Sample hourly work schedule. Rules for registering people for work with a staggered schedule

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Each individual enterprise has its own work schedule. For any company it is determined individually, in accordance with characteristic features her production process. Nevertheless, there are generally accepted requirements for scheduling, which we will consider further, and we will also look at how to correctly create a work schedule.

Principles for creating a work schedule

The basic rule that applies when drawing up a schedule is compliance with legal norms. In order for the schedule to comply with these standards, it is important to take into account the length of the working day at the enterprise when creating the schedule. For example, if an organization works in one shift, then the length of the working day should be as close as possible to 8 hours, and the time for an hour-long lunch break should also be taken into account. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of activity of a particular enterprise, the features of serving visitors and their total number. The work schedule will comply with the legal requirements governing this type of activity only after analyzing the above aspects. When studying the question of how to create a work schedule, you should know that this can be done in several ways.

Types of work routines

In the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, there are several work routines regulated by established standards internal structure or a collective agreement. The work schedule is divided into the following types:

  1. Work in one shift.
  2. Irregular schedule.
  3. Flexible schedule.
  4. Shift work.
  5. Shift method.
  6. Part time.

What is a shift schedule

Shift work is a routine where an employee’s schedule may change on different days. Such a system is necessary in organizations that work around the clock. These include:

  1. Ambulance.
  2. Police.
  3. Fire Department.
  4. Supermarkets.
  5. 24-hour cinemas.
  6. Gas stations.
  7. Cafes and others.

In addition, they draw up a 2/2 (shift) work schedule, often for banking institutions. Here this is necessary not for the 24-hour operation of the branch, but for customer service over the phone (customer service). An eight-hour working day in this case imposes some inconveniences on workers and management, which can be easily solved by introducing a shift work schedule. You will learn below how to create a shift work schedule.

IN legislative framework it is prescribed that a person must work two shifts per day, the duration of work of each of which should not be longer than 12 hours. However, in practice there are quite often cases when only one shift works for 24 hours.

Features of a shift work schedule

Depending on the type of activity of the organization, the characteristics of the production process, socio-economic issues and the coordination of work under a collective agreement, several shift options are distinguished:

1. So, let's consider the first option - how to create a 12-hour work schedule? This schedule involves working in two shifts. As a rule, these are day shifts - from 8 am to 8 pm and night shifts - from 8 pm to 8 am, 12-hour shifts.

2. Three shifts with a schedule for 4 teams. In factories that carry out a continuous production cycle and have a large staff of workers, it is most profitable to schedule the work of employees in three shifts of 4 teams, three of which work, and one rests. Most often, in such a schedule, the division of working time occurs according to the following principle:

  • 4 night trips for 8 hours (from 11 pm to 7 am), then 2 days off.
  • 4 day trips (from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.), then rest.
  • 4 evening exits (from 15.00 to 23.00), a day off after.

3. Three shifts for 5 teams. In this case, you can create an employee work schedule as follows:

  • Two eight-hour working days in the morning (8.00-16.00), then two days off.
  • Two eight-hour evening shifts (from 16.00 to 24.00), a day for rest.
  • Two night shifts (from 0.00 to 08.00), three days off.

4. How to create a work schedule for 3/3? It is important to remember here that the duration of weekly continuous rest cannot be less than 42 hours (Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and the work shift time cannot exceed 12 hours.

5. Don’t know how to create a work schedule for 4 people? In this case, you can use the time distribution as in the second point, when three people work and one person rests. Or use the first option - a 2/2 work schedule: two work, two rest.

Night shift is work performed by an employee from 10 pm to 6 am. The duration of this shift should be shorter by one hour, without the need for modification. The point is regulated by Article 96 of the Labor Code.

Who can't work the night shift?

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Persons under 18 years of age.
  3. Persons who cannot be hired to work at night, in accordance with industry documentation and internal regulations.

In addition, categories of workers have been identified who can be involved in work at night only with their written consent. These include:

  1. Women who have children under three years of age.
  2. Disabled people.
  3. Persons caring for disabled children.
  4. Workers caring for sick relatives (this fact must be confirmed by a medical certificate).
  5. Single mothers and guardians whose child is less than 5 years old.

The employer has the right to independently choose how to draw up a work schedule in accordance with his needs. It is important to note that the best option is a four-shift schedule. Working in two shifts does not have a very favorable effect on the performance of employees, and working in three shifts does not allow for the maximum use of all resources, since a person cannot enter the work mode due to the constant change in working hours.

