Simple modern fortune telling. Fortune telling on various objects: what is suitable for this

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Christmas time lasts two weeks: it begins on January 7 and lasts until the 19th.

The main time for fortune telling is the night from January 6 to 7, the day before. But if you didn’t have time to tell your fortune on Christmas night, then you still have quite a lot of time left for this, because you can do it until January 19th.

On Christmas night, girls prefer to tell fortunes alone. And during Christmas time they gather in groups, and fortune telling turns into a fun pastime, because each of them can’t wait to find out their destiny. Of course, girls are mostly interested in how their future will turn out. family life.

We should not forget that during this time we come into contact with otherworldly forces, which are especially powerful during this period. Therefore, the atmosphere in which the fortune telling session takes place is very important. In order not to bring trouble upon yourself, during it you must follow some rules:

1. You need to take off your rings and everything that binds you, encircles you: belts, straps, beads, bracelets, pectoral cross and so on.
2. It is necessary to let your hair down, take off your shoes, clothes and remain in your underwear.
3. There should be complete silence in the room. Only candles are allowed for lighting.
4. It is necessary to remove icons from the room (if there are any).
5. During the session, arms and legs should not be crossed.

Fortune telling by small objects

To do this we need to get together friendly company at the table. Place various small objects on it: rings, earrings, coins, keys, spoons, etc. Then the girl, who wants to know her fate, must turn away and, without looking, take some object from the table.

The whole trick of this fortune telling is to understand the meaning of the thing you pulled out. For example, if you have a coin in your hands, then it means wealth, if it’s a key, then it’s for a new home, if it’s a ring, then it’s for a wedding, car keys are for purchasing a car, etc.

The more small objects are on the table, the more fun and interesting the fortune telling.

Moreover, each time the objects must be mixed to prevent memorization of the places where they lie.

Fortune telling with a cat

Cut the threads so that they are all the same length. Then they need to be set on fire. Whichever of the fortunetellers' thread burns out first will marry ahead of everyone else.

And if the fire on the thread quickly goes out or it does not burn out completely, then marriage is still far away.

Fortune telling with matches

This is fortune telling about love, about how the relationship with your lover will develop.

The girl must take a box of matches and insert two matches on the sides, then set them on fire. As the matches burn, they will begin to move. If, after burning, their heads are tilted towards each other, then this is good sign, he says that the lovers will remain together, their relationship will develop successfully. And if the matches bend in different directions, then this portends a separation.

Card reading

For this fortune telling you will need four kings from a card deck. When going to bed, you need to put them under your pillow, saying: “Let him dream about who is my betrothed.”

If in a dream you see a king of spades, it means that the groom will be much older than you; if you see a king of hearts, then a wealthy young chosen one is waiting for you; if you dream of a king of the cross suit, then your betrothed will be from the military. And the best thing is to see the king of diamonds, this means that great love awaits you.

It just so happens that in our time, of all the ancient Slavic rituals, the most famous are fortune-telling, including Christmas fortune-telling. They became famous mainly for Russian (Kyiv) women, who, because of their ability to make miraculous predictions, were known among the people as “Kyiv witches.” One of the main subjects of fortune telling at all times was betrothed, as they say, fortune telling for love. Girls, both then and now, begin fortune-telling with emotional excitement. Each of us thinks to penetrate into our destiny, to find out in advance our betrothed, what kind of person he will be and whether she will be happy with him. Young guys with all their appearance and behavior show that all this is nonsense, and they will not engage in this kind of “nonsense,” but believe me, deep down in their hearts they would also like to know when they will meet the one? Where? What gender will their children be and how many will there be?

My company and I on one of the days of Christmastide (twelve holidays from Christmas Eve - January 6, to Epiphany - January 19) we will definitely go to Christmas fortune-telling to tell fortunes about love, about our betrothed, about how life will turn out in the new year.

When we got together for the first time, the boys (there were only two couples in our company, the other four were single) decided to ignore us and did not participate in the fortune telling. As we were told, they decided to have a wonderful time separately from us. But, as they say, not even two hours had passed before they called and asked about what we had guessed, and in the end they asked us to tell us the “technology” of fortune-telling. The next year we all got together without further ado.

