Does an ultrasonic mouse repeller help? Which rodent repeller to buy?

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With the help of mouse and rat repellers, you can protect a certain area of ​​the territory from the appearance of rodents. Nowadays you can find repellers on sale that have a narrow spectrum of action - aimed at scaring away rodents, there are also repellers that drive away other animals and even birds. Of course, the price of such devices is much higher.

Practice has already shown the high degree of effectiveness of these devices for repelling small rodents. But if you approach the choice of a device without a certain degree of care, you can buy a device that is designed to scare off animals of a completely different type. In this case, such a device will be of no use. Therefore, in order not to throw money away, you need to carefully study the information about animal repellent devices.

Purpose and specifics

Repellers can be used at a wide variety of household and industrial facilities:

  • granaries;
  • warehouses;
  • Living spaces;
  • garden plots;
  • fields.

As you can see, the spectrum of action is very wide; you just need to correctly correlate the parameters of the device with the area of ​​influence and take into account the type of animal whose presence you have to fight. There are several types of animal repellent devices:

  • ultrasonic;
  • electromagnetic;
  • combined.

Devices of all these types consist of a generator that emits ultrasonic or electromagnetic waves, and a board that controls the operation of the device. There are also devices of a more complex type, they have a special device inserted into them that prevents rodents from getting used to the effects. different types waves It is no secret that rodents are able to get used to radiation, and it ceases to have a repellent effect on them.

People do not perceive the signals emanating from these devices in any way; for them they go unnoticed, but in animals the sound tuned to a certain purity causes severe discomfort, they tend to immediately leave the territory where it is heard. The result of the work of such drugs is the departure of rodents from their favorite places.

Types of repellers

Animal repellent devices are divided according to the type of power supply:

  • There are devices that operate exclusively on batteries;
  • powered by network electrical supply;
  • Some repellers are solar powered ( this type designed for work in the fields);
  • there is also combined options- batteries, network, solar panels.

To repel rodents in fields, battery-powered devices or combinations are used. Batteries provide the mobility of the device, which is so necessary when used on large territory. If rodents are bothering you in a room connected to an electrical network, then it is quite possible to use a device powered by the network. Not so long ago, devices powered by solar panels began to appear. This option is the most convenient for working in open field, because in this case there is no need to change dead batteries or charge batteries, since recharging occurs automatically. Typically, this design is used to produce universal devices that can scare away animals and birds.

Repeller selection options

If you are sick of rodents, you definitely need to buy repellent devices, but the choice should be based on the parameters of the device that are necessary for you. Here are the main parameters that you should not ignore:

  1. Each device is designed for a specific range. If you need to protect a large area, consider the power of the device you purchase; you may have to buy several to ensure full coverage. It is very important here that there are no artificial barriers in the area being processed, since the signal is not able to penetrate walls.
  2. When choosing, you should consider the power source of the device. It is quite natural that to work in the field it is necessary to buy mobile devices that can work without an electrical network. Perfect option in this case, the device is powered by a solar battery. For work in a residential area, a device operating only from the network will be quite sufficient. In this case, there is no point in overpaying for the device’s ability to work from autonomous system nutrition.
  3. Electromagnetic emitters are tuned to emit waves of a certain purity range.
  4. The type of animal to be affected should be taken into account. Of course, you can simply buy a universal device, but in this case you will have to overpay, which is absolutely not necessary if, apart from, for example, mice, you do not need to scare away anyone. Universal devices are somewhat more expensive, and in residential areas there is usually no need to scare away birds or animals, except mice and, in some cases, rats.

Taking into account the above parameters, you can do right choice and at the same time not overpay. But still, you need to look at the price secondarily; the main thing is to buy a high-quality device that can solve your problem.

If before purchasing a repeller you used traps with bait, now you need to remove them; using them at the same time will not lead to anything good, because their presence can nullify the effect of the device. Therefore, you should not use all methods to fight rodents, because a tasty-smelling bait will definitely attract a rat, and it will visit the place where it is present, even despite the work of the repeller.

Sometimes we hear consumer complaints about the ineffectiveness of some devices for repelling mice in residential areas. This is most likely due to the presence of a large amount upholstered furniture in the apartment. Yes, upholstered furniture reduces the effectiveness of the repeller by absorbing the waves it emits. Keeping furniture pieces to a minimum will allow waves to move freely throughout the space. Therefore, before installing the device, you must first prepare the room appropriately.

So, the main parameters that you need to look at when choosing technology are:

  • type of power source;
  • area of ​​action;
  • device power.

Each device is accompanied by instructions for its operation. You should not neglect to comply with them, otherwise it may lead to damage to the device. Also, non-compliance with the rules of use can lead to a decrease in efficiency, and even the operation of a device with excellent characteristics will not meet expectations.

