Projective test "cube in the desert". Association test "cube in the desert"

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1. Imagine that1. Imagine that there is a desert in front of you, imagine it in the smallest detail: what sand, sun, what is it like? Now imagine that there is a cube in the desert. Imagine its size, color, location... and now imagine a ladder in the desert and tell me where it is in relation to the cube, is it strong, how many steps? Now imagine a horse in this desert.

1. Imagine that there is a desert in front of you, imagine it in the smallest detail: what sand, sun, what is it like? Now imagine that there is a cube in the desert. Imagine its size, color, location... and now imagine a ladder in the desert and tell me where it is in relation to the cube, is it strong, how many steps? Now imagine a horse in this desert.


5 The dwarf symbolizes your health. How attentive and friendly you are to your health.

5 The dwarf symbolizes your health. How attentive and friendly you are to your health. There is a desert in front of you, imagine it in the smallest detail: what sand, sun, what is it like? Now imagine that there is a cube in the desert. Imagine its size, color, location... and now imagine a ladder in the desert and tell me where it is in relation to the cube, is it strong, how many steps? Now imagine a horse in this desert.

2. Now let's move on to the second part. Imagine that you are walking through the desert, it is very hot, the sun is mercilessly beating down from above. You are very tired, and suddenly you see a key in the sand. What is he like? Describe it and tell me what you will do with it?

4. You continued your journey through the desert again, and suddenly a wall grew in front of you. There seems to be no end to it. What will you do? The wall seems insurmountable...

5. So, you overcame the wall and continued on your way, soon you saw the city. A dwarf came out of the gate to meet you. Your actions? Will you say hello, walk by, not notice him, talk?..

6. You came to the city, in the center of which your apartment is located. You go to her, climb the steps of a residential building, open the door with the key and go inside your apartment... describe it and everything that is in it.

7. So, you rested a little in your apartment and returned to the street. He walked through the entire city and suddenly found himself at the edge of an abyss. You need to get to the other side, where there is a very narrow bridge that can only fit one person. You had already walked halfway, when suddenly a small dwarf grew up right in front of you, blocking the way. This dwarf categorically refuses to give way, but you need to get to the other side. What will you do?


1 This first part of the psychological test shows you, your family and friends. The cube is you, the size of the cube, its position in the desert and color are important. The more transparent and lighter it is, the kinder, lighter and more open person. Accordingly, the size of the cube and its position in the desert speaks about how a person sees himself, treats himself, and perceives himself. The ladder is your friends, the number of steps is the number of friends, the strength of the ladder means whether you can rely on your loved ones or not. The horse is your other half. The closer you place something to the cube, the more valuable it is to you.

2 If a person presented a simple metal key, this means that he does not have high demands on his friends; they should be easy to communicate with. The key to an antique box can tell about a person that he is trying to assert himself at the expense of friends and chooses people who are unusual in their position and communication. But the golden key is like Pinocchio’s: big, beautiful, it means that a person chooses his friends carefully enough; these should be good, faithful people, ready to provide support. It is also important what you do with the key: do not pay attention to it special attention, it means that in communication you are closed, consider it, but leave the key - it means that you show interest in friends, but are not inclined to turn friendly relationships into a burden, and if you take the key with you, then you value friendship.

3 If you took the jug and looked into it, it means that you are striving for self-knowledge. An empty jug indicates low self-esteem, a jug with precious stones indicates high self-esteem, but a jug with water indicates adequate self-esteem and expresses a person’s desire for self-development. If you presented a clay jug, it means that in life you are a practical person with a sense of proportion, and an iron or copper one indicates a complete lack of this measure.

4 The wall question shows how you solve problems. If you imagine very high wall, which cannot be overcome, then to life's difficulties treat it as something insurmountable. If you sit under the wall, waiting for help, you are not sure of own strength, depends on the circumstances. If you try to get around a wall, you solve problems by first carefully considering all the paths and consequences.

5 The dwarf symbolizes your health. How attentive and friendly are you?

Cube in the desert.

This test has long become popular among the world's leading psychologists. There is even an interesting version that an association test called “Cube” was invented by ancient eastern sages.

Prepare paper and pencil. To more accurately determine the result, write down all the images, without omitting details and details, they may later turn out to be important. The test does not take much time, but it allows you to understand yourself and your inner world. And you will also need the ability to create images with your inner vision.

1 Image of the desert.

Sit so that you are comfortable, close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Again. Once again. Imagine the desert. Look closely at it, note all the details. Feel it, feel the air, the colors of the desert. Imagine yourself in the desert. There is not a single living soul around. All you see is yellow sand and blue sky.