Previously it was believed that the most suitable place For Christmas fortune-telling, the bathhouse is used, as it was considered a “shelter of demons.” In modern urban conditions, a bathhouse can be replaced by a kitchen, or, in the end, any of the rooms. But after fortune telling, I would advise ventilating these rooms for at least an hour. Since the energy of the gathered people, who spent several hours intensely trying to find out their future, remains in this place for a very long time and may well prevent you from sleeping, eating, and generally being at home. I know this for sure, because we always tell fortunes at my house.

One more thing. They say that if there is a cat in the room with you during fortune telling, then this is very good. I would even say it's wonderful, especially if you know where he is. I remember we were telling fortunes on a plate, and then it began to move, began to move and answer questions: 1st, 2nd, 5th. And suddenly, in this tense silence and darkness (only two candles were burning), we heard a slight scratching, the closet door opened with a quiet creak, very slowly, and then my cat suddenly jumped out of there with a sleepy face and looked at our frightened, frozen group with a puzzled look .

The fortune-telling didn’t work out for us after that, and we postponed it to another day. Taught by experience, the next time we found the cat in advance, brought him into the room, sat him in a prominent place and wondered together “with him.”

Many fortune telling in modern world have changed sufficiently, acquiring a very specific appearance. Today, fortune-telling already exists from banners and blogs on the Internet, similar to fortune-telling from books.

During Christmas fortune-telling in all predictions, prophetic dreams you need to look for only positive meaning, otherwise you will set yourself up for failure this year. I would like to offer you the most interesting, in my opinion, fortune telling, which we have personally tested and verified.

Fortune telling by shadow.

To do this, you will need a newspaper sheet of paper, or just a sheet of clean paper, a candle, and a plate. The sheet needs to be crumpled to get as many edges as possible, but not crumpled into a tight ball. Place on a plate and set it on fire. When the sheet is completely burned out, you should place a candle behind the plate so that it casts a shadow on the wall. The displayed figures should tell you about your future fate. You can spin the plate with burnt paper to see more clearly what awaits you.

Quite effective fortune telling, provided that you have a rich imagination. I used to tell fortunes, and figures almost always showed up. Their only meaning is not immediately clear or unknown. I would like to advise you to write down everything that you guessed and saw, because, firstly, everything is quickly forgotten, and secondly, no one can interpret some meanings here and now, but then you can look for them. Personally, a sleigh with human figures was displayed (after some time, I unexpectedly went on vacation for a couple of days and we actually went sledding there). A dog (as I later found out, for the appearance of a friend, and indeed not even 2 months had passed since I had a friend), a village house (which means that things will be focused on the house).

Fortune telling with matches.

This fortune telling can tell you about your loved one. Taken for fortune telling Matchbox and 2 matches. The one who tells fortunes makes a wish on matches for himself and a girl or a guy. Matches are inserted into the sides of the box and set on fire. If the burnt heads are facing each other, it means that the hidden ones will be together. By the way the matches are tilted, one towards the other or vice versa, one can judge the reciprocity of feelings. On my own behalf, I would like to add one more meaning: if one of the matches goes out, it means that the feelings of that person will cool down, but the relationship can continue further.

True fortune telling, clearly and without any speculation shows relationships potential or in a relationship halves. If you have many potential brides or grooms, then it is advisable to select only three candidates for fortune telling.

Fortune telling with choice of subject.

This fortune telling determines the quality future life, both the groom and the bride. Place in a bowl various items. The girl or young man must, without groping, pull out the object. It could be ash ( bad life), sugar (sweet life), ring (getting married), onion (to tears), glass ( happy life), Golden ring (Rich life), salt (to quarrels). You may well add your own items with a pre-thought-out meaning. Objects are pulled out no more three times, provided that the fortune telling begins again and all objects are returned to their place. There is another variation of this fortune-telling, when glasses are taken instead of a bowl. One of the above items is placed in each of them, then the glasses are mixed by friends so that the one to whom the fortune is told is not seen and covered with a towel. The fortuneteller comes up and pulls out a glass from under the towel.

