Advantages and areas of application of Green board panels (21 photos). Technological advantages of fiberboard board Green Board How to attach fiberboard boards to the roof

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A person’s well-being depends on the microclimate of the room in which he lives. These indicators directly depend on the thermal insulation and waterproofing characteristics of the enclosing structures - walls.

In 1982, in Canada (Albert), at the Edison-OSB plant (Pelican Soils Limited Company), the first OSB boards were manufactured. Initially, these plates, due to the high release of harmful substances from them, were intended for purposes such as packaging, removable formwork, fences, etc. In 1986, the first production of oriented strand boards (OSB), an analogue of OSB, was opened in the Belarusian SSR.

In the late 80s, after mass poisoning of people with formaldehyde, the USSR Ministry of Health banned the use of OSB boards in construction residential buildings. The proposal for the ban was made by the Interdepartmental Committee on Sanitary and Hygienic Regulation of the Use of polymer materials in construction and transport." The ban is still in effect. The second entry of OSB into Russian market took place at the end of the turbulent 90s, when profit became the main criterion and responsibility for poisoning people disappeared.

Developments carried out since the late nineties of the last century by the Dutch company Eltomation led to the creation of a new alternative material, which, while possessing all the positive properties of OSB, was able to eliminate its disadvantages. Fiberboard boards Green Board - innovative material, in which the properties of wood and stone are fully optimized.


Adhesion to materials

When Green Board® is used as a base for exterior or interior finishing, the level of adhesion is so high that in most cases the finish can be applied without a primer.

The degree of adhesion to the material can be demonstrated by the following example. When applied to Green Board® boards high density tile adhesive and then ceramic tiles (porcelain tiles) when the slab gets wet, if it is not forced, the rupture occurs not at the junction with the Green Board® slab, but at ceramic tiles. This is why it is recommended to install ceramic or porcelain tiles over medium-density Green Board® slabs.

Active hydroregulation

The main advantage of Green Board® boards is that they are not just environmentally neutral, “not harmful” to humans, but are useful, providing environmental comfort to their living environment. Thanks to the effect of active moisture protection (this is discussed in more detail in the section “Active moisture protection”), Green Board® boards are very sensitive to changes in ambient humidity.

Even a slight change in it leads to a change in the humidity of the material itself. What is very important is that this change occurs quickly. When air humidity increases, excess moisture from it is consumed by the material (the air is dried), when humidity decreases, moisture is released from the material into the air (the air is humidified). Those. Green Board® slabs work as a huge accumulator, smoothing out fluctuations in air humidity in the indoor atmosphere.

The usefulness of the material for humans lies in the fact that by smoothing out fluctuations in air humidity, it maintains it in the range of 35-55%, i.e. range that is most favorable for humans.

When applied to solid wood, this effect is called: “wood breathes.” With Green Board® boards, the “breath of wood”, due to the porous structure of the material, is much more pronounced.

The property of maintaining comfortable humidity, which is the basis of Green Board® boards, gives them enormous economic attractiveness, because allows you to ensure environmental comfort of your living environment without additional costs.

Easy installation

It is possible to use pneumatic tools to fasten high and medium density Green Board® boards during their installation.

Green Board® boards have a fibrous structure with a large number of pores. Availability large quantity The pores and long fibers of the wood allow staples and nails to penetrate the material without cracking it. The fibers of the material, which have mobility at the micro level, move apart, allowing a nail or staple to pass through, subsequently fitting it tightly.

Using staples (25-35 mm long), you can fasten both the slabs themselves to a wooden beam, and other materials, for example, films, to the slab itself (staples 10-15 mm long). The nails used must have a spiral cut.

Staples or nails must be driven in with a pneumatic tool at a distance of at least 8 mm from the edge of the slab.

It is also possible to fasten Green Board® boards of high and medium density manually, using self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.

Frost resistance

The importance of frost resistance for building materials determined by the unique property of water to expand as the temperature drops.

At the same time, water occupies its maximum volume at a temperature of -4°C. The expansion force is so great that the water that gets into the crack, when it cools to negative temperatures, easily tears both stone and crystalline structures. Because existing materials cannot withstand the expansion force of water, then the frost resistance of the material can be ensured either by the absence of microcracks in the material or by the rapid removal of moisture from the material.

