Heating in the country: electric boiler, convectors or stove. The stove is good, but the boiler is better. Stove or boiler pros and cons

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The choice of heating equipment is very difficult task. The main difficulty is that people do not even understand the terminology well. For example, many do not understand the difference between a boiler and a stove, while others understand, but do not know how to choose a boiler or oven For his private house or dachas.

What is a stove?

The very first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “stove” is a Russian brick stove with warm walls, a cooking chamber and a stove bench. It warms you up, cooks dinner, and you can sleep on it. In the old days there were only such stoves. Additionally, they had different shelves and niches where you could dry anything: from crackers to felt boots.

Due to its massiveness and brick walls A Russian stove accumulates and slowly releases heat. If the house is well insulated, then one kindling is enough to keep the interior warm all day long. comfortable temperature. But that's where the benefits end.

Disadvantages of a brick stove:

But it is too early to conclude that the only solution to the problem is suburban heating V modern conditions- This boiler installation in a private house . There are other stoves - metal ones; according to some criteria they are better than a brick one, but according to others they are worse.

Metal stove compared to brick:

  • more compact;
  • easier to install - no stove maker or foundation required;
  • can operate in long-burning mode.

However metal stoves They are not able to accumulate heat; they cool down and stop heating as soon as the wood in them burns out. And they are not so colorful and comfortable that they should be placed in the middle of the house, like a Russian stove.

What is a boiler?

If the stove heats the air around itself, the boiler heats the coolant. This is the fundamental difference. Typically the coolant is water. A water jacket is built into the firebox, and there is an inlet and outlet for connecting the pipe system that is laid throughout the house. Water is heated in the firebox, begins to circulate through pipes, radiators and heats the house.

Thus, the boiler, especially if there is a pump, can be installed in any room and place, even in a neighboring barn or garage. Boilers are often installed in basements. They do not need a foundation; it is enough to assemble the chimney correctly.

Are common installation requirements solid fuel boiler in a private house the most feasible: room area - at least 7 m², distance to walls - 0.5 m, good ventilation, base made of non-combustible material, iron sheet in front of the firebox. But with “registration” in your house gas boiler may have problems.

Installing a gas boiler in a private house is not always possible even if there is a gas pipeline

A gas boiler is the most trouble-free and economical heating equipment, but only if gas has already been supplied to the house and the boiler is already installed. If you want to connect to a gas pipeline running nearby, you will encounter many problems: how to obtain permission, draw up technical specifications and a project, and most importantly, the price of connection causes mute surprise and a decision to abandon such pleasure.

Therefore, even if a gas pipeline runs right through your site, do not rush to buy a gas boiler, first find out how realistic it is to connect to this “golden” pipe.

An electric boiler is also not available to everyone due to its high cost.

Installation electrical boiler in a private house Unlike gas, it does not depend on anyone but you. No permits or other documents are needed; initially, the money will be spent only on the purchase of the boiler itself. But only wealthy people can afford to heat a house with electricity, and prosperity is not always a constant phenomenon. Electricity is expensive, and in the private sector, tariffs are twice as high. It is not wise to spend your entire salary or pension on heating.

For the above reasons, today solid fuel boilers and stoves are widely used throughout Russia.

What's better: installation of a boiler in a private house or ovens?

From the definitions of these two different units we can draw the following conclusions:

The last option (stove plus boiler) is the most reliable for any private home, especially if it is large. After all, a supply of heat never hurts. Some people install two boilers in their house, running on different fuels: when one runs out, the heating system is switched to another.

How to choose a boiler for a private home?

Despite the differences between a boiler and a furnace, furnaces are selected according to approximately the same criteria. Boiler installation requirements and ovens in a private house also identical, aimed at ensuring fire safety. And one more nuance, no matter how progressive the design of your boiler or furnace is, good warmth will not happen if you use bad fuel.


What to choose for heating your home– fold bake or install boiler? Laying a furnace will not cost much less than installing a boiler. It is necessary to install a foundation under the stove - which will involve dismantling part of the floor and walls of the House. The stove will heat the air around it well, but it will be cold near the walls and windows because air draft occurs- from the walls of the room into the interior of the stove - to maintain combustion and further into the chimney, along with combustion products. The oven gives off most of the heat through its walls, which can get quite hot - which can be dangerous if children grab onto it. The efficiency of the stove is no more than 30%, while any Boiler has an efficiency of 70%. Your benefit lies in significant savings in wood or coal.