And now directly about the types of devices for repelling rodents and specific brands.

Ultrasonic repellers

Rats and mice reproduce very quickly, and a short time they are capable of occupying large territories. These animals adapt well to changes in environment, and in general, their survivability is amazing. Rats are able to get used to some of the poisons used against them, as a result of which toxic substances become useless in the fight against them. Because of this, the effectiveness of toxic substances in the fight against rodents is called into question.

Mechanical traps are also used to control rodents, but they are not able to get rid of large numbers of rats and mice. Therefore, it is repellers that become the means that can really help get rid of the presence of uninvited guests.

The principle of ultrasound

Devices that emit ultrasonic waves were invented a long time ago, but were not used for a long time to repel rodents. Now ultrasonic devices for repelling animals have gained wide popularity among the population. Now we will talk a little about the principle of the effect of ultrasound on animals.

A person cannot hear ultrasound, but animals hear it, and their reaction to it depends on the purity to which it is tuned. Setting the sound parameters in repellent devices is aimed at ensuring that the sound emitted by the devices causes panic in animals. All kinds of obstacles encountered in the path of ultrasonic waves will certainly prevent their propagation in a given area. This fact must be taken into account. Therefore, it is better to use several devices at once in one room, if there are obstacles in it that will prevent the propagation of waves.

Some devices are equipped with a device that allows you to independently adjust the purity of wave vibrations. It is preferable to buy them, since their presence will prevent animals from becoming accustomed to a sound of a certain purity. It should be remembered that repellent devices do not kill rodents, but only repel them.

Not all buyers similar devices are satisfied with their purchase. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • A low-quality device was purchased. Those who want to save money buy cheap devices, but they may not meet certain parameters, which is why they have no effect on rodents.
  • The device has not been placed correctly. When installing a repellent device, you should take into account the obstacles that will appear in the path of ultrasonic waves. If we are talking about a living space, then this can be upholstered furniture or other interior items; on the field, all kinds of buildings can serve as obstacles. At large quantities obstacles, it is better to buy several devices. Before installing the device, it is better to consult a specialist.
  • Please note that not all devices are designed to operate in low temperatures.
  • The device has not been used correctly. After installing the device, it should work for no more than 3 weeks. Then he must be given a rest.
  • The device was used in combination with other means. We are talking about rodent baits. If in the room where the repeller will work, you set traps with baits that are tasty for rodents, then all efforts can be nullified, since the smell of the bait will still attract animals.

And now we proceed to a direct description of the most effective devices designed to rid us of the presence of rodents. There is a wide variety of devices of this type in stores. Here we will describe those that you should pay special attention to.

Typhoon rodent repeller

This is not just a device that repels rodents, it is a whole complex of devices configured to certain parameters. It is recommended to pay attention to this device first.

Typhoon has a wide emitter beam. There is no need to be surprised if at first the rodents are not afraid of the device, they may even approach the sky, but after a while they will definitely disappear. To maintain the effect, the device should be kept in operating mode constantly, turning it off only for a while. At night, the device should always be turned on, because at this time of day rodents are especially active.

The greatest efficiency of the device will depend on its correct installation. It is known that soft fabric surfaces become an obstacle to ultrasonic vibrations, so the device should be installed away from upholstered furniture. If you need to protect several rooms, then one device will not be enough - a separate device should be installed in each room.

Typhoon is designed for two-mode operation:

  1. When there are people in the room (in this case, the radiation power decreases).
  2. Without people present (power increases to maximum).

The device operates from an electrical power supply. Next to the switched on full power People are prohibited from being in the apparatus.

You can also find a more powerful analogue of this device on sale - Typhoon LS 600. The following precautions apply to each model:

  • it is prohibited to exert mechanical force on the device body;
  • Do not turn on the device with the back cover open;
  • The device should be protected from moisture.

In order for the space to be filled as completely as possible with sound vibrations, you need to point the device at solid surfaces from which the waves will be reflected. The purity of vibrations by the device changes automatically, this happens every minute.

Typhoon is an excellent rodent repeller that has received many wonderful reviews from grateful users. Its cost is 1000-1200 rubles.

Tornado rat and mouse repeller

This is another high-tech device developed domestic producers. There are several versions of this device, each of which is aimed at scaring away certain animals.

Rodents have increased susceptibility to ultrasonic vibrations, and this is what the basic operating principle of this device is based on. People and pets do not react to these signals in any way, but rodents rush to get away from them. The purity of the wave emissions can be adjusted.

Tornado OZV01

Depending on the settings, the device will be more effective at repelling certain animals. But there are also certain series of this device, for example, Tornado OZV01 is more suitable for repelling moles, shrews and other animals living in holes.

