Psychological techniques of persuasion. Conditions and techniques of persuasion

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Persuasion is one of the ways to influence a person, a method of influencing the consciousness, feelings and will of a student in order to develop a conscious attitude towards the surrounding reality. It is necessary to differentiate persuasion as: 1) a mental property of a person and 2) a method of influencing the consciousness and will of a student, the ultimate goal of which is the formation of belief in the first meaning.

The method of persuasion shapes the pupil’s views, motives for behavior and actions. It is important to understand what guides a person when making decisions, how consciously this choice is made. The teacher's task is to help form the right beliefs. Using this method, norms of behavior are revealed and the need for correct behavior, the significance of certain norms of behavior for the individual is shown.

The method of persuasion helps to develop in the student confidence in the correctness of this or that knowledge, statement, or opinion. Therefore, using this method, it is necessary to convey and consolidate certain information in the student’s mind and to build confidence in relation to it. Conviction in the correctness of an idea is formed in the process of a person’s practical activity.

How persuasion techniques The teacher can use a story, conversation, explanation, debate.

Story (information method of persuasion) is a consistent presentation of factual material, carried out in narrative form. Requirements for the story: logic, consistency and evidence of presentation, clarity, imagery, emotionality, accounting age characteristics pupils. If it is necessary to prove the correctness of any judgments, an explanation is used in the story, which can be accompanied by questions and develop into a conversation. The story allows you to influence the consciousness of the student and lay the foundations of his beliefs.

Conversation is a question-and-answer method of active interaction between the teacher and students. For the results to be effective, it is important for the teacher to think through a system of questions that leads the student to correct conclusions. Usually main, additional and clarifying questions are outlined. If during the conversation one moves from specific questions to general conclusions, the conversation is heuristic in nature. The more persuasive the conversation is, the more it relies on the student’s own experience. There are conversations: aesthetic, political, ethical, educational, about sports, work, etc.

Conversations can be conducted with one pupil (individual), with several (group), be pre-planned and urgent (following an event, action).

A. S. Makarenko successfully used “delayed” conversations in education (for example, concerning the pupil’s action, but carried out not immediately, but after some time, so that he himself could realize what had been done).

Requirements for the conversation:

  • its material should be close to children, their experience, arouse interest, excite them;
  • it is necessary to construct questions in such a way as to force students to think, analyze their knowledge and their life experience on this issue;
  • during the conversation, one should not condemn incorrect opinions too quickly and harshly; one should ensure that the students themselves come to the correct conclusions;
  • The continuation of the conversation should be the activities of students to implement the approved norms of behavior.

Persuasion is also dispute as the active expression by students of their opinions, proof and defense of them during a collective discussion of any problem. The dispute is effective way activating students in order to develop their ability to debate, defend their views, and respect the opinions of their comrades. This technique of persuasion teaches one to abandon a deferred point of view in the name of truth.

The algorithm for conducting a dispute may be as follows:

  • 1) justification of the topic;
  • 2) discussion of the material, students expressing judgments;
  • 3) independent conclusions and generalizations;
  • 4) the teacher’s final word, in which he formulates conclusions and outlines a specific program of activity.

Conditions for the effectiveness of the dispute:

  • the topic of the debate should excite the students and be related to their experiences and actions;
  • there should be conflicting opinions in the team on the issue being discussed;
  • the dispute must be carefully prepared (a survey was conducted, questions were developed, etc.);
  • During a debate, students who express an incorrect opinion should not be harshly condemned.

Techniques and methods of psychological influence on people are the main part of practical psychology. Thanks to this, every day science discovers, studies, verifies, generalizes and proposes to use psychological methods influence of people on each other in their lives. This can be family, production, labor and public sphere. All people, when they communicate with each other, influence each other, intentionally or not, and use certain mechanisms in practice.

What techniques and methods of influencing a person exist?

Among the main ones we highlight the following:

  • infection;
  • suggestion;
  • belief;
  • compulsion;
  • imitation;
  • encouragement

The most ancient of them is the infection mechanism. It represents the transfer of an emotional and mental state from one to another (laughter, panic). The effect of infection largely depends on the intensity of the emotional state of the affected person.

