Easter games and entertainment. Easter

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Characters: three presenters.

The hall is decorated with willow branches and candles. Music is playing. (“Christ is Risen” by A. Chernov)

First presenter.

Holy night... the temple is filled with lights,

The sinners' prayer ascends to heaven,

Like burning incense in an altar -

Second presenter.

Nature is full of tender trepidation,

The stars twinkle in the depths of the sky,

Silence reigns over the sinful world...

Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Third presenter.

Like the grass froze before the storm,

The slumbering forest fell silent before the mystery,

Only the wind whispers tender words:

"Christ is risen! Truly risen!

First presenter. Hello, dear guests!

Second presenter. Welcome to the holiday of Holy Easter!

Third presenter. On this day Christ was resurrected, which was a sign of victory over death and the triumph of life.

First presenter. On this day, bells in churches ring especially solemnly. And this ringing can be heard far, far away.

The phonogram of the “Easter Annunciation” sounds.

Second presenter. Orthodox Easter is rich in rituals and customs.

Third presenter. This is how it is customary to celebrate Christ on Easter - exchange colored eggs, saying: “Christ is risen!” - “Truly risen!”

First presenter. The eggs were painted with red paint, which symbolizes rebirth by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Second presenter. And the egg itself symbolizes the emergence of life.

Third presenter. Painted eggs were blessed in the church. It was believed that such an egg protected the house from fire and the harvest from hail.

First presenter. The egg also served as the main character of Easter entertainment.

Second presenter. And we now invite you to take part in Easter fun. There are games with Easter eggs.

Game "Easter Egg Relay"

The start/finish and turning points are marked on the playground using a flag or pins. The game involves two teams. Each team receives a spoon and an egg. The players' task is to run a distance while holding a spoon with an egg at arm's length. The winner is the team that covers the distance faster without breaking the egg.

Game "Egg Fights"

Each team player receives an egg. Players from opposing teams take seats opposite. Then, on command, the players roll the eggs towards each other. The team with the most eggs left wins.

As a variant of the game, you can not roll the eggs, but “clink” them.

Game "Egg Shooting Range"

The game requires prize targets, which are located at some distance from the line from which the “shooting” will take place. Each player receives an egg, which must be rolled towards the target. If the egg hits the target accurately, the player takes the prize.

Third presenter. Jesus Christ suffered to redeem us from our sins, died and rose again, defeating death by His resurrection and giving us eternal life.

First presenter. The grateful people composed many poems and songs in memory of these events.

Second presenter. We invite you to listen to some of them now.

The song “You have redeemed the world from sin” is playing (Collection of worship songs)

You have redeemed the world from sin,

You gave him love and light

Lighted up extinguished hearts and gave hope.

We stand before you,

And everyone is dear to you,

We thank you and praise you for everything!

Glory and greatness to you,

Glory to centuries and nations!

Your power is limitless

Your mercy throughout all generations!

You took away sin and illness,

Washed in your holy blood,

You have given us abundant life for freedom!

How faithful are your children,

We want to know the law of love,

For everything, father, we thank and exalt you!

Third presenter. And now we invite you to the Easter feast. Please come to the table.

The participants of the holiday are seated at the tables.

First presenter. Since ancient times, the main dishes at the Easter feast were Easter cakes and Easter.

Second presenter. They also prepared the Easter lamb, the bones of which were not thrown away, but buried in the field to save the harvest from hail.


Deflating an egg.

You need to prepare an egg for the game. To do this, punch a small hole in a raw egg and pour out the contents. We wash the shell from the inside. It will be great if the egg is painted or painted, as it should be for a real Easter attribute!

Place the empty egg in the center of the table. All guests - children and adults - sit around the table as close to each other as possible, dividing into two teams. On the count of three or four, one of the teams begins to blow on the egg. Each player tries to blow it to the opposite end of the table so that it eventually falls to the floor. The second team must resist and blow the egg towards their opponents with all their might.
Who will manage to blow the egg off the table?

Egg collectors

While you are preparing for the arrival of guests, you can entertain the kids by offering them this game. We cut out 12 eggs from white thick cardboard and draw bright spring flowers from one to twelve on them. To enhance the educational effect of the game, you can depict different flowers and sign their names.

The eggs are laid out on the table, flowers side down. Each player takes turns taking one egg. The one who has more flowers painted on the egg keeps the “trophy” for himself. The opponent places the egg with fewer flowers back on the table and shuffles the card eggs.
Who will collect the most flower eggs?

