Interview as a stage of employment. What attracts you to work with us in this position? How should an employer prepare questions for a job seeker?

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An HR employee must know exactly what questions he should ask each specific candidate and what to ask at an interview with the applicant.

For example, if you are hiring a call center operator, you need to find out if he is able to easily survive stressful situations.

And also, is he able to successfully establish contact with conflict people - in his professional activity this may be needed.

Pay attention to him social qualities, and the qualification component may fade into the background.

If you are interviewing teachers, of course, his social skills can be very important, but the most important thing is that the candidate has vocational education and special knowledge.

Types and purposes of questions

The main purpose of the interview is to understand what a potential employee of the company is like. Exists a large number of types of questions that can be used to build a conversation in an interview.

Not surprisingly, many are interested in: what is asked most often in an interview? Job interview questions can be divided into several categories.

open. Questions that imply a detailed discussion. By asking open-ended questions, you give the candidate the initiative and allow him to talk about himself as a person.

General. Questions that can be answered with a short "yes" or "no". Called to get a simple answer to the question posed.

Projective. Answering these questions, the candidate compares his experience with the actions of other people. Through the prism of the opinions of fictional characters, it allows you to find out the personal attitude of the candidate to the one under consideration.

reflexive. They help you take the initiative. For example, if the applicant is carried away by the answer, you can politely interrupt him with a question: “Okay, now we can move on to the next question, right?”. A similar technique can also liberate a nervous applicant, encourage him to trust the recruiter.

Behavioral. Aimed at identifying the characteristics of the character of the candidate and the nuances of his behavior.

suggestive. When the main part of the information is clarified, you can clarify some of the little things with the help of leading questions. For example, you can talk about the fact that the company is actively cooperating with branches in other cities, and at the same time ask how the applicant relates to long business trips.

Psychological. Strange questions that cause misunderstanding among candidates. They allow you to analyze a person’s ability to switch from one to another and quickly respond. In this section, you can also include questions on intelligence.

It is necessary to arrange the interlocutor for a conversation, to do everything possible so that he has a good impression of the conversation, because not only the candidate, but also the company that invited him, receives an assessment during the conversation.

And now, more about what they ask in a job interview or 10 questions that you might be asked.

Standard Questions

  1. Please tell us about yourself.
  2. Why did you leave your last job?
  3. What does motivation mean to you?
  4. When labor activity gives you the most pleasure?
  5. Where do you see yourself in a few years?
  6. What are your strengths?
  7. What are your weaknesses?
  8. What didn't work for you in your last job?
  9. What are your advantages over other candidates?
  10. Do you know anything about our firm?
  11. Maybe you have questions for the company?

Often the following question arises at an interview: where do you see yourself in 5 years or why do you want to work with us? It is better to think over the answers to them in advance.

Behavioral Issues

  1. Tell me about a time when you weren't able to achieve the results you wanted. How did you cope with the task?
  2. Tell about successful project that you were in charge of.
  3. If you do something wrong, how do you explain it to your boss?
  4. Tell me about yourself difficult decision, which you had to take in the course of work.


  1. What usually attracts people to work?
  2. Good worker. Describe it.
  3. What makes people work more efficiently?
  4. Why can an employee be fired?
  5. What guides people when they choose a specialty?
  6. Why do people want to have a successful career?
  7. To effectively communicate with people, what qualities of character do a person need?


  1. Tell us about your dreams.
  2. What grades did you have at school and university?
  3. Tell us about those professional victories that make you proud.
  4. In what cities did you live and conduct your professional activities?
  5. What is the most important thing they taught you in high school?

Tricky and insidious

  1. Why shouldn't we hire you to work with us?
  2. What did you eat for dinner yesterday?
  3. How would you explain yellow blind person?
  4. How do you feel about social networks, how much time do you spend on them?
  5. As a superhero, what power would you have?
  6. What would you do if you were the only survivor of a plane crash?


These questions can be categorized as uncomfortable questions.

These include such as why an employee of this company is needed, why we should hire you and others.

On logic, associations

  1. Why does the manhole cover have round shape? Answer: so that it cannot fail during installation, the rectangular one will easily enter the hatch body diagonally.
  2. How do you need to throw a tennis ball so that it will definitely fly back? Answer: up.
  3. How many times in a day do the hands of the clock coincide? Answer: 22 times.
  4. If it rains at 12, can you expect the sun to come out exactly 72 hours later? Answer: No, it will be midnight again at this time.

About career and work in the company

  1. How would you like to develop your career?
  2. When would you be able to take on new responsibilities?
  3. If you get a position, what is your goal?
  4. Have you communicated with employers in other organizations?
  5. If we asked your past leader what you need to be taught, what would he say?
  6. How do you envision your typical work day?

About money

  1. What salary do you expect?
  2. What was your previous salary?
  3. How much money do you plan to earn by the end of your first year with our firm?
  4. And in the third year of work?

Now you know what questions are asked at the interview to the candidate when applying for a job. A recruiter should make a list of questions for a job interview. It may contain as model questions as well as specialized ones.

What questions are required?

In this part, we will talk about what questions you need to ask the candidate at the interview in any case. Consider those questions during a job interview that will be asked without fail.

Be sure to ask about the education, work experience of the applicant. Ask him what interested him in your company.

Ask about the candidate's hobbies, ask some tricky questions to test his reaction.

Pay more attention to the future of the applicant, do not dwell on his past work. What does he expect, what plans does he make?

It is better to resort to strange questions to defuse the situation, and tricky ones to test the candidate's reaction in stressful situations.

Be sure to ask the candidate if they have any questions. It is necessary not only to listen to his answers, but also to tell him what interests him.

What not to ask a candidate?

Refrain from too uncomfortable questions.

Do not ask about personal life, religion, nationality - such topics can scare the candidate away or turn him against you.

Do not ask direct questions. For example, the phrase: "Are you worried?" will make the applicant nervous, he will be uncomfortable, and his excitement will only intensify.

Your goal is to create a friendly environment for a confidential conversation.

Communicate properly and politely. Only in such an atmosphere will you be able to objectively assess the capabilities of the candidate.