The legislative framework

The relationship between employer and employee is regulated by the Labor Code, including the preparation of shift work schedules; this issue is covered in Article 103.

Since most often the shift work schedule obliges the employer to form small groups within structural divisions, a collective agreement is drawn up, which spells out the interests of each employee.

When concluding this agreement, the employer is obliged to talk with a representative of the body acting in the interests of employees, as a rule, this is a trade union. The employer is obliged to independently familiarize employees with the approved version of the contract one month before the start of its validity.

Based on the Labor Code, several points can be noted that must be taken into account when drawing up a collective agreement:

  1. One worker cannot work two shifts in a row.
  2. Each employee must rest at least 42 consecutive hours per week.
  3. Total quantity working hours should not exceed 40 per week.
  4. Breaks during the working day.

Formation of the schedule

Don't know how to create a work schedule? To clearly organize the work process, it is necessary to create an official shift schedule. It must contain the following information:

  1. Information about shift composition.
  2. Shift start and end time.
  3. Schedule labor activity.
  4. Time for a break.

There is no specific template for creating a schedule, so it is formed by an authorized person of the organization in free form.

What is important to consider when drawing up a work schedule

There is no clear answer to this question, since each company has own specificity, accordingly, it is impossible to form a specific template. When drawing up a work schedule, the manager must take into account all the specifics of the work, strengths and weak sides workers, and based on this information, form suitable composition shifts and set for them optimal time work.

The simplest way to create a work schedule is to number the shifts. After this, combine several employee names under one number and set for them work time. It turns out clear and simple.

Features of scheduling

When creating a work schedule, it is important to remember the following features:

  1. Before holidays The duration of the shift must be reduced by an hour.
  2. With equal pay for day and night shifts, the latter's time should be reduced by an hour.
  3. Overtime hours are not included in the schedule.
  4. If a shift falls on a calendar day off, it is still a working day. Pre-holiday and holidays events that fall on calendar weekends will not be rescheduled.
  5. Holidays are paid at double rate.
  6. For working on a working holiday, an employee can ask for an extra day of rest, in which case payment for the shift is made according to the standard form.

Putting the work schedule into effect

As mentioned above, in order to put into operation a new work schedule, it is necessary to draw up a collective agreement. The work schedule for shifts must certainly be regulated by standards internal regulations.

Each employee must be familiar with the shift schedule upon hiring; this fact is recorded in the employment agreement.

Most often, difficulties arise during the transition to a shift work schedule. Employees must be notified of changes in schedule writing no less than 2 months. If shift work negatively affects the performance of other duties, then employment contract official changes must be made. If this is impossible, then after a two-month period of work under the previous schedule, if there is not enough space or the employee refuses, he may be fired.

A new work schedule is most often introduced by local normative act. The director issues an order or instruction indicating all necessary information about shift work. Each employee is obliged to read the document and give his written consent.

How to eliminate recycling

Enterprises switching to a new working regime most often change the procedure for recording labor time, moving from a standard weekly rate to summarized accounting. With this scheme, recycling can be calculated as follows:

  1. The employer determines a large reporting period of time - a month, a quarter, and most often a year (accordingly, it is also necessary to draw up a work schedule for the year in advance).
  2. It is calculated how many shifts there can be with the available work schedule.
  3. The number of shifts is compared with the teams.
  4. Current conclusions about processing are drawn.


So, let's look at an example of how to create a work schedule to eliminate overtime? When analyzing the most popular work schedule, “one after three,” an employee will work approximately 1,974 hours per year. When dividing this figure by 24 (hours per day), the result is 82 shifts per year. That is, 4 employees, in accordance with the law, can only work 329 working days. Even taking into account overtime, which cannot exceed 120 hours per year, employees will only be able to work 342 working days. In order to eliminate overtime, it will be necessary to attract 5 or 6 workers to production.

This is what a summary of working hours looks like. By performing simple mathematical calculations, an employer can easily understand whether his shifts fit into the work schedule or not. In addition, you can use special programs for this purpose that allow you to build work processes. And also in them you will learn how to create a work schedule for 3 people, for example, since doing this manually is quite difficult. With their help, you can figure out scheduling much faster.