Chasing two birds with one stone

For this game we will need 3 wooden eggs (colored eggs).

We put two dyes next to each other. You need to hit the third one so that they roll in different directions. Whoever succeeds in this will receive some kind of prize.


Skating Game

For centuries, a favorite Easter game in Rus' was egg rolling. This game was arranged like this: they installed a wooden or cardboard “skating rink” and cleared a flat area around it, on which they laid out colored eggs, toys, and simple souvenirs. The playing children approached the “skating rink” one by one and each rolled their own egg. The prize was the object that the egg touched.

Egg hunt

Adults hide Easter eggs in the room or among bushes and trees. Children look for them and put them in baskets. Who will collect the most eggs? You can hide cardboard, paper or plastic surprise eggs. To get a surprise, you need to find the egg.

Clinking eggs.

This is also an old Russian game: by hitting the opponent’s egg with the blunt or sharp end of a colored egg, a person tries to win as many whole eggs as possible. If the egg cracks, you lose!


A leader is chosen, all players turn away. The presenter hides the egg under one of the hats. Players take turns trying to guess which one. The presenter lifts the hat that the player points to; the one who guesses becomes the leader.

When older children finish playing these games and move on to active tasks, you can invite the kids to roll eggs. Before this, you need to lay out toys for babies on the mat.

Egg race (simplified version, for kids)

To play you need 2 hard-boiled eggs, 2 tablespoons.

Players are divided into 2 teams. Each team receives a tablespoon on which a colored egg is placed. The goal is to run a certain distance (marked by a flag or pin), turn around and pass the spoon to the next participant without dropping the egg. You can make the task more difficult by holding the spoon in your mouth instead of your hand! The team whose players complete the task faster wins. Chocolate eggs can be prepared as prizes for the winners.

Egg relay (complicated version, for older children and adults)

To play you need 2 hard-boiled eggs; additionally: 2 flowers with long stem(or 2 wooden pencils).

Players are divided into 2 teams. Each team receives a colored egg, which is placed on the player’s palm. The goal is to run a certain distance (marked by a flag or pin), turn around and pass the egg to the next participant without dropping it.

To make the race more difficult, you can build some kind of obstacle along the distance or give players additional tasks. For example, turn three times around your axis at a designated place. Or run a distance not only with an egg, but also with a flower (pencil) placed behind the ear or squeezed between the nose and upper lip. The additional item cannot be dropped and must be passed along with the egg to the next player.

Other games


To play "Geese", two lines are drawn on the court at a distance of 10-15 meters from each other - two "houses". In one there are geese, in the other - their owner. Between the “houses under the mountain” lives a “wolf” - a leader. The owner and the geese conduct a dialogue with each other, known to everyone from early childhood:
- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ga.
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes.
- So fly!
- We are not allowed.
Gray wolf under the mountain
won't let us go home.

After these words, the “geese” try to run over to the “master”, and the “wolf” catches them. The caught "goose" becomes a "wolf".


One of the players is chosen as the driver, he goes on a journey, and all the players ask him to bring them gifts from different cities. They name the cities, but don’t name the gifts - they don’t yet know what their “relatives” will “send” to them.

It is better to name cities that are well-known and preferably different letters. The driver accepts all requests, says goodbye and goes on a journey, i.e. leaves the room.

The journey lasts no more than five minutes - during this time the driver must figure out who to bring what to. The name of the gift must begin with the same letter as the name of the city mentioned by each player. So, for example, someone who named the city Kaluga can bring a basket, a cat, a trough, a hoof, a wheel, cabbage, etc., and someone who named Stavropol can bring boots, a samovar, soup, a chest, etc.

The funnier the gift, the better. The main task of the driver is to remember who named which city, and the gift is corresponding letter It's not hard to come up with.
The journey is over. Everyone congratulates the traveler on his safe arrival. The distribution of gifts begins.
“I visited your grandfather,” the driver addresses the one who named the city of Omsk, “he sent you a collar.”

The player must accept the gift, but if the driver made a mistake and did not name such a city, the gift is rejected. When more than five people are playing, one mistake is not taken into account, but for two mistakes the driver is fined - he is obliged to give away his forfeit.

Who is the presenter?

The game must involve at least six players; one of the players leaves the room. At this time, the rest sit in a circle and choose a leader. The presenter makes simple movements, for example, clapping his hands, shaking his head, shaking his fists in the air, etc. The remaining players must repeat the leader's movements and perform new movements after him as quickly as possible.

