Complete walkthrough of batman arkham city. Walkthrough of Batman: Arkham City

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In detective mode, we scan the ninja's blood and, following the tracks, go out into the street. The blood will lead us to the roof of the building, where we find bandages. We scan them and stumble upon that assassin. We chase her, and when we catch up, we launch a counterattack and attach a bug to her back. At this time, Robin will come to us and give us a rope launcher as a gift. Having taken a fancy to this useful gadget, we head for the bug’s signal. He will lead us to Joker's Island. Having smashed four clowns at the entrance to the sewer, we fend down and follow the tunnels. Having reached the cliff into the water, we take out the cable launcher and shoot from it at the other end of the passage. But, we need to turn left, so when we reach the fork, we shoot it in the other direction and thereby get to the place we need. We reach a healthy wall hatch, at the bottom of which we break through the floor. Having dealt with the Joker’s people, we hack the console – “Transport”. Through the opened gate we go out into the old familiar metro. We turn right, go through the door and go left, where we cross the water with the help of a rope launcher.

Having got out into the collapsed streets, Batman will feel uneasy all because of the same poison of the Joker. Having come to our senses, we fly over the abyss and deal with the clowns. We go out into the hall with the miracle machine, where we save the doctor. We go downstairs and go through the door, where Batman will feel uneasy again. To open the gate we use an electric charge. Having met three ninjas, we deal with them and, just like last time, open the gate. We go out to a huge sealed gate. You can't just open them, you need to find another way to get inside. Fortunately, there is a robot nearby that can be scanned to obtain video data. But again, unfortunately, not all the information is contained in his head; you need to find the rest of the robots. One is behind us, the other two are in display cases opposite each other. The fourth was located to the left of the sealed gate in the house on the second floor. From there we shoot with a cable launcher at the window with glass, fly inside, go around the building, break the second glass and scan the fifth robot. The last one remains, it is located opposite this house on the roof with four broken walls. After watching the video, we find out the secret entrance to the ninja's lair. We approach this place, deliver a counterattack to the assassin and use his sword to get inside.

Having climbed up through the hatch, Batman will become very ill, even to the point of hallucinations. Fortunately, we are met by Tallia, who is ready to accept us into her ranks. To do this you need to pass tests. Let's go for ex-girlfriend and drink from the cup. A large block of ice is visible ahead - we fly to it, using a dive to gain altitude. In the same way we get to the next block, on which we smash two sand ninjas. We dive into the portal, which will take us to another place. We get to the ice block again, and so on all the way to the portal. Now we need to find Ra's himself. We go upstairs to Thalia. We go inside with her and meet her father. It's time to fight the 600 year old man. First, let's deal with his sand army. Next, dodging throwing stars and blades, we shoot at Ra’s with an electric charge. Then we deliver a counterattack and repeat the operation with an electric charge. We do this until the old man takes his daughter, Talia, hostage. We choose the reverse batarang and save the poor fellow.

We get back to the streets along the way back through the metro. We go around the gate through the ventilation and first of all we knock out the armored clown. We deal with the rest and hack the console - “Branch”. Having got out under the sky, we go to the kidnapped mayor. Having scattered his kidnappers, we help the mayor get up and kidnap him ourselves. After interrogating the scoundrel, we head to Frieze to give him Ra’s blood. The healing potion is ready, but before sipping it, Frieze demands his wife be returned to him. But we need to drink the mixture now, so we enter into battle with the scientist. To defeat him hand-to-hand combat is not enough, you need to use a variety of the following attacks: blowing up walls, using an electromagnet, using electricity on a spilled puddle of water, using a destructor, using a rope launcher, sneaking up from behind, grabbing from a ledge, luring under the platform and attacking from above, gliding from behind, attacking from below, jumping over window and jump from above. When Frieze is defeated, open the safe and discover the absence of medicine. We need to take it away from the Joker, Victor will help us with this.

We get out into the street through another exit. To prevent hot steam from being a problem for us, we plug the pipes with an ice blow. Going outside, we see a helicopter crash with a journalist on board named Vicki Vale. We head to the crash site, get rid of the snipers and save Vicky. Now it's time to head to the Joker. You can’t get through the old entrance, the pipe; flames literally fall out of it. We head to another entrance, where we definitely get rid of the guards. Having penetrated inside, we get rid of three clowns and jump to the water. Using an ice blow, we create a raft and float with the flow, steering with the help of the batclaw. We crawl forward through the ventilation and aim at the clown through the window. We go further and, having neutralized two interrogators, we do not save the two-faced man, because... Instead of saying “thank you,” he will hit you from behind with his fist. We break through the wall, create a raft and swim under the wall. Next, we sail to the right and fly to the other side using a rope launcher, because the raft will get stuck. We plug the pipes with an ice blow. Having reached steel door, we notice that the switch for it is located to our left behind the bars. We take out a controlled batarang, launch it into electricity, and then redirect it to the shield. We create an ice raft and go with the flow. There is a ledge under the ceiling to our right, we climb up there. Having hacked the console with the password “Romansionis”, we turn around and walk across the bridge. Approaching the door, we get steel pipe on the nose. It's the doctor, everything's okay. We open the door and find ourselves in a familiar room. We deal with its inhabitants and go into the next one with many mines. Bypassing them, we destroy the sniper and find Quinn tied up at the top. We go further, throw two snipers off the ledge, also neutralize three clowns and go up to the Joker. Now the battle ahead is far from easy: many clowns, a one-armed clown pumped up with titanium, and the Joker himself. First, we get rid of the clowns by shooting the one-armed one with an electric charge so that he scatters them with his sledgehammer. Next, we get rid of the one-armed man using the stunning method. We do the same with a pumped-up clown. Now all that remains is to finish off the Joker.

While Batman comes to his senses, we have a new episode in the life of Catwoman. You need to get to the confiscation warehouse. We reach the sewer hatch and go down. To hack the security system, we need three keys from the Tiger fighters. It is forbidden to make noise, so you will have to act as secretly as possible. To do this, jump onto the ceiling and steal three keys from any three fighters. We return back to the computer and hack into the storage. But Tiger's men are not brainless like Penguin's men. We secretly remove each soldier and go into the storage room. We deal with the reinforcements and take away the diplomats. When we leave the vault, we will have two options: save Batman or leave with the loot. So that our own conscience does not torment us later, we go left and, throwing our suitcases, rush to Batman.
Meanwhile, Protocol 10 will soon come into force, it must be stopped immediately. First you need to scan the helicopters for the program general management. We scan all the helicopters until we find the main program. We climb onto the helicopter and download the data. Now it's time to go to the miracle tower. Having arrived at the place, we throw off two snipers and hack the panel - “Inspiring”. We move forward, opening the doors with an electric charge, until we run into prisoners and Tiger fighters. After listening to Strange's lectures, we scatter all the fighters and go down to sewer hatch. Using a cable launcher, we get to the room with the clock, where we undermine the floor. We meet the doctor. Having dealt with the guards at the base of the tower, we hack the elevator from the outside and inside - “Intrusive”, “Medicine”. Having risen to the very top, we get out of the elevator through the hatch at the top. Through the glass we deliver the decisive blow and finish off the remaining enemies. We open the gate - “Reservation”. We move forward along the antenna, from its end we climb with a hook to the next point, which is higher. So we continue to climb the beams higher and higher. We hack the console – “Maintenance”. We rise through the opened hatch, where we climb into the ventilation. We get out to six armed soldiers, having neutralized them, we hack the panel to Strange - “Defense of Gotham”. We turn off Protocol-10 and start searching for the Joker.

