The spring blocks in the mattress are dependent and independent. Which mattress is better to choose: spring or springless? Which mattress is more comfortable: springless or spring?

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The level of work ability, physical well-being, mood - all this largely depends on the quality of night's rest. During the night, the human body must fully restore its strength, and the muscles must relax as much as possible. The quality of rest is influenced by many things: bed sheets, color of wallpaper in the bedroom, stress, etc. One of the most important factors is the mattress. It is he who is responsible for the comfortable position of the body during sleep. The sleeping surface should have good orthopedic properties, be ideally sized for the bed, serve for a long time, and not require complex maintenance. To choose correct option, it is necessary to understand its types in detail. There are spring, demon spring mattresses. What are their differences and advantages? All this is discussed in more detail in this article.

It is very important to choose a mattress for yourself, taking into account your health status, tastes, ideas about comfort and various physiological traits

Spring and springless mattresses: choosing the appropriate option

Which is better: a spring or springless mattress? Answering this question is problematic. First of all, you need to know about the main differences between the models. There are quite a lot of them.

  1. Dust accumulation. Dust accumulates in the springs at a tremendous speed. Over time, the inside of the product begins to resemble a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Presence of static electricity. Static electricity has an ambiguous effect on the human body. It is especially dangerous for children. Sleeping surfaces with metal elements (springs) accumulate it in small quantities.
  3. Corrosion. Products made of latex and polyurethane are devoid of metal parts. When moisture gets into them, corrosion does not form. On springs this phenomenon occurs. Over time, corrosion leads to squeaking.
  4. Softness. The softness of spring ones is much higher.
  5. Operational life. Good springless mattresses can serve their owners for about fifteen years; those with springs last less - about ten years.
  6. Area of ​​use. The surface of the product with spring blocks is not fully used during sleep. This is due to the presence of reinforced edges. Double models in practice turn out to be not as roomy as they seemed when purchased. The surface of a springless mattress can be fully used by people.

Choosing a mattress is a very important issue regarding relaxation, well-being, and health.

Springless models: pros, cons

The characteristics of a springless mattress largely depend on the type of filler used in it.

So, which mattress is better to choose: spring or springless? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. It will be different for each person. However, you can consider in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each material. Using them, the buyer can easily make his choice.

Construction of springless mattresses

Springless ones can be monolithic or stacked - from several plates different thicknesses, from different materials

The following materials are used as padding materials: cotton wool, down, polyurethane foam, latex, memory foam. Cotton wool and fluff are practically no longer used in the production process. PPU, latex, and foam are in great demand.

Both natural and synthetic materials can serve as filling for springless mattresses

Their advantages and disadvantages are discussed in more detail in the table.

Advantages Flaws
Excellent orthopedic properties. The materials are elastic and resilient. They adapt to individual characteristics the human body, ensure its correct position during rest. High moisture absorption. Some models absorb moisture like a sponge. They are not suitable for people who sweat profusely.
No noise. There are no metal elements. The creaking simply has nowhere to come from. The appearance of allergic reactions. This drawback applies only to models made from natural raw materials. However, allergic reactions occur extremely rarely.
Hygiene. Insects and bacteria never grow inside. High price. High-quality springless mattresses cost above average. However, the high price is fully justified by the presence of a huge list of advantages and a long service life.
Absorption of vibrations. The main problem with a bed with springs is strong vibrations when moving. It is uncomfortable for two people to sleep on the bed. When one person moves, vibrations are transmitted to the side where the second person sleeps. Polyurethane foam, latex, and foam effectively absorb such vibrations.
Durability. The service life can exceed ten years. The main thing is to adhere to the basic operating rules.

Spring mattresses: features, types, advantages, disadvantages

Types of springs in orthopedic mattresses

The simplest mattresses of this type first appeared almost 150 years ago. For a very long time, their competitors were products made from cotton wool and fluff. Now other springless mattresses with improved parameters are being manufactured. Despite high competition, box spring beds are still in demand.

Construction of spring mattresses with additional layers

They come in two types:

Products with independent springs have improved orthopedic properties and practically do not creak. Each spring is hidden in a separate case and is in no way connected with the others.

Types of independent spring blocks

Models with a dependent spring block are cheaper and are popular. In them, the springs are fastened together and united by a steel frame.

