Making kvass at home, step-by-step recipes from starter to finished drink. Kvass from black rye bread at home

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Kvass - a native Slavic drink. In ancient times, it constituted the main diet of the peasant (together with black bread and onions). They did not disdain kvass in the royal chambers either. This is not surprising - the drink is healing, increasing immunity .

So how to cook homemade kvass (recipe for 3 liters) quickly ?

Homemade kvass

Kvass on rye breadcrumbs

Intoxicating drinking does not lose popularity in our time. You can see it on store shelves (packaged in bottles) and buy a glass at a kiosk for bottling. Grandmothers also sell it at the market, but many housewives prefer to make kvass themselves.

Therefore it is not surprising that There are so many different recipes for making a tonic drink . It can be prepared with or without yeast, with beets or apples – there are countless ways to do it. But the one prepared at home always turns out to be the best.

Traditionally in Rus', tonic drinks were infused with grain, so preparing the drink was a long process. Now homemade kvass (recipes for 3 liters below) is quickly won due to its composition - within a day you can already drink the drink .

Cooking recipes

If you need to make homemade kvass (recipe for 3 liters) quickly, then it should be made only with yeast . This is the main catalyst for fermentation. Many housewives are accustomed to insisting on Borodino bread, but the process will take about 3 days. You can speed it up by using the following recipes:

  • On breadcrumbs. Having bought a kilogram rye crackers , they should be further fried until a golden crust appears. Then the crackers are poured warm water (you need 2 liters) and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Next, the infusion is poured into a 3-liter glass jar, and the crackers should be poured again with a liter of boiled water and left for 1 hour.

This infusion is poured into a jar to the previous one and added granulated sugar – 1.5 glasses. 40 g kvass yeast dilute with a small amount of wort and pour into the infusion. After allowing the kvass to mature in a warm place for 12 hours, it is packaged and sent into the cold.

Kvass on rye breadcrumbs, with honey and horseradish
  • Boyarsky. This recipe has been passed down from one generation to another for centuries. The drink is infused on rye bread, but it is quite stale. Previously, kvass was infused without yeast, but today’s housewives use this ingredient to speed up the reaction.

50 g hop yeast poured warm water (1 glass) and let it ferment. Mint steam with boiling water to taste and also infuse. Slices stale bread pour boiling water (3 liters) and let stand until the water cools to 30 degrees.

Yeast starter and steamed mint are added to the infusion. After 12 hours, all this is filtered, and 1 kg is dissolved in the filtered composition Sahara . Once the drink has been played enough, you can already drink it, but by giving it the opportunity to brew in the cold, you will get a stronger kvass.

  • With horseradish. A homemade drink prepared quickly enough will be even more vigorous due to the presence of horseradish in it. And the cooking speed is much higher compared to the previously described methods.

Rye crackers (600 g) need to be poured boiling water and leave for 3 hours, then strain and add yeast (15 g), leaving to infuse for another 5 hours. Now you can add honey and grated horseradish root (75 g each). Having mixed well, the kvass is packaged in bottles, adding highlight . After 2 hours you can enjoy the crappy drink.

  • Apple. This recipe will seem unusual to you, because... prepared unconventionally. IN boiled slightly cooled water fall asleep Sahara (full glass), add yeast (take dry ) – tsp. And instant coffee – two tsp.


Kvass with apple juice

Homemade kvass (recipe for 3 liters) can be quickly prepared using the above technologies. The process can be slightly accelerated if you don’t just infuse the drink in a warm place, but preheat it. This will speed up the fermentation process.

Bread kvass is a traditional Russian drink. They drank kvass in Rus' all year round and in peasant huts, and in monasteries, and in noble estates, and in the royal chambers. People noted that bread kvass easily quenches thirst, relieves fatigue and quickly restores strength, so fasting for ordinary people kvass became the main source of vitamins, along with onions and black bread. Doctors also noted the beneficial properties of kvass; in infirmaries and hospitals, bread kvass was equated to medicine. Already two centuries ago, doctors knew that kvass improves digestion and expels microbes. Modern scientists confirm: bread kvass regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents reproduction harmful microorganisms, raises the overall tone of the body, strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Useful properties of bread kvass

Not everyone knows the benefits of kvass. Therefore, we will tell you in more detail about the beneficial properties of bread kvass. Homemade bread kvass helps digestion, inhibits pathogenic microflora and promotes better metabolism. Thus, homemade bread kvass is a preventative dietary drink and increases performance. Since a long time beneficial features bread kvass was popularly used to prevent vitamin deficiency, because it contains many vitamins (E, group B) and microelements (lactic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium), as well as amino acids.

Bread kvass is useful:

  • for treatment nervous system, hypertension, heart and vascular cleansing, as well as to improve mood - due to the presence of lactic acid, amino acids, magnesium, calcium, trace elements and B vitamins in rye kvass;
  • bread kvass increases potency, treats the eyes, liver, strengthens teeth, and when drunk on an empty stomach it helps the secretion of gastric juice, and is used in diets for weight loss;
  • for gastritis with low acidity, it is useful to drink kvass before meals;
  • beet kvass restores liver cells and has a choleretic effect; it is also used for arrhythmias.

So, beneficial properties of bread kvass are obvious, but you should not abuse sour kvass for chronic ulcers and gastritis, increased acidity, colitis, gout and liver diseases. Practical advice: to reduce the acidity of kvass, you should add honey to taste. Bread kvass acquires beneficial properties due to the combination of grains, yeast and natural ingredients(herbs or berries). There are many types of bread kvass: sour or sweet kvass, bread kvass with mint, rye kvass with horseradish, okroshka kvass, kvass with fruits and berries, kvass without yeast.

Pre-revolutionary Russia had its own hierarchy of kvass:

  • honey kvass was considered the most high-born, and the best honey from all over the country went to St. Petersburg for the throne's kvass;
  • monastic kvass- the same famous kvass, it was infused with kalach instead of yeast and made in monasteries where they raised their own bees;
  • Zhitny kvass from barley and rye malt prepared in landowners' and peasants' houses.
  • berry kvass, infused with all kinds of strawberries, lingonberries, cranberries and bird cherries, was considered cheap.

Homemade bread kvass, photo by I. Bykov

How to make homemade kvass

It is quite difficult to prepare real bread kvass, as it was made in Rus'. To prepare bread kvass, grain (rye or barley) is first soaked, germinated, steamed, dried, ground, and wort is prepared from it. It is filled with water, fermented for several days, and infused. This whole procedure takes a lot of time... However, you and I can prepare homemade bread kvass from the extract of this drink or kvass wort.

Rules for preparing homemade bread kvass

  1. The yeast must be the freshest, and the bread for the wort must be rye.
  2. Kvass is prepared in cooled boiled water.
  3. It is recommended to store kvass in a cool place.
  4. Ready kvass should be consumed within 2-3 days. If stored for a longer period of time, it loses its taste and becomes sour.
  5. The container in which the wort is infused must be glass or enamel; kvass cannot be prepared in aluminum containers, as it oxidizes.
  6. To prepare berry kvass, only ripe, selected, undamaged berries are used.