So, in conclusion, we can say that employees working on a shift schedule have all the rights provided for by the Labor Code. Among them, the following should be highlighted:

  1. The duration of continuous working time cannot exceed that established by law.
  2. The number of hours of rest for an employee per week is regulated by Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  3. One worker is prohibited from working two shifts in a row.
  4. A shift is considered a night shift when more than 50% of its time falls between 10 pm and 6 am.
  5. If the work schedule is not agreed upon with the trade union or the accepted schedule is violated, its legality may be challenged in court.
  6. If it is necessary to work on a holiday, the employee has the right to receive another day of rest or pay at a double rate.
What are working hours? What types of working hours exist and who sets them? What legal norms govern this aspect? We touched on these and other issues related to labor legislation in the article below.

Working hours are certain order distribution of working time, which is established directly by the organization by internal regulations or by a collective agreement on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws. Work shift schedules are approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees and the nature of the work. For example, the working hours of communications and transport workers are regulated by Part 2 of Art. 100 of the Labor Code, the work schedule of rotation workers is determined by Ch. 47 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and persons who entered into an individual, establish a work and rest schedule by mutual agreement of both parties (Article 305 of the Labor Code). Note that in the latter case, the length of the working week, as well as annual paid leave, cannot be more or less than the norms established labor legislation. Working hours can be set individually for individual workers, be the same for all employees or vary depending on the nature of the work of employees in different departments of the organization. This procedure provides for a working week, for example, a 5-day with two days off, a 6-day with one day off, or another work schedule, a working week in accordance with a shift schedule or days off on a sliding schedule (in case of continuous production). The working day in accordance with the working hours includes:

  • the total duration of the daily work shift;
  • start time and end time of work;
  • time allotted for breaks;
  • number of shifts set per day;
  • order of working days and days off;
  • list of employees working irregular working hours.

The working hours regime is a legal aspect strictly regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation, which, on the one hand, ensures proper labor protection for the employee, and, accordingly, on the other, the employee’s return to the required labor productivity.

An employer does not have the right to engage an employee to work for 2 shifts in a row, as well as to work on night shifts if the employee is prohibited from working at night.

Types of working hours

In accordance with Ch. 16 of the Labor Code in Russia there are general (applicable to all employees of the organization) and special working hours (differing in the length of the working day or non-standard distribution of working time throughout the entire calendar period), in particular:

  • normal (single shift) operating mode;
  • irregular working hours;
  • flexible working hours;
  • shift work hours;
  • work on a rotational basis;
  • split working time mode (shift divided into parts).

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Normal operation

The normal work schedule (in practice considered a single shift) is established taking into account working hours and can be daily, weekly or cumulative.

Any work performed in excess of the daily work schedule is overtime work (Article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When recording working hours in aggregate, a total of a longer period of work is assumed, in particular, for a month, quarter or year. The main task of the summarized recording of working time is the correspondence of the working day norm to the duration of working time for the entire accounting period. This method of setting working hours is usually used when organizing work on a rotational basis, transport, communication services and others. Note that the summarized recording of working hours does not provide for restrictions on the duration of the work shift, but as a rule, it is 8-12 hours.

Irregular working hours

The mode refers to a special mode of operation, which is regulated by Art. 101 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and involves the performance of labor functions by an employee outside the duration of the current working time schedule. Home distinctive feature of this mode of work is that the employee, subject to the general mode of work, can be attracted by the employer to carry out his labor responsibilities before the start or at the end of the work shift.

It is important to note that working with irregular working hours involves the employee performing, in additional time, only his job duties as specified in the employment contract. The employer does not have the right to require the employee to perform work that does not comply with the employment contract (Article 60 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The list of positions that may correspond to irregular working hours is determined by a collective agreement or the internal labor regulations of the enterprise. The irregular working hours regime can be applied to persons:

  1. managerial, administrative, business or technical personnel;
  2. working without working hours;
  3. working according to a schedule with splitting working hours into parts of indefinite duration.

An employee working on an established irregular working day may be involved in performing his work outside of the schedule without his consent only occasionally, thereby excluding systematic overtime. At the same time, the employee does not have the right to refuse to perform such work outside the established standard working hours. Employees whose working hours are irregular receive annual paid leave (at least 3 calendar days), while they use weekends and holidays on a general basis. Also, on the basis of Art. 119 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, overtime beyond the normal working hours can be compensated with the written consent of the employee himself, as.

