Trimming the plinth to 45. How to cut the ceiling plinth in the corners: instructions and recommendations

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In this article we will figure out how to cut corners correctly. ceiling plinth in the presence of special tool- miter box. Of course this useful device Not everyone has it, and buying it for a one-time repair is a dubious undertaking.

If so, let’s try to figure out how to cut the corners of the plinth without a miter box.

Our goal is to achieve equally ideal angles

Materials for ceiling plinths

First, let's study the materials from which our test subject is made.

To understand how and with what to cut, it is advisable to know the density and other features of the material.

  • Styrofoam. The cheapest and most fragile material; however, mechanical strength is not really needed for a product that adorns the ceiling.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam somewhat denser and a little harder to process. But just a little: if necessary, it is cut with an ordinary knife.
  • Wood is the most difficult material to process. To cut it you will have to use only a hacksaw.

Advice: it’s better with fine and frequent teeth. This will make the cut much smoother. A cloth for metal will also work.

Corner cutting methods

At what angle should I cut the ceiling plinth? If we are trying to decorate a right angle with a ceiling plinth (in all apartment buildings and most private houses you will not find other angles) - 45 degrees.

Right angle divided into two equal sectors.

How to cut ceiling plinth at an angle?

Cutting ceiling plinth with a miter box

Most often, a simple carpentry tool is used for cutting at an angle - a miter box.. It is a structure made of an aluminum, plastic or wooden tray with grooves that guide the hacksaw blade at certain angles to the axis of this tray.

How to cut corners with this tool?

  1. We fix the plinth in the tray in the same position in which it will be installed on the ceiling. Align it along the side that will press against the ceiling.
  2. With your free hand, cut along the guide groove. For wood, as already mentioned, a hacksaw is used. A hacksaw can be used to cut both polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam.
    In addition, foam or polystyrene foam plinth can be cut with a knife; however, it must be very sharp. Otherwise, the material will crumble under the blade.
  3. The wooden plinth may need to be adjusted with a file before attaching it to the wall. For fitting skirting boards made of more soft materials Again, a sharp knife is used.

How to cut ceiling plinths in the corners? We need a simple tool - a miter box

How to cut ceiling plinths in corners? We will need a simple tool - a miter box.

Cutting the corners itself is very simple; Avoid too much effort, however. Polystyrene foam crumbles easily. And it’s easy to split a wooden plinth if you’re too enthusiastic.

Cutting without a miter box

How to cut corners if you don't have a miter box at your disposal?

Method 1

One of the simplest solutions is to make an analogue of the miter box yourself.

  • We put together a simple tray from three planks.
  • We cut it at an angle of 45 degrees. The angle can be marked with a protractor or a student's square.

The miter box is very easy to make yourself. If you have to adjust a lot of corners, this work will pay off.

Method 2

You can get by with a tray without a slot. Make an angle template out of paper or cardboard (this is especially important if the angle is not exactly 90 degrees) and draw a line on it to guide you.

Nail the boards together at right angles (in this case it’s easy to get by with two rather than three).

How to cut corners in this case?

  • Invest in improvised tray exactly in the position in which it will be attached to the ceiling.
  • Align the tray along the edge of the template.
  • Cut the baseboard using the line drawn on the template. Hold the knife or hacksaw strictly vertically.

Method 3

We will need an impromptu tray in this case as well, but it can be absolutely anything. Can simply use a table moved towards the wall or a corner between the wall and the floor.

How to cut corners with such a strange tool?

  • Mark future corners on the ceiling, wall and on the baseboard itself. These are the ends of an imaginary line that will cut both baseboard boards.
  • Place the plinth in the tray exactly as it will be attached to or in another room, and cut it, focusing on the marked marks. Again, keep the knife or hacksaw blade strictly vertical.

How to cut skirting boards in corners with a minimum set of tools? Easily. All you need is a pencil, a knife and an eye.

  • To measure the baseboard strip between two corners, follow simple rule: for an internal corner, the length is measured directly from it, for external corner- from a point that is distant from it deep into the room by the width of the baseboard.
  • Attach the plinth strip to the ceiling and wall no earlier than adjusting the adjacent corner of the next strip. It is much more convenient to try on sections on the floor, rather than on a stepladder under the ceiling.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the cuts will have to be adjusted several times. Be patient.
  • Don't be afraid to leave small gaps in the corners: they will be easily filled with putty. The exception is for noble types of wood: against the background of the texture, even putty chosen to match will be noticeable.