An interesting fortune-telling, especially considering the fact that rarely does anyone manage to pull out the coveted ring, but if a person pulls it out, then whether you like it or not, get ready to get married. Like one of my friends, who, being a lonely girl who had recently broken up with her boyfriend, started this fortune-telling, and the most she hoped for was that the fortune-telling would not show anything bad. But in the first circle she pulls out the ring, in the second - sugar. Of course, not really believing her luck and not understanding where the groom would come from if there was an absolutely clear sky on the horizon without a single cloud, she laughed about it with her friends and forgot. But very little time passed before she had to remember this fortune-telling. Life really began to change dramatically and He, the one and only, appeared on the horizon. True, seeing her for the first time, he did not immediately fall on his knees in front of her and propose to her. All this happened, but a little later, about a year later.

Fortune telling with a cat.

You should make a wish, and then call the cat into the room. If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, then your wish will certainly come true, if she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, then, alas.

A small addition, so that your cat would happily run to you through this very threshold, you should stock up on sausage or other product without which your cat simply cannot imagine life. In my experience for the third time " false alarm“The cat simply refused to even look in our direction.

Fortune telling by felt boots.

A fairly common type of fortune telling. To do this, you just need to leave the house, take off your felt boots or boots from your left foot and throw it over your shoulder onto the road (path). If the direction of the sock points in the opposite direction from the house, then she will be married in that direction. If the sock points towards the girl’s house, then she will not get married this year.

There was one incident, although I myself was not present at it, but the story was very well remembered. Some girls we knew were telling fortunes and decided to try just such fortune-telling, and at the same time take a walk. We did everything according to fortune telling, left the house, and stood near the path. One of the girls (from the series: “stopping a galloping horse...”) took off her boot, and immediately, without hesitation, with all her might, as they say, to be sure, she threw it over her shoulder. Throwing him away, of course, the thought did not arise that someone else could, in principle, be on the street at this time of day. The boot, launched from the “cosmodrome”, safely landed on the head of a young man who had come from nowhere. As a result, after being friends with him for a year, she married him.

Fortune telling for the betrothed.

Fortune telling is very common, and most importantly, safe relative to the risk of injury. At midnight you need to leave the house and ask the first man you meet his name. This will be the name of your betrothed.

Fortune telling by nut shell.

For this fortune-telling, you will need a basin of water, along the edges of which strips of paper are attached, on which various events or desires are written: wedding, engagement, meeting your future spouse, etc. When you have prepared everything, you need to take half the shell walnut and fix the cinder in it church candle. To prevent the candle from disturbing the balance, we simply melted some of the regular candle into the shell and inserted the wick there. This “boat” should be carefully placed in the middle of the basin, light a candle and spin the water a little clockwise. The shell should float to one of the notes on its own. The wish will come true only if the paper, upon contact with the “ship,” lights up from the candle flame.

Fortune telling from a book.

In Rus', the Psalter was used as a prophetic book. Nowadays, any book, any author and content is chosen for fortune telling. True, preference is given to mystics, science fiction writers or classics (personally, I turn to the works of M.A. Bulgakov). The question is formulated mentally, and then the page number of the paragraph and line is guessed. The answer to your question will be not only the line you asked for, but also the entire passage to which it meaningfully refers. If the answer in the book cannot be interpreted logically, then perhaps she is simply “playing” with you, or does not want to answer this particular question and you should repeat the fortune-telling. From my personal practice, this fortune-telling at one time showed me a breakup with a young man, which occurred six months later.

Fortune telling with burning thread.

This is fortune telling for the speed and order of marriage. The girls cut the threads to equal lengths and set them on fire. Whoever's thread burns out first will end up married. If the thread goes out immediately and less than half is burned, then the girl will not get married that year.

A girl I know told me how she and two other friends of hers last class schools used to tell fortunes this way. They glued three threads with plasticine, as expected, to the door frame, but the third girl refused to participate in this “nonsense” and, citing extreme fatigue, said that she would go to bed. The remaining girls laughed and told the one leaving behind that she would sleep through her groom. After which we finally started fortune-telling, which showed that my friend’s friend would marry first, and my significant other would marry second. As a matter of fact, that’s exactly what happened. “Sleeping Beauty” could not find her one and only for a long time and got married four years later than everyone else, but it is worth noting that, despite this, she has a happy family life, as well as the other two girls.

