Leveling up abilities in Skyrim, what does legendary mean. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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There are eighteen skills in the game, and figuring them out is not easy at first. That's exactly what we're here for. We’ll break it all down, sort it out, and, most importantly, tell you which abilities are best to invest valuable points in, and which ones are better to save on.

Skills are divided into three areas:

  • Military- blacksmithing, heavy armor, blocking, two-handed weapons, one-handed weapons, shooting.
  • Thieves (Shadow)- light armor, stealth, hacking, pickpocketing, eloquence, alchemy.
  • Magical- illusion, witchcraft, destruction, restoration, change, enchantment.

Let's start in order.

We forge iron daggers again and again, slowly but surely turning into super pros.

blacksmith craft

Blacksmithing is a new concept in the Elder Scrolls series, interesting activity and a potential source of serious imbalance in the game.

It is explained by a combination of two factors. Firstly, developed blacksmithing allows the hero to increase weapon damage and armor protection by very significant amounts. Secondly, even a hero of very low levels can easily become an experienced blacksmith. As a result, the game balance goes to all the Daedra!

But what is the work of a blacksmith? First, we create armor, weapons, and jewelry from leather, metals, and gems. Secondly, we sharpen weapons and improve armor (this also requires consumables). For all these actions, the character gains skills. The hero can buy starting materials from sellers and other blacksmiths or get them yourself. The easiest way to deal with leather is the skins that animals “give” to us can be tanned right there, in the forge, and cut into straps right there. Precious stones are usually found in mining, and metals are found in nature in the form of ore. If we have a pickaxe, then several blows to an ore vein will devastate that vein. We will get ore and, perhaps, some gem

Remember that the hero does not receive a skill increase either for mining ore, or for smelting it, or for tanning hides. But this is completely unimportant, because you can rise to the heights of blacksmithing skill without difficulty, churning out dozens and hundreds of the same type of iron daggers or leather bracers. Iron is cheap, so is leather. Let everyone decide for themselves whether to take advantage of this gap in the balance.

Blacksmiths should first take the ability blacksmith-wizard, otherwise without it you will not be able to improve magical enchanted weapons and armor. And you will wear this all the time. Unfortunately, you won’t take the “Blacksmith-Wizard” without investing a point in steel armor, so you will have to spend money on them too. Everything else is purely optional.

Heavy armor

Heavy armor includes iron, steel, dwemer, orc, ebony, daedric and dragon bone armor.

It is advisable to immediately decide whether you want improved protection in exchange for movement speed and problems with stealth. If yes, feel free to dress in heavy armor. This skill develops when a hero wearing such armor receives damage.

  • The breakdown of abilities is as follows: Juggernaut
  • , an ability that simply increases your armor class, is a must take. Good equipment

gives an additional quarter of protection if the hero is entirely in heavy armor (helmet, shell, leggings, bracers). Everything else is probably not worth attention. Of course, there is an excellent one in the constellation hard training

(the armor becomes weightless and does not slow down the hero), but for it you need to invest two ability points in unnecessary “stars”, and this is not very economical.

“What did you want?”


Do not underestimate the usefulness of a shield and even a two-handed weapon, which can also be used to protect yourself. The enemy swings, we press the mouse button, raising a shield or covering ourselves with a weapon. If, after raising the shield, you press the strike key, the hero will use it to move the enemy, thereby knocking him down with a power blow. The skill increases with successful parrying of blows - the more powerful they are, the goes faster

process. But remember - if you are holding a dual weapon, or you have a weapon in one hand and a spell in the other, you will not be able to block the blow at all.

  • Now to the most useful abilities: Shield Bearer
  • - should be taken by those who specialize in one-handed weapons. With it, blocking absorbs more damage.- one of the best abilities in the game! The hero blocks half of the spell flying at us with his shield. Take a Breton, teach him protection from the elements, and magic will not take him at all! True, to get it, you will have to spend money on deflecting arrows, but this skill is also useful - an arrow repelled in time does not cause damage at all.
  • Flat power strike good for those who prefer to fight with a shield. A force push with a shield is better than a normal one - it disorients the enemy, neutralizes his force blow, and can even knock him down. If you take this ability, it makes sense to add to it later quick reflexes so that time at the moment of an enemy power strike slows down (easier to react), and fatal blow

, which increases the damage from a shield hit by five times.