Flexible working hours

This regime is a form of labor organization with self-regulation of the duration, beginning and end of the working day. However, even with a flexible work schedule, it is necessary to work out the number of working hours established by labor legislation for a certain period - day, week, month (Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The flexible working time regime provides for a sliding work schedule, which is established by mutual agreement between the employee and the employer upon hiring or throughout the entire working life. This regime can be established for either a definite or an indefinite period, and is documented in an administrative document of the employer. Flexible working hours are most often used in cases where the use of regular schedules is ineffective or impossible. It is inappropriate to use flexible working hours in cases of continuous production, three-shift work schedules, as well as in types of production with special safety regulations. The use of a flexible work schedule does not affect wages, accrual length of service, provision of benefits. This mode of operation is not included in work book employee. The main components of a flexible working mode are considered to be:

  1. Flexible time - the beginning and end of a work shift, when the employee has the right to start and finish work at a time convenient for him.
  2. Fixed time - the period of the work shift when the employee is required to be at the workplace.

The duration of the main components of a flexible working time regime is determined by the internal labor regulations of the organization. An accounting period can be considered a week, a month, a quarter, and other mode options that are more convenient for the employee and the organization.

Employees performing their work duties on a flexible schedule may be required to perform overtime work in the manner provided for in Art. 99 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Shift mode working hours, as a rule, are introduced in production in order to increase the efficiency of use of equipment and increase the volume of products produced, while the working period of the production process is significantly higher than the permissible duration of the daily work schedule. The shift schedule distributes the working hours of workers who are involved in the production process, or for certain categories of workers. The work shift schedule determines the number of shifts, the start and end times of the shift, the order of rotation, and sets breaks for meals and rest. The shift work schedule must be approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees (for example, a trade union committee), which must be notified of this no later than 1 month before the start of work according to this schedule. Changing the shift work schedule is not possible. Based on Art. 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all shift schedules are drawn up taking into account the provision of weekly uninterrupted rest to workers, the duration of which must be at least 42 hours. Rest between shifts must be no less than double the working time preceding the rest in the shift. Engaging an employee to perform labor duties for two shifts in a row is not permitted.

Shift working hours

It is a form of performance of labor activity by an employee without the possibility of daily return to his place of residence. This regime is usually used by employers during the construction or reconstruction of facilities in order to reduce the time frame for project implementation. Shift work involves providing employees with conditions for normal living, most often these are special mobile buildings and structures created by the employer, equipped with everything necessary. The duration of the shift is determined by labor legislation and is no more than 1 month (if the shift period is increased to 3 months, Article 299 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee is paid additionally). The duration of a work shift during a shift should be no more than 12 hours. For the calculation, the summarized accounting of working hours for a month, quarter or 1 year is used. This accounting period includes total working time, time spent traveling to the collection point, place of work and back, rest time, which coincides with the calendar period. The shift work schedule is communicated to employees no later than 2 months in advance. This regime provides for a number of restrictions (Article 298 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), according to which the following cannot be hired to work on a rotational basis:

  • workers under 18 years of age;
  • pregnant women;
  • women who are dependent on young children under 3 years of age;
  • employees who have medical contraindications.

Split working hours

This regime is regulated by Art. 105 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and, as a rule, is applicable when performing work with unequal intensity throughout the entire work shift. For example, a fragmented operating mode is used by organizations providing transport services to the population, communication services and trade. The division of working time is carried out by the employer in accordance with the internal rules of the organization, drawn up taking into account the opinion of trade union body. Russian labor legislation does not stipulate how many parts a working day can be divided into, but, as practice shows, a shift is divided into 2 or more parts, and the unpaid break between them can be no more than 2 hours.

Short working hours

In addition to normal working hours, Russian labor legislation provides for a reduced working time regime, the duration of which is less than 40 hours per week established by law. In accordance with Art. 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this work schedule reduces working hours:

  • for workers under 16 years of age - 16 hours per week;
  • for disabled workers of groups I and II - 5 hours per week;
  • for workers aged 16 to 18 years - 4 hours per week;
  • for workers whose type of activity is associated with dangerous (harmful) working conditions.
It is important to remember that reduced working hours are the direct responsibility of the organization’s administration. This legal provision requires strict implementation.