The design of dependent springs is extremely simple: springs large diameter rigidly connected to each other, forming a firmly dependent frame

Advantages Flaws
Good air exchange. The structure is almost hollow inside. Air circulates well through it. Lack of orthopedic effect in cheap models. The lack of proper orthopedic properties makes sleep not so comfortable. The surface does not adapt to the curves of the body.
Affordable price. The cost of classic spring mattresses is quite low. They are available to families of any income level. Models with an independent spring block are much more expensive. Fragility. The service life is less than ten years. The bed may begin to sag after just a few years of use. They especially quickly lose their shape under high loads (when overweight people use them).
Safety. Products with an independent spring block are absolutely safe during operation. Even if one spring breaks, the surface will not be pierced. The cover will protect it. The appearance of a characteristic creaking sound. Over time, the bed may creak during use. This is due to the metal springs inside. Due to moisture, corrosion forms on them.
The presence of different zones of rigidity. Beds with independent springs can be selected with different hardness zones. This is true for married couples where the weight of one spouse is significantly different from the weight of the other.

The dependent spring block is inferior in quality to more modern independent blocks

What's best for a child?

TO children's mattress there are strict requirements that vary depending on the baby’s age and health status

Every parent knows how important sleep is for a growing body. In a dream, the baby gains strength before active wakefulness, his body continues to form. In childhood it is very important to provide decent conditions for the child's growth. One of these conditions is the choice the right bed. The sleeping surface should be firm, elastic, and safe. You absolutely cannot save money on purchasing a mattress. Saving can lead to serious diseases of the spine and joints.

The completely natural latex material meets the most stringent standards and requirements for products for children.

Important! Each child is individual. Rely on general recommendations not worth it when choosing a bed. It is better to additionally consult an orthopedic doctor. The doctor will be able to suggest a good option, taking into account the characteristics and needs of your baby.

Coconut coir is a very popular material for the production of mattresses for children. younger age due to its natural qualities

It is known that spring mattresses can create vibrations under load. In the first years of life, this is dangerous for the baby’s health. Vibrations can negatively affect the condition of the spine. Low load resistance is also a contraindication.

Mattresses for children with independent springs are optimal orthopedic mattresses for older children

You cannot jump on the surface. This threatens rapid wear. For these reasons, it is better for your baby to choose orthopedic ones based on latex and coconut coir.

When choosing a mattress, you need to take into account not only the quality of the filler, hardness and size, but also the age of the child

When choosing a model, be sure to focus on several parameters.

For correct formation of posture before three years A child needs a hard surface to sleep

Which model should an adult choose?

When choosing a mattress, it is important to consider everything: height, weight, age, health status

In adults, the skeleton is already fully formed. However, there are a number of other issues that need to be taken into account when choosing. Each person has their own, so recommendations for choosing a model vary.

Springs, polyurethane foam or latex?

Types of fillings for mattresses: spring and polyurethane foam

Most often, modern consumers choose from three options: natural latex, polyurethane foam, with an independent spring unit. Which one will serve better? Let's look at a short comparative characteristics in tabular form.

Characteristics Product type
Latex Polyurethane foam With independent block
Price Expensive product. Most cheap option costs at least 13,000 rubles. Budget models. The cost ranges from 750 to 3000 rubles. There are different price categories. The price ranges from 8,000 to 100,000 rubles. The high price is due to the difficult technological process production.
Life time Many manufacturers claim that latex blocks can last about twenty years. Artificial latex is not as durable. It can withstand no more than six years of use. The average operating life is five to six years. IN difficult conditions operation (high humidity, temperature changes) the period will be much shorter. With independent springs, the bed will last no more than eight years.
Allergenicity All natural materials can cause allergies. Latex is no exception. If you have allergies, it is better to give preference to an artificial analogue. Polyurethane foam itself is not capable of causing a severe allergic reaction. However, during production, harmful substances may be added to it. They can provoke an attack. It all depends on the filler. If desired, you can choose a hypoallergenic model.
Orthopedic properties Perfectly adapts to the body's shape, supports the spine in correct position throughout the night. They are elastic and perfectly follow the curves of the body. The properties are high, but short-lived. Over time, polyurethane foam begins to sag. Independent springs easily adapt to the body of a sleeping person. Orthopedic characteristics are high.
Moisture resistance Thanks to its natural porous structure, latex has excellent air exchange. It does not absorb moisture and ensures proper thermoregulation. Not resistant to moisture. Quickly absorbs liquid. Acts like a sponge. In rooms with high humidity It is better not to use polyurethane foam. It “breathes” well, moisture does not stay inside for a long time.
Health safety The products do not accumulate dust inside themselves. This makes them accessible even to asthmatics. Bacteria, mold, and fungus do not multiply inside the material. Due to high humidity, the material can become a breeding ground for bacteria. This is unsafe for human health, especially children. Over time, a lot of dust accumulates inside spring covers. This is good reason for the development of harmful microorganisms.

