Tiles from plastic bottles at home. Paving slabs made from plastic bottles

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Paving slabs, or paving stones, are a beautiful, durable material that is used for construction and decoration garden paths, platforms and interior space yard Everything would be fine, but, to my great regret, paving stones are not a cheap pleasure, and everyone wants to make their yard clean and beautiful, so I had such a great desire. Buy paving stones from required quantity I couldn’t - it turned out to be beyond my means, but making it myself was easy. :) I will tell you exactly how to make paving stones yourself in this article, fully illustrating the manufacturing process.

The actual technology for producing paving stones, as well as its recipe, was found by me on the Internet, fortunately there was more than enough information, and I got to work.

To make such paving slabs, you must have cement, sand, superplasticizer and, if desired, dye.

In the store I purchased several bags of grade 500 cement and a superplasticizer; it will increase the strength of the paving stones and increase its resistance to low temperatures.

Not huge, of course, but quite a decent pile of sand, brought about a year ago from a local quarry, we still had after finishing the house.

I decided not to purchase a colorant dye. Honestly, as for me, the difference between colored and gray paving stones is small; the color still turns out to be a shade of gray!

As a vibrating table, without which it is simply impossible to produce high-quality paving stones, it was decided to use an old Siemens washing machine, which had long since served its purpose, but was still very functional. If anyone doesn’t know why a vibrating table is needed, I’ll explain - with its help, maximum compaction of the shapes of any concrete elements, in our case paving stones, is achieved, which becomes more uniform and, accordingly, stronger.

I will tell you about the forms separately and in more detail. :)

When I shared the idea self-made paving stones with friends, some of them suggested that I make the molds myself. Some suggested making molds from old wooden planks, the second advised to use unnecessary containers - trays, bowls, etc., the third persuaded us to make the molds ourselves from a special polymer. I, of course, am a girl with “hands”, but I didn’t dare do that, I decided to buy ready-made forms, they are quite varied, thanks to which you can choose a form with beautiful design, which will be imprinted on the surface of the finished product, giving it a special charm and chic.

Buying molds was also not an easy task, first I had to decide what kind of molds I needed: rubber, capable of withstanding about 500 castings - manufacturing cycles, plastic, which will last about 250 cycles, or polyurethane, whose service life does not exceed 100 castings . Rubber and plastic ones turned out to be quite expensive, and given that I was not 100% sure of the successful outcome of the matter, I purchased ordinary polyurethane molds for making paving stones in the amount of 10 pieces.

I started producing paving stones back in May, fortunately the weather turned out to be favorable, and I continue to this day; I need quite a lot of paving stones. :)

Now I will describe to you in detail the production technology of paving slabs - paving stones. For one casting, to fill 10 molds, I needed 10 kilograms of sand, 5 kg of cement and 30 grams of superplasticizer.

I mixed all the above components thoroughly with the usual manually in a large plastic bucket and only after that began to add water in small portions, stirring the mixture until smooth - so that the solution was viscous.

At this stage, the main thing is not to overdo it with water, its excess will reduce the strength of the finished product significantly!

In addition to the components I listed above, fine gravel or screenings can be added to the mixture for casting paving stones.

In addition to the fact that gravel will add even more strength to the products, its inclusions will visually make the paving stones more natural - “stone”. The ratio of the solution in this case will be as follows: 30 grams of superplasticizer, 2 parts each of sand, gravel and cement.

Before pouring our solution into the mold, it must be lubricated with a special emulsion. There are a lot of emulsions sold on the market for these purposes, but I took the advice of an old friend and treated the molds with ordinary dishwashing liquid - you can use any. Apply the liquid with a small brush, carefully distributing it thin layer over the entire inner surface of each mold.

After all the forms have been processed, they need to be slowly filled with solution. I placed the molds directly on the top lid washing machine and, having filled them halfway, turned the machine into spin mode.

To slightly increase the vibration, I first put an old blanket in the drum of the washing machine. As soon as the machine began to vibrate along with the molds, I added the remaining solution to them, filling them completely. This improvised vibrating table does its job perfectly, and I was very pleased with the quality of the vibrating casting.

