DIY floors made from scrap materials. Original flooring ideas

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Self-leveling 3D floors are one of the most current trends in design. Moreover, if previously they were used exclusively in public buildings, then now apartment spaces are also being conquered.

The secret of this popularity, first of all, is performance qualities– durability, ease of maintenance, environmental friendliness. But designers also fell in love with this technique because it allows them to create exclusive ones, implement the most daring solutions, and give standard layouts a unique chic. And the owner of the apartment will be absolutely sure of the uniqueness of his interior, especially since it was made.

The technology of 3D floors is very complex and is a full-fledged artistic art object. The design is applied to the base, then covered with a special polymer transparent coating, the thickness of which determines the depth of the image. It is possible to use photographs, natural materials, specially designed volumetric images, you can even just wallpaper. This allows you to visually expand small rooms, realize any fantasy of the customer, use it as advertising, gallery, etc.

If you decide to repair and in quality flooring If you choose self-leveling 3D floors, you should carefully study the technology of this process and comprehensively soberly assess your capabilities. And choose a drawing very thoughtfully - after all, it will stay with you for a very long time. long years. For many interiors, such a floor generally becomes a central component.

Modern materials have made the production of 3D floors more affordable. But the installation process itself is very labor-intensive and requires certain skills. Therefore, it is still better to entrust the work to professionals. And if, nevertheless, the creative itch pushes you to take an adventure, you should punctually follow the advice of experts.

Now you can begin to actually create a masterpiece . It is somewhat reminiscent of a multi-layer cake, and the final ideal result depends on the quality of each layer.

Installation begins with pouring the base . Since most of the floors in houses are concrete, a screed is made. Before this, the overlap is leveled grinder, repair cracks and chips, then thoroughly clean the surface of dust and debris and degrease it.

The leveling solution is evenly distributed over the entire surface and treated with a special needle roller to release air bubbles.

After drying, the screed is sanded and even the slightest dust is carefully removed. Then they are coated with a special primer that has a very deep penetration. The quality of the drawing and its durability directly depend on the quality of the primer.

Laying the base layer . A correctly executed screed can already serve as the basis for applying a pattern. But it is better to add a special polymer composition, which is laid according to the level and rule, completely squeezing out air bubbles. To give a certain roughness, add quartz sand. The layer must completely harden, this will take at least a day.

Applying a paint layer . This is where your imagination and craving for creativity can unfold in full force. There are three types of execution of this stage: working with natural materials, painting with paints and sticker of the finished image.
Artistic painting a very expensive pleasure and increases the cost of the floor several times. Using a ready-made image simplifies and reduces the cost of the process. But simply printing a photo in a larger format is not enough; the drawing will turn out flat and inexpressive. Remember that there is a special technique for voluminous large images. Art workshops will help you choose such an image and transfer it to vinyl film.

The size of the image should be larger than the floor area, so as not to join individual parts, which may also move during the filling process. The pattern is glued with special glue, carefully leveled, pressed, and additionally primed.

But if you are a good artist yourself, you can try to paint the floor yourself by hand. This will not only save you a lot of money, but will also give free rein to your creativity. Hi-tech lovers especially like this method, because it allows you to realize any ideas. You can also use multi-colored decorative sand, river and sea pebbles, shells, leaves, buttons... In short, create and express yourself!

Finishing layer . All components of the transparent layer are thoroughly mixed and poured onto the drawing, maintaining an equal layer thickness over the entire surface. To give an artistic effect, you can add glitter, coins, and grains to the mixture.

The mixture is leveled using the rule. Use a needle roller (or special shoes with spikes) to remove air bubbles. The depth of the picture and its perception depend on the thickness of this layer. After initial hardening (15-30 minutes), the surface is covered plastic film for a few days. Time may vary depending on indoor humidity and temperature.

After final drying, the surface of the transparent layer is polished and coated protective varnish. This will protect the floor surface from mechanical damage, from direct impact sun rays, from high humidity. The floor can also be given anti-slip properties. A surface coated with such varnish requires the most usual care, including the use of detergents.

The entire process of making 3D floors takes from a week to two . To his undeniable technical merits We include durability, immunity to moisture, lack of dust emission, and ease of cleaning. And, of course, originality and individuality that make your home unique.

