Why plastic windows sweat from the inside. Why plastic windows in the apartment fog up

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Winter brings with it not only a festive mood, along with cold weather, a problem comes into the house associated with the occurrence of condensation on plastic double-glazed windows. Why Let's try to figure it out together.

Let's remember school curriculum physics - the higher the temperature of the environment, the more moisture is contained in the air. As soon as the air cools, the vapor condenses, and it settles on surfaces in the form of droplets. And, of course, it settles first of all where the temperature is lower. Usually the coldest surface in the room is double-glazed windows, which means that the reason why the windows sweat is enough low temperature on their surface.

We have dealt with natural phenomena, now we should find the cause of trouble in the apartment, because, be that as it may, condensation on double-glazed windows is an abnormal phenomenon, an indicator that not everything is in order here.

So why sweat plastic windows:

1. Lack of normal ventilation in the room. This happens when the ventilation ducts are clogged, they are usually located in bathrooms, bathrooms and in the kitchen. In this case, nothing will help except how to deal with and do it as quickly as possible.

2. Due to the purpose of the room, there is constantly high humidity in it. Housewives in the kitchen constantly face this. Cooking, washing dishes. And in some families where there is Small child, in the kitchen constantly turn on washing machine and dry clothes. These air factors. If the windows are sweating for this reason alone, the only way out is to frequent airing kitchens.

3. The owner is very economical, and decided to put it indoors. This saving, including on himself, is the reason why plastic windows sweat: the glass will be very cold, because two glasses are not enough for good thermal insulation.

4. The next reason for condensation on the windows is the recent renovation of the premises or the recent occupancy of the house. Building construction, Decoration Materials long time retain high humidity. Only time can eliminate this cause.

5. Incorrect installation of the window, that is, it was deeply deepened into the window opening. This is usually done at the request of the owner himself in order to increase the surface of the window sill. Numerous flowers placed on it will also inevitably lead to condensation. Even this beautiful decoration can be the reason why plastic windows sweat. The choice is up to the owner: either the absence of flowers on the windowsill, or condensation on the double-glazed window.

6. When installing windows, the rules were violated. If gaps remain during the installation of windows, they are a source of cold air entering inside, which, mixing with warm air, cools them to the “dew point”, and condensate settles on the double-glazed windows. It is better to correct such an oversight immediately, without postponing for later. Call the representatives of the company that did the installation. However, it should be remembered that those standards that are provided for do not affect the rate of condensate formation, because there are many reasons why this condensate can occur.

7. Wrong installation heating appliances in room. Windows sweat if they are installed far from the battery, another source of heat. It is possible to correct the situation only by moving the devices.

All of the above can be summarized in the form of the following recommendations:

· Check and eliminate ventilation defects.

· Pay more attention to thermal insulation, including walls outside. A reference point for maintaining a normal indoor climate should be a temperature of + 20C.

Eliminate all sources that affect the humidity in the room. This can be a leaking roof, accumulation of moisture in the basement, etc.

Ventilate the room where you live more often.

When it's time to replace old windows with new ones, we start collecting information about alternative replacements.
First, we consider all the pros and cons of new products to date, the material side of the issue, and then we are interested in which of the firms has more quality windows. Today, plastic windows are most in demand, as they are more acceptable in terms of pricing policy, functionality, easy to maintain, easy to care for.

You got rid of the old windows with joy, as it stopped blowing in winter due to the wide cracks in them, which had to be sealed with something, it became much warmer in the apartment, and soundproofing factors are important.

As a builder, friends and acquaintances very often turn to me with the question - why do plastic windows sweat from the inside, and what are the options for eliminating this phenomenon. I myself have plastic windows throughout the apartment.

I decided to explain on the pages of my blog possible reasons fogging of plastic windows from the inside, as I studied this issue well before installing plastic windows in my apartment and by its nature labor activity I face this issue all the time.

If you have a double-glazed window sweating inside between the panes , which means that this is a manufacturer's defect, since double-glazed windows must be 100% tight. The solution is simple - replacing the double-glazed window with a new one. It is a double-glazed window, not a window - the profile remains the same. This is a ten minute operation.

We remove the glazing beads and install a new double-glazed window - this should be done by the company that installs the windows. Your contract for the installation of windows should be spelled out guarantee period services of plastic windows and their warranty period. I have 5 years.