Suggestion: characteristics of the method

Suggestion underlies the appeal to the emotional-unconscious sphere of a person. It is verbal in nature, which means it is carried out using words.

The information that is intended for suggestion should be very short, but with maximum meaning and richness. And also use the moment of expression so that the person instantly believes in what he is being told. In addition, the influencing person should not be in an emotional trance, but must be of sound mind and feel confident, since the authority of the source of information is the basis of suggestion. If the influencer (suggestor) does not have authority for the perceiver (suggested), then the session will not end successfully.

It is important to remember that the effectiveness of suggestion may depend on the intonation of a person's voice. It should show confidence, authority and importance of words.

Methods of persuasion: the influence of external factors on a person

Every day we are faced with conviction. For example, food manufacturers want us to buy their butter and cheese, and film studios want us to attend the premieres of their films in cinemas.

Since methods of persuasion are the main component of our lives, we often cannot always notice how we came under their influence and influence. external factors. This science has been studied since ancient times, its ultimate goal was to force another person to calmly assimilate a certain argument and accept a new judgment of the elements of his worldview system.

What are the main methods of persuasion and how effective are they?

Below are some highly effective persuasion techniques. In addition to them, the following are also used: rewards, punishments, positive or negative experience, an appeal to the moral qualities of a person.

Methods of persuasion include the following types:

  1. Instruction. When the person being persuaded has a positive attitude towards the person persuading (if he has authority), he instructs the listeners, convinces them to behave in a specific way that he needs. In the form of instructions, the director gives direct recommendations to his subordinates: “Do it this way, and we will achieve such and such results.”
  2. Commands and orders. These methods are resorted to very often if there is authority in front of the audience. The main thing is that orders are carried out. But to be successful, the person being persuaded should not criticize the assigned tasks. For example, when asked by parents or grandmother to collect toys, the baby will react differently if the mother is strict with him, and the grandmother is gentle.
  3. Advice. When there is trust, intimacy, understanding between people. Of course, you need to give advice correctly, and do it in such a way as not to offend your loved one.
  4. Hint. This type of influence is indirect, since the information is not communicated directly, but in the form of a half-joke or comparison. For the most part, a hint is not aimed at a person’s thinking, but is addressed to his emotional state. It is best used when a person is in a playful, high spirits.
  5. Indirect approval. This technique can be used when a person generally acts correctly. The main goal is not to let you deviate from the right path. But why is approval indirect? If you tell a person everything directly and in plain text, it will look like flattery and can scare away. It is absolutely inappropriate to look a person straight in the eyes and say: “You did great! This way you will achieve what you want." It would be better to use a persuasive phrase. For example: “This approach usually produces excellent results.”
  6. Placebo. This effect has long been known to medicine. As a rule, the doctor gives the patient ordinary ascorbic acid instead of serious medicine and says that this is a new generation drug that will help with all ills. The patient believes in a good outcome of the treatment and is thus healed. You can also use this technique to convince your interlocutor that everything will work out. For example, give a child a talisman and tell him that as long as he keeps it, he will be able to achieve everything he dreams of. True, if he still makes an effort. And you will see that the child will certainly succeed.

All these techniques are known to everyone, there is nothing amazing about them, the main thing is to use them correctly, and then success is guaranteed. There are psychological methods of persuasion, the main goal of which is to influence a person’s consciousness and accept your point of view.

Psychological techniques

The method of persuasion, examples of which are presented in the article, is widely used by psychologists. Let's look at their main techniques:

  1. Fundamental. Direct speech to the interlocutor, who is openly introduced to necessary information, which serves as the basis for evidence of truth.
  2. Contradictions. Identifying inconsistencies in the arguments of the persuaded and carefully checking personal arguments for consistency in order to prevent a counterattack.
  3. Drawing conclusions. Arguments are not revealed immediately, but gradually. Seeking agreement at every step.
  4. Pieces. The arguments of the person being persuaded are divided into strong, medium, and weak. The former are mostly not touched upon; the main target is the latter.
  5. Emphasis. Emphasizing certain points in the arguments given by the interlocutor (“you say it yourself”).
  6. Ignoring. It is used if the fact that the interlocutor cited cannot be refuted.
  7. Two-sided argumentation. To be convincing, they talk first about the advantages and then about the disadvantages of the proposed method of solving this issue.
  8. Boomerang method. The interlocutor is given back his own arguments, but directed in the other direction. Arguments for are turning into arguments against.

