebox has an elongated shape. During operation of the boiler, a dosed supply of air is carried out into the combustion chamber. By applying this principle, the operating time of the boiler on one load of fuel was extended to 6–8 hours.

2. Boiler with top combustion of fuel

If a lit match is turned head down, it will burn much faster than the same match turned head up. This feature was taken into account when developing boilers with top combustion of fuel. If conventional boilers for heating with wood use traditional fuel ignition, which is carried out from below, then in chambers with top combustion, wood is burned using a special burner located at the top and gradually moving down. The rest of the device wood boiler Long-term combustion of this type is no different from the design of a conventional (classical) solid fuel unit.

3. Gas generator boiler

Among all long-burning boilers, these units, also called, can be considered the most high-tech. Their design and principle of operation are more complex than those of the varieties described above, but they are more economical and can operate on one load of fuel for up to 12 hours.

Pyrolysis wood boiler

The essence of the operation of a gas generator boiler is as follows. Firewood is placed in the preheated upper chamber of the firebox. Due to the design of this chamber, air does not enter it, so the fuel here does not burn, but smolders. At the same time, it emits so-called wood gas, consisting mainly of carbon monoxide (CO) with minor additions of methane, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen. Wood gas itself can also burn. Through the nozzle it enters the lower chamber where it is burned with forced air supply. The combustion temperature reaches 1000 degrees.

Pyrolysis boilers have the following advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • long service life without refueling;
  • a small amount of ash;
  • cleaner exhaust than conventional boilers ( carbon monoxide is burned rather than released into the atmosphere).

In principle, pyrolysis units can operate on any solid fuel used for heating boilers, but they achieve the greatest efficiency when using wood as fuel. By using the right fuel for long-burning boilers, you can bring their efficiency to 97%.

Construction of a long-burning wood-burning boiler

Heating organization

Modern long-burning wood-burning boilers for private homes are equipped with heat exchangers that are integrated into the heating system. The working medium flowing through the heat exchanger absorbs thermal energy, released during fuel combustion, and then carries it to the radiators. Today, in the vast majority of autonomous heating circuits, the coolant is pumped circulation pump under some pressure, so before connecting a wood-burning boiler, you need to make sure that its heat exchanger can withstand the operating pressure of the system. Maximum permissible value pressure must be indicated in the passport.

Boiler with heat exchanger

Country houses, as a rule, have only one or two rooms, so a wood-burning boiler for a summer house can heat the surrounding space using a different principle - using convection. Such a boiler is often called a convector oven. This variety includes, for example, long-burning boilers Buleryan. The walls of the firebox in boilers of this brand are made of open metal tubes welded to each other, located vertically.

When fuel burns, the air in the tubes heats up and, due to convection, rushes upward, and its place is taken by cold air sucked in from below. The flow of hot air is quite intense, so the room warms up quite quickly. To heat a house with many rooms, you can also use a Buleryan boiler, having previously installed an air duct system connected to it.

Selection and operation of boilers

A special feature of wood-burning boilers is their considerable weight, reaching several hundredweight. When choosing one model or another, make sure that the floor in the installation area has sufficient bearing capacity. Often, at the place where the unit will be installed, a concrete pad with a thickness of 100 - 150 mm is installed. If the flooring in your home is not very durable, consider steel wood-burning boilers, which weigh much less than cast iron ones.

Steel unit

Most models of long-burning boilers have a fan for forced submission air and electronic control system. Such boilers need to be connected to the electrical network, and in the event of frequent power outages, their operation will be difficult. Those for whom this problem is relevant should know that there are non-volatile long-burning boilers that can be considered completely autonomous, since they do not need to be connected to electricity. These models use mechanical thermostats.

The future owner needs to know how to properly heat a wood-burning boiler, especially if we are talking about a gas-generating device. To begin the process of releasing wood gas - pyrolysis - the upper chamber of the firebox must be sufficiently heated. After opening the middle door, you need to put wood chips and paper into the boiler. This fuel will be needed for ignition. Firewood is placed through the top door. Now you need to set fire to the paper and let the wood chips burn.