A little about the advantages of OZV01:

  • it weighs only 350 grams;
  • the source of wave radiation can be placed underground to a depth of 20 cm;
  • the person does not react in any way to the radiation of the device;
  • when creating adequate conditions, the coverage radius can reach a kilometer;
  • moisture cannot penetrate into the case; it is also reliably protected from impacts;
  • You can replace batteries without removing the device from the ground;
  • The battery charge will last for 3 months.

This device runs on a built-in battery. It is designed for work in the field or garden plot. The device is inserted 20 cm into the ground and begins to spread radiation intolerable to rodents. A person will not react at all to the action of this device, this fact is further aggravated by the fact that Tornado OZV01 operates at a depth of 20 cm underground.

Tornado OZV02

Tornado OZV02 has identical characteristics to the previous device. It has almost the same appearance. His distinctive feature is wider coverage - it is capable of spreading the signal over 2 kilometers. It works both against moles and against mice and some other rodents. The device weighs 350 grams. The period of continuous operation is 3 months.

Tornado OZV03

Tornado OZV03 has the same characteristics as previous versions. It has one feature - the presence of solar panels, which allows you to recharge the battery in sunny weather.

Tornado 300 and 400

Tornado 300 is a device of a slightly different type than the previous ones. It is aimed at repelling all types of rodents, including bats. The device is very powerful, but its sound pressure is within the permitted standards, so people do not react to its operation in any way. The device contains two autonomously operating emitters. Area coverage - 300 sq. m. The purity of vibrations is adjusted automatically.

TO distinctive features Tornado 300 can be attributed to:

  • ultrasound pressure - 102 dB;
  • the device is very economical in energy consumption;
  • will function normally even at -40 and +80 degrees;
  • is powered by the electrical network.

The presence of the device in the room may at first arouse interest among the animals, but the powerful radiation will definitely force them to move away. Ultrasonic waves cause a feeling of excitement in rodents, disruptions appear in the functioning of their nervous system, which ultimately leads to panic. All this fully ensures that the premises are free from the presence of rodents. Tornado 400 has approximately the same characteristics.

Tornado 1200

But the Tornado 1200 deserves special mention. It is designed for 7 operating modes, including a circular light repellent mode. Coverage area - 1200 meters. It can be used in any room, except those where there are tame rodents. The fact is that these animals will also react inadequately to the action of this device.

The only downside of Tornado is high price, which can reach up to 3,500 rubles.

Hail repeller

This product distributes waves over an area of ​​2 square meters. km. The radiation power can be changed manually. The device is equipped with a light emission function that can be turned off. A special signal will not allow animals to get used to the effects of waves. The hail operates from an electrical power supply network. It is resistant to significant increases and decreases in air temperature.

The device body is resistant to external mechanical influences. The product produces waves that affect nervous system rodents At this time, the animals cannot eat, their condition becomes so unbearable that they will definitely leave the premises. The device can be used both in warehouses and in residential premises.

The device should be installed in such a way that when switched on it is at a distance of at least three meters from a person. After turning on the device, you need to press the “Mode” button to select the appropriate operating mode - there are 4 modes in total. Manufacturers claim that pests will disappear after 3 weeks of using the device.

The advantages of Grad include:

  • versatility (all types of rodents);
  • range of action - kilometer;
  • Animals cannot become accustomed to the effects of the device;
  • 4 operating modes;
  • silent mode;
  • signal strength can be adjusted;
  • safety for people.

It also has its disadvantages:

  • high cost (up to 5,000 rubles);
  • it takes a long time to wait for the result;
  • even if you turn on the silent mode, some noise will still be heard;
  • waves do not penetrate walls; upholstered furniture also prevents their spread;
  • there were operational disruptions.

Reviews of ultrasonic repellers

I purchased the Grad for use in my home and barn complex. Well, what can I say, I waited a long time for the effect of his work. At first, the rats came close to the device, sniffed it, and it seemed that they did not feel any discomfort. But it is worth saying that after 2 weeks there were fewer of them. But they didn’t disappear completely; every now and then they appeared in the barns here and there. At the same time, I bought several devices, and paid 4,500 for each.

Michael. Ryazan

We recently got rodents. This is a real problem. I tried many different ways to get rid of them - nothing helped. I read an article on the Internet about ultrasonic repellers and decided to try it. I bought Typhoon. I carefully read the operating instructions and turned on the device. The mice disappeared after a few days. They haven't appeared again yet, I hope that I won't see them again.