Video: How to choose a mattress? Main selection criteria

A person spends about a third of his life sleeping, so it is very important to choose the right mattress. Only in this case will a person be able to fully rest, and in the morning will be full of strength and vitality.

Modern ones are divided into two main types - spring and springless, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. We will look at their features and try to figure out which product is better to buy: spring or springless.


Classic products appeared about 150 years ago and still continue to be in demand due to the fact that their design is constantly being improved. They are divided into dependent and independent springs.


The classic Bonnell addiction is the most common in the world. It consists of a five-turn hourglass-shaped steel wire, numbering 100-150 pieces per square meter, fastened together with spiral weaving and united by a common frame.


  • The main disadvantage of addicts is lack of orthopedic properties. When a person lies down, not only those who are under the load are compressed under his weight, but also the neighboring ones. As a result, the product is not able to replicate the shape of the body.
  • If two people sleep on a mattress with dependent springs, they roll towards the middle. And as soon as a person moves, his movement, like a wave, is transmitted throughout the entire product, creating "hammock effect", which also does not contribute to a comfortable sleep.
  • Creak. With every movement of a sleeping person, the filler touches each other and creaks, disrupting sleep.
  • Short service life. Dependents do not have a very long service life, and after just a few years the springs can “sag and dents form.”

Due to their characteristics, addicts are often used as inexpensive option for the cottage or for guests.


Each wire is placed in a separate fabric case and works independently of the others; pressing one of them has no effect on the others. They have a smaller diameter and, accordingly, a larger number per sq.m. compared to dependent. In a quality product, each square meter must contain at least 250 independent springs. The more of them there are, the more pronounced the orthopedic effect you will feel.

Advantages independent springs:

  • Due to the fact that each wire works independently of the others, the mattress has high orthopedic characteristics, it easily adapts to the contours of the sleeper's body. Thanks to this, the human spine retains its natural curves, blood circulation in muscle tissue is not disturbed and the quality of sleep improves.
  • Independent springs are separated from each other by covers, so they do not rub against each other and don't creak.
  • Safe spring block design: even if one of the springs breaks, the case in which it is inserted will not allow it to pierce the product and injure a sleeping person.
  • Life time on an independent spring block is higher than on a classic Bonnell block.


  • Mattresses with independent springs: you should absolutely not jump on them or fall sharply on them.
  • Production is a long and complex process, so they the cost is much higher than on a dependent block, but it pays off with the quality and durability of the design.

Springless mattresses

In them no spring block, and body support is provided exclusively by fillers, which are used: polyurethane foam, coconut fiber, natural or artificial latex, struttofiber.

  • Natural latex is a material of plant origin. It is soft, elastic and durable, takes the shape of the human body well, creating comfortable conditions for sleep and relaxation.
  • Artificial latex is an inexpensive alternative to natural latex.
  • Very often, layers of latex are combined with layers of coconut coir, which allows for the necessary elasticity and rigidity. sleeping place. Coconut coir is a natural filler made from coconut fibers. It is rigid and durable, evaporates moisture and “breathes” well. Often used for the production of children's mattresses.
  • Polyurethane foam (PPU) has high elasticity and elasticity, follows the anatomical contours of the human body and provides the spine with proper support.
  • Struttofiber is a synthetic filler made from polyester fiber. Vertically oriented fibers act like springs.
  • Orthopedic foam with “memory effect” Memory foam - modern artificial material new generation. The filler “remembers” the anatomical contours of the body under the influence of heat. Foam material guarantees orthopedic effect.