If the boiler has recently been used and the chimney is still warm, you can close the firebox and turn on the control unit. Often, when lighting, you have to open the ash pan door, allowing the boiler to work on natural draft. When the draft stabilizes after heating the chimney fuel, you can close the doors and start the control unit. If the chimney turns out to be completely cold, then before heating the wood-burning boiler, you need to open the inspection of the chimney and burn a certain amount of paper in it to warm it up a little.


Long-burning wood heating boilers that are popular today are not only more convenient to use than their predecessors - solid fuel boilers classic model, but are also more profitable. Allowing you to provide comfortable temperature in the house, these units do not require frequent maintenance. At the same time, the cost of one kW*H of released thermal energy is significantly lower than in the case of using gas or liquid fuel boilers. All this has led to considerable consumer interest in the units. of this type, as well as their ubiquitous distribution.

It would be unfair to remain silent about some of the disadvantages that long-burning wood-burning boilers have. You can learn more about the features of these heating units by watching the following video.

Long-burning wood-burning boilers are used today for heating private homes and represent improved solutions to previously used wood-burning stoves. In some cases they appear to be great alternative electric and gas heating boilers. However, if you still don’t know whether it’s worth acquiring such equipment, you should take a closer look at it. distinctive features, pros and cons, which will be discussed below.

In addition, there are a huge variety of boilers on sale that could save on heating costs. While others, on the contrary, can cause a hole in the family budget, that is why you should take seriously the choice of boiler model for heating. For example, a number of models require adding fuel every 4 hours, while others do not require replenishing firewood during the week.

The main advantages of wood boilers

Long-burning wood-burning boilers have many positive features; they can be used for heating buildings that are located away from gas mains. If we consider such equipment more carefully, we can highlight some advantages, among them:

  • low cost;
  • independence from electricity;
  • simple installation diagram;
  • environmental friendliness.

Low cost, however, is characteristic only of those boilers that are standard units and are not equipped with any ultra-modern functions. These devices are completely independent of electricity. There may be no light supplied to the house, while the equipment will properly cope with its tasks. Long-burning wood-burning boilers are also chosen by consumers for the reason that they are easy to install. They are easy to maintain and repair, which allows for additional savings during operation.

Why else is it worth choosing a solid fuel boiler?

It is also important to pay attention to environmental friendliness, because wood is used as fuel, which is natural material. Combustion is not accompanied by the release of toxic compounds into the external environment that could harm the human body. The only danger is the carbon dioxide produced when wood burns. However, it can only be poisoned if the user ignores the manufacturer’s recommendations for following safety rules.

This indicates that boiler equipment should be operated with the utmost care. If you are interested in long-burning wood-burning boilers, then you should pay attention to another advantage, which is expressed in the possibility of using various combustible materials such as solid household waste as fuel.

Main disadvantages

When consumers consider the equipment described in the article, they note that it also has certain disadvantages, which are expressed in:

  • impressive mass;
  • the need to control work;
  • uneven heating of the coolant;
  • the need to prepare firewood;
  • fairly high fuel consumption.

A number of consumers refuse to purchase such installations for the reason that, made of cast iron and steel, they are characterized by a rather impressive weight. In addition, their work requires control. The boiler should not be left unattended for long periods of time. Every 4 hours you will need to add firewood.

Some consumers are also put off by the uneven heating of the coolant, as well as the impressive fuel consumption, which sometimes does not allow achieving the desired effect, because wood emits a rather small amount of thermal energy during combustion. And the preparation of firewood is a rather lengthy and labor-intensive process.

For reference

But if the house has small area, then storage becomes a real problem, because fuel needs to be stored somewhere, and sometimes a special room needs to be allocated for this. In order to keep the firewood dry all the time, it must be stored under a special shed or in the house, where it takes up quite a lot of space.

Description of pyrolysis boilers

Perhaps you may be interested in a long-burning wood-burning pyrolysis boiler. This equipment belongs to the family of solid fuel boilers, but has one difference, which is that combustible components are removed from the fuel at the first stage. Combustion is carried out in two stages, first, gas is extracted under high temperature conditions, while conditions are characterized by low oxygen content. At the second stage, a mixture of air and heated gases is burned.

Such a long-burning solid fuel boiler with wood has a metal body, inside of which there are two chambers, one of them is the combustion chamber, while the other is the loading chamber. To protect against exposure high temperatures the walls of the chambers are lined with fireclay bricks or other material that is heat resistant. It can be made on a concrete basis.