Green Board® boards have the property of active moisture protection, the essence of which is the rapid removal of moisture from the material. This property, in turn, provides high frost resistance of the material. The material is never frozen in a waterlogged state. There is always a certain, even insignificant, period of time between precipitation and freezing. It is enough for the moisture content of the material to drop to a state in which the pores are freed from water, and its expansion during freezing occurs in them.

Fire safety

Green Board® boards have high fire safety.

Their characteristics, in terms of compliance with fire safety requirements established by NPB 244-97:

  1. High-density Green Board® boards (grade GB3) in accordance with GOST 12.1.044-89 are classified as a fire-resistant material, i.e. burning forcibly at high temperatures, but unable to burn after removing the ignition source.
  2. Green Board® slabs of low and medium density (grades GB1 and GB2) in accordance with SNiP 21-01-97 belong to the group of low-flammable materials (G1), which means that the slabs do not support combustion. When exposed to flame they do not give open fire, but smolder or become charred. Once the source of the flame is eliminated, the smoldering stops.
  3. in terms of toxicity of combustion products they are classified as low-hazard, according to GOST 12.1.044-89 clause 4.20 (group T1 according to SNiP 21-01-97), i.e. There are no releases of toxic substances during combustion.
  4. according to flammability group - B1, according to GOST 30402-96 (hardly flammable according to SNiP 21-01-97).
  5. for flame propagation - RP1, according to GOST 30444-97 (non-propagating according to SNiP 21-01-97).
  6. in terms of smoke-forming ability - low, according to GOST 12.1.044-89 clause 4.18 (group D1 according to SNiP 21 -01 -97).

At the same time, Green Board® boards have other properties that increase fire safety:

  • the property of high thermal insulation, i.e. the property of slow transfer of elevated temperature from the surface layers into the depth of the material. The experiment shows that when one side of the slab is forcibly fired with a jet of open fire and, accordingly, charred, the other side remains cold.
  • mechanical stability at high temperatures, i.e., the material does not soften during a fire, “does not flow.”

High fire resistance properties are a consequence of the structure of Green Board® boards. The high fire resistance of the material is determined by the fact that the wood wool fibers in the material, located in a sealed “cement cocoon,” have a very small thickness (0.15-0.25 mm).

The material is made flammable by sealing the wood fibers with cement. The absence of synthetic components in the material leads to the absence of smoke and toxic substances.

In houses built from Green Board® slabs, there is no need to fear a fire associated with the combustion of these slabs, collapse of evacuation sites, or poisoning by combustion products of the material.

Green Board® Boards various densities in the house can be used in the form of enclosing structures, thermal insulation, sound insulation, floors, ceilings, wall cladding (upholstery), part of the rafter-beam system, i.e. based on Green Board® boards it is possible to create an integral fire barrier for the house or its individual premises.

Impact resistance

One of the most important properties of a material is its behavior when local loads occur.

Local loads exist and will always exist in structures.

The reason for their occurrence can be both sudden shock loads, in particular as a result of tremors, impacts on the frame of the house, and loads arising during the daily operation of the house. An example of such loads could be: uneven heating (cooling) of different sections of the wall, unevenness of its humidity, loads from shrinkage of the house, from the techniques used during its installation, and others.

Green Board® boards are a material consisting of long fibers of wood wool (up to 250 mm), laid in a board in a strictly horizontal plane and glued together with cement mortar, i.e. It is basically a long-fiber material. This creates a strong wooden frame in the slabs, regardless of their density.

If local local loads occur, incl. and instantaneous, in Green Board® boards they are redistributed between the fibers. The volume over which redistribution occurs is determined by the magnitude of the load. At the same time, non-destructive microdeformations occur in the slab. The number of times loads can be applied without destroying the slabs is not limited.

This property of resistance to shock loads very widely used in Japan. There, due to high seismic activity, almost all monolithic housing construction is carried out in permanent slab formwork, similar to high-density Green Board® slabs (GB-3).

A feature of any long-fiber material, provided there is sufficient fiber strength, is the ability to redistribute loads. Green Board® boards fully possess this property. The material has mobility at the micro level.

Environmental friendliness

There are no harmful or dangerous substances in the slab recipe.

Green Board® boards consist only of natural natural materials, including 60% - wood, 38.9% - Portland cement M500 and 0.2% - sodium silicate (liquid glass).