Now the player who went out the door returns and stands in the center of the circle. His job is to discover who is leading. This is not at all easy, because while he is looking at the leader, he will not make new movements. When a leader is found, he must leave the room and the players choose a new leader.

Find the whistle.

You will need a whistle, a pin and a thread about 20 cm long.

Take three people out of the room who have never played this game. The remaining players sit on chairs in a tight circle facing inward. Now you invite one of those outside the door. He stands in a circle, and while you are blindfolding him, one of the players carefully pins a thread with a whistle on his back so that he does not notice it. Then you say that one of the players sitting around him has stolen a magic whistle and he needs to find the culprit. At this time, one of the players blows the whistle and carefully releases it.

It can take a very long time for a blindfolded player to turn towards the whistle and realize that the magic whistle is tied to his own back! Then they also call another of the three who were taken out of the room.


Usually, if you don’t come up with them in advance, forfeits are quite monotonous: sing a song, read a poem, dance, tell a joke. But if you prepare in advance, you can come up with a lot of interesting things: stage the trainer and the trained animal, portray own figure some familiar picture, compose a ditty about this evening, use pantomime to talk about an event known to everyone present, etc.

Tongue Twisters.

The presenter invites the players to compare their strength in tongue twisters; he distributes cards to everyone with one tongue twister printed on them. Then he calls the competitors. First, each of the players reads the words of the text slowly and loudly so that its meaning is clear to everyone, after which, at the command of the leader, he pronounces the tongue twister at a fast pace. The winner is the one who did not blurt out the words and did not make a single mistake.

Tongue twisters can be anything. Depending on the age of the children, you should choose simple or complex, long or short tongue twisters. You will bring special joy to children if you select tongue twisters that mention their names.

Here are some examples:

Granny bought beads for Marusya.

Bory has a screw. Vitya has a bandage.

Valerik ate dumplings,
And Valyushka - cheesecake.

Grandfather Danil divided the melon,
A slice for Dima, a slice for Dina.

Klava put the onion on the shelf,
Nikolka called to her.

Roofer Kirill fixed the roof crookedly.
Grisha was invited to re-roof.

Senya is carrying Sanya and Sonya on a sled.
Sledge jump, Senya off his feet, Sanya in the side,
Sonya in the forehead, with the sled all in a snowdrift.

Here are some other tongue twister options:

Greek rode across the river,
He sees a Greek - a cancer in the river,
The Greek put his hand in the river,
Cancer by the hand of the Greek DAC.

In the garden, Fekla gasped and groaned,
The beets were not born in the garden - about.
I feel sorry for Fekla’s beets, I feel sorry for Fekla’s beets,
Fekla complained: “The beets got lost!”

You even stained your neck, even your ears with black mascara.
Get in the shower quickly. Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower.
Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower. After your shower, dry yourself off.
Dry your neck, dry your ears, and don’t touch the carcass anymore.

Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies,
Two smaller mice carried two pennies each.

A cap is sewn, a cap is knitted, but not in the Kolpakov style,
The bell is poured, the bell is forged, but not in the bell style,
It is necessary to re-cap and re-cap.
The bell needs to be re-belled and re-belled.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled,
He’s lucky, and he spits out tongue twisters like this:
they say, a black grouse was sitting on a tree, from the tree there was a shadow of a black grouse;
they say, don’t look for a goose’s mustache - you won’t find it;
they say, such is Savva, such is the glory...

They dance in tongue twisters like crucian carp in a frying pan.
You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters quickly.

You can buy various gifts for family, friends, and children in the Easter Gifts section of our children's online store Scientist Cat. There is Easter games, good books, wooden Toys domestic producers and other pleasant and beautiful things.

I wish you a happy Easter holiday! Christ is Risen!

Soon we will celebrate the holiday Easter 2016. In these May days It’s so great to get together as a family with family, friends, loved ones and spend time together. But you shouldn’t just sit at a richly laid table, especially if children take part in the Easter celebration.

How to organize an Easter holiday for children, what to do to keep them busy at home or outdoors, come up with children's script on Easter, so that everyone would be happy, happy, noisy, and the holiday would be remembered for a long time? will tell you about it www.site.

We have selected a lot for you and the children interesting competitions, active games on fresh air and at home creative ideas and unforgettable entertainment. You can use this Easter script in kindergarten, at school or with your friends who came to visit with their children on a holiday.

Easter script for children © Depositphotos

It is best to decorate your vacation spot in Easter motifs - multi-colored ribbons and balls that look like eggs, painted Easter bunnies and chickens, baskets and compositions with flowers and angel figures - so that the meaning of this bright holiday is not lost in the general fun.

