Climbing rose: planting, care and methods of propagation. Climbing rose - planting and care, photos and pruning diagrams, shelter for the winter

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Climbing roses description.
Growing climbing roses.
Planting climbing roses.
Caring for climbing (climbing) roses.
Pruning climbing roses.
Propagation of climbing roses.
Sheltering climbing roses for the winter.

Supports for climbing roses.

Description of climbing roses

climbing roses- roses with long creeping or hanging shoots, for the growth of which support is absolutely necessary. Among them there are roses that bloom once a year, as well as remontant ones, that is, they bloom many times.

Climbing roses have shoots that are several meters long. The flowers are white, pink, red, yellow from 2.5 to 9 cm, from single to semi-double, odorless, collected in inflorescences. Flowering is long-lasting and begins in June.

When describing climbing roses, it should be noted that they occupy one of the leading places in vertical gardening, go well with small architectural forms, and are indispensable for creating decorative columns, pyramids, arches, trellises, green decoration of building walls, balconies, and gazebos.

There are many varieties of climbing roses, the description of which will take a lot of time and space. However, according to the nature of their growth, these roses can be divided into three groups:
Curly - from 5 m to 15 m high.
Climbing height - from 3 m to 5 m.
Semi-climbing in height - from 1.5 m. - 3 m.

The formation of shoots in climbing roses is continuous, due to which the flowering and budding phases are very extended. The total flowering duration is from 30 to 170 days. Among the repeat-blooming roses, the group of large-flowered roses, or Climings, stands out for its decorativeness.
Growing climbing roses

Choosing a place for planting and growing climbing roses. For growing, you need to choose sunny and ventilated places. Roses are light-loving plants, so it is best to plant them on walls and supports with southern and southwestern exposure. Preference should still be given to southern exposure; good lighting helps the growth to ripen, which will flower next year.

Planting climbing roses.

Groundwater should be no higher than 70-100 cm, optimally 100-150 cm. It will not be possible to grow climbing roses in swampy, damp places prone to flooding.

When choosing a place to plant, be sure to think about how you will arrange climbing roses for shelter for the winter. Climbing roses grow to a height of more than 2.5 m. When laying climbing roses for the winter, they should not “cover” other plants that do not require shelter.

What kind of soil should it be? To grow climbing roses, you need fertile, loose, moderately moist soil with a fertile layer of at least 30 cm. And so, in the place of the future rose garden, it is necessary to prepare the soil: for this purpose it is better to use rotted manure (cow), if the soil is too heavy, you need to add sand, peat, which will give the soil looseness.

Selection of seedlings. The seedling should have 2-3 well-ripened lignified shoots with green, intact bark and developed root system with many thin roots (lobe). The root collar of a seedling at the age of 1-2 years looks like a slight thickening separating the wild rootstock and the stem of the cultivated plant.
Planting climbing roses

When is the best time to plant roses? IN middle lane In Russia, it is preferable to plant roses in the fall from September to the end of October, or in the early spring from mid-April to the end of May. In autumn, plants must be planted 2 cm deeper than in spring (total depth 5 cm), so that the shoots of planted roses do not dry out and suffer from the approaching cold weather, they are covered with earth and sand to a height of 20-25 cm. When the temperature drops to subzero temperatures roses are covered for the winter.

Preparing climbing roses for planting. Seedlings with an open root system are soaked in water a day before planting. Leaves are removed from the shoots and immature and broken shoots are cut out with sharp pruning shears. The above-ground part is shortened to 30 cm, long roots - to 30 cm, cutting out the rotten roots to a healthy place. The buds located below the grafting site are removed - wild shoots will develop from them. Seedlings are disinfected by dipping in 3% copper sulfate.

Planting climbing roses. Planting pits are prepared measuring 50 × 50 cm, the distance between plants should be at least 2 - 3 meters. When planting, do not bend the roots of the plants too much. They should be laid out freely in the hole so that they go to the bottom without bending upward, and the seedlings should be held at such a height that the grafting site is approximately 10 cm below the soil surface. (Other varieties of roses are planted 5 cm deep, but climbing roses are planted deeper.)