Green Board® boards do not emit harmful and dangerous substances at all stages of life: during the production of boards, during the production of products (houses) from boards, during the entire period of operation, during disposal.

The release of harmful and dangerous substances has a negative impact on human health. Maximum limits have been established for all substances permissible levels concentrations of these substances in the air - MAC. However main question application of the maximum permissible concentration is a method for calculating the result. In countries such as the USA, Canada, Belgium, etc., the linear (that is, accumulated during long-term exposure) MPC level is normalized. In Russia and the countries of the former socialist camp - a threshold (one-time) MPC level. It is clear that compliance with linear MPC is a more stringent level of control. In Russian regulatory documents Until recently, the principle was maintained that up to a certain threshold (maximum MPC), regardless of the time of exposure, the substance is harmless.

The absence of the release of harmful substances from Green Board® slabs leads to clean indoor air throughout the entire life of the building. Those. The material is aimed at the European, cumulative method for assessing the impact of air quality on human health.

Green Board® is not just environmentally neutral or not harmful, but beneficial for humans. The material “breathes”, thanks to which it provides a person with the most comfortable living conditions.

Sound insulation and acoustic comfort

When assessing the acoustic properties of a material, we must talk about its sound absorption and sound reflection properties, i.e. about the properties of a material to absorb sound waves of various frequencies and reflect these waves from its surface.

Green Board® boards have a high level of sound insulation. Active absorption of sound waves occurs due to the fact that each fiber in the material is a 5-layer structure with layers of different densities: 2 layers of cement, 2 layers of impregnated wood liquid glass, 1 layer of untreated wood. Considering the high density of layers in the material (for example, in high-density slabs there are up to 5 layers of fibers per 1 mm of slab thickness), sound wave damping occurs even in slabs of small thickness. Due to the fact that the layers have different densities, sounds of all frequencies from high to low, as well as not only household noise, but also impact noise, are effectively damped.

Possessing high soundproofing properties, Green Board® boards have become widespread as subfloors in multi-story apartment buildings.

Green Board® boards have low level sound reflections. This is facilitated by the relatively large mass of the plates in combination with the cellular structure. The sound seems to become entangled in the fibers, at the same time giving them its energy, and comes out of the material weakened and soft. It is this effect that is especially necessary to create acoustic comfort. Not many people know that some of the highest quality speaker systems(colloquially sound speakers) are made of fiberboard, the ancestor of Green Board® boards. Low and medium density slabs are used for these purposes.

For countries Western Europe The use of the material as a source of acoustic comfort for high-class premises is inherent. This is gradually spreading to Russia. For example, the ceiling of the room for business class passengers at Sheremetyevo-3 airport is made of the European analogue of medium-density Green Board® boards (GB-600).

Green Board boards are a new generation of fiberboard boards. The material fiberboard itself has been known for a long time and has been successfully used in construction. To create it, cement and wood are used in the form of wood fibers, “wood wool”. When hardening, cement binds the mass into a single monolith, providing high compressive strength and surface density characteristic of concrete. Wood fibers provide relative flexibility of the material and a lower density than concrete.

Fiberboard is a compressed and hardened mixture of specially prepared wood wool with Portland cement. According to its intended purpose, fiberboard can be heat-insulating (used for thermal insulation of buildings) and heat-insulating and structural. In the latter case, it is used to construct partitions and fill wooden frames walls

Green Board fiberboard boards additionally contain mineralizing additives to improve the strength and density of the boards. As with traditional fiberboard, more dense slabs can be used as an alternative OSB boards, and less dense ones - for insulation purposes.

The environmental safety of Green Board slabs is indisputable. The boards do not contain toxic and carcinogenic components such as formaldehyde or phenols, as well as asbestos fibers.

The stability of the material under operating conditions makes Greenboard slabs optimal material for facade work and construction of frame houses. The slabs are practically not subject to biological and chemical destruction, and the frost resistance index (at least 50 cycles) is comparable to the frost resistance index of bricks. In a humid environment, the slabs do not swell, deform or crumble. The material of the plates has a high capillary effect, so it is advisable to protect the outer surfaces from moisture. The positive qualities of Greenbord boards include their low hygroscopicity and lack of tendency to warp.