Think about what Easter songs you can prepare for children, and also briefly tell the story of Easter for children. Games and competitions must be held in a friendly atmosphere, so that Holy holiday Easter there were no tears, no resentment, no discord.

Easter script for children © Depositphotos

  • Easter games: "Egg fights"

Perhaps the most popular Easter entertainment, which both children and adults know, and which is definitely included in the script Easter holiday, is a paint fight where everyone hits their neighbor's Easter egg with their egg. The one who has Easter Egg remained unbroken until the very end.

  • Easter Eggs: Bowling Competition

It is clear that real paintballs for children can be replaced with toys - colorful balls, plastic cups etc. - this way the product will be preserved and the clothes will be cleaner. Placed in the center of the room or area white egg, and the task of each of the participants standing around is to roll their eggs as close to it as possible.

  • Easter Bunny Races

Prepare props: large bags according to the number of participants, and to make the Easter scenario more elegant and fun, draw silhouettes of rabbits on them with colored paints. Give the children bags and put headbands with bunny ears on their heads. Whoever jumps in a sack to the finish line first is declared the speedy Easter Bunny.

Easter script for children © Depositphotos

  • Guessing Contest: "Easter Basket"

Easter souvenirs are pre-packed into an elegant Easter basket, for example, Easter eggs, kinder surprises, candies, gingerbread cookies, egg coasters, toy bunnies, chickens, angels, Easter-themed figurines and the like. The task of the players is to take turns placing their hand in the basket, selecting a souvenir by touch and, without looking, tell everyone what Easter gift they received. If he guessed correctly, he takes a souvenir for himself as a prize.

  • Easter pantomime game "A pair for every creature"

An educational game for Easter: a story for children that tells how, on the eve of the Flood, Noah built an ark and took a pair of each creature. An even number of children must take part in the game. The presenter distributes cards with a picture of an animal to all participants, or speaks the name in everyone’s ear. It is important that all animals are repeated twice. The participants’ task is to portray their animal (without sounds) and find their mate among other children as quickly as possible.

  • Easter relay race with Easter eggs

This fun relay race requires two teams to complete a course from start to finish with an egg in a spoon without dropping or breaking it. The first team with the minimum number of losses wins.

Easter script for children © Depositphotos

  • Quest game "Search for Easter treasures"

For this entertainment, you need to prepare in advance a lot of plastic multi-colored eggs with Easter surprises inside: candies, cookies, souvenirs, and the like. Then hide the eggs in the grass and bushes around the area, give the children Easter baskets and send them off to collect treasures. To avoid any disputes, you can immediately announce the quantity or specific color eggs for each participant. The prizes are in the eggs themselves.

  • Extreme game "Egg Volleyball"

A fun game for older participants. Those who don’t mind eggs and their clothes can play. The essence of the game: throw to each other a raw egg. The one who missed is the loser.

  • Easter competition: "Bring an egg"

This competition will also require an even number of participants. All couples are given multi-colored air balloons. The ball needs to be pressed against each other by its sides and thus run from the start to the finish without losing the ball. Whichever pair is first wins.

Easter script for children © Depositphotos

  • Easter competition "Painting Easter eggs"

For this calm creative assignment children will need uncolored boiled eggs or wooden figurines, paints, brushes and other materials, as well as glitter, ribbons, threads, glue and imagination. Whoever gets the most beautiful Easter egg is the winner. Don't forget to praise all participants.

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And now the days of strict fasting and exhausting preparation for the great holiday of Easter are behind us. Your home shines with cleanliness, smells of flowers and the incomparable aroma of freshly baked Easter cake. The house will soon be filled with festive sounds, the twitter of long-awaited meetings, joyful children's laughter and the grace-filled, uniting everyone: “Christ is Risen!” Relatives who will soon gather in your home after a long separation will probably find something to talk about and remember. And if, suddenly, ridiculous silent pauses arise, you can always fill them with fun entertainment that smells so sweet of childhood! And, of course, fragrant plum pie, egg salad and many other inimitable delicacies!

Invitations Decor Costumes
Games Treats Gifts

Easter entertainment, which I am sure you have been thinking about for many days, should, first of all, be unobtrusive. Let’s say that your devout Aunt Lisa, at over sixty years old, is in no way able to take part in “Egg Bowling” (where you need to run quickly and “shoot” accurately). But she will be happy to “outrace” everyone in the “Easter Quiz” (where you need to sit still and know all the nuances of the Easter service and the history of the holiday). And her grandson, Mishka, will really like it Easter relay race, but he knows absolutely nothing about the nuances of the Sunday Liturgy. Choose games and fun for the holiday so that all guests can (and want!) to participate in them. Well, a few possible options, as always, I will offer you!


