Simple DIY kitchen renovation. DIY kitchen renovation: main steps step by step

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For small room There are many things to consider, so renovating a kitchen is not an easy task. To increase the kitchen space, you need to effectively use every centimeter of the room, and you can do this by using the services of specialists or try to realize your ideas with your own hands.

An experienced designer draws up the layout of a new small kitchen and a work plan, creating a comfortable and harmonious interior. If you decide to do the repairs yourself, use the following recommendations:

  • Make up your mind in advance detailed plan kitchens with a sketch of the kitchen unit, location of sockets and household appliances;
  • Do not use bulky finishing materials that can hide some space; for example, the material is drywall;
  • It is advisable to refuse multi-level ceiling, if its height is already small, it will make the kitchen even smaller;
  • A beautiful interior can be created by good lighting of a small room; it is advisable to mount light bulbs not only on the ceiling, but also above the stove, sink or dining table;
  • It is possible to increase the space of a small-sized kitchen due to the doorway, which is made in the form of an arch without a door; it can also be moved dining area and a refrigerator in another room;
  • In small rooms, you should use the window sill wisely by making a tabletop out of it, dinner table or by placing a sink underneath it.

We decorate the walls

Great value in visual perception The room is determined by the material with which the walls will be decorated and their color. You can cover the walls with wallpaper, ceramic tiles or textured plaster light shade. Colors can be bright, monochromatic, but not flashy or variegated. A pattern placed vertically visually raises the ceiling, horizontally - expands the space.

Basically, ceramic tiles are applied to the apron area. A mirrored apron helps to visually expand the space. It can also match the furniture or floor, or be completely contrasting.

However, some people like to have tiles covering all the walls. In this case the following techniques relevant for a small kitchen:

  • The effect of depth is given to the kitchen by tiles in shades of the same color; avoid combinations of dark bottom and light top;
  • Elongated tiles add visual space, while square tiles make the kitchen wider;
  • Thanks to mirror inserts, the kitchen becomes lighter and more original.

Large ceramic tiles are easier to install with your own hands and cost less. Small ones are more expensive and require more effort, but they add lightness and elegance to the interior. When choosing, you should also pay attention to its quality. Kitchen tiles must be resistant to mechanical damage and moisture.

Choosing wallpaper on kitchen walls, you should focus on washable, moisture-resistant products.
Their material must be vapor-tight, durable, fire-resistant and not fade. The walls will be well protected from dampness vinyl wallpapers or silkscreen printing.

A good option for a small room is do-it-yourself painted walls or liquid wallpaper. This will make it easy to change the design and color scheme small room.

Apply suitable material Do it yourself on the walls only after careful preparation: cleaning of the old coating, leveling, putty and primer.

Floor and ceiling

For floor in small kitchen Any material can be chosen. It should be remembered that laminate is a demanding material, and in a kitchen with wet drops and crumbs on the floor it will require more care.

Light shades floor coverings make the kitchen visually larger and stains and traces of cooking are less visible on them. If the covering is shared with a corridor or room, it enlarges the kitchen.

To save space, it is better to remove radiators and install heated floors. If the kitchen is combined with a room, then heating from another room will be sufficient.

As for the ceiling, the finishing material depends on its height. If the height of the ceiling allows, you should make it glossy, it will visually make the kitchen more spacious. Most often, in Khrushchev-era buildings the ceiling height is small, so it is better to level it and paint it with emulsion. It's simple, inexpensive and easy to do yourself.

If possible, it is advisable to place more light bulbs on the ceiling. Good lighting adds space to a small room.

Ideas with a window area

When renovating a small kitchen in an apartment, you should use the window sill, this will save a lot of space.

Firstly, if the window sill is designed under a worktop, the niche vacated under it will become an excellent location for a cabinet for kitchen utensils, a small refrigerator or a compact washing machine.

Secondly, you can equip a dining table on the windowsill for a small family, which is very budget-friendly.

The third option involves placing a sink in this area. The lower cabinet will allow you to hide communications, and will also allow you to place some household items, which will save some space.