The main advantages of pyrolysis boilers

If you still don’t know whether it’s worth becoming the owner of a pyrolysis boiler, then you should consider its main pros and cons, among the first to highlight:

  • burning duration;
  • almost complete combustion of fuel;
  • possibility of using large firewood for work.

If we consider these advantages in more detail, we can note that the described boilers are capable of operating on one batch of fuel for approximately 12 hours. If you use coal, then when certain conditions this period becomes even longer. A long-burning wood-burning boiler is capable of completely burning fuel, which means that the equipment uses most of the energy potential of wood. This minimizes waste and eliminates the need for frequent cleaning. And the labor intensity of work when loading fuel will be reduced, because most of the options for the equipment described allow us to limit ourselves to loading uncleaved fuel.

The main disadvantages of pyrolysis boilers

In order to do right choice, you should also pay attention to the factors that sometimes stop consumers from buying pyrolysis boilers. These installations are much more expensive than their traditional solid fuel counterparts. If you familiarize yourself with the assortment of the market, you can understand that sometimes the difference in cost reaches a limit of 50 to 100%. In addition, long-burning wood-burning boilers for home use forced air injection systems. This suggests that the devices are volatile.

The units waste electricity, interruptions of which can lead to big problems. As practice shows, the efficiency of such devices largely depends on the condition of the firewood. If they are wet, the boiler may simply not start. Manufacturers even give recommendations on this parameter. The moisture content of firewood should not exceed 25%, which can sometimes be very difficult to achieve.

Making your own boiler

If, after familiarizing yourself with all the pros and cons of long-burning boilers, you decide to make one of these models yourself, then you should become more familiar with the technology of the work. The equipment can be made of a thick-walled pipe with a diameter of 300 mm, or 4 mm sheet steel. As optimal option a 6 mm sheet will come out. To carry out the work, you will also need a cylindrical container of the required size.

The simplest design is the one made from a barrel or gas cylinder. In order to ensure directional combustion of firewood, a vertical firebox is used. Primary air will be supplied through a vertical pipe to the combustion mirror. A telescopic or static structure will need to be installed in the upper wall of the boiler. A rod will run through the center of the cylindrical firebox. A gap must be made between the supply pipe and the collar, which is formed by welding the side; it will ensure the stroke of the rod and guarantee minimal air leakage into the chamber for afterburning wood gases.

If you decide to make a long-burning wood-burning boiler with your own hands, it should include a damper lid that will be located at the top of the pipe. With its help you can regulate the air intake. The disk with blades should be strengthened from below. The blades will cut the air flow in the combustion area. Taking into account the heat capacity, it will be possible to select the material for distribution. The diameter of the disk should be smaller compared to the size of the firebox.

Dimensions of a homemade boiler

Homemade long-burning wood-burning boilers should have the following dimensions:

  • boiler height ranging from 3 to 5 diameters;
  • the optimal case size is from 300 to 800 mm;
  • wall thickness - 4 to 6 mm.

It is also important to take into account the thickness of the disk; this parameter will be inversely proportional to the diameter. The disk diameter will be smaller cross section cameras by 10%. To burn pyrolysis gases, a turbulent flow will be used, which is formed by curved blades. If you are interested in long-burning wood-burning boilers for your home, then you can make one of these models yourself.

When carrying out work, it is important to take into account that a pipe will be responsible for the air supply, the diameter of which will be a coefficient of 0.55 of the cross-sectional area of ​​the exhaust pipe of the chimney. A gap should be left between the collar and the pipe, which should not be more than 2.5 mm. A pipe will be used for air intake, the height of which rises above the collar by 150 mm.

Independent addition of the boiler with a water jacket

A long-burning wood-burning boiler with a water circuit will be even more effective way heating. To connect to the water pipes of the equipment, it is necessary to install shut-off valves. Ball Valves. A cleaning filter must be installed on the pipe through which the cooled water will return. This will protect the heat exchanger from contamination. The same filter is installed on the supply pipe cold water. Shut-off ball valves will be located on both sides of the filters. This will make them easier to clean.

Long-burning wood heating boilers must be installed together with chemical water mixers, which are located in the piping. This will reduce the hardness of the coolant and eliminate the formation of scale in the heat exchanger.