It is located in the theater, along the perimeter of which there are snipers. We quietly deal with them and get inside. It turns out that the Joker was not real, his role was replaced by Clayface. The Joker himself is not at all healthy and is still sick. But Clayface will still have to be dealt with. Dodging his blows, we throw an ice blow at him until he is completely petrified. We run up point blank, take out the sword and knead the clay. You can also lure him into corners with dynamite to inflict maximum damage. This should be done when it turns into a ball. Having changed the scenery, we fight with the clay army, switching to Clayface. We take the medicine from him and heal from the poison.

But the story is not over yet. Switching to Selina, we head to her house to get things. A surprise awaits us inside in the form of a planted bomb. It turns out that Two-Face stole the things, we head to his museum, where, having dealt with a huge crowd of his people, we take away what we came for.




A year later, events in Arkham have not changed. And again we will have to help Batman deal with his enemies. Well, the Batman walkthrough will help you with this: Arkham City.

We wake up in a dusty and dirty cell, handcuffed. To free yourself, swing on the chair by pressing A and D. A guard will enter the room, as soon as he approaches, press the counterattack button, after which Batman will steal the chip. They drag us out of the cell and drive us further. In a few moments we will have to fight. We neutralize all opponents, after which we help our fellow sufferer Ryder get up.


After a short cut-scene, we deal with Penguin’s mercenaries and stun him. Then we go up along the ledges, stairs and roofs and give a signal to the butler Alfred. We take the Batman suit and use the chip to hack into the network of the Tiger group.

After that, we go to the theater to save Catwoman. A crowd of bandits will be waiting for us at the entrance. Having dealt with them, we go inside. We quietly stun the enemy standing on the edge, after which we carefully walk along the rope that passes over the theater itself.

Then we select a target and dive down, simultaneously stunning the enemies. We watch a short cut-scene in which Batman saves the Cat from being shot. Now we need to scan the area, noting the bullet mark in the window and on the floor. The evidence leads to the Joker.

Now we need to find the place from which they shot. We are trying to break through to the church, clearing the enemies in front of it, as well as inside it, but there are too many enemies, so we throw the saber and grab the ledge above with a hook. We turn on our visor again, scan the area and find several prisoners who need to be neutralized.

Trying not to make noise, we stick to the left side, after which we break through the wall in Terminator style and stun two enemies nearby. Below there will be two more enemies that can be killed at the same time if you dive from the edge of the ledge. Then we climb onto the church and inspect the rifle, then we safely disappear.

Now we need to get to the northern pier. Having reached the marked point, we move forward along the pipes and climb into the hatch. We run forward along the ledges and pipes until we reach a dead end: it’s time to use the explosive gel (do not forget to move away to a sufficiently safe distance). We go further, use a boomerang to cut off the steam and go into the dungeon, at the exit from which a small group of Joker’s guys will be waiting for us.

Let's go to left door, we launch the conveyor, knock out the bandits, and move on along the ledges. We break through the window, go left, after which we save the doctor from the local punks. We are trying to go back, but the door is already locked - we will have to look for another way. Using explosives, we open the left door and the one behind it. We move on, having dealt with the enemies, and at the same time meeting Quinn.

But, unfortunately, she manages to escape again... We blow up the generator, jump onto the crane and rise higher, we will be met by the Joker’s henchman, with whom we need to deal. First, try to stun him so that he hits the others with his sledgehammer, if that doesn’t work, then just beat him to death. We climb higher again and meet another Joker trap.

Using a thermometer we find Doctor Freeze. Having dealt with the enemies, we go into the police building, take the chip from the dead guard and improve our device. We make our way into the hall, but without attacking anyone, we pass by and climb onto the ledge. We secretly knock out our opponents and interrogate the last one.

We hack the control panel near the security room, go further to the museum, focusing on the bright pillar of light. In the museum we will have to play tricks with the door again, after which, having dealt with Penguin’s friends, we go to the huge gate.


Unfortunately, we won’t be able to get through them, so we climb into the window and turn on the device. Nothing works for us, so we need to deactivate the Penguin's jammers, which are located on the roof. Then we go down into the subway, then up the mine. Many enemies await you inside. You shouldn’t rush forward, it’s better to kill everyone secretly and unnoticed, and your favorite gargoyles will help you with this.

Having completed the task, we go back to the museum. Once again we hack the control panel and free the prisoner. We go down, use a boomerang to raise the gate, where a surprise awaits us in the form of a crowd of psychos. We won’t get our hands dirty ourselves, so we use electric charges to knock out Penguin’s comrades; in a fit of convulsion, they will help us.

Then a mini-boss will come out, which we knock out by jumping on his back. We go to the elevator, use the weapon and break through the barrier. We save several more cops, and then Freeze himself.

In the room opposite we pick up new gadgets and go to our old friend Penguin. Using the columns, we sneak up on the fat man and turn off his cannon. Then, using explosives, we knock out three generators, having completed all this and having dealt with the enemies, we finish off the Penguin. Now we need to find Gul. To do this, we scan the area (we find a footprint, blood, and bandages on the roof).

Let's go further, put a beacon on the killer and take the gadget. We leave for the island, through sewer system let's move on. We use the cable to overcome the obstacle. We jump onto the trolley, then onto another.

We break through the floor in the hatch and hack the system. At the exit from the subway, enemies will again be waiting for us. We save another hostage, then destroy the gate and make our legs. We scan the area for the presence of robots. We go to a dead end, try to open the door, but they are already waiting for us. Using the resulting sword, we unlock the gate and go inside.

We drink the liquid from the bowl, then follow the white trail and grab the ledge. Trying not to hit anything, we stun the enemies and jump into the center of the hurricane. We find the girl and talk to her. Here a large army will come against us. First, deal with the small opponents, and then we attack the giant. Having finished him off, we return back through the metro.

Now you need to pick up the mayor of the city, simultaneously destroying a couple of bandits. We give the evidence we found to the police, then we get rid of Freeze, actively using the environment. We take the medicine and get a new device. The ubiquitous journalist is in trouble, so she will have to be saved. We go to the scene of the accident, simultaneously neutralizing enemy snipers.


We save Vicky and go look for Mrs. Freeze. We go to the Docks, Frieze herself will be nearby. We go to the police again and tell Freeze about his wife. Now our goal is the plant. We swim along the canal, then along the ventilation shaft, make our way through the window, several bandits will be waiting for us. We make our way further, we will have to swim again. Using a boomerang, we open the steel door, go into the corridor on the right and break open the panel.

In the next room, old acquaintances are already waiting for us. Having dealt with them, as well as with the sniper and other nasty things, we go to the conveyor belt. We jump higher and, what a surprise, we find Quinn captive there. We go through the hatches to the next workshop, in which there will be a couple more snipers.

We go into the office and begin to have fun with the Joker; for dessert we will be served his friends, with whom it is also better not to stand on ceremony. Next there will be another robot, already familiar to us earlier. To stop Protocol 10, we need to find the control panel. It is already known that she is on one of the helicopters that patrol the city.

We get out onto the roof and examine all the turntables around. On one of them we will find this very panel, which gives us access to the Observation Tower. We head towards it, go through the main entrance, and hear Strange’s announcement. Having destroyed the enemies that ran out, we go to the sewer, jump into the opening and cling to the ledge. We go into a small hall, where a captive doctor will be waiting for us.

Then we hack the elevator, go higher, climb into the hatch, several enemies will be waiting for us, whom it is advisable to neutralize secretly. We neutralize the control panel, open the doors and climb higher and higher. We climb into another hatch, attack the bandits, and then go to the panel. We’ve finally turned off the ill-fated Protocol 10, now all that’s left is to deal with the Joker.