However, it is worth mentioning some of the disadvantages of self-leveling artistic floors. This high price, first of all . And the difficulties that you will encounter during possible dismantling: the polymer composition adheres so firmly to the base that it is extremely difficult to remove it.

Today, the choice of decorating your home is limited only by your imagination and the depth of your wallet. However, even in an age of abundance and diversity, we remain ourselves and continue to look for new things and experiment with what we have already found. Naturally, such experiments do not bypass the field of floor coverings.

In this regard, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of original floor coverings with which you can decorate your own home without much difficulty and expense.

Wood floors

The reasons why lumber is harvested by sawing a tree trunk along, and not across, are simple and understandable even to a child. However, our first example suggests going against banal logic for the sake of originality.

The technology is simple: cut blanks of the same height, lay them on a flat floor and glue them. Next, all that remains is to sand the surface of the discs, fill the space between them with grout or smaller discs and cover everything with polyurethane.

Now imagine what beauty can be achieved using discs of different types of wood!

Floor made of coins.

You whole year Have you put the change that has accumulated in your pockets into a piggy bank and are now ready to break the overflowing piggy bank and have a wild ride? Don't rush to spend your savings on all sorts of nonsense. There is more for them original way applications. However, what kind of coins they will be - new or already out of circulation - is up to you to decide. You can develop the idea and replace “trifles,” for example, with buttons or bottle caps.

Unlike a floor made of wooden disks, the work here is not at all dusty, but VERY painstaking. Special attention It is worth paying attention to leveling the surface. Cracks and irregularities should be repaired with cement and putty.

You can lay out the currency (in the literal sense of the word) mosaic right away on the floor, but it is much easier to first divide the floor area into squares, work on the table and assemble the pattern in parts on self-adhesive paper. And then transfer this unpretentious puzzle to the floor. Finally, we fill it all with epoxy sealant with a UV blocker and leave it to dry. When ready, you can act out an episode from the cartoon “Golden Antelope”, rolling on the floor and asking “That’s enough!”

Paper stone floor.

Everything ingenious is simple. Unlike previous methods, here negligence in work is not only not forbidden, but rather encouraged. We take regular wrapping paper, crumple it and leave it under pressure overnight.

Then we straighten the paper blanks and coat them with glue mixed in half with water. Be sure to overlap the joints of the sheets so that they do not unravel when they dry out. When laying the dampened paper on the floor, press it as tightly as possible. Let it dry, cover it with stain and the next day treat the floor with the same glue solution. We wait for the surface to dry completely and cover everything with parquet varnish. Ready.

Fabric floor.

In general, the technology for making such a floor has been around for many, many years. That's just last decade it ceased to be in demand and fell out of sight. Well? Everything new is well forgotten old. As you might guess, a special feature of this floor is a textile fabric with a pattern or pattern.

Strips of cut fabric are attached to the floor using PVA glue (in the case of a solid fabric, it is enough to glue the material around the perimeter). When processing, it is important to get rid of wrinkles and expel air, because... any unevenness on the surface will inevitably lead to rapid wear and tear - it will simply crack. It is also advisable to iron the glued fabric. Now for two weeks, every 2-3 days we cover the floor with parquet varnish. 5-7 layers of varnish will give your floor sufficient strength and durability.

As you can see, such floors look very original and unusual.

Of course, it is impossible to talk about all types of floor coverings in one article. By the way, we didn’t even try to do this. We just offered you a few interesting solutions in the hope that now your wild imagination will tell you how else this list could be expanded. But before you get started, take a look at the section“Floor and Floor Coverings”on our forum. There will definitely be experienced specialists there who will give you good advice and help you avoid mistakes when bringing your ideas to life.

A huge selection of floor coverings allows you to satisfy almost any request. However, when it comes to exclusives, the situation is complicated by the high cost of materials. And when the desire is not supported by financial capabilities, practically available means, imagination and hard work come to the rescue. By spending a minimum on materials, you can actually get original floors that will become a decoration and a source of pride. To do this, use wrapping paper, wallpaper or fabric.

