Gas pipe reinstallation. Features of moving gas pipes in the kitchen

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When renovating a kitchen, it is often necessary to change the location of gas equipment. If the old gas pipeline does not fit in with the new layout or simply looks unattractive, then this article will help you understand the possibility of relocating it. It should immediately be noted that the transfer gas pipe in an apartment is complicated not so much by the installation process as by the need to coordinate the relevant project with official services. There is also an unofficial method, but it is associated with a number of risks, which for the most part offset the expected benefits from this redevelopment option.

Before planning to move a gas pipe in the kitchen, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations for the placement of gas-using equipment, which are enshrined in SNiP and are mandatory for compliance in apartments and residential buildings.

Optimizing gas distribution is one of the most important issues during a kitchen renovation.

  • To install the slab minimum height the ceiling should be 2.2 m. It is also important to have a window or an opening sash on the window and ventilation duct. The permissible number of burners depends on the volume of the room:

— for 2 burners: 8 m³;

— for 3 burners: 12 m³;

— for 4 burners: 15 m³.

Note! In some situations, it is possible to install a stove in the absence of a ventilation duct. However, the presence of a window or transom is a prerequisite.

  • If, in addition to the stove, it is planned to place a capacitive water heater in the kitchen, 6 m³ must be added to the calculated volume of the room. In the case of an instantaneous water heater, the volume remains unchanged.
  • It is not allowed to install gas-using equipment in basements and bathrooms. In addition, it is not recommended to place devices with an open torch near windows due to the possible blowing out of the flame.
  • It is advisable to install gas equipment near walls made of non-flammable material. If this is not possible, the surface must be insulated using plaster, asbestos plywood or roofing steel installed over a sheet of asbestos or clay-impregnated felt. Thermal insulation should protrude at least 10 cm beyond the dimensions of the appliance body, and in the case of a stove - 80 cm above the burner level.
  • The distance from the equipment to the non-combustible wall is: 3 cm – for instantaneous water heaters, 7 cm – for stoves, 10 cm – for tank water heaters. In this case, a passage at least 1 m wide must be left in front of the stove.

Installation diagram of the stove in the kitchen

  • According to established standards, gas pipes in apartments and private houses should not be laid in living rooms, ventilation shafts, along the floor, or in close proximity to electrical wiring ( minimum distance– 25 cm), as well as to cross openings of windows and doors.
  • The gas pipeline must be placed so that convenient access for its maintenance is maintained. In this regard, it is prohibited to cover the pipeline with decorative casing without the possibility of its quick removal.

How to move a gas pipe

To carry out the transfer of gas pipes in an apartment, a number of official procedures must be followed. Otherwise, any change in the laying of the gas pipeline will have an unofficial status with the ensuing consequences.

Approval stage

Since for the entire gas industry of a specific settlement The state gas distribution organization is responsible (Mosgaz, Mosoblgaz, Petersburggaz, Ryazangorgaz, etc.), and it is its specialists that you will have to deal with to obtain official permission and further installation. To coordinate the work, you must:

  1. Contact the gas distribution organization at your place of residence and leave a request to relocate the gas pipe.
  2. Wait for a specialist (the date of the visit will be known immediately after submitting the application), who, based on the results of the inspection of the premises, will issue a verdict on the possibility of relocating the pipeline.
  3. In case of a positive verdict, a project estimate will be drawn up, according to which the customer will be issued an invoice for payment.
  4. After payment, a date for installation will be determined that suits both the customer and the organization.
  5. The result of the work done is not only the relocation of the gas pipeline, but also the introduction of appropriate changes to the technical passport of the apartment.

An example of an official permit for the transfer of gas-using equipment

Preparatory activities

Immediately before the visit of specialists, the room in which the pipe will be transferred should be prepared. First of all, it is necessary to ensure unhindered access to the gas pipeline so that nothing prevents the installers from doing their job efficiently. In addition, it is important to take care of furniture and household appliances that may be damaged as a result of the welder’s actions.

Advice! The process of pipe cutting and especially welding produces a lot of smoke. Therefore, it is better to cover all objects and appliances in the kitchen with plastic wrap.