Why do plastic windows sweat from the inside in the apartment

  • Increased air humidity. Humidity in the room rises when we cook food in the kitchen, evaporation from pots and pans occurs and therefore condensation appears on plastic windows. Approximately the same as when taking a bath - the walls of the bathroom are wet, this is especially evident on ceramic tiles.
  • One of the options may be frequent washing and drying clothes after washing in a typewriter on the loggia, in the apartment. Evaporating moisture increases the % humidity in the room. This is true if the family has small children, bedridden patients.
  • One of the reasons why plastic windows sweat from the inside may be impaired air circulation in the room. With slightly warm radiators and severe frosts on the street, it is cold in the room, plastic windows are not heated sufficiently. If the batteries are hot, and the windows are still sweating from the inside, then, according to the laws of physics, warm air tends to rise, and when cooled, it falls down.
  • If the heating radiator is located at the window, but is closed by a screen for heating radiators or the window sill has a long overhang, then warm air does not cover the lower part of the window, which leads to condensation, the lower part of the plastic window freezes.
  • The ventilation does not work or is clogged, and there is no extract of moist air.
  • If you are doing repairs or some time after it, then do not be surprised why plastic windows sweat. Freshly put into action Construction Materials(wallpaper, ceramic tile etc.) emit moisture, which increases the humidity of the room.
  • Required in winter period using a hexagon (“golden key”), transfer the windows to the winter mode of operation. To do this, insert the hexagon into the eccentric at the end of the plastic window and turn the key to achieve the desired.
  • One of the reasons for condensation on windows from the inside may be poor-quality installation of plastic windows by a company or, if you decide to save money, then by “left” specialists. They violated the plastic window installation technology - they sealed the gap between the window and the opening poorly. The same can be said about the ebb.
  • As a rule, installers simply screw the ebb to the window. Not only does it knock on the ground under it from the wind, it also allows moisture and cold to pass through. I removed all the ebbs, made a base for them from the mortar, sealed them and screwed them on again. Thus, all the ebbs lay tightly on the preparation and were airtight.
  • If the window is not installed level, then it is skewed, which leads to a loose fit of the sealing gaskets of the window sashes.
  • Fittings can also play a role - there will be no tight closing of the window sash due to poor-quality fittings or its installation in violation of the installation rules.

Elimination of fogging of plastic windows from the inside:

  • It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, you can leave plastic windows in the “ventilation” mode all the time, if the outside temperature allows in winter, use the hood in the kitchen.
  • Solve the issue with a wide window sill, decorative grilles for heating appliances, you may even have to push the battery a little away from the wall.
  • Check working condition your ventilation. This is easy to do - bring a burning match to the ventilation grille, and if the flame turns towards it with an air flow, then everything is in order with ventilation. If the draft is good, then a sheet of thin paper will also stick to the ventilation grille.
  • If the technology for installing plastic windows is violated, then here you need to contact the company that installs your windows. They must end their marriage.

I want to advise you right away - do not install a single-chamber profile, the windows will constantly sweat, since there is only one layer in this profile, and the distance between the panes of the double-glazed window is minimal.

I installed a five-chamber profile on the north side, and a three-chamber profile on the south. And I have no problems with windows. Do not save, because you install plastic windows for decades.

We examined the main reasons why plastic windows sweat from the inside, how to eliminate them. I think that you can determine the cause in your apartment and eliminate it yourself. Then plastic windows will delight you again with their design and functionality.

Often in the cold season, a cloudy water haze forms on plastic windows. This is condensation that impairs visibility, reduces the level luminous flux and contributes to the formation of fungi and mold.

Condensate(lat. condensatus- compacted, condensed) - a product of vapor condensation that occurs during the transition of a substance upon cooling from gaseous to liquid form. It is formed if there is excess "water" in the air, and there is a low temperature outside the window.

It should be noted that each person per day allocates about 2 liters of water in the form of vapor during breathing. In addition, a boiling kettle, cooking process, leaky plumbing, and even indoor plants can be a source of moisture in the house.

At relative humidity over 60%, condensation may already appear on the double-glazed windows.

The ideal option would be to prevent a similar situation yet at the order stage plastic windows. You should choose a warmer package. Two-chamber the window is cooled much slower single-chamber, which means that its fogging is less likely.

Energy-saving euro windows actually don't sweat. The warmer the double-glazed window, the less the possibility of the appearance of "dew".

What to do if the installed metal-plastic windows fog up?

Let's give 10 useful tips To combat fogging of windows in the house:

    Need to reduce moisture. By regularly ventilating the room or installing air inlet valves in the windows.