Despite the fact that Green Board boards consist of 60% wood, due to the saturation of the wood-fiber mass with cement, they belong to the group of low-flammable materials (G1). This means that the stoves do not support combustion. When exposed to flame, they smolder or char, and after the source of the flame is removed, the smoldering stops.

Greenbord slabs are used as the basis for permanent formwork in the construction of walls, partitions, and floors in buildings with monolithic and frame-panel housing construction. A construction system using permanent fiberboard formwork was developed in detail by Velox (Austria) and is used in multi-storey and cottage construction.

Considering the operation of any building in a variable climate, both thermal insulation and heat storage are equally important. Green Board slabs can accumulate 20 times more heat than conventional thermal insulation materials. The slabs have high thermal insulation properties, which they retain throughout the entire service life of the building.

The physical parameters of Green Board boards, such as density, modulus of elasticity, sound absorption parameters, and the presence of a cellular structure, make this product an excellent material for regulating noise levels (sound absorption) and for reducing acoustic transmission capacity (sound insulation).

Thanks to special treatment wood in the manufacturing process with a mineralizer and the tight adhesion of wood fibers to cement, Greenboard slabs are not susceptible to bacteria, fungi, insects and rodents.

Green Board slabs are simple and easy to process and install; securely hold fasteners and are repairable. Due to the low coefficient of linear expansion, the problem of gaps forming at the joints of the plates is practically eliminated. The ability of the slabs to withstand significant loads allows them to be used as structural materials. All types of traditional finishes are acceptable for Green Board boards.

Green Board (Greenboard) - a multifunctional, environmentally friendly building material that meets all the criteria for modern, comfortable and fireproof housing.

Greenbord fiberboard by volume consists of wood wool (60%) and Portland cement (39.8%) with the addition of a natural mineralizer (0.2%) - a low concentration solution of sodium silicate (office glue) to neutralize sugar in wood (aspen).

In essence, Green Board fiberboard is “improved wood” - stronger, but more elastic due to the preservation of all the useful properties of solid wood, in the absence of such defects as: knots, changes in the direction of fibers due to the natural growth conditions of the tree, internal voids and cracks, as well as easy flammability and insufficient biostability.

Application fiberboard boards Greenbord expands the prospects for low-rise housing construction and makes environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and fire-safe housing available to Russian citizens.

External wall



Interfloor ceiling

Basement ceiling

The table shows specifications Green Board slabs:

Indicator name GB1 GB450 GB600 GB2 GB3 G.B.10 50
Thickness, mm 50, 100 25, 35 14 - 50 25, 35 10, 12 10 - 22
Density, kg/m3; mm 300 450 600 700 950 1050
Humidity, %, no more 17 17 15 15 12 12
Swelling in thickness over 24 hours,%, no more 6 6 5 5 4 4
Water absorption in 24 hours, % no more 50 50 40 40 40 40
Modulus of elasticity, MPa, not less - 300 550 700 1700 2000
Bending strength, MPa, not less 0,2 0,8 2,3 2,7 9 12
Compressive strength, MPa, not less 0,15 0,15-0,20 2 4 9 15
Tensile strength perpendicular to the slab face, MPa, not less 0,08 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,35
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W / (m*K) 0,063 0,063 0,095 0,13 0,16 0,17
Specific heat capacity, kJ/(kg*K) 1 2 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,9
Hardness, MPa, not less 10 12 18 26 35 40
Resistivity pulling out screws from the surface, N/mm, not less 6-8 8-10 18-20 20-22 50 77
Calculated coefficient of vapor permeability, mg/(m*h*Pa) 0,15 0,13 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,03

Unique properties Green Board® are described below:


Green Board slabs do not emit harmful and dangerous substances at all stages of life: during the production of slabs, during the production of products (houses) from slabs, during the entire period of operation, during disposal. To assess the environmental friendliness of the material, the European, cumulative method of calculating the impact of air quality on human health was used.


The actual service life of Greenboard slabs is almost comparable to the service life of such materials as steel, reinforced concrete, etc., which makes it possible to create houses on its basis that do not require overhaul throughout the entire service life, which significantly reduces operating costs.


Green Board slabs have high fire safety and, in terms of compliance with fire safety requirements, belong to: in terms of flammability - group G1 (low-flammable, non-flammable); according to the toxicity of combustion products - to group T1 (low-hazard, absence of toxic substances during combustion); in terms of flammability - to group B1 (hardly flammable); for flame propagation - to group RP1 (non-propagating); according to smoke-forming ability - to group D1 (small). At the same time, the slabs have other properties that increase fire safety: high thermal insulation and mechanical resistance at high temperatures.