Even if you cut the plinth according to the risks on the weight, the remaining cracks can be hidden with putty

Please note: in general, all the hassle of adjusting skirting boards can be easily avoided. For corners, inserts are often sold that are connected to a plinth cut perpendicular to the axis.


If it is still not entirely clear to you how to cut the corners of a ceiling plinth, then videos of cutting and installation are easy to find on the Internet. A visual demonstration of all stages, it seems, will dispel all ambiguities. Good luck with the renovation!

How to cut a ceiling plinth? At first glance, it seems that such a problem does not exist at all. However, the very first attempt to make installation in corner zone leads to defects in the form of unsightly gaps and mismatches. Any job requires a thoughtful approach, and installing skirting boards is no exception. In itself, this event can hardly be classified as a complex construction operation, but without taking into account some nuances, it can be ensured perfect quality very difficult. The question of how to cut a ceiling plinth can be solved independently, but this must be done correctly and accurately.

The ceiling plinth is a decorative strip and gives the renovation a finished look, so you need to know and be able to work with it correctly.

Features of the ceiling plinth

The ceiling plinth, or fillet, is decorative strip, visually separating the ceiling from the wall, as well as masking the joint areas of finishing materials and flaws in the corner joint between the wall and the ceiling. Such an element can be made of wood, PVC, polyurethane, polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam, gypsum and have different widths.

Figure 1. Ceiling plinth installation diagram.

The fillet is fastened to the wall by gluing it with a special adhesive composition and is not difficult to install with your own hands. The most difficult areas are the internal and external corners. High-quality installation provides for clear articulation of the plank in the corners without gaps, which sometimes causes problems. When forming corners on embossed, figured decorative skirting boards, it is better to use special overhead corner parts allowing to perfectly close all cutting defects. The cutting of the material itself is easily done using a sharp knife or a hacksaw.

Figure 1 shows options for making corners when installing fillets. The overhead corner simplifies installation. When installing it, the part is simply measured along the length of the wall, and its end is cut at a right angle. The overlay element hides all the gaps underneath, but protrudes somewhat beyond the boundaries of the baseboard, drawing attention to itself. Despite all the decorativeness of such details, not everyone likes their clarity, and therefore the direct joint of planks without additional elements. (Fig. 1. Ceiling plinth installation diagram)

When forming external or internal corner joints from two fillets, their ends must be cut strictly in a given direction so that no gap is formed at the junction. The problem includes following conditions: ensuring that the angles on both elements match, maintaining the same cut across the entire width of the plinth and ensuring a strictly vertical cut. Any violation of the conditions leads to the appearance of a gap either across the entire width of the plank, or separate areas. The task becomes more difficult as the width of the element increases.

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Ceiling plinth cutting tool

Figure 2. A simple tool for cutting skirting board corners - a miter box.

To cut the ceiling plinth with your own hands, you will need the following tool:

  • hacksaw;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • sandpaper;
  • file;
  • scissors;
  • roulette;
  • protractor;
  • square;
  • metal ruler.

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Cutting with a miter box

In order to qualitatively solve the question of how to cut the corners of a ceiling plinth, there is a fairly simple carpenter’s tool - a miter box. This tool is made in the form of a wooden, metal or plastic tray with vertical slots for cutting in different directions. Typically, the device has slots with an inclination of 45, 60 and 90º. In more complex structures A tilt change mechanism is provided, which allows you to set any desired cutting angle.

Figure 3. Scheme of cutting a corner using a miter box.

Figure 2 shows a standard miter box, and Figure 3 shows the principle of its operation. The ceiling element strip is installed on the bottom of the tray with the side that is connected to the ceiling during installation, and is pressed against the wall with the right slot. A hacksaw for metal is inserted into the slot, and with careful, smooth movements, the baseboard is completely cut. The second fillet is cut using the left slot. (Fig. 2. Standard miter box) (Fig. 3. Scheme of cutting a corner using a miter box)

When arranging a standard internal corner of two adjacent walls, the fillets are cut at 45º. This is the most common cutting. An external corner is made if necessary to bypass protrusions or niches on the wall and is formed in a similar way (Fig. 3). Sometimes niches or projections have a trapezoidal appearance - in this case, adjacent walls are joined at an angle other than a straight one. In this case, the plinth is cut at an angle equal to half the angle of the joint of the walls. For this purpose, a standard miter box provides a cutting angle of 60º (when joining walls at an angle of 120º).