Two-handed weapon

Two-handed weapons include axes, war hammers, and two-handed swords. A hero armed with a two-handed weapon inevitably receives more damage, but also deals a lot of it himself. Personally, I don’t like this approach for two reasons. Firstly, you can not only cover yourself with a shield, but also knock down enemies. Secondly, two-handed weapons are slower than one-handed ones, and in order to wield them well, you need to accurately time the strike. Therefore, I advise taking two-handed weapons only for role-playing reasons.

  • The situation with abilities is like this: Barbarian
  • - increase in damage. Naturally, we take it. Champion stance
  • - saving a quarter of energy on two-handed power attacks. It will allow you not to be out of breath in the middle of an important battle. Worth taking. Deep wounds

- adds a chance of critical damage from a two-handed weapon. If you specialize in this type of weapon, throwing three points here can be very useful.

The rest can be left untouched. FOR YOUR INFORMATION:

two-handed gimlet rule - if you cannot immediately determine whether they are trying to sell you a one-handed or two-handed weapon, look at how it is located in the menu. The one-handed one is positioned vertically. Two-handed - at an angle. Light armor, shield and sword - a good option

for a hybrid warrior and thief.

One-handed weapon In our opinion, the best choice

for those who want to deal good damage without being exposed to attack. One-handed weapons include swords, maces, battle axes and daggers. Swords hit faster, maces and battle axes hit slower. Daggers, of course, are more suitable not for shield bearers, but for thieves - stealth and a strike with fifteen times damage can be very useful (more on this a little later).

  • The choice of abilities largely depends on personal preferences: Strong hand
  • Fighting stance- energy saving.
  • Again, take it for everyone. Then begins the division by type of weapon. Swordsman gives a chance of critical damage - but only when you have a sword in your hands. Bonecrusher Allows mace wielders to ignore some armor. Slasher
  • When hitting with an axe, it adds extended blood loss damage over time. From this entire list, I advise you to take the “swordsman”. Why? Because there are few armored enemies in the game, and blood loss damage is only useful if the battle drags on. Branch double vortex And double meat grinder

, of course, is useful only to those who fundamentally want to carry a pair of daggers (see Stealth).


The best combat skill for thieves and even for warriors who don’t know how to knock a persistent dragon out of the sky. In addition, the arrows in the game are weightless, and you can carry them with you even in whole bundles.

  • The main advantages of the bow can be enhanced by investing in the following abilities: Excessive tension
  • - ingeniously increased damage. Eagle Eye
  • - sniper scope mode. To use it, you need to press the right mouse button while aiming. This and the next ability are worth taking for those who are seriously interested in bows.
  • Steady hand- slows down time in sniper scope mode.
  • Critical Shot- adds a chance of critical damage. A must for serious archers.

Power shot

- a chance to disorient the enemy, stop him and remove his block, which is especially useful when he is about to start hitting us with his sword.

With a bow, you don't have to yell at the dragon to get it to come down.

Light armor

  • Light armor includes rawhide, leather, elven, glass and dragon skin items. Of course, they are indispensable for thieves, since they hardly restrict movement and do not rattle when the hero tries to sneak. But it can be useful for both warriors and magicians, especially if the hero is an experienced blacksmith and is able to strengthen it. The abilities are largely similar to those in the heavy armor section, but almost all are useful:
  • Agility in defense- enhances armor.
  • You have to take it. Fit to fit
  • - strengthens the armor if we have a helmet, a breastplate, leggings, and bracers that are “light”. Naturally, you have to take it.- when a hero is wearing four pieces of light armor, his energy is restored faster. I advise you to take it, because it will help not only in battle, but also when quickly moving through landscapes. There is never too much speed, as I said above.
  • Full set- an additional quarter of armor if all four pieces of armor are from one set (for example, all glass or leather). Definitely take it!

Actually, all that remains is deft fighter- ten percent chance to dodge a melee attack. But this ability can be left alone.


Stealth in the game is worked out very well. NPCs see with their eyes (this is proven by their blindness with cauldrons on their heads) and hear with their ears. They begin to worry when they see a corpse, and if our hero is discovered, only the shadow warrior superpower or retreat can hide him again. Finally, the eye indicator in the middle of the screen is very clear and easy to use.