    Reduce the amount indoor plants . Flowers and miniature trees increase the area of ​​​​evaporation of moisture in the room - water evaporates from the leaves and moist soil.

    Choose the “right” wall finish. Considering different variants for wall, ceiling and floor decoration, give preference natural materials that absorb excess moisture (drywall, wood).

    Repair all faucets and other plumbing. Leaking faucets and other equipment increase air humidity.

    Finish wet cleaning with a dry wipe.. This will help get rid of excess water.

    You can buy dehumidifiers. They are sold in construction supermarkets. Recuperators automatically normalize humidity and maintain comfortable conditions in room. Great but expensive solution.

    Heating in the cold season should work constantly. Periodic shutdowns (for example, overnight) increase the humidity of the air and contribute to the formation of dampness.

    Strengthen the heating of the double-glazed window with the installation powerful battery under the window or reducing the size of the window sill. The smaller the window sill, the easier the double-glazed window heats up. Ideally, when designing a structure, it is better to ensure that the heat flow from the batteries goes to the window.

    Condensation may be caused by poor sealing. For example, a loose fit of the window sash to the frame.

    A well-functioning hood is the key to minimal moisture accumulation. If constant noise interferes, you can put a humidity level sensor on it.

Finally, we suggest watching a video in which the author dispels popular myths about the causes of fogging windows and shares the secrets of solving the problem:

Steam settles not only on metal-plastic windows, but on them it is more noticeable. Condensation can appear on furniture, carpets, clothing and create bad smell"oldies". Do not forget that high humidity is one of the causes of fungus.

With the onset of cold weather (and not only), many owners find small droplets of water on the windows - condensation. It appears from the temperature difference: it is warm in the room, and it is cold outside. Misted double-glazed windows are most often found in apartments, but this problem can also appear in homes and offices. To understand why plastic windows sweat, we will analyze the possible reasons for the accumulation of moisture on the glass.

7 reasons why plastic windows sweat in the apartment

All the reasons for the accumulation of moisture on the windows can be divided into two types: high humidity and a strong temperature difference. Let's take a closer look at what problems lead to such situations.

  1. The room is poorly or poorly ventilated. In apartments, ventilation ducts are located in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Check if it's clogged ventilation ducts and gratings. If the air draft is insufficient, the air will not circulate well.

Attention! Any room with plastic windows it is necessary to ventilate at least 30-60 minutes a day. This design by itself does not provide air circulation. If it is very cold outside, use the micro-ventilation mode.

  1. Recently renovated. Construction mixtures, mortars and glue can keep high humidity for another six months after repair. Over time, they dry out and the problem is solved by itself. Clean and ventilate the rooms more often to speed up this process.
  1. There are single-chamber double-glazed windows. The owners of single-chamber packages more often than others have a question why plastic windows sweat and flow. The thinner the window, the colder it is. Thermal insulation is insufficient, so the window begins to "cry". If possible, install a double-glazed window.
  1. High air humidity. The wettest room with a window is the kitchen, because there we wash dishes, cook food, and do laundry. It is common to notice a foggy window in a room where the humidifier has been running for too long. This problem is fixed quickly: cold air will quickly reduce humidity, so ventilate the room more often.
  1. Windows not switched to winter mode. On the winter mode casement tightly pressed against the frame, therefore, provides greater thermal insulation. Try changing the window mode, and it is quite possible that the question of why plastic windows sweat in winter will no longer bother.

  1. Incorrect installation or leakage. When the structure is made and installed poorly or the slopes are poorly sealed, the window becomes supercooled and starts to fog up. If you are sure that this is the problem, feel free to call the installers to correct the errors or replace the defective material.
  2. The battery is far from the window or covered by a window sill. This can happen when the window is deepened into the opening to increase the size of the window sill. The circulation of warm air is disturbed, which leads to the formation of moisture on the glass.

Why plastic windows sweat: what to do today and how to avoid tomorrow

The problem with misted windows should not be put off until later, because it can lead to other troubles. Limited light in the room, mold on the slopes and puddles on the window sills are the result of constant moisture on the windows. To solve this problem, you need to define why does a plastic window sweat from the inside and remove the cause.

What to do if the windows sweat.

  • If the problem is in the ventilation system, it needs to be clean or replace. If the ventilation in your apartment is in order, but there is no draft, go to the neighbors. If they've sealed their system, they've cut off airflow throughout the house.
  • Check heating system . To prevent the window from misting up, it is necessary to give access to warm air to the window. If the battery does not heat well, clean the radiator or replace it. normal temperature the air in the room should be about 20 degrees, humidity - 40-50%. If the battery is not enough to maintain the temperature, use additional heat sources such as: an external heater, underfloor heating, an electric fireplace.