About coercion

Methods of persuasion and coercion require them correct use on the interlocutor. These two techniques absolutely cannot be separated from each other; there is a dialectical connection between them, a single objectivity of character, and their use is determined by the level of development of relations in society.

The technique of coercion is a method of influence that has two factors: moral - psychological and physical. It is essentially similar to belief. After all, in both, the main task of the presenter is to get the interlocutor to start thinking like him. As when using the method of persuasion, in coercion a person first justifies his immediate point of view, resorting to various evidence. Therefore, they are considered to be the main ways of psychologically influencing one’s interlocutor.

The act of persuasion is almost one of the most difficult and requires certain rules. The main point in this process is to argue the position and strive to make it accepted by other people. Methods of coercion and persuasion are designed to force the interlocutor to do what you need.

About promotion

It becomes definitely clear what the methods of persuasion are aimed at. Methods of encouragement - do they have a psychological impact on a person? The technique of this method is aimed at stimulating and reinforcing the positive behavior of the student. But it is important to remember that encouragement should not turn into praise, as this will slow down the desire for activity. This is especially necessary for preschool, school and teenage children.

Psychologist O. Zaporozhets, having studied this method, came to the conclusion that encouragement and praise from teachers and relatives has a good effect on the activities of children. This influence includes two stages. On the first, praise will act as a direct positive reinforcement of activity. On the second, direct reinforcement will gain internal, subconscious motivation for further action. To contact this method, objectivity and fairness must be taken into account. Also, do not forget about age and individual characteristics pupil. The practice of rewarding a person with material resources in a family often leads to big problems.

Requirements for promotion

Please pay attention to the following points:

  1. It is necessary to encourage the child’s actions that set an example for others.
  2. With this method, age and personal characteristics must be taken into account.
  3. Encouragement is effective only from authority figures or microsociety.
  4. The method cannot be used on the same children.

In this principle, the main thing is that children or employees feel a sense of pride and satisfaction for good results at work or study.

The relationship between persuasion and suggestion

Methods of suggestion and persuasion - what is the relationship between them? Sometimes it seems that in both cases someone else’s thoughts or feelings are being imposed on a person. Is there a difference between the two methods and what is it?

Conviction is an element of a person’s worldview that motivates action in a specific way(for example, not agreeing to intimacy on the first date because good girls that's how they behave). Influencing a person in this case means transferring a worldview to another person (convincing a friend that there is no sex on a date, because that’s the right thing to do). Suggestion does not affect a person’s belief system. Let's look at this in more detail.

Subtleties of the suggestion method

Suggestion is a different process, it is primarily aggressive psychological impact. Bypassing a person’s consciousness and critical thinking, an attitude that must be accepted is confidently imposed on him. This process goes through the subconscious. The suggestible blindly absorbs information. This can happen through hypnosis, pressure, or emotional-volitional manifestation. Many people believe that it is possible to suggest something to a person even mentally.

How to convince a person of anything? It would be disingenuous to say that we have never tried to win someone over to our side and convince our neighbors. This happens every day in relationships: mother-child, husband-wife, boss-team and other communicative communities.

The psychology of influence and success are closely interrelated. Achieving goals often involves the need to involve other people in the process. But the goals are ours. The psychology of influence and persuasion are almost equivalent concepts. We will tell you how to convince a person and achieve success in this article.

