The use of building materials in construction. Classification of building materials Building materials are classified according to various criteria

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All materials have a certain structure at the macro or microstructure level. Macro - large, structure visible to the naked eye. Microstructure visible with an optical instrument.

Materials are classified into homogeneous and heterogeneous materials based on their structure. Homogeneous materials, when a unit volume contains on average the same number of homogeneous structural elements.

Heterogeneous materials contain different structural elements or different numbers of them. A homogeneous structure may not always be so at the level of the microstructure of the material.

Building materials are classified according to:

A) appointments:

B) for raw materials:

B) working conditions;

D) by origin:

D) production method:

A) Classification by purpose.

Materials according to their intended purpose are divided into structural and finishing. The structural elements of a building are divided into load-bearing and enclosing, horizontal and vertical. Vertical structures include foundations, walls, and columns. For horizontal floors, beams, crossbars, trusses, slabs. Bearing structures carry the load not only of their own weight, but also of structures and equipment lying above them, furniture, people, etc. Enclosing structures divide the internal space into separate rooms and protect the building from atmospheric influences.

B) Classification by raw materials:

    Natural stone materials– loose (sand, crushed stone, gravel...), piece materials.

    Inorganic binders are a product of firing natural raw materials or artificial mixtures with subsequent grinding (Portland cement, Portland slag cement, lime, gypsum).

    Concrete and mortars based on inorganic binders

    Ceramic materials. Obtained from clay by molding, drying, firing. (brick, tile, pipes).

    Materials from mineral melts (glass).

    Thermal insulation and acoustic materials based on organic (soft fiberboard, peat boards) and inorganic (mineral wool, glass wool) binders.

    Bitumen and tar materials (roofing felt, mastic, roofing felt).

    Polymer building materials (fiberglass, polystyrene foam...).

    Paints and varnishes.

    Forest materials.

    Metal materials.

Effective materials are those that are low cost, durable, and highly durable. In order to reduce costs, they try to use waste from various industries as raw materials. use energy-saving technologies. The production of cement using the dry method helps reduce heat by 1.5 - 2 times.

B) Classification according to the operating conditions of the material:

Structural building materials that absorb and transmit loads are natural stone, concrete and building materials, ceramic, polymer, forest, metal, composite, polymer concrete.

Materials special purpose– thermal insulation (foam plastic, mineral wool), acoustic, waterproofing, roofing, sealing, fireproof, radiation protection, anti-corrosion.

G) Construction Materials by origin divided into natural and artificial. Naturally occurring in nature. These include wood, natural stone materials, and bitumen. Artificial materials are not found in nature, but are obtained by processing at high temperature and pressure or by simultaneous action high temperature and pressure. The processes of processing or obtaining materials are associated with complex physical or chemical processes of changing structure, etc.

D) According to production method building materials, for example from metals, are classified into those manufactured by methods:



All building materials must meet GOST standards in their properties.

Construction materials and products used in the construction, reconstruction and repair of various buildings and structures are divided into natural and artificial, which, in turn, are divided into two main categories. The first category includes building materials general purpose: brick, concrete, cement, timber, roofing felt, etc. They are used in the construction various elements buildings (walls, ceilings, coverings, roofs, floors). The second category includes special-purpose ones: waterproofing, heat-insulating, fire-resistant, acoustic, etc.

The main types of building materials and products are: natural stone building materials and products made from them; inorganic and organic binding materials; artificial stone materials and products and prefabricated structures; forest materials and products made from them; hardware, synthetic resins and plastics. Depending on the purpose, conditions of construction and operation of buildings and structures, appropriate building materials, products and structures are selected that have certain qualities and protective properties from exposure to various external environments. Taking these features into account, any building material must have certain construction and technical properties. For example, material for external walls of buildings (bricks, concrete and ceramic blocks) must have the lowest thermal conductivity with sufficient strength to protect the premises from external cold and withstand loads transmitted to the walls from other structures (ceilings, roofs); material for irrigation and drainage structures (lining canals, trays, pipes, etc.) - waterproof and resistant to alternating wetting (during the field season) and drying (during breaks between waterings); Road surface material (asphalt, concrete) must have sufficient strength and low abrasion to withstand the loads of passing traffic and not be destroyed by systematic exposure to water, temperature changes and frost.

When starting to study the section “Building materials and products”, it is necessary to understand that all building materials and products can be classified into groups according to various classification criteria: types of products (pieces, rolls, mastic, etc.); the main raw materials used (ceramic, based on mineral binders, polymer); production methods (pressed, roll-calender, extrusion, etc.); purpose (structural, structural and finishing, decorative and finishing); specific areas of application (wall, roofing, thermal insulation); origin (natural or natural, artificial, mineral and organic origin).