Those girls who have found a partner, but have not yet gotten married, also want to know what awaits them in life together, for them there are also a number of fortune-telling, but of course the most basic question: what gender will the child be?

Fortune telling with a ring or needle.

Determining the sex of the unborn child. The ring is tied to a string, and the thread is threaded into a needle. The ring is placed in a glass of water and pierced with a needle wool fabric. The pulled out ring or needle is lowered over the palm (without touching it) of the one to whom the fortune is told. If the object makes circular movements, we should expect that a girl will be born, if the movements are pendulum-like, most likely, a boy will be born. If the object does not move, then there are definitely no children expected this year.

Last year, with the help of this fortune telling, we found out who would have children of what gender. Our boys, already pretty tired of all kinds of fortune-telling, lazily leaned back on the back of the sofa. Naturally, this question has always interested more girls, so they gladly began to find out. Suddenly, completely unexpectedly for us, young people also became animated. With glowing eyes, they began to track the results of their other halves and wait for their turn to tell fortunes, thereby finding out whether the result would coincide. To the surprise of some couples, the results were not always the same. Therefore, I would advise you to clarify this issue separately in order to avoid any conflicts that could well lead to a serious rift in the couple.

My sister was told a fortune about a girl, which made her happy. My sister’s future husband put his palm on the table and began to wait, fortune telling showed that there would be a girl as well. He was very surprised and indignantly blurted out the phrase: “Who will I teach hockey?” One of the boys made an almost successful joke and reminded him that women's hockey exists. After that, we proceeded to the next fortune-telling, and now the newly-minted groom tried to figure out who he would have after all, but every time the girl “fell out”, after which he was completely upset (but in the summer he still got married, saying that “on will test this fortune-telling in practice").

This story and others like it tell us that even if divination does not coincide with your desires, dreams, does not promise you “a prince on a white horse with a white basin on his head,” do not be upset. Otherwise, you are setting yourself up for failure. Positive attitude and self confidence will always help you survive any situation or get out of it. There is a saying “the stars predict, but do not force.” The situation is similar with fortune telling, they only tell us about the development of events in the current way of our lives, and only in our hands is it possible to change everything in the most beneficial and favorable direction for you and me. And, maybe then, everything you wish for will certainly come true.

Create, accomplish, implement! Irina Kravchuk.

Christmas fortune telling is the most accurate. Give in to the magical mood! Look into the future, sort out the present, or find your betrothed! Don't waste time while the Christmas magic is in effect - draw the cards! Look into the future, understand the past, get long-awaited answers with Tarot cards.

There are a number of moments throughout the year when fortune telling is the most accurate. But, if you really need to know something, you can guess at any time.

You can guess:

  • on tarot cards
  • on regular maps(fortune telling)
  • on the runes
  • by mirrors
  • on wax
  • on coffee grounds

If you don’t know how to guess at all, it’s best to purchase something from books on fortune telling and dream interpretation, and read, choose interesting options for yourself. Self-instruction books provide not only an idea of ​​the meaning of the Tarot and the possibility of its intuitive comprehension, but also its reflection in the phenomenal world, as well as methods of interpretation and application at the everyday level. You can learn a lot of interesting and useful information, which will be useful to you in life.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards. Astrology, personal insights and symbolism in Everyday life are revealed through cards. Constantly changing combinations reveal the entire human experience. There is a deck of tarot cards great multitude, the essence of them all is approximately the same, the pictures and interpretations differ. You can choose any deck - the one whose pictures and themes seem closest to you.

Fortune telling using Tarot cards is the oldest and most popular card system in Europe. Until now, many serious researchers of this art continue endless debates about where and when the Tarot deck first appeared in its now traditional form. The vast majority of researchers agree that the sources of knowledge that are hidden in the Arcana should be sought in the mysteries Ancient Egypt- the ancestral home of the main secret cults of Europe...

Fortune telling with runes. For fortune telling with runes, you need to do it yourself or purchase a ready-made one. set of runes- on plastic, natural stones, wooden dies. The runes also come with instructions that tell you in detail exactly how to tell fortunes.

Runes are not only the oldest oracle of the Scandinavian and Germanic tribes of Northern Europe, they are also an established magical divination system that helps find answers and solutions to a wide variety of problems and issues. With a decent attitude towards Runes as serious fortune-telling, you will be convinced that Runes can help find the right solutions in difficult situations, guide your own decisions in the right direction by showing likely events, providing multiple paths to choose from, and offering a solution to the problem in case an unfavorable prediction does come true.