For those who want to get a healing and tasty drink, we advise you to prepare homemade bread kvass using the following recipes. We will be the first to publish a recipe for kvass without yeast.

Kvass without yeast

Sourdough for kvass without yeast

2 cups boiled water cooled to room temperature.
0.5 slices of rye bread.
1 tsp granulated sugar.
For the starter, take a glass of lukewarm boiled water, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, and half a slice of rye bread. Place all ingredients in a 0.5 liter jar. At the same time, crush the bread. Cover the jar with the starter with a cloth and leave it to ferment in a warm place. Without yeast, sourdough fermentation takes a little longer: a day or two.

How to make bread kvass without yeast at home from sourdough starter

1 tbsp. spoon of granulated sugar
1 - 2 slices rye bread
0.5 liters of prepared sourdough
1.5 liters of chilled boiled water

And so a day or two passed, you tasted the sourdough and made sure it was ready. The liquid should be cloudy and taste sharp. First, take a 2 liter jar, pour the starter into it, add 2 pieces of rye bread (crushed), 1 tbsp. spoon of granulated sugar and add cold boiled water to the edges of the jar. Close the lid and let it sit for a day. You can also put crackers, dried in the oven until golden brown, in a jar. In this case, the kvass will steep for much longer, but will acquire a golden color almost immediately. A day or two later, after tasting the first kvass, pour 2/3 of the liquid into a separate container. Add the remaining starter in the jar with boiled water cooled to room temperature, add 1 - 2 chopped pieces of fresh rye bread, close the lid and leave again.

Bread recipes homemade kvass

Since store-bought kvass can hardly be called useful, many people want to know how to make kvass at home. After all, homemade bread kvass is much tastier and healthier. In addition, preparing kvass at home is not difficult for experienced housewives.

Recipe for kvass from crackers

How to make homemade kvass from crackers:
Rye crackers (1 kg) are fried in the oven until golden brown. Place in a saucepan and pour warm water and leave in a warm place for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally. The infusion is drained. The remaining crackers are poured again with water, left for 1-2 hours and poured into the infusion that was obtained earlier. The resulting wort is cooled to 20 degrees. Add sugar (per 3 liters of water - 1.5 cups of sugar) and yeast (40 g), diluted with the same wort. Leave in a warm place for 12 hours. The finished kvass is poured into jars or bottles and stored in a cool place.

Boyarsky kvass recipe

How to prepare Boyarsky kvass at home
Ingredients: 1 kg of stale rye bread, 5 liters of water, 1.3 sugar, 60 g of yeast, 1 tbsp. wheat flour, mint to taste.
Prepare the starter. To do this, dilute the yeast with a glass of warm water and place in a warm place. Pour boiling water over dried mint and leave to infuse. Cut the bread into slices, pour boiling water over it and cool to 30-40 degrees. Add the starter, mint infusion and leave for a day, then strain, add sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour the kvass into bottles, seal them well and store in the cold.

Borodinsky kvass recipe

Making Borodinsky kvass at home
Ingredients: 3 liters of water, 2 pieces of Borodino bread, 15 g of yeast, 1 teaspoon of flour, a handful of raisins
How to prepare Borodino kvass. Cut the bread into slices and lightly dry in the oven. Pour boiling water over and let the wort steep for 3 hours. Dissolve yeast with flour and add to wort. Leave for a day. Strain. Pour into bottles, add a twist to each. Keep warm for 3 hours, then put the bottles in the refrigerator. After 3-4 days you can drink kvass. Borodino kvass is ready.

Vigorous kvass with horseradish

Making kvass with horseradish, raisins and honey at home
Ingredients: 4 l of water, 800 g of rye crackers, 20 g of yeast, 100 g of honey, 100 g of grated horseradish, 50 g of raisins
How to prepare vigorous kvass with horseradish. Pour boiling water over the crackers and let stand for 3-4 hours. Strain. Add yeast and leave to ferment for 5-6 hours. Add grated horseradish and honey. Mix, pour into bottles, adding zest to each. Let it brew for 2 hours. Vigorous kvass with horseradish is ready.

Beet kvass recipe

How to make beet kvass at home
Ingredients: 1 kg of beets, 2 liters of water, 20 g of sugar, 1 piece of black bread, a clove of garlic, salt to taste
How to prepare beet kvass. Peel the beets and grate them on a coarse grater. Place in a 3-liter jar and fill with water. Add a piece of black bread, sugar, a little salt. Cover the jar with gauze and place in a warm place for 3-4 days. You can add a clove of garlic to almost finished kvass. Beet kvass is ready.

Recipe Kvass razhnaya

How to make rye kvass at home
Ingredients: 1 loaf of rye bread, 2 cups of sugar, 1 packet of dry yeast, several sprigs of mint, a handful of blackcurrant leaves
How to prepare rye kvass: Cut the bread into slices and leave to dry for a day. Then brown the crackers in the oven. Pour boiling water over the crackers and leave for 12 hours. Brew mint and currants: pour boiling water and let steep for 15 minutes. Strain the crackers through cheesecloth or a sieve, add a decoction of mint and currants, sugar and yeast to the resulting infusion. Stir and leave to ferment for 5 hours. When the kvass starts to foam, remove the foam, strain and bottle.

  • 8 liters of water
  • 60 grams fresh yeast
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 loaf of rye (Borodinsky) bread weighing 500-700 grams
  • raisin

How to cook

Cut the bread into slices and dry in the oven at maximum temperature until Brown The darker the crackers, the darker the color of the kvass, but do not overcook the bread, otherwise the kvass will taste bitter.

Boil water in a large enamel pan, remove from heat, add sugar and put crackers, leave until cool, I usually put the pan in the sink with cold water The water should be lukewarm. When it cools down, scoop up a little of this water in a bowl and dissolve the yeast well in it, pour it back into the pan, you can stir a little with a spoon so that the yeast is distributed evenly.

We tie the pan with cloth or gauze, I usually put it on the table, where our kvass will ferment for a day and a half, that is, a whole day and another night.

After the expiration date, strain the kvass into another pan through cheesecloth, you can add more sugar to taste, but do not add too much otherwise the kvass will be too strong. Pour the strained sweetened kvass into 3-liter jars (you will get 2 of them, i.e. 6 liters), throw a pinch of raisins into each jar (it additionally carbonates the kvass, which makes it more pungent). Cover the jars with saucers, but not the lids, put the kvass in the refrigerator for another day, or overnight.

After this period, sediment will collect at the bottom of the jar, you will need to carefully pour the kvass through a sieve into other jars, trying not to stir the sediment, put the raisins back into the kvass, put the jars with kvass in the refrigerator and you can enjoy!

Step by step photos of the recipe

Additional recipe information

How to make kvass at home

Do not throw away the bread wort that remains after fermentation; the second kvass prepared from it turns out even tastier than the first, with a pleasant sour taste.
We will boil again this time 7 liters of water, add a little sugar to it (half a glass), add another 300 grams of dried Borodino bread, let it cool to a warm state, transfer the wort to lukewarm water, add another 40 grams of yeast (usually I take yeast briquette 100 grams, just enough for 2 batches).Tie again
pan with a cloth and leave for time as indicated above.A
the rest is according to the recipe. The okroshka made from homemade kvass is simply very tasty!


