Various outdoor games. Fun outdoor games for children

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Fun outdoor games for older children preschool age

Olga Vasilievna Yakovleva, teacher, School No. 842, Moscow
Description of work: I offer you a selection of outdoor games for children of senior preschool age (5-7 years old). This material will be of interest to teachers, instructors physical culture, as well as the organizers extracurricular activities, children's leisure and recreation in the summer health camps, at school recreation areas.
IN summer period it is necessary to create conditions for physical development and children's health. It is recommended to increase the time children spend on fresh air, increasing their physical activity. Outdoor games, like nothing better, are suitable for organizing recreation and leisure.
The proposed outdoor games can be used as part of a sports festival, summer leisure or entertainment, and also as an independent unit.

Outdoor play refers to those types of play activities in which the role of movements is clearly expressed. In the process of organizing outdoor games, health, educational and educational tasks are solved. But outdoor play, due to its specificity, is, first of all, effective means strengthening the health and physical development of children. Outdoor games have a beneficial effect on the growth, development and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, the muscular system, the formation of correct posture, increase the functional activity of the body, activate metabolism, and muscle loads stimulate the work of the endocrine glands. They improve the overall physical fitness of children and satisfy their biological need for movement.
Outdoor games contribute to the development of motor qualities: speed, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility, and, importantly, these physical qualities develop in a complex.
Outdoor games have a positive effect on nervous system, because an exciting game plot evokes positive emotions in children.
Outdoor play is collective in nature; at the same time, the opinion of peers has a great influence on the behavior of each child; The child is accustomed to working in a team. Mutual assistance, a friendly attitude towards others is formed, and the ability to correctly evaluate one’s actions is developed.
Outdoor games are good leisure. It is especially valuable from the point of view of health improvement to conduct outdoor games in the fresh air: children become more hardened, and the flow of oxygen into their body increases.
In outdoor games they create favorable conditions for the manifestation of creativity, invention, fantasy. The teacher encourages children's creativity, directs them to create variants of games by introducing new motor actions, changing the rules, etc.

Target. Development of observation skills, spatial concepts (“above”, “under”, “through”)
Description. A presenter is selected. He turns away. All the other children stand in a circle and take each other's hands. Children then turn the circle into a knot. To do this, you need to “get confused” without letting go of your hands. You can step over closed hands, crawl under them, so that the hands are intertwined, and the circle becomes a “ball”. You can't let go of your neighbors' hands. The presenter tries to untie the knot, while saying what movements the players need to make (e.g., climb over the hand, walk under the hand, etc.)

"Movement in a circle"

Target. Develop communication skills, help children become aware of their own body.
Description. Stand in a circle and close your eyes. The teacher touches one of the children on the shoulder. This child opens his eyes, approaches any child in the circle and can show him any movement. The child who is touched remembers the movement. He opens his eyes and repeats this action towards next child. So the action is passed around the circle until it reaches the first child. At the end of the game, you can clarify what kind of movement it was. Has it changed? What was it like at the beginning, what did it become at the end? (similar to the game “Broken Phone”, but not with a word, but with movement)

"Masha and Misha"

Target. Development of hearing, tactile perception.
Description. Children stand in a circle and take a rope in their hands. Inside the circle - big dark forest. Two children Masha and Misha go to the forest. Both receive blindfolds. In this big forest they must find each other. They cannot talk, only call each other, making slightly audible sounds: buzzing, buzzing, and so on. When one child makes a sound, the other must respond with his own sound. Sounds help them find themselves. Make sure that the sounds are really quiet, but still audible. You can say, for example, that children are lost, they are afraid of thieves, robbers and animals, so they make very quiet sounds so as not to attract them.