Vitaly, Penza

I'm a farmer. And as you know, one of the main problems for farmers is damage caused to crops by rodents. I bought Tornado from moles. Of course, we had to spend money, because one device would not be enough for the field. I purchased 6 devices for 2,500 each. The tornado is inserted directly into the ground; it is not afraid of rain. I won’t say that the moles have disappeared completely, but there are much fewer of them. Overall, I'm pleased with the result.

Gennady, Volgograd region

Electromagnetic repellers

Devices of this type emit electromagnetic pulses, repelling rodents. They work from the electrical network. It is enough to connect 1 device to the network, and the waves will spread throughout the house. Even the most secluded corner will not help rodents hide. The emitted vibrations are very powerful irritants for rats and mice; rodents simply cannot stay in such a room. An electromagnetic field from the electrical network is generated in the apartment. Powerful impulses emitted by the devices pass through it, as a result of which the entire room is exposed to their influence.

Rodents simply cannot tolerate the effects of electromagnetic waves, but for people and their little brothers they pose no danger. Devices can operate at 200 square meters. For such devices, walls and upholstered furniture are no longer an obstacle, which cannot be said about metal structures.

Electromagnetic repellers cannot overheat, since they have built-in current regulators; they are also not afraid of voltage surges, which quite often occur in rural areas. It is interesting that after connecting the devices to the network, the activity of rodents may only intensify, but after 10 days they will disappear. The devices are used to repel rodents entering the living space.

And now directly about some of the most effective brands of electromagnetic repellers.

Pest Repeller Riddex rodent repeller

This device has a very low current consumption - only 4 W. It is capable of spreading its pulses over an area of ​​200 square meters. m. It is capable of operating at elevated temperatures (+40 degrees) and at low temperatures (-30 degrees).

This repeller is made in China. This is one of the best devices to repel rats and mice. But not all consumers are satisfied with its effect. You can find quite negative reviews about his work.

Range 3

And this device is produced in Russia. This is a fairly effective electronic rodent repeller designed for use in apartments. This is a fairly compact device; it does not take up much space when placed.

This device is completely safe for humans. It can be used in residential premises, clinics, cafes or factories. Among other things, the device has a fairly aesthetic appearance, provided by a built-in night light that can be turned off and on. If the device is used in a large production premises, then the night light can serve as a guide for its location. There is no need to mount the device, you just need to connect it to a power source.

To repel rodents, the device emits electromagnetic waves. The device settings can be adjusted manually. You can buy it for 1,600-1,800 rubles.

EMR-21 repellent device

This device is used to repel mice and rats, but manufacturers claim that it is also effective against all types of insects. It is not recommended for use in apartments where there are domestic hamsters, aquarium fish or guinea pigs.

The device operates from the electrical network. Its operating cycle can be set manually. After making this setting, the device will turn off after certain time. Rodents will begin to disappear within 2 weeks, this will happen gradually, and they will completely disappear only after a month. IN special cases, when there are too many rodents, the process may drag on for several more days. The device has a built-in voltage regulator, so it is not afraid of current fluctuations.

The pulse emitted by the device passes through the entire electromagnetic field of the apartment created by electrical network and devices powered by electricity. It will create conditions that will be unbearable for pests.

If the device is placed in multi-storey building, then its greatest efficiency can be achieved by placing a separate device on each floor. Manufacturers recommend installing the device closer to the center of the apartment. The price of the device is 1,100 rubles.

In your house, to get rid of mice, but you can’t have a cat, then your Alternative option- These are specialized ultrasonic devices that operate on mains power or batteries. That's the only way you make your home as safe as possible from exposure to chemicals and you can forget about the problem for a long time.

What is it - ultrasonic mouse repellers

Ultrasonic devices and repellers are the most modern weapons against rodent pests, which, through vibrations of ultrasonic waves, affect the perception and spatial orientation of small rodents. In addition, ultrasound can influence their nervous system in such a way that they are overcome by a feeling of fear and anxiety. That is why they avoid the surrounding area where such a device is located. But the most attractive thing about this little equipment is that the frequencies of these sound waves are completely safe for human hearing.

At first, you can pay attention to how the animals simply run around next to the working device. Moreover, the bravest of them can even jump onto a working repeller. But a short time passes, and the pests understand that they cannot settle here. Let's consider several options for the most popular models of ultrasonic repellers

Behavior of rodents when the ultrasonic repeller is turned on:

Most popular models

GRAD A-500

This device is very convenient because it easy to hang on the wall, where rodents will not get into.

