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6 free online services for checking text for uniqueness. Principles of operation of anti-plagiarism systems. Understanding what plagiarism is and what is not plagiarism.

There is no completely unique content. There is no such thing as 100% protection against plagiarism. We can interpret our knowledge, add value to it in the eyes of the reader and try to become a primary source for search engines.

This requires knowledge and experience, time and effort, so it is better to use special tools checking the uniqueness of content. In this article I will introduce you to some of these online services.

Anti-plagiarism online

All anti-plagiarism systems work on the same principle:

  • you specify the text or URL of the page, upload a file, etc.;
  • the search begins for borrowing your content through public sources (usually these are search engines, various databases, etc.);
  • search results are usually analyzed by anti-plagiarism based on its own algorithms;
  • the result should be a list of plagiarists and/or an assessment of the uniqueness of the content.

Online services for checking text for plagiarism may be inferior to special software, but in general they give quite acceptable results for use.

1. Checking text for plagiarism from TEXT.RU

According to the developers, the online anti-plagiarism service TEXT.RU is the most advanced available at the moment, and I agree with this. It checks using a special algorithm that takes into account rewriting tricks, such as adding or rearranging words, phrases or sentences. The work of the anti-plagiarist will not be affected by changes in cases, tenses, etc. And most importantly, all this is free.

The service itself works quite quickly and efficiently; allows you not only to check the uniqueness of the text, but also to find errors in it, as well as perform an SEO analysis.

The service report for the test text looks like this:

Checking text for plagiarism from TEXT.RU

By registering, you can get a number of additional benefits:

  • accelerated checking without restrictions on the number of texts checked;
  • saving verified texts to the archive;
  • fixation of uniqueness and a banner for placement on the site;
  • deferred check, etc.

2. Content Watch

Content Watch is an anti-plagiarism service for checking text fragments or web pages for uniqueness online. Verification is carried out by searching the Internet for pages containing a full or partial copy of the specified text. At the same time, based on the matches found, the uniqueness of the text in % is calculated, as well as its uniqueness for each page with the matches found.

The Content Watch report for the test web page looks like this:

Content Watch

It can hardly be called particularly detailed, but it is more than enough to solve the problem for private purposes.

It is noteworthy that there are a number of restrictions on using the online anti-plagiarism service from Content Watch:

  • text length no more 3000 characters (and 10,000 for authorized users);
  • no more than 5 requests/day for one user (and 20 for authorized);
  • At the same time, means of automatic access to the service are prohibited.


FindCopy is a fairly simple and free online service for checking the uniqueness of texts. Does not require registration and works quite quickly.

However, despite the developers' statements, there are a number of limitations. For example, the text cannot be more than 4000 characters, and there is some limit on the number of checks. However, the last limitation can be circumvented by clearing the browser cache.

The FindCopy report for the test web page looks like this:


Please note that a “public link” is created for verification, which is not good. However, the site itself is either closed to search engines or is already in the bathhouse. An interesting thing to note is that during one of the tests a copy was found in social network, which other anti-plagiarists did not provide.

4. Antiplagiat.ru

Antiplagiat.ru is a system for automatically checking texts for borrowings from publicly available online sources.

The service allows you to check:

The Antiplagiat.ru report for the test text looks like this:


However, for private use it is quite enough.

It is worth noting that the service was originally created to check term papers and dissertations for plagiarism. So, first of all, it will be useful to students and graduate students.

In general, Antiplagiat.ru can be used for at least some initial verification, but the results of its analysis should be treated with great suspicion. It's better to play it safe.

5. Checking the text for uniqueness from PR-CY.ru

The online anti-plagiarism service from PR-CY.ru cannot be called particularly serious. But it is simple and fast. There is a limitation for guests - the length of the text must be at least 10, but not more than 1000 characters. Without registration you need to enter a captcha.

The service report from PR-CY.ru for a test web page looks like this:

Checking text for uniqueness from PR-CY.ru

As you can see, the service did not find anything at all. Although previous services somehow found something there. So you shouldn’t really trust the result here, but still.


CopyScale is one of the oldest and most actively used online services for checking content for plagiarism. Unlike the anti-plagiarists listed above, this is a foreign resource. However, it does its job well.

