Why does the smell from a stretch ceiling not disappear? Why is there an unpleasant smell from the stretch ceiling - who is to blame and what to do? How to choose a stretch ceiling so that it is odorless after installation

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We constantly encounter this question from customers, and it is worth noting that the concern cannot be called completely groundless. The Internet is replete with information that suspended ceilings have a rather pungent, unpleasant odor, and, what is especially frightening, can emit health hazards into the air. chemical substances. So what should we believe? Let's try to figure it out together.

How soon will the specific smell disappear after installation?

First of all, we note that during the installation of suspended ceilings and immediately after it, a slight odor is indeed felt. This is explained by the installation technology itself.

The fact is that during installation the canvas is heated with a heat gun, so the smell from the PVC film is completely normal, and there is nothing wrong with it, much less dangerous. You won’t be surprised that plaster, for example, has a specific smell.

After installing the ceilings, the room should be well ventilated, and within 48 hours there will be no trace of the smell. However, it also happens that immediately after the installers leave, clients do not notice any foreign odors at all. If the installation is carried out during the renovation of the apartment as a whole, then the question completely loses its relevance.

So when customers ask if there is any smell from suspended ceilings, we answer that the presence of a slight odor during installation and immediately after it is quite acceptable. This is a norm that poses absolutely no danger to the health of the client and his family. After the room is well ventilated, the smell will immediately disappear and will no longer be remembered.

Of course, all of the above is only true if you placed an order from a trusted company. Currently, unfortunately, there are a lot of private teams. To save money, they themselves purchase film in rolls from Chinese manufacturers, the quality of which is seriously suspect. Then, again on their own, they cut out the ceilings from the materials. Of course, all this reduces production costs, but at the same time the quality of the finished product suffers.

Can the smell last long (or forever)?

It should be clarified that the smell will not remain forever, but for quite a long time - it is quite possible. Why does this happen?

The company you placed your order with uses low-quality PVC film for cutting, which is not approved for use in residential premises. Sadly, this is a common practice nowadays. Chinese manufacturers, who are constantly participating in the race of competitors, offer products different quality. Of course, there are factories that produce certified high-quality products, and there are also private small factories that are ready to offer goods that seem similar at first glance. It will be several times cheaper, and the consumer will notice the difference, unfortunately, only during operation.

It may not be the ceiling itself that smells, but the insert. An insert is a special masking tape that is used to hide the joints between the ceiling and the wall if installation of baseboards is not planned. As you might guess, such tapes also come in different qualities. If installers use a high-quality insert, then there will be no smell, just like from the film. If the company decided to save money and purchased a cheap insert, then the smell will remain on for a long time. notice, that bad smell It may also come from other components if their quality does not meet sanitary standards.

So how can you not fall for the bait and not suffer after installing stretch ceilings due to an unpleasant odor? The answer is on the surface. You should trust only trusted companies that have good feedback, or your friends may recommend them. It is also worth paying attention to companies that have been working in this field for several years, enter into official contracts and bear warranty obligations. The article below talks about this in more detail.

How to distinguish a reliable company from a wild bunch

What “bells” should you pay attention to?

  • The company immediately informs you that the ceilings do not have any odor at all. You should be wary that you are being deceived from the very beginning. As already mentioned, during heating PVC film It does give off a slight scent that evaporates quite quickly. So at the very beginning the ceilings will smell a little, because the release of odor is a natural physical process. If you are promised that it is excluded, then you should think about the competence of such specialists.
  • They offer you a price that is significantly lower than the market price. What is the danger? Most likely, such a company will use low-grade film, the cheapest insert, and components that have an unpleasant odor. Unfortunately, there are craftsmen who cut the canvas themselves and then glue it to the wall with PVC mounting film.
  • Even several days after installation and airing of the rooms, the smell did not evaporate. This sure sign that low-quality fabric or poor components were used for installation. It is better to invite a specialist from another company and get an independent opinion.