Paper floor: surface preparation

The listed old methods are more suitable for a durable, level concrete or slab base (fibreboard, chipboard, plywood, OSB, DSP). If the floors are parquet or planks, you will have to either putty all the joints or level the surface, again, with slabs. If necessary, all holes are also sealed and tubercles are removed. Since you have to work with thin materials, even minor irregularities will appear after final varnishing, so the floor should be perfectly clean, and not half clean (it is recommended to wash and vacuum it to remove the smallest dirt).

Wrapping paper floor

The presence of stone in the decoration has always been a sign of wealth, but there is an idea how to create the effect of a stone floor using wrapping paper. We will make such a floor with a simple set of tools and additional materials, also not classified as luxury or hard to find:

  • Paper – in rolls or packaging bags;
  • Glue - PVA is more effective than wallpaper;
  • Varnish - for interior works, matte or glossy, depending on the desired effect.

To get a truly spectacular floor, the paper under the varnish must be properly crumpled, you can even leave it under a load overnight so that characteristic creases appear. During the gluing process, it will straighten out and the coating will be smooth, but traces of creases will remain and give texture. The crumpled wrapping paper is torn into pieces, precisely torn to get an uneven edge. If the base is slab, the glue is diluted with water 1/3, if it is concrete – 1/1. You can coat both sides of the paper with glue at once, or first on one side, and after laying the fragment on the floor, and on top of it. Lay pieces of wrapping paper with overlaps, carefully leveling, driving out air bubbles and excess glue. The glue is applied with hands, a brush, or even a spatula, whichever is more convenient for you. The overlaps should be generous, since when drying the pieces will shrink slightly and bald patches may form.

After the entire floor is covered with wrapping paper, it is left until completely dry (about two days). The next step becomes varnishing the resulting coating - if the color suits you, use colorless parquet varnish, if not, use tint; you can also stain it before varnishing. But even without additional staining, the floor will turn out to be a non-uniform shade, since the back and front side When treated with glue, waxed packaging paper gives different shades, and will certainly alternate during the installation process.

To make wrapping paper floors durable and abrasion-resistant, the varnish is applied in several approaches, allowing each layer to dry. If necessary, the intermediate layers are sanded. You should choose a varnish with increased wear resistance or use a transparent self-leveling floor as the finishing layer.

Wallpaper floors

The only limitation when choosing wallpaper is that it should only be paper; neither vinyl nor non-woven fabric will be suitable for implementing this original idea. Otherwise, imagination is not limited, it can be an imitation natural wood, cut from different rolls or whole, photo wallpaper will give a 3D effect. The technology is no different from the previous one, only you don’t need to crumple the wallpaper, and you should cover not both sides with glue, but the floor and the back side. A layer of glue on the floor will not only increase adhesion, but also simplify the smooth joining of fragments. If layers of wrapping paper only increase the decorative effect, when wallpapering the floor, the seam should be almost invisible. After the wallpaper has dried, they are also carefully coated in several approaches with colorless varnish.

If the wallpaper is plain, imitating wood covering, before varnishing, using a stencil or manually, an ornament can be applied to them - these can be plant patterns, flowers or leaves, arranged randomly, symmetrically or forming a frame around the entire perimeter. For drawing, use gouache diluted with PVA; the glue will prevent the drawing from smearing when applying a protective varnish layer.

Clean fabric floor

To create an original fabric floor covering, the cheapest and most accessible category is used - chintz, and in modern design This bright colors and very big choice patterns. If surface preparation, as in previous methods, involves the formation of a strong, smooth and clean surface, then the technology for gluing chintz is somewhat different. First of all, measure and cut off the necessary pieces of canvas without stretching the material, select a pattern, since the inconsistency will be obvious, just like on wallpaper. The glue is applied to the back side of the fabric with a roller, allowed to set for 10-15 minutes, after which it is laid and smoothed with a roller, sponge or scraper. There should be no wrinkles or bubbles left. Immediately after gluing, each fragment is ironed through a cotton backing.

To prevent the varnish from changing the palette, treat the dried coating with PVA glue diluted 1/4 with water, applying a thin layer with a roller. However, if the colors are dark, protective treatment optional. It is necessary to varnish a chintz floor at least five times, and preferably all six, with each layer thoroughly drying (depending on the type of varnish), and final drying will take several days. The main condition is no drafts, otherwise it may crack. And given the specific smell, it makes sense to choose modern varnishes for water based. They dry faster and smell less.