As a rule, craftsmen bring with them all the equipment and consumables necessary to move the gas pipe in the kitchen. However, it would not hurt to ask what is required from the customer, in addition to preparing the premises. You may need to purchase some materials yourself, such as flexible hoses for connecting a stove or water heater.

Unimpeded access to the gas pipeline must be ensured

Carrying out installation work

The pipe transfer process is standard and is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The gas supply to the apartment is cut off.
  2. The pipe is purged with air to remove residual methane.
  3. Old site The gas pipe is cut off, and the junction with the riser is carefully welded.
  4. In a certain place on the riser where the connection is planned new branch, using a drill with a special attachment, a hole is drilled.
  5. A piece of pipe is welded to the hole, on the other side of which a shut-off valve is mounted.
  6. The gas meter input is connected to the shut-off valve, and a separate branch with one or more taps is led from its output, depending on the amount of gas-using equipment in the kitchen.
  7. The gas stove and water heater are connected to the gas pipeline using flexible hoses.
  8. After completion of the installation work, the gas supply to the apartment is resumed and the functionality of the system is checked.

Important! During the first gas start-up, you should make sure that all connections are tight. This can be done using a soap solution, the bubbling of which will indicate the presence of a leak and the need to refine the gas pipeline.

The work acceptance certificate must be signed only after a complete check of the pipe’s tightness

What does the price of the service depend on?

Several factors influence the price of moving a gas pipe in an apartment, so the calculation is made individually. The estimate includes the cost of shutting off the gas (it can be different for each house), the length of the gas pipeline, the number of connected devices and the design project documentation. In some cases, the project may cost more than the work itself, which often becomes the reason for searching alternative ways modernization of the home gas pipeline.

If we talk about specific figures, then simple cutting of a pipeline with a diameter of 25 mm (without taking into account the overlap of the riser) will cost about 3-4 thousand rubles. The price of moving a gas pipe in the kitchen starts from 7 thousand rubles. At the same time, for each additional meter you will have to pay an average of 1.5-2 thousand rubles. If you need to install several additional taps and connect, for example, hob, oven and heating boiler, then the cost can increase to 20 thousand rubles.

What are the risks of independently (unofficially) moving a gas pipe?

After reviewing the official estimate from the gas service, some apartment owners begin to look towards unofficial ways to solve the problem with the gas pipeline. However, in this case, you need to take into account that even if the installation work is completed at the proper level, no one will make changes to the apartment’s registration certificate. Therefore, difficulties may arise during its sale. Of course, if all standards are observed, it will be possible to draw up a project after the fact, but the cost of the issue, taking into account possible fines, will increase significantly.

In addition, if problems arise during the operation of the pipe, it will not be possible to make a claim against anyone. Unofficial relocation of a gas pipe presupposes the absence of a contract and an act of acceptance of work, which means that the owner of the apartment assumes all responsibility.

Not every welder has permission to perform similar works

Considering all the risks when working with gas, it is better to entrust the relocation of the pipeline to specialists from an official company. And even more so, you should not install the pipe yourself. Without the appropriate skills, the result can be disastrous.

When you want to make a grand renovation in your apartment or a small rearrangement, many questions arise. We instantly find answers to some of them and can confidently say that this is correct. Others, on the contrary, force us to look for answers in additional sources of information. This could be expert advice or instructional articles on the Internet. One of these topics is moving a gas pipe in an apartment. In this article we will look at this seemingly impossible task. It should be borne in mind that installing gas pipes in an apartment is a step that requires significant responsibility and a lot of knowledge. Therefore, only a specialist can carry out this undertaking.

Mandatory coordination with authorized bodies

Is approval required to replace a gas pipeline? Answer: of course, yes. An important step on the way to carrying out installation work is precisely coordination. Do you live in apartment building or private, you are required to notify the gas service in your city.

The approval process for moving a gas pipe in an apartment:

Step 1. You need to contact the gas distribution service of the area in which you live and where, directly, you want to move the gas pipe.

Step 2. After consultation with a service employee, you will be asked to write an application.