To begin with, I’ll say a few words about music. It should certainly (in the background) accompany your holiday. Of course, for such a solemn event as family dinner on the day of Great Easter, majestic church works and hymns, as well as classics, are best suited. Take “Iolanta” by Tchaikovsky, “The Seasons” by Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi, and other playful spring compositions.

Among other things, oriental motifs, for example, “Cherry Blossom” and, of course, ethnic Russian folk rock and simply traditional folk songs, will sound great in unison with your joyful spring laughter.

The combination of such directions will (don’t even doubt it!) be interesting to everyone. Older generation will kind of get acquainted with the musical preferences of young people, and vice versa, young people will learn how the “Cossack Circle” can sing and what chorales are.

Well, now - a few words about the promised fun!


Game 1. “Easter Bowling”

Participants: everyone is interested.

Props: several hard-boiled eggs different color.

Rules: This game can be played both indoors and outdoors. outdoors. A white (unpainted) egg is placed in the middle of the room (lawn). All participants stand a few steps away from the egg. The task of each of them is to roll their egg as close to the white one as possible. The participant whose egg is closest to the center wins.

Game 2. “Easter Race”

Participants: children and young people (active game).

Props: plastic eggs (cups), cocktail straws.

Rules of the game: all participants stand at the starting line. The goal is to get the egg (a cup turned upside down) to the finish line as quickly as possible. Younger participants are allowed to simply roll the egg with a straw, while older participants can make the task more complicated. Let them push the “Easter cup” or egg with the force of their breath (you need to blow into the straw). The winner is awarded applause and sweet prizes!

Game 3. “Spring Relay”

Participants: young people.

Props: large plastic eggs.

Rules: all participants stand in a circle. The first one squeezes an egg between the neck and chin and tries to pass it in this way to the next participant. It is prohibited to touch the trophy egg with your hands. If the egg falls during the transfer, the participant who unsuccessfully tried to pass it leaves the game. The most dexterous one wins, as always!

Game 4. “What’s in the basket?”

Props: a large box decorated with Easter designs or a real one wicker basket, small items (sweets, eggs, hairpins, paper clips, balls, toys, etc.).

Participants: everyone is interested.

The essence of the game: everyone who wants to participate is allowed to take one item from the basket (box). But! You need to name it without taking it out of the box and without looking at it. You just need to guess by touch which Easter gift you got. If the answer turns out to be correct, the gift belongs to the participant; if not, it is returned back to the basket and the game continues.

Game 5. “A pair for each creature”

Props: cards with animal names (so that the name of one animal is repeated on two cards).

Participants: everyone with a sense of humor (at least 6 people).

Rules:“God, before the universal flood, allowed Noah to take a pair of each creature on his ark”... So you can start a game, the essence of which is that all participants must recognize their own kind as quickly as possible, run up to him and take his hand. At the beginning of the game, participants take one card from the hands of the presenter and read the name of the animal whose habits they will have to imitate. At the command “start!”, everyone must show in an accessible form what animal they have reincarnated into. Those who were unable to show recognizable character traits their animal and have not created a pair - they leave the game.

Game 6. “Capture the Easter Egg”

Participants: children (at least 8 players).

Props: 8 Easter eggs.

Rules: The game is best played outdoors. All participants are divided into two teams. Each team receives 4 eggs, which must be placed at the same distance from each other on two opposite sides of the lawn (playing field). These are team fortresses. On the command “march!” members of each team must get to the enemy’s castle by any means and take his eggs. But this must be done in such a way as not to be caught by opponents who will try to win back their eggs! The game continues until the leader blows his winning whistle.

Game 7. “Easter bunnies”

Props: rope or scarf for each pair of participants.

Participants: everyone who is not deprived of a sense of humor (in pairs).

Rules: couples stand side by side to each other. Their legs and arms (which touch each other) are tied. The task is to bring chocolate Easter eggs to other guests (who are on the opposite side of the room) in such a hobbled state. The couple that completes the task the fastest retains the proud title of the “Easter Bunny.”

Game 8. “Naughty Basket”

Props: baskets with Easter treats.

Participants: everyone is interested.

The essence of the game: carry the basket on your head from one end playground to the other so that it does not fall and its contents do not spill onto the floor. For older participants, the task can be complicated by adding an obstacle course.