You can very easily make a miter box with your own hands. To do this, a wooden tray is assembled from slats 15-20 cm thick, and the height of the tray should not be less than the width of the fillet. Using a protractor, an angle of 45º is set, and, using a hacksaw, both vertical walls of the tray are completely sawed. A line is drawn perpendicular to the line of this cut through the center of the tray, along which another cut of the walls is made. Cutting skirting boards on this homemade device carried out similarly to a standard miter box.

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Cutting skirting boards without a miter box

You can cut the ceiling plinth without a miter box. What to do if you don’t have the device at hand, but you only need to cut off a few skirting boards? You can form a neat corner without using a miter box. The easiest way is the application method. Taking into account the actual unevenness of the corner joints, it is better to carry out it directly at the installation site of the fillets.

Cutting the corner is carried out in the following order. First, the planks are measured strictly according to the size of the walls (from corner to corner) and cut at right angles. The first fillet is then butted against the adjacent wall and held in that position. A second plank is placed perpendicular to it, pressing against the wall. On the first fillet, a line is drawn along the edge of the joined second fillet. On both side edges, a drawn line connects to the lower corners of the plank. The second plinth is marked in the same way. Cutting is carried out strictly according to the markings.

Marking can be done in bottom corner walls, but during installation the presence of real deviations may appear at the junction of adjacent walls in the upper corner, which will cause certain inaccuracies.

Skirting boards for ceilings are cut different ways, but professionals use a miter box. This carpentry jig, which is a tray with slots on the sides. A hacksaw is inserted into them, and a board, lining, plinth and other materials that need to be sawed at a certain angle are placed on the bottom of the tray.

How to trim ceiling plinth?

When finishing finishing work in a house, many homeowners are faced with the problem of cutting ceiling skirting boards, especially their corners. After all, the attractiveness of the interior depends on them. Without these decorative elements the premises look unfinished. It’s not difficult to figure out how to cut a ceiling plinth using a square, a metal ruler or a straight strip, since here you only need to maintain a right angle.

But in finishing works It is also necessary to trim skirting boards at other angles, for example 40 degrees. Therefore, the installation of these plastic elements is fraught with certain difficulties. To get the appropriate angle, you need to be extremely careful. One of the problems is cutting the ceiling plinth in the corners with further joining.

The following materials are used in the production of skirting boards:

  • Wood. Wood is considered the most labor-intensive material to process. Wooden skirting boards sawed with a carpenter's hacksaw.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam. Finishing material high density. Does not absorb moisture. When burning, it does not emit toxic substances. It is quite difficult to process, but easy to cut. To do this, you only need a carpenter's knife.
  • Styrofoam. It is fragile, the cheapest and easiest to process material. Its fragility is not a drawback, since the skirting boards are located right under the ceiling and are not afraid of mechanical stress. You can cut a ceiling plinth from polystyrene foam without any effort.
  • Polyurethane. It is characterized by plasticity and flexibility. Thanks to these qualities, it is used on uneven surfaces. It has water-repellent properties and is resistant to temperature changes.
  • Polyvinyl chloride. Difficult to fit material due to increased rigidity. Manufacturers offer from it different types finishing: imitation of stone, metal, wood and uniform coloring. In the cold it becomes brittle.

Decorative elements made of aluminum look no less attractive under the ceiling. True, processing and cutting metal is much more difficult than the materials from the proposed list. The increased demand for aluminum skirting boards is due to the fact that they are cable channels in which it is convenient to hide wiring and cables. Equally important is aesthetics, non-reaction to aggressive environments and chemical detergents.

Cut the aluminum ceiling plinth with a hacksaw. To avoid breaking the canvas, reciprocating movements must be smooth and uniform.

Regardless of the material of manufacture, ceiling plinths can be considered the best solution for creating unique interior. They are installed in the most difficult area, which is the junction of the wall and ceiling. Anyone who knows how to correctly cut a corner on a ceiling plinth will quickly complete the interior of the room, which will give it more attractiveness. Using these elements you can partially hide minor defects.

The cutting tool is selected depending on the material and the required angles. In rooms of standard shapes with ideal smooth walls and ceilings, a miter box is used to cut off the corners of the ceiling plinth. The wood is cut with a regular carpenter's hacksaw, but for other materials you should purchase a jigsaw. You can also use a hacksaw. To adjust the angles manually, you will need additional tools: ruler, square, protractor, pencil.