Step 3. After the application is reviewed, a date will be agreed upon for specialists to arrive to carry out necessary calculations. They will determine whether it is possible to move the gas pipe in the apartment. The decision is made in a short period of time. And the main criterion for a positive verdict is compliance with safety requirements.

Step 4. After a positive response, workers begin moving the gas pipe for a fee agreed with you.

One of the initial stages has been completed. Here, by the way, the owners and specialists have usually already drawn up a specific redevelopment plan with compliance with safety requirements.

General requirements of SNiP

Methods for transferring a gas riser into an apartment must comply with the provisions of the regulatory document SNiP. Let's consider the main ones:

  • The distance from gas pipelines to other pipelines must be sufficient to ensure that in the future it is possible to inspect technical structures, repair them or completely change the design.
  • The distance from the stove to the walls must be calculated in such a way as to comply with safety regulations.
  • The slope is at least 3% when the gas pipeline is located with wet gas.
  • Gas pipelines located indoors or in ducts must be painted with waterproof paint.
  • The walls and ceiling must be plastered or tiled in advance metal sheets.
  • The location of the gas pipes in the apartment is another important factor successful completion of what was started. Under no circumstances should they cross door or window openings.

These are perhaps the most basic points from general requirements SNiP. For more information, you should check out full list regulatory requirements.

Transfer or replacement: stages of implementation

A qualified gas service worker must carry out all subsequent actions solely in compliance with safety precautions. Whether it’s cutting a gas pipe in an apartment or moving gas tap in an apartment - under no circumstances should you do all this yourself. In order to make sure that the gas service representative fulfills everything strictly according to the requirements, you must also be aware of the subsequent stages, possible obstacles, and competent actions.

Preparing to work with pipes

To avoid accidents or unforeseen situations, the pipe layout plan is discussed again. Before the arrival of specialists, it is necessary to immediately clear the area from unnecessary items in order to speed up the process. Furniture and household appliances it is better to cover them with non-flammable material that can protect them from welding sparks and other mechanical or chemical damage.

Representatives of the organization bring with them equipment: pipes, tools, etc. Consumables(if they are included in the cost of services). It is better to find out about this when concluding a contract. Immediately check with a specialist about the need to purchase flexible hoses. They are used to connect the stove.

IMPORTANT! Before starting work, shut off the access to the gas and purge the gas pipeline to remove the remaining contents from it.

Dismantling the old structure

Depending on the side of the room to which you want to redirect the structure, the craftsmen measure the dimensions of all passages in the kitchen and calculate the required sizes of new pipes. This is a very responsible part of the work, which requires not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical one. Therefore, when choosing an employee Special attention Pay attention to having the appropriate ID. After all, it is issued strictly after completing special courses.

Dismantling and installation consist of the following steps:

  • The unnecessary part of the gas pipe is cut off, then the hole is welded.
  • In the place where it is planned to connect the new branch of the gas pipe, a hole is drilled in the riser.
  • A new pipe is welded to the created hole, at the end of which a shut-off valve is installed .
  • Next, the gas meter input is connected to this structure.
  • Now you can connect all the necessary household items to the gas pipeline using flexible hoses.

These are some of the main steps that require care and accurate calculation of the size of the pipes.

Options for changing the wiring

It is known that uneven placement of pipes is strictly prohibited. They are placed parallel to the ceiling or walls. Therefore, options for changing the wiring always include the possibility of laying down from the riser.

Basic requirements that must be met when changing direction:

  • All covering elements should not be firmly fixed;
  • It is strictly prohibited to lay a gas pipeline through door or window openings;
  • The length of flexible hoses should not exceed 3 m;
  • The passage of pipes through walls is carried out using sleeves.

Welding metal pipes

Fastening by welding is another main requirement of SNiP. Since welding has the potential to cause harm to health, the employee is required to use goggles, gloves and special clothing when working.

After some areas of the structure have been welded, they can be treated with a waterproof paint and varnish coating. This will give them not only anti-corrosion properties, but also aesthetic appearance. Wherein color shade you can choose colors depending on general finishing kitchens.