Let's start with the fact that the organization's work schedule and the employee's work schedule are different concepts. Of course, it often happens that the company and its employees work in the same mode, for example, from 9.00 to 18.00. But not always. Let's see what staff work schedules are like.

Work schedules according to the Labor Code

There is no separate article regulating the establishment of work schedules for employees in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This is understandable. After all, each employer has the right to determine specific working hours for its employees, taking into account the working hours established by it (Article 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), as well as legal requirements regarding the mandatory provision of rest time, limiting the involvement of a number of people in night work, etc.

The most common work schedule in the Russian Federation is a five-day workday: a week an employee works 5 days, 8 hours a day and has 2 days off. Another option is a six-day period. It assumes 6 working days a week and 1 day off. At the same time, the normal working time, just as with a five-day week, is no more than 40 hours per week (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, an employer can set, for example, the following schedule for an employee: 5 days for 7 hours and 1 day for 5 hours. The working day schedule for 2017 for five-day and six-day periods is available at.

If the specifics of the enterprise’s activities are such that employees have to work different quantities hours per week, and it is not possible to comply with the 40-hour working time standard, then you need to introduce summarized accounting (Article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). With it, employees’ work schedules can be very different.

Work schedule “2 through 2”

A “2 in 2” work schedule means that an employee works for 2 days and then rests for 2 days. Moreover, each of his working days lasts more than 8 hours. Standard working hours are worked out per accounting period, for example, per quarter. This principle also applies to the work schedule “4 in 4”, “in three days”, etc.

Thus, the work and rest regime of employees when recording working time in aggregate is regulated by the work schedule. A sample monthly schedule can be found in the Consultant+ legal reference system. By the way, when working “in three days” and the working week norm is 40 hours, it would be better to draw up a working time schedule for the entire 2017. Since with a shorter accounting period it is unlikely that the norm will be met without overtime work.

What does flexible work schedule mean?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for a flexible working time regime established for employees for whom there is no strict requirement to work within a certain time period. Accordingly, a clear working time schedule is not established for the employee. But at the same time, in total the employee must work a certain number of hours during the accounting period (

The work schedule is the main tool for planning working hours and monitoring compliance with labor standards. In this article we will talk about drawing up schedules taking into account the requirements of labor legislation

Schedule- the main tool for planning working hours and monitoring compliance with labor standards. In this article we will talk about drawing up schedules taking into account the requirements of labor legislation

What are the work schedules?

The time for performing work duties is set for each employee before starting work. In what form should he be familiarized with the schedule? Obviously, the answer depends on the frequency of changing the operating mode.

Stable work schedules: one entry is enough

Creating a work schedule for those who work five working days a week (40 working hours) is not difficult. It can be established by internal labor regulations, for example by the following entry: “The enterprise establishes a five-day working week with a weekly work duration of 40 hours. Work is carried out from 9.00 to 18.00 every weekday with a lunch break from 13.00 to 14.00.” With a similar entry, but in an employment contract, you can fix a stable schedule for preferential categories of employees, for example, for disabled people or minors, whose work is also carried out according to a stable schedule, but in a reduced schedule. Let us remind you that deviations from the work regime established by the internal labor regulations must be reflected in the employment contract (Part 2 of Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Changing work schedules

In case of shift work, shift work organization, and in all cases where summarized recording of working time is used, the work and rest regime cannot be classified as stable.

Repetitions in the work schedule are possible, but they are not systematic, but random. It is impossible to guess what day or shift the work will fall on.

A special way of organizing work obliges the employer to draw up a clear schedule. Thus, in a multi-shift mode, the exact schedule must be published a month before the start of work (Part 4 of Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When organizing work on a rotational basis, the employee must be introduced to the schedule no later than two months before its introduction (Part 1 of Article 301 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, it is impossible to get by with an entry in the internal regulations or in the employment contract. You need to draw up a full-fledged schedule in the form of a table.

How to create a work schedule

As a rule, the work schedule is a table. This table covers one calendar month of work of one department, site, team, etc. The vertical columns indicate the dates of the calendar month, and the rows indicate the names of the employees.

When working multiple shifts, it is convenient to draw up a schedule by combining in one block (on one sheet) those workers who replace each other within one day from shift to shift, and in the next block (sheet) - the next group of shift workers. At the intersection of the columns and lines, the number of hours that the employee will have to work that day is entered. As an option - a work interval, that is, the start time of the shift or the start and end time are indicated.