  • Reduce humidity. The apartment may be too humid, not only because of natural causes(kitchen life, air humidification), which are eliminated by regular ventilation, but also due to more serious ones. On the upper floors the roof often leaks, at first - moisture accumulates in basements and enters the apartment. Until this is fixed, the windows will sweat.
  • Reduce window sill. Replacing the window sill will help open the radiator and optimize the movement of warm air.

Note! Often the movement of warm air is hindered by thick curtains or a large number of flower pots on the windowsill. Try to remove the curtains or change to light curtains. Flowers can be placed on special holders a little far from the window. This will also prevent moisture from entering the windows from plants.


AT recent times new plastic windows are becoming an increasingly popular product. If earlier only rich enough people could afford such structures, now everyone wants to replace wooden windows with PVC products. With their help, you can easily create comfortable living conditions, as they perfectly keep the temperature. But, at the same time, one often has to deal with difficult problem- the plastic window sweats inside. What to do in such a situation? First you need to figure out the reasons due to which condensation appears on plastic windows with the formation of ice in the winter.

What is condensation on windows

First you need to decide what is condensate and how does it manifest itself? The presence of condensate determines the dew point, which separates the dry zone from the condensate zone and is controlled by changes in humidity temperature.

In general, we have to meet with the dew point every day and more than once. The appearance of large and numerous drops on the surface when the lid of a hot pan is opened is the result of the existence of a dew point. You can also verify its existence when referring to the mirror after washing in the bath, where it looks foggy, etc. And there are many such examples.

As you know, the influence on the condensate is formed by two elements - this is humidity and temperature. So, if a cold object is brought into a warm room, then the level of condensate that falls depends on the degree of their characteristics. If you lower the temperature, while remaining at a constant humidity, then the formation of condensate is ensured (fog in the lowlands). The situation is similar with constant temperature and high humidity, the condensate of which can be seen in the bathroom.

The eternal problem of windows is their fogging and the presence of abundant moisture, which provides the above dew point. If you look from the outside, it is the windows that are the coldest element of the house, as a result of which they serve as a source of moisture. The recommended level of humidity in the room should be no more than 40%.

Why was there no condensation on wooden windows?

Currently, most people tend to change their old windows for new, plastic ones. Often there are questions related to why there was no condensation on old windows.

It is not difficult to answer this question - the old windows did not need condensate, since the wooden windows allowed air to pass through due to the loose porch, and thanks to this circumstance, a normal level of humidity was maintained in any room.

As for the new plastic windows, they are inherently tight and, being in closed position actually do not let air through. This is an obstacle for natural ventilation in a room originally laid down during the design of rooms and openings with old windows made of wood.

When the windows are replaced with new plastic or wooden, but modern, equipped with a hermetic porch, there is a clear violation of the "natural" ventilation, and the excess moisture residue remains to condense on the surface of the window.

Where to start checking

In order to keep indoors normal level humidity, it is necessary to independently check the room. In today's windows, there is also such an option as In such cases, the exchange of air between the street and a specific room is carried out by means of a micro-ventilation installation or a special one.

Ice on glass

To avoid or minimize the appearance of condensation and frost on windows in winter, the following recommendations should be followed.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the level of humidity in the room, because, as you know, high humidity in the house negatively affects its residents. The humidity level can increase as a result of a long boil of water with an open lid or the presence of large aquarium in the apartment. But even these signs can be eliminated with the help of a properly installed exhaust system premises. Violation of the good operation of the hood can occur as a result of contamination of the pipes of the system, where leaves and fluff from trees and other street debris often fall, there are also cases of dead pigeons or sparrows getting into them. Another failure of the exhaust system can occur in the event of improper arrangement of furniture or various redevelopment of rooms, when access to the hood is accidentally closed. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor and prevent such situations.

In order for the window to perform its functions, it must be properly adjusted. How to do this, read our article “Adjustment of double-glazed windows, sashes of plastic windows. Features, photo and video instructions on how to adjust plastic windows "

How easy it is to install a window sill with your own hands, read in our article at the link

About, find out on our website.

The main reasons for the formation of drops on the windows in the apartment

In order to answer the question of why they fog up inside a double-glazed window, you should find the main reason for this phenomenon.