So, 10 basic methods and psychological methods of persuasion

10 methods - sequence of application

  1. Motivate your opponent. In the persuasion process, it is important to start with the person's motivation. Do you want him to do what you need? Prove that the direct benefit will be received primarily by the person you are asking. “You look amazing in this stylish hat,” the mother says to her daughter, and she, 5 minutes ago ready to go out into the 20-degree frost without a headdress, happily puts on a new thing.
  2. Be friendly and polite. And smile. Aggressive pressure gives only a reluctance to obey in response. A smile is a sign kind person, such a person cannot act from bad intentions. People who are satisfied with life have a much greater gift of persuasion than those who are gloomy and unfriendly.
  3. Inspiration! Describe how great and wonderful the goal is that you are asking for help to achieve. Convince the value of your proposed idea. If your opponent becomes infected with your dreams, he will believe that he made the decision on his own.
  4. Do not confuse the psychology of persuasion with manipulation. You cannot hurt a person’s pride, his hidden negative attitudes. Smart people immediately feel when they are being manipulated, and you won’t see any results. Moreover, the interlocutor may permanently end the relationship with you; no one wants to be a guinea pig.
  5. Form an evidence base for your request. Conviction is strong when you yourself believe in what you say. Before starting a conversation, select solid arguments and facts. “We only have half of the presentation ready. If we don’t go to work on Saturday, we won’t be able to win a new tender on Monday.”
  6. The skill of persuasion requires a certain amount of flattery. There is no need to openly lie about the presence of non-existent advantages, but to exaggerate the existing ones in this case necessary. “Only you can do this in such a short time. I have no one else to rely on!”
  7. Avoid unpleasant moments. Counterarguments can be extremely convincing and difficult to challenge. If you fall into such a trap, take the dialogue in a different direction. “We are not talking about this now, we will return to the topic later.”
  8. Be cunning. You should not tell a person directly that he is wrong, or directly point out gross mistakes and slips of the tongue. If you notice obvious mistakes and inconsistencies during the conversation, politely express your point of view and disagreement on controversial issues. The interlocutor will be grateful for your tact and the chances of convincing him will increase significantly.
  9. Show your competence in the issue raised. It is easiest to convince someone that you are right when you know the essence of the subject thoroughly. Boast about your successes and achievements, tell us how you managed to achieve them.
  10. Start the dialogue with questions that the interlocutor can only answer in the affirmative. A relaxed opponent, not expecting a trick, will say “yes” to main topic, for the sake of which everything was started.

The listed methods of influence will allow you to form an internal conviction in a person to act in the way you want.

From the heart, not from the mind - 10 psychological techniques

We looked at how to direct a person’s thoughts in the right direction. But when using persuasion techniques, it is much more important to hook a person’s emotions. We offer psychological techniques that will allow you to tune your opponent to the desired wavelength.

  1. There is no sweeter sound for a person than the sound of his own name - so said the great expert on methods of influencing the psyche, Dale Carnegie. If during the conversation you call Ivan Petrovich Ivan Vasilyevich, then you can forget about the positive course of the conversation. People do not forgive such mistakes, which show their insignificance in the eyes of their opponent. Address your interlocutor by name more often, and you will find a grateful listener in his person.
  2. Listen with interest. You are trying to convince your interlocutor of doing something that is important to you, so listen to him with reverence. Confirm your interest non-verbally - nod, sigh, exclaim appropriately. Ask clarifying questions. Show that the person is important and interesting.
  3. Remember key phrases and your opponent’s expressions and use them in further conversation. This will establish a close connection between you and indicate a commonality of views and interests. The person will think that you and him are from the same social community, or maybe they grew up somewhere in the same yard. Such things do not encourage refusal of a request.
  4. Notice any movement of the interlocutor. Study nonverbal cues that indicate a person's mood. If you see that your opponent leaned forward with his palms open, continue to reinforce the meaning of the topic - he is interested. The case when a counterpart began to rub his nose or tap his pen on the table should become a stop signal! He's not interested, he's annoyed. Either change the topic for a while, or present it from a different angle!
  5. “My light, mirror, say...” The mirroring method has long been used in the psychology of influence. It consists of unobtrusively repeating the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor. Return a smile when a person smiles or frown when the person expresses concern. This will make it clear that you are of the same blood, react to situations in the same way and this will help bring you closer to your cherished goal.
  6. “Ask and you will receive, knock and it will be opened to you.” Biblical truths are relevant at all times. Don't be shy about asking for help or appearing weak. Often the fear of being intrusive or being rejected prevents us from solving many issues. A person will be pleased that he can help, this will increase his self-esteem. There is another opinion: “Never ask for anything, especially from those who are stronger than you,” but do you remember who said that?
  7. Raise the bar. There is one simple but effective technique in psychology. Ask to do something, knowing that the person cannot do it: any stupidity, absurdity. After some time, voice a true request - the interlocutor will be glad to get down to business, feeling awkward for not providing help the first time.
  8. I influence the subconscious using the method of associations. Evoke positive emotions associated with memories: feelings, smells. “You remember how those fudge buns smelled in the school cafeteria. Why don’t we try to sell the same ones.” Similarity between objects has long proven itself as a method of psychology.
  9. Monitor your opponent's physical condition. In a state of fatigue, it is easier for him to succumb to persuasion, and for you to use the skill of persuasion. When you notice that a person is losing energy, proceed to the main thing; he will not waste the rest on arguing with you.
  10. "Achilles' heel". Study the character of your interlocutor first. It is easier to appeal to a person with a developed sense of duty by thinking about responsibility. If your counterpart is proud, convince him that by fulfilling your request, he will become known in certain circles.