Construction materials are divided into raw materials (lime, cement, gypsum, raw wood), semi-finished materials (fibre and particle boards, plywood, beams, metal profiles, two-component mastics) and ready-to-use materials (bricks, ceramic facing tiles, tiles for floors and suspended acoustic ceilings).

Products include carpentry (window and door blocks, panel parquet etc.), hardware (locks, handles, other carpentry fittings, etc.), electrical (lighting fixtures, sockets, switches, etc.), sanitary products (baths, sinks - wines, sinks and fittings for them, etc.). Products include parts building structures- concrete and reinforced concrete wall and foundation blocks, beams, columns, floor slabs and other products of reinforced concrete products plants and construction industry enterprises.

When classifying materials and products, it is necessary to remember that they must have good property and quality. Property is a characteristic of a material (product), manifested during its processing, application or operation. Quality is a set of properties of a material (product) that determine its ability to satisfy certain requirements in accordance with its purpose.

The properties of building materials and products are classified into three main groups - physical, mechanical, chemical. Important properties factors that influence the choice of method for the production of building materials are manufacturability, i.e. simplicity and ease of processing or processing them to produce products the desired shape both size and energy intensity - the amount of energy required to extract raw materials and obtain building materials and products from them.

When assessing economic efficiency building materials, in addition to the indicated properties, are very important has the durability of the material, which is characterized by its service life in the structure without repair, restoration or replacement.

If materials are mined close to the construction site, they are called local construction materials. The cost of such materials is significantly reduced due to savings in transportation costs.

Lightweight steel thin-walled structures have good thermal characteristics, low cost, and ease of construction. LSTK technology allows you to build prefabricated houses, cottages, apartment buildings and etc.

Currently, there is a huge amount of building materials on the market. All of them are divided according to one criterion or another into several groups. Classification of building materials can be made according to their origin, degree of readiness, technological characteristics and purpose.

If you look at modern market, you can immediately see some differences even within the same group. Classification of building materials and products is the division of all their types according to one or another criterion.

Some features

If we go directly to the consideration of certain groups, then we should start by dividing them according to the degree of readiness. There are two types here. The first is directly building materials and products. The second type is already finished goods, which are fixed at work sites. As for building materials, they must be subjected to certain processing before use.

Products in this regard are much simpler. They can be used directly in the form in which they are presented on the market. The classification of materials and products by degree of readiness is based precisely on these two concepts.

Now we can talk about their division by origin. They are divided into natural and artificial. The first type has become quite widespread. Natural building materials are distinguished by the fact that they are obtained directly from natural products by slightly processing them. Of course, every person in his life has had the opportunity to see structures made of wood or natural stone. At the same time, their structure and composition do not change during processing.

Artificial materials include all those that are obtained through certain manipulations with natural and chemicals. Here it is worth talking about changes in structure and properties. The result is a product that combines all the positive properties of natural material and artificial additives. It is worth talking in more detail about the classification of materials and products by purpose.

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Classification by purpose

  1. Construction materials are quite widespread. They are used specifically to absorb the load and redistribute it. They are used in the construction of buildings and structures to make them more reliable and durable.
  2. Thermal insulation materials.

Insulation has long been used to create warmth and comfort in the home. Thermal insulation materials are necessary to ensure minimal outflow of thermal energy. That is, they create a reliable layer between internal structure and its outer part. Due to this, you can easily regulate the thermal conditions indoors.

There are currently many different types thermal insulation materials. Some of them are a dense structure, and some are available in the form of cotton wool. Today on the market you can even find bulk insulation materials. They all serve the same function – keeping the house warm.

Some types can be used independently, while others involve the use additional funds protection. An example is waterproofing, which is necessary to prevent moisture from entering the material. Mineral wool is the most widely used.

It is available in the most various types. Can be used directly in its straight form, or can be sealed mats or slabs. The latest options have become the most widespread, as they allow maintaining a fairly high degree of tightness.

  1. Acoustic materials. They are used to reduce noise levels in the room. In almost every modern apartment similar materials are present. They allow a person to constantly be in silence. For big city it's just a necessity.
  2. Waterproofing. Today, almost no construction can be completed without such materials. This is due to the fact that most structures gradually collapse when interacting with moisture. This applies to almost all materials. Most of them form oxides as a result of interaction. They are neoplasms that do not always have positive characteristics. Waterproofing allows you to separate one material from another, and can create a reliable layer that perfectly prevents water from entering one of them. Currently, there are a huge number of waterproofing materials on the market. Some of them are used to maintain the integrity of the foundation, while others protect walls and floors from liquids. Almost none modern construction can't do without using them.
  3. Roofing materials. This is the type that is installed directly on the roof of the building. Today there are a huge number of roofing materials. This includes metal tiles, slate and others. Their main task is to prevent water leaks into the residential part of the building.
  4. Sealing materials. The classification of building materials and products implies the use of this type. They are used to eliminate gaps in the joints of prefabricated structures. This is also a fairly common type that is always used by humans in practice.

