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Using the technology of educational games by A. Zack to develop logical thinking in preschoolers

Parents are always happy when their child is doing well understands: He studies better and plays pranks less. Folk wisdom reads: “Send a smart person - say one word, send a fool - say three, and go after him yourself.”

Is it possible to make a child smarter? Of course, if development mental abilities exercise as regularly as you exercise in strength development, endurance and other similar qualities. If a child constantly solves feasible and interesting puzzles, he does not get lost when faced with difficult problems, acts actively, and independently finds the right solutions.

As you know, there are no incapable children, you just need to help the child develop his abilities, make the learning process fun and interesting. Intellectual games for children A will help you with this. Zaka.

U A. Zach's educational games are varied. For example, the game "Postman - Reader" aimed at development and improving language skills in children 6-8 years old. When solving them, the child, using language skills, must figure out how the postman got from one point to another. You can play the game use in group and individual work conditions.

There are also games "Different - the same", where children look for one, two or three images that are different from others, or two and three that are the same. The game creates good opportunities for development cognitive and analytical abilities associated with the consideration and comparison of data offered in task conditions.

The plot of the game "Search for the Ninth" like this. The artist wanted to fill each of the nine squares of the playing field with figures. But he changed his mind and drew figures in only eight cells, leaving the ninth free. Below he placed six options for his drawings, among which you need to choose one. Thus, the task comes down to determining the number of the version of the drawing that the artist wanted to draw in a free cell.

Various problem statements, visual comparison of drawings, finding their common and distinctive features give the child the opportunity to learn to analyze. Generally usage variety of geometric images in the game develops the child has spatial imagination, visual memory, figurative thinking.

Goal in games "Learn by playing"- teach children to identify two types of relationships in any information. The first of these includes visual relations of similarity and difference. The second type includes regular relationships, hidden from direct perception, but revealed through inference.

The plot basis of the game "Exchanges" There are cases known in life when, for example, people change apartments. Change location "house dwellers" and constitutes the content of the game. in which they move around certain rules. The game promotes development planning possible actions to achieve the desired result. This ability is trained by thinking through different options for transforming the initial arrangement of several elements into the final one.

In Game "The Thinker's Debut" a system of well-founded methodological techniques is presented that allows one to sufficiently fully and accurately characterize and control development intelligence of children 6-10 years old. The goal is, on the one hand, to present material that helps to identify the features thinking in children, and on the other hand, to suggest ways of the most effective use this material to increase children's intellectual readiness for learning.

All these games can be can also be used as tests, with the help of which you can independently determine the child’s abilities. In general, the complex of games represents a pedagogically sound system of intellectual child development.

This experiment presents a system of work that helps develop the cognitive sphere of a preschool child, namely the development of children’s mental abilities through modern educational games. The use of educational games with mathematical content by innovative teachers B.P. Nikitina, V.V. Voskobovich, A.Z. Zaka, Dienesh contribute to the development of the preschooler’s mind, form such thinking skills and abilities that make it easy to learn new things!!!



Gurina Olga Gennadievna

Kropotkin, MBDOU d/s No. 1

Introduction…………………………………………………………………….. 2

Conditions for the formation and occurrence of experience…………………...3

Relevance of experience…………………………………………….....5The leading pedagogical idea of ​​experience………………………………7Technology of experience…………………………………………………….11Stages of work planning……………………………………………………….13Subject-developmental environment…………………………………...15Organization of the educational process…………………16Forms of interaction with parents and teachers…………….18 Effectiveness of the experience……………………………………………..20 Recommendations for using the experience…………………………. .22

Application Games and activities with Cuisenaire sticks…………………………23 How can you play with Dienesh blocks?.......................... ...................26How to awaken children's interest in Zach's game?.................................................29



Toys and games are one of the most powerful educational tools in the hands of society. Play is usually called the main activity of a child. It is in the game that different sides of his personality manifest themselves and develop, many intellectual and emotional needs are satisfied, and character is formed. Do you think that you are just buying a toy? No, you are designing a human personality!


Childhood is a valuable period in a person’s life, determining the prospects for the formation of his subjectivity. At preschool age, the foundation is laid, which in the future allows the child to successfully master any special knowledge.

As practice shows, play is especially necessary for teaching and raising children. Highly appreciating the importance of the game, V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Without play there is no, and cannot be, full-fledged mental development. A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the child’s spiritual world. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”Today, and even more so tomorrow, mathematics will be necessary for a huge number of people various professions. Mathematics has enormous potential for developing children's thinking as they learn from a very early age.
Educational games create a unique microclimate for development mathematical representations preschooler. Children learn analysis, comparison, comparison of related concepts and actions, identifying similarities and differences in the facts under consideration, developing the ability to make simple conclusions and generalizations. The child develops the ability to consistently express his thoughts, engage in a variety of joint cognitive activities, use mathematical knowledge to solve specific life problems, interact with adults and other children while completing tasks, listen carefully, and explain his actions when performing mathematical exercises. Educational games are very important for children. It seems to the child that he is just having fun, but in fact he is training his imagination, thinking, and developing his creative abilities.

Conditions for the formation and occurrence of experience

Every preschooler is a little explorer, discovering for himself with joy and surprise the world. The task of educators and parents is to help him maintain and develop the desire for knowledge, satisfy the child’s need for active activity, and give food to the child’s mind. Effective development mental abilities of preschool children is one of current problems modernity.

Pedagogical practice confirms that, provided that the pedagogical process is properly organized with the use of game techniques that take into account the characteristics of children's perception, children can already assimilate program material at preschool age without overload and tension.