  • black bread crusts - 100 grams
  • water - 3 liters
  • raisins - 7 pieces
  • sugar - 1.5 cups
  • yeast - (dry) 1 teaspoon


  1. Boil water and cool.
  2. If you don’t have dry crusts of black bread, prepare them yourself.
  3. Toast the bread slices in the oven until they slightly change color.
  4. Place the peels in water.
  5. Add sugar, yeast and raisins, stir and cover with a lid.
  6. Leave for a day at room temperature.
  7. After a day, strain the kvass and pour it into bottles, put 2 raisins in each bottle and put it in the refrigerator for a day.
  8. Ingredient preparation time: 30 minutes.
  9. Kvass ripening time is 2 days.

Recipe No. 3 Video recipe for making kvass

And many more interesting things about making kvass

How to make kvass at home correctly


How to make kvass at home? Kvass is considered an ancient Russian drink, which is loved by all Russian people. And that’s why many people think that kvass was invented in Rus'. But, in fact, the homeland of kvass is Ancient Egypt. But we consider it our native and familiar drink to quench our thirst in the summer heat.

How to properly prepare homemade kvass

You don’t have to buy delicious kvass; you can easily prepare it yourself correctly. A drink prepared at home is stronger, more invigorating and tasty. To prepare it you will need products that any housewife almost always has. This is rye bread, preferably stale. If the bread is fresh, then it needs to be cut into cubes and dried in the oven. Then the dried crackers are placed in a three-liter jar and filled with water at room temperature, previously boiled and cooled. Add sugar (three tablespoons), yeast (one hundred grams) to the water where the crackers are and mix everything.

Fermentation process

Cover the jar with a lid, wrap it up and leave the mixture to ferment. To make kvass faster, you can add more sugar to speed up the process. Usually the drink is ready to drink after two days. Before use, kvass should be strained using gauze. You need to add another spoonful of sugar to the resulting liquid and let it brew for about six more hours without insulation. Homemade kvass is then bottled and cooled before use. The remaining grounds need to be transferred to another three-liter jar. It will serve as a starter for the next portions of delicious kvass. Three or four spoons of it are enough for sourdough, and you need to prepare it using the same technology as the first time. To prevent the starter from spoiling, it is better to store it in the refrigerator.

Cooking method

Homemade kvass made from rye bread, which is baked in modern bakeries, does not have a particular strength or aroma. This depends on the fact that when making bread, various additives are often used, the presence of which affects the taste of kvass. In order for the kvass to be especially similar to the one that was prepared in the distant past, it is advisable to make it with sourdough. There are a huge number of recipes for making sourdough. To prepare the simplest sourdough, you need to take dry yeast, mix it with a tablespoon of sugar and two tablespoons of flour.

Fermentation process

Everything is mixed, poured with half a glass of warm water, wrapped up and left for half an hour.

Another way is to make homemade sourdough using a longer technology. Crumble 500 grams of rye bread into an enamel bowl and add half a liter of water, the temperature of which is not higher than 75 degrees. After swelling, the bread should form a homogeneous mass. Then yeast, diluted with water, is added there, but there should not be much of it, and a teaspoon of salt and sugar. The resulting mass should be wrapped and left for half an hour. Without ceasing to stir the mass, half a liter of boiling water is poured into it and the starter is again left to ferment for two hours. If more time passes, the kvass may become cloudy. The resulting dough is placed in a preheated oven at low temperature for one hour. If during this time the baked goods are burnt, the kvass will be dark.

The prepared cake is broken into small pieces and placed in a five-liter pan. After this, pour boiling water over everything completely.

After two hours the wort will be ready and can be drained. Then the starter will settle at the bottom of the pan. If you make kvass from it one more time, it will be lighter.

In order for the fermentation process to begin, you need to add a little yeast and sugar to it. The container must be covered or left without a lid. The main thing is that the pan is not filled to the top. Because during fermentation the foam can come out over the edge. It will be better if the container with the wort is sealed. In this case, the drink will be stronger and richer. Usually two to three days are enough for fermentation, after which the kvass is filtered and placed in a cool place for about a week.

Cooking method

Currently, the industry produces a semi-finished product in the form of dry kvass, from which the drink is prepared. To prepare it, pour the contents of the package into a saucepan and pour a liter of boiling water, close the lid and leave for twenty minutes. If the powder is not well mixed, then the lumps should be crushed, add more boiling water (fifteen liters) and stir again. The drink is cooled to a temperature of 35 degrees. To make ready-made kvass, you need to add yeast to the dry kvass, which is diluted with water; you can also use a ready-made starter. Everything should be kneaded and left to ferment for three hours. After adding sugar, the drink is poured into bottles, closed tightly and wrapped.

Fermentation process

After the drink begins to ferment, the bottles are placed in a cold place. Typically, kvass made from dry powder is ready for use within a day.

Making delicious kvass without yeast yourself

To prepare such a drink, you need rye bread, or even just crusts from it, which are poured with cool boiled water on a one-to-one basis.

Fermentation process

The resulting mixture must be removed and infused in a warm place for a whole week. The finished kvass is drained. And stale rye crusts are added to the remaining wort and water is added, leaving again for fermentation.

Cooking method

To prepare homemade beet kvass, one fruit weighing about 200 grams is enough. The beets need to be grated on a coarse grater, placed with glass jar and pour 1.5 liters of boiled warm water. Add sugar (three tablespoons) and a little yeast to the jar.

Fermentation process

The jar should be placed in a warm place, periodically take and stir the mixture to improve the fermentation process. It should start in about a day. Sometimes raisins or a little more sugar are added to speed up the fermentation process. Kvass is ready in three days. In addition to the fact that beet kvass quenches thirst well, it has many beneficial properties for the body.

Cooking method

To prepare white kvass at home, you need to use rye flour (300 grams), pour it with three liters of boiling water. The mixture is kneaded until all lumps disappear. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, sugar is poured into it and honey is added, approximately one hundred grams each. Add raisins and sourdough to the mixture, which has cooled to 35 degrees. If you don’t have sourdough, you can make it or use pieces of rye bread. The dish with all the ingredients must be covered with a lid and left covered for 1.5 days.

Fermentation process

After a large amount of foam appears on the top of the mixture, white and tasty kvass is ready for use. It must be filtered, bottled, sealed and placed in a cool place. What remains after straining can be used for the next portion of kvass.

Cooking method

For preparing alcoholic kvass Fermentation of the wort is necessary, so the finished drink contains slightly more than 1% alcohol. For this type of kvass, barley malt, rye flour, pre-crushed rye bread crackers, molasses, raisins and water are used. Using malt, flour and water, knead the dough, cover the dough and leave for about an hour to rise. Then the dough is placed in a mold and in the oven for three hours. During this period, the dough is steamed, kneaded, hot water is added to make it liquid, and left in a warm place for a day.