Judging by the marked point, he is in the theater. We are not in a hurry to go there, first we quietly neutralize the snipers and other enemies around, and only then we go inside. A mini-boss awaits us there, and we can deal with it by throwing ice and explosives at us. When he gets tired of swinging the sword, we climb on him and finish the job.

Finally, we take the antidote and use it. Congratulations, you've completed Batman: Arkham City.

1. Batman Begins

Get to Arkham City
Well, now we have to free ourselves - to do this we swing on the chair. Then we counter-attack the guard and take the chip from him. Then we go to “queue A” and go to the gate, and after that we follow the two “guards”. We fight with prisoners, counter-attacks will work best. Raising Jack Ryder.

Climb higher and contact Alfred
We fend off the Penguin's blow and distribute cuffs to his guys. After this, you can knock out the Penguin. We climb the stairs to the roofs, opposite you will be the ACE Chemicals building - we jump and grab the ledge - we move along it. We go up to the roof and turn into Batman.
We hack the wave of TIGER negotiations.

2. Batman: Save Catwoman from Two-Face

Find Two-Face's court hearing and get inside
The goal is easy to reach. Here you get a signal from the Bat-searchlight in the sky and a green mark on the compass. In general, we fly forward, to a building with columns. At the entrance we will be met by Two-Face's people, it doesn't matter. We go into the Solomon Wayne Courthouse and go up to the 2nd floor. We climb up the stairs and remove the guard from above, move along the rope - we dive into the crowd. Good point to get combo achievements.

3. Batman: Interrogate the Joker for details about Protocol 10

Scan a crime scene to obtain ballistic data
We use the evidence scanner, scan the traces of the bullet:
1) Glass
2) Gender

Find the point from which the shooting took place
We head to the church, 3 fools are waiting for us at the entrance, waiting for a thrashing. We go in and throw Harley Quinn away.
Harley's armed men are ahead of us, we need to disappear - we throw a smoke grenade and fly up to the gargoyle. We use “detective mode” to study the situation. We need to save the hostages, only 4 guards.
We carefully go down to the one on the left - we break through the wall and cut it out. We rise and jump onto the scaffolding to the second one, we cut it down. There are 2 left, we go down behind them and do a “double decisive blow”.

Scan the sniper rifle for evidence
We climb the bell tower, scan the sniper rifle and jump out the window.

Track the source of the radio signal and find the Joker
Following the sensor, we head to the Northern Docks area. The source will come from the Sionis Industries steel mill.

Infiltrate the steel mill through the main pipe
We cling to the largest pipe to your right and fall down.
We fly from the rope to the edge of the pipe and go through the debris. We take the batclaw and rip the hatch off its hinges to put out the fire. We jump down, grab the ledge and climb over to the other side. We jump onto the railing and cross to the other side, through the fire. We turn on detective mode, use explosive gel to make a hole in the floor. We pass through the ruins. To turn off the steam, use the batarang to press the button on the right.
We pass through the “basement”, observing what is happening. We get out and get rid of the Joker's gang.

Save the doctor from the Joker's thugs
We go through the door on the left, there will be an armed trinity ahead, we use the conveyor. We move along the gargoyles and silently remove them. The door is closed, we break in through the window. We go left, we knock out two. We neutralize everyone in the room, save the doctor - we get the gadget.

Find the way to the Joker's office in the loading bay
We go to the door on the left, open it using the new gadget. We go through the ventilation and deal with the guys who “blocked the exit.” We return to the loading bay, there will be a generator opposite the gate - we shoot at it with an electric charge and use the crane to break the signs from above.
A gang will come out to quickly deal with everyone - we shoot at the one-armed Russian clown with electric charges, he will scatter everyone with a “spinner”, and then we finish him off too. We go upstairs to the office.

4. Batman: Find Mr. Freeze and take the cure

Find Frieze by identifying the most cold spot to Arkham City
We have a temperature sensor, all that remains is to find Freeze. We move towards Gotham, along the river - we get to the Police building. The guys are waiting for us at the entrance, let's go through. We open the door with an electric discharge and slide under it. We take the chip from the dead guard and tune in to the new wave. We go through the door, in the hall on the left there are armed guards. We hide around the corner, from here you can jump on the gargoyle - we rise. We film everyone one by one, and interrogate the last one.

Save Mr. Freeze from the Penguin in the museum
We use the encryption sequencer to hack the panel in the security room and open the door (ANATOMY). We leave and head into the spotlight - to the museum. To get inside, we break the lock (FOSSIL) and go in. We learn to dodge cutting weapons. There will be a gate that opens (closes) based on a motion sensor - we jump into the window on the right and try to turn off the sensor.

Disable Penguin's jammers
We go outside and climb onto the roof of the museum, get rid of the guards, and then destroy the interferer. Then a second transmitter, just north of you...and then the last one. It is located in the subway. We go down to the trains, there will be a carriage on the left - we climb up, pass through the abandoned mines. We stun the enemies, use the cannon to lift the door and slide inside. Our goal is guarded by a crowd of armed enemies; we take them down one by one using gargoyles. We destroy the target and return to the museum.

Rescue Mr. Freeze from the Penguin in the museum (Rescue the remaining Gotham police officers)
We break open the gate a second time (DINOSAUR). Let's go down, save the cop - we'll find out the code. We go down, there will be a grate - we use a controlled batarang, point it at the button.
We deal with the crowd, then a clown pumped up with "TITAN" comes out - we climb onto his back and scatter everyone. When he runs at you, use a quick batarang, as in part 1.
To go further you need to use a controlled batarang and activate the button. We pick the lock (JURASSIC). We use the elevator, using a cannon - we blow up the wall along the way. We leave and go into the hall, save the frozen cop - and then two more with the help of a raft and a batclaw. For now, we don’t go after the penguin, but go through all the rooms and save the police and our main goal - Mr. Freeze. (Frieze is located opposite the hall where his costume is located). To get to Frieze, open the gate (REPTILE). To the right of Frieze is a wall, we break it - we meet the second twin brother (one-armed), the tactics are the same. We go through and free Frieza (MICROWAVE).

5. Batman: Fight the Penguin in the Iceberg Lounge

Remove the security key from Frieza's suit to disable the Ice Cannon
After Freeze is freed, we go to the hall opposite. We break the display case with the suit and get a new gadget.
We are heading to the Ice Lounge, Penguin is already waiting for us. You need to get closer to him to deactivate the cannon. We roll between the arches without getting caught in the ice jets. We reach the bridge - we turn off the cannon.

Solomon Grundy
Grundy is powered by electricity; there are 3 power sources in the “arena”. Using the gel, we destroy the sources, approach and beat him. We use the same tactics again, don’t forget to dodge balls, jumps and huge paws. We approach and finish with him. We break out of the huge arms, destroy 3 sources and now definitely finish with him.
We run from the rockets and beat up the Penguin.

6. Batman: Find Ra's al Ghul and get a sample of his blood

Follow the killer's bloody trail to reach Ra's al Ghul
We scan the blood and follow the trail. It should lead you to the roof, where it breaks off.

Scan the killer's bandages for evidence
We scan the evidence.

Track down the killer and install a beacon
We catch up with the girl, attach a bug with a counter-attack.
We get a new gadget from Robin.

Follow the killer using a beacon to reach Ra's al Ghul
We go to the icon that will lead us to the Joker's Jolly Island. We go down into the sewer, we reach a cliff - you need to use a rope launcher. We cross to the grate (to the other side), from there we begin to go back, but aim to the right at the middle and cross to the other side. We reach the hatch, break through the floor - we deal with the enemies and break open the panel (TRACK). We pass through the metro and go out into the streets. We move to the clowns, into battle - and then through the door.
We save the hostage from the Joker's armed men. We go down and go out to go through the gate - we use the cannon.