The high thermal insulation properties of GreenBoard boards are explained by the presence of air pores in the material and the high wood content. Coefficient of thermal conductivity λ depends on the brand of material and ranges from 0,059 (for ) up to 0.130 W/m*°C (for GB3). At the same time, stability thermal insulation properties manifests itself: in time - the material: “does not melt”, does not sag, does not cake, does not crumple, etc.; in case of fire - the material “does not flow” and serves as an effective barrier against the transfer of elevated temperature; during flooding - if GreenBoard boards get wet, they dry quickly and full recovery thermal insulation properties; when exposed to polluted or sea air - the material is inert to chemical composition ambient air, which makes it possible to actively use it in aggressive environments, such as livestock premises, warehouses for salt, fertilizers, etc.


The slabs have a high level of sound insulation. Active absorption of sound waves occurs due to the fact that each fiber in the material is a 5-layer structure with layers of different densities: 2 layers of cement, 2 layers of wood impregnated with liquid glass, 1 layer of unimpregnated wood. Possessing high sound insulation properties, Green Board® boards have become widespread as subfloors in multi-storey apartment buildings.


The material is not susceptible to pathogenic bacteria, mold fungi, and insects. This property is due to the fact that fiberboards have the property of active protection against moisture. Equilibrium moisture content of slabs in normal conditions is 7.5 - 9%, at which microflora, microfauna and insects do not start or develop in it. A material created from a combination of cement and wood in strong degree Rodents don’t like it either, so they try not to make their passages and holes in it.


Greenboard has the property of active protection against moisture, the essence of which is the rapid removal of moisture from the material. This property, in turn, ensures high frost resistance of the material (at least 50 cycles) - it never freezes in a waterlogged state.


Green Board fiberboards are a material consisting of long fibers of wood wool (up to 250 mm), laid in a slab in a strictly horizontal plane and glued together with cement mortar, i.e. It is basically a long-fiber material. If local local loads occur, incl. and instantaneous, in the slabs they are redistributed between the fibers. At the same time, non-destructive microdeformations occur in the slab. The number of times loads can be applied without destroying the slabs is not limited.


When using fiberboard as a base for applying exterior or interior finishing, the level of adhesion is so high that in most cases it allows the finishing to be applied without a primer. The unique structural strength of Greenboard (increased bending strength and increased elasticity) is explained by the size and nature of laying wood wool in a cement “shell” during the manufacture of the slab. The plates are repairable. The most economical way to repair chips, potholes, etc. on their surface. is a cement mortar or cement-based adhesive compositions.

Fiberboards are a multifunctional building material based on wood chips. Fibrolite has many beneficial properties natural wood, but unlike wood, fiberboard is resistant to fire and is not subject to rotting processes.

Fiberboard boards were first developed at the beginning of the last century. Initially, they were made from shavings, sawdust, wood chips and various other waste from the woodworking industry. The first fiberboard slabs were characterized by good heat and sound insulation, but had extremely low strength. Over time, the technology for the production of fiberboard boards has improved significantly.

Modern boards contain fine wood wool from softwoods. The binding element is cement, liquid glass or caustic magnesite. Magnesite-based fiberboards are considered the most environmentally friendly and currently have no analogues in the world.

Fiberboards, in principle, cannot be called a new building material. The technology of using cement and wood shavings has been known for a long time, including the production of fiberboard. In addition to fiberboard boards, there are also CBPBs, which also use shavings and cement, but the shavings are crushed (chips).

Technologies are changing towards improvement. Standards issued back in the days of the Union, which are still used today, are becoming obsolete, and the material is acquiring new properties and areas of application. This fully applies to fiberboard boards.

Fiberboard history

The current GOST for this group of products has the 1981 edition. It was developed by the relevant ministry of the USSR. In accordance with its standards, fiberboard boards are provided with three grades that determine the characteristics of the material:

  • F-300 (average density with a spread of 250-350 kg per cubic meter);
  • F-400 (351–450);
  • F-500 (451–500).

The first type is thermal insulation, the second is thermal insulation-structural, the third has structural properties in the first place, it is called that way - structural-thermal insulation. In addition, F-400 and F-500 are used for sound insulation. The standard specified dimensions, strength, water absorption and other characteristics.