Using bellows hoses

IN modern world it became possible to install gas pipes using a flexible transition. Bellows hose – durable material, which is characterized unique properties. Namely:

  • Tightness;
  • Elasticity;
  • Resistance to chemical/mechanical damage;
  • Durable structure.

Many began to give their preference to bellows hoses, but do not forget that SNiP controls the length of use of such material - no more than 3 meters.

The final stage

After all the work has been done, the gas supply is turned on. Before this, the technician checks new installations for gas leaks. If there is no cause for concern, the work is considered completed.

The repair time is not long, but on the contrary. Therefore, you will see the desired reinstallation in your kitchen in the near future.

The installation of gas communications in the apartment is subject to certain requirements, That's why self installation and connecting equipment, as well as moving the gas pipe to another location is strictly prohibited.

All issues regarding the installation of internal and external gas pipelines are resolved by the gas service, without whose permission it is only possible to move the stove a limited distance.

We will tell you how to obtain approval for replacing a gas pipeline, and also describe the technology for moving an intra-apartment pipeline. The proposed instructions are not a guide to action; all work must be carried out by a representative of the gas service.

All transfer and replacement work metal pipes, especially those requiring welding, are performed by representatives of Gorgaz or another authorized organization. Having received an application from residents, they are always interested in the reasons for the planned transformations.

Most often, it is necessary to change the piping in the kitchen without changing the layout or moving equipment to other rooms.

The reasons may be different:

  • replacing old equipment - purchasing a gas water heater, stove or boiler - which requires a little more space;
  • major renovation in the kitchen;
  • moving the gas stove from the window 0.5-2 m towards the sink;
  • change of place;
  • transfer of a horizontal pipe from high altitude under the countertop, etc.

Often, the relocation of pipes is required in new buildings, where the original location of significant kitchen objects defies logic and explanation: suppose, if in a 15-meter kitchen the gas stove is located near the window, the sink is in the opposite corner, and the hood is on the other side, above the entrance to the kitchen.

We have to correct the design mistakes and move the stove closer to the sink so that food can be cooked in comfortable conditions.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out work to move the gas riser. The only change allowed is to disguise the pipes with easily dismantled structures, for example, wall-mounted kitchen cabinets

The most common reason is buying a new one. kitchen set with built-in equipment (oven and hob). In this case, the pipes need to be either shortened or lengthened, depending on the planned installation location of the devices.

If you want to find out how best to move a gas pipe in an apartment with redevelopment, we recommend contacting design organization to create a transfer plan.

The fact is that in typical city apartments, reinstalling risers, pipes, as well as any gas equipment V living rooms is prohibited, and even combining a kitchen and a room also requires permission.

Obtaining approval for gas pipeline replacement

Whether a transfer is possible or not can only be decided by authorized bodies, that is, the gas service of your city (district). Engage in any dismantling and installation work Only a qualified specialist has the right. Of course, pipes cannot be moved without approval.

Even such a simple step as cutting a pipe by 10 cm must be agreed upon, since all work related to gas pipeline, are included in the risk-related category

The permit is issued in the following sequence:

  1. Find out the contact details of the gas service at the place of registration, contact specialists, explain the situation, and consult.
  2. You draw up an application (using a standard form) that will “launch” the approval process.
  3. Based on your application, a gas service representative will arrive at your home. The time will be confirmed in advance.
  4. The specialist performs an inspection, listens to wishes, and answers questions. Often at this stage it is necessary to change plans, since the desired transfer does not meet safety requirements (a preliminary study of the gas pipeline installation standards will eliminate this unpleasant moment).
  5. Statement final scheme transfer, budgeting. All documents are prepared by the organization providing the services. No work will be carried out without the consent of the property owner.
  6. If the transfer conditions are met, pay for the service using a receipt and agree on the start time of the work.

The approval procedure usually takes several days, stretching over a long period it can only for one reason: if the property owners and representatives of the gas service have not found a compromise solution.

Any factors that violate the standards (boilers, meters, dispensers) may cause a refusal to transfer pipes.

General requirements and standards

To ensure that the approval process goes smoothly, it is better to familiarize yourself in advance with the basic provisions for installing a gas system in residential premises. As a cheat sheet, you can use the regulatory document - SNiP 2.04.08-87* (current version).