Recover video data from mechanical guard
We scan all the robots in this area. 2 on stands, 2 along the street, 1 on the roof, 2 in ruined houses.

Find a secret entrance using video data
We watch the video, approach the wall and try to open it. We carry out a counter-attack and open the door with a sword. Let's go and climb the stairs. We get up and move straight towards the huge gate. We follow Thalia and drink from the goblet.
We soar along the white trajectory onto the block, cling to it with a hook. You can't touch anything around, otherwise you'll fail. We deal with wars, we fly into the middle of the whirlwind. Then onto the next block, then onto another - we fight off the warriors - into the middle of the whirlwind. We rise and talk with Thalia.
First, we destroy the army, then, dodging the tip of the stars, we shoot with an electric discharge at the enlarged Ra's al Ghul (you must shoot directly into the gap between the wars around him). We quickly begin to repel the blows. We act a couple of times using the same tactics, at the end of the counter- We attack and kill the main one.
We use a controlled batarang.

7. Batman: Make a Cure

Interrogate Quincy Sharpe and get information about Hugo Strange
We return to the streets, along the path from which we came, exit through the metro - break open the gate (SEPARTMENT). let's get up. We head to the mayor...get rid of the guys near him and take him away.

Return to Mr. Freeze in the police laboratory with a blood sample of Ra's al Ghul
We head to the police station and donate blood.
First, we leave Frieze; you can defeat him in two quick ways:
1) Using the environment (Magnets on the walls, blowing up walls, etc.).
2) Use gadgets (his own technology), stab him in the back.
We finish and take the medicine, we get a gadget.

8. Batman: Take the cure from the Joker

Rescue Vicki Vale from the helicopter crash site
We go to the crash site, get rid of the snipers around (they are easy to find, they stand out by sight). We save the reporter.

Infiltrate the steel mill
We go to the factory, this time we enter through main door. Using a raft, we swim along the drain, use the batclaw to swim faster and avoid getting caught in a vice. Next, we pass through the ventilation - we spectacularly fly into the window, hand out the cradles to the guards - in the next room we save a person from death. We break through the wall and use the raft again. We get to iron door, there is a shield to your left, and electricity in front. We use a controlled batarang and direct it through electricity to the shield.
We create an ice floe, get to the passage on the right - hack the panel (ROMANCIONIS). The bridge will fall behind, we meet the doctor.

Find the Joker at the steel mill
We go into the melting shop and neutralize the guys. In the next room there is a sniper and full of mines - we jump up and reach the conveyor belt. We climb into the box and are transported behind the sniper's back - we jump up and find... a tied up Harley Quinn.
We pass through the mine and head to the loading bay. There are two snipers and two simple clowns. We grab onto the hook and throw off the snipers, deal with the remaining enemies. We go up to the office, follow the arrows.
We beat the Joker and then his servants. We shoot at the one-armed man with an electric discharge - he will scatter his own, we use the Titan's thug - we finish off everyone.

9. Batman: Break through to the observation deck to stop Protocol 10

Scan TIGER helicopters to find general control software
We cling to helicopters and scan them until we find them main program. You need to scan ~6-7 helicopters.

Retrieve the general control program transmitter from the main helicopter
We scan the helicopter, load the data into the batcomputer - we get the access code to the Observation Tower.

Gain access to the Miracle Tower
We head to the tower. Let's hack (INSPIRING). We go down and go to the gate, knock out the guards with electric batons. After Hugo's message, a crowd will come out (1/2 are armed). If you throw smoke, the shooting will start, so it’s better to do it the old fashioned way. We go down into the sewer, and then into the hole to the very bottom. Using a rope launcher, we go to the hall with gargoyles and meet the nurse. We remove all security, hack the elevator:
We rise and immediately climb out into the hatch. There will be an ambush from above, we will attack them from behind. We break open the gate (RESERVATION). Along the ledge we get to the antenna ( big pipes) - from its end, we cling to the highest point with a hook. We climb up the pipes.
Near the elevator shaft, we break open the panel (SUPPORT) - we jump into the opened hatch, then into the ventilation. In the “heart of the tower” a whole crowd is guarding a crazy professor, we’ll shoot one at a time. 1 guard will go out onto the balcony, we stun - the others will start searching. Jumping from balcony to balcony we get rid of everyone (you can also use gargoyles to hang guards). We approach Hugo (DEFENSE OF GOTHAM).

10. Batman: Take the Joker's cure and stop him from becoming immortal

Follow the beacon and save Talia from the Joker
We go to the mark that will lead us to the theater. There will be a lot of snipers around - perhaps we should get rid of them. We calmly enter the theater.
There will be a fight with Clayface, popularly known as the Clay Man. You need to throw ice bombs at him, and at the same time have time to dodge the blows. When it starts rolling, you will need to stand in front of the dynamite. When his health runs out, we climb in and pull out the sword and chop him into pieces. We repeat the same thing again.
Soon a clay army will appear, we fight back - and also throw bombs at Clayface. We come, we finish.


Catwoman: Episode #1

Get access to the safe
Well, there’s a crowd of guys in front of us - it’s time to show them how sharp Catwoman’s claws are.
We take the flash card from the safe.

Catwoman: Episode #2

Retrieve equipment from Catwoman's hideout
We head to the shelter, climb over the top into the cage. We attack enemies - turn on the "thief's vision" - jump out the window.
We get spikes and bola.

Infiltrate Poison Ivy's lair
We go to the lair of ivy. We get to the hotel using “thief's vision” - we go into the main door, the one near the bridge. We need to knock out the guys drugged by Ivy. After that, we jump to the ceiling and climb higher and higher. We get to Pamella, beat the guys again... and at the same time we dodge the spitting weeds.

Catwoman: Episode #3

Get into the confiscated warehouse
We leave Ivy's lair and head to the warehouse. Near the passage to the sewer we deal with the aggressive crowd and go down. We go into the observation room.

Get into the vault and pick up the loot
First you need to steal 3 cards to open the door to the vault. We jump onto the ceiling, turn on the thief's vision and wait for the guards to disperse one by one. We carefully jump down from behind and quietly take 3 cards, return and insert them into the computer.
Now we need to get into the storage room, we will neutralize the TIGERS from the ceiling. We go into the vault and open the diplomat, then a crowd comes at us - have we defended ourselves? We take diplomats.

Leave Arkham City with loot
Let's have a choice:
1) Return to Arkham City and save Batman...
2) Go to Gotham City, then Batman will die
If you choose 1, everything will be as it was, and if 2, time will rewind and you will be given a second chance.
We get to the surface.

Catwoman: Episode #4

Take the loot from the hideout and leave Arkham City
We head to the shelter, it’s best not to run into armed guys on the roofs. We climb through the window, as before.
We rise and defend ourselves...we interrogate the latter.

Take the loot from Two-Face in the museum
We head to the museum and try not to get into a fight. near the entrance, as indeed everywhere near the museum, there are Two-Face’s people. Let's go inside. We go to the arena - there is already a crowd of Two-Face here, but this is no longer a problem for us. We go into the hall where the water is. We go down and crawl along the mesh (floor). So we ended up in the armory (there was Frieze's suit). Turn on the thief's vision. Two-Face with his huge gun on the balcony. But now you can not pay attention to anyone except Two-Face himself. We head towards him and finish him off.