It is convenient when the number of hours and work interval complement each other. The work schedule in this case can be used both for planning working hours and for monitoring compliance with labor standards. Since the value obtained as a result of summing up the daily work hours (“Total” horizontally) forms the planned number of working hours of one employee per month. The sum of the totals for all months of the accounting period should not exceed established norm working hours.

The vertical sum when changing workers during the day is 24 hours. There are only two exceptions possible here - on the days when the clocks are switched to summer and winter time.

This pattern makes it possible to detect inaccuracies that are sometimes made when drawing up schedules manually: sometimes it turns out that the sum of the work of all shift workers per day is more or less than 24. This means that the work schedule is drawn up incorrectly. You can eliminate such inaccuracies by using the work scheduling software that 1C offers you.

Work schedule: sample

We draw up work schedules in the 1C program

Software capabilities to automate the accounting and planning of employee working hours according to various work schedules are provided by the configurations “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8” and “1C: Management Manufacturing Enterprise 8". Let's consider the sequence of actions for automated scheduling of work in 1C programs.

Filling out the production calendar

To correctly record employees' working hours, it is necessary to fill out the production calendar annually. Information about public holidays, weekends and pre-holiday days is entered manually on the basis of decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation on the transfer of weekends in the coming year. After entering this information, you can print and check the correctness of filling using the summary data on the number of working days and holidays/hours in the month. So what exactly needs to be done? Below is the sequence of actions for filling out the production calendar for the coming year, as well as the view of the working window (Fig. below).

Entering chart templates used in the company

The program allows you to enter various work schedule templates (Fig. below):

    five-day, six-day;

  • part-time (reduced) work schedules;
  • schedules of summarized recording of working hours;

    schedules by calendar days, etc.

The number of charts that can be registered in the program is unlimited. Below is the sequence of actions for introducing a new template (Fig. below).

Setting up and filling out charts

To set up a work schedule, use the “Schedule Filling Assistant” service (Fig. below). The program offers you two options: setting up using an existing template and setting up manually.

Setting up by template. The assistant will prompt you to fill out a chart based on one of the predefined templates:

  • “Five-day 40 hours”: from Monday to Friday - 8 hours, on pre-holiday days - 7 hours;
  • “Six-day week 40 hours”: from Monday to Friday 7 hours, on Saturday 5 hours, on pre-holiday days 7 hours and 4 hours, respectively;
  • “A day in two” and “A day in three” are shift schedules with a 24-hour shift at a specified frequency starting from the start date. For these schedules, evening and night hours can be provided - 2 hours and 10 hours per shift;
  • « Calendar days" - every day 8 hours.

note: when creating a schedule using the “Five-day 40 hours” or “Six-day 40 hours” template, holidays are taken into account; in other templates, holidays are not taken into account.

After filling out the template, if necessary, you can adjust the completed schedule manually.

Manual setup. If you need to enter more complex graphs than those proposed in the templates, when starting the “Graph Filling Assistant” service, select the “Configure manually” method for filling out the graph (fig. below).

Let's look at the possibilities of setting chart parameters manually (fig. below).

1. In the “Schedule type” field, indicate the length of the working week in days - “Five-day” or “Six-day”.

To reflect shift work mode, select the “Shift” schedule type.

If you select the “Calendar days” schedule type, data on working hours will be filled in based on the fact that all days of the year are working days.

2. In the “Hours per week” field, indicate the length of the working week in hours. This parameter is used when converting an employee's monthly or daily rate into an hourly rate, for example, to pay for night hours.

3. When checking the “Summarized working time recording” checkbox, holidays marked in the production calendar are not taken into account.

Checking the box also affects the calculation of some charges. For example, “Payment based on average earnings” when paying for business trips and in other cases (except vacation) provided for by labor legislation, in this case will use the average hourly earnings, and not the average daily earnings.

4, 5. The “Keep records of night hours” and “Keep records of evening hours” checkboxes are set when it is necessary to include night and/or evening hours in the schedule.

The number of night and evening hours per day is determined according to the schedule.

6. The “Take into account holidays” checkbox is selected when it is necessary to take into account holidays as non-working days.

For the “Five-day”, “Six-day” and “Calendar days” schedule types, on the day before a holiday, working hours are reduced by an hour.

For shift schedules, pre-holiday days are not reduced.

7. When you check the “Part-time” checkbox, you must also select the type of part-time: “Part-time” or “Reduced workweek”.

