Peonies in a vase. Why peonies do not bloom buds and how to achieve lush flowering

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Peonies bloom in the last days of spring. They delight with their lush foliage and showy flowers. Peonies look equally beautiful both in a flowerbed and in a vase. Just a few branches form a magnificent fragrant bouquet. Peonies are unpretentious flowers. If you follow a few techniques, they can be stored in cut form for more than one day.

Properly cutting flowers

Ideal for forming a bouquet are buds that are half bloomed. In this state, flowers are able to maintain freshness longer and delight with an unobtrusive and wonderful aroma. Therefore, in order for the bouquet to last for several days, it is necessary to cut off peonies that have not fully blossomed. Otherwise, they will quickly fall off, although they look great in a vase.


  • The optimal time to cut peonies is early morning or evening. It is during this period of the day that the air is cooler and the sun's rays are moderate. Flowers picked during the day have almost no moisture, and you won’t be able to admire them for a long time: the petals will begin to fall off almost immediately.
  • We do not cut the stem at the root. It is necessary to leave at least two leaves on the part that remains on the bushes. This will help the plant receive moisture and fully develop after the cutting procedure.
  • Use large, sharp scissors or garden pruners. Under no circumstances should we tear off the branches by hand: the peonies will receive serious damage and quickly wither. In addition, you can accidentally pull out part of the bush by the roots and harm the growing flower.
  • Cut the stems at an angle. The larger it is, the longer peonies will not fade.

You will be able to inhale the aroma of fresh flowers in your house for at least a week.

Saving cut peonies in a vase

Before placing flowers in a vase, it is advisable to keep them cool and dark for several hours. Perfect option– place the bouquet in a bathtub filled with water room temperature. Flowers will absorb moisture and adapt after being cut from the bush.

Preparing the vase:

  • Vessels of darkish tones are more suitable for peonies. The water in them stays fresh longer.
  • Rinse the vase with a solution of potassium permanganate. This will prevent the stems from penetrating harmful microorganisms and early decay.

Peonies, like all plants, are most loved rainwater. But a simple settled one will also work.

Pour enough water so that you can immerse the peony stems halfway in it.

Before putting flowers in a vase, do the following:

  • We place each peony branch separately under running water and carefully trim the stem diagonally by a few millimeters.
  • Using a thin knife blade, make a vertical cut about 4–5 cm long. After this procedure, the flowers will be able to absorb liquid more intensively.
  • Carefully remove those leaves that will drown in water. Otherwise they will simply start to rot.
  • We inspect the peonies and remove damaged and broken leaves.

We place the bouquet in that part of the room where the light is diffused. Temperatures up to 22 degrees are suitable for flowers. They, like humans, should be comfortable - neither hot nor cold. Peonies will delight you with their fresh appearance and aroma for up to a week.

Feeding for peonies

In order for the flowers to last for a week or more, they need to be fed - to prepare a kind of elixir of youth:

  • Mix a tablespoon (tablespoon) of sugar or the same amount of vinegar with one liter of water. If there is less liquid, we make simple calculations and reduce the amount of added ingredients.
  • Dilute in water boric acid(200 ml per 1 l).

You can add two drops of camphor alcohol or a tablet of acetylsalicylic acid to the liquid. These “seasonings” will disinfect the water and reduce negative impact microorganisms. Peonies are extremely sensitive to them, so such additives are appropriate.

Features of caring for cut peonies

It must be remembered that peonies:

  • do not tolerate drafts;
  • wither faster if they are close to heat sources;
  • They are not friendly with fruits, so you cannot place a bouquet next to them.
  • The buds should be covered at night light paper or a large plastic bag.
  • You should not add other flowers to a bouquet with peonies. This will not only kill the wonderful aroma, but will also significantly shorten their life. But there are exceptions: peonies combine well with lotus, orchids, and freesia.
  • The water in the vase with peonies needs to be changed daily. Before filling a new one, the container should be thoroughly rinsed.
  • If yellow leaves appear on the stem, they must be removed immediately. This also applies to flowers that faded earlier than others. No matter how sorry it is, they will have to be thrown away. If this is not done, all the flowers will fade earlier.

When the buds do not bloom for a long time, they can be helped. You should add a little alcohol to the vase or dip the flower heads in hot water. A small miracle will happen: the bud will bloom in a few minutes.

Cut peonies are pleasing to the eye and fill the home with a pleasant and relaxing aroma. At proper care the flowers will last in the vase for at least a week.

The age of peonies is very short. Their lush inflorescences appear in our gardens in May and by mid-June most of them have already faded. And when cut, they are usually stored less than other bouquets. True, some flower growers can sometimes surprise with fragrant bouquets of freshly cut peonies even in July, when the bushes have long since faded.