Modern manufacturers have gone further: they have expanded the range of slab densities, and therefore the scope of use. One might say they have delineated the boundaries more clearly The density and size of the slabs vary, depending on where they will be used:

  1. Material with a low index is more often used as a soundproofing material.
  2. Plates having average density, mainly for fencing.
  3. For construction complex structures fiberboard with a higher density is required.

As clear example It is worth mentioning the slabs produced on the equipment of the Dutch company ELTOMATION. They classify low-density slabs in the entire range of domestic standards, and in addition they produce two more categories of slabs: with a density of 600–800 kg/cubic. m. and up to 1100 kg/cu.m. m.

Boards with the Green Board trademark are classified into three grades - GB1 (density 250–570), GB2 (600–800), GB3 (1000–1400).

Already from the density characteristics it is clear that in addition to the scope of use specified in the domestic standard, brands have been added that can be used as construction and finishing materials. One could argue: why invent something new for enclosing surfaces and cladding, because there is plywood , chipboard and OSB, which have high strength characteristics. But fiberboards have a number of advantages over them.

Fiberboard advantages

Fibrolite as thermal insulation material inferior to expanded polystyrene or mineral wool, but in its pure form it is practically not used as insulation. If we evaluate the statistics, 40% of the market share in both our country and Europe is accounted for by permanent formwork. And in this capacity, fiberboard has a significant advantage over expanded polystyrene - it is non-flammable (class T1) and has breathable properties.

Environmental Safety
Fiberboard has excellent environmental properties. It does not emit harmful toxic substances and is absolutely safe for humans.

Fiberboard does not deform and is not susceptible to the destructive effects of insects, rodents, mold, fungi and other microorganisms.

Good thermal insulation
Wood has been famous for its heat-shielding properties since ancient times. Fibrolite, as well as natural wood, retains heat well.

Increased water resistance
Fibrolite has high level waterproof. Fiberboards can be installed in rooms with humidity up to 75%. In rooms with more high humidity It is recommended to protect fiberboard boards from dampness with plaster or waterproofing.

Fire safety
Fibrolite has very high stability to fire

Since the characteristics of the plates are high, its use in construction industry quite high. The production of fiberboard boards already exists long years, however, over time the process has undergone significant changes, and the material has become of higher quality. To summarize the advantages, the material has the following technical characteristics:

  1. Fire safety. Thanks to astringent impregnation, the wood product becomes capable of this property.
  2. Moisture resistance. Again, due to the impregnating layer, the material copes well with water penetration.
  3. Strength. The fiberboard owes this quality to wood and a layer of cement.
  4. Resistant to rot and pests.
  5. Increased sound insulation.
  6. Ecological cleanliness.
  7. Excellent resistance to cold temperatures.
  8. Long service life.
  9. Easy to transport. Since fiberboard does not weigh much, heavy equipment is not required for this.
  10. Ease of installation.

The rest of the market is accounted for by panel-frame (20%) and panel (40%) construction. Compared to OSB and chipboard plywood, fiberboards do not contain phenolic resins, so they are more environmentally friendly.

Breathable properties and the ability to self-regulate humidity (absorption when there is excess and return when there is not enough) ensure the maintenance of comfortable living conditions. And of course, important indicator- high fire safety.

General advantages as a building material are high durability, resistance to water (wood is “bound” with mineral additives), good adhesion to construction mixtures(plaster, putty), primers and paints.

Where are fiberboards used?

Fiberboard boards have standard sizes and are light in weight, so you can work with them without using heavy lifting equipment. Fiberboards are also actively used for insulation and sound insulation of internal and external walls, sloping roofs, attics, interior partitions and interfloor ceilings.

Since during the production of the material they add wood shavings, then the strength increases significantly, which is why fiberboard is often used during monolithic construction of buildings. In addition, it is used:

  • for low-rise construction of houses as formwork;
  • as a quality when laying an insulating layer;
  • as a finishing sheathing, on which the finishing will be laid in the future;
  • as soundproofing.

The use of fiberboard slabs in monolithic construction

Reduce construction costs monolithic house This is possible thanks to fiberboard, from which permanent formwork is often constructed. These structures are easy to install; in addition, you can solve the issue of insulating your home. Fiberboard slabs are often used in panel construction frame houses. Due to their structural properties, fiberboards are ideal for the construction of permanent formwork.