1 entry. Open your eyes, write down briefly what you saw. Further, when creating images, you can work both with your eyes closed and with your eyes open. It is important to see the image. (Read the questions first, and then use your imagination and create an image).

2 Image of a cube

Now imagine that a cube appears in the desert. You can place it in the air or on the ground. Now think about what your cube should be? Big or small? Does he have anything inside? What is the cube made of? When you introduce him, what words can you say about him?

3 entry. Briefly write down what you saw.

Image of a staircase.

Now try to add a staircase to the picture. Also answer questions about what material it is made of, where it is located, how long it is, at what distance from the cube it is?

4 entry.


Are there flowers in your desert? If so, think about where they will be, what type of flowers they will be, what color they will be, how many colors are in your picture?

5 entry.

Horse image

Draw a horse in your imagination. What colour is he? Big or small? Is the horse near the cube or far from it? What other details did you notice?

6 entry.

Desert Storm.

Imagine a storm breaks out in your desert. How strong is she? Did he hit the cube, the flowers, the horse? Is this a destructive storm or a light, harmless one?


1 Desert- this is the life that surrounds you! And how comfortable you are in this desert shows how you feel in life.

  • If you are comfortable in the desert, you are comfortable enough to live in this world.
  • If you feel hot in it, then today you are not yet completely comfortable in life. Perhaps you are a little confused in some events and relationships. But this is temporary!
  • If it is cold, this means that you are not entirely comfortable in life today. There are some circumstances that cause you doubts

2 Cube- this is the image of yourself, your inner idea of ​​yourself as a person.

  • Its placement on earth means that you are a realist who always acts according to plans.
  • If the cube is in the air, it means you are a very dreamy person. If you have placed your cube unevenly, it means that at the moment you are experiencing an internal struggle.
  • A buried cube means that you feel pressure from the outside.
  • The dimensions of the cube are your self-esteem. Accordingly, if it is big, then you think of yourself as successful person. A small cube means that you need to have more faith in yourself.
  • If the cube is created from durable material, it means that you have a strong character, you can be relied on in difficult times, you always know what to do right.
  • Cube made of glass or other transparent material shows that you are an open and sincere person who can be easily offended.
  • If the cube contains gems, it means you consider yourself a special person. What you put inside the cube is yours inner world. So if you left it empty, it means you feel empty and don't know what to do. The words you used to describe the cube can be attributed to your personality.


  • standing on an edge - an unstable life;
  • far away - feels forgotten, on the sidelines of life;
  • buried in the ground - a person feels depressed, under the weight of external circumstances.
  • on the surface - feels reality well, stands firmly on its feet. The person is practical, and if necessary, you can calculate the situation in advance. He knows exactly where and what he has.
  • on the surface moves, spins or rotates or moves - if necessary, is able to calculate the situation in advance, but at the same time has non-standard creative thinking and is not always ready to fit into generally accepted stereotypes of behavior;
  • in the air - a dreamer, a rich imagination, but disconnected from reality.
  • moves, spins, rotates or moves in the air - a “creative nature” with a well-developed imagination, loves and knows how to dream. And often he doesn’t even know where his life will take him in the next half hour.


  • matchbox - considers himself insignificant, shy, not understood.
  • TV – predisposed to managing a small team;
  • refrigerator - painstaking work is tiring, the respondent is predisposed to managing a medium-sized team.
  • Dom is a born leader. “Digging into details” is not for him. He needs “scale” to manage. Negative side: exaggerated attention to one’s own person, inflated ego, inflated self-esteem.

What material:

  • made of durable material - self-confidence, thoroughness;
  • made of gold - considers himself priceless;
  • made of glass - purity and innocence.
  • solid - the inner world is formed, ready to express its opinion on any issue;
  • soft - amenable to persuasion, but on fundamental issues capable of defending his point of view;
  • gaseous - the inner world, the attitude to life are at the stage of formation. It is important that you do not stand still, but develop. You just have to take into account that all behavior patterns and advice must be passed through your internal “filter”. There are situations when life circumstances “carry” him to God knows where...
  • from a liquid - an unstable view of the world, can be influenced by the environment, prefers not to defend his opinion.

What is its temperature:

  • “icy” - cold-blooded, especially in extreme situations, even if it doesn’t look like it;
  • cold – sometimes “cold” with others, often uses this as a defense against negativity;
  • warm - responsive person, always ready to help;
  • hot - “passionate” nature, even if you can’t tell from him. Friends and girlfriends “warm up” next to him, but his enemies are afraid.