I’m tempted to ask: what’s the trick? But experienced florists say: there is no trick, you just need to know how to properly care for peonies. Subject to certain rules even at home, peonies purchased in the store, for example, can be preserved for more than a month.

Features of peonies

Flower growers know that the most fresh look have plants picked early in the morning before the sun rose high. This rule also works with peonies. In the early hours, their stems, leaves and buds are still filled with moisture, on which the lifespan of flowers depends. But peonies collected at lunchtime will not delight with their aroma and freshness for long, since under the scorching sun they have already lost some of their juice. If you don’t want to walk around the garden with pruning shears early in the morning, you can cut peonies for a bouquet in the evening, after sunset. Picking flowers for a bouquet in the evening has its advantages: overnight the plants will have time to acclimatize at home.

How quickly the buds of cut peonies turn into lush inflorescences depends on many factors. Some varieties tend to bloom more quickly, others linger longer in the state of half-open buds. The air temperature in the room also affects this process: the warmer the room, the faster the peonies will fully bloom and show their charm.

Exist certain requirements to the selection of plants intended for transportation. If peonies have to travel to their recipient, then you should not choose flowers for the bouquet that were cut immediately after the rain. They will quickly lose their flawless appearance, and the bright petals will become covered with dark spots. As a result, such a gift will not please you for long.

Best time to buy

Today, when it is possible to artificially create any climatic conditions in greenhouses, growing flowers all year round is not a problem. But in spring, in their natural season, peonies look their most beautiful. It is at this time that bouquets of lush and fragrant inflorescences delight many women the most. And I must say, spring is actually the best time to buy peonies.

In spring, plants still contain a lot of moisture and energy, thanks to which, even after cutting, flowers can last much longer than those picked at the end of May or June. If we compare how much spring and summer peonies cost in a vase, then we must say that flowers purchased in March or April (before their buds fully open) are the best choice for a long-lasting floral gift. It is best to choose plants whose petals have just begun to acquire their color and are still in the so-called “marshmallow” state (when compressed, the bud is no longer very tight, but still retains its density). And by the way, many consider such “marshmallow” peonies to be the most beautiful. They look very delicate and attractive, have a fresh, subtle aroma and are suitable for creating any floral composition.

How to prepare a vase for peonies

The right vase for peonies is an important part of caring for a bouquet. How long the flowers can last in marketable condition depends on how well the container for the flowers is selected. The perfect choice for these lush buds is opaque tall vase made of dark glass. In such vessels, water retains its freshness longer, and the processes of decay in them begin much later than in transparent ones.

Another important requirement to the peony vase: it must be perfectly clean. Before placing flowers in a vessel, it must be thoroughly rinsed with an antibacterial agent. A solution of potassium permanganate is well suited for these purposes. This is done in order to remove bacteria remaining on the walls of the vase after storing the previous bouquet. Cleaning the vessel will not take much of your time, but it will significantly extend the storage of cut peonies.

What should be the water in the vase?

Peonies are famous water-drinkers. Therefore, you will have to constantly monitor the water level in the vase. It should cover the stems to the middle. If the vessel does not allow this, it is important that the plants are immersed in water at least 8-10 cm.

Flowers drink the most liquid in the first day after cutting. But what kind of water to choose for peonies is still a question for many! The ideal “drink” for flowers is rain, spring or melt water. If there is none, then the vase should be filled with settled water at room temperature.

And we must not forget that peonies love various kinds floristic "feeding". For example, plants will feel better if you add a little vinegar and granulated sugar (1 tbsp/1 l of water) or boric acid (200 ml/1 l) to the vase. In addition, it is useful to add several crystals of potassium permanganate, a couple of tablets of coal or aspirin, and pine needle extract to the water for peonies. These antibacterial substances will clear the flower “drink” of bacteria, thereby extending the life of the bouquet for a few more days. And in order for peonies to retain their freshness for as long as possible, you can use the methods of professional florists: add special preservatives to the water, which are sold in most flower shops.

What needs to be done right away

To ensure that a bouquet of peonies does not lose its freshness longer, before placing the flowers in a vase, you need to do several manipulations with them.

The first thing to remember is that before placing peonies in a vase, it is very important to trim the ends of their stems. And it's best to do this right under water. This simple technique will help keep peonies in their original freshness for a long time. Otherwise, the flower will quickly fade, sometimes without even having time to fully open the bud. The reason for such rapid decline is very easy to explain. In the place where the stems are cut, capillaries are visible through which the plant draws water from the vase. When exposed to air, these flower vessels become clogged, and as a result, the flower loses its ability to drink. And by the way, it is necessary to trim the stems of peonies every 2-3 days, since the capillaries in the stems of the plant tend to periodically become clogged.