The best solution would be to purchase a springless one that combines several materials with different properties. The combination of fillers of different levels of rigidity will provide the necessary elasticity and orthopedic effect. A universal option would be a choice with sides of different hardness.

Advantages of springless:

  • Long service life, since there is no spring block that can break.
  • The absence of springs guarantees noiselessness mattress.
  • Excellent orthopedic qualities.


  • A high quality springless mattress, especially one made from natural latex, will cost expensive spring analogue with the same orthopedic properties.

We hope that our advice will help you decide which mattress is better to choose: spring or springless. First of all, you need to pay attention to quality and convenience for you personally. The best criterion is to check on site before purchasing. Moreover, all sellers provide the opportunity to lie on them to evaluate its properties.

Spring or springless?

Modern mattresses are divided into spring and springless. The main difference between springless ones is less elasticity. Such mattresses are chosen by people who do not like the “pushing” effect of springs.

Which is better: a spring or springless mattress?
- Both. Both types of mattresses are good, each in their own way.

The absence of a spring block in the product makes the sensations incomparable to those experienced on mattresses with a spring block. Eat good models both among those and among others, however, largest selection medium-hard mattresses - among spring models. But the hard ones are, on the contrary, among the springless ones. Extremely rigid models - only without springs.

Spring mattresses

Which spring block to choose: dependent("bonnel") or independent?
- Independent springs are better. Bonnell is now used only in the cheapest mattresses.

Dependent springs:

Such spring blocks are called “bonnels” and are used mainly in economy class mattresses. In such a block, each spring is rigidly connected to the neighboring one and, when one is pressed, the neighboring ones are pressed.

The main disadvantage of mattresses with such springs is that due to the rigid fastening of the springs, the orthopedic effect is reduced, since the springs react to the weight of a person simultaneously with the neighboring ones, and not each separately, but given the low price, the option is quite acceptable. Especially if it is replacing an old sagging mattress.

Everyone has slept on this type of mattress - this spring block has been used for a very, very long time, it is also used in sofas, in hotel mattresses, in some types of armchairs, etc. And of course, such springs were used in “Soviet” beds. Everyone is familiar with the “hammock” effect on such mattresses, when the middle springs pull all the springs around them.

Independent springs

In such a block, each barrel-shaped spring is in a separate case, i.e. the springs are connected to each other only by covers, there is no rigid connection between them. Due to this, the mattress more accurately adapts to the sleeper’s body, and flexes only where necessary. There is no longer the notorious “hammock effect”. The orthopedic properties are excellent, and due to the absence of connections between steel parts, the mattress is absolutely silent.

Independent springs vary depending on coil diameter, spring shape, etc.: Types of springs in mattresses.

Mattress fillings

Why are different layers needed over the springs?
- Coconut, latex, polyurethane foam and other materials give the surface of the mattress certain properties: hardness, softness, elasticity.

Fillers are placed between the springs and the mattress cover, which impart surface hardness or softness.

The most popular fillers:

The most popular types of spring mattresses:

  • Independent springs + 3 cm of natural latex - soft mattress.
  • Independent springs + 3 cm coconut - surface-hard mattress.
  • Independent springs + 1 cm of coconut + 3 cm of latex - a mattress of medium hardness.

You can read more about the properties of spring mattresses in the article about choosing a Vegas mattress .

Choose a spring mattress

Springless mattresses

Springless mattress- an excellent choice for those who want to purchase hard or elastic-soft mattress. Today on the market is huge selection springless mattresses, which are made either from a monoblock of one material, or from several layers of materials of different hardness and properties.

Let us describe the properties of the main types of springless mattresses:

  • Natural latex mattresses- soft or medium-hard (depending on personal perception of hardness), but always elastic. Such mattresses work out the contours of the body as accurately as possible. The most elastic and most breathable latex is made using Talalay technology.
  • Artificial latex mattresses, waterlatex, polyurethane foam, foam rubber, bilaxilast (essentially synonyms) - hard, ventilated mattresses that can withstand high loads. Recommended for people with problems in the upper spine, as well as children and adolescents. Great alternative"bonnels". If a few years ago the most popular were

Is it better to buy spring or springless? About how to do right choice and take into account all the nuances, we will talk in this review.