  • The impact area of ​​the device is 500 sq.m., the sound sequence is constantly changing - this prevents mice from getting used to sound radiation.
  • It emits not only ultrasonic vibrations, but also harsh unpleasant sound , which can create discomfort for people and pets
  • The wide-scale coverage of areas by ultrasonic influence allows the device to be used in premises such as grain and vegetable storage facilities, commodity and food warehouses, hangars, etc.
  • Works like from the mains and from AAA batteries
  • "Bioguard" has no dangerous influence on people and pets, has no effect on household appliances and is completely environmentally friendly.
  • Price – 1990 rub.

Review: Anatoly Sergeevich, Nizhny Novgorod

We had to resort to an ultrasonic mouse and rat repeller because we discovered damage to vegetables in the warehouse of our agricultural enterprise. After treatment with insecticides, we installed a Grad a 500 repeller to ensure our warehouse was protected. As a result, after a year of using the device, we did not find any warehouse rodents The equipment works 100%.

Tornado 400

Specialists in the development of this equipment noted that it happens that mice and rats can get used to to one or another ultrasound frequency. To prevent this from happening, manufacturers made sure that the generated frequency was constantly changing, which would completely confuse the rodents.

  • It is recommended to use the device first 2 or 3 weeks, and every 3 days it is turned off for 1 or 2 hours.
  • Silent
  • Impact area - 400 sq.m.
  • Typically, the ultrasonic instrument should operate in dark time days when rodent activity is particularly noticeable. Equipment being installed at a height of 1.5-2 m from the floor on a hard surface.
  • Price – 2100 rub.

Review: Oleg, Moscow

I was using Tornado 400 at my dacha when I noticed mice a couple of times. At first I didn’t really trust the operation of this device, because they write different things on websites on the Internet. But anyway, I took the plunge and bought it. I have used it once so far in the spring, when I came to the dacha. I haven’t noticed the presence of rodents yet, maybe they have even disappeared from my area.


Ecosniper LS 927M

The peculiarity of this ultrasonic device is 2 ultrasonic emitters directed in different directions, which provides a treatment angle of 250 degrees.

  • It can be used not only for apartments or houses, but also for warehouses, storage facilities, terminals and other large premises.
  • Impact area - 545 sq.m.
  • The device has functions of “floating” frequencies, so rodents do not have time to get used to the waves that affect the nervous system of rodents.
  • The price is affordable - 1900 rubles.

Reviews: Natalia, Leningrad region

Using an ultrasonic repeller, we were able to get rid of animals in a cereal warehouse. But first, we treated it with drugs and called in specialist disinfectors for this. And the LS 927M device helped us use it as a barrier against a massive rodent invasion. We noticed a few mice even while the device was running, but there weren’t as many of them as before.

The device allows you to install timer for convenient time of use, so its use is comfortable, because you just need to turn it on and forget it, the device will turn off itself. Digital Watch allow you to control the operating time of the repeller. Ultrasonic wave coverage area up to 1000 sq.m.. within radius. In addition, there is a built-in mechanism - a regulator of the device’s operating mode:

Also has four levels of adjustment (switches on the control panel)

  1. from rodents - ultrasound + sound waves
  2. from rodents - only ultrasound
  3. from mosquitoes
  4. from ants, flies, bedbugs and cockroaches
  • Mouse or rat repellent mode.
  • Silence work.
  • A mode that repels mosquitoes.
  • Adjusting the signal strength.
  • The price of the device is 5290 rubles.

The device can be used not only in residential buildings or apartments, but also in larger premises - granaries, warehouses, vegetable stores, industrial or retail areas, etc.

Review: Svetlana Ivanovna, Moscow region

I - individual entrepreneur, I have several points in Moscow markets where grocery products are sold, but the warehouse is located in the capital region. So, it was often necessary to periodically use chemicals or call disinfectants to get rid of rodent pests. But it always fit into a decent amount. So we decided to buy a device so that it would work from time to time. To be honest, we’ve been using it in the warehouse for about a year now – there are no complaints, the device works properly, and we haven’t noticed mice or rats for a long time.

Video review:

Tornado 300

  • Radius of action - 300 sq.m.
  • The device is safe for humans and pets.
  • The constantly changing ultrasonic frequency range does not allow rodents to get used to the repeller and leave the room
  • Price – 1900 rub.

Review: Yuri, Moscow

Thanks to the installation of this device, we got rid of the mice that attacked our dacha. Fundamentally we did not want to use chemicals, we were afraid that our pet dogs might get poisoned. That's why we bought this installation, and besides, it can be useful for a lifetime. The device worked, the animals appeared for some time, but after a month their rustling in the underground completely died down. In addition, we found a couple of dead rodents near the installation itself.


Rats and mice can and should be dealt with. But this is a very difficult matter. They easily adapt to changing conditions and quickly learn to avoid danger. It is especially difficult to deal with rodents when their colony has already reached a large size, and in the premises where they have settled there are many attractive and accessible products (grains, barns, food warehouses, etc.).