There are such basic techniques of persuasion- refutation, proof, explanation, information, but this is just the pinnacle of persuasive influence on a person, which gives only general idea. In life practice, we have to face the need to attach meaning to the background situation in which belief occurs.

Consequently, persuasive influence tends to be absorbed against a certain psychological background. Here we distinguish “concert mood”, identification, emotional tension and relaxation. For any specific background, an appropriate persuasion technique is assigned.

Psychological techniques of persuasion

Reception of management. This technique occurs when there is a positive relationship between the leader and the interlocutor. The specificity of leadership is that the word expressed in an imperative form determines the executive behavior of a person. Instructions in verbal form can be: prohibitions, orders, instructions. Unlike orders and commands, which are designed to trigger an already existing skill, instruction creates a single setting for activity.

Like all verbal influences, the content of the instruction is also quite important. Therefore, before using this persuasion technique As an instruction, you need to carefully consider the material that is included in it. It should be taken into account that efficiency is not only related to meaning here. When giving verbal instruction, an appropriate form of pronunciation and style of speech is necessary. And these are gestures, facial expressions, intonation, emotionality. Everything must correspond to the imperative and concise construction of the sentence.

Acceptance of indirect approval. Designed for the emotional perception of the speech of the one who speaks. The essence of this technique is not to directly tell the person “Your success in this matter is irrefutable.” It's like flattery. But some people really like flattery, but, as a rule, it has a destructive effect on human character. Therefore, if a person needs to express approval, it is better to do it indirectly: “Usually, such diligence gives positive results!” Such a method of persuasion, expressed in a fairly emotional tone, will give the interlocutor a sense of self-esteem.

It is likely that this type of approval, for a person with egoistic inclinations, will be absolutely unconvincing, and he will perceive it in his own way.

Socrates' method. This method of persuasion has been known since ancient times. Its essence is that the interlocutor cannot answer “No” to the question posed. Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, always tried to ensure that his interlocutor would never say “No.” But if suddenly this happens, turn it around reverse side It's hard enough. That is why Socrates conducted the conversation in such a way that it was easier for the interlocutor to answer “Yes.” The philosopher always managed to prove his point of view, and there was no obvious indignation or the slightest negative reaction on the part of his opponents.

Orders and commands. They demand from people the right and fast execution. When following orders and commands, they do not reason. There are such types of orders and commands: incentive and prohibitive. The first ones - “Do”, “Bring”, “Go” are intended to open the behavioral mechanisms of people. The second ones - “Shut up”, “Stop being nervous”, “Stop ...”, are aimed at immediately stopping unwanted signs of behavior. They are pronounced in a calm, firm or emotionally charged voice. Such orders and commands must be perceived without a critical attitude.

Frustrated expectation. In this method of persuasion, a prerequisite is the creation of a tense atmosphere of expectation. For the interlocutor, previous events must create a strictly defined train of thought. But if inconsistency is discovered in this direction, then the interlocutor is confused and therefore accepts the idea proposed to him without objection. Such situations occur quite often in life.