There are two types of spring structures: with a dependent and an independent block. These are fundamentally different types of product, having different characteristics. The only thing they have in common is the material from which they are made.

Dependent spring design

Anyone who has ever spent a summer in a pioneer camp or been in a hospital is familiar with the Bonnell system. These are the same creaky, sagging beds, shaped more like a hammock. Designs with a dependent block are based on this very system, although it has been significantly improved.

The springs in them are formed by large spiral turns of steel wire with a diameter of 2.2 mm. The spirals have a cone shape. They are narrowed in the center and widen towards the bases, which are interconnected. Accordingly, when one spiral is loaded, the neighboring ones are also subject to deformation. This property does not allow the mattress to be considered orthopedic. For the same reason, the Bonnel spring block did not earn much positive reviews buyers. However, this is the cheapest type of mattress, so it is still in demand.

Independent spring block

Each spiral in the block is enclosed in a kind of “pocket”, which makes the independent springs separate from each other. This allows the structure to distribute the load pointwise.

The springs in the independent block are smaller than in Bonnell, they have a larger number of turns. The covers for them are made of thick fabric with holes to increase breathability. The “pockets” are interconnected, which ensures the integrity and flexibility of the design.

A mattress with pocket springs compares favorably with a dependent unit due to its versatility. It is difficult for two people with different weights to fit on a dependent block. The greater the load, the greater the sagging. Accordingly, a person with less weight will simply roll towards the greatest sagging of the mattress. The independent block does not have similar lack. In addition, you can purchase a combined mattress, in which one half is soft, and the other will have increased rigidity. There are several types of independent spring units. Information about them is presented in tabular form.

Block type Peculiarities Number of springs, pcs./m²

The most common type due to its low cost.250 110

Used to make medium-hard mattresses.500 120

Minimal spring effect, great for sharing between people with large weight differences.1000 150

The springs in the block are reinforced with coils inside - a “spring within a spring”, providing additional support.250 150

It is a strengthened analogue of the Pocket Spring and Multipocket types. The springs are staggered.300 for Pocket Spring and 700 for Multipocket.140

The coils have different degrees of rigidity (different wire diameters). Zones of rigidity alternate transversely.The number of springs depends on the number of stiffness zones (3, 5 or 7).150

Fillers for spring mattresses

Metal blocks cover the fillers to prevent the springs from digging into the body. They provide comfort and can change the firmness of the mattress. To prevent the springs from damaging the filling material, furniture mesh or felt is laid between them. The filler can be multi-level and consist of several materials. They are classified depending on the degree of rigidity. With the main types of filler and their brief characteristics you can see in the table below.

Material Hardness degree Characteristic

Below averageArtificial material with a high degree of elasticity. Inexpensive, but accumulates moisture, so it is favorable environment for the reproduction of dust mites.

Below average/softDense, wear-resistant, elastic material. Includes, except synthetic fibers, includes natural rubber.

Below averageA type of polyurethane foam that slowly returns to its original state after deformation.

AverageArtificial non-woven (thermally bonded) polyester material. It has a springy structure, is breathable, and wear-resistant.

Average/above averageMade from fruits coconut tree. To improve its performance properties, the fiber is impregnated with latex. The rigidity of the material depends on the thickness used.

HighA natural fiber made from agave leaves. It has excellent properties, is hypoallergenic, durable, and can withstand heavy loads.

It should be noted that some of these materials are also used as filler for springless mattresses. Let's talk about this in more detail in the next section.

Types of mattresses without a spring block

Mattresses, whether with or without springs, have several modifications. For example, “winter-summer” types are in great demand, where on the one hand the filler is thermal insulation material, which retains heat in the cold season, and on the other hand, a breathable, eco-friendly filler that creates comfortable conditions in the heat. Another option is when fillers of varying degrees of hardness are placed on different sides.

Modifications of springless models

Manufacturers produce three types of springless models:

  • monolithic;
  • puff;
  • mixed.

A monolithic mattress is a single block of one material. Such designs are easily rolled into rolls, making them convenient to store and transport.

Layered structures consist of several layers of fillers of varying degrees of rigidity, tightly glued together. As a rule, the layers are of the same size; hard materials are alternated with softer layers to improve shock absorption. Such models have high strength and wear resistance.