Many people use mousecatchers to fight small rodents. This is a good method, but it does not always work - sometimes the population of rodents is too large for one predator, and besides, there are such large specimens in it that they themselves can prey on the poor cat.

Another way is to poison mice and rats with pesticides. Not humane, but effective. The disadvantage of this method is that you should not carry out this procedure yourself - it is better to invite a specialist. In addition, there is a risk of poisoning your pets.

Mechanical means are also effective. Not 100%, but the result is very good.

The main disadvantage is the need for regular maintenance, that is, you need to constantly look for new passages, place traps in these places, and remove already caught individuals.

Most modern way get rid of rodents - these are ultrasonic mouse and rat repellers. Reviews about these devices from buyers are different: there are people who are completely satisfied with the purchase, but others are not too happy with the result. Let's try to figure it out.

Ultrasonic repellers: operating principle

Everyone remembers it from school times. We remind those who have forgotten: ultrasound is the name given to high-frequency sound vibrations - above 20 kHz. A person perceives sounds up to 20 kHz, so sometimes he can pick up these waves (when the wave frequencies are close to the perceptibility limit). Scientists have proven that with age, when it thickens, people lose this ability.

The limits of susceptibility of rodents, moles and even cockroaches are much wider. They feel ultrasound very well, and it makes them feel uneasy.

An ultrasonic mouse and rat repeller works on this principle - it emits with a changing frequency, and the rodents leave the room. Such devices are often additionally equipped with light bulbs with variable operating mode (blinking light also irritates rodents) and soundtrack. These functions (light and sound) are not intended for residential premises, since because of them not only rats, but also people will leave the house.

Repeller models and their prices

Let us give as an example several models from different brands for comparison.

1. Electronic repeller “Chiston-2 360” - impact area - 300 sq. m., the radiation is directed in a circle. Frequency range - 20-70 kHz. Price - 1500 rub.

2. Ultrasonic rat and mouse repeller "Grad A-500" with adapter - impact area up to 500 sq. m.; circular radiation, operates at temperatures from -30 to +85°C. Price - 1780 rub.

3. Repeller “LS-925” - impact area up to 185 sq. m., circular radiation. Price - 1400 rub.

As we can see, prices are different manufacturers approximately at the same level. The cost of the device is largely influenced by a set of characteristics: area of ​​influence, power, availability of additional functions, duration battery life, temperature Range.

Now about the terminology. An electronic mouse and rat repeller or an ultrasonic one is the same device. You can also hear the definitions “innovative”, “electric”, “modern”. This does not change the essence, since all similar devices operate according to the same principle. They help not only in the fight against rats and mice, but also against moles, rabbits and other small pests. The main thing is to use the repeller correctly, and to do this you just need to read the instructions. It says where it is best to place the device, on what area it is effective, how to choose the operating mode, etc.

Mice and rat repellers: positive reviews

There are quite a lot of positive reviews from customers. And not all of them look like veiled advertising, which is good news. Many people note that after turning on the device, the rats left almost immediately, for some - after some time. However, there are buyers who claim that the device has a negative effect on pets. This is logical, since cats, dogs, and other pets sense ultrasound well. The only way out is not to place the devices in places where pets live. For example, you can install devices in the basement and attic - the result is the same, but cats and dogs will not be harmed.

Mice and rat repellers: negative reviews

There are a lot of negative reviews. Buyers note that the device did not have the slightest effect on the behavior of mice (they walk straight on the device, and nothing), or on the population. Even additional functions They don’t help, they only irritate the people present. So can mouse and rat repellers really help? Consumer reviews say the opposite, so let's try to turn to proven facts.


1. Ultrasound is also found in nature, for example, in the roar of a waterfall, the sound of the surf, the whistle of the wind, so it is not worth talking about its complete rejection by animals.

2. There is no scientifically proven fact that an electric mouse and rat repeller causes panic in animals. Anxiety and irritation - yes, however, it cannot be said that rodents run away in horror from ultrasound.

3. The operation of the device is influenced by its location - such devices work best in an ideally empty room. Any object scatters and partially reflects ultrasound, falls, and, consequently, the effectiveness of the device decreases.

Taking into account all the factors, we can conclude that the device is worth buying if you can position it correctly. If even with proper installation it does not show any results, then most likely the device is faulty, or you are faced with a cheap fake.

An ultrasonic rat repeller allows you to protect a certain area of ​​the facility from small rodents.

There are narrow-spectrum devices that are used exclusively for cleaning a room from rats and mice.

But today, performances that effectively affect various animals, insects and even birds are becoming increasingly in demand. They cost like this universal devices expensive.