In order to properly organize the mental education of preschool children, you need to know the patterns and possibilities of their mental development. Mental development is the quantitative and qualitative changes that occur in the mental activity of a child due to age, enrichment of experience and under the influence of educational influences. In preschool age, knowledge is accumulated at a rapid pace, speech is formed, cognitive processes are improved, and the child masters the simplest methods of mental activity. Ensuring the mental development of a preschooler has great importance for all his future activities.

The main tasks of the mental education of preschoolers are: the formation of correct ideas about the environment, about the simplest phenomena of nature and public life; development of cognitive mental processes- sensations, perceptions, memory, imagination, thinking, speech; development of curiosity and mental abilities; development of intellectual skills; formation of the simplest methods of mental activity.

A child in preschool years encounters new objects and phenomena every day. L.N. Tolstoy wrote about preschool age: “From a five-year-old child to me it’s only a step. And from a newborn to a five-year-old is a terrible distance.” The teacher’s task is to consistently increase children’s stock of knowledge, organize it, clarify it, and systematize it. The child must receive clear ideas about surrounding objects, their purpose, and certain qualities (color, size, shape).

Developmental education promotes accelerated maturation of the brain and improvement of its functions. If it is possible to find the key to controlling the development of a preschooler’s thinking, this means that opportunities open up for improving all other cognitive processes. Children's intelligence functions on the basis of the principle of consistency. In it, if necessary, all types and levels of thinking are included in the work: visual-effective, visual-figurative and verbal-logical. Games that simulate creative process and creating such a microclimate where opportunities arise for the development of the creative side of the intellect are educational games that serve as “food” for children, are varied in content, are very dynamic, are able to satisfy the child’s needs for motor activity, movement, help to use counting, and control the correctness of execution actions.

The natural and mathematical development of children rightfully occupies an important place in the preschool education system. Mathematics sharpens a child’s mind, develops flexibility of thinking, teaches logic, develops memory, attention, and intelligence.
In this regard, I believe that the task of mathematical development has preschool institution extreme significance; without exaggeration, it must be understood today as one of the priorities.
I was faced with the task of developing the mental abilities of preschoolers through educational games with mathematical content.

Relevance of experience

I believe that among all the methods of developing mental abilities, educational games are the most optimal, since they are most consistent with the leading activities of preschool age, and also imply flexibility and variability in their use.

The system of educational games is based on the following principles:

  • combining elements of play and learning in a child’s activity and a gradual transition from games - fun through games - tasks to educational and cognitive activity;
  • gradual complication of the learning task and game conditions;
  • increasing the child’s mental activity in solving proposed problems;
  • organic connection and interrelation between the external and internal (mental) activity of the child and a gradual transition to more intense mental work;
  • unity of teaching and educational influences.

As a result of the implementation of these principles, conditions are created that contribute to the formation of initial forms of self-esteem and self-control of the child, which is of great importance both for his educational activities (future and present) and for a full life in a group of peers.

The problem of mental education in the broad sense of the word is one of the problems involved in the formation of creative mathematical thinking and the development of independence in children.
Preschoolers with developed intelligence learn more easily, remember material faster, are more confident in their abilities, adapt more easily to a new environment, have inner freedom and high self-control. Showing interest in everything new and unusual, they have great initiative, maintaining personal independence of judgment and action.

Educational games with mathematical content:

Introduce children to geometric shapes, shapes of objects, size;

Develop thinking skills: compare, analyze, classify, generalize, abstract, encode and decode information;

They help to master the basic skills of an algorithmic culture of thinking;

Develop cognitive processes: perception, memory, attention, imagination, will;

Develops children's intellectual and creative abilities.

If in class a child completes an adult’s task, then in the game he solves his own problem.

Educational games are based on two principles of learning - from simple to complex and “independently according to ability.” This union allowed the game to solve several problems related to the development of creative abilities:

Educational games can provide food for the mind from a very early age.
- their stepping stone tasks always create conditions that precede the development of abilities.
- rising independently to his ceiling each time, the child develops most successfully.

Educational games can be very diverse in their content, and besides, like any games, they do not tolerate coercion.

In educational games there is a hidden opportunity to independently find answers to many questions: what is the harmony of the combination of figures, how to ensure the transformation of colors and shapes at the same time, change the shape of the gaming device, etc., which is typical for games such as “Fold the Pattern”, “Unicube” "and others. Each of the educational games is, as a rule, a model of reality. Personal qualities (independence and initiative, creativity, etc.) and skills (combine, assume, modify, etc.) acquired in games are applicable in any educational and life situation.

Leading pedagogical idea of ​​experience

Concept by preschool education, the new standard provision puts forward quite serious requirements for the use of new innovative technologies in the system of natural and mathematical education.
Our group has a wide variety of types of didactic games with mathematical content. But more attention is paid to games with Nikitin cubes, colored Cuisenaire sticks, Dienesh blocks, and special attention is paid to the games of Zach and Voskobovich. In my opinion, it is these games that teach children to understand patterns, to recognize real objects in abstract drawings; contribute to the development of logical thinking; create favorable conditions for the formation of such a valuable quality of thinking as independence.

Nikitin Boris Pavlovich- one of the founders of early development methods,pedagogy of cooperation developed a system of educational games. Every Nikitin gameis a set of problems that a child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares made of wood or plastic, parts of a mechanical constructor, etc. Tasks are given to the child in various forms: in the form of a model, a flat drawing, an isometric drawing, a drawing, written or oral instructions, etc., and thus introduce him to different ways of transmitting information. The solution to the problem appears before the child not in the abstract form of the answer to a mathematical problem, but in the form of a drawing, pattern or structure made from cubes, bricks, construction set parts, i.e. in the form of visible and tangible things. This allows you to visually compare the “task” with the “solution” and check for yourself the accuracy of the task.