After this, put it in a bowl, sprinkle with stale bread and raisins, pour in water and knead the dough again. After 24 hours, the wort is poured into another container, and what is left is again filled with boiling water. After five hours the wort is drained once again.

The wort is poured into the mint infusion, adding molasses and raisins. Place in a warm place for a couple of hours, then in a cold place. Then the dishes are closed and put away for ten days, after which the kvass will be ready.

You learned how to make kvass at home yourself, learned what types of this drink can be prepared at home, so that in the warm season you can not only quench your thirst, but also delight your family and friends with this invigorating fizzy drink. Now the choice is yours. You can choose the recipe that suits you. We wish you a pleasant preparation of homemade kvass! Stay with us

Correct kvass

It would seem that there is nothing simpler than kvass. However, does everyone know how to prepare it correctly, to whom it is useful and to whom it is not? Here are some “general” tips.

Sour kvass should not be abused for chronic ulcers and gastritis, hyperacidity, colitis, gout and liver diseases. To reduce the acidity of kvass, you can add honey to it.

Kvass is prepared in cooled boiled water.

Ready kvass should be consumed within 2-3 days. If stored for a longer period of time, it loses its taste and becomes sour.

The most convenient for making kvass are champagne bottles with dense and reliable polyethylene stoppers.

The container in which the wort is infused must be glass or enameled. You cannot cook kvass in aluminum containers, as it oxidizes.

To prepare berry kvass, only ripe, undamaged berries are used.

Rye kvass is prepared like this. Cut the bread into slices and toast in the oven until lightly browned. Pour boiling water over the crackers, cover and leave for 3-4 hours. Strain the resulting infusion (wort), add diluted in warm water yeast, granulated sugar, mint, cover with a napkin and let ferment for 10-12 hours. After the foam appears, strain again and pour into bottles, putting 5 washed raisins in each half-liter bottle. Seal the bottles tightly with corks soaked in boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature, and then put in a cool place. In three days the young kvass will be ready. For 500-700 g of rye crackers you will need 4-5 liters of water, 10-15 g of yeast, 100-150 g of granulated sugar, 10 g of mint, 25 g of raisins.

You can add an infusion of calamus roots to the prepared kvass (1 glass per 3 liters of kvass). The resulting drink sharpens vision and hearing, strengthens gums, calms nervous excitement and lowers blood pressure.

Mint kvass also has a calming effect and promotes sleep soundly. Dip a gauze bag with 20 g of mint into 3 liters of drink and add 2 tbsp. honey

If instead of mint you put 100-150 g of grated horseradish and 100 g of honey and sugar, you will get “Petrovsky” kvass. It helps fight chronic diseases nasopharynx.

You can add hop cones (50 g per 3 l) to the finished kvass and leave for at least 5 hours. This drink is used in dietary nutrition for gastritis and in cosmetology to strengthen hair as masks.

Juniper kvass - good remedy to strengthen the immune system, having antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. When warm, it helps with coughs. To prepare it, you need to add 200 ml of water to a small amount of juniper fruits, bring to a boil and cook for several minutes. Add this broth to rusk kvass 4 hours before it is ready.

Kvass is also made from fruits, berries, oats, wheat crackers and other products.

An old recipe for making berry kvass: wash blackcurrants, raspberries, blackberries, lingonberries or blueberries, mash and place in an enamel bowl. Pour warm sugar syrup at the rate of: 1 kg of berries and 500-600 g of sugar per 4 liters of water. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly, cover with gauze, and leave for 24 hours at room temperature. After this, strain twice and bottle with several raisins. Keep in a cool place for 1-2 weeks.

To prepare apple kvass, chop 1 kg of apples, pour 5 liters of water over them, bring to a boil and leave for 2-3 hours. Then strain, add 50 g of yeast diluted in warm water, 500 g of sugar, 3 g of citric acid and leave for 3-4 days to ferment.

Kvass at home

Making kvass under economic conditions almost always required tremendous skill. Ethnic cooking knows a large number of various “secrets” of this matter. Unfortunately, the richest skill of the Slavic peoples was not clearly studied at one time and the skill of economic kvass-making was forgotten over time. We inherited only individual articles, records, recipes and descriptions in ancient books and manuals. Below we provide more available recipes production of various kvass in economic conditions, first describing the approximate technology.

Making kvass wort. To prepare kvass wort, use 1 of 3 methods: from baked dough; infused; mash decoction Let's consider method 1, because it is possible to obtain the sweetest and most fragrant kvass. It consists of the following: 1 kg of bread products is kneaded into dough with 0.75 liters of water at a temperature of 60-70 ° C. Add bread products in small portions into a bowl of water, mixing continuously and thoroughly. After this, the dough is left alone for 15-20 minutes, after which it is diluted with boiling water. For 1 kg of dough you need 0.75 liters of water, which is added in small portions, spraying it and continuously mixing the dough. The dough is kept for 2-2.5 hours for saccharification.

It is possible to withstand the dough for 1.5 -2 hours, in this situation the wort settles less, resulting in cloudy, dense, although the sweetest and most fragrant and the most nutritious! Good kvass is characterized by its own density, which ensures the fullness of the taste and smell of kvass; as a result, kvass is not filtered. After saccharification, the dough is placed in clay pots or other dishes, a little water is poured in and placed in a hot, properly heated oven or in the oven for 2 - 3 hours. The baked dough is laid out, refreshed, broken into pieces and placed for infusion in a vat of water at a temperature of 90 - 95 ° C. Water is isolated at the rate of 9 - 10 liters per 1 kg of bread products taken. After 1.5 - 2 hours, the so-called “mash” is ready. Subsequently, the clear kvass wort is carefully drained (“removed from the sediment”), mixed according to the recipe, with honey, molasses or sugar, with mint or spices. The wort is refreshed to fermentation temperature (25 - 30 °C), bread starter or yeast is added and fermented. With all this technique, only the first wort is fermented. To make less extractive kvass, the grounds can be poured hot water, insist and find the second wort. Before fermentation, color or toasted rye bread crackers are added to the wort to obtain the most intense color.

Fermentation of kvass wort. To transform the wort into bread kvass, it is fermented with bread leaven of yeast and lactic acid bacteria, baker's and brewer's yeast, wine raisin yeast and by yeast-free (spontaneous) fermentation. With yeast fermentation, kvass becomes tasty, although less stable in storage, and with spontaneous fermentation, it becomes sour, although the most stable. Wort can be fermented using 2 methods: aerobic (open), in which the fermenting wort is not separated from the atmosphere and is saturated with air oxygen; anaerobic (without air access) - in sealed bottles. It is believed that kvass works better when fermented in bottles. After fermentation, the kvass is kept in bottles, that is, stored in freezers or cellars until consumption. When using compressed baker's yeast to produce kvass, the required amount of yeast is weighed out (at an approximate rate of 15 g of yeast per 100 liters of finished kvass), they are crushed and mixed with ten times the amount of kvass wort, into which 8% sugar syrup was first added. The diluted yeast is kept at a temperature of 26-30 ° C for 3 hours. This yeast starter is subsequently referred to as “liquid yeast.” It is also possible to use liquid wine or brewer’s yeast.