Read about what unexpected and even tricky questions an employer can ask at an interview.

How to evaluate responses?

Each recruiter has his own system for evaluating the applicant's answers. For any question, there is already a standard answer that an HR employee is used to hearing.

It is best to give preference not to the applicant who says the right answers, but to the one who shows confidence, thinks outside the box and is not afraid of his future employer, and the conversation with him is pleasant and unobtrusive.

Pledge successful interview- competent assessment of the candidate's answers to the vacancy.

Pay attention to his behavior: how does he reason, gesticulate, does he react to provocation, does he get confused in words and quickly make decisions?

The answer to the question itself is not as important as the process of thinking and reasoning about it. Job interview questions are very often aimed at finding out who the applicant is as a person. So while it’s important what you ask an employee in an interview, it may be more important how they behave.

The tips in this article, along with sample job interview questions, will help you plan your job interview properly. Use them and you will quickly find your ideal employee. Well, potential candidates now have sample job interview questions.

Both parties, both the employer and the future employee, are equally interested in the interview (or interview) procedure. The main tasks and objectives in the interview for the employer - determination of personal characteristics and identification of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of the applicant. The candidate is interested in receiving answers for himself on working conditions and remuneration in this organization.

At the first stage - the interview is conducted by an employee of the personnel management service upon prior notification of the candidate about the place and time of the interview. What's important? Before meeting with the applicant, the manager must have general information about him in the form of his resume or the questionnaire he filled out.


A job interview is an interview.

Interview - a method of collecting information about a candidate through a conversation, in order to obtain the necessary data to identify professional skills and skills.


The purpose of interviewing a candidate for a vacant position is to receiving complete information about a potential employee in order to determine his professional suitability in the organization. And also to choose the best candidate from the possible number of applicants.

Pros and cons

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of an interview with a candidate. Positive side Interview procedures are about getting a complete picture of the candidate. Using a variety of techniques, at a job interview, one should evaluate, identify his personal and professional qualities. Determine his reaction in non-standard situations with the help of tricky questions. Show off his communication skills.

Cons for the employer: subjective assessment candidate at the interview for some personal reasons. Comparison of the applicant with a certain standard of the worker.

The candidate, in turn, can answering interview questions incorrectly trying to exalt their qualities and skills.


    The following are distinguished:
  1. By the number of candidates. It may or may not be single. As a rule, group training is carried out with a large number of applicants, for the preliminary screening of unqualified or unsuitable personnel.
  2. By type of interview:
  • structured or standardized interview(it is also evaluative) - includes a certain sequence standard questions requiring a detailed answer;
  • situational interview in which the interviewer offers various situations to be solved by the subjects. Aimed at revealing the personal qualities of the candidate;
  • - includes tricky and provocative questions to develop a candidate's dislike towards interviewers. Helps to identify the level of stress resistance of the prospective employee.


From the moment you submit your resume to the organization until the final decision on employment, there are several stages of the interview.

Consider the stages of a job interview:

  1. telephone conversation(personnel interview). When a recruiter contacts a prospective candidate by phone and verifies the information provided by the candidate on the resume through follow-up questions. A date and time for the next interview is then set.
  2. group training- This is the second stage of the interview aimed at weeding out unsuitable candidates. Applicants are provided with general information about the organization, including its main goals and ways of development. Then, at the 2nd stage of the interview, each candidate must present himself to the others, prove that he is the one who deserves this job. The second job interview is a selection interview based on the results of this stage, the selected candidates are sent to the next interview.
  3. Conversation with the head of HR. At this stage, the interview takes place between the applicant and the manager one on one. This is an interview selection method that takes the form of an interview, from which one or two prospective candidates are selected. An HR employee provides information about working conditions, wages, opportunities career development.
  4. Interview with the head of the company(final). In most cases, it takes the form of a free conversation, where the selected candidate introduces himself to the manager. This stage is the main one when applying for a job, as a rule, after a conversation with the manager, the final decision is made.
  5. Interview with immediate supervisor. At this stage, a positive decision has already been made on obtaining a position, and the manager dedicates the employee to all the subtleties of the company regarding his duties.


It is impossible to provide what a clear interview structure looks like, as it directly depends on the answers of the test subject and the individual methods of the employer.

The overall picture might look something like this:

Communication starts with a hello, and clarification of specific questions regarding basic information about the candidate.

Then, general ones are asked - about previous activities, about his merits and achievements, which smoothly turn into expectations from a new job. Next, the employee informs the applicant general information about the company, concerning the organization of working conditions.

The further course of the interview depends on the type of interview that the employer chooses. It may be the involvement of the candidate in role play, or the creation of a stressful situation in which the employee must somehow prove himself.

How is it going?

Let's look at an example of a dialogue in a job interview.

Standardized interview:

  1. Good afternoon, (name patronymic), please tell us about yourself.
  2. Tell us about your previous job. Why did you decide to change jobs?
  3. Why did you choose our firm? What do you expect from the new job? What salary level are you considering?
  4. Tell us about your strengths and weaknesses Oh. about your achievements. About your hobbies and interests.
  5. Thank you for taking the time for us. In the next 2-3 days we will contact you and arrange the next meeting.

Situational questions:

  1. Sell ​​me the moon (plane, world).
  2. You have received several job offers at once, which one will you choose for yourself?
  3. Respond to the objection: “This vacuum cleaner has fewer functions than this one, why should I buy this one at a higher price?”


Based on the results of the collection of information, at an interview with the employer, candidates are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1. Personal qualities(social skills, stress resistance, ability to work with objections).
  2. Professional quality(the presence of special education, experience in this type of activity, competence in matters related to the position received).
  3. Merits and achievements in previous jobs.

The assessment of the candidate is determined, taking into account the opinion of each leader.

In addition to interviews, interviews practice personality questionnaires and aptitude, which help to get more detailed information about the applicant.

The choice of methods for conducting an interview with a candidate, each recruiter chooses independently.

Every living being wants to live in comfortable conditions. In order for a person to be able to surround himself with maximum convenience in life, he needs to have a prestigious position. In qualified organizations, there is always a careful selection of personnel. In order to get a job, it is not enough to have a good education and work experience, you must also be able to pass an interview with dignity.