In short, life is good for thieves in Skyrim. But it's best to live with it when the skill is developed to 100 - because of the superpower mentioned above. First we take secrecy

  • - with it, the sneaking hero is more difficult to detect. Naturally, this is our everything. Muffled footsteps
  • - reduce noise from armor by half. You have to take it - both because a little more stealth won’t hurt, and because without this ability you won’t be able to take the next ones in the branch. Easy step - saves us from problems with some of the traps: those that are activated pressure plates
  • . Not very useful, but again without it you won’t be able to take the next ones in the branch. Silent somersault - a kind of “sprint” in stealth mode. With it you can not only roll from corner to corner, but also naturally run in open field
  • , there would be enough energy. In third person mode it looks comical. You have to take it (there is never too much speed). Silence
  • completely eliminates the stealth penalty imposed by walking and running. Take it, if only because without it you can’t take a superpower. And here she is, by the way. Shadow Warrior

- a local variation on the theme of “Disappearance” from WoW. With it, even in battle, you can disappear from everyone’s sight, and then, running up to the stunned enemy, thrust a dagger into him a couple of times. With her, the life of a thief becomes easy and carefree.

  • Now let’s follow the bifurcated constellation to the right: Backstab
  • - six times damage with one-handed weapons in stealth mode. It should be taken not only by those who want to stick daggers at everyone, but also by archers. Why? Because without it you won’t be able to take what comes next. Namely...- triple damage when shooting from stealth. This is the main ability of the archer thief - it gives us the opportunity to shoot the population of an entire dungeon hall with impunity, while sitting in cover.
  • Assassin's Blade- fifteen times damage with a dagger from stealth mode. On its own it’s not very good, but in combination with the “shadow warrior” it turns into the death of everything.

The bowler hat is a fashionable headdress this season.


Hacking in the game is implemented in an interesting way and certainly better than in Oblivion. The method of “spamming master keys” worked there, but here we make every attempt personally and, while tinkering with the lock, we also break each master key personally. Our task is to rotate the master key at the desired angle. The angle is determined by trial and error (and broken picks). The more complex the lock and the lower our skill, the narrower the angle the lock opens and the more attempts it takes.

But the constellation of hacking abilities - The best way save money in the game, because it’s only really useful eternal master key.

True, in order to get to it, you will have to spend a lot of points on the main “core” of the constellation, so particularly savvy players exploit the game mechanics. They take on a quest from the thieves' guild, for which they are given an unbreakable master key, and simply do not turn in the quest until they have taken the skill to the limit. But this is a dubious way to become a super hacker.


  • Pickpocketing is the lot of those who role-play as a thief. They are risky, and the reward for them is small at first. But some of the abilities of the “pocket” constellation will make even magicians and thieves think seriously: why not start a career as a plucker? Nimble fingers
  • - standard increase to the chance of successful theft. It is influenced by the value and weight of the item (hence the rule: for beginners it is better to take cheaper things out of their pockets). Night thief
  • - increased chance of successfully stealing something from a sleeping person. You have to take it, if only because without it you won’t be able to take the next ability. And here she is - the envy of both warriors and magicians. Patch pockets

- increased load capacity by a hundred! True, for it you will have to develop a skill to a hundred, but to take it, you need to invest only in the two previous skills.

All the remaining “stars” are not for everyone. It’s funny, of course, to steal weapons and armor from an unsuspecting enemy, but it’s much more convenient to poke him with a dagger a couple of times and remove everything from the corpse.

Eloquence helps in trade and in communicating with people, if you need to convince someone or threaten someone. It develops mainly when we sell and buy, but successful attempts to put pressure, bribe or convince in dialogues also count.

The Speech constellation is one of the best for saving points. There is nothing important for the gameplay in it at all - only increased chances of success in dialogues and an increased flow of money. But there are no problems with money in the game anyway.

In smoky taverns, bards will sing of our exploits. The most experienced teacher of eloquence is also a bard.


Alchemy is not a bad thing. This is an interesting activity if you are not too lazy to carry a bunch of ingredients with you. Alchemy is not as useful as blacksmithing or enchanting. But it doesn’t break the game either, it just gives us a whole first aid kit for the road with a variety of bottles - healing, enhancing or poisonous.