The most interesting are the runes carved on natural stones, because... The stone enhances fortune telling.

Fortune telling in the mirror. On a dark, dark night, quiet-quiet room, sit near two mirrors placed opposite each other. Light two candles and say the spell: “My betrothed, the mummer, show yourself to me.” Scary? Do not be afraid! Look carefully at the gallery of reflections - your groom will appear to you.

Both for yourself and as a gift: today tea is produced in very beautiful gift packaging.

We wish you bon appetit, new discoveries, good news during fortune telling!

This method of fortune telling can be used when there is no time for long fortune telling and you want to immediately get an answer to a question that interests you. This fortune telling is very simple. Focus on the question, repeat it to yourself three times, concentrate well, and with these thoughts mechanically point the end of your pencil at the table (Fig. 9). Look at which number you hit and find the corresponding answer.

If the pencil does not fall inside any square, but exactly on the line of the side of the square, then in this case we mean two numbers that are delimited by this line; Accordingly, there will be two answer options.

If the pencil hits the intersection of lines - in this case, the value of all four numbers is looked at at once.

Sample list of questions: What to do in this situation? Is it worth starting this business? What awaits me? Are my fears justified?

Keep in mind that this fortune telling relates to the business sphere, and not to love.

Meaning of numbers

1. Before you is a direct road to your cherished goal. Everything you have in mind will turn out.

2. Necessary people or a happy and successful combination of circumstances will help you achieve what you want.

3. Obstacles that arise one after another can interfere with the implementation of your plans.

4. Realization of goals depends on your efforts. If you have the patience to follow what you set out to do, success is possible.

5. Start accumulating knowledge, at the moment you need it most.

6. Step by step you are getting closer to your goal. “The slower you go, the further you will go” - in in this case for you.

7. Temporary difficulties and trials. Maintain your dignity and don't lose sight of your goal.

8. Circumstances will turn out well, add ingenuity or strength to remove opposition to your plans.

9. Have patience and you will achieve everything you want. In this case, hasty actions are inappropriate.

10. You can only count on the fruits of your efforts. Outside help can be a disservice.

11. You will win. This will be a surprise, as it may not happen at the time you expect.

12. Be careful, you can overestimate your strengths and capabilities by mistake.

13. Possible loss of strength and nervous overload. The fulfillment of desires is postponed.

14. Be calm - everything will come at the right time. In the meantime, go about your daily routine.

15. It is useless to take on plans yet. Forced loneliness, misunderstanding of loved ones, lack of like-minded people.

16. You are free to do whatever comes into your head. The right time for spontaneous actions.

17. Get lost in thought and think again - is this what you really want?

18. Risk of remaining at a dead end. Wait out the moment calmly, and there will be a fair wind.

19. The success of ascent to a new stage of life depends on you. Life gives you a chance - the main thing is not to miss it.

20. Harmony in relationships with people and the world. Send goodness into the world and you will receive goodness in return.

21. Life will cross out your plans and provide you with completely different interests and opportunities.

22. Get over selfishness and don’t isolate yourself. Cooperation - above all, be more diplomatic and tolerant.

23. Everything will come true the way you want. This will benefit both you and those around you.

24. Ideas that existed only in your imagination will get a real chance to come true.

25. There may be a disagreement between your plans and their implementation. Rethink your intentions and outline better ways to achieve them.

26. Your life will be focused on the interests of your family for some time. Do your homework and don't consider this time wasted. Recognition of your authority by your family is also important.

27. Gain experience and knowledge to move forward. It's time to start self-improvement.

28. A “fresh” optimistic outlook will help eliminate some miscalculations.

29. For successful actions, you need to establish constant contacts with other people. If old connections don't work, make new ones. Learn to create strong business and friendly connections.

30. A tactful approach to people will provide you with maximum success, which can only be consolidated.

31. The right moment has come to implement the most difficult tasks.

32. You will have to urgently look for a way out of the crisis and rebuild your life. Over time, worries will be left behind.