A few tips when choosing and ordering furniture for a small kitchen:

  • "L-shaped" placement of furniture is the best option;
  • For a small room, it is better to order a set with shallow cabinets, about 40cm;
  • Upper cabinets should be ordered up to the ceiling so that as many kitchen utensils as possible can fit in, but there is no particular need to overload the kitchen with them; some of them can be replaced with shelves;
  • It is better to make cabinet doors from matte or clear glass, this material makes it easier to perceive the kitchen interior, and also makes them open upward;
  • The table and chairs can be folding, which can be removed if necessary, or pull-out models can be ordered;
  • In the case of a combined kitchen with a room, you can use a bar counter that separates the two zones and frees up space in the kitchen.

Often, for a small room, a small set in a line is chosen; this saves space, but does not allow you to place many kitchen items.

A light set in the interior has a beneficial effect on spatial perception, but it is not necessary to give up bright and dark colors, the main thing is to maintain their proportions.


Household appliances in the kitchen should also be compact in size so as not to clutter up the space. If possible, it is better to place the refrigerator in the dining room or hallway. You can also purchase a small refrigerator, above which you can hang a microwave or wall cabinet, which will allow you to functionally use the space of a small kitchen.

Due to the possible lack of doors in the kitchen above the stove, it becomes necessary to install a hood or, better yet, make it a ventilation hood in the wall.

Make repairs in small kitchen possible without special skills, the main thing is to apply the methods proper organization free space, determine the style and interior design.

Starting to make repairs, look at the catalog: small kitchen with your own hands, photo.

Any type of repair, as a rule, takes a lot of effort, time and financial costs. This article will talk about how to renovate your kitchen. with my own hands, and this can be done quickly and easily, and the investment will fit any budget.

As for professional opinion, renovating a kitchen in an apartment is actually a complex process, in principle, just like in bathrooms. We will try to give you the maximum useful information so that this work will be your only pleasure.

Where does the repair process begin?

Main nuances

First, you need to understand what you will encounter when choosing the appropriate types of materials.

It is imperative to take into account that the humidity level in this room is always high. Very often in the furniture market you can see offers of wood products. But, even if it is the most natural, it is not the best for the kitchen. the best option, here it will last for several years at most and will begin to lose its properties and appearance. There is no point in talking about pressed sawdust at all. After all, it will last for two years, and the furniture will have to be changed again.

Of course, a lot here depends directly on the manufacturer himself and the technology he uses to make furniture. But in most cases, what happens is that the products don’t last long.

It is also worth considering that temperature changes constantly occur in the kitchen. Accordingly, we highlight high temperatures, for example in a typical panel house kitchens are very small in size, and the stoves alone emit at least 12 kilowatts of heat energy. But when combined with high humidity + temperature changes, phenol and other substances will be released from a low-quality headset, which is very harmful to the body.

Accordingly, when renovating a kitchen with your own hands, you need to think through and equip the ventilation system. Yes, and here we are talking specifically about good, powerful hoods. With such a device, you will even forget about the smell of burning throughout the house.

But, if you install serious ventilation equipment, this nuance needs to be agreed upon!

You should also consider the filling material. That is, for example, the most ordinary linoleum will have to be changed very often! After all, the floor in kitchens is so susceptible to mechanical stress that it is comparable to a crowd of people in a small minimarket!

In addition, the kitchen area is a place where harsh chemicals and also dirty substances are regularly used. This means that paper wallpaper on the walls is definitely not suitable here. Yes, and fat! After all, there’s no escape from it here!


Based on the fact that kitchens, as a rule, are very small in size, during the renovation process, as well as during operation, the owners have to move around in them as much as possible. In fact, not everything is so scary and bad, because thanks to modern technologies you can arrange built-in furniture options in the most convenient and economical way for placement.

But for this it is necessary to take accurate measurements in the room, for which you will need a tape measure, and then you will need to measure:

  • Heights, lengths and widths of the room.
  • Window and door openings - their exact parameters are required.
  • Mezzanine (if any).
  • What is the distance between the floor and the walls of groups of sockets, as well as water supply and sewer risers.