The easiest way to master alchemy is to collect more ingredients and start eating them to unlock the first effect of the four. There is no need to risk your health - you can start preparing potions right away. Later, by mixing different potions, we will discover new effects and find new recipes. Excess potions can be sold (for example, a dark elf does not need potions of protection from fire, and a Nord does not need potions of protection from cold), and healing ones that replenish mana and energy can be collected for a rainy day.

Now let’s see how things stand with our abilities and which ones are best for a novice alchemist:

  • Alchemist- increased effect of potions and poisons.
  • More healing and more damage. Take. Healer
  • - improves the health, mana and energy potions we make. Since you'll be using them mostly, there's not much to think about here. Pharmacist

- enhances positive effects in general. This is a very good ability. But “Poisoner” from the neighboring branch (strengthens poisons by a quarter) is not worth taking - the poison only affects one hit or shot, and with the Skyrim interface, smearing a sword with poison is a slow and dreary story

* * *

The remaining abilities either have too insignificant an effect, or, like the “herbalist” who doubles the “harvest” from each plant, the requirements are too severe.

Magic constellations are not nearly as interesting as the others, since they mainly enhance spells and save mana. But it’s worth taking a closer look at the schools of magic themselves.

The magic of illusion includes everything that affects the mind - calms, frightens, infuriates or makes the hero less noticeable.

This school is useful for thieves - especially the spells of invisibility and silent movement. Interesting abilities

not here, but whoever decides to become a master “illusionist” will have to invest in the constellation, otherwise his magic will stop working when the enemies grow in level.


Witchcraft is already something. With its help, you can summon ephemeral weapons (but not armor, alas), as well as raise the dead (not very useful) and summon Daedra (but this is good). Witchcraft also includes the spell of capturing souls for enchantment. True, it’s better to enchant it on a weapon so you don’t have to fiddle with the interface every time.

For magicians, calling creatures to help is inconvenient because allies inevitably suffer from area spells. You can, of course, summon an ice atronach and hit it with ice magic next to it, but this limits our capabilities.

But for other archetypes, a timely summoned ally can be of great help. Imagine, for example, a thief who sits quietly in a corner and just pours atronachs on the heads of his enemies.

Constellation Affliction abilities allow you to save mana, increase the lifespan of ephemeral weapons, allow you to summon atronachs and raise the dead at a greater distance, and make them stronger. There are no particularly notable “stars” here.

Rise from the dead, O hen, and serve me! Perhaps the most stupid use of spells from the school of witchcraft.


Destruction suffers (at least in version 1.1) from serious problems - its spells become useless against devoured enemies at high levels.

  • However, it is important to know a few things:
  • Fire spells, in addition to the main damage, provide damage extended over time (burning).
  • Ice spells cause damage not only to health, but also to energy, and in addition slow down. They are best used against enemies who are dangerous in close combat.
  • Electric spells, in addition to health, destroy mana, so they are more profitable to use against magicians. Remember that there are monsters that are vulnerable and those that are less vulnerable to different types

spells. It is better to burn dried up dead Nords with fire, but it is almost useless against fire atronachs. When choosing abilities, be careful - some of them are harmful. If you take, for example hot flame , get ready for the fact that fleeing enemies will bring friends with them. On the other side, not bad - with it, lightning beautifully eliminates enemies with weakened health and at the same time leaves their property intact.


This is the "paladin" school of magic. She heals and protects the hero with allies and scares away the undead. Of course, we are most interested in the first.

Healing yourself can be useful for all classes, however, protective spells of amulets (increased armor and protection from magic) are inconvenient to use - they must not be released from your hands and continuously maintained. It's better to parry spells and attacks with a shield. The only unusual ability in the constellation of restoration magic is escape from death

. This is a variation on the theme of “Cheat Death” from WoW - once a day, when health falls below ten percent, the hero receives a solid 250 HP completely free of charge.


The school of manipulation of the forces of nature not only gives you the ability to breathe underwater, paralyze an enemy, or manipulate things from a distance, but also the best defensive spells in the game. This also includes very useful, especially for thieves, spells that detect living creatures and undead at a distance. Among the abilities for the most experienced magicians-“changers” is very interesting atronach

, absorbing almost a third of all the magic that flies into us.