Advantages of a pellet boiler

Long-burning wood-burning boilers (24 hours is not the maximum time without adding fuel) are equipment that allows you to avoid loading resources for a long time. An example is a pellet boiler, which sometimes has a design that allows you to load fuel once every few weeks.

The devices require a container on the side where the pellets are placed. The volume of this tank allows long work boiler without human intervention. The volume of the compartment may vary. By using special mechanism From the bunker, fuel is supplied to the boiler, which also uses electrical energy during operation.

Selected pellet boilers consumers most often because of their high coefficient useful action, which reaches 95%. In addition, this equipment ensures almost complete combustion of fuel, as is the case with the boilers described above. This indicates that cleaning can be done once a month.

Disadvantages of pellet boilers

Pellet boilers sometimes lose out to other types of heating equipment, because they have a high cost and also depend on electric current. This equipment uses exclusively low-ash and whole pellets, which can sometimes be quite difficult to find on sale.


Solid fuel boilers act as great way providing the house with autonomous heating. With the help of such installations you can save a lot on energy resources. Some craftsmen are so confident that solid fuel boilers are the best among other types of heating equipment that they even try to make such equipment themselves, because if you buy it in a store, it can be quite expensive.

More and more city dwellers are striving to escape to permanent residence outside of megacities. Away from noise, dust and bustle. Now almost everyone can travel on business by own car, distances cease to be an obstacle. The only thing that stops many is the level of comfort that it provides country house. First of all, this concerns heating. And if there is no gas nearby, then you have to look for alternative methods resolving the issue. One of such solutions may well be a solid fuel boiler with improved characteristics, which we will consider today.

What is a long-burning boiler

There is no science fiction or space innovation in the design of the device. Only competent development and subtle knowledge of physical processes made it possible to develop such a boiler. A wood-burning boiler that can burn for a very long time without requiring any special attention and having good efficiency. These are the main characteristics of the device. Besides, the firewood is quite accessible view fuels, they are much cheaper than gas, and the boiler volume can be selected to suit any room.

The principle of operation is simple and clear - solid fuel does not just burn in the firebox, as in a conventional stove, but slowly smolders, constantly generating heat. The combustion process is artificially slowed down due to the fact that the access of oxygen to the combustion site can be regulated within fairly wide limits. The slower the fuel burns and the larger its volume, the more heat we get at the exit of the device.

Such a boiler is several times more economical than a conventional solid fuel boiler, and its operating period may generally be limited to heating season. In October you can light it, and at the end of April you can extinguish it, while refilling the fuel every 5-7 days. Such devices are produced both for household use, and for heating industrial facilities, the only difference is in size. An industrial solid fuel boiler that burns for a long time, the price of which is tens of times higher than a household boiler, can occupy a separate room and heat entire workshops.

Device classification

Firewood, sawdust, coal and peat are the main types of fuel for these devices, and according to the method of heat generation, the boiler is designed in only two types:

A pyrolysis boiler consumes only dry fuel, while it can show high efficiency and profitability. Low fuel consumption is due to the fact that it burns out in the combustion chamber almost completely, thereby reducing heating costs and reducing the time for care and maintenance of the combustion process.

Characteristics of pyrolysis boilers

All pyrolysis boilers, which are produced by industry, are similar to each other in terms of indicators, so we can talk about the average values ​​of such equipment, which differ slightly from each other, depending on the model. Thus, almost every long-burning boiler has an operating pressure of about 1 atm, the coolant temperature at the outlet can be from 70 to 90˚C, and the efficiency of such devices is 85-90%. For domestic boilers, the average power is at least 80 kW, and the temperature of the exhaust gases can reach 250˚C and higher.

Pyrolysis boilers can have a lot of positive advantages over other types of heating equipment, in particular, they note:

  • excellent heat dissipation;
  • high productivity;
  • safety, possibility of installation directly in a residential building;
  • a variety of design finds in the design of device cases;
  • temperature adjustment is simple and without the use of additional expensive devices;
  • easy setup of all parameters;
  • the ability to install automation equipment, alarms and automatic adjustments;
  • low fuel prices compared to electricity and gas, and it is the only option when supplies of gas or electricity are limited or non-existent.