This is a form of dialogue between a potential employer and a specialist. Important requirements are placed on how a person answers questions. The employer also pays attention to the manner of his behavior. In order to hear the cherished “Yes, you are accepted”, you should follow a few rules.

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What is it and what is it for?

Interview is the official form of communication. Every employer who has held a position in a particular field for many years clearly understands who will be able to cope with the task. Accordingly, by appearance and by several answers, he will understand whether this person is suitable for him to complete the staff.

In order to complete the interview you need:

  • Know which company a man is walking and plan your image accordingly.
  • Think in advance about what the employer will ask and prepare several answers to the questions.
  • Be able to show off better side showing off your skills.

It is worth remembering that the employer is the same person and you can also find an approach to him.

The purpose of the employer and the applicant

The interview makes sense. There are two goals for passing it. It is necessary for both the employer and the applicant:

  • When an employer announces that there is a vacancy in his company, several applicants may respond to such an announcement. The purpose of the interview is to choose one of the most suitable people from several people. The employer, as a rule, pays attention to such qualities as perseverance, an analytical mindset and the level of knowledge regarding the intended position.
  • For the applicant, the goal is one - to get the opportunity to work in this very place. He must prove to the interlocutor that it is he who will cope with this work better than other applicants. The applicant should not only do things to please the employer. He also needs to find out if the working conditions suit him. He should inquire about salary, career opportunities and work schedule. Thus, the applicant will not only present a picture of his intended job, but also show the employer that it matters to him what position he will occupy.

An interview is usually a lengthy process. Sometimes it can take several hours. Participants in the dialogue need to get rid of self-doubt and pass this test with dignity.

Interview stages

The entire interview process can be divided into several separate stages:

  1. The applicant is more anxious. Of course, because of such a side feeling, it is difficult to understand what a person is like, in this case it is customary to relieve tension. The employer can ask whether the person quickly found this place, whether he likes the company, how the weather is outside, and any other non-binding question. As a rule, after a few minutes of such communication, the applicant calms down and feels more confident;
  2. The next step in the interview is the interview itself. A person who is looking for a job must answer a few brief questions. Often, the employer asks which candidate has work experience and skills. In this case, you should not be cunning just to get an interview. If there are no such skills, then it will be easily revealed during work. The employer is the same person who has no desire for a long time spend on an interview, so you need to give short answers to the question without additional frills. If the applicant has just received a diploma of education, then he can report what kind of work practice he has. Some organizations also provide for the evaluation of a candidate with the help of;
  3. After the applicant has answered all the questions, he can ask what interests him, now, in order to find out if such a position is suitable for him.
  4. After the interview, a decision is made. First of all, it is accepted by the employer based on the data provided for him. He can hire a person, provide him with an additional interview or refuse. As a rule, the employer does not report that the person did not pass the interview, he promises to call him back or says that the staff is staffed and you need to come at another time. There are also cases when the applicant himself refuses the position, for example, due to the fact that the work schedule does not suit him.

Interview types

There are several types of interview:

  • Dialogue with a person who works with personnel. This person is not an employer, he selects the staff, according to his provided requirements. He can also draw up several resumes of prospective candidates and send them for consideration to the manager, who himself will choose who is more suitable for him.
  • Prestigious firms often have peer-to-peer interviews that elicit severe stress at the candidate. It is conducted by the head and several of his assistants, who have the right to ask additional questions. Then, they release the applicant for a few minutes to “walk”, after which they collectively decide whether to refuse or accept him for work.
  • When large companies receive a huge number of candidates, group interviews are arranged in order to reduce time. All applicants are divided into several groups and are asked in turn to enter the office. Next, managers interview all people and hire those who are more suitable for work in the enterprise.

Key interview points to think about ahead of time

  • It is not for nothing that they say that a person is greeted by clothes. First of all, you should pay attention to this factor. Of course, we are not talking about selling furniture in the house and buying a brand from a famous designer. Dress neatly and business style. The employer should have the impression that a well-groomed person is sitting in front of him.
  • If the interview is scheduled for certain time, then the candidate is required to arrive without delay.
  • Each answer to the question should be short, but at the same time detailed.
  • Only truthful information should be provided, as it can be easily verified.
  • In no case can one say that a person left his former place because of terrible management, a new employer can take these words into his own account.
  • The candidate does not have to answer the questions right away, he also has time to think, for which he can weigh how best to express his thoughts.

How to increase self-confidence, develop and develop self-esteem

Some people who are going to be interviewed feel insecure about themselves. There are several ways to overcome fear:

  • You need to imagine how life will change thanks to this work.
  • It is required to get rid of all negative thoughts and believe that the interview will take place safely.
  • If the last interview was unsuccessful, then before a new dialogue, you need to analyze all your mistakes.
  • It is necessary to get rid of various phenomena of self-criticism, only in this case a person can become more confident in himself.
  • Every failure should be viewed as an important life experience.
  • Before the interview, you need to relax, for this you need to look good film take a warm bath or do yoga.
  • Before entering the manager's office, you need to repeat the phrase for yourself: "I am confident in myself."

Sample interview dialogue

  • Why do you want to work in our company?
  • I like that in your company there is an opportunity for career growth, for me this is one of the important indicators. I will also need useful experience that I will gain at your enterprise. I want to emphasize that I also welcome the organization of your company.
  • Are you considering other employment options?
  • Yes, I have considered other options, but your firm appeals to me the most.
  • What is your marital status does it interfere with your work?
  • Previously, I was able to combine family life with other cases, I hope that this will be the case in the future.
  • List your strengths?
  • I am very punctual, I always arrive on time. I am of the opinion that every work must be done qualitatively. positive quality I also consider my perseverance, I go to the goal to the end.
  • List your weaknesses?
  • I may not do complex work as quickly as I would like, since I spend a lot of time analyzing the problem.

Everyone has to go through an interview at least once in their life. In order for it to be successful, you need to tune in to a positive result.