If employees working on this schedule, it is planned to assign a tariff rate based on a full-time work schedule, then you must select the method of calculating the time standard “According to a different schedule” and the full-time work schedule.

Once you have provided all the required information, proceed to next stage entering information by clicking the “Next” button.

Depending on the type of chart selected in step 1, the definite shape schedule settings.

If the “Shift” schedule type is selected, a shift setting form is displayed to describe the cyclicity of shift work (Fig. below).

For the “Five-day”, “Six-day” or “Calendar days” schedules, a form is displayed to display hours by day of the week (Fig. below).

If the need to take into account night and evening hours is indicated, the system will prompt you to fill out an extended schedule form (Fig. below).

After you have entered the required parameters, click the “Fill” button. After the chart is automatically filled in, you can adjust it manually if necessary (Fig. below).

Assigning work schedules to employees

Schedule must be assigned to employees at the time of hiring or at the time of personnel movements using the appropriate personnel documents systems (Fig. below).

When calculating wages the program automatically calculates working hours according to the assigned schedule (Fig. below).

Employers have the opportunity to independently create flexible schedules for all citizens whom they officially employ in their companies. Therefore, many company managers prefer to use sliding work schedules, which have many advantages. Due to the rational distribution of time, it is used effectively, which has a positive effect on the productivity and performance of firms.

Flexible schedule is special method time allocation for company employees.

Important! Many people mistakenly believe that this concept assumes that the citizen himself decides when and how much time he will spend on work tasks, but in fact, it is the company that regulates this issue.

This method of work is prescribed in Art. No. 102 TC, and here the main features of using a sliding schedule are indicated:

  • it is formed exclusively after reaching an appropriate agreement between the head of the company and the potential employee;
  • V certain situations this method of distributing working time is used without the knowledge of the company’s management, since the need for this may be prescribed in different regulations;
  • It is allowed to use it only if there are appropriate objective reasons.

Important! This type of schedule is usually used after the employer comes to an agreement with the potential employee.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 102. Work in flexible working hours

When working in flexible working hours, the beginning, end or total duration of the working day (shift) is determined by agreement of the parties.

The employer ensures that the employee works the total number of working hours during the relevant accounting periods (working day, week, month and others).

You can see how an employee works with a staggered schedule in this video:

Legal regulation

There are several regulations that contain important information, regulating the rules and procedure for applying the sliding schedule. These documents include:

  • Art. 100 Labor Code, which carefully describes how working hours are formed at different enterprises;
  • Art. 101 of the Labor Code concerns irregular working days;
  • Art. 102 of the Labor Code describes the concept of a sliding schedule, and also describes its nuances and features;
  • Art. 103 TC talks about the shift schedule;
  • Art. 104 of the Labor Code contains data on recording the working time of employees;
  • Art. 105 of the Labor Code provides information on how employers are allowed to divide working time.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 100. Working hours

The working time regime should provide for the length of the working week (five-day with two days off, six-day with one day off, a working week with days off on a sliding schedule, part-time work), work with irregular working hours for certain categories of workers, the duration of daily work ( shifts), including part-time working days (shifts), start and end times of work, time of breaks in work, number of shifts per day, alternation of working and non-working days, which are established by internal labor regulations in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law, collective agreement, agreements, and for employees whose working hours differ from general rules installed at of this employer, – an employment contract.

Features of the working hours and rest time for transport, communications and other workers with a special nature of work are determined in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Important! Violation of the basic provisions of the above acts leads to the need to pay fines.

Example of a moving chart

This solution is usually used if the enterprise operates without days off or breaks, so several shifts of workers are required. Often such a schedule is drawn up for 2 teams and two shifts.

For example, 2 teams work on the first day in the morning from 8 to 15 hours, and the next day from 15 to 20 hours.

Pros and cons of this solution

Using a flexible schedule has certain advantages:

  • young mothers can manage their time rationally to find time to communicate with their children;
  • there is a lot of free time on weekdays;
  • people can independently create a schedule for attending work that will be convenient for them depending on their health status or preferences;
  • overtime work is reduced;
  • the number of delays is reduced;
  • When using teams, it is possible to change shifts if necessary.

Important! To draw up such a schedule, the manager certainly issues a special order, which is used to form shifts and calculate wages.