The room must have natural supply and exhaust ventilation, that is, there must be a window with opening vents/transoms and a ventilation duct with good draft

If the walls and ceiling consist of flammable materials (wood), they must be plastered or lined with metal sheets.

Gas pipes are used to transport fuel to consumers - stoves, ovens, columns, so the location of the equipment is no less important than the pipe layout.

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Conclusions and useful video on the topic

With the advent of long flexible hoses, moving the internal gas pipeline has become less relevant, but in some cases you still have to contact the gas service. Most common reasons requests - in the presented video.

Secrets of masking gas pipes:

About moving the pipe and tap:

Welding work and moving the meter:

Finally, about the consequences of illegally moving gas pipes. If you plan to cut off a piece of a gas pipe or connect household equipment yourself, you should be aware of administrative and criminal penalties.

The minimum fine for unauthorized work is 2 thousand rubles, and if a person is injured as a result of improperly carried out work, he faces up to 5 years in prison.

We invite everyone interested in the issue of moving a gas pipe in an apartment to leave comments and ask questions. The contact form is located in the lower block.

The question of whether it is possible to move a gas pipe in an apartment is considered debatable. But it depends on what is meant by a gas pipe. What does it usually consist of? This:

  • the riser pipe itself, running along all floors;
  • squeegee extending to the slab;
  • a discharge going to the gas water heater (if one is installed);
  • connection to the AOGV (if the house does not have central heating);
  • flexible connections going directly to the devices.

Usually big problems arise when you want to move a riser pipe. But work with squeegees is possible, but it must be carried out by qualified gas workers. On the one hand, the tenant himself can screw a flexible liner to the finished drain pipe, but he needs to know the subtleties. For example, a specialist will definitely place a linen or synthetic gasket into the threaded connection, just as plumbers do when they connect pipes. Gasket in threaded connection– guarantee of no gas leaks.

On the other hand, a specialist will do such work better and faster, and will also give an official guarantee for the eyeliner, and if something happens to it, then you will have somewhere to turn for a free replacement.

Table bandwidth gas pipes:

When you can’t install a flexible gas connection

IMPORTANT! If you need to move the stove over a long distance, you cannot use a flexible hose. As a rule, the longest length that is possible in a particular case is indicated in the passport of each gas appliance. For some it cannot exceed 2 m, for others this size can be larger.

But at the same time, you also need to make sure that the hose does not bend excessively. If it is not possible to install the stove otherwise, then you will need to relocate the gas pipe. In other words, it will have to be increased. Such a pipe must be welded so that there are as few joints as possible through which gas can leak. And this is where the difficulties begin.

Gas is not only a flammable substance, but also an explosive one. Therefore, a specialist will never weld directly to the exhaust pipe. Even if he closes the valve and turns off the supply to the apartment, this does not guarantee that local overheating of blue fuel will not occur in the exhaust during welding work. Therefore, the pipe is initially measured, a sketch of the drawing is drawn up, according to which a part will be welded, which will then be screwed to the bend. This part, no matter how complex its configuration, will be manufactured either in the workshop of the housing office or in any safe place. For example, on staircase. Now all that remains is to connect it using a coupling.

Branched gas pipe for two gas appliances.

More difficult case when the tenant wants to move the oven to different places in the kitchen and hob. Then you will need to branch gas network inside the apartment. And in this case, it is also better to use a welded structure. It is only desirable that each device have its own valve in order to block the access of gas.

Is it possible to move a riser gas pipe?

Riser pipe in multi-storey building transfer is not allowed. You can bypass all the authorities, from the operational office and gas management to the local architectural department, and not get permission from them. Most likely, one of the authorities, if not all, will not allow this to be done. And they will be right: it is too dangerous to carry out such movements from the point of view of the integrity of the building. Gas is explosive, and many houses were designed in such a way that if the gas riser was damaged, the kitchen would be ventilated as much as possible, and if a gas explosion occurred, it would be so that the blast wave itself would extinguish the flame.

It’s another matter when the riser pipe needs to be moved in a private house. Here it is easier to obtain permission, and there will be less work and approvals. But in this situation, it is much easier to install gas pipes after the input, that is, already behind the inlet valve.