Many employers do not know how to properly interview a candidate for a position. Such a conversation should take place on an equal footing - no arrogance or thrown phrases from above. What should be the employer in the eyes of a potential employee? Undoubtedly, an interesting, very open and attentive listener. A conversation in this vein will help not only to see the pros and cons of the candidate, but also to study him very thoroughly.

A small introduction

Often employers get lost, not knowing what questions to ask. Here it is important to build on not only the professional component, but also other aspects of life. It is important to learn about something absolutely abstract. This approach will help position the candidate, inspire his confidence. The beginning should be informal in order to defuse the situation, prepare the applicant for the main part of the conversation, during which working moments will be discussed.

It is very important for the employer, before conducting an interview, to think about how he would like to see his employee, what features will be important for him and which are unacceptable. AT this case First, you need to think about the following two questions:

  1. What should be an employee suitable for a particular vacancy?
  2. What qualities should he have?

Having an approximate portrait, it is much easier to look for a suitable person. Knowing the approximate result, the solution is always found faster.

Interview - what psychologists think about it

Regardless of the duration of the conversation between the employer and the candidate, an opinion about the candidate is formed already in the first 3-4 minutes of communication. During this time, the manager makes positive or negative conclusions about the applicant.

Psychologists believe that the first few minutes should be devoted not to obtaining information, but to creating a cozy and calm atmosphere, both for the employer and for the job seeker. This will help the candidate to be liberated. There will be constructive relations and understanding between the parties. It is this atmosphere that will allow you to work as productively as possible in the future.

The first few minutes can be devoted to the introduction. It should be short, informative and clear. The employer must tell the candidate the objectives of the interview. It is also necessary to inform about the form in which the communication will take place, what will be its duration. Coordination of actions will allow establishing psychological contact between the parties.

Interview Formats

Before planning the structure of the interview, the employer must decide on its form. They can be divided into the following categories:

  • structured

This type of interview requires a clear and structured sample. Before starting, the employer draws up questions, giving Special attention their wording. This variety is the most popular among the respondents.

  • stressful

At such an interview, the employer deliberately tries to unbalance the applicant. This effect is achieved with the help of personal questions, lack of time for reflection and other tricks.

  • situational

In this format, the applicant is placed in conditions resembling workers. So he has the opportunity to show his professional and personal qualities find a solution for a specific situation.

  • Interviews that reveal competencies

If used correctly, this format can be very effective. A list of competencies that an employee must fully possess is compiled in advance. During the interview, each of them is evaluated on a 5-point scale.

  • Interviews by Skype

This option is most often used when looking for an employee for remote work. Sometimes it is also used to make the first visual impression, to establish contact. But in such cases, the interview involves a subsequent meeting in life.


In addition to formats, there are also certain methods for conducting an interview. Here are the methods used today:

  1. Retrospective method

It is based on obtaining information about the past work experience of the applicant. The leader learns about the results obtained, the lessons learned. An important role is also played by relations with the authorities at the former place of work. This information allows us to assume how the applicant will behave in a new place.

  1. Prospective method (it is also called modeling)

The employer offers the applicant certain conditions or situation, he in turn should comment on what he would do and how he acted.

  1. Situational method (game)

The point is to approximate the proposed model to a realistic scenario. Sometimes it is possible to simulate situations where the employer is the recipient of the service, for example, and the applicant must serve the client.

  1. stress method

It makes sense to use such a technique only when subsequent work will involve the occurrence of stressful situations. It is very important to use it very carefully so as not to harm the image of your organization.

After the leader chooses a certain methodology and type of subsequent interview, he should understand how to start communication.

First impression and appearance

No wonder they say that the first impression is the most correct. It is formed even before meeting with the applicant, while studying his resume, talking on the phone or e-mail. This can be called a kind of selection, as a result of which a decision is made whether to invite the candidate for a further interview or not.

Some people think that appearance is not so important when choosing. They say among the people that they meet according to their clothes, but see them off according to their mind. However, you should not discount the appearance of a person. Neatness, clothing - all this display internal installations and human values.

Many mistakenly believe that starting an interview is very simple, they have probably never come across this. The applicant forms his opinion about the organization during the first 3-5 minutes. It is very important at this point not to disappoint the candidate. Here are four tips to help you get started:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a meeting room or your own office for an interview. There must be order. The room should not be stuffy. Before starting negotiations ideal option there will be ventilation. It is important to get a written copy of your resume by placing it in front of you.
  2. Defuse the situation. This will help the candidate feel comfortable, he will be able to begin to trust the potential employer. This can be done by asking abstract questions. For example, about whether the applicant quickly found the right building, whether there were any difficulties in finding the right transport. Another option is to tell some interesting story that relieves stress.
  3. No delays or delays. The manager must accept applicants exactly on time. It is important to understand that it is the director who is the role model for subordinates. If the leader does not have discipline, then how can we talk about discipline in the team?
  4. Self-presentation of the applicant. Here it is very important to start talking openly with the candidate. This will also help assess his communication skills. At the very beginning of the interview, you can ask the applicant to tell a little about himself, clarifying some questions or letting him choose what to talk about.

If free communication between the parties is established, then questions can be transgressed.

Questions to ask

When deciding on a list of questions, you need to think not only about their content, but also about their sequence. The conversation should be logically structured. Here is the order that will allow you to conduct the interview as correctly as possible:

  1. Tell me something about yourself

The leader should note several nuances in this story:

  • How the applicant submits information - talks about his biography or immediately begins to talk about his pluses. The latter indicates the desire to work in this company.
  • A good sign will be if the interlocutor speaks clearly, clearly and briefly. But the employee should not mumble. His thoughts must be clear.
  1. What are your views on life?

You can ask the applicant about how he struggles with difficulties and obstacles. A similar question will help determine the character of a person, his nature. Pessimists will focus on a large number of problems and the complexity of their lives. Optimists will agree that there are difficulties, but they can all be overcome.

  1. Why are you interested in this position?

Most of the answers are rather formulaic, noticing good conditions jobs, prospects. If a person is a really valuable specialist, then he will certainly focus on some important details.