The CopyScape report for the test web page looks like this:


An interesting thing worth noting is the link to the Siteliner service, which performs a general analysis of the site for duplicate content or something like that. It certainly wouldn't hurt to take a look.

What is plagiarism?

We are all aware of what is “good” and what is “bad”, but somehow vaguely. Gaining experience and not having the ability to create, you can easily go beyond what is permitted, where plagiarism begins.

Plagiarism- this is the deliberate appropriation of authorship of someone else’s work, decision, etc., as well as the borrowing of their fragments without indicating the source of borrowing.

It should be noted that not everything that we consider plagiarism is plagiarism. A mandatory sign of plagiarism is attribution of authorship.

Imitation, parody, borrowing ideas (without copying specific technical solutions or fragments of a work, since the ideas themselves cannot be the subject of copyright), emulation and quoting are not plagiarism. Here we can list and clarify for a long time, but this does not change the essence.

The uniqueness of the text is a very conditional thing. Modern search engines have sufficiently advanced anti-plagiarism algorithms to recognize not only the presentation, but also the content of the text.

However, we cannot fully use this tool for our intended purposes. The point is that getting results here takes too long. Moreover, it will not be as obvious as in the case of the above online services anti-plagiarism.

In other words, there is a need for compromise. The trade-off between borrowing, citation and added value. I hope my article helped you with this.

at 8:00 Edit message 10 comments

The company's policy in this area has changed frequently, but there are currently three main plans available:

The system, in exchange for choosing a certain type of account, paid or free, offers a limited number of prepaid benefits. Each of them has its advantages, but not all of them can be used by ordinary students:

- "For free". Anti-plagiarism online for free- using this account you can check whether the work is in open sources, and whether it was downloaded from there. The resource is constantly monitoring thematic sites that offer downloads of certain types of work, and the reconciliation is carried out very accurately. Not only chapters are checked, but also paragraphs, headings, and semantic sentences. This may be sufficient for the teacher and student, but this is only the initial level offered by the system.

- “Basic”. It includes everything that the “Free” tariff does, but allows you to search through paid resources. Another one of his distinguishing feature is the generation of complete reports on the location of text fragments in documents throughout the World Wide Web.

- “Standard”. It is similar to the basic tariff, but at the same time anti-plagiarism online offers a huge number of modules with wide functionality that allows you to check not only abstracts and diplomas, but also more serious types of scientific works.

This project is publicly available and you can register at any time. But there is also a version for enterprises. Judging by the administration’s assurances, it can be useful to the media and all manufacturers own products. It was not possible to register to check the content through this system, because access to your personal account is possible only by prior application with a package of documents.

All options for each tariff plan are presented in the following table:

An additional module is understood as a certain database of files with thematic content, the capabilities of each of which will be described below. They collect works on higher educational institutions from all over Russia, so the cost of access for an individual is quite high:

The cost of such verification is very high. It is possible that the site’s creators were counting on corporate purchases from companies engaged in the production of essays, or Higher Academic Commissions (HAC), sponsored at the state level to improve the quality of training of young specialists. It can be said that the prices are too expensive for both interested teachers and students who want to check whether they have been sold a non-unique essay. Plug-ins contain the following information:

RSL. The proposal to connect this database will be interesting only for those who write dissertations and for higher academic commissions. An optional module provides access to this collection.

ELibrary.ru. This is a collection of various scientific publications, results of experiments, articles, press releases, conference materials.

LexPro. Since the legal sphere does not intersect with any of the spheres and relies on government documents, then this is precisely a tool for future and current lawyers. Can be used not only by students, but also by notaries, lawyers, judges, etc.