"We're putting out the fire"

Target. Development of dexterity, rotational movements hands, neatness.
Instructions for children. Imagine that we are all a team of firefighters. We must put out a fire that has broken out in the forest, but the fire truck cannot get to the place of the fire. Therefore, we must carry water to the fire ourselves. Here, where the fire is, I will put an empty container, and here, where the source is, a container with water. Each firefighter receives a paper cup. Everyone stands in a chain from one container to another, at approximately the same distance from each other. The one who stands at the container with water scoops up water with a glass and pours it into the glass of his neighbor. And just like that, the water passes from one glass to another until the last of you pours it into an empty container.
When I say: “Water forward!”, start transporting water. When there is no water left in the source, the child standing at the source must say: “Stop, water!”

"Hunters and Hares"

Target. Teach children to perform double role: hare and hunter. Train spatial orientation, eye, subtle purposeful movements index finger, reaction speed and self-control.
Instructions for children. I want to offer you a game called “Hunters and Hares”. Extend the index finger of either hand forward (whichever is more convenient) - this is a hunter. Hold the other one behind your back with your open palm facing outward - this is a hare. The hunter tries to catch the hare, that is, to touch the open palm of another child. Every time you catch a hare, that is, touch someone’s palm with your index finger, shout: “Bang-bang!”
I wonder how often we will hear from the hunters? Don't forget that other children are also hunting at this time and trying to catch you. When you are caught, you need to shout: “Ah-ah!” After this, you can start hunting again.

"The Fox and the Hare"

Target. Develop the ability to switch attention during the game.
Instructions for children. I want to offer you a game called "The Fox and the Hare". Stand together in a circle and listen to me carefully to remember the rules.
This small ball is the hare, the big ball is the fox. The hare walks from child to child in a circle, and a little later the fox runs out. The fox must catch the hare. When the fox catches him, the hare starts again - but this time in a different direction. Soon the fox begins to hunt him again. Let's play these rules a couple of times.
Now let's play with two birds with one stone. Both hares must run in the same direction. And one more new rule. Each of you can change the direction in which the fox is running, shouting: “It’s the other way around!” Then the fox runs in a different direction and so do the hares. When we play with two hares, the game becomes more difficult, and I really wonder how often the fox will catch the hare.

"Who has fewer balls"

Target. Develop agility and reaction speed.
Description. Children form two equal teams. Each of them takes several balls and sits on their own half of the court (the court is divided by a net or line). After the teacher’s signal, the children of both teams try to throw their balls to the opponent’s court. The team that has fewer balls on its court after the second whistle wins.

“Passed - sit down”

Target. Develop accuracy, coordination of movements, and the ability to catch the ball.
Description. Children form several teams, each team chooses a captain. Teams stand in columns behind the starting line. The captain of each team, with the ball in his hands, stands opposite his team at a distance of 2-3 meters from it.
At the teacher’s signal, the captain passes the ball to the first player in the column, who catches it, passes it back to the captain and crouches. The captain passes the ball in the same way to the second, then to the third and to all other players. Each player crouches after passing the ball to the captain. When the last player passes the ball to the captain, the captain raises the ball above his head and the whole team quickly stands up. The team that completes the task first wins. If the player does not catch the ball, then he must run after it, return to his place and pass the ball to the captain.

And I’m in the “house”!

- How many rubies do you have?
– 50!
- Wow! Pokezh, what kind of mill do you have?

I overheard this dialogue the other day with the neighbor boys. They sat on a bench and pointed at each other's phones. Looking around, I didn’t see any children playing “Dog” or drawing a field for “The slower you go, the further you will go.” Modern children, alas, prefer to tap on the keyboard and sit on VKontakte.

The yard games that we played for days on end (until they were driven away) are gradually becoming a thing of the past. But most of them not only develop agility, endurance and strength, but also teach such important things as cohesion and mutual assistance.

I invite you to remember our favorite yard games and introduce your children to them.

Hide and seek

One-two-three-four-five, I'm going to look.

A simple game - you can play anywhere, anytime. It’s especially exciting in the evening when it gets dark.


First, a driver is chosen. To do this, in childhood we knew a billion rhymes. Then the driver stands facing the wall (tree, pole...) and counts out loud to 20 (50, 100...). The players are hiding.