If you need to transfer heating boiler, then it is better to coordinate such work with the house designers, since we are talking not only about gas communications, but also about water circuits and ventilation.

Alas, such work may also be needed. But for the most part - as emergency ones. If you have depressurized the pipe coming from the riser, then there is nothing you can do about it: you will have to weld it to the riser. How to do this:

  • such work is performed only by specialists from the local gas industry;
  • before welding work all residents of the entrance are notified of the gas shutdown upon receipt;
  • disconnect the riser;
  • weld a new squeegee;
  • turn on the riser and carry out tests.

Why do you need to notify residents against receipt? Because at the end of the work, the gas will turn on unexpectedly for them. But if they were cooking something on the stove, then even turning off the gas for a short time will cause the flame to go out. But the valve on the stove will not be closed.

Not every stove is equipped with a gas control function, so it may turn out that gas will simply come out of the burner - poisonous and explosive. If the resident of the house is warned, he will monitor the stove and avoid a dangerous situation.

In the same way, you can insert another pipe into the riser, if it is so convenient to separate gas pipes for different devices.

Why is welding on a riser pipe possible? Because the gas, locked by the valve, will be far from the welding site and will not be able to heat up too much. The master can release or burn off the gas that remains in the riser before carrying out welding work.

Any additional insertion into the riser must be documented by the gas industry. It requires permission from management company and gas industry. If the tie-in is not approved, you may be fined for it and required to bring the gas distribution to its original state.

Any work with gas is a very responsible and serious action. This is important to remember.

Most of the goodies on the tables appear with the participation of a natural gift - gas. Naturally, the owners of the house want blue fuel to enter the kitchen unnoticed, without destroying the harmony, integrity of design and style, which has been thought out for months. Meanwhile network engineering- this is not a toy, you cannot joke with them, because in the pursuit of beauty you can lose the main thing - life. So, how and where should a gas pipe be installed in the kitchen: norms and rules for handling the system.

If earlier people couldn’t imagine life without water, now they don’t know how to exist without gas either.

General standards

First, it’s worth finding out under what circumstances gas pipes are used in the kitchen. The use of blue fuel in such a room most often means installing a stove. It's time to familiarize yourself with the terms of use. So, remember the main postulates:

  • gas stoves allowed to be installed in kitchens with a height of 2.2 meters (if the ceiling in the room is sloping, then to install the stove you should choose a place where it reaches established norm);
  • the kitchen should be equipped with a window with a window so that during the day you can cook renovation work without artificial lighting, ventilating the room (the presence of a functioning ventilation duct is welcome);
  • between the plate and opposite wall there must certainly be a passage with a width of 1 meter;
  • ceilings and walls made of materials prone to combustion, according to standards, must be covered with plaster;
  • The stove can be used in kitchens separated from the corridor by a secure wall/partition and door;
  • The installation of gas pipes in the kitchen should be done so that the distance between the walls and the stove is at least 7 centimeters;
  • branching to the slab is allowed only at the level of the connecting fitting;
  • the shut-off valve should be installed at a level of 1.5 meters from the floor and at a distance of 20 centimeters from the side of the stove;
  • To install the stove, it is permissible to use a special (heat-resistant - from 120 degrees) flexible hose and do not forget to change it, based on the recommendations specified in the product data sheet.

The standards for handling are indicated mainly with already installed pipes and devices connected to them. If you plan to change, move, or even cut the gas pipe in the kitchen, then move on.

This is how you can hide a fragment of the network if it bothers you - without any transfer

Pipeline requirements

What to do if the gas pipe in the kitchen is in the way, and you know for sure that you will not calm down until you move it? It’s natural to study the rules outlined below and change the network configuration without breaking the rules.

Installation rules

To remove a gas pipe in the kitchen or move it to another location, you need to know the following:

  • Do not lay the pipeline through a door or window;
  • prohibited from driving gas system through the ventilation shaft;
  • access to the pipes must always be open (you cannot know when an accident will occur or who will repair the breakdown, but this someone must accurately find where the pipeline is);
  • the length of flexible network fragments should not exceed 3 meters;
  • the distance between the floor and the system should be 2 meters;
  • the rigidity of pipe joints is no less important than other standards;
  • the pipeline requires painting;
  • the places where the network intersects with the walls must have a special “packaging” in the form of a construction case.