Then the hole is filled to two-thirds of its depth with soil, compacted so that it fits properly against the roots, and the plant is watered. Thorough watering in the spring is especially important. Only after the water has been absorbed is the hole filled with earth, and the seedling is hilled to a height of at least 20 cm.

Before the onset of frost, the hilling level is raised. In spring, this sprinkled soil will protect the plant from the scorching rays of the sun and drying winds. For greater reliability, the seedling can be slightly shaded with pine needles. In dry weather, it is watered every 5-6 days. Three weeks after spring planting, the soil from the bush is carefully raked. It is advisable to do this on a cloudy day, when there is no danger of a sharp drop in temperature at night.

At the beginning of April, autumn-planted roses are opened and treated in the same way. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the most sensitive place of the entire plant, the grafting site, remains 10 cm below ground level. In the spring, new shoots will grow above it.

If a climbing rose grows near a wall, then the distance to it should not be less than 50 cm. The plant is brought to the wall itself by an inclined planting at an appropriate angle. If a rose were grown close to the wall, it would constantly suffer from a lack of moisture.

When late spring planting When carried out in dry, warm weather, it is useful to cover the soil with a layer of damp peat or any other mulch. After planting, the shoots are cut into 3 - 5 buds.
Caring for climbing roses

How to care for climbing (climbing) roses? Caring for climbing roses involves proper watering, timely feeding, pruning, disease and pest control, as well as loosening and mulching the soil. In addition, climbing roses must be provided with beautiful supports and covered for the winter.

In response to such care and careful care, these beauties will certainly thank you with magnificent blooms throughout almost the entire summer.

How to water climbing roses? Good plant care is first and foremost proper watering. During the growing season, roses consume a lot of water. In the absence of precipitation, from the moment the buds appear, as well as after pruning, the plants are watered every 10-12 days.

When watering, the soil must be soaked so that the moisture penetrates deeper than the roots (1-2 buckets per plant). On the 2-3rd day after watering (or rain), the soil around the plant must be loosened to a depth of 5-6 cm, which helps retain moisture in the soil and improve air access to the roots. Loosening can be replaced by mulching the soil.

Lack of moisture in the soil affects the growth of roses, and the concentration of salts in the substrate also increases. But we must remember that too frequent watering with a hose raises air humidity, and this contributes to the spread of fungal diseases.

Feeding climbing roses. To ensure proper care of plants, it is necessary to fertilize the soil. Climbing roses need regular feeding more than others. Throughout the summer, they need to be fed every 10 to 20 days, alternating nitrogen fertilizers with complete, complex ones. Fertilizers can be either dry or liquid

First of all, in the spring they carry out liquid fertilizer complete mineral fertilizer (according to instructions). After 10 - 20 days, feed the plants with organic matter (1 bucket of mullein per 5 buckets of water + 3 kg of ash) 1 liter of this mixture is diluted in a bucket of water and watered at the root of the roses. This operation will ensure an abundant start to flowering with brightly colored flowers.

Such fertilizing, alternating with each other, should be done until mid-summer. From mid-July, they stop feeding with nitrogen fertilizers and switch to phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, so that the bush begins to prepare for winter.

Whenever feeding, you must strictly adhere to the dosage! If there is an excess of any chemical elements, the condition of roses may worsen. Such care will only harm the plants.
Pruning climbing roses

Pruning plays a very important role in caring for climbing roses.

The main purpose of pruning is to form a crown, obtain abundant and long-lasting flowering, and maintain plants in a healthy condition.

With good care, roses summer period Long shoots grow, up to 2-3.5 m. They are covered for the winter. In the spring of next year, only the frozen and frosted shoots and the ends of the shoots on the strong outer bud are pruned.

In the future, pruning of climbing roses is carried out depending on how these roses bloom, once or twice. These groups of roses differ significantly from each other in the nature of flowering and shoot formation.

The first ones form flowering branches on last year's shoots. They don't bloom again. To replace faded shoots, the so-called main (basal), these roses form from 3 to 10 restoration (replacement) shoots, which will bloom the next season. In this case, after flowering, the basal shoots are cut down to the base, like raspberries. Thus, bushes of single-flowering climbing roses should consist of only 3-5 annual and 3-5 biennial flowering shoots.