Most of Nikitin’s creative educational games are not limited to the proposed tasks, but allow children to create new versions of tasks and even come up with new educational games, i.e. engage in higher-order creative activities. In my work I use the following Nikitin games:

  • “Fold the pattern.” This game promotes the development of spatial thinking and logic;
  • “Unicube” develops logic, holistic perception of an object, and the ability to represent three-dimensional objects.

Nikitin’s games allow each child to rise to the “ceiling” of their capabilities, where development is most successful.

Belgian primary school teacher George Cuisenaire developed a universal didactic material “Counting Sticks” for the development of children’s mathematical abilities. Cuisenaire sticks are counting sticks, which are also called “numbers in color”, colored sticks, colored numbers, colored rulers. They allow you to model numbers, properties, relationships, arouse keen interest in children, develop activity and independence in finding ways to act with material, by solving mental problems. By working with sticks, children get acquainted with a unique color algebra. Chopsticks can be offered to children with three years to perform the most simple exercises. The purpose of using Cuisenaire sticks: developing the ability to group objects by color, size, mastering measurement methods using a conventional measure, the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting, establishing equality and inequality of two groups of objects, developing the ability to distinguish and name in the process of modeling geometric figures, silhouettes, objects.

One of the most important tasks of education small child– development of his mind, the formation of such thinking skills and abilities that make it easy to learn new things. The content and methods of preparing the thinking of preschoolers for schooling, in particular pre-mathematics preparation. Unique in their capabilities, teaching materials such as Cuisenaire rods and Dienesh logic blocks help with this, as well as a system for developing logical and mathematical concepts and skills in preschoolers, based on the use of games and exercises with these materials.

A variety of educational materials are used in preschool didactics. However, the opportunity to form in a complex all the thinking skills that are important for mental development, and in particular mathematical, throughout preschool education is not given in many cases. The most effective aid is logic blocks developed by a Hungarian psychologist and mathematician Dienes to prepare children's thinking for mastering mathematics. In methodological and popular scientific literature this material can be found under different names: “logical figures” (Fiedler M.), “logical cubes” (Kopylov G.), “logical blocks” (Stolyar A.). But each of the names emphasizes the focus on the development of logical thinking. The didactic manual “Logic Blocks” consists of 48 three-dimensional geometric shapes, differing in shape, color, size and thickness. Thus, each figure is characterized by four properties: color, shape, size and thickness.

Dienesh blocks are a universal didactic material that allows you to successfully implement the tasks of children’s cognitive development.

In the process of various actions with logical blocks, children master various thinking skills, which are important both in terms of pre-mathematical preparation and from the point of view of general intellectual development. In specially designed games and exercises with blocks, children develop basic algorithmic thinking skills and the ability to perform actions in their minds. With the help of logic blocks, children train attention, memory, and perception.

Games Anatoly Zalmanovich Zak- Doctors of Psychology - do not leave children without interest and, moreover, turn into a hobby. Solving entertaining problems with children serves as a reliable basis for their mental development; formation of their cognitive interests. My children and I were very interested in the game “How the caterpillar and the ant went to visit.” This game creates all the conditions for enhancing the development of a child’s mental activity. This is provided for by a number of circumstances. Firstly, successful completion of tasks requires the child to make not real, but imaginary changes in the situation, since in the game there is no need to actually move anything, but only to imagine where the characters’ movements are possible. Secondly, the content of the game is designed in such a way that in one case the child will be in the position of the guesser, in another - the one checking the guesses, in others - in the position of the guesser. Thirdly, the game is structured in such a way that the complexity of subsequent lessons in relation to previous ones constantly increases (for example, due to an increase in the number of cells on the playing field), but this increase is realized gradually. Fourthly, when constructing game tasks, special consideration was given to ensuring that the next lesson never repeats the previous one - this helps to maintain children’s interest in the game. Fifthly, game tasks are built on the basis that it is possible to use different ways to successfully complete them - this allows each child to take the initiative in finding ways to achieve a goal, contributes to the development of intellectual flexibility in the child, the ability to look at the same thing from different angles. same situation.

I also used gaming technology in my work.Vyacheslav Vadimovich Voskobovich"Fairytale labyrinths game. Technology of intensive development of intellectual abilities in children 3–7 years old,” aimed at developing thinking, memory, and attention. The basic principle educational technology“Fairy tale labyrinths games” is the development of children in the game, with the help of which almost the entire learning process of a preschool child is built. According to V.V. Voskobovich: “This is not just a game, this is a cognitive activity.”

Special attention is given to such games by Voskobovich as:

  • "Two-color square"- a puzzle game, during which preschoolers master techniques for constructing geometric shapes and algorithms for adding object forms. The game “Two-Color Square” promotes the development of fine motor skills of the hand, spatial thinking and creative imagination, the ability to compare, analyze, and contrast.
  • "Four-color square"- this is the most complex modification of a two-color square. In the process of completing game tasks, the child puts together multi-colored figures. Addition schemes are not operational, but represent the final result of the design. The skills acquired in playing with a two-color square help a child quickly master a four-color square, since the techniques for adding figures remain unchanged.

Playing games with “Square” improves attention and memory.

  • Playing with puzzles"Miracle - crosses", preschoolers become familiar with sensory standards of shape, color and size. The correct perception of standards is facilitated by the inclusion of examination actions in the cognition process with the help of tactile-motor, visual, and tactile sensations. Puzzles develop children's cognitive and creative abilities. The game improves the processes of logical thinking, the properties of attention and spatial thinking.