Trimming ceiling plinth using a miter box

Work with this device as follows:

  • We fix the miter box on the workbench, put a decorative element into the tray and press it to the bottom and to one of the walls. Only in this case can you correctly cut the corner on the ceiling plinth.
  • The wood is cut with a regular hacksaw. Insert it into the slots that will give you the desired angle. Hold the cutting tool perpendicular to the element being cut. Internal as well outside corner The ceiling plinth is also cut out using a miter box.
  • To cut polystyrene foam strips, it is better to use a carpenter's knife or jigsaw.
  • It is not recommended to use force during cutting. The blade must move smoothly, otherwise you can damage the decor or completely deform the product. Foam skirting boards are cut with a jigsaw with the finest teeth. A knife is not suitable for this work, as the material will wrinkle and crumble.

Correctly cutting ceiling plinths where non-standard angles are required is quite difficult. After all, the miter box is not designed for this. If there are no skills, then dents may remain on the products. They are being sealed up finishing putty and then painted in the desired color.

The main difficulty is that when cutting it is necessary to maintain the required angle, otherwise when two skirting boards are closed, a clear gap will be visible between them. Many owners don’t even pay any attention to this and are not upset at all. They just putty all the cracks and paint over them. And since it is difficult to choose the exact shade of paint, the entire atmosphere in the room will be overshadowed by non-aesthetics appearance decorative elements.

We invite you to watch a video on how to cut corners on ceiling plinths. Cutting using a template allows you to make a clear end without the slightest deviation. Processing decorative elements without a miter box is also possible, but provided that the person has a certain skill and knows how to use others auxiliary tools: square and protractor. Using them, it will not be difficult to trim ceiling plinths with non-standard angles.

By the way, You can make a miter box yourself at home. To do this, you will need three identical planks, 15 cm wide, approximately 50 cm long and 1-2 cm wide. The last two parameters special significance do not have, so they can be chosen arbitrarily. We put together a tray from these parts. It resembles a box without ends and a lid. Then, using a protractor, mark the required angles on the side boards with a pencil. Next, using a hacksaw, we make cuts along these marks all the way to the base. You should cut through two planks at the same time.

You should know at what angle to cut the ceiling plinth, so make exactly these angles in the miter boards.

If you cannot make such a device, then use another method. In this case you will need hard cardboard, from which you can cut a template with necessary angles. For this work you will also need a protractor. If angles of 45 and 90 degrees are required, then you can use a regular square. This is much easier and faster than building a miter box. Take cardboard, mark and cut out the template the desired shape. Now all that remains is to attach it to the plinth, leave a pencil strip on it and cut the ceiling plinth at 45 degrees.

Professional craftsmen begin installing decorative elements from the corners, and then begin installing skirting boards on straight sections. Here's a video on how to cut ceiling plinths in corners, as well as methods for installing them.

These products are the final finishing elements. They are used for cladding the joints of ceilings and walls. In addition to the fact that with their help they mask a crudely executed pairing, they are in perfect harmony with any style. The wider the baseboard, the more streamlined the interior looks. For suspended ceilings such decorative elements are mandatory. They ideally hide the installation gap between the wall and the frame.

Perhaps from this article you understood how to properly join the ceiling plinth in the corners and how to secure it on straight sections. When choosing such products, we are guided by simple rule: the higher the walls, the wider the baseboard should be. However, the wider, more heterogeneous and harder it is, the more difficult it is to cut. Therefore, for such work it is necessary to prepare absolutely sharp cutting tools. You can try them on scraps of decorative elements. This will be a kind of training that will help you avoid unnecessary pressure in your work. As you know, this leaves dents in polyurethane and PVC, chips peel off from the wood, and the foam crumbles.

Color schemes and decor depend on the style of the room. A huge variety of widths, textures and colors makes it possible to select optimal option For country house or apartments. When installing these elements, the main thing is to cut them correctly. See the photo on how to cut a corner on a ceiling plinth and you can handle this job yourself.

The product is cut and secured in the corners if a fragment of the strip for fastening, cut at the desired angle, has already been prepared, as well as a decorative element to be joined to it. If when cutting a plinth internal corner turned out to be inaccurate, then you can ignore it. The main thing that fits neatly front side . It is not recommended to attach joints to paint. For this would be better suited rough plaster.

To summarize, it can be noted that cutting ceiling skirting boards is possible without the involvement of specialists. The main thing is to be attentive and do the work thoughtfully and without fuss.

No matter what expensive repairs you undertake, you are unlikely to be able to avoid unevenness at the boundary between the wall and the ceiling. In order to hide them, use a ceiling plinth.