The main reasons are the following factors:

  1. Bad ventilation system. If to replace the problem of cracks in the old wooden windows a new one came, now with sealed plastic structures in the form of the appearance of condensate inside, then, most likely, the reason is precisely this super tightness. The cracks were the key to normal air circulation. To achieve this with new windows, simply ventilate the house more often. In addition, you can easily face the question of why plastic windows in the house sweat between the glass in the kitchen or in the bathroom, because there are hoods in these rooms. Regular cleaning of such equipment will solve the problem.
  2. Repair. The appearance of condensation inside is a frequent consequence repair work in the apartment. Building materials such as paint, plaster, fresh tiles have the ability to independently release moisture, even for long period(up to two years). Again, fighting this phenomenon is just good ventilation system. Another one common cause- poor-quality production of slopes. This factor is almost inevitable self-manufacturing designs that do not meet the standards and quality requirements.
  3. Wide, preventing glass blowing warm air. Even if structures of this kind have already been installed, there is a way out - you just need to make special holes. To give this a more aesthetic appearance, special bushings or inserts are used.
  4. The next reason why plastic windows sweat from the inside in the apartment , is the temperature difference, since the thermal insulation of the room plays one of the leading roles in this regard.
  5. Indoor flowers are another important reason why a plastic window inside a double-glazed window sweats. They are a source of moisture, which as a result settles on the windows.

Other Causes of Windows Fogging (Physics)

Fogging is very often perceived as a window defect. But in general this is an erroneous opinion. Condensate on window panes does not always appear due to design imperfections.

Most often, the occurrence of such phenomena is not the result of improper installation or deficiencies. window frame. Condensation appears when relative humidity exceeds 60 percent, the temperature difference between inside and outside is at least 20°C.

Therefore, it is necessary to take care of timely, and if it does not help, look further for the reason why plastic windows in the house are sweating.

Moisture condensation on glass is a natural physical phenomenon. It appears as a result of contact between moist and warm air on a surface with a lower temperature. The air cools to saturation and reflects some of the moisture that condenses on the surface of the window unit, causing it to become cloudy.

Poor quality assembly

An important point in ensuring normal is their correct installation. If mistakes were made in its course, problems will appear in a few days. And one of them may be precisely the formation of condensate inside the double-glazed window.

Poor installation most often leads to the formation of cracks through which cold air will enter the room, which, when interacting with the warm temperature inside the house, will lead to fogging.

The second drawback is the skew of the sash to the frame. Such a problem also leads to leakage of the structure and the penetration of cold air from outside.

And another problem is the illiterate installation of the window sill, as a result of which moisture will accumulate under it.

Therefore, it is worth avoiding opportunities to save when it comes to products from unverified manufacturers or unskilled installers.

The double-glazed window fogs up from the inside, what should I do? In case of evaporation on the inside of the glazing, the easiest way to solve the problem is to ensure fresh air indoors, for example, through regular ventilation, even at low temperatures.

  • The recommended humidity in a residential area is 40-50%. Excess moisture should be removed outside. Otherwise, the creation of a natural phenomenon of water vapor condensation and condensation on the windows;
  • if the main reason is poor ventilation, then the first step is to check the operation of natural ventilation or replace it with a light artificial mechanism. In addition, you can choose to window fittings micro ventilation system. This function ensures a constant flow of fresh air into the room, as this reduces the pressure of the frame on the sash;
  • the use of special dehumidifiers in the room to combat excess moisture.

Locations subject to condensation if there is high humidity, glazing with a low heat transfer coefficient Ug should be used. Thanks to the absorbent content, the absorption of moisture from the inside of the glass will prevent the formation of condensation.

Unlike condensation on the inside and on outside window block, a more serious problem is the situation when the double-glazed window sweats inside between the panes. Its cause may be poor-quality glazing, requiring. In this case, the only right decision is to seek help from the appropriate services.

Remember that even the best window systems do not eliminate the possibility of an evaporation problem. In this case, it is necessary to make every effort to equip an appropriate device for supplying air to the room and proper ventilation in the apartment.

It is recommended to provide the best possible temperature rise inside glass. Too low temperature may be a sign of thin installed single-chamber double-glazed windows that are not able to provide good thermal protection in Russian weather conditions. It is also necessary to monitor correct location batteries by the window. Batteries should not be protected by any partitions, whether it be a wide window sill or another partition, because these elements prevent the penetration of warm air currents to the window. Following these simple recommendation, it is possible to provide dry windows in your home for a long time.


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