Experience technology

The main goal this experience iseffective development of intellectual and mental abilities of preschool children through play.In preschool age, it is important to awaken the child’s thinking, his cognitive activity, so that he learns to seek knowledge on his own. A child accustomed from early childhood to act according to a stamp, according to ready-made recipe“standard solution” is lost where he is required to independently think and decide. P. Leach, the author of a book on the development of children under five years of age, writes: “If you have given your child a place, provided him with objects and toys, he will take care of the development of his thinking himself. He is an experimenter and inventor, so your job is only to put at his disposal a laboratory, equipment and an assistant (that is, yourself) when he needs one. What he will do with this equipment is his concern. Like any scientist, he needs independence in his scientific work.”

Solution various kinds non-standard tasks in preschool age contributes to the formation and improvement of general mental abilities: logic of thought, reasoning and action, flexibility of the thought process, ingenuity and ingenuity, spatial concepts.

In an integrated approach to the education and training of preschool children in modern didactics, an important role belongs to entertaining educational games, tasks, and entertainment. They are interesting for children and emotionally captivate them. And the process of solving, searching for an answer, based on interest in the problem, is impossible without active work thoughts. This situation explains the importance of entertaining tasks in the mental and all-round development of children. During games and exercises with entertaining mathematical material Children master the ability to search for solutions independently.

In accordance with the purpose, we formedmain objectives of the experience:

  • introduce children to these games, develop interest in games;
  • to develop in children the ability to accept the tasks proposed to them and solve them independently through educational games and exercises, problem situations;
  • develop active mental activity in students through logical operations, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and creating interest in the task at hand.

For this purpose, she conducted integrated classes, didactic games, conducted observations and conversations with children, gave test tasks, and created problem situations. Conducted entertainment and recreational activities.
When solving these problems, I relied on the following principles:

From simple to complex - practiced gradually increasing the difficulty of tasks in games;

Individuality - kept records of the individual and psychophysiological characteristics of children;

Non-judgmental: during all games, she excluded comments, considering it much more important and effective to support and encourage each child.

In my work I selected games and activities so that they would develop in children the ability to find the answer to the constant question “how.” I tried to do everything possible to ensure that each lesson was full of interesting content and creative tasks. Games - activities included cognitive tasks, problem situations, riddles, game exercises, developing in children the ability to perceive, remember, and obtain results; understand and use symbols, signs, count, compare, generalize. A unified plot basis for all games and activities was provided by the use of bi-ba-bo toys (Leopold the cat, Winnie the Pooh, Cheburashka, postman Pechkin and many others), children’s favorite cartoon characters. This created a positive emotional background, a natural creative environment, and stimulated the activity of children.
She focused the children's attention on the formation of their creative activity: search original solution, independent preparation of logical problems, establishment of equivalence relations.
The identification of teaching and developmental tasks was subordinated to the main goal: the development of the cognitive and creative abilities of children, which is justified by the ideas of developmental education on which my experience is based.
Thus, I armed the children only with a scheme and direction for analyzing an entertaining problem, ultimately leading to a solution. Systematic exercise in solving problems in this way develops mental activity, independence of thought, creative attitude to a learning task, and initiative.In my work I tried to use various shapes organization of a children's group - joint play activities of children and the teacher, independent play of children, used educational games in mathematics classes.

Stages of work planning


Stage I


Introduce children to different gaming materials. Use cubes, sticks, blocks as playing material, give children the opportunity to play with them as with ordinary cubes and sticks. Arouse children's interest in these games. Attract them with specific images, as well as the quality characteristics of the material. Create a gaming atmosphere each time, introducing different gaming situations.

Stage II


Deepen children's knowledge about educational games:

  • Teach children to designfrom Nikitin cubessubject forms according to the model.
  • Introduce children to the heroes of Zach's game - the caterpillar and the ant. Teach children to guess Zach's riddles , find single and double moves of both caterpillars and ants. Teach children to act in the position of a guesser, a riddle-maker. Develop the ability to reason and make judgments.
  • Teach children to build ladders fromCuisenaire counting sticks, see and understand the sequence of movement on the stairs. Develop an understanding of number based on counting and measuring sticks. Learn to establish a connection between color, length of sticks and numbers, and remember them. Introduce the quantitative composition of numbers from units, a white cube as a measure (unit of measurement). Help children master spatial relationships (right, left, left to right, left, higher than...), the concepts of “between”, “longer”. When composing various rugs, develop an understanding of the concept of “the same amount”, learn to act strictly according to the instructions when constructing them. Practice ordinal and quantitative counting within 10; develop the ability to compare objects using measurements. Perform addition and subtraction operations.
  • Teach children to decide logic problems to be divided by properties when usedDienesh logical blocks. Develop the ability to identify various properties in objects, name them, abstract and retain in memory one, two or three properties at the same time, generalize objects according to one, two or three properties, taking into account the presence or absence of each. The ability to identify the properties of blocks, both by word and using cards.
  • Teach children to construct object forms from a Voskobovich square according to a model, develop children’s ability to rememberalgorithms for adding subject forms.

Stage III


Clarify, expand, and most importantly consolidate existing knowledge in the field of educational games. Teach children to apply the acquired knowledge and skills to other games: “Find the ninth”, “Find the fourth”, “Find your place”, “Find the mistake”, “Solve examples”, Settle in the tenants”, “Labyrinths” and many others. With the help of these games, continue to develop independent thinking, and most importantly, the development of methods of cognition. Develop the ability to find the answer to the constant question: “how?”

Involve children in solving simple creative problems: find, guess, reveal a secret, compose, match, group, express mathematical relationships.

Subject development environment

I have been working in this direction for three years. On initial stage Istudied and analyzed psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, modern best practices on the problem of mathematical development.Developed a long-term plan for work in the senior group, after and in the preparatory group.

