Rules for wallpapering corners. Learning how to glue non-woven wallpaper in corners

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The technology of wallpapering corners is complex only at first glance. Wallpapering walls will help create a cozy kitchen. homely atmosphere. Thanks to modern developments, this finishing material, and in particular non-woven wallpaper, can compete with plastic in strength and durability. At the same time, they are more environmentally friendly, allow air to circulate and are easier to work with. The only thing you will have to tinker with is to figure out how to glue the wallpaper in the corners.

Choosing suitable wallpaper for the kitchen

Correctly selected wallpaper is already half the success. By saving on quality, you can greatly lose in durability, and in a year or two you will have to do repairs again.

Non-woven wallpaper is one of the best options for kitchen

Non-woven bases are more convenient when it becomes necessary to change the wallpaper. To do this, you just need to remove the vinyl layer, and the new canvas can be glued to the old finish.

Let's look at what types of wallpaper there are, and whether they can be used to cover the kitchen:

  • Paper wallpaper- not a suitable option for the kitchen. In conditions of temperature changes, high humidity or dryness, the paper deteriorates and the design fades. Having decorated the kitchen with paper wallpaper, in such a microclimate one cannot count on its long service life.
  • Vinyl on paper based – more durable material. They can be washed and glued for painting. Such wallpapers do not fade in the sun and are resistant to moisture. The gluing technology is the same as for paper ones. But since vinyl makes the canvas heavier, glue is chosen for heavy wallpaper. You should also keep in mind that not all vinyl flooring is breathable.
  • Vinyl on non-woven base– are highly durable thanks to non-woven fabric as a lining. There is no need to be afraid that they will tear or shrink. This type of wallpaper is glued end to end. Due to the fact that the glue is applied only to the wall, energy and time are saved during the repair process.
  • Non-woven wallpaper– thanks to their dense structure, they perfectly mask unevenness and cracks. They allow air to pass through well, without turning the kitchen into a “greenhouse”. Perfectly suitable as a base for painting. During the gluing process they do not stretch or tear. Easy to care for, they can be washed and vacuumed.

Required materials and tools

In order to properly hang wallpaper and not be caught off guard by the lack of necessary tools in the process, before repairing, check that you have everything you need.

You will need:

  • wallpaper,
  • glue,
  • assembly knife,
  • scissors,
  • putty knife,
  • plaster,
  • building level,
  • plumb line,
  • sponge,
  • rubber roller,
  • ruler,
  • pencil,
  • brush.

Pencil – essential auxiliary tool for wallpapering corners

Subtleties of wallpapering corners

Wallpapering is a simple matter, but it also has its own subtleties. As a rule, difficulties arise if you do not know how to glue wallpaper in the corners. When at least one corner turns out to be crooked, as it is glued along the wall, an increasing distortion of the canvas will be observed relative to the surface of the floor and kitchen windows or ceiling.

You should not rely on the doorway as the starting point for wallpapering the walls. Check with a plumb line that it is truly perpendicular to the floor. There is a high probability that the frames are also installed with an error, which will lead to misalignment and the corner will be swollen.

The tradition is to start decorating walls with wallpaper from door and window openings originates from the need to glue overlaps paper wallpaper so that the latter is less noticeable. With the advent of vinyl and non-woven materials, such a need has disappeared, since the fabric is glued end-to-end.

Smooth corners are much easier to paste than curved corners.

For large irregularities, some tricks will help

Before you start working with wallpaper, it would be correct to building level Level each corner with plaster. Minor unevenness can be dealt with by slightly overlapping or cutting off an extra piece of fabric.

Trimming wallpaper in corners (video)

Wallpapering interior corners

A corner properly wallpapered does not wrinkle, the edges of the canvases do not diverge, forming a gap. To achieve such an accurate repair, they resort to some tricks.

For this:

  1. A layer of glue is applied to the wall. If the wallpaper is non-woven, you do not need to apply glue to the back side.
  2. The edge of the canvas is placed on the adjacent wall with an allowance of 1-2 cm.
  3. The wallpaper is pressed tightly against the wall using a sponge. If the canvas wrinkles, make cuts with scissors towards the swellings and straighten the material.
  4. After this, they begin to cut the canvas, which will lie in the corner from above. Using a ruler and a pencil, on the reverse side, lay out in a mirror image the overlap that went onto the adjacent wall, and cut off this excess.
  5. The cut fabric is glued so that the cut edge ends up exactly in the corner.