Decoration Materials. Today the market is simply overflowing with such options. They are specially created to improve appearance buildings and interior. Don't forget about its benefits. It protects the thermal insulation, sound insulation and waterproofing layers from external aggressive factors. Many examples can be given.

If we talk about external finishing, then here we can highlight such popular materials as siding, lining, a natural stone. When it comes to materials for interior decoration, then it’s worth talking about plaster and primer.

Special purpose materials. This type used in the construction of special structures. An example would be acid-resistant or fire-resistant materials.

Some materials that exist in nature and are obtained artificially cannot be classified into any specific group. They can be used both in pure form, and be present as one of the components of those that still exist on the market. They are called general purpose materials. There are a huge number of them.

It is worth noting the fact that the classification of materials and products by purpose is quite complex. This is due to the fact that the same species may belong to various groups. For example, concrete in its direct form is used as a structural material. There is a form of it that has increased lightness.

In this case, concrete is used as a heat insulator. In some cases it may represent a heavy structure. This material is used to ensure radiation safety in special rooms.

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Classification of materials and products according to technological characteristics

Depending on what type of raw material is used to make the material, it is divided into certain groups.

  1. Natural stone. Rocks are used to make them. This type can be classified as wall blocks, facing tiles, crushed stone, gravel and so on.
  2. Ceramic materials and products. Most often, ceramics are used for facing works. This material is made from clay by special processing. This can be annealing, roasting, drying and other manipulations. By the way, brick also belongs to this group.
  3. Products from mineral melts. This includes materials that are made from glass and other similar substances.
  4. Inorganic binders. They are mainly powdery components that, when interacting with water, form a viscous structure. Over time, it tends to harden. This includes various cements. Lime and gypsum also belong to this group.
  5. Concrete. They stand out in separate group. Obtained by mixing binders, water and additional elements. The result is a fairly strong structure. Most often used to create foundations. If concrete is supplemented with reinforcement, then this structure will be called reinforced concrete.
  6. Wood materials and products. They are obtained by machining wood These can be a variety of materials. This includes boards and lining.
  7. Metallic substances. Quite widely used in construction. Ferrous metals and their alloys are especially popular. They are used in a wide variety of sectors of the national economy. As for non-ferrous metals, they have a longer service life. This is achieved thanks to their structure. They do not interact with liquids and therefore do not corrode.

Non-ferrous metals and alloys are directly used in the manufacture of wires, various electronic components, and plumbing systems. Today, the application of such materials to ferrous metals is widely used. In this case it turns out protective film, which prevents the interaction of the base material with the environment.

This practice is widely used in construction today. Galvanized sheets, which are known to almost every person, are obtained in this way.

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Natural and artificial materials

Prominent representatives of this category are natural and artificial stone. These materials are used everywhere. They can be used for both finishing works, and for construction.

Natural stone has been used by people for a long time. This material has a number of properties for which it is valued. It has excellent strength characteristics and hardness characteristics. This makes a person buy it as a facing material. Today, natural stone is quite expensive. Only wealthy people can afford it. This is the only material that is used everywhere.

The beauty of natural stone is incomparable. Granite and marble are actively used as the main building materials. This is not strange. Time has done everything with him so that truly high-quality material eventually reaches the person.

As for artificial stone, it is also quite widespread. This is due to the fact that almost everyone can afford it. Its cost, compared to natural material, very low. Moreover, the price differs by an order of magnitude. If we talk about production, special chemical catalysts are used here. They accelerate the growth of stones.

If we talk about strength characteristics, they are slightly lower than those of their older brothers. Each person chooses one or another option for himself. If we talk about installing stone, this process is very difficult. Many people hire specialists for these purposes.

This prominent representatives of this class. They differ in composition and properties, but at the same time they look approximately the same. There are often cases when natural stone cannot be visually distinguished from artificial stone.

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Natural wood and its substitutes

If we talk about other representatives of this group of elements, we can highlight natural wood and its plastic substitutes. Today, in this regard, we can talk about siding.

Natural wood is an environmentally friendly product.

It is used almost everywhere. His an undeniable advantage is beauty. No matter what form it is presented in, it will still look simply beautiful. Do not forget about the other properties of this material.

The tree has excellent resistance to various external climatic influences. Of course, this should only be discussed when it has been treated with special antiseptics.