The strength of reflection from the faces of the cube - the degree of ambition:

  • not reflected - unambitious, more often thinks about the interests of other people than about his own.
  • reflected vaguely (matte) – a person is moderately ambitious, certain aspects of the assessment of others have weight and influence on him;
  • reflected as if from a mirror - the assessments of others are important; he strives for comfort, beauty, health and ambition is a good helper in this.

Cube filling:

  • hollow inside - no idea of ​​the world has been formed;
  • filled - it is very difficult to manipulate such a person, since he has his own well-founded opinion on almost any issue.

Cube mass:

  • very easy - perhaps frivolous, does not finish anything to the end;
  • easy - an easy-going person;
  • heavy - it is not so easy for this person not to be “disturbed” to some event, he needs to comprehend the situation;
  • very heavy - this indicates that the person is unhurried and needs time to make a decision. But it will be verified and justified

3 Ladder means how you interact with the people around you.

  • A straight ladder shows that you easily communicate with new people and make acquaintances
  • Circular or spiral staircase- this is a sign that you prefer to bypass people who are new to you, for fear of stumbling upon deception.
  • If the ladder is strong and long enough, it means that your relationships with others are strong, you have many friends and acquaintances.
  • How far from the cube you place the ladder shows your readiness for new acquaintances.

Staircase location:

  • comes into contact with the cube - he believes that he does a lot for his friends, gives them more than they do, he is surrounded by weak people; friends/family are suppressive, interfere too much in personal life; the staircase under the cube feels supported.
  • does not come into contact with the cube - does not allow others into his personal life, he is surrounded by a shell.

Height of the staircase:

  • below the cube - feels that in some respects he is superior to his friends;
  • at the cube level - prefers to cooperate rather than suppress in relationships with friends.
  • above the cube - feels pressure from friends.

As of:

  • old - basically prefers to communicate with “old” friends, those who have been in his life for a long time;
  • new - indicates that basically, now the respondent’s friends are from those people who recently appeared in his life;
  • not old and not new - basically, now the interviewee has friends from those people who have recently appeared in your life.

Count the number of steps:

  • less than 5 - you don’t let anyone close to you. He has two or three reliable friends, and these are real relationships. The rest are just acquaintances;
  • more than 6, but less than 12 - not many friends, but these are reliable relationships, the rest are just acquaintances;

more than 13 - a “contact” person who attracts people to him, many friends and acquaintances

4 Flowers– these are children and their role in your life. If you haven't included them in your picture, it means you're not ready to be a parent yet. The number of flowers indicates how many children you want to have.

  • If your flowers are bright, then you want a carefree and happy life for your children and are making every effort to achieve this.
  • Very a large number of flowers that grow close to the cube mean that you want to connect or have already connected your life with children.
  • If the flowers completely covered the cube, then you are tired of caring for children.

Flowers- the second meaning is creative plans.

Where are the flowers located:

  • in Cuba - he keeps creative plans to himself, perhaps no one will know about them;
  • close to the cube - plans are born from the life that surrounds this person;
  • far from the cube, everywhere - plans arise very quickly and disappear just as quickly, a person is not ready to implement them;
  • different - they talk about various plans, most likely in different areas life;
  • identical - targeted plans in one area, a specific goal;
  • fabulous - plans are more like fantasies;
  • real flowers are real plans that can be implemented, perhaps plans have already been thought out and are being implemented.

Number of colors:

  • less than 3 - not many creative plans, but they are concrete;
  • more than 4 and less than 12 – an adequate number of plans;
  • more than 13 – a person tends to become scattered.

5 Horse reflects your relationship with your significant other.

  • If you have pictured a strong and big horse in your imagination, it means that you expect such qualities from your partner.
  • A small horse means that you would like to play a dominant role in the relationship.
  • If a horse walks freely in the desert, you dream of a freedom-loving partner, and if he is tied, you want to always control him in everything.
  • How close the horse is to the cube describes your emotional connection with your partner.

6 Storm- This is an image of life’s troubles that will come your way.

  • If it is too close to the cube, it means that what you are experiencing right now is not the best. best period in life.
  • If it's far away, it means you're not too worried about problems.
  • Did the storm catch any objects in the picture? You have problems in this area.
  • If the storm ends, it means that changes for the better will soon come to you.
  • The hurricane is in the distance - there are practically no troubles now.
  • Approaching - you are afraid of a crisis in life.
  • Leaves - troubles recede.
  • Big hurricane - feels like huge hole failures.
  • The hurricane passes by - problems affect it little.
  • Little thunderstorm - not particularly afraid of upcoming problems.