Then I removed the forms from the washing machine and, laying them out on racks in the garage, covered them with ordinary plastic film to prevent excess moisture evaporation. Only after two days did I remove the paving stones from the molds; doing this earlier is not recommended because cracks quickly form on the molds during use.

In order to remove the paving stones from the mold, I dipped it for a few seconds in water heated to 80 ° C, this helps to expand the mold, as a result the paving stones are very easy to remove.

The emptied forms were filled with a new portion of the solution, and the paving stones were laid in rows on the pallet left over from the purchased blocks.

Finished goods the first 10 days were stored under plastic wrap, all in the same garage, and then moved outside and kept for another month to gain strength.

Naturally, it makes sense to make paving stones yourself only when you don’t need very much of it, although each of us has our own concept of “very much”. :) But this particular method turned out to be the most acceptable for me, especially since the work did not take up much of my time and I did it in the intervals between main tasks and, most importantly, with great interest and pleasure.

Whether to make paving stones with your own hands or not, everyone decides for themselves, but I can only say that it is exciting, easy and profitable. I hope my little master class on making paving stones will be useful for you, try it and show off your results.

In our country, paving slabs appeared at the end of the last century. This construction material continues to enjoy great popularity in our time. Among its many advantages, I would like to highlight its elegant appearance, ease of installation and high durability.

Relatively recently, manufacturers began to use plastic to make tiles. Production of paving slabs from plastic bottles- This is a new direction in business. Entrepreneurs who produce such products not only earn good money from it, but also support the secondary raw materials industry. In the previous publication we talked about, today we will talk about making tiles.

general information

If you are planning to open a mini plant for the production of paving slabs as a business, you should understand that this is a seasonal job, unlike. Therefore, the enterprise will operate only a few months a year.

To create a small factory, you will need a significant start-up capital. It will cost you almost the same amount as buying ready-made business. On the one hand, you can get rid of unnecessary hassle and acquire an existing business. But on the other hand, if you organize it yourself, you will be able to control the process of assembling the production line, as well as choose high-quality equipment and methods for producing paving slabs.

Try to diversify your product range as much as possible. This will allow you to attract a huge number of clients to it in a short time. Thanks to this, the income of the enterprise will significantly increase.

Selecting premises for production

In order to start such a business, you need to find a room with an area of ​​at least 70 square meters. meters. It can be located anywhere. The main thing is that there are convenient access roads for the delivery of raw materials and export finished products. To connect everything necessary equipment, you will need 360 V. You should also immediately select a location for installation drying chamber. The temperature in it should not be lower than + 40 degrees.

Don't forget that in addition to the production department in which the equipment is installed, you will need:

  • Warehouse for raw materials;
  • Warehouse for finished products;
  • Staff room.

According to experts, the technology for producing paving slabs is an environmentally friendly process, but despite this, a ventilation system must be installed in the room.

Raw materials

Plastic paving slabs can be made from any waste:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Broken boxes;
  • Plastic bags.

This is a very cheap raw material that can be bought from people for little money. To purchase it, special collection points should be organized. For 1 kg of plastic waste you will have to pay only 3 rubles. In addition, you will need dye and sand. The cost of such products is sometimes much lower than that of their concrete counterparts. If you are determined to engage in this type of income, then a business plan for the production of paving slabs and a description of the equipment can be found on the Internet on thematic resources. In addition, we recommend reading about. This earning option will probably interest you.


You will have to spend on enterprise equipment a large sum because it is quite expensive. A full-fledged high-performance production line will cost 1–1.5 million rubles

Domestic equipment for tile production is cheaper. You will spend 950 thousand rubles to purchase it. This line consists of:

  • Polymer crushers;
  • Thermal screw mixing machine;
  • Molding unit.

It provides a capacity of 35 sq. meters quality tiles in one shift. Typically, a machine for the production of paving slabs is operated by no more than 5 people. Do not forget that personnel must control the quality of products at every stage so that defective products do not go on sale.