As you can see, making an original floor with your own hands is quite possible. But regardless of the chosen method, the floor will need periodic renovation - it is varnished every couple of years. If the technologies for preparing the base and gluing are followed, wallpaper on the floor covered with varnish can remain attractive for a long time, decades; Problems will arise more likely with dismantling than with wear.

Another type of exclusive floor - no less interesting and or. In the video on our website, a professional designer and a talented amateur from Moscow share their tricks - take a look, maybe it will come in handy.

Today, a beautifully executed 3D drawing on city asphalt immediately turns a street or square into a real landmark. So why not decorate your home with such a masterpiece, especially since, with certain skills and a lot of patience, this can be done without the help of specialists?

What are 3D floors

3 dfloors– this is an option for self-leveling polymer floors that have such excellent performance properties as high abrasion resistance, environmental friendliness, ease of maintenance, antistatic, optimal thermal conductivity and monolithicity, due to the absence of weak points (joints and seams). And yet, they are incredibly beautiful and original.

“3D” floors usually consist of three layers:

- images created manually using paint or other materials;

- finishing layer.

What materials and tools are needed to create a 3d floor?

In order for the house to have a room with unusual and fashionable design floor, you will need to purchase the following Consumables:

- cement;

- a solution of PVA dispersion in the proportion of 1 liter of PVA to 10-15 liters of water;

- epoxy resin and hardener, or even better, a compound, which is a ready-made combination of these two components.

In addition, you should decide on the design and purchase appropriate materials for decoration. For example, vinyl film on which an image is applied, acrylic paints if the floor is to be painted by hand, or a variety of small objects can be used in this capacity: pebbles, shells, coins, beads, dried flowers, chips, spikelets, ceramic figurines, etc.

As for tools, you should have on hand:

- machine for production grinding work on concrete pavements;

- powerful construction mixer or drill;

- home or industrial vacuum cleaner(depending on floor area);

- spatulas;

- fur and needle rollers;

- flat brush.

Work order

Work on creation 3dfloor in the apartment consists of several stages:

1. Stage one

Remove the old covering from the floor, dismantle the baseboards and doors. If we are talking about a room with high humidity(bathroom, bathhouse, etc.) it is necessary to install waterproofing.

2. Stage two

The concrete base of the floor is sanded and filled cement mortar cracks and chips. Carefully remove dust from the surface of the sanded floor and remove oil stains. Using a fur roller, apply a primer (in two layers) and leave to dry for about a day. Make sure that the floor has minimal moisture, or better yet, is completely dry. Moreover, ignoring this circumstance is tantamount to the fact that all the work will go down the drain.

The self-leveling layer must not be allowed to adhere to the walls of the room, since, for example, when a building shrinks on a 3D floor, cracks cannot be ruled out. To avoid this, a damper tape with a thickness equal to the height of the floor is laid along the perimeter of the room along the line connecting the walls and floor.

3. Stage three

Apply a base layer - screed or polymer. Moreover, if it is assumed that the floor will be decorated using small objects, then a polymer of the color that should be the background of the “pattern” is used. Check the level for the evenness of the base.

4. Stage four

This stage is the most interesting and demanding creative approach. If you plan to use a ready-made image, then it is printed on the fabric used to create banners. In this case, it is advised to make the drawing “with a margin”, i.e. its size should be slightly larger than the size of the floor. By the way, a good choice- a design in the form of some kind of convex texture or imitating a green lawn on which blades of grass are visible.

You can also invite a professional artist who, using polymer or acrylic paints apply to the base layer 3 ddrawing. After the image has “dried”, it should be covered with a protective layer of varnish.

An unusual solution is to lay out a pattern on the floor using small objects, sand, coffee beans, pebbles, etc. Before you start decorating, the floor needs to be filled with polymer and until it “sets” to form the desired three-dimensional image. It is very important to close the windows in the room after finishing the work and lock it, mothballing it for at least two days, so that dust does not fall on the surface of the image. Then the floor is filled with a layer of transparent polymer 2 mm thick, treated with a needle roller, and the room where the repair is being carried out is preserved for another 48 hours.