"Explosion". The psychological technique beliefs known as rapid personality restructuring under the influence of strong emotional experiences. To use the “Explosion”, you need an appropriate environment in which feelings appear that, with their unusualness and unexpectedness, can amaze a person. In such an environment, a collision of nervous processes occurs. A sudden stimulus (information, sight, etc.) causes confusion in a person. Views of the world as a whole, of individual people, events, and various things are radically changing.

The “Explosion” technique is used in work collectives in relation to persons with criminal and immoral behavior, to drunkards, and to malicious violators of discipline. Here, under certain circumstances, the following types are appropriate: “writing off” past sins, sincere assistance from the administration in a situation of stress and grief, furious disapproval of the entire team in relation to the behavior of the offender. Formalism and insincerity have absolutely no place here.

A categorical requirement. This method of persuasion is based on the power of command. It is effective only if the leader enjoys undeniable authority among his subordinates or has great power. In other cases, this technique can be harmful and useless.

Advice. This persuasion technique is most effective if the interlocutor completely trusts the leader. In order to follow advice, the form in which the advice was presented becomes of great importance for a person. It should be remembered that advice is given in a voice that contains notes of compassion and warmth. Advice must only be asked sincerely, otherwise the request may turn against the one who asks.

"Placebo." It has been used in medicine for quite a long time as a method of suggestion. Its essence is that when a doctor prescribes any indifferent medicine to a patient, he claims that this particular medicine will give the desired effect. The patient believes that the prescribed medicine will have a beneficial effect and, as a result, a positive psychological attitude leads to positive results.

It is worth noting that this method of persuasion is very effective, but it must be used with caution. Remember that the placebo effect is effective until the first failure. When a person understands that the actions that he so scrupulously and ritually performed have no real basis, then they will no longer be convinced by taking a “placebo”.

Condemnation. The technique has persuasive power only when the interlocutor compares himself with another person. In other conditions, censure is perceived as a moralizing instruction that can be listened to, but not necessarily followed. Since a person quite actively defends his “I”, for him this method of persuasion is an attack on his personal independence.

Hint. This is a psychological technique of indirect persuasion through analogy, irony or joke. Sometimes advice can also be a form of hint. The essence of the hint is that it is aimed not at logical reasoning, not at consciousness, but at emotions. Since a hint can offend the personality of the interlocutor, it is better to use it in a “concert mood”.

Compliment. This effective persuasion technique often confused with flattery. But this is not pleasant for every person, although the interlocutor may not brush aside the flattery. however, many people are still offended by flattery. But a compliment cannot offend anyone, but quite the contrary, a compliment elevates any person. The basic techniques of persuasion are useful in today’s life; the main thing is to know where and which one to use so as not to offend your interlocutor.

The concept of persuasion in social psychology is given the following definitions:

1. Belief is a person’s system of ideological knowledge that has passed through his mind, feeling and will.

2. Conviction is a set of diverse influences on a person with the goal of educating him socially. necessary qualities.

3. Persuasion is the motivation of a person to perform a certain activity. To persuade means to motivate people by word, deed, example and purposeful organization. social sphere.

4. Conviction is a personal formation that represents a person’s attitude to reality and is characterized by the unity of cognitive and need-personal components. The qualities of persuasion depend on the method of assimilation of certain knowledge and opinions and evaluations.

5. Persuasion is the influence on the consciousness, feelings, will of people through communication, explanation and proof of the importance of a particular position, view, action or their inadmissibility in order to force the listener to change existing views, attitudes, positions, attitudes and assessments or to share thoughts or speaker's representations.

Belief is the main, most universal method leadership and education. The mechanism of persuasion is based on the activation of human mental activity, on appealing to the rational side of consciousness. It is assumed that the person being persuaded must make a conscious choice of ways and means to achieve the goal, i.e. To convince, you need to attract the attention of the target, present and explain new information, and make impressive arguments.

To convince someone of something means to achieve a state where the person being convinced, as a result of logical reasoning and inference, agrees with a certain point of view and is ready to defend it or act in accordance with it.

The main means of persuasion are a graphic sign, an image, the timbre of speech, a gesture, facial expressions, emotional and volitional states, the rhythm of speech and actions, the light and color of a visual aid, the results of work, the status and authority of the persuader. It should be added that not all people are equally willing to accept the point of view of the influencer. Most often, only information that is consistent with existing attitudes is perceived.