To ensure that the redevelopment and the entire repair process go as expected, measure all the parameters very accurately.

How to make a normal human layout?

First you need to understand what kind of furniture there will be, as well as what the budget framework is for this whole undertaking. Look, for example, at a photo of a kitchen renovation, be impressed by the proposed layout options and furniture sets, and if you are satisfied with everything, you can go to the store to purchase a standard set. Well, if you want something unusual, extraordinary, then it might make sense to order furniture at individual parameters and preferences. Then it is important to think through literally everything, including how much hanging shelves you will have, and also how many drawers are needed.

Of course, if we talk about the latter case, the best option is to use a special program in which 3D interior modeling is performed. It is important to remember that in addition to furniture, you will also need to accommodate equipment.

Some designers consider it correct when the stove, refrigerator and sink are located close to each other, and the width of each of these elements is no more than 1.8 m.

Hood organization

Undoubtedly, the hood is wonderful. But if it is installed incorrectly, ventilation may be disrupted not only for you, but also for your neighbors. The connection must be made to the general building ventilation. But this is a redevelopment, for which some documents will be required.

The ventilation outlet must not be combined with the column exhaust! This threatens with a huge fine, and there is a huge risk of the system exploding.

To prevent the house from being littered with construction waste, you should break through the ventilation vent:

  • Measure the center, where you think the vent will be, drill a hole there and drive a dowel into it, screw the screw in halfway.
  • The rope needs to be tied to it very strong, and it is recommended to attach the end higher.
  • Drill holes with at intervals h-z 5-10 mm.
  • Between the holes you need to cut holes a maximum of one and a half cm deep.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust.
  • Do this until the concrete falls away and hangs from the rope.

We install communications during a turnkey kitchen renovation

Gas pipeline system

The main task is to hide the ugly gas riser, which will hang directly on the wall. This can be done using a flexible hose.

But don’t risk doing such work yourself! This should definitely be done by professional gas workers!

The flexible hose can be a maximum of 4 meters, this is worth considering! Do you use geyser To move it, you need to obtain permits. Communications regarding gas can be laid behind the kitchen unit, but if necessary, it may need to be moved very quickly.

Electric wires

First of all, the room needs to be de-energized!

We recommend making a completely separate wire for the boiler and washing machine, which will go directly from the junction box. Thanks to this, the level of security will be maximum. Also, regarding the operation of the electric stove, boiler and washing machine, they must be grounded.

Sockets should be at a height - higher kitchen table, and at least 10 cm from the floor. The wires must be corrugated. And if your kitchenette is too wet, lay the wires directly along the ceiling.

As a rule, doing renovation work, change junction box. So it should be installed with machine guns, and a separate niche is made for the shield, at a height of at least 1.85 m.

For the wires you will need a cable of three cores, protected with insulation. The veins must be with minimum cross-section 2 mm, especially if you have both a washing machine and a boiler.

Plumbing system

In this matter, you need to choose pipes among plastic, polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride.

Each of them has its own advantages. They are not subject to corrosive phenomena, are not capable of releasing harmful substances into the water, and are also not subject to salt overgrowth, and they are also easy to install. Nevertheless, among the three proposed options for pipe materials, the most optimal is PVC.

Well, if you use metal-plastic pipes, it must be bent very carefully, since it is quite fragile.


The main nuance here is that the shorter the length sewer pipes, all the better. After all, after a couple of years, the inside of the pipe will become overgrown with all sorts of fats, etc., but the shorter its length, the easier it is to clean!

Pipes must be at least 5 cm in diameter. And if there is more than one and a half meters between the sink and the sewer riser, you need to lay it on a slope drain pipes. Without a slope, there are guaranteed to be blockages.

Repair work

Cleaning the room

Here you need to carefully peel off the old coatings using various methods for this.

Outdated Oil paint can be removed with a simple mechanical means. But this happens for an incredibly long time.

When the peeling is complete, the surface is washed with a soap solution (use detergent). Next, a deep penetrating primer is applied.

Be sure to add bactericide additives to the primer. It is also necessary to read the ingredients and not buy a product if it contains: arozone and fernazone, thiram.