When making kvass on a commercial basis, you must have the following equipment: utensils for kneading dough - preferably enameled; not a very large wooden vat for infusing the wort; not a very large tub. The infusion vat must have a lid, a false bottom and a tap. A false bottom is a hoop stretched metal grid with holes 2-4 mm; the hoop is placed on a wooden cross. The tap for decanting the wort is installed between the bottom and the mesh. The wort should be fermented in an enamel container, in glass bottles or in a strong oak barrel, properly steamed and washed with hot and frosty water.

Homemade kvass recipe

Kvass helped everyone out. Have you tried real kvass? No, not purchased, but economic? Almost no soda can compare with this magical drink. The recipe for kvass in commercial conditions is my present for you. Although in the early days there is not a lot about kvass.

Since ancient times, kvass has been widely preferred in Rus'. For more than a thousand years it has been considered national drink and at the same time food, try to remember everyone’s favorite okroshka. In the old days, many dishes were prepared with kvass: botvinya, tyurya, which are now a curiosity for us. The kvass was tasty and sour, berry, fruity, honey. How is kvass made? By fermentation and infusion of bread, sugar, water, yeast and malt. Since you drink kvass, you are not at risk of vitamin deficiency, you will not get tired. It is also an excellent bactericidal agent. No wonder in the old days it was issued in military hospitals. Kvass can be prepared in any way. The base remains constant, plus various additives: lemon, raisins, herbs, which make it possible to feel the taste of this excellent drink. The best way do it personally.

I offer simple recipes for kvass in commercial conditions.

Bread kvass. You will need: 1 brick of rye bread; 3 liters of water; 1 cup of sugar; twenty grams of yeast; 2 tablespoons raisins. Production: 1. Slice the rye bread and dry it in the oven. Place in a saucepan and add boiling water. Leave to cool. Strain through cheesecloth. Add sugar, yeast, mix. Leave for 10 hours.

2. Pour the kvass into bottles, add raisins, cover tightly, and place in the freezer. After 2 days the drink is ready. I assume you know that the drink comes in 2 and a half bottles. liter bottles and for each bottle one tablespoon of raisins.

Honey kvass. 5 liters of water, 400 grams of honey, 1 lemon, 400 grams of raisins, 8 grams of yeast, 1 tablespoon rye flour.

To prepare honey kvass according to this recipe from Russian cuisine, add lemon to honey, cut into thin slices, and pour 4 liters of frosty boiled water into the raisins, in which yeast and flour are mixed. Well, after a day we add 1 liter of boiled water. And as soon as the raisins and lemon float to the surface of the water, ready liquid strain through a sieve. Pour the kvass into bottles, close it, putting 1-2 raisins in each bottle, and store it in a cool place. Well, after 2-3 days, honey kvass is ready for consumption.

Making kvass on a commercial scale requires great skill. Unfortunately, a rather large and rich skill Slavic people was not clearly studied, and the skill of economically brewing kvass began to be forgotten over time. We know only individual records of recipes and descriptions in ancient books and instructions. The first mention of kvass was discovered in 988. As soon as the baptism of the Kievites took place, Vladimir ordered food and drinks to be distributed to everyone; among the drinks, honey in barrels and bread kvass were served.

Although, if you want to respect the brewing of kvass, then read the work of Dr. L. I. Simonov, published in 1898. He wrote that brewing kvass flourishes in our country in the same way as bread baking. It is brewed by all men and merchants, boyars, in monasteries and in soldiers' barracks, in hospitals and clinics. Well, in megacities there are kvass factories where kvass is brewed for sale. Medical workers consider kvass a necessary drink, not only for patients, but also for healthy people.

You can drink kvass with fish, I quite prefer it that way, and I recommend it to you too. I will be quite happy if these recipes will be used by you in your commercial kitchen. And you will delight your own household and guests with this kvass. I understand that those readers who prefer kvass will appreciate these recipes. And it will be great if they ask you to give them the recipe as well, then more people will know this kvass. Consequently, more people will have fun, and eat and treat the guests.

How to make bread kvass

Our ancestors also knew how to prepare bread kvass. And they especially knew about the healing properties of kvass, which perfectly quenches thirst, can help restore strength, and increases hunger. Nowadays scientists discovered scientific confirmation these precedents explain healing effect this drink content in it original combination amino acids, enzymes, lactic acid and vitamins. Bread kvass has refreshing properties and a pleasant sour taste. Long time is saved. Everyone has the opportunity to prepare kvass, because... Products to achieve the desired result can be found in any home. Although almost all progressive people have no idea how to prepare the bread kvass of the building. But as.

Cut half a loaf of rye bread into simple slices, then cut them into a number of pieces. Place the pieces of bread on a baking sheet and place it in the oven over medium heat. We dry the bread properly, although we watch it so that it does not burn, since this bread will make the kvass bitter. Dry the crackers for 10-15 minutes, then turn off the oven, leaving the baking sheet in it. After drying, slices of bread should be pliable inside.

Place the finished crackers in a regular three-liter jar. Add almost 3 liters of boiled water that has already cooled to body temperature. Place 3 tablespoons of sugar in a three-liter container and stir thoroughly. Pour half a packet of dry yeast “Saf-moment” into the water. This is about 25 grams. Mix all the contents of the jar thoroughly again. Then a jar of bread kvass cover with a lid and set aside in a warm place for 2 days.

During fermentation, which proceeds vigorously over the next 2 days, the sugar in the wort will be converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide by the action of yeast and into lactic acid by the action of lactic acid bacteria. At room temperature, kvass will be ready in 2 days. After this period, filter the infusion through a fairly small sieve in order to completely isolate the grounds. We put the grounds into a separate jar.

Add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar to the strained infusion and mix thoroughly until it dissolves. In addition, add a properly washed handful of raisins and leave the kvass infusion at room temperature for another half a day. Then we pour our bread kvass into plastic bottles and carefully tighten the lids. We put the bottles of ready-made bread kvass in the freezer, and after a day you can use it.

We do not throw away the grounds obtained during the production of kvass, but store them in the freezer in a glass jar. And this is already a ready-made starter. And in order to prepare a second portion of kvass, instead of diluted yeast, add 4 tablespoons of sourdough to the breadcrumbs. Next, let the kvass brew for 2 days, drain, add sugar and raisins, let it settle again and put the bottles in the freezer. It is better to update the starter.

The fermentation process of malt and bread crumbs gives us an amazing drink called “kvass”. It is traditional among the Slavic peoples, but over time it has spread throughout the world and gained popularity, and this is due to its unique ability to quench not only thirst, but also hunger.
In Rus', honey and fragrant herbs were often added to kvass; there was no better soft drink. Numerous cold stews were also prepared on its basis. And quite a long time ago, strong kvass was the main intoxicating drink at weddings and holidays. This is where the expression comes from: when someone drinks a lot of alcohol, they say about him - sourdough.
Homemade kvass is much healthier than any store-bought drinks. Even modern medicine confirms that he is able to restore strength after illness and cope with many ailments. A unique drink can be prepared at home, without using absolutely any chemical additives.
Previously, only wooden barrels, now you can make good bread kvass at home in glass jars or enamel pans. Absolutely do not take plastic and aluminum utensils, they can change the color, taste and beneficial properties of the drink.
To get real tasty kvass you will need a properly prepared starter, which starts fermentation. It has the unique ability to ferment bread products without converting water and sugar into alcohol. If your starter is not correct, you risk getting either plain sweet water or sour mash instead of kvass.
So let's take a closer look at the recipe for kvass made from bread at home.