Manufacturers who produce molds for the production of paving slabs offer products made from different materials:

  • Rubber. This technology is considered obsolete because such forms are too expensive and heavy. They will last only a few months and become unusable, so the costs of purchasing such products are unjustified.
  • Fiberglass molds are usually used for the production of volumetric products or tiles big size. They are used extremely rarely, since they require lubrication before each use and have irregular geometry.
  • Plastic forms are the most common option. They are used in mass production of products in large volumes.

To make paving slabs from plastic waste, you can use the same molds as for concrete slabs.

Features of business and product sales

The most a big problem in organizing a tile manufacturing enterprise is the collection of secondary raw materials. You will have to equip several waste collection points, and also advertise them well. You will have to spend 70-100 thousand rubles on one collection point.

In addition, difficulties may arise with the sale of products. Despite the fact that plastic tiles have a lot of advantages, there is not yet much demand for them, so it is quite difficult to sell such goods in large quantities. To receive a stable income, you will have to spend a lot of money on advertising to promote your products on the market and tell consumers about their benefits and beneficial properties.

Even if you produce high-quality tiles, at first you will not be able to sell them at a high price. Consumers do not have much trust in businesses that have recently opened, so bet high price on its products is inappropriate. This important point which you should pay attention to Special attention. Organize such technological process How to produce tiles from plastic bottles in the shortest possible time. This type of business is more designed for the future, since it will require large capital investments at the very beginning.

A well-kept courtyard is the face of the owners. Modern market provides many materials that will help create comfort on suburban area. Plastic paving slabs are increasingly being used to design paths and parking areas. She has high quality and a varied color palette that can be a decoration for any yard.

Paving plastic slabs

Paving material or paving slabs is building element, which is used to create hard pedestrian or vehicular surfaces. It is made from three main components:

Plastic paving slabs

  • sand is the basis and occupies 75% of the total composition of the tile. Particularly strict requirements are imposed on it; it must be well washed, calcined, and the particles must be of medium size;
  • the crushed polymer is binder and occupies 24% of the total volume (use polystyrene, polypropylene or LDPE);
  • various inorganic dyes 1%.

Typically, tiles are made using hot pressing. This method allows you to create a durable building material. It has high physical and chemical properties, which reduces porosity.

Plastic tiles are manufactured in many factories and have already won the trust of consumers. The production process is quite simple. To begin with, all components are thoroughly mixed so that the pigment spreads throughout the mixture and properly colors the entire material. After which the resulting solution is placed in an extruder, where additional impurities are added and everything is thoroughly mixed again. The resulting mass is sent under the press, where the tiles and patterns are formed. At this stage, the production of plastic material ends.

Manufacturers make products in the form of lattice tiles and just ordinary paving stones. Lattice tiles have a square shape, measuring 50x50 or 30x30. Its thickness is no more than 2 cm, and its weight is about 1.5 kg. All elements have through cuts; there are grooves on the sides of the tiles that hold the structure together into a single whole. Paving-shaped tiles are smaller in size, but weigh more. Available in a wide range of colors.

Advantages and disadvantages of building materials

Paving slabs made of plastic are superior to other types of tiles that are presented on the construction market. To the advantages plastic design tracks can be classified as:

Before purchasing a plastic building material, you need to familiarize yourself with its disadvantages and weigh the pros and cons.

The negative aspects of the material include:

  • Of course, plastic tiles are made from durable material, but it does not reach the strength of a stone;
  • plastic wears out faster than stone paving stones;
  • expands slightly when exposed to high temperatures, so when installing it is necessary to leave a small gap of 3-5 mm.

Polymer-sand paving slabs

Plastic tile laying technology

The material is easy to lay, so it can be done with my own hands. The tiles can be mounted on different bases: sand or crushed stone. If you lay tiles on sand or a cement-sand mixture, you need to adhere to certain simple rules.