Detailed instructions for wallpapering internal corners

Wallpapering external corners

Often the kitchen design is designed in such a way that doorways it is necessary to paste over the protruding external corner.

Wallpapering corners - not an easy task with large curvature of walls

For this:

  1. Take measurements from the top and bottom starting points for the wallpaper to the corner plus 3 cm to wrap it.
  2. Cut the wallpaper to the required dimensions.
  3. Apply glue to the walls with a brush.
  4. The edges are pressed tightly against the wall, making cuts where wrinkles form.
  5. If the pasting is done with non-woven material, upper layer It is cut along the corner and a narrow strip is carefully removed.
  6. A new sheet on the adjacent wall on the other side of the corner is glued over the non-woven edge.
  7. Go over the joints with a rubber roller.

That's all the tricks on how to glue wallpaper in corners. Knowing these subtleties, there should be no difficulties with kitchen design. Such simple solutions will help create cozy interior kitchens.

How to glue wallpaper in corners (video)

Modern wallpaper is hard to call a cheap finishing material - vinyl, non-woven, vinyl on a non-woven base, textured and paintable... You will admire the result of wall covering for the next 5-10 years. Most often, problems arise with how to glue wallpaper in the corners. Let's figure it out together.

Types of wallpaper - choosing the latest materials

Paper wallpaper is an eternal renovation classic. Their unfading popularity is due to two factors - low cost and wide range. However, it should be understood that rolls of paper, no matter how beautifully decorated they are, remain a very short-lived material, and there is no point in gluing them in the hope of a long service life.

In just a year or two they will lose their former attractiveness, and if there are small children or animals in the house, this process can speed up significantly. However, this minus can be used to your advantage in cases where you need to make an easy redecorating in a rented apartment, or when you like to experiment with the interior.

Paper-based vinyl wallpaper is a more durable finishing option. Front side, which bears the bulk of all operational loads, in in this case performs a layer of polyvinyl chloride. And he has a lot of positive qualities:

  • it can be washed repeatedly, even with the use of detergents;
  • foamed vinyl up to 10 times;
  • vinyl does not fade, does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • decorative effect in the case of silk-screen printing or thick wallpaper(varieties of vinyl) are comparable to the most expensive finishing materials.

Paper-based vinyl wallpaper lasts much longer. Among the disadvantages, you should remember about the airtightness of vinyl, however, if you wish, you can find more on the market modern varieties finishes that do not have this problem. Vinyl rolls on a paper base are glued in the same way as regular paper wallpaper, so for most people it will not be difficult to glue the canvases without special preparation.

Just keep in mind that the vinyl layer significantly increases the weight of the canvas, therefore, ordinary wallpaper glue will not work here; you need glue for heavy wallpaper.

The fact is that the glue is applied only to the wall. There is no need to apply it to the canvases and wait for them to absorb it and swell. To ensure perfect joints, very careful marking is required. Non-woven wallpaper - another variety finishing material, made only from non-woven fabric. Wallpaper can have a textured pattern, but, as a rule, it is a smooth canvas with interesting patterns. They are glued in the same way as the previous version.

Where to start gluing - do we do it the old fashioned way?

Traditionally the most difficult places during the gluing process these are the corners. In most cases, they are far from ideal, therefore, if you start gluing from the corner of the canvas joint to joint, you can get a significant vertical distortion. Many people mistakenly believe that distortions can be avoided if windows or doors are taken as the starting point for gluing the walls, they say, they are probably perpendicular to the floor.

However, this is not always the case - you can check window and door frames for errors using the most ordinary plumb line. It is quite possible that you will be surprised how you ever got along with such a curvature. The tradition of gluing from the window began, first of all, because of the need to glue paper wallpaper overlapping. If you glue them clockwise from the window, the joints will not be so noticeable. However, in the case of vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, this is absolutely not necessary.