By the light of torches we look at Alduin’s wall - the same one with the prophecy about the Dovahkiin.


Enchanting is another professional skill. It is interesting, but, alas, like blacksmithing, it creates an imbalance.

  • What sorcerers can do:
  • Learn new spells by destroying the things on which they are cast.
  • Capture the souls of monsters and undead in soul stones (human souls can only be caught in black soul stones).

Spend soul stones on casting enchantments or replenishing weapon enchantment charges - the larger the soul, the greater the effect. In addition, when enchanting a weapon for damage, its “portions” can be adjusted - the smaller they are, the more charges can be used. As I said above, in order not to waste extra strength

to catch souls, it is better to get a weapon with these enchantments for these purposes. We must remember that the interface does not allow you to control the size of the soul stone and the soul itself. It is impossible to prevent large stones from being used to trap small souls.

You will have to monitor this yourself so that it does not turn out that the small soul of a skeever takes the most valuable great stone. You can’t shake it out, and a large stone with it becomes no more useful than the smallest one. The matter is complicated by the fact that the game does not hint in any way what size soul a particular enemy has. The developers decided that we don’t need to know this.

Like blacksmithing, enchanting can be developed by casting simple enchantments based on the smallest souls. For this purpose, you can use forging waste. They forged daggers, enchanted them, and sold them.

  • Even at low levels of skill development, you can strengthen your armor and especially your weapons so that all the monsters will break their teeth on you. And the most useful abilities are: Enchanter
  • enhances the spells you cast. Of course, take it first. The best ability of the entire constellation is additional enchantments . It allows you to apply two enchantments to one item at once, and this is a very serious argument. But to get to it, you must not only develop your skill to one hundred, but also choose at least one branch of the constellation - either for weapon damage (, fire spell, frost spell thunder spell ), or for beneficial effects on armor ( double vortex enchant skills life charms

). I recommend the first option, but in general both branches are useful."Skyrim" is the most popular and exciting role-playing game modernity, which gives you the opportunity to study a huge open world, complete hundreds of quests, upgrade your character with the most

different ways

So, first of all, pay attention to how skills originally functioned in the game Skyrim. The legendary skill became available with one of the later patches, so for some time gamers had not even heard of it. And then they had to upgrade absolutely all their skills in order to get the perks available in the game. Firstly, it required pumping up unnecessary skills, for example, a warrior pumped up his magical skills, and an archer pumped up his melee skills. Well, secondly, you still did not receive all possible perks, since your development limit was level 81. Everything that you did not manage to take during the game, you could no longer get in any way. This led to the need to fix the legendary skill, which opens up much more opportunities for you to level up in the game "Skyrim". The legendary skill is a real salvation that gave this game a new life.

Legendary skill and how to obtain it

Now you know that a legendary skill exists in the game Skyrim, but you still have to figure out what it is and how it is achieved. You are aware that each skill has a limit of 100 points that can be invested in it. When you reach level one hundred, you can consider that you have perfect mastery of this skill. But now, with the release of the patch, you can reset your skill from level one hundred to fifteen, making it legendary. Thus, you will significantly weaken one of the sides of your character, but at the same time you will receive a huge amount additional features, which will be discussed below. After all, now one of the most interesting features Skyrim games - why were legendary skills introduced by the developers?

Level up

As mentioned earlier, in the original version of Skyrim you could only reach level 81, and it was impossible to go higher. Now that you can declare a skill legendary, Skyrim becomes much more flexible. The fact is that you get the chance to re-level a skill that was reset to level fifteen, in order to increase the overall level of your character in the process. Thus, the limit on the development of your hero is removed - you can increase his level for as long as you want. However, this is not all that the legendary skill provides in Skyrim. It is necessary to consider it comprehensively in order to understand its purpose as accurately as possible.

Getting all the perks

As you understand, before you could not achieve maximum development and, accordingly, obtain all the perks that you really wanted to be able to use. But now that you know how to make a skill legendary in Skyrim, you can get absolutely all the perks, of which there are more than 250 in the entire game. To do this, you will need to upgrade any skills 147 times. Now you must understand that previously you simply could not pump up skills that much, since they had a development limit and, accordingly, a limited number of skills themselves. Now you can collect absolutely all the perks in the game without using any cheats or trainers in the Skyrim game. How to declare a skill legendary is a very useful knowledge that absolutely every gamer should have. Moreover, all of the above are not all the benefits of now being able to make skills legendary.