If climbing roses belong to the group of repeat flowering roses, then flowering branches of different orders (from 2 to 5) are formed on the main shoots within three years, the flowering of such shoots weakens by the fifth year. Therefore, the main shoots are cut out after the fourth year to the ground. If many new strong recovery shoots form at the base of these shoots (which usually happens when roses are well cared for), then the main shoots are cut out as in the first group.

For bushes with repeated flowering, it is enough to have from 1 to 3 annual restoration shoots and from 3 to 7 flowering main shoots. Repeatedly blooming roses are recommended to be pruned in early spring. The point of pruning is to leave a limited number of the strongest, youngest and longest branches on the bush. If the lashes are too long compared to the support, they need to be trimmed.

It is important to remember that most climbing roses bloom on overwintered shoots, which must be preserved for their entire length; only the very tops with underdeveloped buds must be removed. Therefore, such roses should not be pruned in the fall; the main pruning is carried out in early spring.

Proper pruning and careful care can provide almost continuous flowering roses in your garden.
Propagation of climbing roses

Climbing roses propagate well from summer and winter cuttings. Most easy way- this is a green cutting; most climbing roses give almost 100% rooting. Green cuttings work best in June, during the first flowering.

The cuttings are planted in the substrate to a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm.

Cuttings are cut from flowering or fading shoots with 2 - 3 internodes. The lower end is made oblique (at an angle of 45°) directly under the kidney, and the upper end is made straight away from the kidney. The lower leaves are completely removed, and the rest are cut in half. The cuttings are planted in a substrate (in a mixture of earth and sand or in clean sand) in a pot, box or directly into the soil to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. The cuttings are covered on top glass jar or film and shade from the sun. Watering is carried out without removing the film.

Cuttings in early spring also give good results. During the spring pruning of climbing roses, many cut shoots remain that can be successfully rooted. Plant and care for cuttings according to the above method.
Sheltering climbing roses for the winter

Sheltering climbing roses for the winter has its own characteristics. If to cover roses of other varieties it is enough to cover the bush with earth (it is important to preserve shoots 10 - 15 cm high), then for climbing roses it is necessary to preserve the shoots - the lashes completely.

Caring for roses in autumn. Preparing roses for winter begins long before the onset of frost. Already at the end of August it is necessary to stop watering and loosening the soil. At this time, it is no longer possible to feed the plants with nitrogen, but it is necessary to apply potassium fertilizers to strengthen the shoot tissue.

Be prepared for what winter shelter for climbing roses can last for several days, or even a whole week. A rose with thick, powerful shoots is unlikely to be laid on the ground in one day. This must be done at a positive temperature; in frost, the stems become fragile and break easily. Under no circumstances try to press each shoot separately to the ground. This can only be done by tying the entire bush into a bundle or two bundles and then spread them in different directions.

If, when tilting the bush, you feel that the stems may break, stop tilting and fix the bush in this position. Let him stand there for a day or two, and then continue until you pin him to the ground.

It is necessary to cover roses only with the onset of frost.

A rose pinned to the ground should be covered with the onset of frost. Sometimes this has to be done even in the snow. In the southern regions there is enough shelter made of lutrasil. Just remember to cover the base of the bush with sand or earth. If your winters are cold, cover the bush with spruce branches and also cover it in several layers with covering material or roofing felt.
Supports for climbing roses

The possibilities for beautifully decorating your garden plot with the help of climbing roses are quite varied: you can often see beautiful gazebos and terraces, balconies, grottoes and pavilions, arches and pergolas decorated with roses, and how much climbing roses transform the faceless walls of buildings, and there is no need to talk.

Supports for climbing roses.

Climbing roses can decorate a home like no other flowering plant. All it takes is one climbing rose to transform an unprepossessing stone wall or emphasize the originality of the facade, add romance to the previously ordinary entrance to the house.

The support for climbing roses can be either wooden or metal.

A tree can serve as a support for climbing roses.

On big tree climbing roses appear in all their lush splendor.

Support grids can be made from available materials: wooden planks, metal rods and even thick fishing line.