How many centimeters to trim peonies for the first time depends on the height of the vase. The lower the vessel in which the flowers will be stored, the more the plant stems will have to be trimmed. And it's not just about aesthetics. The farther a peony bud is from the water, the more difficult it will be for the flower to drink water. To further improve the flow of moisture directly to the bud, it is useful to make a 5-centimeter longitudinal cut on the stem.

Before placing peonies in a vase, it is useful to keep them in the dark and cool for 2-3 hours. For example, you can fill a bathtub or bucket with cool water and submerge your plants in it (but keep the flowers dry). This will help the plants absorb moisture even more and “painlessly” adapt to home conditions.

In addition, before “settling” flowers in a vase, you will definitely have to free the part of the stem that will be immersed in water from the leaves. This will help prevent water and stems from rotting, and as a result, prolong the life of the flowers.

And one moment. Peonies do not like to share a vase with other plants. Although, to be honest, many of their neighbors don’t really like these flowers. That is, it is not advisable to place a lot of peonies in one vessel. If the bouquet is large, then it would be more correct to divide it into parts, since the buds of these plants, in addition to everything else, also really love space and free air circulation around them.

Additional measures

Caring for peonies is almost no different from caring for other types of plants. Ideally, it is possible to change the water in the vase daily. If this does not work, you need to do this at least every 2-3 days. Every time you change the water in a vessel, it is important to rinse it thoroughly (preferably with disinfectants). In addition, do not be lazy and thoroughly rinse the stems of the bouquet under running water, and then refresh their cut.

To additionally nourish the bouquet with moisture, you should spray its leaves with a spray bottle at least once a day. And by the way, don’t be upset if the gifted bouquet “dropped your ears” a little while you brought it home. Even plants with noticeable withered leaves and drooping buds can be quickly revived. To do this, simply place the flowers in water. To make the “reanimation” of the bouquet even more effective, before bathing the stems should be trimmed a little (make a diagonal cut), and the flowers themselves should be wrapped in damp paper. The paper trick will help keep the bouquet upright while its stems and foliage replenish their moisture reserves. After 3-4 hours, the protective wrapper can be removed from the flowers.

To prevent plants from losing their amazing aroma for as long as possible, you can cover them with paper or wrap the flowers in cellophane at night. But probably the most effective method To extend the life of cut peonies, place the bouquet in the refrigerator overnight. At night you won’t be able to admire the beauty of the bouquet anyway, but for plants a few hours in the cool is another plus of a day or two of blooming life.

How to delay the opening of peonies

For many, peonies look most beautiful at the stage of half-opened inflorescences, reminiscent of fresh marshmallows. But the plants remain in this state for a very short time: in the morning, peonies can resemble delicate oval cakes, and by lunchtime they can fully open up. It would seem that you can’t trample against nature and you just need to have time to enjoy the provided moments of spring beauty. However, it is not without reason that florists around the world have been studying the character and habits of different colors. They noticed that there are methods to delay this process for several days.

If the cut peonies have not yet been in a vase with water, they can be wrapped in paper and placed in the refrigerator. The main thing for the dry storage method is not to wet the plants and keep them away from fruits and vegetables. Using this method at home, you can slow down the development of a flower, sometimes even for 2-3 weeks. And in the flower industry, special refrigerators allow you to store cut peonies for almost 3 months.

If the bouquet was already in a vase with water and reached certain type, in which, in fact, you want to “freeze” it, then you will have to do the following. Remove the flowers from the water, blot the stems with a dry towel, make sure that there are no drops of water on the leaves and buds, then wrap the bouquet in paper and also put it in the refrigerator. If it is not possible to store flowers in a refrigerator, then the bouquet should be placed in any other cool room.

By the way, there are ways to achieve the opposite effect. To make the buds open faster, the stems should be completely cleared of leaves (so that all the energy of the flower goes only to the inflorescences), and the bouquet should be placed in warm (but not hot) water in a warm room. And if closed peonies are placed in a vase with hot water or in water with alcohol, you can witness a real miracle: a flower will open right before your eyes.

But still, it is best for peonies if the vase with the bouquet is not exposed to direct sunlight, and the vessel with fragrant flowers is kept away from heating devices. This will help extend the life of peonies.