Treating the floor

The base must be prepared before it appears flooring. But in this matter it is important to carefully examine the surface for the presence of:

  • Cracks from 2 mm and intersecting
  • Depressions, potholes, swells
  • Differences from 5 mm in height

If, for example, you are renovating a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building, or in another kitchenette (after all, they are usually small in size), the work will not be very expensive. The same applies to the self-leveling floor, with a thickness of 10 centimeters.

Let's move to the ceiling

Between the slabs on the ceiling you need to make a thorough inspection. The old wiring is carefully removed from such a channel, and the channel is thoroughly cleaned of dust and debris, after which it is filled with foam for installation.

There is no point in leveling ceilings in kitchens, even if you are renovating a small kitchen. The best option in this case it will be issued hanging option ceiling.

Kitchen finishing work

On the ceilings

The most important thing is that it meets the basic requirements:

  • Was resistant to temperature changes and high humidity levels
  • Did not fade and was not able to change its color
  • Didn't let the fumes from cooking pass through
  • Preferably washable option
  • Ability to quickly dismantle in order to restore damaged areas

The most optimal materials for a stream it is PVC panel, laminate with impregnation, MDF lining with PVA impregnation, gypsum board with PVA impregnation.

Many owners of city apartments and private houses would like to know how to renovate their kitchen, spending a minimum of time on it. This will be discussed in the article.

If earlier the very question of how to renovate the kitchen caused real panic, then with the development of repair and construction technologies everything has changed in better side. Now do everything necessary work installation of apron, styling floor tiles and so on) you can do it yourself, without resorting to anyone’s help. The main thing is to clearly plan everything and calculate approximately how much a kitchen renovation will cost you. Prices for ceramic tiles vary widely - from 95 to 3,000 rubles per sq. m. m (depending on the country of origin). Buying a bucket (2.5 liters) of water-based paint for walls and ceilings will cost 250-300 rubles. average cost decorative panels PVC costs 150-200 rubles per piece. Experts do not advise skimping on quality. But it’s also not worth overpaying for building materials just because they are produced under a well-known brand.

How to renovate a kitchen: main steps

First stage: decide what you expect from the renovation

If you don’t want to waste your money and time, you should initially set your expectations for the upcoming renovation. For example, you need to maintain the functionality of a room, but at the same time improve its aesthetics. What changes exactly does your kitchen need? Repair? Design? Photos of kitchen interiors will allow you to decide what is right for you.

Stage two: selection of colors

Any professional will confirm that the right color will help achieve the desired effect - for example, visually enlarge or reduce space. You must take into account the fact that dark shades negatively affect the mental state of the people in this room. The same can be said about bright flashy colors. To avoid problems, it is best to choose finishing materials and textiles in neutral colors.

Third stage: finishing the walls in the kitchen

Before you begin finishing the walls, you need to prepare the following tools and equipment:

  • construction spatula;
  • wide (for applying primer);
  • rollers that will be used to lay the ceiling;
  • paint tray;
  • sandpaper (necessary for grouting putty);
  • bucket.

First, we get rid of the old finish (we remove the wallpaper and carefully remove the tiles). Next we apply primer and putty.

Stage four: replacing the kitchen apron

Has your old ceramic backsplash lost its original appearance? Then it's time to replace it with a new, nicer and more modern one. “Apron” is usually called the part of the wall between wall cabinets And work surface. By removing old tiles, you need to clean and level the wall. Only after this can you begin to create a new apron. For this purpose, it is recommended to use smooth ceramic tiles without a structured pattern.

Fifth stage: finishing the ceiling

Inspect it carefully. If it is in good condition, then painting it will be enough. water-based paint. If the ceiling cannot be called smooth and beautiful, then there is no way to do without primer, putty and finishing. Today there are a variety of finishing materials for the ceiling on sale. These are PVC panels and plasterboard sheets, and suspension systems.

If you just want to, we suggest you use some practical tips:

  1. Don't skimp on buying paint. It must be of high quality.
  2. If you need to hide minor surface defects, then matte paint will do the job perfectly.
  3. There is not much difference between cheap and expensive putty. In both cases, you can get a perfectly even coating.
  4. But the choice of primer has its own characteristics. Here experts advise paying attention to universal brands. The best option is a primer with a deep penetration effect.