In addition to active games in the fresh air, offer your dear guests several options for creative joint projects.


Easter IQ Quiz

Participants: older people.

The essence: in Easter themed quiz. All participants need to ask questions related to Easter. For example, how long does the Easter Liturgy last or how to calculate the date of next Easter?

This fun is dangerous because it can turn into a theological dispute. Therefore, I would advise, when selecting questions for the quiz, not to focus on purely church and religious aspects (let the meaning of Christianity remain in everyone’s soul), but to take lighter and funnier questions, for example, “what is the difference between the Easter Bunny and Easter chick?”, or “What came first: the chicken or the egg?”

While adults are looking for answers to the tricky and meaningful questions of the Easter quiz, invite the children to assemble an original egg puzzle or arrange a competition among them for the most beautiful Easter egg.

Props: paints, varnish, unpainted eggs, tassels, beads.

Essence: Draw your vision of the holiday on the egg. Choose colors and patterns so that you can later explain why such a choice was made. The author of the most interesting and unusual idea- there is a prize.

Props: plastic plates, scissors, colored paper, glue, buttons, etc.

The essence The competition is to assemble any Easter symbol from available materials in 15 minutes: a bunny, a chicken, a pysanka, a basket, an Easter cake, etc.

When the most creative “Easter miracle” takes its honorable, prominent place in the festive hall, you can invite guests to a festive meal!


On this day there should be a lot of baked goods on the table. Hot, steaming. This is a symbol of the presence of the Holy Spirit behind festive table. Pies, donuts, buns, cheesecakes - joyful Easter abundance!

Oh yes, don’t forget to make juicy curd paska with candied fruits and dried fruits! After all, there is an opinion that such a product is really the Russian national paska in full meaning words!

And it is customary to celebrate it with close people. And if there are children in the family, they are of little interest to the feast. For them, games, fun, and competitions are more important.
Therefore, today we decided to describe interesting Easter games for children, fun competitions and fun.

So, Easter games for children:

1. Paint fight

This is not just a game, but an entire Easter tradition in which eggs are tested for strength. Two people are required to participate. Krashenki need to be hit against one another, either side can be, but the same for both participants.

Most often in the game, eggs are hit with the sharp sides. The participant whose egg remains intact wins.

2. Whose egg takes longer to spin?

If you feel sorry for breaking colored eggs, you can play another game. Check whose egg will spin longer. Several people can take part in this game. They must simultaneously spin the eggs on a flat surface. The winner is the one whose egg spins the longest.

3. Easter relay

4. Hot egg

Children should stand in a circle, and adults should turn on music. The essence of the game is this: while the music is playing, children must pass the eggs around in a circle. When the music stops, the player holding the egg leaves the circle. The winner is the player who is left alone at the end of the game.

5. Easter egg hunt

You need to hide the eggs in different places and give the children the task of finding them. The one who finds more eggs wins.

6. Easter mini-quest

Children need to be divided into two teams, and eggs should be hidden in different places, as in the previous game. Each team needs to be given a hint note that hints at where the egg can be found. Along with the egg, players receive the following note, etc. The team that collects all the Easter eggs the fastest wins.

7. Easter Cossack Robbers

Again you need to hide the eggs, and the path to them can be drawn using arrows.

8. “Rolling” eggs

You need to spread an oilcloth on the floor, and place toys, souvenirs, and surprises along its edge. Children take turns rolling the egg towards a certain object and receive it as a gift if the egg touches it.

9. In which hand

This is a simple game that everyone knows. One child hides his Easter egg and the egg of the second child in his hands behind his back. And he must guess which hand his egg is in. If he guesses correctly, he takes both for himself, if not, he gives his own.

10. Damaged phone

This is a well-known game. But you need to think of words that correspond to the theme and characterize the tradition, the history of Easter.

The essence of the game is that the presenter thinks of a word, quietly and quickly pronounces it in the ear of the first player, and he passes on what he heard next. And so on, along the chain, until it’s the last player’s turn. And he must say out loud the word he heard. The result is usually funny and unusual.

11. Game of riddles

To play, you need to prepare a prize, which is wrapped in several layers of paper. On each layer write a riddle that matches the Easter theme. If the child, while unwrapping the prize, knows the answer, names it and continues further; if not, the one who guessed reads aloud and continues to unwrap the prize.

Only by solving the last riddle can you reach the prize.

These are the children's Easter games we suggest using for the holidays. The kids will be happy and busy, and parents will be able to enjoy the feast and relaxation.


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