Begin walkthrough of the Cold, Cold Heart expansion to the game Batman: Arkham Origins from watching the introductory video, at the end of which Bruce Wayne will receive a butt in the forehead. This is followed by a short cut scene during which you need to have time to press RMB to make a counterattack. If you don’t have time to do anything terrible, hang the criminals who beat the butler Alfred. Next, having received the task of dealing with Penguin’s bandits, we go to Batman’s cave to get a suit. Following Alfred to the end of the corridor, we will find ourselves in a room with Vicki Vale and several other people. After talking with Vicky and Alfred, we go to next door, passing through which we get to the library.

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There will be four armed opponents in the library, so trying not to attract attention, we neutralize one after another from the back, although you can take the risk and attack them openly. One way or another, having dealt with the enemies, we go to the next door leading into the corridor along which we get to the wine cellar. Having dealt with the bandits in the room, we pass through the gate to next room, there will be a statue of a pot-bellied man with a barrel near the wall, with its help you can open the secret door. Next, going down the stairs, we run through a secret tunnel, jumping over the destroyed bridge, climbing over its remains.

Finally, having reached the lift, we press the button and go down to Batman’s cave, where we pick up the suit. Having dressed up, we go in search of Ferris Boyle, we return to the mansion the same way we came to the cave with one difference: in order to open one of the doors in the secret tunnel, you will need to charge the generator standing nearby. To open the door to the wine cellar, press LMB several times, and to get into the next room, where the bandits hang out again, you will have to crawl under the burning gate. Having cleared the cellar room, we return to the library, although we will have to go around the burning door through the ventilation on the right. In the library we will find bandits who have taken hostages, among whom Alfred will be.

We neutralize the enemies one by one, fortunately this time you have the suit and all the gadgets except glue grenades with you. In the end, one of the bandits will grab Alfred and will hide behind him as a human shield, our task is to sneak up on him from behind and neutralize the enemy (much the same as in the main walkthrough of Batman: Arkham Origins - Wanted: Deadshot). Having neutralized all the enemies, we remove the Wen coat of arms from the exit from the library, which blocked our exit (to remove the coat of arms, we also press LMB several times). Next, after talking with Alfred again, we go through the door into the next room, namely the corridor in which you will find Ferris Boyle. Having neutralized the bandits who caught him, we watch a short video with the appearance of Mr. Freeze.

To break the ice, press the spacebar several times, and immediately after that we neutralize the oncoming enemies. Next, we run along the corridor following Frieze, you will need to bypass the frozen door by climbing onto the balcony on the left. Having reached the dance hall, you will need to deal with the bandits inside, first of all, it is better to neutralize two opponents with cryo-weapons, after which it will be easier to deal with the rest (if you are frozen, break the ice by pressing the spacebar and then quickly jump to the side so that Batman is not hit by a grenade). At the end of the fight, we interrogate the last survivor by pressing RMB.

Interrogate Dealer Penguin

We leave at the indicated coordinates for Diamond County, and upon arriving at the place we begin to clear the area below from criminals. We act carefully since all the enemies are armed, we try to neutralize them one by one, or with the help of a controlled claw you can pull the cylinders standing in the corners of the site towards a group of enemies, after the explosion of the cylinder the surrounding ones will freeze for a while. As a result, having neutralized all the bandits, you will need to turn on the evidence scanner (X button) and use it to inspect the territory. The necessary evidence can be found on the body of the frozen policeman. While holding down the spacebar, we scan the evidence marked with red triangles (there will be three in total), the last evidence will be a leak from the cryo-cannon that the criminal used, following the traces of the leak we should move on. And by the way, you can free frozen people with the help of thermal gloves that are equipped with the EU suit, which you will receive a little later. Following the chemical trail, which is visible in the evidence scanner mode, we will eventually get to the arms dealer. Before interrogating him, you will have to deal with the criminals standing nearby, primarily the one armed with cryogenic weapons. Having won and interrogated the dealer, we go to the entrance to GothCorp.

Enter GothCorp

Arriving at the entrance to GothCorp, the first thing we do is deal with the bandits standing near it, especially the one with the cryo gun. Then, using an encryption sequencer, we hack the code panel at the entrance to the building, the phrase “polar cold” needed for hacking. Once inside, we save the guard on the balcony on the right from the bandits, after which, after talking with him, we go to the organic laboratory where the bandits took the head of security. Having walked forward, we will come across several criminals in the corridor who have frozen the entrance to the laboratory, having neutralized them, we climb into the ventilation on the right side. Having got out of the ventilation and having killed several more opponents, we pass along the corridor to the entrance to the laboratory. In the laboratory premises, you will need to neutralize the criminals, first of all, two snipers in the far part of the room and an enemy with a jammer who will walk next to the snipers. As a result, having cleared the room, we talk with another guard, from whom we will receive codes for access to the fuel research department.

Returning to the exit from the building, we deal with the next portion of the villains, both with and without weapons, after which, going up to the balcony, where we first saved the guard, we hack the next door with an encryption sequencer, the code word is “philantropia”. Having thus entered the materials preparation area, we pass along the corridor, neutralizing several criminals along the way. Once in a room similar to a locker room, we open the hatch in the floor and go down, where we will need to slip into a small gap without falling under the cooled stream beating at a certain interval. Hanging on the pipes, we climb along them, trying not to fall under the jets of cooled gas. Having crossed to the other side, we climb up, where, using shock gloves, we power the electric drive that opens the door to the mine, and once inside we jump down. Next, we use the Batclaw to break the ventilation grate through which we get out of the mine. Once in the corridor, we walk along it to the door behind which there will be a fuel laboratory.

After watching a short video, we go into the room on the left, where we jump down through a hatch in the floor, falling on two snipers, again watch the video at the end of which we talk with the frozen Penguin. After the conversation, we need to go to the Mi Alibi club for a cryogenic drill. To get out of the GothCorp building, we go to the door on the left and further along the corridor to a room filled with cryosteam, so as not to get into the steam and not freeze, we use a controlled claw to pull the cable along which we can safely pass this room. Next, having neutralized several bandits, we charge the next electric drive that will stop the fan under the ceiling, which is where we need to climb. Once in the mine, we go up and walk along the corridor to the door to the next laboratory, where we save another guard from the bandits, after which Batman himself will get out into the street.

My Alibi nightclub and cryodrill parts

Now we go to the Coventry area to the My Alibi club, where Alfred will drop his EC suit. Having arrived at the place, the first thing we do is clear the area at the entrance from bandits, after which we take the suit from the container dropped on the roof above the EU club. The entrance to the My Alibi club is blocked by an ice wall, which can now be broken using the thermal gloves on the new suit. Having entered the club, we go down the stairs and walk along the corridor to open balcony from which we go down to the platform with the bandits. Before going down, you can use a thermal batarang to bring down a block of ice from the ceiling onto the heads of the bandits (before throwing the batarang, you need to charge it while holding RMB). After you clear the room of bandits, you can free a couple of frozen police officers from the ice by approaching them and holding the space bar (this way you will begin the additional task “Victims in the Ice”).

To go further, you will need to use a thermal batarang to break the ice on the code panel, which you will then need to crack, using the code word “caution.” In the room behind the door we will meet our old friend Chatterbox, after interrogating whom we learn that the cryodrel has been disassembled into three parts and they are not located in the club. Next, leaving the premises of the My Alibi club, we go to the specified coordinates to collect cryodrill parts, there will be two in total, one in Coventry and one in Diamond County, each of the parts will be guarded so that before picking them up you will have to deal with the security. The part in Dimon County will be in a room behind a closed gate; to open it, break the panel with a batarang and then slide through the opened gate inside. Having obtained both parts of the cryodrill, we return to GothCorp.