At the core mixed type lies a monolithic block. It is covered with one or several layers of filler on top. With their help, models are given varying degrees of rigidity and elasticity.

Fillers made from natural materials

TO natural fibers, from which fillers of springless structures are produced, include latex, coconut fiber, sisal, cotton, wool. Let's look at each of them in more detail. Latex is the most durable, but also the most expensive material. It contains from 20 to 90% natural rubber. The higher this indicator, the higher the performance characteristics of the material. The deformation properties of latex make it one of best views anatomical structures. And in combination with other materials it creates an excellent orthopedic effect.

Helpful information! Few people know the difference between an anatomical mattress and an orthopedic one. Anatomical effect is the ability of a material to repeat the shape of the human body in such a way as to reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. An orthopedic mattress is used more in medicinal purposes than to relieve tension.

Latex is able to quickly return to its original position after deformation. Sleeping on a latex mattress will bring rest to the body and normalize the functioning of the circulatory system. The filling made of coconut fiber is called coir. It has a high degree of rigidity, which is why experts recommend coir. A hard mattress prevents curvature of the spine. In addition, coir is hypoallergenic and antiseptic. Sisal, produced from agave, is similar in properties to coconut coir. Products made from sisal are highly durable and durable.

Felt and cotton wool are not used as a monolith due to their increased softness. These materials are used as a spacer to reduce the rigidity of the structure. used for the top covering of the side of the mattress intended for use in winter period. Wool has a warming effect and normalizes sweating.

Synthetic alternative to natural fibers

Synthetic materials are widely used in the manufacture of springless models. Application in production modern technologies and scientific achievements have made it possible to achieve incredible success in creating high-quality, safe and durable materials. Polyurethane foam is suitable for products with a low degree of rigidity. This material in everyday life it is better known as foam rubber. The elasticity of a material is directly related to its density. Porous foam wears out faster, crumbles and loses its properties. Artificial latex is a cheaper analogue of natural rubber fiber. It is stiffer and more elastic than natural material, and is also much cheaper.

Twisted hollow polyester fibers form a modern artificial filler - holofiber. Outwardly, it resembles a padding polyester. The significant difference lies in the production technology. The fibers that make up holofiber are not glued together, like padding polyester. They are soldered under the influence high temperatures. This provides holofiber with increased wear resistance, safety and environmental friendliness. It quickly recovers after removing the deforming load, has a spring effect, is breathable and hygroscopic. The material is quite soft, so it is rarely used as a monoblock. Holofiber is forgiven top layer in products made from coir and latex to reduce rigidity.

Pros and cons of spring and springless types of mattresses. Comparative characteristics

Which mattress to buy: spring or not? Which filler is better: polyurethane foam, latex or coconut fiber? The choice directly depends on the requirements that the buyer places on the product. The main requirements are wear resistance, the ability to withstand heavy loads, and environmental friendliness. In addition, when choosing a product, you should focus on the person’s age and health. The issue of price is, of course, also relevant for many buyers.

We determine the leader in maximum load and durability

Which mattress is better in terms of durability: with or without springs? The product with Bonnell springs has the lowest wear resistance. Over time, under the influence of loads, the springs bend, sag and begin to creak. This option is suitable for occasional use, for example. The only thing in which Bonnell is superior to other models is the low cost of the product. The load per bed on such a mattress should not exceed 90 kg.

Independent spring blocks last much longer. If one of the spirals wears out or breaks, the others continue to function and take on the entire load. Such mattresses last up to 10 years. The most durable among them are Double Spring models, their service life reaches 15 years. These same models can withstand the heaviest load (up to 150 kg).

Important! You should choose a model with a load reserve (that is, with a weight of 90 kg, the maximum load on the product should be at least 110).

The durability of a springless product depends both on the type of filler and on the modification of the product. The most short-lived material is cotton wool, which falls off in lumps after a couple of years. Polyurethane foam models last from 2 to 7 years. IN in this case it all depends on the quality and density of the foam. Products made from natural hard fibers such as latex, coir and sisal will last the longest. The service life of these materials is more than 15 years. Maximum load for springless products varies from 110 to 150 kg. Manufacturers of springless multilayer models, due to the correctly selected arrangement of layers and their tight fixation, achieve an increase in the figure to 200 kg. The higher the rigidity of the material, the more weight it can withstand.