In conclusion, we note that by placing an order for the installation of suspended ceilings in a trusted company that values ​​​​its reputation and honest name, you will avoid possible problems. Properly made and installed stretch ceilings do not emit foreign odors during their entire service life and do not pose a health hazard. A good example This

Many people are faced with apartment renovations. Sooner or later, it’s time to put your own home in order. One of the elements of such repairs is. IN Lately This design has become more than popular. Almost everyone now installs stretch ceilings. They are very beautiful and add their own zest to the overall interior.

But besides the advantages, they also have disadvantages. One of the most noticeable is the unpleasant odor from suspended ceilings. It appears immediately after installation and creates some discomfort for others. As a rule, if repairs begin, they occur throughout the house. Therefore, when you install a suspended ceiling, you have to do this procedure throughout the entire living space. This means that the smell is from stretch ceiling you will be followed everywhere. If such a design was installed only in one room, then the situation would be simpler - close the door and that’s it. But this option won’t work here. Therefore, when a smell appears throughout the apartment, a person begins to experience discomfort.

But it's worth thinking about. But indeed, we are surrounded by many objects that, when new, smell exactly the same as a suspended ceiling. For example, all zero electronics, various clothes. But soon this smell goes away. After a week you stop feeling it. Therefore, the smell from a stretch ceiling that appears in the first days after installation is a completely normal phenomenon. He also time will pass and everything will be fine.

Most suspended ceilings have a base made of PVC film. And this is what creates such an unpleasant smell. But here everything depends on the quality of the film (). If the film is made on high level, the smell will disappear much faster.

Following the general stereotype, most people have the opinion that Chinese ceilings are the worst design. But in reality this is far from the case. Ceilings specially produced at the plant can be easily compared with similar European ones. But if you have chosen a handicraft version of the Chinese ceiling, then you should immediately be prepared for the fact that the smell will not disappear soon.

As a rule, the time it takes for the smell from suspended ceilings to disappear is approximately two to three weeks. Again, this all depends on the quality of your ceiling. If the quality is at a high level, then the problem will disappear by itself. But the price of European designs differs significantly from conventional ones.

The difference between high-quality and low-quality stretch ceilings

But you should be careful, because it is not uncommon for suspended ceiling installers to issue Chinese goods, for a real brand from Europe. It is now almost impossible to distinguish between these two options. But you shouldn’t rely on certificates. They can be faked quite easily. But there is still one way to distinguish quality european ceiling from artisanal Chinese. This can be done thanks to the smell, which is different for all stretch ceilings. But here the installers also resort to cunning and you need to know their methods. When the ceiling starts to smell less, they pass it off as high quality. But what do they do to make it lose its factory smell?

Here are a few methods that installers use to remove odors, which can be used to distinguish a high-quality stretch ceiling from a fake.

  • The ceilings are left to sit in the warehouse for approximately a couple of weeks. Consequently, the smell will disappear by itself during this time. Therefore, now it becomes possible to pass it off as a high-tech design.
  • It all depends on the room in which the work takes place. If it is cold, the smell will be much less noticeable than if it is warm. But in a warm room, it disappears faster on its own.
  • Another important factor, on which the smell of the new design depends. This is humidity. If the room has high humidity, then the question will remain open for a long time. Therefore, if such a ceiling is installed in the bathroom, it will smell quite strongly.
  • You should also pay attention to the height. If the ceilings are high, then there will be less smell.
  • The smell can also be removed by airing. If you have completely entrusted all the work to the craftsmen, then they can simply ventilate the room before your arrival. In this case, you will not feel the persistent smell of the ceiling. You should also know that the larger the room itself, the less time it takes to ventilate. But in small rooms the smell will take longer to dissipate.

You need to know all this so as not to fall into the trap of deceivers. Therefore, if there is a smell, it means that the ceilings are real to some extent, and therefore you should not immediately panic. Just wait a couple of weeks and everything will fall into place.

Have you installed a suspended ceiling in your home and there is an unpleasant smell in the room? Let's look at the causes and ways to get rid of it.

So where does the smell come from and why?