Fiberboards are used for construction various options designs. To do this, the material is cut to the required dimensions, then, according to the design, the formwork is laid.

The use of fiberboard is most advisable in urban conditions, since it will protect against noise that causes considerable discomfort.

Manufacturing technology and composition

The process involves mixing wood shavings with water based and some additives. To do this, liquid glass or office glue in a diluted state is added to the shavings. This is necessary so that no chemical reaction occurs between the components.

Initially, wood wool is impregnated using a special binder mixture. A cement composition acts as a binder. After this, the material is poured and pressed into molds.

Such high properties are due to the composition, structure and manufacturing technology. Fiberboard is 60% wood, almost 40% cement, also containing no more than half a percent mineral additive. Three main factors can be distinguished; they distinguish fiberboard from other wood-based materials:

  • at the first stage - the production of especially thin and long shavings, which are called wood wool;
  • on the second - mineralization of wood (for example, with liquid glass) in order to “close” the access of water to the tree;
  • at the third stage - horizontal orientation of wood wool during the manufacturing process of the board.

Wood and cement - environmentally friendly clean materials. Mineralization protects against moisture. The structure of the plate provides sufficiently high fracture strength. By adjusting the density of the slab, a certain set of basic performance properties is achieved - thermal insulation, sound insulation, structural strength.

There are many other advantages of fiberboard compared to other building materials. Despite the fact that fiberboard is a relatively young building material, due to its unique properties and low cost, it is becoming increasingly used in modern construction practice. Watch the video:

Today, fiberboards have gained great popularity in the building materials market. This material itself can be called universal. Plates are used for internal lining walls and floor. The composition of fiberboard contains various components (wood wool, cement or magnesite fiberboard). Depending on its composition, it is divided into types. Read more about the use of fiberboard boards later in the article.

Characteristics and properties of fiberboard boards

  • As mentioned above, fiberboard is universal material, used in various branches of repair and construction. In addition to floor and wall cladding, it is successfully used for installing internal partitions, roofing, as well as for installation of formwork.
  • The sizes of fiberboard boards can be different, depending on where they will be used. They contain wood wool, which is a rather dense ribbon-like thread, the length of which varies from 20 to 55 cm.
  • Fiberboard boards have many positive qualities, thanks to which they are increasingly used today in the field of repair and construction. They are valued for their reliability, strength, wear resistance, and good performance properties. IN European countries houses made of fiberboard slabs, built in the last century, are still kept in good condition.
  • The fact that fiberboard slabs based on Portland cement have excellent characteristics is also evidenced by the results of testing carried out by Italian masters. They confirmed that the material holds its shape well under different weather conditions, not deformed. This is achieved thanks to the strong structure of wood threads and special silicates contained in the composition of the boards. In addition, all components are treated with special mineralizing agents that protect the material from any chemical exposure. Over time, the carbonization process improves the characteristics of the material, making it durable and reliable for many years.

The material became widespread in Russia in the late 1930s. Since that time, the number of shops and workshops involved in the production of fiberboard floor slabs has only increased. Today, as mentioned above, fiberboard is used not only for cladding floors and walls, but also for installing formwork in frame-concrete and monolithic construction.

Types of fiberboard boards

According to current GOST standards No. 8928–81, depending on the thermal insulation properties, fiberboard is classified into the following types:

  • F-300 – has thermal insulation properties,
  • F-400 - structural and thermal insulating fiberboard,
  • F-500 - acoustic fiberboard.

Based on the degree of density and strength, the material is divided into the following types:

  • GB1 – low density fiberboard,
  • GB2 – material with average density,
  • GB3 - material with high density,
  • GB4 – combined fiberboard (layer-by-layer) – these boards alternate layers of low and high density,
  • GB1L is a material with minimal density, used for heat and sound insulation,
  • GB3F is a combined fiberboard; in addition to high density, it has a special decorative coating.

Fiberboards for finishing have many advantages, including fire resistance, wear resistance, strength, resistance to mechanical damage(damage from insects or small rodents). The material is considered a good heat insulator and sound insulator. That is why fiberboard today is very often used for interior cladding of premises in residential buildings. However, this will require a material with a minimum density.