2. Checking texts on the anti-plagiarism website online

Two different documents were chosen to test this mechanism. One of them was written as an article for the site, but had not yet been posted in its place, so it had 100% uniqueness by default. And the second document is an abstract from an old disk, which were popular among students and schoolchildren in the late 1990s. Let's see if it's still online. Adding to general view looks like that:

The system is designed so that the use of documents is no different from what we are used to seeing in the operating room Windows system. “Document type” gives a kind of label. For example, you can designate it as an abstract or article for ease of further sorting. You can change the name of a document to an in-system name. It is also possible to connect any of the proposed modules, which we will discuss below. The “Citation” checkbox allows you to define words enclosed in quotation marks as citations to primary sources of information type. It is reliably known that Wikipedia belongs to them. After clicking the “Continue” button, the verification process starts. Despite the fact that it can go through quickly, with the free plan you are allowed to check no more than 6 documents per hour. Accordingly, a teacher who wants to check 30 or more abstracts for uniqueness will have to spend money on an advanced account:

It is not surprising that the text showed up to 100% uniqueness, so it will not be possible to obtain a report on the sources. Now let's check the old abstract from the disk and see if it works anti-plagiarism online:

All sources where this work is located have been found. Moreover, it was partially found in two sources, and in the first it was preserved in its original form. Most likely minor differences are due to changes title page, list of references or introduction. It even produces a unique pie chart of uniqueness:

The old abstract has been online for about 20 years. The minor changes that affected him will not allow him to submit this work to the teacher. Originality was noted at 0.54%, which is an extremely low figure. We only saw the three upper springs where the work is located. But in fact, there are as many as 8 of them. But you can view them only in paid accounts.

The check history is stored for as long as it exists Account. Such a measure is also in the interests of the system itself, because it is possible to track the entry of fresh works into the network. You can also protect your copyright in a document in a unique way. You can upload not only document files to the web application, but also archives where they are contained, if there is no password protection.

The service may be of interest to students, teachers, as well as commercial entities that monitor the leakage of their works to the network.


The system checks documents very well and has a powerful search engine. The only drawback can be considered the exorbitantly high prices, so just sitting and checking something for the sake of your own interest will not work. However, as practice shows, a project can be easily deceived by rewriting or diluting the text with synonyms. Formulas are not subject to verification, so works in the exact sciences remain vulnerable to plagiarism.

Currently, almost all scientific works of students (coursework, theses, dissertations, science articles) are checked for the uniqueness of the text (the degree of independence of the author in performing the work). One of the most common systems for checking the uniqueness of text is the Antiplagiat system, the service of which is located at: http://www.antiplagiat.ru/. Why is this system usually used when checking uniqueness of the text? The answer to this question is based on the following judgments:

  • 1. System online verification of text uniqueness “Anti-plagiarism” It has been working for quite a long time and, in principle, has proven itself to be good.
  • 2. Separate government bodies took part in its creation.
  • 3. At the moment, checking the uniqueness of the text is performed not only on Internet resources, but also on the collection full texts dissertations and abstracts of the RSL, collections of legal and regulatory documents Lexpro and scientific electronic library www.elibrary.ru.
  • 4. The system is installed in more than 200 universities in the country and is used by teaching staff for testing online texts works of students and graduate students for anti-plagiarism.

Thus, among all the numerous services for checking text for anti-plagiarism online, we recommend that you pay attention to the service http://www.antiplagiat.ru/. So, having answered the question where is the best place to check your work for anti-plagiarism online, let’s focus on individual features carry out such verification independently.

Registration on the site to check the text for uniqueness takes several minutes and can be achieved in the following ways: classic registration via address Email, registration through an account on one of the social networks.

After registration, you will have access to a wider range of options for checking your work using the online anti-plagiarism system.

Let's take a look at the features and different plans offered individuals"Anti-plagiarism" system.

Free access to the system includes the ability to check the system anti-plagiarism online for the uniqueness of the text only according to the “Internet search module”.

IN personal account documents that you have checked for will be displayed anti-plagiarism online, as well as the ability to view a brief report on documents.

To expand the list of possibilities when working with the Antiplagiat system, it offers 3 tariffs - “Free”, “Basic”, “Standard”. Below we have provided a comparison of these tariffs.

The cost of tariffs is calculated based on the equality of 1 ruble to one point. For example, for 280 rubles you can get access to the basic level of the system for 1 week and the opportunity to receive 40 full reports. Now let’s look at the question: is it worth buying the basic tariff?

Taking into account all the conditions for providing access to the service, we can conclude that it is enough for a simple user to have “regular” free access to the system. This access allows you to check a document in a mode that is not a priority for the system (only 1 document can be checked in a period of 6 minutes).

The only drawback of the free mode online anti-plagiarism checks is the inability to view the full report. Let's say a few words about the differences between the reports.