She has created a subject-development environment that stimulates children’s interest in examining objects: determining shape, quantity, size, and decomposing simple dependencies between objects.
In our toy library there are many interesting games that attract the attention of children with their entertainment: “Fold the pattern”, “Fold the square”, “Cubes for everyone”, “Geometric mosaic”, “Lego”, puzzle mosaics, Dienesh blocks, colored Cuisenaire sticks, counting sticks , educational games V.V. Voskobovich “Voskobovich Square”, “Miracle - Crosses”, “Geocont”. Do-it-yourself games are a great help in the development of elementary mathematical concepts: “Name the figure”, “Find out by touch”, “Fun counting”, “Collect a picture”, “Fold the figure”, “Tangram”, games with a flat version of Dienesh blocks (“Logical figures”, “Treats for bear cubs”, “Artists”, “Shop. The versatility of these games is that they have varying degrees of complexity, many of them can be offered to a child from the age of 2-3. Nevertheless , these games do not lose their relevance for older children, because the plot of the game gradually becomes more complicated.

Thus, the selection of educational games was carried out based on modern requirements for the education of preschool children, namely: giving learning a developmental character, ensuring maximum activity of children in independent process knowledge, as well as these games, are relevant and most suitable for younger preschoolers.

The toy library is located in a place accessible to pupils. This makes it possible to use didactic games not only in the educational process, but also in joint and independent activities.

Finally, another equally important principle in my work is the inclusion of the child’s work with individual didactic material in each play session. The process of cognition proceeds intensively not when children only contemplate the world around them, but when they actively participate in its transformation. Therefore, I tried to ensure that cognitive work with didactic material passed “through the hands” of each child.

Organization of the educational process

She started working with children at the age of four. The work was carried out in two stages, as suggested to us by the authors of the manuals Z.A. Mikhailova, E.N. Ioffe “Mathematics from three to six”, E. N. Panova “ Didactic games– classes at preschool educational institutions,” E. A. Nosova, R.L. Nepomnyashchaya “Logic and mathematics for preschoolers.”
At the first stage, I used cubes, sticks, and blocks simply as playing material. The children played with them as with ordinary cubes and sticks and created various configurations. They were attracted specific images, as well as the quality characteristics of the material - color, size, shape.
However, already during play, for example with sticks, children discover some relationships. They notice the same length of the sticks, the same cross-section, etc. All this was facilitated by such games as: “Fence”, “Zoo”, “Blind Man’s Bluff”, “Let’s Build a Bridge”, i.e. laying out red carpets, trains with blue carriages, building fences of the same height, high and low houses.
And only when I caught the moment that the children had played enough and you could pay attention to the fact that when working with sticks, color is a number, and when constructing from cubes - making certain patterns, I moved on to the second stage. The stage when a child learns to translate (decorate) the play of colors into numerical relations, to comprehend the laws mysterious world numbers, recognize real objects in abstract drawings.
So, at the second stage, I started by telling the children that the sticks differ not only in color and length, but also that each stick is a number. So a white stick (white cube) is a unit, the number one. I was in no hurry to tell them that the pink stick is two, the blue stick is three, etc. I asked them to think and guess how to find out what number each of the sticks represents (first within 3), how this can be checked and proven. Most of the children independently figured out how to find out what number each stick carries and made a conclusion (if the pink stick is equal to two ones, this is the number two, the blue one is three, the number three, the red one is four, the number four, and so on).
D Then we worked on remembering the numerical value of each stick, this was facilitated by the following games: “Multi-colored trailers”, “One - two - three number... run to me”, “Remember”, “Add”, “I am the number - you are the color of the stick” and other.

As soon as the children mastered numbers and colors fluently, they moved on to solving more complex problems.
So, in the games “Stand in order”, “Stand in reverse order”, “Up - down”, “Colored ladder”, “Fun train”. Children learned to count forward and backward and learned to find the place of a number in a number line.
Through the games “Visiting the Numbers”, “Number and Color”, “Pick up the Number”, “Toy Store” and others, she helped children identify color - number - number.The game “Name the Neighbors” made it possible to learn adjacent numbers based on visual material.

When working with cubes, children first learned from patterns - tasks to put together exactly the same pattern, then the task was complicated - looking at the cubes, the children sketched a pattern that they had formed on their own.

The same work was done with Dienesh blocks: simple games and exercises (“Find all the figures like this one”, “Find a figure not like this one” by color, size, shape; “What has changed?”, “What superfluous?”, “Chain”, “Second row”, etc.) were replaced by more complex ones - new games, where the properties of the blocks were depicted on cards (“Divide the figures”, “Who will collect the blocks faster”, “Orders”, “On your own” place").

Forms of interaction with parents and teachers

Work in the chosen direction was fraught with certain difficulties: an almost complete lack of knowledge among children, and most importantly their parents, on the chosen topic, and low awareness of teachers.

The upbringing and development of children cannot be imagined without the active role of parents. I involved them in solving problems of children’s mathematical development through various forms of interaction:

  • a parent meeting, at which an introduction was made to the age and psychological characteristics of children and the tasks of mathematical development of a given preschool age;
  • tests and questionnaires to identify the level of parents' knowledge about educational games: the role, use of games;
  • individual and group consultations that help parents navigate the mathematical concepts formed in children and provide assistance in organizing this work in a family environment;
  • individual conversations and recommendations to familiarize parents with the child’s achievements, for the correct selection of literature and various types of mathematical games;
  • folders and photo exhibitions that allow parents to visually see the work on the mathematical development of children in kindergarten, learn about the experience of family education of other parents in this area;
  • reminders that introduce parents to educational games and teach the correct methodological use of these games in the development of the child;
  • homework that allows children to consolidate the knowledge they have acquired in class in the family circle, helping to bring children and parents closer together;
  • open demonstrations of mathematics classes, both final and ordinary, in order for parents to monitor their child’s progress in the learning process.