  1. What are your benefits(s)?

Here you can also ask why the person decided that he was suitable for the position. This question is one of the key ones. At this point, the applicant will be able to talk about their benefits. It is very important to follow how a person presents information. Someone speaks abstractly, someone very reasoned. More attention should be paid to those candidates who prove their words with facts and figures. Their benefits are more real and weighty.

  1. What are your shortcomings (weaknesses)?

A competent employee will not start talking about “real” weaknesses, but will focus on those points that will only increase the chances of getting a particular position. This includes increased demands on oneself and others. Some would call themselves a workaholic.

  1. Why did you leave your previous job? What was your management's opinion of you?

These questions are relevant for those who at the time of the interview no longer have a job. If the candidate has not yet been fired, then it is worth asking why he decided to change jobs. It is very important to see how a person speaks about the previous place of work. If he does this with negativity, showing his conflicting side, then this will certainly affect his further relations with the team. Such employees must be hired very carefully, weighing all the pros and cons.

If the specialist is competent, patient and literate, then he will rather point out the positive aspects associated with his previous work. At the same time, he will say that he is now striving for more, wants to grow in his career.

  1. Do you have other job offers?

A qualified specialist was clearly invited for interviews somewhere else. An undoubted advantage will be his emphasis on the fact that he is interested in obtaining a position in this particular company.

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

Many people do not think about their lives in the long term. Such specialists are hardly needed by the company if the manager wants to find an employee for a responsible position for a long time. Someone will answer very abstractly, which is also not very good. It is important to get a specific answer. There are not so many candidates with clear plans for life. They talk about the desired personal success, professional growth.

  1. How would you improve the work in our company?

The best option would be if the applicant can offer specific ways to improve the work. Having your own experience is also a plus. It is unlikely that it will be possible to do this at the first interview, because the candidate needs to look at the work of the company from the inside, evaluate its advantages and disadvantages, and only then offer their solutions.

  1. Where can I get feedback on how you worked in your previous job?

This question is very important and will be very useful to the employer. by the most the best option there will be the provision of the employer's phone number or even several employee contacts that could characterize the candidate. Often applicants do not provide such information. The reason may be the lack of work experience or positive recommendations.

  1. What salary would you like to receive?

A qualified employee always appreciates his work. Not always the company can offer a salary that would suit the applicant. But sometimes, claiming high pay, candidates are just bluffing. Calculating such actions is quite simple - you need to significantly reduce the amount offered or offer some kind of benefits. This will surely throw the person off balance.

  1. What do you do in your free time from work? What are your hobbies?

This should be asked at the end of the interview. Perhaps the employer will find a like-minded person, a comrade-in-arms in hobbies. This will also have a positive effect on the applicant's opinion of the director, which will help build the right relationship in the course of further work.

Sergey Abdulmanov, Dmitry Kibkalo and Dmitry Borisov

Founders and directors of the Mosigra company, authors of the book. They opened a lot of outlets and like no one else know how to conduct an interview. In their book, they talked about this and we will write their recommendations below.

They considered "Rejection in the second minute of the interview." This approach is very helpful!

It happens like this: an applicant comes in and after a few questions you realize that he does not fit at all. In this situation, you do not need to torment yourself or him with questions further. It is enough to explain that he does not fit and end the interview. You still have to work with this person, and if you didn’t like him already in the first minute, what to talk about further.

After all, it often happens that a person simply does not suit you in spirit. And most importantly, do not take such people into the core of the team. Therefore, if a cool professional comes to the same vacancy, with whom it will feel difficult to work with, and a person with less knowledge, but burning with positive, the choice is clear!

Boris Petrov

General Director of the company "Petrocomplex", St. Petersburg. Interview in 15 minutes? Easy!

Boris claims that his interviews usually last no more than 15 minutes. He shared the most important details, which will help to negotiate with the candidate as efficiently as possible:

Language of the body. Undoubtedly, you need to observe how a person behaves during an interview. The body will always give out whether the interlocutor is sincere or disingenuous. So, insincerity usually means scratching behind the ears, a detached look, not directed at the interlocutor, hiding the palms (he puts them on the table or lowers them between his knees).

If a person, having come to an interview, has never looked the interviewer in the eyes, this is bad sign. It is unlikely that he was frank during the conversation. At the same time, there is no point in wasting time on finding out the reasons for such behavior.

What were you paid for? What is the product of your labor? Any person, regardless of the area in which he works, creates some kind of product, for which he receives money. Someone is responsible for the preparation of documentation, others work directly in production. At the same time, a person must understand that paper in itself is not a product until it has brought some benefit. Otherwise, it will simply be useless.

If a potential employee replies that he receives money for doing official duties or for "staying" the right time, it is unlikely that he will become a key and active worker. Such personalities, as a rule, cannot interest the interviewer. Some, on the contrary, speak very clearly about what they did, what they created. The detailed answer testifies at once to two key factors. The first is that a person knows what he is doing and what he can do. The second is that it is aimed precisely at work, and not at “walking” in order to receive a salary.

Evgeny Demin

CEO and co-owner of the companySplat, Moscow. What to look for, what questions can be asked additionally.

Eugene notes that the duration of the interview depends on the position. It can go from 10 minutes to an hour.

Thinking. To understand how a person thinks, it is worth asking him a question that can be answered in different ways. As an option, ask who is an authority for him or what he can teach the company's employees. Such questions allow a person to answer in a free form. At the same time, he involuntarily demonstrates the traits of his character.

Learnability, the ability to learn from your mistakes. A person often exaggerates his successes and tries to minimize his failures. Everyone makes mistakes, but it is important to understand whether the applicant is able to draw some lessons from them, to correct his activities. Much depends on the specific situation, the extent of the consequences that occurred as a result of incorrect work.