Regardless of which company you installed the ceiling, it will still emit an odor. This is not affected by the price or quality of the ceiling film. Even the most expensive suspended ceiling will still emit an odor, but it will not be as strong and pungent as from a cheap canvas. But don’t worry, if you install a high-quality canvas, the smell will go away within 3-4 days with constant ventilation.
The smell is emitted by PVC film, which is used as a ceiling sheet. Conventionally produced films can be divided into 3 groups:

  • material highest quality, which has a subtle odor that disappears after a few days. By the way, the FACTORY OF CEILINGS company works only with such materials;
  • The material is of average quality, the weathering period of which is 1-1.5 weeks. If the renovation budget is very small, such canvases can be installed in the hallway. But in any case, it is not recommended to stay in the room for a long time until the smell completely disappears;
  • low-quality materials that have an intense sweetish odor and can be hazardous to health. You need to avoid encountering such a ceiling by all means. Usually such materials are the cheapest, but sometimes you can find counterfeits of expensive film that are of such low quality.

If the material is of high quality and has the necessary certificates, it is absolutely safe for humans and does not affect our health in any way. Of course, the higher the quality of the film, the more expensive it is, and accordingly the rate of weathering directly depends on the quality of the material. Expensive ceiling fabrics emit a less intense odor, which disappears faster.

Based on the reviews and experience of people who have suspended ceilings in their homes, we can identify a number of reasons why the unpleasant odor does not go away.
Firstly, at least 10 days must pass from the moment the ceiling was installed for the odor problem to be considered urgent. Secondly, choose high-quality stretch ceilings. Thirdly, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the rooms so that the smell disappears completely. An unpleasant odor may also occur in the room if the humidity level is high and the ventilation system is not working properly. The intensity of the odor can also be affected by the amount installed lamps. The more of them, the more the canvas heats up and the more intense the unpleasant odor is released. But there is consolation for those who love a large number of light: the higher the temperature, the faster the smell disappears completely.

If you decide to install fabric stretch ceilings, then the problem of odor will most likely bypass you. This is due to the difference in impregnations that are used for PVC manufacturing And fabric material.
As you can see, there are many reasons, but all of them can be avoided if you approach the installation of a stretch ceiling competently. In addition, you must carefully adhere to safety rules: optimal temperature and room humidity, sealing cracks on the base concrete ceiling to avoid the formation of mold if moisture gets there from neighbors above. Our specialists will be able to advise you in detail on operating conditions.
If the smell in your home does not disappear for a very long time, the reason is due to low-quality materials used to install the ceiling. To avoid this, contact trusted companies where real professionals work, and then recommend them to your friends!

An unpleasant and heavy smell from a stretch ceiling installed in one of the rooms can cause a feeling of well-founded concern for the health of family and friends, especially children. Almost all customers know that the canvases are made from polyvinyl chloride - a synthetic polymer that contains chlorine and phenol. Each of these substances can significantly worsen a person’s well-being and become a prerequisite for dangerous diseases.

However, a pungent odor from suspended ceilings is not always a sign of poor quality of the material used. To understand why the ceiling smells after installation, it is necessary to consider criteria such as the origin of the film, the conditions of its storage, installation and operation.

The quality depends on the country in which it is produced. Thus, the European Union has strict standards regarding the components of the material and the conditions of its manufacture. Only certified products that are distinguished by impeccable strength, durability and environmental safety can go outside these countries.

The situation in China and the CIS countries is more deplorable regarding the quality of the fabric produced.

In addition to low standards, these products are produced in underground workshops, where compliance with technology is out of the question. Based on the above aspects, the smell varies in both strength and duration.

Based on the intensity of the emitted miasma, PVC film is divided into the following quality categories:

  • High. A stretch ceiling made from this material has virtually no smell, even after installation. A comfortable microclimate will reign in the room after a maximum of three days.
  • Average. The unpleasant aroma cannot be removed within a few days. Its intensity is quite high. Fully clean air becomes indoors only after two weeks of regular ventilation.
  • Low. Structures made from this material can smell so bad that people get sick. headache, and problems with vision and breathing also appear. The persistent stench can last for about a month.