Types of ceiling plinths

Today there is a huge range of ceiling plinths on the market. Here are the materials they are made from:

  • polystyrene;
  • polyurethane;
  • gypsum;
  • Styrofoam.

A wide variety allows everyone to choose the right one. Ceiling plinths are narrow and wide, the simplest and decorated with exquisite patterns and reliefs. So don’t neglect this construction find, because the ceiling plinth will give a completely finished look to your renovation and decorate any room.

Since installing ceiling plinths is not a difficult task, many people prefer not to spend extra money on skilled workers, but to install them themselves. How to properly cut and attach a ceiling plinth? Let's consider this issue further.

Since the average person does not have many specialized construction tools, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the recommendations on how to cut the corner of a ceiling plinth using simple tools. To do this you will need:

  1. Miter box.
  2. Saw for metal.
  3. Sharp knife.

A miter box is a tray with special slots at different angles. Such a tool is a necessary thing in the household, and it is also inexpensive. To trim the corners of the plinth, you just need to take a miter box with angles of 90 and 45 degrees.

To cut the corner of the ceiling plinth, follow these steps:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this operation. But how to cut a corner of a ceiling plinth if you don’t have a miter box? There is an exit. You need to proceed as follows:

If in this case you cannot make an even cut, draw lines on a sheet or board with a 45-degree intersection and attach the baseboard to them so that the line drawn on it corresponds to the indicated angle. It is better if someone helps you in this case and fixes the ceiling plinth on such a homemade miter box so that you can trim the edges evenly.

It happens that uneven walls do not allow the plinth to be glued evenly, even after it has been perfectly trimmed. In this case, you need to determine the degree of pruning individually. That's why it's so convenient to use a homemade painted miter box.

To avoid damaging the ceiling plinth, practice doing this on small pieces before cutting it. This way you can get better at cutting and make cuts more confidently every time.

Repair is a responsible and costly undertaking. Although you can save a lot if you do the work yourself. Cosmetic finishing of premises is carried out using certain technologies. You can decorate the interior using a variety of materials.

Today, a very popular technique is the use of ceiling skirting boards to hide unevenness between the walls and ceiling. In order for the contour to be aesthetic, it is necessary to do the work carefully. How to cut corners on ceiling plinths will help you understand the advice of experienced construction and repair professionals. They will tell you how to use various instruments perform the necessary manipulations with decorative finishing various types.

General characteristics of finishing

When studying the question of how to correctly cut a corner on a ceiling plinth, you should familiarize yourself with the features of such finishing. The stucco molding between the ceiling and walls is now made from artificial materials. It can be polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene foam or polyurethane. From natural materials wood can be used.

In the construction industry it is called (scientifically) a fillet. Of all the materials from which such finishing elements are made, polyurethane is considered the highest quality. Therefore, it is better to choose it. Next, let's try to figure out how to cut a corner. Expert advice will help you do this job well.

Skirting material

Experts agree that polyurethane is the best material for the presented finishing products. But even it has a number of disadvantages. These should be taken into account before cutting corners on ceiling plinths. Polyurethane is susceptible to temperature changes. Therefore, it is not used for finishing in the kitchen or bathhouse. Otherwise, the baseboards will quickly crack and lose their aesthetics.

Expanded polystyrene has almost all the positive characteristics inherent in polyurethane. But it is still a more fragile material. It is easy to break.

PVC skirting boards are relatively cheap. But it is very easy to leave dents or gouges on them. Therefore, you should work with such products very carefully.

Wood looks very beautiful, but not in all interiors. In addition, it is quite difficult for a non-professional craftsman to work with such material. Do you want to do the renovation yourself? Then you are better off choosing polyurethane or expanded polystyrene.

Shape, accessories

When studying the question of how to correctly cut a corner on a ceiling plinth, you should pay attention to its shape and related products. There are embossed and smooth fillets. Their width and length may vary significantly.

When choosing the size of skirting boards, take into account the type of interior, as well as the height of the ceilings. For small room where the distance from floor to ceiling is no more than 2.75 m, wide baseboards will not work. They will look out of place. For the same reason, a narrow fillet should not be used for high ceilings. In such rooms, a 45 mm plinth looks good.

For installation, you can purchase shaped corners from the same material as the fillet. They are external and internal. But quite often the skirting boards are joined without them, directly. In this case, it is necessary to perform even, beautiful trimming of the corners.

Preparatory work

To make the process quick and simple, use a tool such as a miter box. This is a template that has U-shaped view. There are slot patterns in its side walls. They have different angle tilt

There is another technique that allows you to evenly glue the ceiling plinth. It is possible to cut corners without a miter box. But still, using such a tool makes the work much easier.