The players' task is to hide so that the driver does not find them. The driver's task is to find everyone who is hiding.

When the driver finds one of the players, he needs to run headlong back to the wall (tree, pillar...) to “catch” him. If the player came running first, then with the words “Knock-knock I” he takes himself out of the game. Whoever the leader catches first becomes the leader in the next game (“The first chicken closes his eyes”).

Code phrases:

  • “Axe-axe, sit like a thief and don’t look out into the yard,” the “caught” players shouted to their comrades when “danger” approached (sit and don’t stick your head out).
  • “Saw-saw, fly like an arrow,” they shouted to indicate that the driver was far from the wall and they could get out of the shelter.

Number of players: the bigger, the better.

Tag / Catch-up

Salki - they are catch-up, they are patches, they are lyapki, they are kvach. According to Wikipedia, this game has about 40 (!) names (almost every region of the former Union has its own).

At the same time, the game is simple. The essence of ordinary tag is to catch up (“tag”) players (if you are driving) who are running in different directions.


The driver is selected using a counting table (where would we be without it?). Players stand in a circle and at the command “I am a tag!” scatter in all directions. (The playground was often specified: “Don’t run beyond the fence,” “Don’t run beyond the swing.”)

The driver's task is to catch up with one of the players and touch him with your hand. Whoever is touched becomes a “tag”, and the driver turns into an ordinary player.

There is a variation of the usual tag, when the driver, having caught up with one player, does not become a player himself, but continues to catch up with other guys along with the first “greased” one. Then together they catch the second, third, etc., until they catch everyone.

Number of players: from 3 and more.

Salk variations:

  • Tag with a “house” is the same, only a zone is selected (sandbox, circle on the asphalt, etc.) where players can run and take a break; they can’t “salt” there, but they can’t sit in the “house” for a long time either.
  • “Above your feet” - to avoid getting “salted”, you need to jump on something and lift your legs up (“Above your legs from the ground” / “Legs in the air”), however, according to the rules, you can’t lift your legs for a long time either.
  • “Tea-tea, help me out!” - in this version of the salok, the “greasy” one can stop, shout this magic phrase and his friends will come running to his rescue, but the driver is on the alert, and there is a possibility that a second and third will be added to one “victim”.
  • Sifa - in this version, “salat” is not done with your hand, but with a “sifa” (a rag, twisted rope and any “stinky” thing you find in the yard); whoever is hit becomes a sifa, that is, a leader.

This game, beloved by many, also has many names: “Tsar”, “Pop”, “Klek”, “Sticks”, “Banks” and others. The rules seem complicated, but only at first glance. Each yard had its own variation of the game. But, in general, its essence boils down to the following.


  • sticks (bits, pieces of reinforcement, but the most chic thing is a broken hockey stick);
  • tin can (plastic bottle, wooden block, etc.);
  • chalk (to outline the area).

First you need to prepare the playing area (about 10 by 6 meters). Lines are drawn parallel to the short side of the site every meter and a half: 1st line – pawn (soldier); 2nd line – queen; 3rd line – kings; 4th line – aces, etc.

From the beginning of the site to the last line is the rank zone; from the last line to the end of the court is the baker’s zone (king, priest, etc.).

At a distance of 5 meters from the last line, a circle is drawn in which the ryukha is placed (sometimes on a brick).


First, a “Baker” is selected and the order of churning the ryukha is established. To do this, players place one end of the stick on the toe of the foot, and rest the other on the palm, after which they push the stick into the distance with their foot. Whose stick flew the farthest, knocks down the ryukha first; whose closest is that “Baker”.

The “baker” takes a position “behind the can”, the players are at the first line. Next, the batsmen take turns trying to knock out the ryukha. After this, the “assault” begins - the players run for their bats and return back to the “rank zone”. At this time, the “baker” runs after the ryukha, sets it in place and protects it. But his main task is to prevent the stick from being “stolen” from his territory. In addition, he tries to touch the players with his bat and then knock down the ball himself. The one touched by the "Baker" becomes the "Baker" in the next horse, and the old "Baker" becomes the player.