The strength of the tree is quite high. That's why it's still best material not found for arrangement own home. Main disadvantage The downside to this material is that it is quite expensive. That is why many are starting to switch to its artificial analogues. An example is siding, which is sealed exactly like wood. Externally, it is not much different from a natural product.

However, the structure of the material is fundamentally different. It most often represents plastic panels, which are easy to install. It is quite possible for a person to do all the work alone. If speak about natural wood, then everything is a little different. One person cannot completely decorate a house. Of course, the strength characteristics of plastic are somewhat lower than those of wood. The cost of wood siding can please everyone. It costs much less than natural material.

What materials should you prefer? Everyone decides this question for themselves. Natural ones have more positive characteristics, but are much more expensive. This is what makes everything more people switch to artificial analogues.

The category of general construction materials includes a list of essential products that are widely used in various branches of construction. They are used in the construction of new facilities and reconstruction of existing ones, therefore they are extremely in demand. Materials for general construction purposes are the basic basis of any construction, therefore the most demanding requirements are placed on them. high requirements regarding strength, reliability, and service life.

  • reinforced concrete products;
  • bricks;
  • blocks;
  • bulk and bulk substances.

First group - reinforced concrete products. Reinforced concrete products are structures manufactured in a factory using the casting method with subsequent hardening. This production method allows you to control product quality and carry out a series of material tests for compliance regulatory requirements. This group includes slabs, piles, curb stones, foundation blocks and many other products. They are used at all stages of construction

Next category - bricks. The products are artificial stones regular shape, made from mineral materials(clays, silicate compounds, adobe and others). Used as the main material for the construction of objects. As for the blocks, they are used for the construction of external enclosing structures of residential, public, industrial and agricultural facilities with normal temperature and humidity conditions internal space. They can be made from aerated concrete, lime-sand mixture and other composite materials.

The last group is bulk substances. These include sand, expanded clay, gravel and many others. They differ in fraction (grain size), density and strength. They are used in for various purposes- as a filler for compositions and mixtures, a heat-insulating layer, as well as bulk material for arranging a pillow.

The reliability and durability of the structure depends on their quality. Therefore, if necessary, you must contact companies offering only certified products.

February 24, 2015

Since the beginning of the 20th century, construction began to rapidly gain momentum. Now not only apartment buildings are being built, but also private buildings that are located outside the city. If previously such houses were used mainly for relaxation during vacation, now you can live in them permanently, thanks to the developed infrastructure around the main city. Actually in order to build a private house It is necessary to have high-quality and reliable materials in your arsenal. Nowadays, building materials are presented in a huge assortment, so it’s quite easy to get confused.

It is stupid to simply purchase goods according to the principle “the more expensive the better.” Manufacturers of building materials are constantly offering new, more improved materials, but reality shows that you can only make a truly profitable purchase in the presence of a specialist. We also note that the majority good shops They provide delivery of building materials to any point you need, which is very convenient.

Further in the article we will talk about the main types of materials with which structures are erected. Each type has certain characteristics and is intended to perform specific tasks.

Types of building materials

The most common and popular materials:

  • Fittings are a large set of metal parts and devices that are intended for proper operation various equipment. Also, reinforcement is very often used to reinforce concrete, that is, to strengthen it;
  • The beam is intended mainly for covering interfloor ceilings. Can be used for other purposes during the construction of structures;
  • Concrete is very widespread in all areas of construction. It has such positive characteristics as strength, durability and resistance to aggressive environments. It is used to make concrete floors, pour the surface of the floor and roof, create various materials from it, for example, concrete fences. Also, most buildings simply cannot be built without the construction of a foundation made of concrete;
  • OSB boards- This finishing material, which consists of approximately 90% wood chips. Glued together with synthetic resins. Find out more about OSB boards at the link.
  • Today, with the help of timber, builders build the frames of lightweight and inexpensive houses. Among the advantages of timber, it is worth noting its environmental friendliness and ease of construction of a building/frame;
  • Brick is classic material for the construction of private houses, stoves and fireplaces;
  • Steel is extraordinarily strong metal material, which can last for many years if properly treated;
  • Slate, roofing felt and metal tiles are materials that are intended to create roofing. Each of the materials has own advantages and service life. Buy roofing materials in Minsk on the page

This is not the entire list of building materials that you may need when building a private house. In conclusion, we would like to say that even to build the smallest building you will need to purchase a large number of materials, because without some, construction will simply be impossible.

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When do you big house, which has several floors, you simply need forged fences. They will allow you to protect yourself and, importantly, your children. Contrary to popular belief, such fences are not only highly functional, they are also quite aesthetic. If you approach the issue creatively, you can choose railings that will serve as a stylish addition to the interior. There are many campaigns in Kyiv...

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