First you need to mark the baseboard. If you need to create an external corner, the length is measured along the ceiling, the internal one - along the wall. For fillets, a line slope of 45 and 90 degrees is used. Since this is a fairly small number of slot options, it is quite possible to make the template yourself. All you need is a sheet of paper or cardboard.

If the repairman has significant experience in carrying out such operations, he can cut corners without additional tools. The craftsman places the fillet against the wall, and then makes marks on the product right here. After that, he trims off the excess. An inexperienced craftsman will most likely not be able to cut it the first time. straight corners. Therefore, it is better to use a miter box or cover the unevenness with decorative corners.

Internal corner

First of all, it is necessary to consider the technique of how to cut the inner corner of the ceiling plinth. After all, they are in every room. If there are no external corners in ordinary rectangular rooms, then these varieties will have to be cut out in any case.

A plinth is placed on the bottom of the miter box with the side that will be adjacent to the ceiling. The lower part of the fillet will be pressed against the wall of the tray.

If the material is hard, it is cut with a metal saw. Soft goods easy to process sharp knife. The angle should be 45 degrees. If the pressure when cutting is too strong, snags and chips will form on the baseboard. cut according to the same pattern.

Before gluing, they are applied to the wall and, if necessary, minor unevenness is corrected. There should be no gaps between the baseboards. If this is the first time you are doing this kind of work, you can practice on small pieces.

External corner

Quite often the outline of the walls in a room has complex shape. In this case, you will need to figure out how to cut the outer corner of the ceiling plinth. To do this, it is placed on the bottom of the miter box in the same way as in the previous version, with the side adjacent to the ceiling.

For these corners, different slots are used. They also have a slope of 45 degrees, but are on the other side. Next, after marking and trimming, 2 skirting boards are applied to the corresponding place on the ceiling. Adjustments are being made.

Difficulties may arise if it is necessary to cut the same plinth on one side for an external corner, and on the other for an internal one. This is where many people make a mistake. First you need to cut out the inner corner. Otherwise, too short a plinth will not fit together in any place.

Work without a miter box

Polyurethane looks very nice. How to cut corners on such a product so as not to spoil its appearance? And here the advice of experts will help an inexperienced master. Not always home handyman There is a tool such as a miter box at hand. You can do without it.

To do this, markings are made directly on the wall. First measure the required length decorative item. It is cut at a right angle. Next, each piece is applied to the ceiling. Their outline is outlined with a pencil. This creates an intersection. It is applied to both baseboards.

An inclined line is drawn from the intersection point to the edge. This is the trim limit. It is adjusted before gluing by placing both skirting boards against the corner. It's pretty easy way, but even this requires a good eye and accuracy in work.

Homemade instrument

Don't have a miter box? No problem! You can do it yourself. When performing pruning for the first time, it is better to apply it in your work. To do this you will need a plywood board, paper or cardboard.

Wondering how to cut the outer corner of a ceiling plinth, as well as its internal varieties, it is necessary to adopt this approach. Two parallel lines are drawn on the selected material. Next, using a protractor, angles of 45 degrees are made along the edges.

A homemade tool is applied to the baseboard, making appropriate notes. The cutting technique is the same. The miter box is not used if the walls in the room are very uneven. When creating an angle of 45 degrees, such discrepancies result in gaps between the joints. Therefore, pruning is done in the previous way. Before installation, the edges must be adjusted.

Relief plinth

So, we already know how to cut corners on ceiling plinths. But we have considered the procedure for performing work if there is simple shapes. Now you should pay attention to the relief varieties. There are increased requirements for their installation. Due to the presence of decorative elements, cutting such products is a little more difficult.

The corners are joined in those places where stucco or other volumetric elements protrude more than the surface. The angle then becomes expressive. It is better to take into account the components of the design and do the cutting in the appropriate place.

The joints of volumetric ceiling plinths must be carefully glued. When working with relief products, it is allowed to use the tool listed above. It is allowed to mark on the wall. But using a miter box will make it easier to cut out voluminous skirting boards.

If you do the work carefully, the result will exceed all expectations. Having studied all the intricacies of the technique and figured out how to cut corners on ceiling plinths, you can begin to practice. Don't worry: the process will go quickly and easily. This finish will fit into almost any interior. If all actions are performed carefully, carefully gluing the joints, decorative effect will be amazing. The interior will please the eye for a long time.


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