All of the above forms of interaction with parents contributed to the involvement of parents in the process of forming mathematical concepts and developing their child’s interest in mathematical knowledge and educational games. It can be noted that most of the parents responded with confidence and desire and are taking part in the joint work.

If at the initial stage of my work on the topic, I noticed that the parents did not show interest and were inactive, then by the middle of the work process they themselves offered help in introducing and producing manuals, and at the final stage the parents thanked me for the work done to prepare their children for school education, as well as for an accessible and professional explanation of the importance of didactic games in the development of a child. Parents' interest and competence in the issue of the influence of didactic games on children's mathematical abilities has increased significantly.

I held consultations for my colleagues, spoke at the pedagogical council, and made a presentation, which introduced them to educational games and the importance of educational games in a child’s life. A master class was held where it was demonstrated how, with the help of simple exercises and tasks, to develop creative and, most importantly, mathematical abilities in children using educational games. Colleagues were invited to open classes using the technologies of Nikitin, Zack, Cuisenaire, Dienesh and Voskobovich. To update the knowledge, a survey was conducted. The result of the above was the replenishment of teachers’ knowledge in this area, which aroused great interest, interest and desire to use these technologies in their further work.

Effectiveness of experience

The work carried out gave a positive result.

Preschoolers learned to use means and methods of cognition (sensory and measurement standards, speech, comparison, classification);

Pupils are able to plan their actions to complete a task and think about them;

Children show creativity when solving problematic situations and tasks.

Children have become more independent, proactive, and confident in their abilities. In addition, dialogue communication has intensified and the experience of learning has expanded.

While playing with Nikitin's cubes, children learned to understand patterns, recognize real objects in abstract drawings, create new combinations from existing elements, learn to find mistakes, and anticipate the results of their actions.

Zach's games taught children to act purposefully and thoughtfully when solving problems, consciously managing and controlling their actions. Children learned to reason and make judgments. The game “How the caterpillar and the ant went to visit” interested the children so much that completing the proposed tasks became easy for them. As a result, the children independently began to come up with similar tasks for each other and for adults.

In the process of games and exercises with colored sticks, children easily learned the relationships more - less, the same, more (less) by 1, 2, 3, ..., dividing a whole into parts and the relationship of parts, the composition of numbers from units and smaller numbers, began to practically perform addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. In addition, children mastered spatial relationships (from left to right, to the left, along, higher than ... etc.), the concepts of “between”, “each”, “one of ...”, “to be the same color”, “to have the same length”, “to be of the same (different) quantitative value”.

Using Voskobovich squares, children learned to fold geometric shapes of different sizes, while mastering the standards of shape and size. They became aware of structure (sides, corners, vertices) geometric shapes, and also learned to invent, fold, sketch and name new designs. Puzzles “Miracle – crosses” taught children to put together figures from parts according to diagrams of various scales. The game "Geocont" taught children to build figures on a sheet of paper using coordinates. Using a coordinate grid, children draw a plan of the playing field and diagrams of figures using a verbal formula, memorize the coordinates of points, and transfer figures invented and constructed on Geokont onto the plan.

To achieve such results, it is necessary to try to surround children with such an environment and such a system of relationships that would stimulate the most diverse creative activity and would gradually develop in them exactly what at the appropriate moment is capable of developing most effectively. Games by Nikitin, Zak, Voskobovich, colored sticks by Cuisenaire and blocks by Dienesh, which contribute to the development of the child’s intellectual and creative abilities, are an integral part of this environment.

Important remember the main thing - do not do for children what they can do themselves, do not rush, but give them time to think...

  • At the initial stage, use Nikitin cubes, Cuisenaire sticks and Dienesh blocks as playing material.Give children the opportunity to play with them as with ordinary cubes, sticks,designer , during games and activities, becoming familiar with colors, sizes and shapes.
  • The first lessons should be easy to understand: contain a game situation, a surprise moment. The main thing is to arouse children’s interest!
  • Classes should be held regularly, with gradual complication of the material.
  • Pay attention to the connection between yesterday's game and today's game and today's game with tomorrow. Use the “icebreaker” method, i.e. Start each next game by stepping back a little.
  • Simplify tasks if the child finds it difficult to complete them or return to the previous lesson to consolidate the material covered (conduct individual work with baby).
  • Training should be carried out in an entertaining way; it is advisable to use slides and presentations for children.
  • To maintain the child’s interest in classes, I recommend using the following types of tasks at each stage of the developed long-term plan:
  • Children complete tasks independently;
  • Check the correctness of their implementation;
  • They come up with similar tasks on their own.
  • To expand the fairy-tale space, introduce new characters.
  • The duration of classes should not exceed the normal training schedule for a given age.

Appendix No. 1

Games and activities with Cuisenaire sticks for the little ones:

1. Let's get acquainted with chopsticks. Together with your child, look at, sort through, touch all the sticks, tell them what color and length they are.

2. Arrange the sticks by color and length.

3. "Find a stick that is the same color as mine. What color are they?"

4. “Put down the same number of sticks as I have.”

5. “Lay out the sticks, alternating them by color: red, yellow, red, yellow” (in the future the algorithm becomes more complicated).

6. The child lays out the sticks, following your instructions: “Put the red stick on the table, put the blue one on the right, yellow on the bottom,” etc.

7. Lay out several Cuisenaire counting sticks, invite the child to remember them, and then, while the child is not looking, hide one of the sticks. The child needs to guess which stick has disappeared.