In this case, the concept that we will consider in this work is most fully reflected in the fifth definition; it is complemented by the third and fourth definitions. At the same time, we understand, of course, the dialectical relationship and unity of all these aspects of belief.

Types of Persuasion

According to Myers, there are two ways of persuasion, direct and indirect.

Direct persuasion is persuasion that occurs when an interested audience focuses all its attention on favorable arguments.

An indirect method of persuasion is a persuasion that occurs when people are influenced by random factors, for example: the attractiveness of the author.

Direct persuasion occurs when people are naturally analytical or interested in a topic. If the topic does not attract sustained attention from the audience, persuasion may be achieved through indirect means, where people use random cues or heuristics to jump to conclusions. Persuasion carried out in a direct way is more analytical and less superficial, it is more stable and more likely to influence behavior.

The entire persuasion procedure fits into four types of influence. These are information, clarification, proof and refutation.

Informing is a message in the name of which a person must act. In order to motivate a person to activity, a whole range of incentive influences is required. This is due to the fact that the subject of influence, before acting, wants to make sure what needs to be done and whether he will be able to do it. No one will take action if they believe that action is either not worth it or impossible. Psychologist T. Tomashevsky derived the above dependence and expressed it with the following formula:

according to which the decision leading to action is a function (f) of the value of the poly (Y) and the probability of its implementation (p) ". Between the assessment of the value of the goal and the assessment of the probability of its implementation there is a pseudo-product relationship (if one element approaches zero, then all product" approaches zero, despite the value of the other element).

Tomashevsky’s formula reflects a very important idea for a manager: in order to encourage an employee to required activity, you should first of all inform him about the value of the goal and the likelihood of achieving it, that is, convince him of the advisability of actions.

A striking example in this regard is working with people to encourage them to implement new technology and new technology. It should be emphasized that all the innovations known to us, according to the degree of their acceptance by people, can be divided into two groups:

a) innovations related exclusively to the technical (technological) side of production;

b) innovations related to the social aspects of production.

The first group of innovations is, for example, the improvement of any technical device that facilitates the work of an employee.

IN Lately Many enterprises have a problem associated with computerization. It lies in the fact that it is technical device will significantly facilitate the employee’s work, provided that the employee has the skills to work with this machine. Often, specialists in their field with extensive work experience find themselves helpless in front of a computer. Employees usually wait for such innovation with negativism; this is due to fear of the new and rigidity. It is important to inform staff about the benefits of any innovation and send employees to courses to learn the necessary skills. It is necessary to work with information for the manager, how and through what channels it reaches subordinates.

The second group of innovations is also usually not implemented smoothly. The point here is that such an innovation breaks the established stereotypes of personnel behavior.

Informing about the results of work - familiarization with the results of activities has a stimulating effect on employees. A number of researchers have proven that informing the performer can increase labor results by 12 - 15%.

We are talking about information about both successes and failures. At the same time, the absence of any information leads to a decrease in results, tension, and conflict. In addition, information contributes to the establishment of favorable business relations"vertically", improves mutual understanding, facilitates the process of influence as a whole. A well-organized discussion of work results contributes to the motivation of subordinates, and is also necessary for them to feel their own importance and make certain changes in their behavior. The power of numbers sometimes turns out to be more effective than persuasion and punishment.

Information on performance results will be effective provided that an objective assessment of the employees’ work has been previously carried out on the basis of identified and agreed upon criteria. It is advisable that there are few of them for a young employee (two or three). In the future, you can include other criteria in the set of performance assessments, for example, communication skills, commitment, discipline, interaction, etc. Discussion of work results should be held regularly: once a quarter and after a year. In conditions of a shortage of quantitative indicators of the performance of subordinates, the greatest difficulty for the manager will be to overcome the “halo effect”, i.e. positive evaluative bias with a favorable attitude towards the employee and hypertrophied attention to shortcomings with antipathy.

Next view persuasive influence, which occupies no less important place than informing - this is clarification. The position itself obliges the production manager to clarify many pressing issues. The most typical types of clarification can be distinguished: a) instructive; b) narrating; c) reasoning.