Taste Info Drinks


  • rye bread – 250 g;
  • pressed yeast – 15 g;
  • bottled water – 2.5 l;
  • sugar – 60 g.

How to make bread kvass at home

Cut the bread into small cubes (3x4 cm in size, no larger).

Place the bread cubes on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven. We need rye crackers, which we will get by taking out the baking sheet in 15 minutes.

Clean three-liter jar add sugar.

Place the crackers there.

Required volume Bring the water to a boil and immediately pour the boiling water into the jar with sugar and breadcrumbs. Leave to cool.

Dissolve a portion of yeast in 100 ml of warm water.

When the contents of the jar have cooled to room temperature, pour the warm yeast mixture into it. To allow the future kvass to breathe, cover it on top with a piece of gauze. The drink needs to infuse for 36 hours.

Strain the finished kvass through a sieve or cheesecloth and take a sample.

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Homemade kvass from rye bread without yeast

Yeast-free kvass has one slight advantage, it does not have a specific yeast taste. The technology is not much different from the previous recipe. So let's try to make bread kvass, but now without yeast.
IN classic recipe rye bread crusts are used, but if you like the taste of cumin, you can use Borodino bread (only it is not fried in the oven at all, or just a little).


  • rye bread – 300 g;
  • bottled water – 2.0 l;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • raisins – 25 g.


  1. Cut the bread pieces and fry in the oven, as in the previous recipe.
  2. Place the crackers into a saucepan. Bring the water to a boil and immediately pour it into the same container, add sugar and stir.
  3. Allow the kvass wort to cool to room temperature.
  4. Place raisins into the cooled mixture. On its surface there are microorganisms necessary for fermentation, because raisins are, in fact, natural wild yeast. Therefore, do not wash it before use.
  5. Pour the entire resulting mass into a clean jar, cover with gauze and place in a dark place to ferment. After 10-20 hours, you can observe the first signs of fermentation, a hissing sound will be heard from the jar, and foam will begin to collect on the surface.
  6. From this moment, you need to infuse the kvass for another 2-3 days and strain through several layers of gauze. Taste and add more sugar to suit your taste.

Useful tips for making kvass

  • Like jelly. When making kvass, it is very important to take high-quality bread, with minimal addition of any chemicals. The more chemical additives there are in the bread, the more likely it is that the kvass will not ferment and will turn out tasteless. Especially often, incorrect crackers become the reason that the drink turns out viscous, like jelly. A thick state of kvass can still be obtained if the container with the drink was under straight lines during fermentation. sun rays. Do not neglect the advice to place kvass in a dark place during the fermentation period.
  • Bitter. Sometimes kvass comes out with a bitter aftertaste, which means you overcooked the bread crumbs in the oven. They should only brown slightly, but under no circumstances burn.
  • I want it sharp. If you want to get a sharper and more carbonated drink, then pour the strained kvass into clean plastic bottles, leaving 3-5 cm to the neck, and close it tightly. Leave them in dark place at room temperature for 5-7 hours. As soon as the bottles become hard under the influence of carbon dioxide, move them to the cellar or refrigerator. The fermentation process will stop and the taste will stabilize. Wait another 4 hours and you can drink your carbonated soft drink.
  • Doesn't wander. Sometimes it happens that everything was done correctly, but for some reason the kvass does not ferment. This means you used stale yeast. There is an easy way to check the freshness of your yeast. Dissolve a small amount of them in warm water, and then add a little sugar. If a hiss appears soon, it means the yeast is good, you can safely make kvass with it. Be sure to monitor the proportions of sugar and yeast; make no mistake, if you put less, the kvass will ferment poorly.
  • How to understand that kvass is ready?You can taste or smell a little. Kvass that is still in the fermentation process will be odorless. The finished drink smells slightly sour. While the kvass is fermenting, pieces of bread run up and down. In the finished drink they will settle to the bottom of the jar.
  • For okroshka and summer cold soups, white kvass is prepared; it is made on the basis of rye flour.
  • Diversify. Ordinary kvass can be varied with any flavors you like, and it’s impossible to list everything that is added to it. Fruit and berry kvass is prepared from whole berries and fruits, or from their juices and fruit drinks. To make the taste even more piquant, you can add aromatic spices - oregano and cardamom, cinnamon and ginger, cloves and mint. You won’t be able to imagine until you try how delicious rowan, currant, gooseberry or strawberry kvass turns out. It’s also good to marinate boiled pork, meat for barbecue, fish and vegetables for grilling in such fruit drinks.
  • Hop cones? And if, along with crackers, you also put hops, or rather their cones, into the jar, you will end up with an “adult” drink. Add a handful of dry hop inflorescences to 300 g of rye crackers.
  • Do not use containers in which milk was previously stored to prepare kvass.

Previously we told you how to cook

Our Slavic ancestors learned the taste of kvass long before the formation of Kievan Rus, as evidenced by the mention of him in The Tale of Bygone Years. It was the most common drink after water. No wonder people said: “Kvass is not a wise thing, drink at least half a bucket.” He was especially good in posts, especially in summer time, and constituted almost the main food of the common people, along with green onions and black bread. Even Russian hospital hygiene made kvass a mandatory food item in infirmaries and hospitals. Even then, doctors said that kvass has a good effect on digestion, raises the tone of the body and perfectly quenches thirst. Today, the industry treats us to a sweetish surrogate that only vaguely resembles real kvass.

We offer you original recipes for making this drink at home.

Kvass from malt

For 1 liter of water, 1 glass of malt, 100 g of sugar and 10 g of yeast.

IN Siberian villages they prepared leavened bread from rye malt and rye flour. The flour was brewed with boiling water, malt was added, stirred and clay pot put in a Russian oven until next day. Small loaves of bread were made from the resulting thick dough and baked in the oven. Then they crushed it and used it to make kvass. Dried bread could be stored for a whole year.

In modern home conditions, you can make kvass from malt in a simpler and in a fast way. It is enough to boil water in an enamel saucepan, add malt to the boiling water, let it brew for 2-3 hours, pour the infusion into a glass jar, add sugar, diluted yeast and leave in a cool place for 6-8 hours.

White kvass okroshechny

Option 1

For 30 liters of water, 2 kg of rye malt, 1 kg of barley, 8 kg of rye flour, 2 kg of wheat and buckwheat flour, 1 cup of liquid yeast.

Mix rye and barley malt, add warm water and add rye, wheat and buckwheat flour to the semi-liquid dough. Add boiling water while stirring continuously. Pour the mixture into a barrel, add the yeast starter and leave for 5-6 hours. Then put it in the cold for 1-2 days.