This is important to know! And the most important rule: when working with a network transporting blue fuel, turn off the gas before starting the process!

Decide clearly what you want, or even better, draw it and show it to the masters

Pipe transfer

The decision whether it is possible to cut or move the gas pipe in the kitchen will be up to the relevant services. You are only free to propose network redevelopment and voice your option. And professionals will tell you whether such changes are real, whether they will pose a threat to people’s lives, and will also tell you how much such an “upgrade” will cost you. Where to begin? Where should I knock?

Any pipe transfers must be coordinated with the relevant services

Registration of permission

Remember step by step instructions preparatory actions and coordination of plans for the transfer of gas pipes:

  1. Contact the gas service according to the place of registration. It happens that you need to “knock” on some subsidiary structure of this organization: they will explain everything to you on the spot.
  2. Filling out an application. You will be provided with a sample application, on the basis of which you must write statements on your behalf on what changes you want to make (the application serves as the basis for a specialist to visit you).
  3. Inspection of the home by a gas service representative. The master will listen to you, examine everything, check it, and do correct calculations(subject to compliance with all standards). It is not a fact that the expert will reject your plan; it happens, especially with a diligent approach and the homeowner studying the rules, that the master does not have to edit anything.
  4. Drawing up an estimate. This is, in fact, what the office you contacted does.
  5. Coordination of the estimate. When the plan is ready, it will be given to you so that you can read the documents and give your consent to carry out this type of work.
  6. Payment. If you are satisfied with the estimate, you should pay for this service. If not, then don’t be upset, it can be improved, you just tell the master what you don’t agree with, and he will find a compromise offer.

Worth paying attention! If it is not possible/safe to make the network configuration according to the “scenario” you propose, or the estimate proposed by the service does not suit you, then it is too early to give up. Buy or order a beautiful box for the gas pipe in the kitchen, and your problem will be solved and the beauty will be increased.

Don't forget to install taps to shut off the gas if you want to change the stove

Preparation for the process

If you agree on the estimate, then within 5 days (usually) a team will knock on your house, ready to move the pipes according to your wishes. Do you need to prepare for the arrival of the masters? If you want the work to be carried out quickly, efficiently, and your home not to be damaged by the workers’ visit, you should do the following:

  • contact the craftsmen and find out if you need to provide any consumables (so as not to run after them while the team is working, frantically looking for someone of your own who will look after the apartment, after all, strangers are working);
  • free up the space where it is planned to dismantle and install new pipes - workers must have unhindered access to the network;
  • cover all kitchen surfaces, appliances and other valuable items, because the craftsmen will be cutting, cooking, dusting and littering (it is better to use coatings that are not prone to burning as a material, for example, tarpaulin, burlap);
  • close the valve to stop the flow of blue fuel to the pipes.

Siphon connection simplifies the process of connecting elements

Work order

Of course, you will be interested in learning how to cut a gas pipe in the kitchen and carry out installation, because you will probably want to control the process, or even risk doing the entire block of work yourself (it’s up to you to decide).

So, get acquainted with the process step by step:

  1. After shutting off the gas, blow out the pipes to remove any debris.
  2. Cut off the excess part of the system.
  3. Plug the hole that appears.
  4. Make a hole in a different place - where you plan to connect a new network segment (using a drill is acceptable).
  5. Weld the new structure to the gap.
  6. Weld other parts if required by the design.
  7. Install the faucet.
  8. Seal the joints with tow.
  9. Connect the device (stove, column).
  10. Check the quality of the work (if the transfer will be carried out by a gas service, ask the master for a certificate of completion of the work).

One last thing: if moving the pipes is not possible, come up with a design to hide them. Now there is a lot of material on this topic, so luck will certainly smile on you

And lastly: gas pipes in the kitchen are not a toy; treat all work related to blue fuel with seriousness and responsibility.

Video: moving a gas pipe


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