Operating principle and drawings of a long-burning solid fuel boiler

Heaters can operate according to several schemes, which is reflected in their design. Boilers that are based on the principle of upper combustion are somewhat simpler than boilers with a lower combustion chamber, however, their operating efficiency is almost the same. Upper-hearth boilers first went into mass production only in 2000, and since then their design has been used by many to make boilers with their own hands.

The combustion chamber of such a boiler can be quite voluminous, up to 500 cubic decimeters. Therefore, the larger the combustion chamber, the longer the boiler can operate without filling, up to several days. Fuel burns from top to bottom, and the mine oxygen supply limiter automatically reduces the combustion chamber as fuel is consumed. The heat generated during smoldering is transferred to a heat exchanger.

Prices for long-burning boilers

Long-burning boilers are produced by both domestic enterprises and many foreign companies. The most popular are Lithuanian long-burning boilers Stropuva. The company produces a wide range of models, varying both in power and in the area of ​​the heated room.

Depending on your budget, you can buy a 10 kW long-burning boiler with a heated area of ​​up to 100 square meters. Such a boiler will cost 90 thousand. It can run on wood and wood waste. The Stropuva S 40 model can operate on coal and peat, as well as on wood, while heating an area of ​​up to 400 square meters. The price of such a boiler will be from 130 thousand.

Reliable and unpretentious long-burning boilers will become a stable source of heat in the house, regardless of its size. They are easy to adjust and maintain and will allow you to enjoy coziness and comfort for modest money and without additional hassle.

Traditionally, it was believed that solid fuel boilers are almost no different from conventional wood stove, and the only difference is in the material of the case. But this is far from true. Behind last years heating equipment manufacturers have significantly modernized internal organization and the principle of operation, turning metal heaters into a reliable and economical unit that allows you to quickly and efficiently maintain a given level of temperature in the room.

Types of long-burning boilers

Universal gasification settlements led to a decrease in the popularity of solid fuel stoves. But, if earlier it was necessary to add a new portion of fuel to such units every two to three hours, and besides, they were far from cheap, now the situation has changed in better side. In specialized stores or markets in Moscow you can buy any model inexpensively with a factory warranty for several years. Equipment with manual or automatic feeding fuel according to different price. All models implement one important function - the process of slow combustion of fuel with a high efficiency rate.

There are several types of boilers, based on the principle of operation:

  • Extended firebox. When such a boiler operates, air is supplied to the combustion chamber in certain portions. This procedure allows you to increase the period between fuel additions to 8 hours;
  • Top burning stove. If the torch is turned with the burning side down, it will burn out faster than the one that is on the opposite side. This feature was implemented in similar models, where the burner is on top and gradually moves down;
  • Pyrolysis or gas generator. Such equipment has a complex technological system and can operate for up to 12 hours on one load of firewood. In a heated combustion chamber, wood gradually smolders without supply fresh air. During combustion, carbon monoxide, methane, nitrogen and hydrogen are released. It is fed through a special nozzle into the next chamber, where it burns in a mixture with the forced air. In this case, the temperature can reach 10000 C.

Arrangement of the heating system

Long-burning solid fuel boilers are complemented by one or two circuits that are connected to an autonomous heating system residential or production premises. The coolant of the working circuit heats up inside the heater, releasing its heat through radiators into the room air.

For small houses Ovens that use convection are excellent. The main coolant in such models is not liquid, but air. Through metal tubes, the hot portion rises upward, and a flow of cold air enters the heat exchanger. This cheap way perfect for country houses or small commercial buildings.

Before you buy the appropriate unit, you need to select a copy that is suitable in terms of power and price. On sale you can find boilers weighing more than 200 kg, the installation of which will require a reinforced base. In any case, solid fuel boilers will help you organize inexpensively autonomous system heating a private house in Moscow.

The operating principle of solid fuel boilers is based on the combustion of wood and coal. Additionally, you can use peat briquettes. Long-burning solid fuel boilers can only be installed by specialists. Today there is a wide range of products on the market of this product. In order to decide on the choice of heating device, you should take into account all its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of devices

First of all, it should be noted the low cost of fuel. Nowadays you can easily order firewood at a low price and with delivery. Thus, boiler maintenance costs are kept to a minimum. Another advantage lies in the control unit with which the device is equipped. It can be used to regulate the temperature. Ecologically, solid fuel boilers are not harmful to humans. Their efficiency is quite high.