What are they used for?

In practice, it has been confirmed that such devices are indeed very effective in the fight against small rodents, be they rats or mice. But you should approach the issue of choice very carefully, since if you purchase a device that is initially designed to repel animals of a different type than required, the result will be a low rate of cleaning the area from pests.

Let's watch the video, the scope of application of these devices:

Can be used ultrasonic repeller rats or mice in objects for various purposes: in granaries, basements, warehouses, private housing, apartments, gardens, vegetable gardens and fields. In a word, the spectrum of action is practically unlimited; it is only important to correlate the parameters of such a device with the size of the territory and take into account the type of animal with which to fight.

Types and principle of operation

Such devices usually consist of an ultrasonic wave generator and a control board. More complex designs are equipped with protection against rodents becoming accustomed to the vibration frequency. For humans, sound radiation of this kind remains imperceptible and inaudible, however, for small rodents, a certain frequency and strength of ultrasound influence causes considerable discomfort, as a result of which mice and rats leave their favorite place.

Various types and types of devices

The ultrasonic rodent and rat repeller, in particular, is found in several versions, differing in the type of power source:

  • Battery operated devices;
  • Devices operating from the network;
  • Solar powered devices;
  • A combined option that is powered by batteries and mains power, or by solar panels.

To use such equipment in the fields, it is advisable to use a battery-powered version, as this will ensure complete mobility. If the problem with rodents is observed only indoors, then an option that will be powered from the mains is quite sufficient. Some of the most convenient to use devices are those powered by solar batteries.

Watch the video, selection criteria best model, product review:

But, as a rule, universal devices are made in this design that can affect birds, insects, moles, mice and rats, and have the ability to be powered from several sources, for example, simultaneously from solar and batteries. The cost of such devices is several times higher than that of simpler analogues.

The most important characteristics for selection

If you have decided to purchase a mouse and rat repeller, how to choose it so that the results are excellent? There are several decisive parameters that it is highly advisable to pay attention to:

  1. Area or radius of action. If the device's operating range corresponds to the area of ​​the facility that needs to be serviced, then one can count on a fairly high degree of efficiency. It is important that there are no significant obstacles on the territory, since even walls can become quite a serious obstacle.
  2. Power supply, what is decisive factor when determining the degree of mobility of such devices. For use exclusively at home, the mains powered version will suffice. Solar powered versions are suitable for use under open air, and they do not require special maintenance.
  3. electronic rat repellers emit ultrasonic waves at a specific frequency range.
  4. Number of ultrasound generators. The strength of the effect on rodents will depend on this parameter. The more such units are provided by the design, the faster small pests will leave the territory.
  5. The type of animals affected by the device. The easiest way is to purchase a universal option, however, its cost will be higher than that of its analogues. In addition, it is not always necessary to combat moles, rats, mice, insects and birds at the same time.

All these characteristics together allow us to determine the most suitable option for operation. You need to pay attention to the cost secondarily, since it is the qualitative characteristics of such equipment that determine its price category.

Review of popular performances

Model EcoSniper PGS-046B

Speaking about the most expensive and fully functional device, we can mention the EcoSniper PGS-046B model. This is a universal option that copes with cats, dogs, rats and mice with equal efficiency. Its price is about 6,000 rubles, but the user receives at his disposal a device for solar battery with a motion sensor, which can also be powered by batteries. The ultrasonic frequency range is 15-27 kHz, and the range is 10 m.

A more affordable option is the solar-powered mole and rat repeller made by SITITEK Grom-Profi LED+. Its cost is about 2,700 rubles. At the same time, the device can be powered by a battery. The operating area is much larger - up to 700 sq. m, and in addition to moles and rats, such a device also repels snakes, gophers, and mice.

Watch a video about the Grad A-550 model:

But the most popular model, known for its versatility, large area impact and a high degree of efficiency - Grad A-550. Its price is 1,900 rubles, and the user has at his disposal a device that can cope with moles and other small rodents. The area on which such a device is marked high performance– 500 sq. m, the generator emits a non-repeating sequence of ultrasonic vibrations, which eliminates the possibility of pests becoming accustomed to waves of a certain frequency.

Repeller brand Tornado 400

The Tornado rat repeller is an equally well-known device among users. In particular, the version of Tornado 300. Its cost is low - 1,500 rubles, its coverage area is no more than 300 sq. m, frequency range is from 18 to 70 kHz, while the ultrasonic pressure is 102 dB. Feeds this model exclusively from the network, which somewhat limits the scope of such a device.

But to combat rats and mice in one room, its capabilities are more than enough.