Laying plastic tiles
  1. The place where the tiles will be laid must be cleaned and about 20 cm of soil removed. After which the surface must be leveled and compacted efficiently.
  2. Along the edge of the surface you need to make small grooves where the curb will be installed. Sand (5 cm) is poured into the groove and watered, after which it is compacted. The curb line is marked and pegs are driven in along the edges and then a rope is stretched. Not poured into the bottom of the groove a large number of cement mortar, and curb stones are installed.
  3. A geotextile layer is applied to the compacted soil surface; its edges must be secured with construction tape. A layer of sand is poured over the material, watered and compacted.
  4. You can begin laying tiles on the compacted sandy surface. Installation is carried out using a rubber hammer at a distance of up to 5 mm from each other.
  5. After installation is completed, sand is poured onto the surface of the site, which effectively fills the seams. At the end of the work, the tiles are washed with water to remove any remaining cement-sand mixture.

As already stated, plastic tiles Can also be mounted on crushed stone. The sequence of work is slightly different from the previous one, and therefore requires consideration of some nuances. Adhering to simple installation rules, the sidewalk path will last a long time.

  1. As in the first case, you must immediately remove upper layer soil, level the area and thoroughly compact the surface. Then you need to make recesses for the curb and install it, following the sequence described above.
  2. The compacted area must be covered with crushed stone (20–40 mm) and the resulting layer thoroughly compacted. After which the surface must be filled with concrete (layer about 100 mm). It is important to do the pouring at a slight slope to allow water to drain.
  3. The concrete surface needs to be covered sand-cement mixture(2–3 cm) and install the tile on it using a rubber hammer. Paving slabs can also be laid with tile adhesive.
  4. You need to pour sand onto the finished area and scrub the seams with a stiff brush. After which the finished paved area must be washed with water to wash away the remaining cement-sand mixture.

Use new beautiful path or the site is possible only after 2 days. During this time, the solution will harden qualitatively, and the tile will be motionless.

Video: Polymer sand paving slabs

DIY paving slabs made from plastic bottles

Used plastic bottles are trash, accounting for a third of all waste on the planet. These containers are used to sell water, juices, beer and liquid medications. household chemicals. The container is considered disposable, therefore, after use it is useless for the original purpose.

But today, plastic bottles are processed into flex - plastic chips, which are subsequently used to make polymer fiber and various products used in everyday life and in production.

Bottle paving slabs in our country it is considered an innovation, although in the West this technology has been used for a long time. Therefore, the production of paving slabs from plastic waste is profitable business with little competition.

Advantages and disadvantages

First of all, tiles made from plastic bottles attract buyers with their low price, which due to the cheapness of raw materials, going into production. All you need is plastic container, sand, dye and additives. But such a paving covering has a large number of good performance characteristics, that is, the consumer pays little and receives high-quality material.

The main advantages of polymer pavement:

· In terms of strength, polymer tiles can compete with concrete covering;

· does not crack in the cold;

· It is easy to remove snow from such paths;

· no ice crust forms on the coating;

· good adhesion to the sole of shoes ensures the safety of pedestrians;

· the surface is resistant to abrasion;

· has high moisture resistance;

· the material is light and easy to install;

· not afraid chemical influences;

· withstands very low temperatures;

· produced in different colors and textures.

Flaw paving slabs made from plastic bottles have only one - when high temperature she increases slightly in size. To avoid deformation of the coating under the influence sun rays, when laying between the tiles, maintain a distance of several millimeters.

Scope of application

The material is in demand among homeowners, construction organizations, owners of summer cottages.

· On personal plot paving slabs made from plastic bottles can be used to lay paths leading to the house and to the garden, to decorate an area for a patio, a children's playground or the area adjacent to the pool.

· The coating is used in car washes, service stations, gas stations, and parking lots.

· Tiles can become a decorative addition when designing flower beds and flower beds.

· Municipal organizations use these products to create public playgrounds and park paths.

Polymer sand tile production

The production of polymer sand tiles is a special technological process, having mastered which anyone can start a profitable business. Part polymer material includes three components.

1. Crushed waste plastic bottles, which are a connecting link and occupy ¼ of the total volume of the mixture.

2. ¾ of the volume is occupied by sand - this is the main filler.

3. Inorganic dyes.

Since sand is the main element here, high demands are placed on its quality. Good sand It has a medium grain size and does not contain any impurities, since the fraction is thoroughly sifted, then washed and calcined.

The bottles themselves do not require cleaning or sorting. A small addition of polyethylene waste is allowed, plastic boxes. But these components should not exceed 1/3 of the composition.