Among other things, good performance should be noted. With one fueling of wood, the boiler can operate for a long time.


Unfortunately, solid fuel boilers also have disadvantages. The most significant disadvantage is their service. It is carried out only once a month, but it takes a lot of time. In this case, absolutely all ash must be removed from the chamber. The chimney also needs periodic inspection.

The second drawback lies in the fuel. You need a lot of it, and this will require a significant area. For small houses this poses a serious problem. The boiler takes up a lot of space. Its installation is quite complicated. If the installation rules are violated, the owner may have serious problems with the operation of the device.

Secrets of a successful purchase

To select a quality boiler, you should carefully study the place in which it will be used. First of all, it is necessary to determine the overall quadrature. Additionally, the place needs to be inspected direct installation boiler There should be no flammable items there. Fuel should be stored at a certain distance from the device.

Device housings are made from different materials. Cast iron structures have proven themselves well.

The rated power must be at least 15 kW. At the same time, fuel consumption is within 3 kg per hour. The efficiency is on average 80%. The combustion chamber is usually about 240 mm deep. In this case, the diameter of the chimney should be 150 mm. Its normal thrust is around 14 Pa. The noise level is assessed individually. Average values ​​are within 65 dB. In this case, the volume of water space must be at least 30 liters. The cost of boilers depends solely on the manufacturer.

Boilers of the Viadrus company

The Czech manufacturer offers quality boilers solid fuel heating with decent characteristics. There are a wide variety of models, so you should choose them based on the area of ​​the house. The efficiency is at an average level. They work best on coke and coal; firewood is rarely used by consumers.

One of the features is a high-quality heat exchanger. It is made of cast iron. The boiler grates are cooled using ordinary water. For more comfortable installation of equipment, manufacturers have provided special flanges. They are attached to the device using threads. The above heating boilers for a private home will be just right. The company's pricing policy is quite soft, so choose inexpensive model Can.

Characteristics of Viadrus S3 boilers. basic information

These solid fuel pyrolysis boilers are made of cast iron. Moreover, they consist of three sections. The rated power of the device is within 17 kW. In this case, fuel consumption is 3 kg per hour. The efficiency is 80%. The maximum combustion temperature of coal is 480 degrees. The central chamber of the boiler has a depth of 240 mm. The diameter of the chimney is 156 mm. The thrust indicator is at 14 Pa. Working water pressure - 400 kPa. The recommended temperature for heating is 80 degrees. The volume of water space is significant. Thanks to this, the noise level is only 60 dB. These heating boilers (market price) will cost approximately 45,000 rubles.

Review of the Viadrus D7 model

The Viadrus D7 boiler differs significantly from the device described above in its characteristics. The rated power of the model is 38 kW. Moreover, there are as many as seven sections in the boiler. It works most effectively on lump wood. However, it is also possible to refuel with coal. Fuel consumption will be approximately 11 kg per hour. The efficiency in this model is 75%. The maximum combustion temperature reaches 320 degrees. The central chamber has a depth of 620 mm. The recommended log length is 540 mm. The chimney diameter is 156 mm. In this case, the thrust parameter is at around 22 Pa.

Additionally, mention should be made of connecting a return water device. The operating pressure is within 400 kPa. The recommended temperature in the boiler is 90 degrees. The volume of water space is 43 liters. The noise level in this model is 65 dB. The moisture content of wood for use should be no more than 20%. Judging by user reviews, such solid fuel boilers are excellent for a private home. "Viadrus D7" will cost the buyer approximately 60,000 rubles.

Boilers of the Altep brand

Altep solid fuel pyrolysis boilers have an average power of about 20 kW. In this case, the area of ​​the heat exchangers may vary. The efficiency is 80%. On average, about 8 kg of fuel is burned per hour of operation. The large dimensions of the boilers should also be taken into account. The device weighs on average 300 kg. The maximum water temperature reaches 90 degrees. The cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney is 225 square meters. see At the same time inner diameter equal to 170 mm. Minimum height chimney - 5 m. Altep boilers cost from 40,000 rubles. Reviews about them are mostly positive.