Boiler and boiler indirect heating

Boiler installation And radiators (heated floor) will require laying pipes, installing collectors and a water distribution system to the heating circuits. As a result, you will receive a heating system in which all rooms in your house will be warm, and, at the same time, you can safely touch the radiator with your hand and pleasantly walk on the heated floor.

This is explained by the fact that the boiler heats up not the air around itself like a furnace, but the coolant (water or antifreeze) that flows through pipes to radiators that are installed under windows or in warm water floor. Next, radiators or heated floors give off heat to the air, which circulates and heats the room. Another undeniable advantage of any boiler is its - you set the temperature, for example, 25 degrees Celsius and the system maintains it itself. That is, you don’t need to get up at 2 o’clock at night and at 8 am on a day off to “throw some wood in the stove.” Another boiler advantage– the system may be indirect heating boiler installed, which will have a reserve and give hot water directly into the kitchen faucet or shower at any time, meaning there is no need to heat pots of water on the stove to wash dishes.

heating with solid fuel boiler and radiators

Undoubtedly advantages of the oven will be her ability “ work without electricity“, the ability to drown. Stove heating is well suited for those who have a house with an area of ​​up to 70 m2, live in the house on short visits - 1-2 days a week and are ready to throw firewood into the firebox 3-4 times during the day (get up a couple of times at night and come up the same number of times to the stove during the day).

In front of everyone benefits stove heating requires increased attention to security. First of all, the threat fire and threat carbon monoxide poisoning that lead to terrible tragedies.
Carbon monoxide (CO, carbon monoxide) is a poisonous gas without color, taste or smell, which makes it especially dangerous. Carbon monoxide appears in the furnace due toincomplete combustion of wood due to untimely closing of the stove valve. Limited access of fresh air to the firebox, poor draft and a clogged chimney contribute to the formation of CO. It is very difficult to recognize the initial symptoms of poisoning. Carbon monoxide causes severe drowsiness, confusion, hallucinations, even fainting and coma, and possible cardiac arrest. Help with poisoning is Fresh air and an emergency doctor.
The most dangerous thing is to think that all tragedies happen somewhere and to someone, but nothing like that can happen to us.
When heating with stoves, you must always remember to close the stove valve in a timely manner. Before this, be sure to stir the coals with a poker - there may still be some leftovers there.
charred firebrands that need to be broken and large ones thrown into a bucket of water and taken outside. It is necessary to understand that help in case of poisoning
carbon monoxide may not arrive in time, because there will be no one to call it. Monitor your stoves or install them in a separate room.

Why is a brick boiler better than a steel one? Are there any undeniable advantages? After all, for some reason, people everywhere use purchased metal boilers in their heating systems.

No, not everywhere. Everywhere it’s just the opposite. Especially in houses of old buildings - there are brick kilns. As for new buildings, people really first try to assemble a heating system that seems simpler to them. I did the math with the managers, chose the right solid fuel boiler, installed it, started it up... And everything is fine?

But no. It turns out that it needs to be heated almost around the clock, there is too much fuel and the suspicion is growing stronger that you made a mistake in your choice, that the efficiency of this boiler is simply non-existent. In addition, chimneys quickly become overgrown with soot, requiring frequent cleaning.

However, not everyone even admits to themselves their suspicions, praising their choice left and right. But a moment comes when the question arises that something needs to be changed. And first of all, as a rule, a thought comes in addition to solid fuel boiler install a heat accumulator.

We will not talk here about the fact that again nothing works, that with the heat accumulator there is no desired effect or it is negligible. Simply because the selected boiler does not develop required power. In the end they come to the conclusion to replace the boiler with a more powerful one.

But here there is no need to prove anything. If you take a calculator and calculate how much it costs, a 110 kW brick boiler turns out to be much cheaper than a steel boiler of the same power. And not only cheaper, but also much more effective.

Why is it more effective? Because its design allows for the most complete combustion of fuel. And this, accordingly, increases, since less fuel is needed to generate the same amount of heat if it is completely burned.

But what does incomplete combustion mean? Soot formation is the incomplete combustion of fuel, since one of the components of any hydrocarbon fuel - carbon - does not burn, but remains on the walls of chimneys in the form of soot.

What else is effective? The fact is that a brick boiler is better. The generated heat passes into the coolant as much as possible, and cooled gases go into the pipe. Cooled to such an extent that still allows sufficient draft to be present.

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In addition, a brick boiler itself is a heat accumulator, capable of accumulating a considerable amount of energy in its mass, sometimes sufficient for heating small house during the day. This accumulated heat is heat in addition to that which was given to the coolant.