8. Lay out several sticks, invite the child to remember their relative positions and swap them. The baby needs to put everything back in its place.

9. Place the sticks into 2 piles: one has 10 pieces, and the other has 2. Ask where there are more sticks.

10. Ask to find 2 absolutely identical Cuisenaire rods. Ask: "How long are they? What color are they?"

11. Lay out several pairs of identical sticks and ask the child to “put the sticks in pairs.”

12. “Take the chopsticks in your hand. Count how many sticks you have in your hand.”

13. Place several Cuisenaire sticks in front of the child and ask: “Which is the longest? Which is the shortest?

14. Place two sticks in front of the child: “Which stick is longer? Which is shorter?” Place these sticks on top of each other, aligning the ends, and check.

15. You can lay out paths, fences, trains, squares, rectangles, pieces of furniture from sticks on a plane, different houses, garages.

16. You can build from sticks, like fromdesigner , voluminous buildings: wells, turrets, huts, etc.

At the second stage sticks are already acting as a tool for little mathematicians. And here children learn to comprehend the laws of the mysterious world of numbers and other mathematical concepts.

Games and activities with Cuisenaire sticks for older children:

1. Lay out a ladder of 10 Cuisenaire sticks from the smallest (white) to the largest (orange) and vice versa. Walk your fingers along the steps of the ladder, you can count out loud from 1 to 10 and back.

2. Lay out the ladder, passing 1 stick at a time. The child needs to find a place for the missing sticks.

3. Build a train out of carriages different lengths, starting from the shortest to the longest. Ask what color the carriage is fifth or eighth. Which carriage is to the right of the blue one, to the left of the yellow one. Which carriage is the shortest, the longest? Which carriages are longer than the yellow one, shorter than the blue one.

4. “Place the blue stick between the red and yellow, the orange to the left of the red, and the pink to the left of the red.”

5. “Name all the sticks that are longer than the red one, shorter than the blue one,” etc.

6. “I have a stick in my hands that is a little longer than blue, guess its color.”

7. Name the number, and the child will need to find the corresponding Cuisenaire stick (1 - white, 2 - pink, etc.). And vice versa, you show the stick, and the child names the required number. Here you can lay out cards with dots or numbers depicted on them.

8. From several identical sticks you need to make one the same length as the orange one.

9. From several sticks you need to make one the same length as burgundy and orange.

10. How many white sticks can fit in a blue stick?

11. “Put out one of two white sticks, and next to it put a stick (pink) corresponding to their length. Now we put three white sticks - the blue one corresponds to them,” etc.

12. We have a white Cuisenaire counting stick. What stick should be added to make it the same length as red.

13. What sticks can be used to make the number 5? (different ways)

14. How much longer is the blue stick longer than the pink one?

15. Using an orange stick, you need to measure the length of a book, pencil, etc.

16. Place three burgundy Cuisenaire counting sticks parallel to each other, and four of the same color on the right. Ask which figure is wider and which is narrower.

17. “Place the sticks from the lowest to the largest (parallel to each other). Attach the same row on top of these sticks, only in reverse order.” (You will get a square).

18. “With your eyes closed, take any stick from the box, look at it and name its color” (later you can determine the color of the sticks even with your eyes closed).

19. "With your eyes closed, find 2 sticks of the same length in the set. One of the sticks in your hands is blue, and what color is the other?"

20. “With your eyes closed, find 2 sticks of different lengths. If one of the sticks is yellow, can you determine the color of the other stick?”

21. “Make each of the numbers from 11 to 20 using sticks.”

22. Lay out four white Cuisenaire counting sticks to form a square. Based on this square, you can introduce your child to fractions and fractions. Show one part out of four, two parts out of four. What is greater - ¼ or 2/4?

23. Lay out a figure from Cuisenaire sticks, and ask the child to make the same one (in the future, you can cover your figure from the child with a sheet of paper).

24. Draw different geometric shapes or letters on a piece of paper and ask your child to place a red stick next to the letter “a” or in a square.

25. From sticks you can build labyrinths, some intricate patterns, figures, rugs.

Appendix No. 2

How can you play with Dienes blocks?

Games for the little ones:

  • “Find all the shapes (blocks) like this one” by color (shape, size).
  • “Find a figure different from this one” by color (by size, shape).
  • Treat Bear with red “candies” - large, square, thick, triangular, small, etc.
  • Place three figures in front of the child. Invite your baby to close his eyes and remove one of them. What “candy” did Mishka eat?
  • As in the previous game, we lay out three figures. The child closes his eyes, and we change the positions of the figures. What changed?
  • Game “What's extra?”: arrange three figures - 2 have common properties, one does not. Ask your child what is unnecessary here?
  • Let's make pairs. The big one is looking for a small part, the red circle is looking for a red part.
  • We put the blocks in an opaque bag and look for the desired shape by touch.

Games for older children:

Game "Search"

Invite your child to find figures that are the same as this one in color, but of a different shape, or the same in shape, but of a different size.

Game "Chain"

Place any figure in front of the child. Build a long chain from it. Construction options can be as follows:

  • So that there are no figures of the same shape (color, size, thickness) nearby;
  • So that there are no figures nearby that are identical in shape and color (in color and size, in size and shape, in thickness, etc.);
  • So that there are figures nearby that are the same in size, but different in shape, etc.;
  • So that there are figures of the same color and size nearby, but different shapes (same size, but different colors).

Game "Second Row"

We lay out 5-6 figures in a row. Now we build a second row under it, but so that under each figure in the top row there is a figure of a different shape (color, size); the same shape, but different color (size); different in color and size; not the same in shape, size and color.