The production of polymer sand tiles can be carried out using several technologies.

· Vibration casting with the addition of plasticizers to the mixture.

· Vibrocompression of dry substance.

· Hot pressing.

The first two methods allow you to produce paving with low porosity. If plasticizers are added to the mixture during hot pressing, the tiles are of very high quality.

The price of paving slabs made from plastic bottles depends on the technology used by the manufacturer.

Manufacturing stages

  1. Plastic bottles are crushed into crumbs.
  2. The raw materials are mixed with sand, dyes and plasticizers.
  3. The resulting composite is subjected to heat treatment at 250℃.
  4. The softened substance is placed into molds and pressed.
  5. After hardening, the finished tiles are packaged in bundles and sent to the point of sale.

Necessary equipment

The first thing you need to start producing paving slabs from plastic bottles is an extruder for grinding recyclable materials. You also need to purchase a melting unit and a forming press.

The molten polymer envelops the sand, the mass becomes homogeneous and viscous. The extruder extrudes it, and the operator cuts it to the required size and places it in the mold. Small production does not imply large number workers who will have to pay wages.

The most heavy expenses– this is the purchase of equipment. However, this area of ​​activity is directly related to the protection environment(plastic bottles are garbage that pollutes everything around), so a novice businessman may well get favorable loan for the purchase of all necessary equipment. The state supports such ideas.

The production of polymer tiles from plastic bottles on an industrial scale will require more powerful and expensive equipment.

Environmentalists estimate that a third of all garbage on earth is made up of plastic bottles. Today they sell juices, mineral water, beer and other liquid products. Plastic bottles are rarely used a second time. These are disposable containers, which is why tons of this useless material accumulate in waste storage facilities. However, in last decades The processing of plastic bottles into so-called flex has become widespread.

  • Flex production technology
  • How much money do you need to start a plastic recycling business?
  • Paving slab manufacturing technology

This material is a white chip of plastic, which can be used to make products that are no less useful in everyday life and industrial activities. A thin fiber is “pulled” from the flex, which can be used as bristles for brushes. These can be not only household products, but also cleaning machines for professionals. In the West, they even learned to make paving slabs from this material. In our country, such technologies are still a novelty. There is practically no competition in the market. For a businessman who decides to start his own business processing recyclable materials, it will be easy to organize the acceptance of PET bottles and the sale of finished products.

Flex production technology

Once the bottles are collected, they need to be prepared for recycling. Products are sorted by color: painted and transparent. PVC containers are also selected separately. Bottles are cleaned of paper, stickers, and other materials other than plastic.

In the second stage, the material is pressed. In this form, it is supplied for further processing to an automated line. Mini presses are often installed at container collection points. After such processing, the products become more compact and are easier to transport to the processing site. The stages of technology performed on it can be represented in the following sequence:

How much money do you need to start a plastic recycling business?

Between all stages, raw materials are moved using a conveyor belt. Equipment for recycling plastic bottles costs approximately $10,000. A small plant will cost 200 thousand dollars. The peculiarity of such equipment is that it can easily be transported to a new place of work. There are even lines that fit in a container. The plant can be made mobile. Such devices, made in Switzerland, cost 160 thousand euros today.

Paving slab manufacturing technology

As a business option, consider the production of paving slabs from plastic packaging, bottles and other containers. This technology does not provide such deep cleaning raw materials as described above. Unnecessary foreign impurities burn out during processing. The only requirement for raw materials is that the ratio of soft and hard plastics be 40/60, respectively. Soft polymers are polyethylene. He gives the product is lightweight shine. Hard plastic serves to provide durability. This is what is good about the technology, which allows you to get rid of almost all PET waste. Rubber, fluoroplastic and polycarbonate cannot be added to recycling.

The second component for making tiles is sand. It must be clean and dry. The quality of the tile depends on the uniform mixing of these two components. Processing stages:

To service such mini-factories it is not necessary large staff employees. The biggest investment will be required in equipment. Considering that the business is directly related to environmental protection, you can try to get a soft loan for its purchase and even enlist government support.


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