Option 2

It has high taste qualities. It was prepared in Rus', carefully selecting the starting products and following the technology. First, the starter was prepared. To do this, flour was diluted in warm water, yeast was added and the starter was left to mature. Malt was prepared separately. Usually they took 500 g of rye malt and 250 g of barley. This mixture was kneaded with water until it became a liquid dough. Then a mixture of flour was prepared, which consisted of 2 kg of rye flour, 500 g of buckwheat and 500 g of wheat flour. The resulting mixture was added to the liquid malt in small portions, while adding hot water and stirring to avoid lumps. They took 4 times more water (by volume) than flour and malt. The resulting dough was transferred to another bowl and placed in a warm place for 5 hours. After this, 7 liters of boiling water was added, stirred thoroughly and sourdough and mint (the plant in dry form) were added. The resulting wort was placed in a warm place for fermentation for 12 hours. The fermented kvass was bottled. They were stored in a cold place.

Kvass from concentrate

For 5-6 liters of water, 0.5 liters of concentrated kvass, 300-400 g of sugar, 30-40 g of yeast.

Dilute concentrated kvass with water, add sugar, yeast and ferment for 8-10 hours, after which the kvass is ready for use (there are other recipes for making kvass from concentrate).

Kvass with horseradish

For 1 liter of kvass, 50 g of horseradish.

Add horseradish shavings to regular ready-made kvass, let it brew for 2-3 hours. Cool and serve in glasses or tall glasses.

Kvass Petrovsky

For 10 liters of kvass, 50-60 g of yeast, 400-500 g of horseradish and 500 g of honey.

It is prepared in the same way as regular kvass, only horseradish shavings and honey are added. Place the barrel in a cold room for 10-12 hours. After this, strain through a sieve.

A truly Russian drink


White kvass

The method of preparing white kvass has been known for a long time. It was prepared in large quantities, and especially in the summer. For 5 buckets of kvass, take 4 kg of rye flour, 400 g of malt and 400 g of buckwheat flour. All this was thoroughly mixed, diluted with water (about 3 liters), mixed again and poured 3 liters of boiling water. After 0.5 hours, another 3 liters of boiling water was added. Boiling water continued to be added in 2-3 liter portions until the total amount of solution reached 12 liters. After mixing, the solution was poured into a barrel, 2 liters of old kvass grounds were added, covered with a cloth and placed in a warm place. The next day, add 4 buckets of water (boiled and cooled), stir, and transfer to a cold room. Strain before use.

Kvass with calamus

In cooked in the usual way bread kvass add calamus infusion (1 glass of calamus root infusion per 3 liters of kvass) or put dry calamus roots (50 g) in a gauze bag for 3-5 hours.

This kvass has high taste and has dietary properties. Calamus roots have a normalizing effect in case of gastritis with low acidity, activate the function of the digestive organs, improve vision and hearing, strengthen the gums, act as a calming agent for nervous overexcitation, and lower blood pressure.

Kvass with hops

For 3 liters of kvass, 50 g of hop cones.

An infusion of kvass with hops is used in dietary nutrition for gastritis, jaundice and to strengthen hair. The preparation of such kvass is quite simple. Add hop cones to the finished kvass and leave for 5-8 hours. After that, use as prescribed by your doctor.

Flavored kvass with oregano

For 1 liter of kvass, 10 g of dry oregano.

Kvass prepared for fermentation can be flavored with oregano. To do this, immerse a gauze bag with oregano in kvass for 10-12 hours.

Kvass with mint

Prepare in the same way as with oregano, only add 2 tbsp additional honey. spoons per 1 liter of kvass.

The recipe for this kvass has been known for a long time. So, in 1800, in the dictionary “The Source of Health” it was said about kvass with mint that “this drink, when well boiled, thin and infused with mint, is very healthy. It has a strong property of resisting scurvy and all sorts of rotten diseases. It dulls the severity of bile, cools and is very useful at any time, and even more so in the summer heat for choleric people.”

Kvass from crackers

For 1 liter of water: 200 g of crackers, 10 g of yeast, 50 g of sugar.

Pour boiling water over the crackers in an enamel pan, close the lid and leave for 3 hours. Strain the resulting infusion, add sugar and yeast. First dilute the yeast with warm water, stir in flour and leave for 1 hour. After adding yeast to it, put the kvass in a warm place for 4-5 hours, then cool. It is ready to eat.

This is the simplest and most accessible way to prepare kvass from crackers at home. Subsequently, rusk kvass began to be improved by adding various flavoring and spicy products to it.

It should be noted that in some cases, when preparing kvass, malt began to be replaced with crackers and even ordinary bread. So, if initially “Petrovsky” kvass, as well as “Imbirniy” kvass, were prepared from malt, then later from crackers.

Kvass from crackers with raisins

For 10 bottles of kvass, 1 kg of rye bread (for crackers), 25 g of yeast, 200 g of sugar, 20 g of mint, 50 g of raisins.

Pour boiling water over the rye crackers, let it brew for 3-4 hours. Strain the infusion, add yeast, sugar, and mint. Leave to ferment for 10-12 hours. Strain again and bottle.

Place 4 washed raisins in each bottle. It is good to seal the bottles with corks and take them to a cool place. After 2-3 days, the kvass is ready.

Ginger kvass in Lithuanian style

For 6 liters of kvass, 1 glass of apple syrup, 1 glass of sugar and 5 g of ginger.

Pour ginger decoction and apple syrup into the prepared bread kvass. Add sugar and yeast. First dilute the yeast with warm water, add flour and sugar, let it stand for 1 hour.

Caraway kvass

For 20 liters of water, 2 kg of rye bread (for crackers), 50 g of yeast, 4 cups of sugar, 50-60 g of caraway seeds.

Caraway kvass was well prepared in the Urals and Siberia. It is a dietary and preventive drink that regulates digestion and protects against colds.

Kvass is prepared from an infusion of crackers, as usual, only crushed cumin seeds are added at the same time as yeast and sugar. Before cooling, the kvass is filtered.

Kvass okroshechny

For 7 liters of water, 2 kg of rye bread, 100 g of sugar, 50 g of yeast, 50 g of flour.

Dry small slices of rye bread until browned, put them in a saucepan, pour boiling water, cover the dish with a lid, leave for 3-4 hours. Strain the infusion, add sugar and yeast. Place the finished kvass in a warm place for 3-4 hours, then cool. After this, strain again through cheesecloth and bottle.

Homemade fast kvass

For 10 liters of water, 1 kg of rye crackers, 750 g of sugar, 50 g of raisins, 15 g of blackcurrant leaf, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of liquid brewer's yeast, 2 tbsp. spoons of dry curly mint.

Pour hot water over the crackers and leave for 12 hours, brew mint and blackcurrant leaves separately, leave for 3-5 hours. Strain the resulting cracker infusion through a sieve, add to it the strained infusion of mint and currant leaves, sugar and yeast, set to ferment at 4 h, strain and bottle. Add 2-3 raisins to each bottle and leave for 2 days to age.

Northern kvass

For 1 liter of water, 1 kg of rye crackers, 750 g of sugar, 20 g of blackcurrant leaf, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of liquid brewer's yeast.