Model "Altep KT-1": review and price

Such heating boilers are suitable for a private home. The rated power of this model is 15 kW. In this case, the heat exchanger has an area of ​​1.8 square meters. m. Efficiency - 80%. Thanks to low fuel consumption, you can save money. The depth of the firebox is 350 mm. Moreover, its volume is 65 cubic meters. dm.

Additionally, the large boiler capacity should be taken into account. It is 74 liters. The weight of this model is 280 kg. The recommended minimum water temperature is 58 degrees. Maximum - 90 degrees. The average operating pressure is maintained at 0.15 MPa. The diameter of the network connection is 50 mm. The chimney for this model must be at least 5 meters. Its internal diameter is no more than 170 mm. In this case, the cross-sectional area should be approximately 225 sq.cm. This solid fuel cast iron boiler will cost approximately 55,000 rubles. Reviews characterize it as a reliable device.

Characteristics of the device "Altep KT-2"

Compared to the previous model, this boiler is different high power. Additionally, a high-quality heat exchanger is installed. All this will allow you to heat the house faster. Fuel costs will, of course, increase. An hour of work on average will require about 15 kg of firewood. The efficiency is 80%. The firebox in this model has a standard depth of 350 mm. Its total volume is 81 cubic meters. dm. The water capacity of the boiler is 80 liters.

The weight of this model is assembled form- 310 kg. Minimum temperature water - 58 degrees. The maximum is 90 degrees. The nominal pressure is maintained at 0.15 MPa. The diameter of the network pipe is 50 mm. The cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney is 256 square meters. cm, and its minimum height is 5 meters. The price for this solid fuel cast iron boiler ranges around 60,000 rubles.

Bosch products

Bosch solid fuel heating boilers, among others similar devices stand out for their ease of use. For this, manufacturers have provided a large loading window. Heat exchangers are made of cast iron. The dimensions of the boilers are quite compact, they have a good efficiency. On average, the power parameter is 20 kW. Fuel consumption is 4 kg per hour of operation.

The operating temperature ranges from 40 to 90 degrees. The number of sections depends solely on the model. The combustion chamber has an average volume of 30 liters. The width of the loading hatch is 310 mm, and the height is 230 mm. The average weight of the boilers is 230 kg. Among the shortcomings, judging by the reviews, we can only note high cost equipment. Prices for Bosch boilers start from 60,000 rubles.

Characteristics of the Bosch Solid 2000 model

The rated power of the device is 10 kW. This boiler is not able to heat a large area. Among the advantages, one can note a rather voluminous firebox. In this case, you can load firewood no longer than 150 mm. The efficiency is 82%. Fuel consumption is insignificant. The minimum operating temperature is maintained at 45 degrees. Maximum - 90 degrees. This model consists of four sections. In this case, the combustion chamber has a volume of 25 liters.

Maximum pressure which the system can withstand is 4 bar. The loading hatch at the boiler is of standard size. The height of the model is 1344 mm, width - 840 mm, and depth - 490 mm. In this case, the total weight of the device is 210 kg. On the market this model will cost the buyer approximately 60,000 rubles. Users respond well to it.

Review of the Bosch Solid 3000 boiler

The height of the device is 1344 mm, depth is 490 mm, and width is 940 mm. Weight - 245 kg. The maximum power indicator is 20 kW. Thanks to this, the room can be heated very quickly. This is especially true for houses with total area up to 100 sq. m. The efficiency of this model is 82%. At the same time, fuel consumption is quite noticeable. There are five sections in the boiler. At the same time, the volume of the boiler chamber increased. The loading hatch has standard sizes(width - 310 mm, and height - 230 mm). These solid fuel heating boilers cost 65,000 rubles.

New model - "Proterm Copybara"

These long-burning solid fuel boilers are considered universal. They are great for heating a home with wood as well as coal. The heat exchanger of the device consists of cast iron. The control is mechanical, operation in autonomous mode is not provided. Thermal power model is 17 kW.

The temperature control range ranges from 30 to 90 degrees. The maximum pressure that can be maintained is 3 bar. The chimney diameter is 160 mm. The volume of the combustion chamber is 32 liters. The weight of the model is 190 kg. Such solid fuel heating boilers cost approximately 60,000 rubles. As users note, these devices are suitable option for the dacha.


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