Unnecessary skills

This topic has already been touched upon above, but it is one of the most important, so it is worth talking about it more seriously. Many people ask one question about Skyrim - why make a skill legendary? In addition to the above reasons, there is one more that will finally convince you of the need for this action. As mentioned earlier, in order to reach the maximum character level and get as many perks as possible, you needed to upgrade absolutely all the skills, including those that are in no way needed by your hero class. Now you can concentrate on leveling up exactly those skills that you need - you can simply make one skill legendary by fully leveling it up - and start all over again. You will be surprised, but even this is not all that the legendary skill does in Skyrim.

Redistribution of perks

The perks that you receive when you reach a new level in Skyrim are invested in certain skills. But you don’t always end up being satisfied with how you invested your perks. Previously, you couldn’t do anything about it, but now everything has become much easier and more convenient. When you reach level one hundred in a certain skill and declare it legendary, all perks are reset along with the development levels. But don't be afraid - they don't disappear, they simply become available for redistribution. This way, you can constantly redistribute your perks after declaring a skill legendary - there are no restrictions for you here. As you can see, legendary skills in Skyrim are an incredibly useful innovation with a huge number of advantages. However, it is worth thinking soberly and reasonably and not forgetting to look at the negative side, which, unfortunately, is also present.

Disadvantages of introducing legendary skills

It would seem that a legendary skill is an opportunity that is incredibly useful and functional, any gamer will be happy to use it. But this is only if you look at it superficially - in fact, this function also has its disadvantages, and diametrically opposite ones. For some classes, legendary skills become very dangerous and far from the most profitable activity - for example, for warriors. Given the fact that they mostly rely on their brute force, unlike mages, having their attack skill reduced to near minimum levels will be a serious blow for them, since they will not be able to deal enough damage until they level up the desired skill to sufficient heights again . As for the other side, you can notice that it has now become too easy for magicians to level up. They can collect all the perks and level up to incredible levels if they simply stand in the center of the city and look at people passing by and attract objects to themselves, that is, pumping up the skills “Life Detection” and “Telekinesis”.

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  • Vampires in the game, or How to recover from vampirism in Skyrim?

Skyrim is the most popular and exciting role-playing game of our time, which gives you the opportunity to explore a huge open world, complete hundreds of quests, level up your character in a variety of ways and gradually move through an incredibly exciting story. However, at the same time, gamers may have quite logical questions regarding incomprehensible moments in the game Skyrim. A legendary skill is a problem for many players, because not everyone is able to figure it out and understand what exactly it is for. This article will help you shed light on this difficult issue.

different ways

So, first of all, pay attention to how skills originally functioned in the game Skyrim. The legendary skill became available with one of the later patches, so for some time gamers had not even heard of it. And then they had to upgrade absolutely all their skills in order to get the perks available in the game. Firstly, it required pumping up unnecessary skills, for example, a warrior pumped up his magical skills, and an archer pumped up his melee skills. Well, secondly, you still did not receive all possible perks, since your development limit was level 81. Everything that you did not manage to take during the game, you could no longer get in any way. This led to the need to fix the legendary skill, which opens up much more opportunities for you to level up in the game "Skyrim". The legendary skill is a real salvation that gave this game a new life.

Legendary skill and how to obtain it

Now you know that a legendary skill exists in the game Skyrim, but you still have to figure out what it is and how it is achieved. You are aware that each skill has a limit of 100 points that can be invested in it. When you reach level one hundred, you can consider that you have perfect mastery of this skill. But now, with the release of the patch, you can reset your skill from level one hundred to fifteen, making it legendary. Thus, you will significantly weaken one of the sides of your character, but at the same time you will receive a huge number of additional opportunities, which will be discussed below. After all, now one of the most interesting features of the Skyrim game will be revealed to you - why were the legendary skills introduced by the developers?

Level up

As mentioned earlier, in the original version of Skyrim you could only reach level 81, and it was impossible to go higher. Now that you can declare a skill legendary, Skyrim becomes much more flexible. The fact is that you get the chance to re-level a skill that was reset to level fifteen, in order to increase the overall level of your character in the process. Thus, the limit on the development of your hero is removed - you can increase his level for as long as you want. However, this is not all that the legendary skill provides in Skyrim. It is necessary to consider it comprehensively in order to understand its purpose as accurately as possible.