The disadvantages include the fact that people cannot get used to the non-standard regime. If citizens work in a team, then the opinion of one person cannot influence the setting of working hours.

Sample additional agreement to an employment contract on a sliding schedule.

When is a moving schedule typically used?

There are certain positions in which employees are required to work on a staggered schedule. The entire list of such work is prescribed in Order of the Ministry of Communications No. 112. This includes positions:

  • people eliminating communications accidents;
  • radio communications workers;
  • operators.

Important! Every employer should study all these positions in advance in order to wisely allocate time for employees.

Employees working on a flexible schedule can at any time request a certificate from management, which will reflect this moment.

Working hours and features of activity when using a sliding schedule

The operating mode may vary, as there are several types:

  • for 1 day, during which the required time is worked out in one day;
  • regimen equal to 1 week;
  • a regime equal to one month, therefore, during this period of time the employee must work out the established norm.

If you need to involve an employee in overtime work, then the information contained in Art. 99 TK.

How is it different from shift mode?

A sliding schedule has certain differences from a shift schedule. Important! The shift mode assumes that specific work is carried out in one shift.

The main difference is that with a shift schedule, people come to work regularly according to a predetermined shift, so there is a specific time when they must be at work. In a flexible mode, the time of arrival at work and end of the working day is determined in free form.

In Art. 103 of the Labor Code prescribes the grounds for the use of shift work, and also provides the nuances of its implementation.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 103. Shift work

Shift work - work in two, three or four shifts - is introduced in cases where the duration of the production process exceeds permissible duration daily work, as well as for more effective use equipment, increasing the volume of products or services provided.
When working in shifts, each group of workers must work within the established working hours in accordance with the shift schedule.
When drawing up shift schedules, the employer takes into account the opinion of the representative body of employees in the manner established by Article 372 of this Code for the adoption of local regulations. Shift schedules are usually an annex to the collective agreement.

Shift schedules are brought to the attention of employees no later than one month before they come into force.
Working two shifts in a row is prohibited.

Rules for forming a moving schedule

In order to properly distribute time using a staggered work schedule, employers are required to take into account numerous rules and requirements:

  • calculates how many hours a person will work per day;
  • the nuances of the company itself are certainly taken into account;
  • the structure of the working day is taken into account.

Important! Only by taking into account the above parameters will it really be possible to obtain a sliding schedule that is ideal for a specific organization.

Each person who wishes to get a job at the company must be notified that a sliding schedule is applied here. When drawing up a contract, it is possible to add various individual clauses to this document in order to resolve various conflicts that arise during work.

If changes are made to the schedule, then a month before their implementation, each employee must become familiar with them. Often it is necessary to change the schedule of a certain employee, and in this case he is obliged to write a corresponding application on his own. It is used to form an additional agreement to the contract.

Application for transfer of an employee to a flexible (sliding) schedule.

Weekends in this mode

The Labor Code states that when applying any schedule for company employees, the time frames prescribed by law are taken into account. Therefore, a working day, week or month is approved.

Important! People are allowed to work hours for the entire week or month in accordance with the deadlines, and it does not matter when exactly they work.

Holidays are set independently, but the employer is notified about them. It is important that over a certain period required quantity hours were worked in any case.

Rules for registering people for work with a staggered schedule

In a standard way, citizens are registered for work using this regime. The exception is that potential employees are notified in advance about the nuances of their work activities.

To register any citizen, you need to request documents from him:

  • passport;
  • employment history;
  • documents on the education received;
  • SNILS. you can find out how to fill out the insured person’s application form to receive SNILS;
  • Military ID required for men;
  • a certificate indicating the presence or absence of a criminal record. Find out where to get such a certificate and what documents are needed for this.

Important! For some specific positions, people must additionally undergo a medical examination, so when applying for a job they provide a certificate.

Only if all documents are available is an employment contract formed. First, the applicant writes an application, which is submitted to management. He studies the rules and features of the work, after which a contract is signed.

Published, which must be registered. A corresponding entry is made in the person’s work book. Formed as well new employee entered into the timesheet.


Thus, the rolling schedule is used by different companies. It has many advantages, and for some types of work it is mandatory. To form it, the basic norms and requirements existing in the legislation are taken into account.

Applicants are required to be notified of this operating mode in advance. They get a job in a standard way, but it is allowed to include any individual conditions in the employment contract.

You can find out what the company’s working hours should include here:


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