33. The brake at this time is distrust of oneself and others. Period of stagnation.

34. Your dreams are far from complete. Deterioration of the situation. It takes more effort than you expected.

35. There are a lot of contradictions. If you strive too hard to achieve what you want, you will miss out on what you have previously achieved.

36. Your successful promotion and success may cause envy. It won't go further than gossip.

37. Take control of all your expenses, otherwise you will regret wasted money.

38. Add initiative, enterprise, independence to desire - and you will definitely succeed.

39. Get the news you need.

40. Your plans will be fulfilled in direct proportion to the time and effort spent.

41. We must use workarounds and try not to rush the course of events.

42. Period of uncertainty. Outline a specific plan of proposed actions and try to follow it.

43. The temptation to spend big money. Follow your instinct, not other people's advice and persuasion.

44. There won't be much unrest in the near future. All matters are clear, all plans are feasible.

45. Time for joy.

46. ​​Your wish will come true if you are modest enough in your demands.

47. A trip or journey will make the necessary adjustments to your plans. You will have the opportunity to quickly move up the social ladder.

48. You will get everything through diligence, hard work, discipline and the support of fate.

49. Trust life, go with the flow, and the river itself will bring you to the right place.

50. What causes you uncertainty and fear will turn out to be a blessing in the future.

51. Events will develop faster than you expect. They may take you by surprise.

52. Your perception of reality is somewhat distorted. Until you are able to see the hidden side of events.

53. A streak of pleasant surprises that will follow one after another.

54. New people will come into your life who will become devoted friends or colleagues.

55. A confluence of happy accidents and an increase in material well-being await you.

56. Your abilities and hard work will be appreciated. Possibility of encouragement career growth and beneficial cooperation.

57. There will be so much worry and hassle that there is practically no time left for anything else.

58. Chaos reigns in your soul, which can cause interference in business and endeavors.

59. Show restraint and self-control, as old contradictions will suddenly burst out.

60. You may miss a chance because of your own frivolity or lack of faith in your own strength.

61. Whether what you want comes true or not depends on your self-discipline. Make an action plan and follow the schedule.

62. Take a look at your life from the outside - thanks to this you will gain a correct view of many things.

63. Change yourself, and the world around you will change. You will have A New Look for life.

64. You will be too dependent in your intentions on other people, especially on those who have power.

65. Unnecessary worries and worries due to temptations, intrigues, empty conversations and disputes.

66. Rely on fate and trust in God. Trust the natural course of life.

67. You waste a lot of energy and effort. Try to distribute your activity correctly.

68. The situation will develop in two ways. Try to orient yourself correctly.

69. There is reason to think about what kind of people surround you. Be careful in your affairs and do not tell anyone about your plans and successes.

70. Don’t be cunning with yourself: are you sure that what you are up to will really not harm anyone? If there is no such confidence, the situation promises to be successful.

71. Good point to strengthen your authority. Opportunity to receive incentives or rewards.

72. Your plans are destined to come true if you do not shift your responsibility onto the shoulders of others.

73. Possibility of big and small victories. You will enjoy the taste of success.

74. Your ideas have little chance of being implemented, since they contradict the wishes of others.

75. Your affairs will be resolved easily and quickly, without much effort and expense on your part.

76. Changes will inevitably affect and maybe even turn your life around. Upcoming events will help you get started new stage life. Internal differences will be overcome.

77. Your worries will not take up much space in your life. New hobbies and new acquaintances will appear.

78. Trust your heart and intuition more - they will tell you the right paths to your cherished goal.

79. A period of losses and trials lies ahead. Gather your will and wait out the destructive wind.

80. Your prospects are the brightest. You feel inspired - and success comes to you.

81. The situation is stable. You are on the right track. Bring your plans to completion and take on new ones.

82. If your mind and soul act in harmony with each other, you will achieve a lot.

83. Fate likes to arrange tests from time to time for those whom it patronizes. It's your time.

84. You will be able to extract both immediate and long-term benefits. Good luck in material matters.

85. Control yourself and don’t let your emotions overwhelm you - this is the main condition for the successful completion of your plans.