5. Stage five

Apply thin finishing layer(0.5 mm thick). To do this, either use a ready-made compound or make a transparent polymer yourself by mixing epoxy resin with a hardener until uniform (the formation of lumps must not be allowed!) with a hardener in a ratio of 2:1. Since the mixture usually begins to thicken after 40-45 minutes, it should not be prepared immediately, but should be constantly stirred during the process. The polymer is distributed over the surface to be treated with a spatula and rolled with a needle roller to remove bubbles until the composition begins to bind.

6. Stage six

After finishing the work, the room is preserved for 1 week, having previously covered the windows to protect the floor from direct sunlight.

7. Stage seven

Cover the floor clear varnish. Wait until the varnish is completely dry.

Craftsmen with extensive experience in creating self-leveling floors recommend listening to the following advice:

— To avoid injuries and not spoil the floor, work must be done in rubber gloves, putting on a respirator and paint shoes (special shoes with spikes) and changing into overalls.

— During work, the floor should not be too cold (surface temperature not lower than 10 degrees).

— When gluing vinyl film on which a pattern is applied, you need to be very careful not to tear it. Pasting should begin from the center, ironing with a soft woven cloth towards the walls of the room

— Image printed on paper base, glued to a surface coated with glue or a thin layer of primer.

— To check whether the picture will lose its appearance after application polymer composition, you need to apply it to the edge of the canvas or paper design and wait until it dries. If the image changes (blurs, changes color, etc.), then the entire floor with the applied (pasted) pattern is covered thin layer PVA glue to prevent absorption of the polymer composition.

- For finishing coating A varnish with anti-slip properties is best.

- You can’t try to knead epoxy resin and hardener manually.

3 dfloor in any interior it becomes the dominant design element, so the design of the walls and ceiling should be matched to it, both in terms of style and color. Other interior items (lamps, furniture, etc.) should also not be discordant with the floor pattern.

The main disadvantage of such floors is the complexity and sometimes impossibility of dismantling them, so if the result is unsuccessful due to non-compliance with the technology or poor-quality materials, then the floor will have to be removed almost immediately. top layer grounds.

Video on how to make 3D floors with your own hands

DIY furniture from scrap materials It will definitely become the highlight of your home: it is original, it gives the interior irresistibility and special, unique beauty.

Pieces of furniture that our parents would not understand, would call them strange and suitable only for a garage or shed, are increasingly conquering space modern apartments. And they don’t just conquer, but harmonize with the interior one hundred percent, although outside the apartment they may look ridiculous. These items are poufs made from old books and old blankets, armchairs and sofas from cast iron bathtubs, coffee tables from wooden boxes.

Pieces of furniture that our parents would not understand, would call them strange and suitable only for a garage or shed, are increasingly conquering the space of modern apartments

All this extraordinary beauty is called the author's vision, the author's idea, exclusive products, and designers ask a lot of money for it. But why? Why pay more if you can build something just as interesting, or even much more interesting, yourself?

The most necessary interior item is a table. Those tables that retail outlets offer to consumers often do not differ in either quality or unique design. Expensive stamped tables can be found everywhere.

The most necessary interior item is a table.

We invite you not to follow the Soviet habit of turning your home into a standard living space, but to get a little creative and create unusual furniture from scrap materials with your own hands.

We invite you not to follow the Soviet habit of turning your home into a standard living space, but to get a little creative and create unusual furniture from scrap materials with your own hands

For creating unique table(magazine, coffee or lunch) you need a strong stump or a round piece of cut wood of the appropriate size, a can of paint and a few hours of free time.

To create a unique table (coffee, coffee or dining table) you need a strong stump or round timber of cut wood of the appropriate size, a can of paint and several hours of free time

The stump must be washed from dust and dirt or dry cleaned and painted. Choose a color in accordance with the main color scheme of the room. According to our observations, white stump tables are very popular, but the color can be changed at any time.

On a note! Painting can be the final touch to making your amazing table, or you can decorate furniture using the decoupage technique or metal elements.