Return to GothCorp

Returning to GothCorp, the first thing we do is clear the lobby of bandits, freeing the frozen guards in one go. From the foyer, breaking one of the two ice walls, we go to the entrance to the laboratory. Once in the corridor, you will need to go around the frozen door again through the ventilation, but this time, instead of a grate, you will need to break the ice at the entrance to the ventilation. Having reached the laboratory, the first thing you need to do is clear the room of cryosteam; to do this, go downstairs and turn off two switches (they can be detected by cables in detective vision mode, and turned off using a thermal batarang). Having reached the switches, we hack the panel ventilation system having previously knocked the ice off it with the same batarang, the code word is “cryogenetics”. After hacking the ventilation system, bandits will come into the laboratory and we will need to deal with them.

Having cleared the laboratory, we go into the corridor from which the bandits came running, along which we will get to the security room. Next, through the ventilation we go down into the next corridor, where we again neutralize the bandits. Having passed forward, you will again need to clear the room of cryosteam; to do this, use a thermal batarang to beat off the ice from three panels, after which the steam will disappear and the door ahead will be unlocked. Having thus entered the weapons testing laboratory, we scan the body of the dead guard, after which we watch a reconstruction of the events. Next, having broken the wall of ice, we follow the traces of the chemical into the laboratory; to open the door, we break the frozen switches with a thermal batarang. Having walked to the end of the trail, we scan the evidence again: stains on the floor, stains on the laboratory window, prototype parts on the table, an exploded tank, a frozen guard. Next, we recreate the crime scene by scrolling the time forward and backward using LMB and RMB (a bit like working with memories when Walkthrough of the game Remember Me).

Having reconstructed the crime scene, we will find a pistol, which we also scan, finding Ferris Boyle’s prints on it, after which we will need to scan the scratch on the floor, and then the computer panel. As a result, after reviewing the entire sequence of events, we take away the container with the cryo-cooler that Batman will need for the cryodrill. And so, having solved the crime, we go to the fuel laboratory, which first of all will need to be cleared of Penguin’s people. Having cleared the room from bandits, we approach the ice wall next to the Penguin and press “Space” and use the cryodrill, after which we press LMB to break the ice. Having thus made a hole in the ice wall, we pass through it to the doors leading to the security zone. After running along the corridor and climbing up the stairs, we climb into the ventilation leading to the cryogenic testing center.

Defeat Mr. Freeze

First of all, we will need to find three cryogenerator control panels and turn them off. The easiest way to detect panels is with the help of detective vision; it will take time to turn off each panel (by holding down the spacebar), so choose a panel next to which there are no Frieza's people, and he himself must look in the other direction so as not to interrupt the process. Next, having freed ourselves from the ice, we attack Frieze and his people, if they are still left, it is better not to come into direct contact with Frieze, we attack him by knocking down ice blocks from the ceiling with a batarang or with decisive blows from behind the ice walls or from the ventilation shafts. As a result, when Mr. Freeze is on the platform in the center of the room, our task is to get close to him from below and attack him with another decisive blow. Next, after watching a short video, you need to free yourself from the ice (by pressing LMB) and save Mr. Freeze from Ferris Boyle by delivering another decisive blow (RMB) with the words “sit down, humanist.”

Protests by Anarky supporters

This additional mission can be completed at any time, either at the beginning or at the end of the main playthrough. First of all, we go to the specified coordinates in the Coventry area, our task is to stop the protests of Anarky supporters, that is, to neutralize all people at the specified points. In Coventry there will be three places with Anarky supporters, in the first two just defuse all the enemies, but in the third place there is a bomb, so we will need to kill all the enemies before the timer runs out (to defuse the bomb, go to it and press spacebar ). Having finished in Coventry, we go to new coordinates in Diamond County, there we will find a machine broadcasting Anarky’s speech, we need to hack the code panel, the code word “revolution”. After a successful hack, we will have 1 minute 40 seconds to find and defuse the second bomb, it is located on the roof of the building with the inscription Soder Cola, you can also find your way by tracking the interference signal on the right side of the screen, where the distance to the target will be indicated.

The game begins with an episode about Catwoman. We control Selina. With quick, precise blows we scatter the opponents into the corners, then we go to the safe and take the flash card.

We watch the introductory video, from which it becomes clear to us that Batman is caught by a villain named Hugo Strange. Let's play as Batman. We start rocking the chair to escape. We fight off the soldier who is trying to stop us. But the second soldier pushes Bruce Wayne out of his cell, and we are forced to proceed to the other prisoners. Some of them behave quite aggressively.

We find ourselves in the arena where we need to fight with fighters - prisoners. Having fought off the attackers, we help the fallen Jack Ryder get up and try to leave.

After this we fall into the clutches of Mr. Cobblepot, aka the notorious Penguin. He tries to hit us, but it didn’t work out that way! It’s worth moderating his ardor. Despite the handcuffs, we begin to fight off the surrounding Penguin's henchmen. Having gotten rid of them, we can go up and knock out Cobblepot himself.

We go to the roof. To do this, you need to climb the stairs, jump onto the pipe, and overcome another flight of stairs. On the roof we contact Alfred. From there we see the ACE Chemicals sign - we jump there, and with the help of our hands we climb to the right of the sign to the next staircase. We climb up it and climb even higher. Then we find ourselves on a parapet, from which we jump onto the same parapet located in front. We get to the roof, where the equipment is already waiting for us. Well, now Batman has changed into his solid uniform suit. Having hacked the communication system of the Tiger fighters, we learn that Catwoman is in danger and we need to save her. We plan from the roof down and fight with the enemies. (Here on the roof there is an opportunity to solve the Riddler's riddles and find his trophy).

We enter the building and find ourselves on the second floor, from where we observe how Harvey Two-Face is about to commit reprisals against the cat woman. We walk along the corridor and, having climbed another hanging staircase, we see a guard with a weapon who needs to be silently removed. After we have done this, we can jump down.

Having gotten rid of all the attackers, we turn on the detective mode and scan the room for evidence. The bullet hole left a mark in window glass and on the floor. Let's scan both of these areas.

We go outside from the courthouse. Let's go to the church. Near the entrance, several thugs will attack us. Let's calm them down and enter the church. Harley Quinn will rush to meet us. But we have no time for her, so let’s throw her aside, to which her friends, the bandits, will offer us not to move. We will not attack them openly; this is not the most reasonable option. We throw a smoke grenade and jump onto the back of the stone gargoyle, which is located above the entrance, right above our head. We turn on detective mode and think through tactics. We need to rescue the hostages. Moving from one gargoyle to another, we get to the last one, and from there we quietly plan down. We turn to the wall, and after breaking it, we knock out the guard. Let's go back upstairs. Let's destroy the one holding the hostage. We silently go down behind him and perform a choke hold. We return to the gargoyle again. We climb over the top so that we are behind the two remaining terrorists. We carefully land behind them and incapacitate both of them at once. Well, great, the hostages are safe. We find out that Dr. Stacey Baker is in the hands of the Joker. We need to get into the bell tower and examine it. We go through the door next to which there is a Bell Tower sign. We go upstairs and find a rifle. We scan it and, having listened to what the Joker wants to tell us, without thinking twice we jump out the window.

Based on the Joker's radio signal, we calculate his location. The signal source is located in a steel mill called Sionis Industries. Once on the tower, we contact Alfred. We enter the building through the chimney.