Game "Domino"

This game can be played by several participants at the same time (but no more than four). The figures are divided equally between the participants. Each player takes his turn in turn. If there is no piece, the move is skipped. The first one to lay out all the pieces wins. You can walk in different ways.

For example:

  • Shapes of a different color (shape, size);
  • Shapes of the same color but a different size or the same size but a different shape;
  • Figures of a different color and shape (color and size, size and thickness);
  • The same shapes in color and shape, but of a different size (the same in size and shape, but different in color);
  • Move with pieces of a different color, shape, size, thickness.

Then new games and exercises with blocks are offered, where their properties are depicted on cards. So the color is indicated by a spot (in this figure, the color of the spot is defined by the letters: “k” - red, “z” - yellow, “s” - blue). The size is the silhouette of the house (big, small). Shape - according to the contours of the figures (round, square, rectangular, triangular). Thickness - a conventional image of the human figure (thick and thin). The cards are reviewed with the children and it is clarified what properties are indicated on them. The blocks themselves are reviewed with the children, using cards, and the name of each block is named. The following definitions appear in the children's dictionary: "... this is a red, large, round, thick block. The color red is indicated on the card, which means you can put red blocks here." Game exercises are carried out as follows: a child or group of children is presented with a card and asked to find all the same blocks and name them. For variety, you can use a card with eight cells, where the first of them depicts a property. The child fills the remaining cells with blocks of the corresponding property. The game is called "All in a Row".

Subsequently, children master words and signs denoting the absence of a property. You will need cards where the indicated property will be crossed out with two lines. For example: To master the words: non-red, non-round, small,..., games are needed: “Translators”, “Help Dunno”. In these games you need to tell Dunno about blocks, translate into words what the card means, teach Dunno to talk about color, size, and so on in different ways. For example, about a yellow rectangular block we can say that it is not red and not blue, its shape is not round, not triangular, thick (thin), large (small). Such game exercises can be carried out both individually and with subgroups of children. If the children are in kindergarten, then it is better to do these tasks outside of class: in the morning, evening periods, or while walking.

Appendix No. 3

How to awaken children's interest in Zach's game?

1. Creation game situation. Meet the heroes of the game - the Caterpillar and the Ant. A 4-cell field is used.

2. Find single passages of the caterpillar and ant. (“Where can... go?” or 2nd option - “Where can... come from?”).

3. We use a 6-cell field (the tasks are the same, and also additionally: “Find the correct move”, “Check: can someone move like this...?”) - the correct move is indicated by a tick.

4. Take an 8-cell field. Tasks: find the wrong move. Introduce the concept of “starting and ending cell” - a single move.

5. We use a 9-cell field. Tasks with two moves (i.e. we take two steps). Introduce the concept of "intermediate cell".

6. A 12-cell field is introduced into the game. Work in progress various types tasks. 7. We use a 16-cell field.

At each stage of the plan presented above, use the following types of tasks:

  • Children solve riddles;
  • Check the correctness of the moves;
  • The child composes riddles on his own.


1. Z.A. Mikhailova, E.N. Ioffe "Mathematics from three to six." Educational and methodological manual for kindergarten teachers. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house “Aktsident”, 1996.

2. Z.A. Mikhailova “Activation of a child’s mental activity in educational games. Game and preschooler. Development of children of senior preschool age in play activities. – St. Petersburg: Childhood – Press, 2007.

3. E. N. Panova “Didactic games - classes in preschool educational institutions.” – Voronezh: TC Uchitel, 2007.

4. E. A. Nosova, R. L. Nepomnyashchaya “Logic and mathematics for preschoolers”: Methodological manual. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house “Aktsident”, 1996.

5. L.A. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko “Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children: A book for kindergarten teachers. – M.: Education, 1989.

6. N.Yu. Boryakova, A.V. Soboleva, V.V. Tkachev “Workshop on the development of mental activity in preschool children: Educational and methodological manual for speech therapists, educators and parents. –M.: “Gnome – Press”, 2000.

7. T.I. Erofeeva T.I. "Mathematics of the day for preschoolers", - M.: Education, 1992.

8. V.I. Loginova "Formation of the ability to solve logical problems in preschool age. Improving the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts in kindergarten." -L. : 1990

9. B.P. Nikitin “Steps of creativity or educational games.” - M.: Education, 1991.

10. Nikitin B. P. “Intellectual games.” - M, Gaia, 1994.

11. A.Z. Zach “How the caterpillar and ant went to visit.” Intellectual game for preschoolers. – M., ed. Russian Open University, 1991.

12. A.Z. Zach “How to develop logical thinking in children?” M., 2001.

13. A.Z. Zach “Let's be smart! Development of intellectual abilities in children five to six years old." M., 2003.

14. L.D. Komarov “How to work with Cuisenaire rods?” - M.: “Gnome and D”, 2007.

15. B.B. Finkelstein “On the Golden Porch...” (a set of games with colored Cuisenaire counting sticks), for children 3 – 10 years old, St. Petersburg, “Corvette”.

16. “Let's play together” Set of games with Dienesh blocks. (Ed. B.B. Finkelshtein. St. Petersburg. Corvette LLC. 2001)

17. V.V. Voskobovich, T.G. Kharko, T.I. Balatskaya Technology of intensive intellectual development of preschool children 3 – 7 years old “Fairytale labyrinths of games”, 2000.

18. V.V. Voskobovich and his educational games. Weekly “School Psychologist” publishing house “First of September”, 2000.

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I didn’t really like the store, I didn’t buy keys from them, I can’t speak for them. But I won a lottery from them for a free key distribution, but I didn’t receive the key, support wrote, they say, we’ll send it, but I never got the key. I wanted to buy a game from them, but now it’s kind of weird

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