An old large (or small) suitcase is an excellent material for creating a unique table for a laptop, for periodicals, and desk It will look great and stand firmly on its legs.

Main secret such a product: the more vintage the suitcase, the more original table

The main secret of such a product: the more vintage the suitcase, the more original the table. If you look at a photo of furniture made from scrap materials with your own hands, namely tables made from suitcases, you will notice how much richer and more interesting the objects look if the main material for them is decorated with forging, corners, or original studs.

Important! In order to build a desk, you will need a suitcase, legs (you can take them from an old table, or you can make them yourself) and a strong, rigid board for the table top.

Open the suitcase by securing it in open form using planks or leather belts, attach a pre-finished table top, use the suitcase lid as an organizer, attaching pockets, shelves and drawers to it. When making a table, focus on pirate style– Attach “crab legs” or slats crosswise to provide stability to the furniture.

Second option: place the suitcase-chest closed on strong legs. It is unlikely that you will be able to write letters and drink tea at such a table, but you can keep cute trinkets on it and fold periodicals.

Great dinner table can be built if you have an old unnecessary door at your disposal - it will serve as a countertop. We suggest decorating the center of the tabletop with even rectangles (squares) made of colored durable glass. Take different shades; the brighter the table, the better it looks. The glass must be mounted in wooden frames made of durable planks.

You can build an excellent dining table if you have an old unnecessary door at your disposal - it will serve as a tabletop

Before installing the countertop, the edges and interior strips must be painted and allowed to dry completely. The legs also need to be attached before the glazing stage.

Fans will like this type of furniture natural materials. That is, completely natural: there is no need to paint or treat the beams, except to sand the surface a little to get rid of roughness. It’s great if the beams turn out to be slightly cracked - this will give the product originality.

Table made of wooden beam will appeal to fans of natural materials

The process of making a table is as follows: at the bottom of each beam, on both sides, recesses are made for the legs (the legs are also beams, but smaller in size and treated with paint and varnish), large beams in the amount of 3-4 pieces are placed on smaller ones, stability is checked - and used unusual table long and with pleasure.

The table turns out to be quite bulky and clumsy, suitable exclusively for spacious rooms, but its advantage is that it combines surprisingly harmoniously with leather upholstered furniture and fits perfectly into ultra-modern interiors.

Shelves and cabinets

This is not a typo: not FOR books, but FROM books - everything is correct. There are a few unnecessary, uninteresting, slightly shabby books in strong binding in the library, right? Of those that are already ready for waste paper? That's great. Give them a second life - let them carry other, more interesting and popular books.

It is very easy to make such furniture from scrap materials with your own hands - even a housewife can handle it

It is very easy to make such furniture from scrap materials with your own hands - even a housewife can handle it: you need to select several books of approximately the same thickness, size and binding texture (with color scheme you can experiment) and place them on fasteners (belts, bars, corners) with the spine facing the viewer - fresh, non-standard, cute.

Make a cylinder from a durable sheet of plywood, securely connecting the edges, and attach it to the wall: you can do it in its original form, or you can treat the plywood with paint or varnish.

Make a cylinder from a durable sheet of plywood, securely connecting the edges, and attach it to the wall: you can do it in its original form, or you can treat the plywood with paint or varnish

In two to three hours you can equip even the entire surface of the wall with such shelves - they are easy to make, they are original and functional.

One of the simplest methods for building kitchen or bookshelves is to attach several drawers from old ones to the wall. kitchen table. They can be treated without any treatment, or even further emphasize their “age” by rubbing existing abrasions with sandpaper.

One of the simplest methods for building kitchen or bookshelves is to attach several drawers from an old kitchen table to the wall.

Built-in wardrobe with transparent door

As transparent door take an old one, but a good one window frame with glass.

Leave a recess in the wall that will accommodate narrow shelves. Shelves in in this case Rough boards will serve. Attach some shelves and hang the door.

Convenient to keep in the closet kitchen utensils, and if you build one in your office, then books.

For a transparent door, take an old but good-quality window frame with glass

Variety of poufs

The record for the most quantity on the Internet is broken by photos of furniture made from scrap materials with your own hands like soft pouf. Ottomans can be made from anything in any quantity and in any shape.


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