Getting all the perks

As you understand, before you could not achieve maximum development and, accordingly, obtain all the perks that you really wanted to be able to use. But now that you know how to make a skill legendary in Skyrim, you can get absolutely all the perks, of which there are more than 250 in the entire game. To do this, you will need to upgrade any skills 147 times. Now you must understand that previously you simply could not pump up skills that much, since they had a development limit and, accordingly, a limited number of skills themselves. Now you can collect absolutely all the perks in the game without using any cheats or trainers in the Skyrim game. How to declare a skill legendary is a very useful knowledge that absolutely every gamer should have. Moreover, all of the above are not all the benefits of now being able to make skills legendary.

Unnecessary skills

This topic has already been touched upon above, but it is one of the most important, so it is worth talking about it more seriously. Many people ask one question about Skyrim - why make a skill legendary? In addition to the above reasons, there is one more that will finally convince you of the need for this action. As mentioned earlier, in order to reach the maximum character level and get as many perks as possible, you needed to upgrade absolutely all the skills, including those that are in no way needed by your hero class. Now you can concentrate on leveling up exactly those skills that you need - you can simply make one skill legendary by fully leveling it up - and start all over again. You will be surprised, but even this is not all that the legendary skill does in Skyrim.

Redistribution of perks

The perks that you receive when you reach a new level in Skyrim are invested in certain skills. But you don’t always end up being satisfied with how you invested your perks. Previously, you couldn’t do anything about it, but now everything has become much easier and more convenient. When you reach level one hundred in a certain skill and declare it legendary, all perks are reset along with the development levels. But don't be afraid - they don't disappear, they simply become available for redistribution. This way, you can constantly redistribute your perks after declaring a skill legendary - there are no restrictions for you here. As you can see, legendary skills in Skyrim are an incredibly useful innovation with a huge number of advantages. However, it is worth thinking soberly and reasonably and not forgetting to look at the negative side, which, unfortunately, is also present.

Disadvantages of introducing legendary skills

It would seem that a legendary skill is an opportunity that is incredibly useful and functional, any gamer will be happy to use it. But this is only if you look at it superficially - in fact, this function also has its disadvantages, and diametrically opposite ones. For some classes, legendary skills become very dangerous and far from the most profitable activity - for example, for warriors. Given the fact that they mostly rely on their brute force, unlike mages, having their attack skill reduced to near minimum levels will be a serious blow for them, since they will not be able to deal enough damage until they level up the desired skill to sufficient heights again . As for the other side, you can notice that it has now become too easy for magicians to level up. They can collect all the perks and level up to incredible levels if they simply stand in the center of the city and look at people passing by and attract objects to themselves, that is, pumping up the skills “Life Detection” and “Telekinesis”.

Skyrim is a unique single-player role-playing game in which a wide variety of opportunities open up for the player: from fighting magical creatures and learning magic, to building own home and preparing various dishes. This game can be safely called a full-fledged virtual world, in which the game character has access to a wide variety of activities and goals: start a family, help other people, or vice versa - seek benefits only for himself, choose own side V civil war, which has engulfed this northern province, hone your favorite fighting style, independently create and improve equipment, accept difficult decisions, enjoy the incredibly detailed environment and, of course, save everyone from the ancient and most dangerous threat- dragons.

Today we will take a closer look at a rather controversial innovation from the “Legendary Edition”, consisting of the original game, three additions and many improvements. One of the latter is the legendary skill in this edition of Skyrim, what does it give - a question for which the owners of the famous “Legendary” are often looking for an answer. But before we answer that, we should look at the skill system that existed in the regular game before patch 1.9.

There were (and currently are) eighteen different skills in the game, six for each branch of the Mage, Thief or Warrior class.