Final stage: finishing the floor

Ceramic tiles are most often used. To install it yourself, you need to remove the old coating and make a screed according to all the rules. After this you can lay out the tiles. There is a simpler and less time-consuming option - laying linoleum. Is your kitchen floor not very level? This can be easily eliminated using fiberboard boards. They will serve as durable and stable foundation. And such slabs will provide good sound and heat insulation. The finishing touch to finishing the floor will be replacing the old baseboards with new ones.

Now you know how to renovate your kitchen with your own hands. To do this, you don’t need to have special skills, or spend a lot of time and money.

If you have free time and some cash, and life has become too monotonous, you can do a kitchen renovation yourself. This will not only save money, but also acquire useful skills and even improve your health, because exercise stress I haven't harmed anyone yet.

The chances of getting a result in which you are not afraid to invite people into your kitchen after doing your own renovation will increase significantly if you take the advice of a specialist.

When deciding how to renovate a kitchen, you must first consider the finishing materials, taking into account the costs of purchasing them and the possibility of self-installation.

Style selection

So that the kitchen does not stand out too much from the rest of the rooms, it is advisable to do everything in uniform style

When determining where to start renovating a kitchen, the first thing to do is choose a style. There are more than a dozen of them for kitchen decoration, the most famous: classic, hi-tech, modern, minimalism, baroque - the implementation of many requires considerable funds.

The classics use expensive natural materials- wood kitchen set, parquet on the floor. High-tech and modern require presence expensive materials made of plastic and glass and are more suitable for modern young people, baroque with carved furniture Looks best in living rooms and bedrooms.

For established people, one of the options that is simple and affordable is to decorate the kitchen in the Provence style on your own, allowing you to create a beautiful cozy interior characterized by comfort and elegance.

IN Lately Provence is quite popular, it assumes the presence of light pastel colors in the decoration of the room and the furniture itself (finishing natural wood light rocks), the presence of plants and decorative elements. Provence excludes the presence of bulky interior items (heavy curtains, massive chandeliers), the kitchen should be light and a little romantic.

Provence will give your kitchen coziness and warmth, as it looks organic

It is not difficult to do a kitchen renovation with your own hands on a small budget in the Provence style; it does not require much construction experience or special expensive tools.


The most common ceilings used in the kitchen are plasterboard, suspended, painted or wallpapered. You can also use polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam ceiling trim ceiling tiles or PVC panels - it’s not difficult to do the repair yourself, although in the latter case you will need to build a wooden or metal frame to attach the PVC panels.


Painting the ceiling is not difficult, all you need is a roller with a long handle

Typically, kitchen ceilings are painted with waterproof paints - acrylic latex, water-based. If the ceiling is fairly smooth and has been painted with waterproof paint, repainting it with a roller will not be difficult.

This must be done at least twice, the first time painting occurs perpendicular to the direction of light from the window, the second time along.

In some cases, it may be necessary to level the ceiling - to do this, you need to rinse it very well and clean it down to the floor slab, prime it and apply putty, and after it dries, sand it with sandpaper.


Wallpaper on the ceiling looks unusual, but it is advisable to buy a waterproof version

Gluing thick, waterproof types of wallpaper to the ceiling will eliminate the need to level it and give it a more interesting aesthetic appearance than if painted.

The choice of wallpaper for the ceiling is budget option, besides, the ceiling pasting is quite simple work, which even housewives can handle. It is advisable to prime the ceiling before wallpapering; the stripes should be glued in the direction of the light.


Do-it-yourself Provence style decoration requires a light wooden floor. Naturally, in the kitchen with high humidity natural wood is expensive and impractical, it can be replaced with such common finishing materials for flooring, such as ceramic tiles, laminate or linoleum - all of them are available with a natural light wood finish.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tile - durable material with water-resistant properties, but requires care with heavy objects

Not the best suitable option to decorate the kitchen with your own hands, to lay tiles on the kitchen floor you will need special tool(tile cutter, grinder) and skills of a qualified tiler.