For each shot down, the player rose in rank. In other words, he moved further across the field and approached the ryukha. In addition, each “title” has its own characteristics and privileges. For example, the Ace is invulnerable and cannot lead.

Number of players: not limited.

Many people think that the “classics” were invented in the USSR. In fact, this is a very ancient game. Already in the Middle Ages, boys (originally the game was for boys) jumped on numbered squares. In Russia, hopscotch was widely played already at the end of the 19th century.


A rectangular field with 10 squares and a semicircle (“cauldron”, “water”, “fire”) is drawn on the asphalt with chalk. There are several options for jumping and marking the site. But, as a rule, players take turns throwing a cue ball (pebble, candy box, etc.) into the first square. Then the first player jumps from square to square and pushes the cue ball behind him.

  • No. 1 – one leg;
  • No. 2 – one leg;
  • No. 3 and 4 – left at 3, right at 4;
  • No. 5 – with both legs (you can take a break);
  • No. 6 and 7 – left at 6, right at 7;
  • No. 8 – one leg;
  • No. 9 and 10 – left at 9, right at 10.

Then turn 180% and back in the same manner. Did you step on the line or did the cue ball hit it? Did you stand on both legs? The move moves on to another.

Number of players: not limited.

Playing this game, it was possible to get hurt by the ball, but the excitement was off the charts. Moreover, it does not require anything other than a ball.


“Bouncers” are selected (usually 2 people on each side). They stand opposite each other at a distance of about 10-15 meters. The “knocked out” stand in the center of the site.

The task of the “bouncers” is to hit all the players with the ball (if you are touched by the ball, you leave the field). The task of the “knocked out” players is to be agile and fast and to dodge the ball.

When there is only one player left in the “kicked out” team, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is old. If successful, the team returns to the field.

Cult yard game. It’s hard to find a child from the 1980s-1990s who didn’t jump in rubber bands. The owner of a new elastic band (it was in short supply) was considered a “major” in the yard and was especially popular.


Simple and complex at the same time. On the one hand, you don’t need anything other than 3-4 meters of elastic. On the other hand, you can get confused in the levels and exercises (in childhood everyone knew them by heart). Two players pull the rubber band between them, and the third one jumps.

  1. elastic band at ankle level for holding (lightness!);
  2. elastic band at knee level (almost everyone managed);
  3. elastic band at hip level (somehow they managed it!);
  4. elastic band at the waist (almost no one succeeded);
  5. elastic band at chest level and elastic band at neck level (beyond fantasy).

At each level you need to perform a certain set of exercises: runners, steps, bow, envelope, boat, etc.

Number of players: 3-4 people (four usually play in pairs).

The game is also considered girly. The boys rarely jumped, but they loved to watch the girls. :)

The red seal is for no one to run away.

This fun game, combining the adventurism of tag and the excitement of hide and seek. There is an opinion that the game originated in the 16th century, when the Cossacks protected civilians from wandering robbers.


The rules of the game vary by region and are often greatly simplified. One thing remains the same - the players are divided into two teams (“Cossacks” and “robbers”). “Atamans” are immediately selected and the “battlefield” is determined (they do not play outside of it). The Cossacks choose a headquarters, and the robbers come up with passwords (one is correct, the rest are false).

The task of the robbers: to capture the headquarters of the Cossacks. The task of the Cossacks: to catch all the robbers and “extort” the correct password.

At a signal, the robbers scatter and hide, leaving arrows on the asphalt so that the Cossacks have clues where to look for them. At this time, the Cossacks are setting up a “dungeon” and figuring out how they will “torture” the prisoners (tickle, scare with insects, “sting” with nettles, etc.). After some time, the Cossacks set off to look for the robbers. If they succeed, then they put the robber in a “dungeon”, from where he has no right to escape. The robbers, in turn, try to get close to the “headquarters” and capture it.

Number of players: from 6 people.