Unusual questions to ask a candidate during a negotiation:

  1. What superhero would you like to be if you had the opportunity? The answer will help to identify those qualities that a person considers the most important and valuable.
  2. Ask the candidate to describe their ideal job. This applies to place, time, field of activity and specifically functionality. So you can learn about hobbies, interests, life principles. This will allow you to understand how honest a person is, whether he wants to work.
  3. The question of shortcomings can be replaced by a kind of game. To do this, you need to draw a square on a piece of paper and ask the candidate to shade it in accordance with how professional he is. A fully shaded figure means that the knowledge and skills highest level. As a rule, people leave part of the square unshaded. In this case, you can ask why it is not completely painted over, what the person lacks specifically.
  4. What shortcomings of yours would immediately catch the eye of a new leader? This question will also help to find out the weaknesses of the interviewee. In this case, the candidate will have to look at himself from the outside.
  5. Why do you want to change jobs now? Maybe this is how a person wants to change something in his life dramatically, maybe a working environment or relationships with the team. At the same time, the employer will also be able to learn about the priorities and motivation of the applicant.
  6. If I contact your previous employer, what will they say about you? This question will also help the candidate look at himself from the outside and understand why he wants to change jobs.
  7. How will you fit into the new team? The new employee is not aware of how the work process is going on in the company, so he needs increased attention. A person will have to contact many colleagues in order to understand the principle of work, get help, explanation or advice. The answer to the question will help to understand whether the applicant himself is aware of this, whether he understands what will be required of him in the first months of work.
  8. Explain to an 8-year-old child a concept from your field of activity (you need to name a specific one). Any one will fit here. professional term. The clarity and speed of explanation will show whether a person is able to explain the whole essence of his work to a child who is absolutely uninitiated in this field of activity. This once again demonstrates the professionalism of the candidate.

Vladimir Saburov

Ggeneral director of the company "Glinopererabotka", Bryansk. Don't give time to think.

It is important to ask about the presence of a family (children, spouse, parents), clarify their age. Many people will think that this question will not help to clarify anything. In fact, these answers will help you understand whether the applicant has an incentive for intensive and fruitful work, whether he can work with concentration and intensity, approaching his duties with a high degree of responsibility and genuine interest.

Ask to prioritize. Here are some factors that may influence the choice of a job: wage(size, availability of benefits), career opportunities, independence, location close to home, opportunity to improve professional skills, good atmosphere in the team, complexity of work.

situational question. Here it is worth asking how the applicant will act if he is assigned a job that is not included in his job responsibilities. Failure indicates a lack of desire to develop. Such a person will constantly have reasons and circumstances not to do what he should not. Such employees can only be hired in the accounting department.

Getting to know the place of work. It is important to show what the applicant will be dealing with. Sometimes expectations often do not match reality. In such situations, applicants themselves can often refuse to work.

vital interests. Vladimir shared a case from his practice. Once, a young applicant with an economic education came to his company for the position of head of the procurement and logistics service. Decisive factor The choice of this candidate was that he plays sports and trains children. Vladimir realized that such interests certainly mean that the applicant has a firmness of character, endurance and a clear understanding of the value of time. All this was just necessary for work in the proposed position. The head was not embarrassed by his small age, he invited the young man to his work. Over the course of the year, this employee was able to positively influence the work of the service on a global scale. He set up a monitoring system for suppliers, perfected the interaction between different services of the organization. Such activities allowed to significantly reduce the cost of purchasing components and transporting finished goods.

Honesty check. Here you can also ask a situational question. For example, a job seeker is preparing to go on vacation with his family, and then he is unexpectedly called to work on an urgent assignment. How will he act in such a case? Even if a person is insincere, it will be immediately noticeable.

Self-esteem. Here you can also resort to modeling the situation. Let the applicant imagine that he has done a great job, on which he spent a lot of time and effort. The results of his work were unclaimed. How will he react to this? What will feel. If a person has low self-esteem, he will probably think that no one appreciates him, and time and effort were wasted.

A manager who doesn't know how to lead? Next question it makes sense to ask in a situation where an employee is being searched for a managerial position. You can ask what the candidate will do if his employee does not complete his work on time. If he says that he will carry it out on his own, then this means that the person does not have the makings of a leader, he is only a performer.

Rigidity. This question should also be asked to those who want to get a managerial position. You should ask what the applicant will do if a subordinate is rude to him. If he resorts to moralizing, then the employee is unlikely to be able to work as a leader. Work requires strict discipline, subordinates must complete assignments on time and in accordance with requirements. A positive response will be the application of penalties, dismissal if the case repeats. A particularly tough position is needed for those who work in production.

Is there any interest in the work? It is very important to understand whether the applicant is interested in the activity or just wants to receive a decent salary. Any manager wants to see in his employees an interest in the process and the result. This is the only way to build a solid system.

Life principles - what suits the company? It is necessary that the principles of the company coincide with those of the applicant. Vladimir again shared a situation from his life. Once he did not ask the applicant during an interview for the position of production director what “production culture” means to him. It was important for the manager that everything on the territory of the workshops was always in order and cleaned. It is this factor that directly affects the size of wages. This culture is also associated with honesty at work. The selected candidate showed himself well, was able to join the team, organize work. But he also had one serious drawback - he tried to hide shortcomings in his work. Employees worked in perpetual disorder. Vladimir tried to fight this for a while, until he found out that the director had the same situation at home. It became clear that there was no point in raising such a person. I had to part with him. The issue of cleanliness is very serious in production, because disorder increases the likelihood of injuries at work, equipment breakdowns. Ultimately, this leads to additional costs. In addition, the workers themselves treat the company quite differently when there is a mess around them, and they do not support it in any way.

How to formulate questions correctly

To get a true answer, you need to ask open questions. They always begin with question words - when, with what, why, how many and others.

Closed questions Open questions
So no need to ask So it will be most effective to ask them.
Did you like your previous job? Why did you decide to change jobs?
Did you do this, this, and this? How do you see your work in our company, what will it consist of?
Are you sociable? Can you join the team? How would you describe the team at your previous job? What was your relationship like with your boss and colleagues? What traits of a leader turn you off?
Are you up to the job? Why are you suitable for this position? What are your skills and benefits?

Closed they call those questions that do not require a detailed answer, only yes or no. They are used solely to collect formal information. Do you smoke? Have a family? There is own car? And others.

You do not need to give the applicant hints, offer answer options, or say something else immediately after the question.

You do not need to set an example for other applicants. In no case should the leader talk much himself.