As you know, there are many types of roses that summer residents and gardeners should pay attention to. Despite the fact that owners often decide to plant lush rose bushes, it makes sense to pay attention to the so-called climbing roses, appearance which are simply unique. The thing is that it is climbing roses that resemble grapes, which wrap around any surface and seem to become part of this or that structure or other object. Climbing roses, among other things, have a unique appearance that attracts people with the bright color of their buds and the density of their leaves.

Many people call abundantly growing climbing roses a blooming carpet that can turn even a gray and unattractive area into a truly fabulous area.

Despite the fact that modern types of roses are quite hardy to any conditions, it is still necessary to take care of climbing roses, since losing such a wonderful plant would be a terrible mistake. Practice shows that to maintain the excellent condition of a climbing rose, a minimum of effort is required, but these same efforts are needed with a certain regularity.

In this material we will look at the main details associated with climbing roses, and also analyze the conditions in which the plant will feel most comfortable. We will separately go through the main measures that allow you to preserve roses from severe cold and frosty winds.

Features of climbing roses

First of all, you need to understand that climbing roses are significantly different from other types of roses. However, these differences practically do not concern the appearance of this culture. The point is that climbing roses are often planted in regions where a warm and mild climate with moderate humidity prevails. If we are talking about areas where in winter the temperature can reach tens of degrees below zero, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​planting climbing roses. In extreme cases, you may want to consider a secure cover for your flowers to minimize exposure to cold temperatures. However, we will talk about this in more detail later in this material.

Yet again, main feature climbing roses is their appearance. The point is that every owner can create exactly the flower arrangement he wants. IN in this case it all depends on where the rose is planted and what is located next to this place. Often people who want to create an attractive composition of roses use special frames made of metal reinforcement. Ultimately, climbing roses are wrapped around units of reinforcement, and a kind of “living” composition is obtained. It is worth emphasizing that this is also not so simple process, since it is quite difficult to evenly cover a frame or other base with a plant. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the bush will not develop so quickly, so you will have to wait several seasons before a composition based on climbing roses becomes the center of attention of the site.

Varieties of climbing roses

Obviously, there are a huge number of varieties of roses, so every gardener or summer resident will choose exactly those roses that look attractive and also have other positive aspects. It is interesting that the appearance of roses may be practically the same, but the most important features will make themselves known. For example, we can talk about the plant’s resistance to low temperatures or the flowering period.

The main varieties that can now be found on sale are the following:

  • Climbing rose Sympathy.
  • Climbing rose Polka.
  • Climbing rose Pierre de Ronsard.
  • Rose climbing Flamentanz.
  • Climbing rose Hendel.
  • Rosa climbing Santana.
  • Climbing rose Kordes.
  • Rose climbing Lagoon.
  • Climbing rose Rosarium Utersen.
  • Climbing rose Golden perfume.

Groups of climbing roses

To begin with, you should keep in mind that there is an international classification of climbing roses, with the help of which even specialists are guided. There are 3 groups in total, and we will analyze each of them in detail.

  • 1st group. This group includes true and climbing roses, which have sufficient flexibility, as well as an arched shape of the shoots. As for the length, the curly parts can often reach 5 meters. The shoots themselves have a green color, which is different rich color, crooked spikes. Flowers can have different colors. By themselves they are terry or semi-double. Flowering is abundant, which lasts for a whole month (often the first half of summer). The leaves have a characteristic shine and high rigidity (most often the leaves are small). As for the winter period, roses belonging to this group can withstand the cold without any problems, but a little shelter should still be provided. We also must not forget about the cold wind, which can harm even the most frost-resistant plants.
  • 2nd group. It is interesting that this group was created on the basis of tea, hybrid and remontant roses. As a result, the second group received unique features. We are talking about long shoots that can reach 4 m. In addition, the growth itself is very active. The flowers are collected in small inflorescences, and in appearance they all look very much like hybrid roses. The main difference of this group is its excellent resistance to the cool season, resistance to diseases that usually affect roses, as well as repeated flowering, which incredibly pleases many owners. Of course, we cannot exclude the fact that this group of climbing roses will still succumb to diseases, but such a probability is extremely low.
  • 3rd group. Well, if we talk about the final group of climbing roses, then it was created on the basis of peculiar mutations of bush plants, which are distinguished by large flowering. The owners like this group because of its bright color and large flowers. Unlike previous groups, these flowers have a rather long flowering period, and for many gardeners this may have great importance.