Installation of fiberboard boards is required during installation basements And permanent formwork. The use of such material allows you to reduce costs construction work almost 60%. Durable fiberboard slabs of class GB3 are used in the construction of frame buildings as external walls or interior partitions. At the same time, they cover a wooden or metal frame.

F-500 class slabs are used as a sound insulator when arranging staircases and lobbies. And if the fiberboard is additionally covered decorative finishing, made of roofing fiber, then it can be used for cladding the roofs of wooden buildings.

  • Good thermal insulation.
  • Excellent soundproofing properties.
  • High strength.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Good thermo- and hydroregulation.
  • Fire resistance (material class G1).
  • Water resistance (the material does not lose its properties and shape when exposed to moisture).

Taking into account all the characteristics of the material, you can not be afraid to install hidden electrical wiring in fiberboard slabs. In addition, this material can be successfully combined with other types of facing coatings.

GreenBoard boards contain wood wool threads (more than 55%). Thanks to this fact, they act as an “accumulator” of moisture. When interacting with moist air, excess moisture penetrates deep into the structure of the slab, where it accumulates. If the air in the room becomes too dry, the stove releases moisture back. Thanks to this, an optimal level of humidity can be maintained in the room. Unlike other materials, such as wood, fiberboards do not change their dimensions due to changes in temperature and humidity, which makes them an excellent finishing and building material.

Among the disadvantages of fiberboard boards, one can highlight their relatively high weight. If we compare them with wood, they are about 15-20% heavier, but compared to concrete they are much lighter.

Popularity of using GreenBoard boards in Lately increased several times. This material is considered the most promising for exterior and interior decoration, as well as for the construction of frame houses. Very often it is used to make formwork.

This popularity is explained by the excellent functional characteristics of the material and ease of installation. In a low-rise frame construction fiberboards can be an excellent alternative to OSB. Thanks to the use of wood waste in production, the cost of such material is competitive. The price of a slab depends on its density.

Installation procedure for fiberboard slabs

The installation process of fiberboard boards depends on their area of ​​application. When insulating a building using of this material, the process of its installation resembles the installation of expanded polystyrene panels.

  • First, remnants of plaster and possible areas of contamination are removed from the surface of the external wall of the building. The fiberboard board is glued to the wall surface using special glue. It is sold in the form of a dry mixture, which must be diluted with water for use. Consistency ready solution should not be too liquid. Otherwise, the slab will slide under its own weight. When preparing the solution, it is necessary to take into account the speed of laying the material. If it is low, due to little experience, then it is better to mix a small amount of glue. The fact is that it sets quite quickly, and after hardening it is strictly forbidden to use it. Working with “small portions” will reduce material consumption.
  • Laying fiberboard slabs for external insulation of the facade is carried out from bottom to top. Moreover, the rows, like brickwork, must go with overlap. In simple words: the middle of the slab of the top row should be at the level of the junction of the two slabs of the previous one.
  • When laying, the adhesive solution is applied as a continuous level to both the wall and the back surface of the slab. To apply the glue, use a special spatula with a serrated end.
  • After laying the slabs, they are additionally secured with special dowels. They are shaped like an umbrella. Thanks to the large head, these dowels securely hold the slab. Each of them requires 5 dowels. One is installed in the center, the rest in the corners. The length of the fastener depends on the thickness of the slab. It must extend at least 50 mm inside the wall.
  • Once the slabs are installed, they can be plastered. The plaster will protect the fiberboard from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and, especially, moisture.
  • Before applying the plaster, a reinforcing mesh is applied to the surface of the slabs. It is simply glued to the surface using glue, which is rubbed with a spatula. Then, after the glue has dried, a layer of plaster is applied, which is rubbed and primed. After the primer has dried, paint for exterior facade work is applied to its surface.
  • During construction frame house, fiberboard slabs are attached directly to the building frame. Moreover, they are installed both outside and inside. Between them inside you can put a layer mineral wool, which will make the building warmer.
  • The top of the slabs can be covered with siding, thereby protecting them from moisture, or they can be plastered and painted. Recently, finishing external walls with tiles that imitate brick has become popular. She has an excellent appearance, performance characteristics, lasts quite a long time. However, this type of finishing is very labor-intensive and costs a lot.
  • At interior decoration indoors, the surface of the fiberboard slabs is plastered or covered with plasterboard.


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