Questions "on the backfill"

The following questions help the manager figure out whether this is an employee or not, reveal the motivation of the applicant:

  • You have been criticized recent times? Do you agree with the critical assessments in your direction, or do you prefer to challenge the statement? Why exactly?
  • Where do you see yourself in a couple of years? What do you need to do for this?
  • What goals are you guided by when identifying a desire to take up this position? Are your plans for career growth and development of professional skills related to the development of the company?
  • What is missing in your work to make it perfect?
  • What job responsibilities do you enjoy the most?
  • What three adjectives would you use to describe yourself? What adjectives would your subordinates use?
  • What does it mean to you to "achieve results"?
  • Tell us about three situations in which you have achieved recognition, success?
  • Is it possible to make people work better? What motivation do you give to your subordinates?
  • Are you able to praise a person for his merits sufficiently?
  • What difficulties in the new place of work will be expected for you? Which ones would you like to discover? 3 examples for each.
  • Tell us about three traits that you would like to change.
  • Why did you decide to change jobs? What do you dislike about your current (former) job?
  • How do you organize work with "difficult" subordinates? How will you continue to communicate with the applicant, whom you will not hire?
  • What new do you want to bring to the work of the company?

Question form: what question to ask in a particular situation

The leader must compose questions so that the applicant does not decipher them, but answers them. They should be formulated clearly and understandably. The offer must include simple words. You don't have to ask multiple questions right away.

  • Open-ended questions help reveal the candidate. Those are the ones that are used the most.
  • Closed questions are applicable in situations where the manager expects to receive a positive answer or wants to receive clarifying information.
  • If any of the answers really liked the leader, it is worth asking a question for a negative balance. So, one might ask, have there been situations in life that did not go so well?
  • If something suddenly alerted the employer, he can ask a question that confirms or refutes the negative information.
  • Clarifying questions are used as additional questions when the manager would like to know a little more about what was said before.
  • Questions ending in "isn't it?". They help steer the conversation in the right direction.
  • mirror questions. The person uttered a statement, the leader repeated after him, only in an interrogative form.
  • Questions with choice or justification. At the same time, the most effective way obtaining reliable information will be a simulation of a certain situation.
  • Provocative statements. The leader sets a specific situation and is interested in the opinion of the applicant.
  • Leading questions that already contain the answer.
  • A series of questions help to immediately learn about all aspects of a particular situation, to see it through the eyes of the applicant from different angles. This is a more stressful mode in which you can understand how the candidate perceives a large amount of information.
  • Questions related to the previous answer. They provide an opportunity to learn more about the statement or situation that interests the employer.

A lot depends on the preparation of the leader for the interview. The more carefully he approached this issue, the faster he will be able to find a person suitable for work in his organization.


This article turned out to be so long, but we tried to collect all the tips and tricks on how to properly conduct an interview. But these recommendations are only a support for you, and you will build your own interview format on your own. Because no two leaders are the same.

If you have your own methods for conducting interviews, then please share in the comments!

Recall that the main goal of our resource is to teach you how to quickly and effortlessly find an interesting and well-paid job.

In the previous article "" we analyzed in detail all the features and rules for compiling this document.

How to succeed in an interview

When applying for a job, each person experiences a certain stress, regardless of how many interviews there have already been in life, one or dozens.

The potential assessment of one's own skills, abilities, what can I say, and appearance by other people turns out to be an extremely stressful situation.

Still there is enough simple rules that will help you cope with the interview and get the desired position.

Applicants who have information about a potential employer have an advantage

The first thing to do after receiving an invitation is to carefully study the information about the company as a whole and about the department in which the vacancy is open.

It is necessary to study all possible sources - the official website, reviews about the company's work, probably articles that mention the name of the company (you will find a lot of information on large organizations like Sberbank, Leroy Merlin or MTS, but with regards to small companies, you will have to work a little)

This is how a picture is formed, in which there should be a clear vision of what the company does, what reputation it has.

And, most importantly, you need to answer the question of whether you see yourself in this position, what you will do, what knowledge and skills will help you fulfill your duties, what unique skills you are endowed with to do it better than others.

At the first level interviews (with the HR department) people like to ask “Why did you choose our company?”.

The answer should be prepared in advance, if you include a couple of bright, but not hackneyed facts about the company, then you can definitely get a good plus.

Be sure to study your own resume in advance

With a probability of 99.9%, the first question will be asked - tell us about yourself. And this is your high point.

Relentless statistics says that the impression of the applicant is formed in the first 3 minutes.

If it was possible to use them, having interested the interviewer as much as possible, then we can say that the fate is decided, then he will unconsciously either help with his statements, or, conversely, drown.

Therefore, it is necessary to take your own resume before the interview and carefully study it.

Next, you need to draw up a plan in which you enter data about the place of work and the functionality performed, with particular emphasis on success and achievements. Ideally, for each place of work, write down the points for yourself: completed, organized, designed. It is better to avoid the banal: worked, participated.

Naturally, the employer is interested in your professional experience, any interesting life facts that are not related to work should not be included in the story about yourself.

Based on the plan, talk about yourself in front of a mirror or practice in front of your family. The story should be clear, concise, informative, but not drawn out.

Ideally 2-3 minutes of a structured monologue. The story about yourself should be “delicious”, the purpose of the story is to interest the interlocutor and present yourself favorably.

Finish the story about yourself with information about the reasons for looking for a new job.

Questions and answers at the interview

be prepared and success will surely come

It is also worth preparing in advance typical answers that you will probably have to use during a dialogue with an employer:

1. Reasons for leaving your last job?

No matter how the situation is in last place, in no case should you voice the negative (bad relations with colleagues, low wages, the boss is a tyrant). Such reasons provoke to think of you as a narrow-minded person.

A more acceptable answer would be information about the thirst for development, the search for new horizons, the desire to try yourself in a new role.

2. Strengths and weaknesses

Oddly enough, but even this can often be heard indistinct muttering.

With strong qualities, you should be more careful, not all of them can be useful in a potential position, choose 2-3 of those that can distinguish you from other applicants in an original way.

Denying the existence of weaknesses is also a wrong move. You should think in advance how you can profitably present your shortcomings, for this it is recommended to turn them into advantages. For example, lack of communication for an accountant or analyst is not a disadvantage, as well as for a manager, the willingness to take on several cases at a time.