The process of growing climbing roses

First of all, it is advisable to understand the place where the roses will be planted. Experts recommend choosing places for such tasks that are distinguished by the presence of direct sun rays, as well as excellent ventilation. In addition, it is best to plant at higher elevations, but we must not forget that the “hot sun” for roses is not the best environment, even if all other conditions for the plant are ideal. At the same time, good lighting for climbing roses guarantees that within a year they will delight with active flowering. Again, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the soil on which the planting takes place is moderately fertile. It is best to choose loamy soil that has low humidity. As you know, for most roses, increased moisture in the root system is a serious problem, so this should be taken into account not only when choosing best place for planting, but also when caring for the plant.

Planting climbing roses

  • The area of ​​each hole for planting climbing roses should have a size of about 50x50 cm. The holes themselves must be prepared before the important process. We are talking about the idea that manure is introduced into the recess (which should be no deeper than 50 cm), as well as a certain volume of water.
  • After planting has taken place, you need to trim off the above-ground part of the plant a little. It is best to ensure that the length of the vegetation does not exceed 20 cm. If everything is done correctly, then in the near future the climbing roses will show tremendous growth.
  • The distance between any objects from the planting site should be at least 0.5 m. If this value is less, then it cannot be ruled out that the growth of climbing roses will not be slowed down.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the process of transplanting climbing roses. This is an extremely responsible process, which can be accompanied by many difficulties, so in most cases, in order not to lose such an amazing plant, it makes sense to turn to knowledgeable people.

Specifics of caring for climbing roses

  • Unlike some other flowers, climbing roses require a lot of time for regular care. Of course, this is not a problem for those people who like to spend a lot of time in their summer cottage or garden. First of all, we are talking about the time spent on watering, pruning bushes, as well as regular fertilizing.
  • Pruning the bushes should be done at least a couple of times a season, as climbing roses will gradually lose their shape. If you do not trim the branches on time, the situation may turn out to be too neglected. In addition, as we have already said, the growth activity of a climbing rose may also depend on pruning.
  • As for feeding, we are talking about fertilizers that have a positive effect on overall growth climbing roses It must be borne in mind that manure, which is used when planting a plant, has an effect for a couple of years, after which it is necessary to resort to fertilizing again. Experts advise choosing mineral fertilizers that have a positive effect on growth and flowering. It is interesting that during the growing season these roses need about 5 feedings.

Pruning climbing roses

Returning to pruning climbing roses, attention should be paid to the fact that timely actions can ensure the growth of new shoots up to 3.5 m within one season. Of course, this cannot but attract attention, since in a short period of time the plant becomes truly amazing in appearance. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that without reliable protection from severe frosts, pruning may not have any effect.

In addition, do not forget that we are talking about different groups of climbing roses, so pruning will occur slightly differently.

The main shoots of climbing roses need to be removed only after 3-4 years of flowering. It is also worth keeping in mind that many roses for the next season acquire several new shoots based on one old one. Thus, it is advisable to leave up to 5 shoots on one bush. There are also roses that bloom a couple of times a year; in this case, the shoots need to be trimmed after 5 years, since before this period, weakening of the shoots should not be observed.

You should not be afraid to remove young shoots if they interfere with the formation of attractive vegetation.

The good news is that rose bushes that have been planted for at least a couple of years are considered “mature” and are the easiest to prune. In such situations, you can immediately see what needs to be deleted and what is better left. It is necessary to maintain the proportions of the shrub, since otherwise the general position of the plant may be disrupted, and problems will no longer be avoidable.

If conventional pruning does not help to form shrubs (or other forms), you need to use more sophisticated tools. We are talking about a garter, as well as supports with which you can fix almost any plant. After a certain period, you can safely remove it auxiliary elements, and the shrub itself will have the necessary proportions.