“I described the “Airplane” test, which is more suitable for men. The Desert Test is intended for women, but since each of us has both masculine and feminine in us, it can be interesting for men as well.

The test helps you understand the picture of the world that guides you in life. Of course, there is no talk of any 100% result of self-knowledge, but the “Desert” test is good way think about your self-esteem, the way you build your relationships with others, your preferences in close relationships, and much more.

You can treat this test as entertainment, you can take it seriously, you can find something to complain about and criticize. This is your choice. Anyway, everyone gets only what they are ready to receive.

So let's begin.

Imagine a desert. What is yours? Consider all the details of the image and remember them. Write down a few adjectives that best describe your desert.

Now imagine a cube in the desert. What is he like? What is it made of? What are its dimensions? How is it located? How does it make you feel? What would you like to do with it? Write down some definitions of your cube.

Once you've finished looking at the cube, imagine a ladder. What is she like? What material is it made of? How is it located relative to the cube? Write down some definitions.

The next image you need to imagine is a horse. Write down what it is, what color, what size, where it is located, what it does, what feelings it evokes.

There are flowers in your desert. What are they? Where are they located relative to the cube? How do you feel looking at them? Give some definitions that best describe these flowers. Write them down.

Finally, consider the horizon in your desert. What is he like? What do you see there? How does this make you feel?

Now let's start decoding.

The image of the desert shows how we perceive the world. For some, the desert is boundless, golden, amazing, sultry, full of trials and adventures, for others it is dry, waterless, dangerous and destructive. Do you feel the difference? Twilight or mirages in your desert may mean that your picture of the world is not sufficiently formed, or you tend to escape from reality and avoid it. The dunes in the presented desert can speak of an understanding of the imperfections of this world. If Bedouins walk through your desert, then perhaps your life is influenced by other people's judgments, opinions and beliefs.

The cube is you. The size of the cube can indicate your level of self-esteem. If the cube is much higher than the level of human growth, then self-esteem is inflated; if it is lower, then, most likely, it is underestimated. One participant in the training where this test was carried out had two cubes in her image: one tiny cube stood in the desert, and she dreamed of a second huge one, standing next to her small cube. For her, this meant low self-esteem with inflated aspirations.

The material from which your imaginary cube is made may also vary. It's best if your cube is made from natural materials(wood, stone, clay). This may mean that you are also completely natural, there is little in you that is artificial, feigned and alien. cube from artificial materials may mean that your “I” is false, you have not found yourself or are not relying on your own real feelings, sensations, resources, experience, but most likely are guided by other people’s views and beliefs.
Look at the epithets you used to describe your cube. If yours is glassy, ​​transparent, hollow, then most likely you are also transparent and simple-minded, somewhat fragile, like glass, and want to be filled. If the cube is hanging in the air, then you are probably cut off from life. A cold cube made of ice or metal can mean emotional detachment. A cube made of cardboard or sand is unreliable, so the person imagining it is also likely to have this quality. A cube made of gold may indicate a person who is trying to add value to himself. Cubes that rotate indicate a lack of a firm position in life. Patterns on the figure may indicate that an impeccable appearance is the leading value of a person. The black cube is the predominance of yin, passive energy, and the white cube is spirituality. A cube on a hill or hill may indicate a desire to rise above others. You should worry about yourself if you imagined a shabby, cracked or dilapidated cube. This may indicate deep mental trauma and ill health.

The staircase symbolizes our friends and contacts with the environment. Wooden staircase happens to those who prefer spiritual rather than useful communication, stone - to those who strive for a reliable environment. If the staircase rests on a cube, then those around you see you as support and support, but if such a staircase is higher than the cube, it is worth considering that perhaps those around you are succeeding in their lives at your expense. A staircase going into the sky indicates high expectations. The stepladder is represented by those whose friends are able to rely on themselves. The two staircases perhaps indicate two completely different social circles that do not mix with each other.

A horse or steed is your relationship partner. White colors may indicate an idealized relationship, black colors may indicate a temperamental partner. If the horse is red, then you prefer cheerful ones; if the horse is gray, then you value reliability in a partner. I imagined a brown horse under saddle. This means that my partner must be a hard worker and a little henpecked. If a woman imagines a horse, and a man a horse, then the partner for such people should be, first of all, a friend with whom you can just chat. A horse with a rider means that someone has a strong influence on your partner.