Of the abilities included in their composition, previously Dovahkiin could receive only eighty (and in total there are more than two hundred and fifty of them) due to level restrictions. Now the character’s skills can be developed endlessly, and, if desired, achieved maximum leveling in all branches, because all previous level restrictions on development have been removed by the legendary skill. The fact is that it allows you to reset earned ability points from a hundred (maximum value) to fifteen (minimum value) and redistribute them to some other desired skill. At the same time, the player does not lose the opportunity to re-upgrade the “legendary” skill, thereby gaining access to more and more experience and points. They, in turn, can be obtained again as soon as the selected skill again increases to one hundred and is again made legendary. You can perform this operation an unlimited number of times, without having to pump up unnecessary, simply uninteresting (or not suitable for the game character’s class) skills.

The game keeps a kind of record of the number of such actions. Under the skill that the player has made legendary, a corresponding icon in the form of an imperial dragon appears, and the number next to it will indicate the number of repetitions of this character development tactic.

In addition to the obvious advantages in the form of removing the peculiar “leveling ceiling” of Dovahkiin and the disappearance of the need to level up something just for the sake of experience, a clear and beneficial advantage of using legendary skills is the ability to simply reset skills that were pumped up incorrectly or that disappointed the player. Simply put, the fighting style (and life, by and large) of your Dovahkiin can be changed several times during the game. You no longer need to start the passage from the beginning if you suddenly got tired of playing a thief and wanted to be a magician.

It is also worth noting that it is rather stupid to constantly “legendize” combat skills, because the level and skill of the character’s enemies is constantly growing and corresponds to his level.

It is especially not recommended for a warrior or archer to take such risks. In addition, if you wish, you can make the build-up of your hero too rapid (and too high ease, as you know, can completely discourage many people from playing the game), for example, by using some spells from the school of Illusion.

In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the hero can develop eighteen skills that grow as they are used. Skills characterize the degree to which assigned tasks are completed and lead to an increase in the character’s level. When the level increases, the character receives a point, and can use it to increase a certain ability (perk). Abilities other than basic ones require a certain level of skill. To hang, you need to click on the blue star of the selected skill constellation (a blue star indicates the possibility of promotion). Points can not be distributed immediately, but can be accumulated so that later they can be distributed more competently and efficiently.

Appeared in Skyrim new opportunity leveling up the hero, called legendary skills, which allows you to reset the level of an already fully developed skill and repeat the leveling process. In this case, all perks are reset to zero without disappearing. They can then be used to improve other skills. Thus, when a skill is raised to one hundred and made legendary, it returns to the initial fifteenth level. The fact that the skill is legendary is indicated by the symbol of the imperial legion that appears under it. It is worth noting that you can make a skill legendary more than once. The purpose of the legendary skills that are pumped up in the usual way, consists of increasing the character's level. As a result, to get all 251 perks, you need to make 147 skills legendary. When creating legendary skills, keep in mind that this is not practical for combat skills. Since this makes it more difficult to fight against enemies who have more high level. The “Change” skill lends itself well to quick leveling through the use of the “Life Detection” and “Telekinesis” spells, as well as “Illusion” through the use of the “Harmony” spell.

For fast pumping skills and obtaining perks is useful using cheats. To apply cheats, you must press the “tilde” (~) key, and the Latin alphabet (English) must be turned on on your keyboard.

Cheats that help you quickly level up your hero

For example, increasing the “Destruction” skill by 100 experience points: advskill Destruction 100; setting level 50 for the One-Handed Weapon skill: player.setav Onehanded 50 .

Translation from English into Russian of one-level skills

Destruction destruction
Conjuration witchcraft
Restoration recovery
Alteration change
Illusion illusion
Enchanting enchantment
Alchemy alchemy
Onehanded one-handed weapon
Marksman shooting
Two-handed Two-handed weapon
HeavyArmor heavy armor
LightArmor light armor
Smithing blacksmith craft
Block block
Speechcraft eloquence
Sneak First we take
Lockpicking breaking
Pickpocket pickpocketing

Algorithm for upgrading all perks of all skills

1. Increase any skill to level 100 (advskill).

2. Setting this skill to zero level player.setav skill 0

By repeating points 1 and 2, you can get required quantity ability points and use them to upgrade all perks.

Quickly upgrade all perks and raise all skills to one hundred

bat allskills - increase all skills to 100

bat allperks - increase all perks

Please note that after using the “bat allskills” and “bat allperks” cheats, further leveling up of your hero will no longer be available to you!

Cheats for changing the amount of life, magic and stamina

player.modav carryweight X, where "X" is the value of the maximum carry weight.


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