First of all, you need to eliminate all food baits in the house left as traps for small rodents. If you use everything at the same time existing methods fight against rats and mice, this will only lead to the fact that the effect of each of the means will be reduced to zero. For example, bait with food will attract rats even if exposed to ultrasound, as a result of which the animals will certainly return to the territory fenced off from them.

When deciding whether to purchase a device such as a rat and mouse repeller, which option is better? It should be said here that any model will not manifest itself in the best possible way, if you use it in a room where there is a lot of upholstered furniture, curtains and carpets. In the absence of all these objects, the effect of ultrasound is much more effective, since it freely fills the entire space. Accordingly, it is recommended to first prepare the room for installing the device in it.

But to get the desired results you need to follow certain rules operation of devices of this type. Otherwise, even if one of the best performances was purchased with excellent characteristics, which correspond to the configuration of the object, the chances of successful control of rodents are low.

Today, the question of whether ultrasound helps against mice or not is a very pressing question. It arose after various ultrasonic rodent repellers began to actively appear and be advertised. Ultrasound itself drives away mice. But a sound device used in everyday life must not only be advertised, but tested and certified. Otherwise it will not give the desired effect.

In laboratory conditions, scientists conducted an experiment to determine the most harmful effects of various radiations on rodents. To make the mice feel comfortable, they were first kept in normal conditions, close to natural environment a habitat. Then animals began to be exposed to a variety of harmless irradiations:

  • vibration;
  • acoustic;
  • ultrasonic;
  • infrared.

All impacts did not go beyond safe limits and could not harm the health of the mice. When exposed to vibration, sound and infrared radiation The subjects' behavior remained almost unchanged. But when exposed to ultrasound radiation, the subjects began to behave strangely and anxiously. At first, the animals simply hid from the unknown stimulus. And after 10 days of such an experiment, the mice began to panic and tried with all their might to get out of the room where they were kept. Being in a state of extreme shock, the rodents ate almost nothing and began to lose consciousness on the 25th day. Therefore, they decided to stop the experiment for humane reasons, and all the experimental subjects soon returned to normal.

A week later, irradiation with high-frequency sound waves was repeated. The mice immediately panicked and the emitter had to be turned off. Such interesting results The experiment provided scientists with materials for further research into the effect of ultrasound on the body of mice. It turned out that using high frequencies, animals inform each other about danger. Also, at high frequencies, the strongest, leading male declares his right to the occupied territory, so other brothers do not risk occupying his possessions.

When the emitter is turned on, ultrasonic waves affect the nervous system of mice. They turn on the panic flight reflex, inherent in nature. Using such interesting observations, inventors began to produce special ultrasonic repellers for rodents. More powerful devices used in warehouses, industrial premises or at open areas. Small emitters with frequencies that are safe for humans are used in everyday life.

A standard household ultrasonic repeller has compact dimensions and consists of a high-frequency wave generator and a speaker. Manufacturers this miracle technicians claim that the home emitter operates in a wavelength range that is harmless to people and pets. The only harm such an emitter can cause is to domestic rodents: hamsters and guinea pigs. Therefore, they should be removed from the room where the device is turned on.

Ultrasound is not perceived by the human ear. But it has been proven that long-term effects on humans high frequencies or exposure to waves high power can lead to headaches and mental disorders.

The mouse repeller works with low-power waves, but its long-term exposure to people is still not recommended. Therefore, it is better to turn it on indoors when no one is there. Moreover, there is no evidence that ultrasonic emitters absolutely harmless for small children.

To get the expected result from using a repeller, it must be used correctly. The fact is that ultrasound does not pass through solid objects. That is why walls and furniture will create a barrier for him. Therefore, if you turn on the device in one room, it will not work in all the others. To do this, the device must be turned on in all rooms in turn or purchased several and placed in all rooms. In addition, while the device is working in a residential area, rodents can migrate from the house to the basement or barn, where the device is not present, and then return.

You shouldn’t immediately expect a miracle of instant relief from pests. Even more good device will completely drive away rodents only after a couple of weeks. To prevent mice from becoming accustomed to the same sound frequencies, they must be constantly changed. For this purpose, many devices are produced with a special switch, with which the frequency of sound pulses can be increased or decreased. If the infestation of household pests is huge, experts recommend calling a pest control station, because only high-quality pest control will remove all mice immediately and for a long time.

Ultrasonic devices that have been tested and are truly capable of repelling mice have quality certificates. Therefore, before purchasing a repellent device, you must check with the seller for the availability of these certificates, otherwise you may buy an ineffective counterfeit. If there is such an opportunity, then before purchasing it is better to turn on the repeller and listen to how it works. Deceived consumers claim that the counterfeit device squeaks very disgustingly, but does not drive out rodents. A normal device should be inaudible to the human ear.


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