Peonies are favorite flowers in the West and East. They look great as flowering bushes in gardens and in the form of bouquets. These are some of the most universal plants. Their soft pink buds look great in a wedding bouquet. Such a floral gift can be presented to your beloved girlfriend or wife for any reason or without it, just as a sign of love. Moreover, in flower language, peonies are a symbol of sincere feelings and fidelity. Bouquet of peonies – a good choice on March 8, birthday or Mother's Day, they can be given to family, friends and colleagues.

To make the bouquet contain even more meaning, you can play on the symbolism of the number of plants in the bouquet. For what occasion is it better to choose 5 flowers, and when is it better to give 9 or 11, the florists of the online store know. Experts will help you choose from a huge range of peony compositions the one that best suits your occasion. In this store you can buy peonies of almost any variety and in any quantity. At the client’s request, specialists will create a delicate miniature bouquet tied with an elegant ribbon and design a spectacular flower arrangement in a stylish box or they will collect several dozen (and even hundreds!) buds into a huge cloud of peonies. And if you do not have the opportunity to pick up the bouquet from the store yourself, then couriers will deliver it anywhere in the country.


What bride doesn't love peonies?! This is a beautiful, lush flower, and one of my favorites. And the Aroma... the aroma that is released is driving you crazy!
Peonies are a symbol of happiness and prosperity, which is why they perfect choice for a wedding bouquet or holiday decoration. Peonies are loved by brides all over the world due to their lush buds; they are an excellent addition to any bouquets, as well as wedding table decorations. Shades of peonies such as pink, white, coral make a wedding bouquet of peonies truly feminine.
If you mix several peonies together with roses or ranunculus in one bouquet, it will turn out magnificent! If you have some traditional, modest idea of ​​a wedding, then peony is also your choice. Wedding bouquet of peonies white or pale pink looks very beautiful, and at the same time modest. Peony is also suitable for lush exotic compositions. A bouquet of peonies looks especially beautiful in coral color.
I would like to note that peonies have a fairly large bud, so you will need very little of them for a bouquet, which will significantly save your budget without affecting the splendor of the bouquet.
The peony flowering season is May - July, and it is at this time that a bouquet of peonies will cost you the least. But in Holland peonies are practically available all year round However, they will cost more, and the freshness of the flowers will be worse. If your wedding falls outside the peony flowering season, don’t worry, they can be replaced with flowers that are very similar and have the same advantages. We will definitely offer you a choice wedding bouquets from other, equally lush flowers, to reduce the cost of your bouquet, while practically not changing its appearance.
Therefore, always discuss your budget with us, then we will be able to offer you the most optimal wedding bouquet!
Please note that you can find out more about our bouquets in the gallery

How to care for peonies?

Those who are familiar with peonies know that it is better to purchase them when they are in buds, so you will be sure that you bought “fresh” flowers! Peony buds bloom very quickly and the speed of opening is affected by the temperature in the room: the warmer it is, the faster the peony will open.

What you should do when you bring it home:

1. Fill a clean vase 3/4 full with water at room temperature.
2. With a sharp knife cut the stem diagonally a couple of centimeters and place it in water. We strongly recommend removing any leaves that fall below the waterline.
3. We recommend washing the vase and changing the water while trimming the stem at least every 2-3 days to prolong the life of the flowers.

Tricks that will speed up the blooming of peonies:

How to quickly open peonies? This is a question many people ask us, we hear it at every step! Opened peonies are used to decorate weddings and special events.
Our tips:
Remove leaves. If you want to leave them, then only those that are above the waterline are allowed; under no circumstances should the leaves come into contact with the water! But if you don't want the leaves, remove them all.
Fill the vase with slightly warm (not hot) water. How more water, those faster flower will open
Place the vase in a warm but not hot room. Heat will help speed up the opening process, but make sure the vase with the bouquet is away from direct sun rays and heating devices.
If the buds have started to open but you still need to speed up the process to open more, you can open very carefully and gently with your fingers. Pull back the outer green petals and outer petals slightly. We recommend these steps if you need to open your peony buds quickly. Otherwise, it's best to just let them unfold naturally!

How to slow down the process of blooming peonies in a bouquet:

If you haven't treated your peonies yet and it's not a bouquet of peonies, just wrap them in paper and put them in the refrigerator. Make sure there is no moisture and there are no fruits or vegetables nearby, they emit ethylene, which will speed up the aging process of peonies.
Place the bouquet in water, don't worry. You can still slow down the process of peonies opening: just place the entire vase in the refrigerator. Making sure to keep them away from fruits and vegetables.
If you do not have the opportunity to place the bouquet in the refrigerator, then keep it cold and dark room. This could be a bathroom or even a garage. Just make sure it's not so cold that the flowers won't freeze!
We hope these tips help you.

DeFlor – decora & floristiki studio.


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