Important! The durability of the mattress also depends on the operating conditions. The product should not be jumped on; it should be protected from moisture and dust. Point loads are contraindicated for spring structures. It is recommended to turn the product over every few months.

What type of mattress to choose if you have illnesses musculoskeletal system: spring or springless? The answer to this question can only be given by a qualified orthopedist. He is the one who will tell you what firmness mattress you should buy. The choice of filler material and product design is decided by the buyer himself.

For problems with the spine and to improve posture, as a rule, products of medium and increased rigidity are recommended. Medium firmness is indicated for pain in the thoracic spine; soft mattresses relieve pain in the lower back. The Bonnell spring block has neither an orthopedic nor anatomical effect. In addition, moisture and dust accumulate in its springs, which negatively affects the environmental friendliness of the product. Household dust can cause allergies, and a humid environment favors the growth of bacteria. Static electricity generated by springs also negatively affects human well-being.

The last statement also applies to products with an independent spring block. Models with a multi-zone type of independent springs have a good orthopedic effect. In addition, independent springs are the best option for a sleeping person who will not be disturbed by the movements of a neighbor.

Springless mattresses are recommended for people suffering from heart pathologies and respiratory system. The best anatomical properties are found in the memoryx material, which is capable of “remembering” the shape of the body. Among orthopedic mattresses, models made of natural latex are the leaders. Which mattress is better to buy in terms of environmental friendliness and safety? The best option in this case, they are springless models filled with natural material. Although it should be noted that such products are not cheap.

Which mattress is better for a child: spring or springless?

IN early age the spine and posture are formed. The child's body is unable to actively fight microbes and has unstable heat exchange. In addition, they spend much more time sleeping than adults. Therefore, it is so important that the mattress has increased comfort, is environmentally friendly and safe.

According to expert reviews, a mattress with independent springs is not suitable for a child, and the Bonnell type is completely contraindicated. Springless design with natural filler is considered the best option for several reasons:

  • does not accumulate dust;
  • withstands point loads (jumps and the like);
  • does not creak;
  • does not spring;
  • has a low degree of hygroscopicity;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • breathable.

However, it should be noted that children's spring mattresses also have a right to exist. But the springs must be lined with a layer of natural hard fiber. Children's mattresses should have increased rigidity, this contributes to correct formation musculoskeletal system. Filling made from coir or natural latex is best suited for these purposes.

Rating of orthopedic mattress manufacturers in terms of price-quality ratio

The quality of the product largely depends on the manufacturer. You should not buy models from unknown dubious companies, even at a very attractive price, as this risks purchasing a short-lived and even unsafe product. Which brand of mattress is better? In this section we will provide a rating of Russian companies that have proven themselves in the market as manufacturers of high-quality and reliable products.

5th place

The company is in fifth place in the ranking Toris , formed in 1998. According to the conclusion of Roszdravnadzor, the mattresses of this company are category 1 medical products, which undoubtedly indicates high quality materials and production technology. The line of mattresses is represented by a wide range of products: from budget to premium models. Among them are premium models for newborns.

4th place

The company takes fourth place Consul . The company was founded in 1996, and since 2000 it has become one of the Russian leaders for the production of sleep products. The holding has its own research laboratory, where new and improved models are developed.

3rd place

Dreamline is a company based in St. Petersburg that distributes its products through online trading. This manufacturer has gained popularity among buyers for two reasons. Firstly, this is a low price for which you can purchase a quality product. Secondly, the company produces furniture sets. It is very comfortable. The person purchasing can also buy a mattress for him at the same time.

2nd place

Firm Ormatek – the second largest production of mattresses in Russia. The company has existed since 2001 and today produces more than 1,500 models various designs and rigidity. Since 2012, the company also produces for bedrooms. Ormatek products pass independent examination"Russian Society of Somnologists". The company produces products of several brands, each of which is aimed at a specific social segment of the population.

1 place

Company Ascona is the undoubted leader in the production of sleep products. Askona today is a brand known everywhere. The company is part of a Swedish holding company, largest manufacturer mattresses in Europe and Asia, and has licenses to manufacture products from the American brands Serta and KingKoil.