In addition, the employer is not looking for specific shortcomings, by this he is trying to determine your self-esteem and readiness for self-criticism.

3. Why should we take you?

In answering such questions, it is important to focus the answer on the skills that other applicants do not have, as well as on the willingness to develop, introduce innovations into work, and interact with colleagues.

4. Where will you be in 3/5/10 years?

Again, the employer does not wait for the exact title of the position (although it is quite possible to name it if you know what you are talking about), but wants to see the direction of development and the ability of a person to plan and set long-term goals.

And you should also be prepared for uncomfortable, or as they are called, stressful issues. Their goal is to see the live reaction of a person. Pain points, such as physical flaws, can be used as a “push” (“If you know that you look fatter in trousers, why did you wear them for an interview?”). Such attacks should be reacted calmly and preferably with humor.

And also, if you get a “selling” position, they may be asked to “sell a pen” - this is a typical test used by personnel officers to assess the ability to sell a future employee.

According to statistics, personnel officers value candidates who show interest during an interview much more highly.

Think in advance about what you want to learn from a potential employer. Feel free to ask about salary, fines, bonuses, benefits and team relationships. Be sure to ask the manager what skills and personal qualities are important to fill the vacancy.

Remember that you also evaluate the conditions offered to you and have the right to fully satisfy your curiosity.

Applicants who do not ask anything at all are considered uninitiated.

How to dress

Do not forget that "meet by clothes" ""

Be sure to think over the appearance before the interview - wardrobe, makeup, hairstyle.

All these elements are directly related to the place you are applying for. If the vacancy involves working with clients, then we definitely choose a classic style, a minimal set of accessories, a pleasant and neat make-up, and a low heel.

There is often no dress code for places that are closed from client eyes, but it is advisable to clarify this information in advance. The absence of a formal style does not at all imply crumpled clothes or unwashed hair.

Will be superfluous bright decorations, rings, piercing.

You will never have the opportunity to make a first impression again.

How to behave

Strictly observe the rules of conduct

Arrive on the day of the interview future work in advance. Remember that a late applicant gets a fat minus even before the meeting.

  1. Take a printed resume with you to make it easier for you to talk about yourself, a pen to take notes.
  2. Try to relax. Remember that not only you are being evaluated, but you are also the company. No one obliges you to work on unacceptable conditions, be sure of your words.
  3. Smile. Let the conversation take the form of a friendly conversation, the topic of which is you and your professional activities.
  4. Avoid closed postures, do not cross your arms or legs. It is good when the body of the body is slightly inclined towards the interlocutor, the palms are open, looking up. Look into the person’s eyes, if there are two interviewers, then look from one to the other, but not too often, you should not wander your eyes around the ceiling or table.
  5. Answer to the point, without water and beating around the bush. If you can’t find the answer right away, ask for a couple of seconds to formulate a competent and structured answer.

And most importantly, be good mood and your dream job will be yours! If you were invited to a meeting, it means that the company is interested in your abilities.

Your main task is to impress and convince the employer that you are the most suitable candidate for the vacant position.

Are you applying for a leadership position?

In principle, all requirements remain the same. But if you are applying for a leadership position, then you should show a harmonious combination of politeness and tact, as well as show the firmness and determination of the leader - after all, these qualities are primarily important for the future boss.

A typical interview consists of several stages. First, a potential employer studies, most likely will contact you by phone, ask general issues in areas of interest.

If after the first meeting your candidacy made a positive impression, then an invitation to an in-person interview with a specialist who conducts professional testing will follow.

Be sure to watch the video of Maria Kravchuk, in which she talks in a simple and accessible language about passing a job interview

Its task is to determine the level of your qualifications and assess compliance with the requirements.

After that, there will be a conversation with the head of the company or personnel department. If everything goes well, then discussions will follow on the availability and conditions, the form and level of payment, social package, etc.

It is worth remembering that during the interview you also have the right to clarify points of interest, because this is, in fact, a dialogue between the employer and the future employee.

This is the best time to find out the details that interest you: career prospects, workplace arrangement, etc.

Also, the manifestation of interest will positively affect the assessment of you by the employer.

Interviews are usually conducted by experienced HR professionals, so best advice for you to be sincere and remain yourself.

By Skype

If you have a conversation on Skype, then you should consider some points:

  • ensure silence: remove pets, children in advance, turn off the sound on the phone and the intercom - nothing should distract you
  • choose a suitable background: plain light wallpaper is better. It is unlikely that you will make an impression when applying for a job in a serious bank if you conduct a conversation in front of a poster of Merlin Manson
  • Dress appropriately
  • Adjust the camera position

With the security service

One of the stages of employment may be an interview with a security specialist or even a polygraph (for example, if you enter the service in the internal affairs bodies). It is important to cope with stress here - be calm, consistent and honest - after all, basically all SBs are former employees Ministry of Internal Affairs who have retired, and they understand very well when they are being deceived.

What should I do if I have to pass an interview in English?

Actually, this is a separate issue! If you are fluent in the language, then there should be no problems with this, but if you are not confident in yourself, then we offer several recommendations for passing an interview in English (for example, when applying for a job in the USA):

  1. Take the list of questions from this article in Russian and translate them
  2. Analyze different versions of their wording and write them out in order.
  3. Type them into Google translate and click on the microphone icon, so you can listen to them with good pronunciation and get used to these phrases
  4. It is also worthwhile to pre-compile sample answers and memorize them.
  5. During the conversation, say everything naturally so that it does not look like the story of a poem.

Main reasons for refusal

The main reasons for rejection include:

  1. Inappropriate (vulgar, sloppy) appearance.
  2. An attempt to demonstrate their superiority in everything
  3. bad diction
  4. Lack of plans, goals, uncertainty.
  5. A large number of requirements and conditions
  6. Non-compliance with business etiquette
  7. Display of apathy, disinterest, lack of enthusiasm
  8. Stealth, aggressiveness.

I hope we were able to clearly talk about how to successfully pass a job interview and what you should not do in any case. In the next article, we will talk about the next steps - writing and passing in a new place.


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