A short report (available in free mode) allows you to check only the uniqueness of the text and shows a list of sources from which the text was borrowed.

A full report allows you to check not only the uniqueness of the text, but specific phrases and sentences of the borrowed text, indicating the source of the borrowing. As practice shows, this information is very important to increase the uniqueness of the text. Since editing the text “blindly” is not effective. Below is an excerpt from the full report.

Thus, we believe that at the moment Anti-plagiarism system allows you to solve basic problems of checking the uniqueness of text online, while it is free and suitable for a wide range of people. However, I would like to recommend purchasing a “basic” tariff for the following categories of people:

  1. - Persons whose work is related to text checking (teachers);
  2. - Graduate students completing master's theses (in the absence of assistance from a supervisor);
  3. - Graduate students working on writing a dissertation;
  4. - Scientists who publish their work in RSCI journals and VAK.

If you have any questions, call us, we have 24/7 customer support!

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Today 10 students increased the uniqueness of their work. And in total - 481014 students

API Uniqueness of texts up to 100 thousand characters Check spelling Syntactic and morphological analysis Recognize


Fully free service on checking texts for plagiarism. Registration is not required for verification.

Effective algorithms for determining rewriting allow you to take into account changes in the form of words and their rearrangement and addition. Direct borrowings from other sources are also defined.

Using the method of thinning the text with water will not work. Now, when determining uniqueness, common words that search engines do not take into account are not taken into account.

The result of the check is % uniqueness and % borrowing, indicating specific sites.

The test results are stored for at least a week.

Protect your texts from plagiarism!

How to write a unique article

A person engaged in rewriting and copywriting should always write articles that have great uniqueness. There are several ways to help achieve a high level of this parameter.
It is immediately worth noting that unique texts This includes articles that have this parameter above 80% when checked by the service. Of course, it is desirable to achieve a 100% result, but due to mandatory keys this may not be possible, in which case try to reduce the text to 90%.
In order to write a unique article, it is advisable to have a good understanding of the given topic and not use any sources. Thus, the author is likely to receive a high-quality text that does not copy phrases and sentences from other sites. If, after checking, the percentage is lower than expected, then you need to correct the non-unique phrases highlighted in color.
When an author rewrites a finished source, to achieve high uniqueness it is necessary to completely redo the source without copying long phrases or sentences. If it is not possible to avoid copy-paste due to the presence of set expressions, quotes and other unchangeable elements, then they should be distributed throughout the text as far as possible from each other. And then the percentage of uniqueness will be high.

To highlight matches for a specific URL, click on the colored %.

For check large text(up to 100 thousand characters) use

It is worth paying attention not only to the overall uniqueness, but also to the uniqueness of individual sources. For example, the presence of only green sources indicates the high uniqueness of the text. The presence of red in both overall uniqueness and sources indicates low uniqueness.

Many students don't know how make a certificate for anti-plagiarism on one's own. We will tell you and show you, with examples, the entire procedure for creating this certificate. To get an anti-plagiarism certificate, you need to do everything as shown below.

2. To download a help report from free version antiplagiat.ru you need to select "Print version" in the window that opens "File" - "Print" - Microsoft Print to PDF printing tool and your help report will be saved in PDF format.

Sample inspection report Antiplagiat.ru

The anti-plagiarism system, after checking your work, issues inspection report.

This report will contain all the information: originality in %, borrowing %, citation %, date of verification (for example: 04/04/2017), sources.

Let's decipher each value separately.

1. Originality is a percentage original text in your work. The higher it is, the better. Each university may have different requirements. But more than 65% originality of the text is recommended.

2. Borrowing- this is the percentage of text in the work that you borrowed from any sources. Speaking in simple language, what you took and copied into your work. The lower the borrowing percentage, the better.

3. Quoting– this is the direct use of text from some source, i.e. conveying the author's thoughts without distortion.

4. Date– this is the day, month and year when the system was checked. (For example, 04/04/2017).

5. Sources– these are the sources where the system found matches with your text. Here also, the fewer there are, the better.

Sample test report Antiplagiat.VUZ

In the paid version of anti-plagiarism.VUZ you can download the report from full content sources. The figure shows an arrow on a button, by clicking on which you can save the report. It will be in the format


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