Behind last decade The company was awarded the “Mark No. 1” award three times. The company has its own testing laboratory that meets European standards quality, where it tests its products. The company's title status, production scale, and compliance with international quality standards determine high cost products.

The health, well-being and mood of any person directly depends on the quality of sleep. For a full-fledged healthy sleep answers the sleeping place, which must be properly organized for a specific person. A high-quality mattress allows you to sleep well and feel energetic throughout the day.

An incorrectly selected model can cause back pain, bad sleep or health problems.

Spring mattresses

Innerspring mattresses can be divided into two main categories:

  • With dependent spring block "Bonnel".
  • In models of this type, the springs are interconnected, and the entire surface of the product has one degree of rigidity. The “bonnel” design cannot be called very reliable or durable, since over time the springs are pressed through or begin to creak.

  • With independent spring block.
  • Such mattresses have a block of independent springs, not connected to each other, but placed in separate fabric covers. Such products can be soft, medium or hard. A block of independent springs guarantees your back necessary support. This modification is the most modern of all spring mattresses.

The comfort of a sleeping place with an independent block is determined by the number of springs per meter. Even 256 springs per square meter provide comfortable stay. 512 - per square meter are called Multipocket, they are characterized by an even higher degree of comfort. Elite models have 1000-2000 very small springs per square meter, which provides an unsurpassed orthopedic effect.



  • Orthopedic effect.
  • An independent spring block supports the body in an anatomical position. This is good for your health and will help you get rid of back pain.

  • Silence.
  • All springs in models with an independent block are placed in separate cases and do not touch each other. This avoids friction and squeaking.

  • Quite a high price.
  • High-quality models with a block of independent springs are expensive. But a correctly selected model will serve you for many years and will have time to fully pay for itself.

    At correct use mattresses of this type will last a long time. But sudden compression of the springs, for example, if you jump on the mattress, can shorten its service life.

Helpful advice:

To ensure your mattress lasts a long time, turn it over once every 3-6 months. This will prevent the spring block from deforming and also allow the unused side to regain its elasticity.

Between the cover and the spring block there is a filler that determines the quality and characteristics of the product.
One of the popular natural materials is coconut coir, which is used in medium or medium-sized mattresses. high rigidity. Coconut fiber does not deform, is elastic, does not rot, allows air to pass through well and evaporates moisture.
In second place is latex. This elastic material of plant origin can withstand high loads, is durable, and also has an orthopedic effect.

Springless mattresses

Modern springless models are made from various natural and synthetic materials. The combination of soft and hard fillers provides elasticity as well as an orthopedic effect. Springless models have different levels of rigidity, which are determined by the characteristics and order of the layers.

In the manufacture of orthopedic springless products, several fillers are used:

  • Latex
  • Natural material of plant origin. It is soft, elastic and durable. Very often, a layer of soft latex is combined with a hard slab of coconut coir, this allows for the necessary elasticity and rigidity of the sleeping place.

  • Coconut coir
  • Natural filler made from coconut fibers. It is rigid, durable, evaporates moisture and “breathes” well. Used in the manufacture of children's and adult products.

  • Synthetic latex (PPU).
  • An artificial alternative to natural latex. It has a more affordable price.

  • Struttofiber and holofiber
  • Synthetic fillers made from polyester fiber. They have good thermal insulation properties.

  • Memorix
  • Modern artificial material of a new generation. The filler “remembers” the anatomical contours of the body under the influence of heat. The foam material guarantees the orthopedic effect of the mattress.

There are models with different hardness zones. For example, they are harder in the center and softer on the edges. This design allows you to provide support for the spine, which guarantees comfort and complete rest.

Which mattress should you choose?

Obviously, spring and springless models have their advantages and disadvantages. Keeping an eye on suitable model It’s worth starting from preferences, age, weight, height or budget.

For overweight people, hard mattresses with a spring block are suitable; it will provide the spine with the necessary support. For fragile adults - a soft mattress with or without springs.

For healthy people of average weight, orthopedic mattresses of any design of medium or high hardness are suitable.

For children, it is worth buying rigid models without springs, which will contribute to the formation of a healthy posture.

For older people, springless latex mattresses or products with an independent spring block of medium hardness are suitable.

Call the specialists of the online store “O,matras!” We will be happy to advise you by phone


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