Winter and climbing roses

It is no secret that for many plants, including roses, winter is not the best time for active development. However, the most a big problem consists of low temperatures, which can easily negatively affect the general condition of the bush. Attention should be paid to the fact that in the case of climbing roses it is extremely important to ensure reliable protection from low temperatures and cold winds.

As we have already said, most climbing roses are plants that are resistant to frost. However, this does not negate the fact that it is still necessary to prepare flowers for the winter period.

  • In winter, you need to stop any activities related to loosening the soil, fertilizing and the like. Thus, it is worth paying attention to the fact that you should start creating shelter for climbing roses only when frosts have already begun (we are talking about temperatures from -5 Celsius). If you do this ahead of schedule, then under the cover the roses may simply dry out. Not very low temperatures have a positive effect on the condition of the plant, since it is gradually preparing for really severe frosts, and if such a situation does occur, no special problems should occur.
  • Most often, the covering for climbing roses is prepared in August. It is worth paying attention to the fact that you need to do everything gradually, since too sudden steps in this situation can only do harm. As we already said in the previous paragraph, minimal frosts make it possible to strengthen the bush and in some way prepare it for too low temperatures.
  • Preparing roses for winter occurs exclusively in dry weather conditions. In this case, the supports are removed and the shoots are also cleaned. Damaged leaves of climbing roses must be removed. Accordingly, all those measures are being taken that will improve the condition of the plant at the beginning of the next season (active growth will occur).
  • The whips need to be tied with a rope and then pressed to the ground (at the highest possible level). Ideally, climbing roses should be at ground level so that frosty winds cannot affect the plant in any way. It is advisable to place a plastic film on top. In addition, you can cover the plant with dry leaves. Both options are good, but you need to make sure that the roses do not mate if the temperature outside suddenly rises.

Specifics of propagation of climbing roses

First of all, it must be said that climbing roses in the best possible way propagated by green cuttings. There is information that in this situation, rooting is almost guaranteed. It is advisable to carry out cuttings starting from the second half of June.

The cuttings themselves are taken directly from healthy shoots. It is important to note that the leaves from the bottom of the plant must be removed, and the cutting itself is placed in sand with soil to a shallow depth (about 1 cm). For growing climbing roses this way, it is advisable to use a small box or pot. It is also necessary to ensure that the cutting is in moderate shade, since bright sun may not have the best effect on his condition.

As for watering, it is necessary to do this regularly, but in moderation, since any excess can significantly damage the cuttings.

Options for placing climbing roses on the site

If we are talking about planting climbing roses in a summer cottage or garden plot, we should pay attention directly to the place where the plant will be located.

Experts involved in growing various types of roses note that the climbing plant can be planted in almost any place, but the most important thing is the location, which can determine the condition of the roses, as well as the overall appearance of the area. Thus, you should pay attention to recommendations for planting near trees or near previously planted bushes. It must be borne in mind that planting climbing roses near other plants is a responsible step, since when pruning branches and other elements, special care will be required so as not to touch the neighboring crop.

In addition, people with experience recommend not using other plants as a support for climbing roses, since at one moment something can go wrong and the plant will be in extreme danger. dangerous situation. Thus, it makes sense to pay attention to the standard supports that we talked about earlier. With their help, you can be sure of the correct growth of the shrub, and also, if necessary, without any problems subjecting the plant to any changes in terms of position. Again, when the climbing roses reach large sizes, a lot of effort and care will be required to maintain an acceptable condition, since the miniature supports may not be able to withstand the large weight of the plant.

Climber- an incredibly popular type of rose. It is distinguished by its sophistication and unique aroma. The flowers of this species are large (diameter is 6-7 cm), shaped like a tea rose. Both perennial and young shoots bloom. They often bloom again. The stems of these plants are tough and long, so they will crawl up the support on their own. The length of the shoots is 2-3 meters. The rose is winter-hardy, tolerant of infertile soil and disease resistant.

Quadra very unpretentious and frost-resistant species. Flowering lasts all summer, the color of the flowers is dark red or burgundy. The shoots of this variety are flexible, their length is no more than two meters. They can be easily tied to supports. Although this type It can even withstand Siberian frosts; it is better to cover roses for the winter. If the main shoots of the plant die, in the spring it will produce new ones from the roots, which will eventually form into a vine.