Not a single summer was complete without a ball. One of the favorite outdoor ball games for Soviet children is “hot potato.” Its essence is as follows.


Players stand in a circle and throw a “hot potato” (ball). If someone hesitates and does not hit the ball in time, he sits in the “cauldron” (center of the circle). While sitting in the “cauldron” you can try to catch a ball flying over your head, but you cannot get up from your haunches. If the player in the “cauldron” managed to catch the ball, he frees himself and other prisoners, and the player who unsuccessfully threw the ball takes their place.

In addition, players re-rolling " hot potatoes", they can specifically release someone from the "cauldron". To do this, when hitting the ball, he must hit the player sitting in the center of the circle.

Number of players: no less than 3.

This game, as a rule, was played by older children, because it is quite traumatic, somewhat uncultured, but wildly fun.


Players are divided into two teams - elephants and horsemen. The elephants become a chain, bending in half and putting their head under the armpit of the one in front. Riders take turns trying to ride the “elephant” from a running start.

The elephants' task is to stand under the weight of the riders. The riders' task is to jump as close to the "elephant's head" as possible.

If one of the riders could not stay on the “elephant” and fell, and also if all the riders sat down and the “elephant” took them to the finish line, then the elephants won. If the "elephant" fell apart, the riders won.

Number of players: from 3-5 people in each team.

This is one of the variants of games with a ball and a wall, where for fun you need, in fact, a wall, a ball and jumping ability. It was mostly girls who played it, although boys, having had enough of the “war game”, were not averse to jumping near the wall.


A line is drawn on the wall (the higher, the more interesting) - you cannot throw the ball below it. The players line up in a row, one after another. The first player throws the ball, it hits the wall, bounces, hits the ground, and at this moment the player must jump over it. The next player picks up the ball, repeating the same thing - and so on in a circle.

Anyone who does not jump over the ball receives a “letter” as punishment (l - i - g - y - w - k - a). Collected all these letters? You are a frog!

Number of players: not limited.

What games did you play in the yard?

A series of outdoor games corresponding to the physical and mental development of children aged 7-10 years.

These are games to develop coordination and dexterity. They include speed running, throwing, and jumping over obstacles. The rules are gradually becoming more complex, and the requirements for accuracy of execution are increasing. Text is often used to define the rhythm of the movements. It is important to introduce into games motor elements of actions that children observe in life; they are familiar from pictures (digging, pulling, pushing, etc.). It is advisable to introduce elements of competition into games (who can quickly reach the designated tree). Children at this age are interested not only in the process of the game, but also in its result, so they love to play competitive games. It is most useful to conduct motor games in the fresh air. The child is subject to fairly strict requirements regarding the quality of movements, the correctness and clarity of their execution.

☺ Game “Mouse Hunt”

The game is designed to develop attention, coordination, and operational orientation in the situation. All players are divided into pairs. One pair (possibly by lot) becomes the “cat” and the “mouse”. The remaining pairs stand in a circle: one at the back of the other’s head (in fact, two circles are formed: outer and inner). The distance between adjacent pairs should be large enough to allow you to run between them. The "cat" must catch the "mouse". If he touches it, the “mouse” is considered caught and leaves the game. But she can “hide” in a hole. To do this, she needs to stand in front of any couple in the circle. In this case, the player who is third in the pair becomes the “mouse”. He continues to run away from the "cat". If the “cat” touches him when the “mouse” has already joined the pair, and the “third” has not yet had time to start running, he hesitates, he becomes a “cat”. The winner is the “cat” that takes the most “mice” out of the game, and the “mouse” that lasts the longest in the game.

☺ Game “Help a friend”

This game is aimed at developing mutual assistance and support for each other. Two players are selected, one of whom is the driver, must catch up and “trash” the other. The rest of the children stand in a circle, at a distance of about one step. The runner and the driver run along the circle, and the second one tries to catch up with the second one. But the runner, if he feels that he is being overtaken, can ask for help from any player in the circle by shouting his name. Then the named player leaves his place and runs in a circle, and the first running player takes his place. However, the vacated place can also be taken by the one who is catching up, then the “driver” becomes the one who did not succeed. The game continues as long as the children are interested.