Ideally, if at least one corner is level, you can start from there. But it is best to make careful markings along the perimeter of the walls, focusing on the plumb line. In this case, you will see the overall picture in advance, and the curvature of the corners will not be so noticeable against the background of perfectly vertical canvases. If you make markings and glue wallpaper on a non-woven basis, then it makes absolutely no difference where you start - from the window or from the middle of the wall.

How to glue wallpaper in corners - be patient!

The first rule for perfect gluing in corners is not to glue the whole canvas into a corner. In most cases, this is fraught with inconsistency with the next canvas and the formation of folds. If you have chosen an expensive type of finishing, for example, silk-screen vinyl wallpaper with complex pattern, then it is best to pre-level the corners using plaster or putty, depending on what kind of unevenness we are talking about.

If the deviations are not so noticeable, then minor irregularities can be hidden using overlaps. To begin with, we glue the canvas onto one of the walls, which abuts the corner, so that it extends onto the adjacent plane by a maximum of 4 cm. Please note that the corner should be very carefully coated with glue so that the canvas has maximum adhesion to the surface. Using a spatula or the blunt side of a knife, carefully press the sheet in the corner - act carefully so as not to tear the sheet. Then use a rubber roller or sponge to get rid of any air bubbles.

The next important step is gluing the canvas to the adjacent wall. To begin, take the measurements again - you need to ensure that the edge of the new canvas closest to the corner overlaps the one already glued by 2-3 cm, while the edge farthest from the corner fits flush with the new one.

Then, using a plumb line, we determine the vertical line that runs in the overlap area from top to bottom. Carefully mark it with a pencil and a ruler and sharp knife cut through two layers of wallpaper at the same time. The excess of the top sheet will fall off on its own, but remove the remains of the bottom sheet by slightly bending the top layer. Reapply glue to the bent edge and press it firmly against the wall. If you did everything correctly, the result will please you.

How to glue wallpaper on the outer corner - subtleties and nuances

With the help of overlap, the problem with gluing external corners is also solved. Only the process looks a little different. The first canvas is glued so that one edge wraps around the corner a few centimeters. During the alignment process, it is likely that you will have to make several cuts to avoid wrinkles. Press the material firmly onto the base using a sponge or spatula and allow time for the glue to harden slightly. Then cut the strip folded at the corner so that only a thin edge remains, no more than 1 cm.

Before you begin gluing the second canvas, take measurements using a plumb line to determine the edge farthest from the corner. Focusing on it, we glue the second canvas so that there is an overlap of no more than 5 mm in the edge closest to the corner. So you will get invisible joint canvases

Today, the most popular way to decorate walls is wallpapering. As it might seem at first glance to a novice master, step-by-step instruction is simple, which is why many apartment owners decide to stick wallpaper on their own, without knowing the specifics of the work. As a result, the fit of the paintings is incorrect, unevenness and other defects are noticeable, which shorten the life of the finish.

If the house has smooth, properly prepared walls without defects, it’s really not difficult to start gluing wallpaper. But few people know how to properly glue wallpaper in the corners, following the pattern, so that it looks beautiful and neat. In this case, you need to know about the techniques, without the use of which you should not start gluing wallpaper.
Next we will talk about in different ways How to properly glue wallpaper in the corners of a room, we will provide video and photo lessons that will help you save and complete beautiful design kitchen, corridor or hall independently.

What problems might you encounter?

Ideally, in order not to cut the strip at the joint, the corner in the room should be perfectly straight and vertical. In this case, gluing the wallpaper will not be difficult; all work will be reduced to a continuous operation, which consists of treating the wallpaper and walls with glue and fixing the canvas.

But it's perfect to brag even corners Not everyone can fit into their home, so at least one corner will be uneven and cause difficulties. In this case, the appearance of the first wall covered will be vertical, and the junction of the canvases and the subsequent transition to another surface will become increasingly distorted. This will make subsequent selection of the pattern impossible.

Preparing corners

If the corners seem absolutely even, before gluing the wallpaper, it is enough to go over them with fine-grained sandpaper or a thick, hard cloth to remove barely noticeable defects and remove debris and dust.
But, if the corners are noticeably crooked, have protrusions, or, conversely, cracks and niches, they must be leveled with putty. If the damage is very large (for example, there are pieces of the wall falling out), it is appropriate to use plastic corners.