Excelsaunpretentious variety, tolerating poor soils and partial shade. The flowers of this species are small, bright crimson, forming large clusters. The buds are round, non-fragrant, bright and very persistent, 3-3.5 cm in diameter. The foliage is dark green, matte. The shoots are flexible and reach 4.5 meters in length. This variety can be planted near cold walls or grown as a climbing or ground cover rose. This hybrid can also take a weeping standard form or be used for a low hedge. The flowers dry out on the bush, so they have to be removed manually. Excelsa blooms once in early summer, but the shiny, fresh foliage lasts until autumn.

Felicite Perpetue- one of the most famous hybrids, a large, well-leafed, very strong and beautiful rose with large thorns. The double, creamy white flowers have a faint aroma, have a small diameter, but form large clusters. An unpretentious, frost-resistant species, characterized by resistance to disease. The leaves on the plant remain throughout the winter. The flowers dry up right on the bush. The shoots are flexible, easy to guide, and require support.

Kleine Rosel is a recently bred, rather whimsical bicolor variety, one of the most unusual. The purple-red flowers are beautifully decorated with bright yellow stamens.

Climbing roses are mostly grown in the southern regions, as they love warmth. But selection does not stand still, and many varieties have been developed that have become possible to grow in more northern regions. What varieties, you ask, are popular for garden decoration?

At this time, many species and varieties are known, but the most common are.

Pierre de Ronsard

Remontant variety. Sprawling bush up to 2 m in diameter and 3 m in height. The vines are quite tough, so in some cases it is possible to grow them in standard form.

Pierre de Ronsard

They have small buds with which the bush is abundantly strewn, from cream to soft pink shades, sometimes with an internal color saturation.

Densely double flowers up to 14 cm in circumference. In the conditions of the central part of Russia, the buds do not have time to fully open their buds, but this makes it even more attractive.

Since Pierre has a weak aroma, it is mostly planted next to jasmine bushes. The result is a magnificent floral ensemble that, when combined, gives an amazing scent.

What else is so attractive to gardeners about Pierre de Ronsard?

  • frost-resistant, can withstand down to -25°C;
  • increased immunity to powdery mildew;
  • long and abundant flowering;
  • minimal care required.



Remontant variety. Used to decorate gazebos, arches, hedges. Highly decorative. Bush height from 1.5 m to 3.5 m.

After pruning, it becomes lush and spreads its lashes up to 2 m in volume. Frost-resistant. Susceptible to diseases.

Long flowering. The goblet-shaped buds reach up to 8-10 cm in diameter, collected 1-2 on a long peduncle.

Two-tone, original color that attracts attention. In the middle part it is painted in a creamy shade, turning towards the edge into a bright crimson.



An excellent variety of domestic selection. It can be grown in northern regions, as it is highly frost-resistant.

Not damaged by diseases and pests.

Requires minimal care.

Large, up to 12 cm in circumference, bright red flower buds look stunning on the dark green foliage of the bush. Blooms in early summer. Has a bright, floral aroma.

With good care, the lashes grow up to 5 m.


Even a beginner can cope with growing this variety. Easy to care for. Frost-resistant. Not susceptible to diseases. It is decorative, which allows it to be used in landscaping.

A bush 1.5-2 m high is strewn with delicate flowers peach color. Abundant, long-lasting flowering allows you to admire it until autumn. Many rose growers like its light, delicate aroma.


Planting and care

The climbing rose has long been chosen by designers for vertical gardening. After all, it is convenient for decorating gazebos, arches, verandas and various fences. Therefore, before planting it, think about the design of your garden.

Tips on when and where to plant:

Landing in the ground

  • To plant seedlings in the soil, they need preparation.. To do this, inspect the root system. Remove all damaged, dried and broken roots. Immerse for 20 minutes in a weak solution of manganese to disinfect. It is also necessary to shorten the above-ground part. Cut the shoots into a third with a sharp sector. Make a clay mash, add 1 tablet of heteroauxin per 10 liters. Dip the roots into it.
  • We plant it in the ground. Dig a hole. It should be larger than the root system of the seedling. Pour a mound into the hole and place a bush on it. Spread the roots around the mound and cover with soil prepared in advance. Mix garden soil thoroughly with humus and sand.