Pour boiling water over rye bread, blackcurrant leaves, sugar, mix thoroughly, cover with a lid and leave in a warm place for 3-4 hours. Strain the settled mixture. Add starter to the wort and leave it in the cold for 2-3 days. Then heat the wort to a temperature of 100°C and boil for 5-7 minutes, removing the resulting foam. Strain the hot drink, cool, pour into bottles, seal and put in a cool place for a day.

Kvass in Tatar style

For 1 liter of water 1 kg of bread crusts.

Cut bread crusts into small pieces and place in enamel pan and fill with boiled water. Place in a warm place for 6-7 days to infuse. Then strain.

Spicy kvass

For 5 liters of water, 1 kg of crackers, 300 g of sugar, 25 g of yeast, 2 tbsp. spoons of raisins, 30 g of a mixture of mint and oregano, zest from 1 lemon.

From ordinary rye and wheat crackers (1:1), toasted until browned, an infusion is prepared according to the generally accepted method, i.e. by infusing in hot water for 3-5 hours. Add sugar and diluted yeast to the resulting infusion (wort). Leave to ferment for 1 day. Remove the foam, add infusion herbs(mint, oregano) and lemon zest. Mix, pour into bottles, put 3-4 raisins in each bottle, seal the bottles with corks, and leave in the room for 1 day.

Store finished kvass in the cold.

Strong kvass

For 3 liters of water, 1 kg of crackers, 25 g of yeast, 100 g of sugar.

For lovers of strong kvass, you can prepare wort from rye crackers and water. To do this, pour boiling water over the crackers and leave for 1 day. After this, drain the infusion and add diluted yeast and sugar. Leave for 1 day. for fermentation and pour into thick glass bottles, into which put 3-4 washed raisins. Seal the bottles and store on their sides in the refrigerator at a temperature no higher than 7-8°C.

Kvass in Polish

For 1 liter of water, 1 kg of rye bread, 4 cups of sugar, 20 g of yeast, 1 tbsp. spoon of citric acid or juice of 2 lemons.

Dry the rye bread, pour boiling water over it, let stand for 2-3 hours. When cool, strain, add granulated sugar, yeast, lemon juice or citric acid. Leave for 24 hours, then pour into bottles, seal and place in a cool place for 3 days.

Kvass with juniper

For 1 liter of bread kvass there are 20 juniper fruits.

5 hours before it is ready, add juniper decoction to the kvass. Sometimes the fruits are placed in a gauze bag and dipped in ready-made kvass for a day.

Beet-bread kvass

For 1.5 liters of water 0.5 kg of bread, 6 pcs. beets

Prepared from stale bread, cut into pieces, warm boiled water and medium-sized beets, cut into slices. Leave the mixture for 2 days. in a warm place, strain and use to prepare borscht.

Kvass with mint and burnt sugar

For 3 liters of water, 1 kg of rye bread crackers, 2 cups of sugar, 25 g of yeast, 1 tbsp. spoon of mint infusion (to taste).

Fry rye bread crackers until lightly browned and add hot water. Leave to infuse for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 18-20°C. Pour the resulting wort into another container. Pour hot water over the crackers again and leave to steep for another 2 hours. Combine this portion with the first, add sugar and yeast diluted in a small amount of wort. It is better to add sugar in a dissolved state - in the form of syrup. To improve the taste, add mint infusion and burnt sugar to the wort (infusion) to obtain a brown color. After fermentation for 5-6 hours, cool the kvass, pour into bottles and store at 10°C.

Kvass from cabbage brine

For 1 liter of cabbage brine, 0.5 liters of kvass concentrate, 1.5 liters of boiled chilled water, 1 glass of sugar, 25 g of yeast.

This kvass contains anti-ulcer vitamin U, various microelements, as well as other biologically active substances contained in the kvass concentrate. Into the pickle from sauerkraut pour out the industrial kvass concentrate, add sugar, water and yeast. Leave to ferment for 12 hours.

Raw beet kvass

For 2 liters of water, 1 kg of beets, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar

Finely chop the peeled beets or cut into strips with a knife and place in a 3-liter glass jar. Pour boiled code over it, add sugar and a crust of rye bread. Cover the jar with gauze and leave to ferment for 3 days. After this, strain the kvass, pour into bottles, seal and cool.

Carrot kvass

For 1 liter of water, 100 g of dried carrots, 200 g of sugar, vanilla sugar on the tip of a knife, 10 g of yeast, 0.2 lemon.

Pour hot water over the dried carrots and let it brew for 2 hours, strain. Add sugar and lemon juice to the infusion, cool, add yeast and leave for fermentation for 4-5 hours. When the kvass begins to foam, pour in vanilla sugar dissolved in boiled water. Place in a cool place for 12 hours.

Kvass near Moscow

For 5 liters of drinks: 800 g rhubarb, 0.5 kg sugar, 24 g yeast.

Chop the rhubarb cuttings into small pieces or 2-3 cm bars, place in boiling water and boil for 5-7 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth and cool. Season the cold broth with sugar and yeast, put in a warm place, after 8-10 hours the kvass is ready. Pour it into glassware and put it in the cold.

Apricot kvass

For 15 liters of water, 5 kg of apricot fruits, 30 g of yeast, honey and sugar to taste.

Keep the collected apricot fruits at a temperature of 18-20°C for 24 hours, crush them with a wooden pestle in a tub or barrel, pour hot water for 12 hours (can be boiled). Strain, add yeast, bottle and refrigerate for up to 10 days.

Apple kvass

For 3 liters of bread kvass, 1 kg of apples, 200 g of sugar.

Pour the peel and core of the apples with cold water and cook. Pour the resulting hot broth over the rye crackers. Next, cook like regular kvass. Grate the apples, peel and core, pour in the prepared bread kvass, stir, strain through cheesecloth and add sugar.

Kvass with prunes

For 10 liters of boiled water, 1 kg of crackers, 1 glass of sugar, 50 g of yeast, 150 g of prunes.

Pour boiling water over the crackers in a saucepan, stir and add prunes (100 g), close the lid and leave for 5 hours. After this, add sugar, yeast and the rest of the prunes, mix again and leave to ferment for 10-12 hours. After this, strain through gauze and another 2 days. keep in a cool place.

Lemon kvass

For 3 liters of water: 2-3 lemons, 200 g sugar (for syrup), 30-40 g raisins, 20 g yeast.

Scald the lemons with boiling water, remove the zest and place it in a 3-liter glass jar. Pour the zest with a hot solution of sugar syrup, add washed and soaked raisins and lemon juice. Cool to 18-20°C and add diluted yeast.

Dogwood kvass

For 5-7 liters of water, 1 kg of dogwood fruits, 2 cups of sugar and 20 g of yeast or a crust of rye bread.

After picking, keep fresh dogwood fruits in baskets for 48 hours, then crush them with a pestle in a wooden tub, pour hot water for 24 hours. Then strain, add granulated sugar and yeast, let ferment for 10-12 hours, store the kvass in a cool place until 5 -7 days.


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