86. New perspectives and new horizons will open before you, previously invisible and unattainable.

87. Success awaits you, gained easily and effortlessly. The result will surprise and delight you.

88. Act persistently, confidently, persistently, and all the advantages will be on your side.

89. You live in a world of illusions and build castles in the air, but fate does not have enough material to build them.

89. Correctly measure your hopes and your capabilities, then you will be on the right path.

91. If you say one thing, then another, and think the third, there will be no sense in it.

92. Circumstances will mislead you. Shift your attention to the bright sides of life.

93. Success is now unlikely; in the near future you will need wisdom, endurance, and patience.

94. The difficulties you may experience can have beneficial consequences. The storm will pass by.

95. Profit awaits you, new good material prospects will appear.

96. You need to devote more time to rest. Allow yourself to forget about business for a while. This will help you find peace of mind and clarity of thought.

97. After a while, your desires or goals will lose interest for you and new opportunities for creative growth will appear.

98. Success can be achieved through joint efforts. Practice diplomacy and tact.

99. Unexpected events will interfere with the execution of planned plans at the moment.

100. Fate. Share. God's will. For some reason, the information is closed to you.

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In this article:

Fortune telling on objects has various variations, for example, mathematical, when objects are considered, and subsequently the simplest arithmetic operations a person can find out the answer to a specific question.

Mathematics in magic

Fortune telling on objects has long been very popular. One of the most popular ones was fortune telling by fathom, when you had to go to the barn and grab logs with your hands - “fathom”, as many as you can take; then count, saying “little sack”, “bag” or “knapsack”. “Susek” - prophesied a rich marriage, “bag” - the groom will not be in poverty, “Koshka” - predicted poverty and destitution.

Fortune telling by the fence. You need to count the poles on the fence in pairs. If there is one extra perch left, the girl will not be married this year; if all the couples get together, then the girl will not be married. You can also count logs in an armful as pairs and much more.

Fortune telling on household items

Previously, girls used to tell fortunes by using the palisade. They grabbed the perches with their hands and counted how many were in their hands. Paired number - they will get married, unpaired number - not this year. Also, the captured number of perches was sorted from one to another - “widower - bachelor”, finding out who the betrothed would be.

Christmas night is the best time for magical rituals and rituals, one of which is boot fortune telling. To carry out the ritual, the guy needs to take off his boot or boot and throw it behind his back. Wherever the toe of the boot points, that’s where the guy will look for the bride. Young ladies can perform the same ritual by also throwing a shoe or boot, but not over the shoulder, but over the fence. If the boot indicates a fortuneteller or a fortuneteller, then this person will walk down the aisle next year won't work.

Fortune telling from a photo. To a young man On Christmas night you should put a photo of your beloved under your pillow and say:

“Dream about me on Christmas night, beloved, destined for me by fate. If you dream, I’ll marry you; if you don’t, I’ll pass you by in life.”

In this way, the young man can check whether he chose the right girl, perhaps fate has prepared for him another meeting, another relationship and another life.

A gold chain can be replaced with a silver one, but do not use jewelry, these are energetically dead objects

Fortune telling using a gold chain. Late in the evening, sit at the table, take off the chain, rub it between your palms until they warm up. Now take the chain in right hand, shake and throw on the table. The chain should fall and form a figure, which will be the answer to your question. So, the circle is difficulties; streak - luck and good fortune; node - illness and quarrels; triangle – success in all areas of activity, including love; snake - betrayal from loved ones or friends.

Fortune telling with plants

Fortune telling has long been done not only on household items, but also on plants. For example, they took the first pea pod they came across and counted: even - k good deeds, odd - to bad; even - to play a wedding, odd - to expect happiness in girls.

And everyone knows this method of fortune telling - using a chamomile. A chamomile flower is taken, from which the petals are torn off one by one, and the process is accompanied by the words “Loves - does not love, spits - kisses, presses to the heart - sends to hell.” And this must be repeated until the petals run out.

The last petal will bring you the answer to the riddle, which will be the word that falls on it. It’s even easier to tell fortunes using a daisy by saying: “Loves or doesn’t love.” Don’t forget to think before fortune telling a certain person, about whose feelings the flower and its petals will tell.

If you want to find out whether your wish will come true, pick a lilac branch and try to find a flower with five petals on it. If you find what you are looking for, the deed will certainly be fulfilled, and if not, you will not see what you want in the next few years.


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