In order to avoid problems with specific aromas that a new stretch ceiling exudes, you need to carefully and fundamentally approach the choice of material. When placing an order, it is advisable to read the accompanying documentation that comes with the film. It is advisable to inspect the raw materials themselves in person. It must contain certificates and details of the manufacturer. If there is no confirmation of quality, then it is better to refuse such material.

Other causes of strong odor

Poor quality raw materials are only one of the reasons for the unpleasant odor that stretched fabric exudes. Even material made using all technologies has its own smell. A person may be faced with the question of why a canvas that was installed several weeks or months ago smells.

Let's consider the prerequisites that provoke the occurrence of unpleasant odors from the stretch fabric:

  1. Heating during operation. During operation of the heat gun, the room temperature rises to 70 degrees. Because of this, the polymer changes its structure, becoming soft. Phenol and chlorine molecules are released into the air, which ends after the material has completely cooled and its condition has stabilized.
  2. Availability on canvas protective coating. In order to protect the material from damage during transportation and storage, manufacturers apply to it thin layer lubricant or talc. An unpleasant odor can also come from these substances. They are not always dangerous to health, but they can seriously poison life.
  3. Contact with polyvinyl chloride fabric sun rays. This can happen on a loggia or in a room where the floor and walls are highly reflective. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the polymer begins to decompose into its constituent components. A heavy sweetish smell of chlorine and phenol appears.
  4. Using incandescent or halogen lamps that become very hot during operation. From high temperature and exposure to light, PVC film releases chlorine molecules, gradually losing its color and elasticity.
  5. Temperature conditions and humidity in the room where suspended ceilings are installed. The warmer and more humid the room, the greater the likelihood of foreign odors.
  6. Electrical wiring fault. Wires laid above the fabric can heat up due to poor contact or as a result of induction. The heat from the cavity between the film and the plate has nowhere to go. This leads to an increase in the temperature of the canvas and the appearance of an odor.
  7. Violation of ventilation. If the hood is not working in the room, there is no supply fresh air from the outside, then a microclimate is formed in it, saturated with secretions from the polymer.

Knowing the reasons for the formation of unpleasant odors from polymer materials, you can easily find ways to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon.

How to get rid of the smell of a stretch ceiling

You should not wait for the unpleasant microclimate in a room with a suspended ceiling to improve on its own. Taking a number of effective measures will return the room to a fresh and breathable atmosphere. Even low-quality raw materials are not a reason to give up and fall into despair.

In order to remove a specific smell from a room, you can perform the following measures:

  • Ventilate as often as possible. Harmful substances released by the polymer will evaporate along with the air from the apartment. In this case, you cannot cool the room to subzero temperature. This may negatively affect the quality of the film.
  • After installation, use a fan heater to warm up the canvas for several hours. Heat will not harm it, but will remove free chlorine and phenol molecules from the canvas. So elimination unpleasant odors it will go much faster.
  • If possible, do not turn on lamps installed inside and outside the film. In the first days it should stabilize and take on its final structure. Can be used for lighting at this time desk lamp and floor lamps.
  • Equip a suspended ceiling. This type of device creates even and pleasant lighting without heating up at all. Besides, LED lights will allow you to achieve good energy savings.
  • good detergent soap based. The solution will remove all secretions and preservatives that remain on the film and create an unpleasant odor.

Usually, quality material does not require special effort to eliminate foreign odors. If the stench does not disappear within two months, you can file a claim against the company that installed the stretch ceiling.

Conclusion on the topic

The smell from PVC film may be alarming, but should not be a cause for concern. Anyone, even the most proven and reliable material will smell after attaching to the frame. If the feeling of anxiety does not give you peace, or the aromas created by PVC cause allergies, you can close the room and live in another place for a week. Only after this can you begin to carry out activities aimed at creating a pleasant and comfortable microclimate in the apartment.


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