    The root collar should be deepened by at least 10 cm. This will protect against freezing and promote the formation of additional roots.

  • Press the soil around the stem and water it with water.. After a few days, when the soil settles, it needs to be replenished.

    The distance between plants required for free growth is at least 1 m and 1-2 m between rows. To decorate the garden with screens, we plant in a checkerboard pattern with a distance of 0.5-1 m.

  • When planting bushes in spring, cover them with film.. The film will create Greenhouse effect and they will get along better. Don't forget to open it slightly for ventilation. First, once a day for 15 minutes. In subsequent days, open for longer periods, thereby preparing the plants for outdoor conditions.
  • In the first year, roses do not need fertilizer.. They get enough nutrients from the soil.

Caring for climbing roses

Climbing bushes in most cases are undemanding to care for.

What needs to be done to keep the plants healthy and well-groomed?

  • In the spring, prune, remove and burn plant debris;
  • carefully dig up the soil around the plants, mulch with peat or humus;
  • do not allow the soil to dry out;
  • fertilization;
  • spray with a 3% solution to protect against diseases;
  • carry out treatment with pest control drugs;
  • pruning branches that have bloomed;
  • at the end of September, hill up the plants, remove the supports, and carefully place the branches on the ground;
  • shorten all shoots by 30 cm;
  • when the temperature reaches -5°C, remove all leaves and damaged branches and fasten with twine;
  • cover for the winter with any material;
  • Pruning should be done in autumn and spring.


After flowering

Why is it needed:

  • develop and grow better;
  • more young shoots appear on the branches;
  • a powerful root system is formed;
  • nutrients are distributed equally throughout the plant;
  • for disease prevention;
  • for more light and air access.

To trim branches correctly and without consequences, you need a tool:

  • sharp knife or pruning shears;
  • loppers of different sizes;
  • gloves for work.

All tools should be kept clean and dry. After any work, they should be washed and disinfected in a solution of manganese and hydrogen peroxide. After that, dry it.


Autumn haircuts take place between October and November. Most of the shoots are removed:

  • removal of old shoots;
  • broken;
  • shortening shoots by 1/3 in winter;

It is easier for the bushes to endure winter frosts without the extra mass of branches.


In spring you should trim:

  • broken branches;
  • dry branches;
  • caught in the frost.

Cold protection

Despite what is written about the frost resistance of a particular variety, roses should be covered for the winter. If there is little snow in winter, they may freeze.

How to cover correctly:

If a climbing rose wraps around an arch, then we cover it on it. For this:

In the spring, when the weather warms up, the cover should be removed gradually, layer by layer. This is done in order to accustom the plant to light. Avoid sunburn on the plant.



For seed propagation, it is better to buy material at a garden store.

Collected seeds from your bushes do not have varietal characteristics. But in this way you can develop a new variety. Experiment for your own pleasure.

If all conditions are met, your first buds will appear 2 months after planting. They need to be removed to allow young plants to gain strength before subsequent transplantation into the ground.

With the onset of warmth, plant the seedlings in beds under film.


The most popular way to propagate roses is. In mid-summer, cut shoots from bushes. The segments must have more than 2 internodes.

How to cut cuttings correctly?

  1. Secateurs or sharp knife We make cuts in such a way that the lower one falls under the kidney at an angle of 45°, and the upper one is straight and above the kidney.
  2. Remove the bottom row of leaves from the section. Shorten the top ones.
  3. Fill the pots with soil (a mixture of earth and sand) and stick the cuttings into them. Cover with a transparent glass and place in a bright place.
  4. When the first leaves appear, remove the glasses. IN further care before disembarking at open ground consists of watering and applying complex fertilizer.

By layering


Not the most popular and labor-intensive method of propagation is grafting onto a rootstock or, in other words, budding:

Advice! Before grafting, rose hips should be watered abundantly. Cut off the above-ground part with a sector, leaving 10-15 cm.

Looking at the splendor of climbing roses, it is impossible to resist planting them in your garden. Moreover, selection offers us a variety of species and varieties that are currently grown in any region of Russia.


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