We land on a rope, from where we jump onto the platform. We run along the corridor, dive under a piece of the wall, climb over obstacles. We reach the furnace, and in order not to die under the influence high temperatures, use the batclaw on the hatch. The embers are dying out, and now you can get over them. We jump down, move along the ledge, from there we move onto the railing that hangs over the fiery abyss, and from there we jump to other similar railings.

While in detective mode, in the right place use explosive gel on the floor to make a hole in it. We jump there and look around. There is a red button on the wall that you need to throw a quick batarang at. In front of us is a narrow passage that we need to get through. We move on, and soon we hear the voice of Harley Quinn, and see a crowd of bandits. They are talking about the doctor.

We need to go past the pipes spewing fire. This can be done the moment the flame goes out. So that the steam from the pipe does not prevent us from going further, we turn on the detective mode and moving along the pipe we approach the switches into which we need to launch the batarang. Then, moving unnoticed by everyone and listening to their conversations, we find ourselves under the floor, above which stands a bunch of Joker’s bandits. We jump out suddenly and get rid of everyone. Harley Quinn will appear, then we will contact Alfred and go to the doctor’s rescue.

We go through the door to the left and move on until we see a conveyor belt. There is a red button above it; according to tradition, we hit it with a batarang. And a small passage is formed above the conveyor, which we will not fail to use. We take a comfortable position behind the thugs, and in the old fashioned way, we first quietly eliminate one person, and then two guys in one fell swoop. Having done all this, we jump out the window. We remove all the other bandits. For convenience, we plan our actions using detective mode. We find Dr. Stacy Baker and free her. As an incentive for good behavior, we get a special device - remote electric charging. On the left there is a gate that can be opened with the help of this device, and behind it is another one of the same kind. We take the people who were trying to seal the doors by surprise and destroy them.

Let's go back to where we saw Harley Quinn. When she runs away and locks herself in the room with the Joker, we take out the electric charge and start shooting at the generator. We watch how the hook will destroy the closed shutters, and we go there. True, we are not yet destined to get into the room, because they have prepared an unpleasant surprise for us. The easiest way to deal with a one-armed clown is to shoot at him with an energy charge, and he himself will scatter his assistants, making a “spinner”. And when his henchmen are defeated, you can calmly finish off him himself. We climb out the window and watch a video with the Joker.

We play as a catwoman. Selina goes to her home to get the necessary things. Approaching the house, we meet uninvited guests, deal with them and climb out the window.

Well, we got some weapons at home, now we can meet with the Spitting One. On the way we get rid of the guards, trying not to create unnecessary noise.

When fighting with ivy's friends, we try not to stay long at each level, we rise higher as soon as we have dealt with the enemy. Otherwise, there is a risk of poisoning from toxic fumes. We don’t linger in one place so as not to become a target for Ivy’s spores.

And again Batman. After watching the video, we realize that our new task is to find the coldest point in . We will look for Mr. Freeze, focusing on the climate analyzer. It turns out that he hid in the coldest room in the city, which, by a strange coincidence, became the police building.

We open the door using an electric charge, take the radio from the corpse and decode the signal transmission. We go into the hall, where we are greeted by several Penguin guards, and carefully remove them one by one. Penguin uses heart rate sensors to monitor his subordinates. When they die, he will know about it. So you need to move as quickly as possible and incapacitate them by attacking from above. We interrogate the last one remaining.

We are trapped, we need to get into the security room and break the combination lock using a sequencer. Code word: ANATOMY.

We follow to the museum, a spotlight will show us the way to it. There are guards waiting for us near the entrance, whom we are forced to calm down with a series of precise blows. The entrance to the museum is under a combination lock. Code word: FOSSIL. We fight off guys with knives. There is a gate with a motion sensor installed. To the right of them is a window through which we jump out and try to hack the control of the motion sensors. Nothing works for us - military jammers are in the way, which we need to destroy. We climb onto the roof of the museum and destroy the first of them, the second is located a little to the north, and for the third you need to go to the subway. We move there, along the road we meet guards and deal with them. We get inside and get rid of the two guys. We go underground and see old metro trains. We climb onto the carriage, which is located on the left, and move along it through abandoned tunnels. We blow up the plank wall, stunning the enemies. Using an electric charge, we open the door and get inside. We fight with armed enemies and destroy the last jammer. We follow the same path back to the museum.

We break the combination lock again. Code word: Dinosaur. Let's go down and free the policeman. He tells us the code. We go down even lower and see a grate with a red button above it. We launch a batarang at the button.

Let's watch the video. A crowd of aggressive guys will attack us, we fight them. After which a huge clown appears, infected with Titan. We need to jump on his back, and in his attempts to throw us off, he will scatter the rest of the guys around the room. When the clown and his comrades are defeated, we move on. In front of us is a live wire, behind it is a button on which we use a controlled batarang. We break the combination lock, code: Jurassic. We go into the elevator and use explosive gel to blow up the ceiling. Let's go further and blow up the wall of ice. To save the frozen policeman, we land on the ice, move carefully and, as we approach, break the ice crust that has bound him. We use the Bat-claw to pull the raft towards us, which was previously in limbo.

Before we pursue the Penguin, we must save the police and Mr. Freeze. To do this, you need to go around all the nearby rooms. Their location is indicated on the map. Three police officers and a frieze suit are in the armory. To get into the room where Frieze is hidden, you need to pick the lock on the gate. Code word: Reptile. We apply explosive gel to the wall that is located to the right of Mr. Freeze. Suddenly a one-armed thug appears. Once he is defeated, we can free Frieze by breaking the combination lock. Code word: Microwave.

Let's watch the video. We return to Frieze’s suit and remove the module from it. We will be given a reward - an ice cannon destructor. Now you can visit Cobblepot. We approach him closely, use a destructor and give him acceleration with a right hook. Solomon appears before us. To defeat him, you need to use a quick explosive gel to blow up three power sources that look like hatches in the floor three times. When the hatches are disabled, you need to hit Solomon on the head. Don't forget to dodge electrical discharges. As a result, this evil monster will be defeated. Next, avoiding being hit by missiles, we get to the Penguin and turn him off.

In detective mode, we follow the trail of the blood of Ra's al Ghul's henchman. The blood leads to the roof of one of the buildings and ends there. Having scanned the bandages, we find the lady we are looking for. We pursue her and, having caught up, use a counterattack blow and attach a bug. Robin appears, we communicate with him and receive a rope launcher from him.

We follow the bug's signal and find ourselves on Joker's island. At the entrance to the sewer we have to fight the Joker's henchmen. Having completed the task, we maneuver down and move along the tunnels. Having reached the edge of the cliff, we use our brand new cable launcher. Moving with the help of a cable launcher, you need to make another shot at the fork towards the left corridor. We get to a huge hatch in the wall, near which we need to break the floor. Here we will have another showdown with the Joker's guys. Having dealt with them, we hack the console. Code word: Transport. The gates open, and the already familiar metro appears before us.

First, turn right, go through the door and follow to the left. We overcome the water using a rope launcher. We exit the subway onto the streets. We see that Batman’s health is deteriorating, as the Joker’s infected blood in his body is taking its toll. When he comes to his senses, we follow further. We cross the abyss using a rope launcher. There we fight with the clowns, then we go through the door. We rescue the hostage from the clutches of the Joker's armed guys. We go down and approach big doors, near which Batman will again feel bad. We open the doors with an electric charge. We come across three girls from the league of assassins, deal with them, and find another door that opens in the same way.