Take note! Before pasting wallpaper, consider the following features:

  • no need to cover the corners with a whole sheet of wallpaper;
  • Do not glue wallpaper end-to-end in the corners.

If you glue the corners end-to-end, you will not be able to avoid unsightly cracks. Also, unevenly laid wallpaper in a corner will distort the entire picture and the overall vertical. The best option– sticker wallpaper with an overlap, but please note that too wide an overlap is unacceptable, it optimal width should not exceed 1-1.5 centimeters.

Features of work depending on the type of wallpaper

No less important point, which needs to be taken into account before starting to paste the walls - the material from which the canvas is made, because different materials require different approach to work. How the type of finishing material affects the technology of forming corners, see the table below.

Type of wallpaper

Features of the work

Paper A paper roll of wallpaper, which does not have complex additives, is the most demanding. You need to work with such wallpaper as quickly as possible so that the material does not absorb excessive amounts of moisture from the glue. If you overexpose the panel treated with glue, you risk that it will fall apart in your hands onto the lapti.
Vinyl How to glue meter-long vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base in the corners depends on many details. Before applying glue-treated wallpaper to the wall, you need to give it time to soak. Please note that some varieties vinyl wallpaper can be coated with a gentle coating, which can only be worked with a roller with a rubber working surface. Since this material is very heavy, the corners must be carefully opened with glue to ensure sufficient adhesion of the material to the wall.
Non-woven How to glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners, and generally on the wall, is slightly different from working with paper varieties. They do not need to be treated with glue, just coat the wall. In order to secure the edge of such a canvas well, just before forming the overlap in the corner, the wallpaper must be additionally coated with glue.

Please note that the thicker the wallpaper is used, the smaller the overlap needs to be.

How to glue wallpaper in corners (video)

Wallpapering the inner corners

The goal of high-quality wallpapering is to ensure that “wrinkles” do not form during the work, and that there is no gap between the panels towards the baseboard. To achieve this, you need to install a strip of wallpaper so that the grip on the adjacent wall does not exceed 2cm. To do this, it is important to take into account how strongly the angle is curved, because the greater the deviation from the norm, the larger the allowance needs to be formed.

It is very important to press the wallpaper against the wall as firmly as possible. If this causes “wrinkles” to form, they can be reduced slightly (sometimes even completely removed) by cutting the wallpaper in the direction of the formed wave. Since the beginning has been made, now it’s time to apply the markings, following which the second strip will be laid. To do this, it is necessary to set aside the width of the wallpaper, reduced by 5 mm, from the overlap of the first strip, which was launched onto the adjacent wall. Then you need to put the vertical aside with a level and glue the second strip.

How to design external corners?

To form an outer corner, you need to mark a point that will be the start of the sheet of wallpaper so that it goes around the corner by 3cm. The edge of the panel must be carefully fixed to the wall, and if “wrinkles” form, you can remove them, as we described above in the article.

Along the edge of the canvas that is laid on the adjacent wall, tear off a thin strip of wallpaper so that there is a small edge left. Such actions will remove excess volume from the seam, making the overlap less noticeable. Then, using a level, you need to set aside the distance from the corner, which is the width of the wallpaper sheet, plus 6mm. Along this line, you can glue the next strip of wallpaper so that the edge of the new canvas overlaps the edge previously placed on the wall. Applying force and pressing the joint tightly, trim the wallpaper and treat the joint with a rubber roller.

Photo gallery of finished works

Wallpapering the corners is the most difficult. Here, both the material itself and a properly prepared plane are important. We will look at how to properly glue wallpaper in corners in this article. Recommendations from specialists will also be given. In the video and photos you can see everything for yourself and understand better.

For an ideal result, without cutting the wallpaper at the bend, the corners in the room must be even. In such a situation, all the work will consist of processing the walls and wallpaper adhesive composition with further pasting.

However, finding a room with perfectly even, geometrically correct characteristics is very difficult, even just one corner will spoil the overall picture.