In almost all kitchen areas, due to the fact that the tile floor is quite cold, it is laid on an electric heating mat in the form of a wire about 5 mm thick. on the grid. This further complicates the task of laying tiles and requires connecting the heater control unit with knock-out holes in the wall and a groove for connecting the electrical wire to install it.

Considering that finishing a kitchen in the Provence style on your own will require hiring specialists to lay the tiles, and the work will be quite expensive, you can refuse this option.


It is advisable to choose a waterproof laminate, since there is quite a lot of humidity in the kitchen, and there is a high probability of frequent water getting on the floor

Regular laminate is not a very suitable material for the kitchen due to its low water resistance, so you should use more expensive moisture-resistant types with special treatment surfaces and interlocking connections. Carrying out a kitchen renovation with your own hands by laying laminate flooring on a substrate is quite simple if you follow simple work technology.

Moisture-resistant types of laminate can withstand exposure to water for about 6 hours without consequences, while water-resistant types are not afraid of its impact. Waterproof laminate It is also made in the form of panels of various thicknesses or glued to the floor; its only drawback is its very high price.


If linoleum tears in one place, you will have to replace it in the entire room

A budget option for laying on the kitchen floor, modern views They have a wide range of colors and patterns; commercial brands are highly durable and wear-resistant.

The disadvantages of linoleum when laying in the kitchen include its small thickness, which leads to different floor levels if laminate is laid in the corridor. This is why many people prefer to lay out the kitchen floor from impractical ceramic tiles.

This problem has a simple solution - the floor in the kitchen is filled with a leveling, self-leveling mixture on required thickness(3 - 10 mm.) - this allows you not only to raise the level, but also to level the floor.

You can do the filling work yourself if you have a special toothed roller and a mixer for mixing the solution (self-levelling equipment is sold in bags in the form of a dry mixture).

Before laying linoleum, it is necessary to make a perfectly flat floor so that there are no differences in height.

Construction mixer can be replaced household drill, having purchased an inexpensive whisk for mixing the solution, a roller - a metal comb with teeth (using this option is very risky, the liquid self-leveler may not spread well on the floor and it will be damaged).

You can repair the floor by laying linoleum on KS or PVA construction adhesive yourself; this is not a very complicated construction job.


The walls in the kitchen should also be practical and easy to clean

Kitchen renovation in Provence style involves bright hues, for finishing walls, MDF or PVC panels, ceramic tiles, painting, wallpapering are most often used, and often the types of finishing are combined.

Ceramic tiles Nowadays, it is rare for anyone to finish the entire kitchen even to the middle of the walls; it is too expensive and has gone out of fashion; the work area is mostly tiled.

MDF, fiberboard or PVC panels come in 2 types: from a single sheet ( the average size 1.2 m by 3 m) or type-setting, which are mounted on a wooden or metal frame.

In the latter case, the use of stacked panels is impractical, since this significantly reduces the free space of the kitchen by the thickness of the frame and panel. In kitchens, it is better to use MDF panels covered with moisture-resistant PVC film or one of the types of fiberboard - laminated hardboard. Sheet panels They are about 3 mm thick and are attached to the walls with glue.


Choose only waterproof paint which will not lose its appearance after washing

To paint walls, preparation is necessary by leveling using putty and rubbing, otherwise the light falling from the windows will highlight all the unevenness. The work is quite complex for a non-specialist and will require additional financial expenses Also, plain coloring of the walls looks rather boring and is unlikely to become an interior decoration.

It is well known that they are water resistant acrylic paints It can be washed, but this statement is not entirely true. Near working area Drops of food and grease often fall on the wall, which are absorbed into the porous surface of the paint and practically cannot be washed off.


3D wallpaper has an unusual texture that will help hide unevenness

The most budget-friendly option is to wallpaper the walls; the most practical way to do this is with glass wallpaper for painting or vinyl. The latter, due to their thickness, will hide unevenness on the walls, and their smooth water-repellent surface perfectly removes all types of contaminants, including grease.


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