Thanks to this property, the volume of the water heat accumulator can be significantly reduced. For an average house with a heated area of ​​100-150 m2, the volume of the water accumulator can be halved, to 1 m3. And this, as a consequence, is another reduction in material costs and saving space in the room.

So, the choice of a solid fuel brick boiler over a metal one is always in favor of the former. Because:

  • brick is cheaper;
    Compared to any metal boiler of the same power, costs can be more than three times lower.
  • brick has higher efficiency;
    This is achieved by a firebox design that ensures complete combustion of fuel, as well as more efficient heat exchange with the coolant.
  • with a brick heat accumulator is cheaper.
    Since the boiler array also accumulates heat, this heat is transferred to the coolant long after the boiler has been heated and closed.
August 12, 2014

What needs to be built to heat Vacation home? “Oven” – the older generation will answer. "Boiler!" - modern homeowners will object. Why have heating boilers almost everywhere replaced stoves, which are used only as an element of the interior? Let us formulate several points, and we will try to be concise. So, buying a boiler is...

Easier. Installing a stove in a house that has already been designed and practically built is very troublesome, but a boiler can be installed at almost any stage of construction or renovation. There are also not very many requirements for the boiler room: ceilings at least 2.5 meters high, a sufficient level of lighting, the presence of ventilation and a chimney... The installation of all this can be done perfectly by a competent boiler installation specialist, who, by the way, is now much easier to find than a stove maker .

More economical. Solid fuel boilers heating systems consume at least 25 (or even 50) percent less fuel than stoves, and the use of gas stoves is even more profitable. Thanks to a well-thought-out air supply system and the optimal size of the firebox, the boiler needs to be loaded every few hours, while firewood needs to be added to the stove almost every half hour.

More versatile. Double-circuit boilers They work both to maintain heat in the house and to heat water for bathing, washing, and washing dishes. Moreover, one does not interfere with the other at all: even with active work boiler only to heat water (which in fact practically never happens), the temperature in the room will not drop.

More convenient for owners big houses. Practice shows that conventional stoves are not always able to cope with heating cottages with an area of ​​more than 70 square meters. If you need to provide heat, for example, two-storey house, you are unlikely to be able to do this with one oven. The boiler perfectly distributes heat throughout the house from one room, regardless of the layout. Formally, the efficiency of a furnace can significantly exceed the corresponding indicator of the boiler, but when choosing a heat source you cannot rely only on this indicator.

Stove heating has not yet said its last word: new models are constantly appearing on the market, which are presented as more advanced devices. However, stoves are gradually giving way to heating boilers, and the day is not far off when the presence of a stove in a house will be perceived solely as antique styling.

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Private houses are built not only in rural areas, but also in “one-story” areas of large cities. Gasification covers more and more settlements, so connecting the boiler to the gas main is not difficult. The only difficulty for the population is paying for the development of the project and going through the procedure for its approval. This is done by competent employees of urban, rural and township gasification and gas supply services. Installation gas equipment and related equipment is carried out only by specialists: any amateur activity in such a matter can become fatal.

Gas heating using a boiler is gradually ahead of stove heating in popularity, but cannot completely displace it. Some people have a panicky fear of gas because they have heard about the consequences of explosions, leaks and other troubles. They prefer a complex and cheaper process - laying stoves. The stove has always been an attribute of a cozy “village house”. They slept on it, cooked in it, and warmed themselves next to it. At the same time, ensuring constant supply heat in the room depends entirely on the activity of those who are responsible for the quality of combustion solid fuel. It is necessary to monitor the draft and intensity of combustion, remove ash in a timely manner, clean the chimney, and store firewood and coal dry. It is possible and necessary to “program” the heat transfer during the process of laying the stove: the installation of a so-called mirror (a heat-reflecting surface on the back wall of the stove) is one of the conditions for effective heating.

When installing a gas boiler room, it is important to keep fuel records: it is necessary to install a meter and check it regularly in accordance with the operating instructions technical specifications. Preventative checks of gas equipment should be carried out annually and at the slightest suspicion of problems, call the gas service. Most boilers are equipped with an automatic shut-off system for gas supply in case of emergency, but this does not relieve residents from the need to remain vigilant. It is necessary to monitor the operation of the boiler in windy and rainy weather. It is advisable to undergo instruction from an experienced gas service employee. He will teach you how to operate the miracle equipment, conduct a mini-exam on turning the boiler on, off and setting it up, and explain the nuances that may not be clear to a non-specialist.


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