Instructive clarification is a schematic breakdown of the activities of subordinates who are encouraged to assimilate instructions. With such an explanation, the subordinate’s thinking is not loaded, but memory is activated. It should be noted that this technique is not very popular with creative people or people with artistic inclinations. For those who are accustomed to strict, one might say algorithmic, rules and guidelines, instruction does not generate resistance.

A narrative explanation is a kind of story aimed at presenting facts in the form of a living narrative, which consistently leads to well-defined conclusions. In many cases, this type of explanation is more familiar (familiar from school) and therefore preferable. But its use obliges production managers to train in the layout of message material, in setting the voice, facial expressions and gestures.

Reasoning clarification is an explanation with polemics, activates mental activity, encourages more attentive attention to the proposed specific conclusions. Reasoning clarification techniques are important for managers communicating with creative, proactive people who crave active participation in communication.

A reasoning explanation is structured in such a way that the leader poses pros and cons to the interlocutor, forcing him to think for himself. With a reasoning explanation, you can pose a question and answer it yourself, or you can encourage the listener to answer. It is precisely to induce, through the whole course of reasoning, to arouse in the interlocutor a desire to give an answer. You can't demand an answer here. As soon as the leader begins to encourage an answer, reasoning explanation loses its meaning. During a reasoning explanation, the listener, together with the leader, looks for ways to resolve the situation (of course, under the guiding influence of the leader). At the same time, the listener (subordinate) feels his importance. When answers are pulled out of him, he, deprived of such a feeling, goes into a state of psychological defense. And then the reasoning explanation turns into an instructive one.

A naturally reasoning explanation is also very useful in a leader’s oral presentation to an audience. In this case, it is desirable to move from reasoning to problem statement. Thus, in a reasoning explanation, the answer to the question posed is expressed mainly by the leader, and in a problem explanation it is formed by the listeners themselves. Problem explanation is practiced mainly in front of an audience in a special speech.

Proof - logical operation, built on the foundations of the laws of logic: the law of identity, the law of contradiction, the law of the excluded middle and the law of sufficient reason. The essence of proof is that a thesis is put forward and arguments or arguments are sought to prove the thesis.

The procedure itself is usually called a demonstration. To convince employees or prove to them the truth of a position, facts are needed. Without facts there is no proof. Facts create an appropriate mood in employees to perceive reality and form an attitude.

Evaluation of the work of subordinates greatly affects their motivation labor activity, if this assessment is perceived by them as real, true, then it fulfills its motivating function, but if it is perceived as underestimated, far-fetched, unreal, then there is no incentive. Subordinates need facts to prove the truth of the assessment. No less important role in evidence belongs to the personal qualities of the leader. The success of the proof depends on his sense of tact, on his ability to get along with people. By proving something, we thereby refute the idea of ​​our interlocutor, which means that the word, deed and personality of the leader are also characteristic of refutation as they are of proof.

Refutation is a criticism of established views and stereotypes of people’s behavior, with the destruction and formation of its attitudes. During a rebuttal, we encounter our opponent's self-esteem. In this regard, logic alone is not enough. There is no point in getting into an argument to refute anything. Our opponent does not admit that he was wrong; it takes more than one day to replace one installation with another.

There are specific socio-psychological rules:

1. When refuting your opponent’s arguments, you should appeal to his sense of self-worth. Self-esteem (self-esteem) is equal to the ratio of the magnitude of success of this person(U) to his claims (P).

The higher the success and the lower the aspirations, the higher the NPV. Success here is not understood as a material, socio-psychological value, acting in the form of value judgments on the part of others. In all cases, they achieve success if they give a person a sense of his own “I”: they call him by name and patronymic, emphasize real merits, give him the opportunity to take initiative, encourage him to act independently, try not to impose someone else’s way of thinking, but stimulate him to reflection

The effectiveness of persuasion depends on the personal characteristics of those who are being persuaded. According to research by American scientists, the following are not susceptible to persuasion: people with limited imagination, internally oriented individuals, socially unconnected people, people with obvious aggressiveness, individuals with paranoid tendencies.


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