In front of us is a very large gate that cannot be opened. We need to find another opportunity to be inside. Nearby we notice a broken robot guard. We scan it and go in search of the remaining robots that need to be scanned. While we do this, assassin girls will try to attack us. Two robots are located on stands located opposite each other. The fourth robot is waiting for us on the street not far from the first. To the left of the gate, on the second floor of an old abandoned house, we find the fifth robot. From the same place we shoot with a cable launcher at glazed window, we move inside the building, go around it, break the glass in another window, and penetrate it. So we found another robot. The last one is on the roof of a neighboring house, which has broken walls. We watch the video and go to the place that we see on it. We counterattack the killer and use her sword to get inside.

Batman gets out through the hatch, he is already almost exhausted, and he is visited by visions. We move towards the gate that is in front of us. Talia appears, ready to test the Demon. We follow her and drink the contents of the cup.

We plan along the white stream, cling to the ice block with the help of the bat-claw. During the test you do not need to touch anything, otherwise it will fail. We plan on the second boulder, fight with the warriors, and on the next flight we rush into the center of the fiery funnel. We continue the cycle until Ra’s al Ghul offers to fight him himself. We go to Talia, who takes us to her father. Now we have a battle with Ra's al Ghul.

First, we destroy the warriors, after which, deftly dodging the huge stars that the giant Ra’s al Ghul throws at us, we shoot at him with a fast electric charge, trying to get into the gaps between the warriors rotating around him. The main villain, in addition to the stars in his arsenal, also has giant blades that move towards us along the ground. In order to stay away from the stars, you need to be in front of the blades and dodge them at the very last moment. When the villainous power dries up and he takes on his usual appearance, we use counterattacks to fend off his attack with a saber. This process is repeated several times. Ra's takes his daughter hostage and then we use the batarang.

We return back to the city streets, and the same way we got here, through the metro we move back. We break the combination lock on the gate. Code word: Branch. We go upstairs and go to the mayor of the city to free him from the guys who captured him and interrogate him himself.

We return to the police station to Frieze and give him Ra’s blood. The healing composition is ready, but Victor does not want to give it to us. He demands to rescue his wife from the clutches of the Joker. We enter into battle with him. To defeat him we will use our entire arsenal: grabbing from behind, attacking from above, attacking from a hatch, jumping through a window, blowing up walls, using an electromagnet, a cable launcher and a destructor. Each individual technique can be performed on Victor only once. You have to be extremely inventive. Having defeated Frieze, we look into the safe and do not find any medicine there. Well, let's take it away from the Joker.

Leaving Mr. Freeze's building, we feel an urgent need to help Vicki Vale. We follow to the crash site, disable the snipers and save the journalist.

We go to the steel mill. The pipe through which we got here last time will not work for us now, because there is a raging fire in it. Let's go look for another entrance, not forgetting to get rid of the guards. Inside, three clowns will attack us; having defeated them, you can safely go to the water. We create a raft using an ice blow, and float on it, performing maneuvers with the bat-claw. We penetrate through the ventilation shafts, move a little forward, and jumping out the window, we land right on the back of one of the thugs and fight with the Joker's guys. Having passed further, we neutralize two soldiers, but it is not necessary to save the two-faced man. All the same, he will not say a kind word to us for this, but will only want to beat us. We break through a piece of the wall and swim under it on a raft. We swim to the right, and then against the current, pulling ourselves up using a cable. Then we use the rope launcher and cross to the other side. We use an ice blow to plug the pipes. Once we are near the steel door, we see a switch behind the bars to our left. We throw the batarang so that it falls under electrical discharge, and then direct it to the dashboard panel. Again, with an ice blow, we make a raft and swim until we see a ledge on the right under the ceiling. Let's climb it. We break the combination lock. Code word: Romansionis.

We cross the bridge and go straight along the rails. We see a door at the end of the corridor and head towards it; as we approach, we get hit metal pipe. It turns out that it was the doctor who hid behind the boxes. It's time to deal with the mines. We turn on the detective mode and hunt the Joker's guys from the ledges. When we neutralize everyone, we go into the next room where it is collected a large number of min. We carefully go around them and destroy the sniper, and then the tied up Quinn appears to our attention.

We go further, neutralize two snipers, simultaneously disable three clowns and head upstairs, where the Joker is waiting for us. We have to fight him, and this battle promises to be quite difficult. We are surrounded by guys with knives, and among them is a one-armed thug with a hammer. It is very convenient to perform combo attacks on him by jumping behind his back and hammering on it after he hits with a hammer. You need to be careful and avoid the cars that appear on the rails from time to time. And then a clown pumped up with Titan appears, and you also need to fight him. The Joker must be beaten last, because otherwise he will constantly get up and get up after our knockouts. We finish off the Joker and watch an intriguing video.

We play as an incomparable woman - a cat. We need to get into the warehouse. We run to the sewer hatch and go down into it. To hack the security system we must get key cards from Tiger soldiers. It is necessary to behave as quietly as possible, and therefore we will act secretly. The cat crawls well on walls and ceilings. This skill will be useful to us at the moment - we climb onto the ceiling, and then silently jump behind the soldier and steal the key card. We need three keys, which means this action must be done three times. We return to the computer again and use it to hack access to the storage. Tiger warriors are not as stupid as we would like, we have to take them out one by one. Then we get into the storage room. We disable the newly arrived soldiers and leave the storage facility with the diplomat. We are faced with a dilemma: save Batman or calmly leave with our prey. Batman is still not a stranger to us, so we decide to save him. If we nevertheless choose the second option, then time will be rewinded and we will get a second chance. So, in essence, there is no choice. Let's go to help Batman.

Play as Batman
The moment is approaching when Protocol -10 must come into force, and we certainly need to stop it. First, we scan all helicopters for the presence of a general control program until we detect the main program. We cling to the helicopter and download the necessary information.

We go to the miracle tower. Once in place, we drop two snipers and break the combination lock. Code word: Inspiring. To go further, we open the doors using an electric charge. We do this until we come across Tiger fighters and prisoners. After listening to Strange, we get rid of all the fighters and go down through the sewer hatch into the sewer. We use the cable launcher to get to the room with the clock and blow up the floor. There we meet the doctor.

We disable all the guards who have gathered near the tower, we break into the elevator from the outside and inside. Code words: Obsessive, Medication.
We rise to the very top and leave the elevator through the hatch located on top. We strike through the glass. We break the combination lock on the gate. Code word: Reservation.

We crawl along the antenna, and from its end, using the bat-claw, we cling to the beam that is located above. Continuing to cling, we rise higher and higher. We're breaking the lock again. Code word: Maintain. We make our way through the open hatch into the ventilation shaft. When we get out of there, six well-armed guys are waiting for us and need to be neutralized. We hack the panel, code word: Defense of Gotham. Protocol-10 is disabled. You can go in search of the Joker. He is hiding in the theater building, the perimeter of which is reliably guarded by snipers. We have to neutralize them quietly and unnoticed. Having gotten rid of everyone, we get inside.

It turns out that the Joker in front of us is not real. The Joker himself is still ill, and his role is played by Clayface, aka Clayface. We begin the battle with him.

Dodging the blows, we throw ice bombs at Clayface until he turns into stone. After that, we approach him point-blank and begin to knead the clay with a sword. In addition, you can inflict a lot of damage on him if you lure him into those corners where explosives are hidden.
The procedure will need to be repeated.

Soon a clay army appears. We fight with the soldiers and do not forget to throw ice bombs at Clayface. When he has few lives left, we come close and finish him off. Having won, we take the medicine we need from Clayface and are cured.

Let's play Selina. Let's go home. To pick up your things. An unpleasant surprise awaits us at home - there is a bomb planted there, and the things we need were stolen by Two-Face. We go to visit him in the museum, where, after the massacre of the army of his guys, we take away what we came for.


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