What will affect the work:

Wall evenness This indicator is the most important. You must immediately measure the level of the wall and its deviations. After all, it may look even, but as you move from one wall to another, a distortion will become noticeable, which will increase from one strip of wallpaper to another. The pattern will begin to shift towards the corners and will look crooked in relation to horizontal surfaces.
Wallpaper drawing If you have a lot of corners in the room, then pay attention to the choice of coating pattern. After all, it’s not a coincidence that will affect appearance plane.
Grip quality Always prepare the base well. After all, if this is not done, the wallpaper will not adhere well and may lag.

Possible problems and subtleties when gluing wallpaper to corners

An important point when performing of this type work is the material from which the selected wallpaper was produced. Various materials behave differently during the sticker process. And when doing the work with your own hands, you need to know these subtleties.

The instructions for this matter will be as follows:

Without adding auxiliary layers, the most demanding.

If you are dealing with them, all actions should be as prompt as possible.

The paper web will quickly become saturated with liquid from the glue, and if you forget about it for a while while working, it will fall apart into pieces.

On the contrary, it is necessary to give enough time after applying the adhesive composition for better impregnation.

But some types of vinyl wallpaper have a fairly thin coating of the pattern, so they can only be pressed against the wall with a rubber roller.

Do not forget to pay special attention to the corners; the adhesion of the wallpaper to the wall in these places should be maximum.

do not require treatment with adhesive on the back side.

In this case, only the walls are coated, and the corners are impregnated twice to achieve the highest strength of the connection.

Note: The overlap depends on how dense the material is. For example, if glass wallpaper is used, the strips are glued joint to joint. Even a slight overlap will be noticeable.

How to glue wallpaper to an inner corner

The main goal when gluing wallpaper is to ensure that “wrinkles” do not appear in the corners, and that the wallpaper sheets themselves do not come apart.


  • To prevent this from happening, the canvas is wound so that a grip of no more than 2 cm is formed on the adjacent wall. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account how uneven the angle is, and the stronger the curvature, the larger the allowance left. The edge is pressed against the wall with maximum force. If wrinkles begin to form on the strip, it is necessary to make neat cuts with scissors, cutting the fabric towards the fold.
  • The next step will be to make a marking; the next strip of wallpaper will be applied along it on the adjacent wall. From the allowance of the first strip extending onto the second wall, measure the distance of the width of the wallpaper sheet, decreasing by 5 mm.
  • Then, using a level, a vertical line is drawn on this section of the wall. Upon completion of the marking, the next sheet is glued. In order for it to be positioned perfectly evenly, a reference point is taken on the drawn line.

How to glue wallpaper to an outer corner

Wallpapering outside corners has its problems, but it is quite possible to avoid them if you act professionally.

Attention: In order for the wallpaper to fit perfectly on the outer corner, determine the point from which the sheet will go so that its edge goes around the corner by 3 cm.

  • The edge of the sheet is pressed against the wall with maximum force. In case of wrinkles, just like when working with internal corners, small incisions are made.
  • Along the edge of the sheet, you can tear off a thin strip of wallpaper so that only a thin edge remains. This method allows you to create a seam more neatly and will make the overlap less noticeable.
  • After this, using a level, mark from the corner a value equal to the canvas and increased by 0.5 cm. Along the resulting line, the next sheet is glued so that its edge overlaps the torn edge of the previous canvas.
  • The joint is pressed with maximum effort, the upper and lower edges of the wallpaper are trimmed using the trimming method, after which the sheets are rolled with a rubber roller.

How to hang wallpaper with a pattern in the corner

When wallpaper has a pattern with vertical stripes, the corners will be most visible if it becomes distorted. And when horizontal lines violations of the pattern will be visible when approaching the floor and ceiling skirting boards.

Avoiding such problems is easy:

  • Don’t forget to leave an overlap on the next wall;
  • hide the resulting joint in the upper part of the corner;
  • Glue the wallpaper in the corner of the room so that the edge of the canvas lies perfectly even with the line drawn in advance. In this case, the second edge is cut to the edge of the corner.

It is rarely possible to completely avoid distortion of the drawing; minor errors are likely to remain. But only you will know about this drawback. After all, to detect it, you will have to very carefully examine all the corners in the room. If all the rules are followed, the wallpaper will be positioned perfectly evenly, and the pattern will not be disrupted.


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