Flowers symbolize attitudes towards children and motherhood. Flowering cacti are absolutely normal for the desert. One of my friends imagined her black stallion eating flowers presented in the desert. She is already 40, and has no children, but she has a stormy personal life with a temperamental partner. In my opinion, the image reflects this very clearly. It is important how the flowers are located: if to the left of the cube, then perhaps motherhood and children have already faded into the background for you, if to the right, then you are moving towards this.
The horizon in the image shows how you see your future. It may be obscured by some sand dunes or it may be vague, incomprehensible or deceptive due to twilight or mirages...

It is impossible to describe all the options, the main thing is that you understand general principle interpretations and remembered that only you can give yourself the best and most correct interpretation. And the examples of transcripts that I have given you here are only needed to start your own thought process.

PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST “CUBE IN THE DESERT” This test is actually very popular not only among ordinary Internet users, but also among psychologists, since its deep approach to a person’s deep thoughts has been proven more than once by the veracity of the results. We suggest you take this test armed with a pen, paper and a calm environment around you. So let's begin Imagine yourself in the middle of a beautiful desert. In front of you is only yellow sand and blue sky. Silence, not a soul, just you and the landscape. Now imagine a cube in this desert. What is he like? Big, small, medium? Where is it located - floating in the air, standing on the ground, or do you have your own options? What is it made of, what is inside it? Try to imagine this cube in detail, its shape, size, contents, boundaries, location. If necessary, draw a cube on paper. Now imagine a ladder in the desert. What is it like, what is it made of, how tall is it? How is it located in relation to the cube? Think about it: will there be flowers in your desert? If so, which ones, how many colors will there be and what color? Where will they be located? Now imagine that a horse appears in this picture. Try to think through the animal in every detail. Where is it, what color and size, what distance from the cube is it and what does it do? And the last detail of your landscape is the storm. What is she like, how strong? How will it go and how will it affect all the objects in your picture? Who will be affected and who will not? What will it bring to your landscape? If you have presented all of the above in detail, or even better, drawn it and thought it through to the smallest detail, then you can proceed to decoding. So, the cube The cube is you. How you see yourself, how you are. All details reflect the essence of your inner self. If the cube hovers in the clouds, then you tend to soar in them, if it stands on the ground, then you are a realist and look at things taking into account logic and knowledge. If the cube is buried, then you feel pressure from the outside. If the cube hangs somehow obliquely, edgewise or with a turn, then you feel an internal struggle, some kind of fluctuation. The size of the cube is your ambitions and conceit, self-esteem. If it is big, then you are confident and think of yourself as good person, specialist. If it is small, you should believe more in yourself and your strengths. If the cube is made of steel, you are durable and confident man. If you are made of glass, then you are responsive and vulnerable, who easily lets everything into you. If the cube contains precious stones or decorative elements, you consider yourself special. The fullness of the cube is your own fullness. If it is empty, then you feel empty and are at a crossroads. Any other details of the cube and the words you use to describe it apply to you. Staircase The way you described the staircase reflects your relationship with others. A straight staircase means simplicity and ease of communication, but a screw or curved one means that you are trying to avoid new people in the company and society. How far or close the staircase is from the cube is a sign of how you feel about meeting new people. If the ladder comes into contact with the cube, you are open to new contacts. The length and strength of the ladder is the number of friends and acquaintances. If it is short, then you make do with 1-2 true friends in life, but if the staircase is long and made of durable material, then there are many friends, acquaintances, and acquaintances around you. Flowers As they say, children are the flowers of life. If they are not in your picture, it means that you are not ready yet, or your parental gene and instinct are not so developed. The number of flowers, respectively, is the number of children. If the flowers are bright, you wish your children a carefree and happy childhood. If there are a lot of colors and they are close to the cube, you are the type of person for whom big family– ideal. A house, many children and grandchildren - this is a picture of a happy old age for you. If flowers braid the cube, then caring for children has become a burden to you. Horse Horse is your relationship with your spouse. The size of the horse is your dominant feature. If you draw a strong big horse, then you expect this from your partner, and if the horse is small, you want to have a leading role in the pair. If a horse runs through the desert, you value freedom, but if it is tied, you want to control your partner. How close the horse is to the cube reflects your emotional connection with your partner. Storm And the last thing is a storm, which symbolizes life's troubles. If it is too close, it means you are going through difficult times. If it affects any subject, you have a problem in that area. If the storm is far away or it subsides without affecting anyone, then you have nothing to fear, you are now not subject to any influence of any troubles. The test does not reflect constants, but rather the state of your inner self at a specific period.


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