☺ Game “Captive of the Ball”

The game “Captive of the Ball” develops both coordination and motor attention. All children line up in two lines facing each other. The end player takes the ball and throws it to the opposite player. This player catches the ball and throws it to the player opposite, as shown in the diagram. And so on. When the ball reaches the end of the line, it is thrown into reverse side in the same order. If the player does not catch the ball, he is captured by the opposing team and begins to play on their side. The winner is the team that “captivates” as many players as possible during the game time, which is limited in advance (for example, we play for 5 minutes).

The next game is aimed at developing not only attention, but also proper coordination of movements.

☺ Game “Balls - brooms”

This is a competitive game. It can be carried out with two participants or with two teams of participants. You will need two balloons and two brooms. Two participants must carry the balls on brooms a certain distance (for example, from a wall to a table) without dropping them or puncturing them. The balls cannot be held by hand. If they play in teams, then, according to the principle of a relay race, all participants take turns carrying the balls. The participant (or team) who succeeds in this receives a special certificate giving the right to sweep the room with this broom for a week.

☺ Game “Dark Labyrinth”

All participants in the game, except the leader, line up and close their eyes tightly. Then, with their eyes closed, they begin to follow the leader’s commands: “Two steps forward, turn left, two steps right, turn around, step left, turn left, four steps straight, turn 180 degrees, two steps back, turn right, turn left, step forward, three steps left, etc.” Then, at the leader’s command, “Open your eyes!” everyone opens their eyes and looks at who is standing. If someone stands differently from everyone else, then he leaves the game. The game then continues until only the two (or one) most attentive players remain.

☺ Game "Bicycle camera"

A bicycle pump or an object that imitates it is used. One child pretends to be a “camera.” (To make it easier to get into the game, an adult can act as the “camera” first.) As the “camera” is pumped up, it changes poses and positions. First, he takes a sitting position, then spreads his arms, puffs out his cheeks, etc. At some point, the improvised tube “bursts,” imitating the sound of a burst tire. The participant lies helplessly on the floor. The role of “camera” passes to another participant.

☺ Game "Clothespins"

The game should be played outdoors or indoors with plenty of free space for children to run around. You will need a lot of clothespins (preferably bright, multi-colored ones). This game can be played by children and adults. The number of players is not limited. The whole group is divided into two parts. One part is “hunters”, the other is “deer”. All clothespins are divided into equal piles and given to all “hunters”. The “hunters” attach clothespins to their clothes and the game begins. After a signal (you can have a musical introduction or imitate the sound of a hunting horn), the “hunters” begin to catch the “deer.” Having caught the “deer,” the “hunter” attaches a clothespin to it and releases it. The “hunter” who has no clothespins left wins.

Fun outdoor games for children.

1. Game "In Search of Treasure".

Take some kind of toy, sweets, etc. as a “treasure”. It's best to wrap it in foil. Show the sealed “treasure” to the children and ask them to close their eyes. Hide the “treasure” in a tree, behind a stump, swing, bench or somewhere else. Let the children go on a search. Whoever finds the “treasure” first wins.

2. Game "Find a Pair".

The leader distributes multi-colored circles or flags to all children (a pair of each item). At the leader’s signal, the children run, and when they hear a clap or the sound of a whistle, everyone must find a pair based on the color of the circle or flag and hold hands. An odd number of children can also take part in the game, then one will be left without a pair and will leave the game.

3. Game "Revival of objects".

This game is especially suitable for little ones. At home, cut out funny eyes from paper and take a piece of plasticine and go for a walk with the children. Let the children choose which objects they want to revive - flowers, trees, carousels... You can even arrange a competition between the children to see who can “revive” the objects the fastest. This develops children's imagination well.

4. Game "Ring".

Children sit on a bench or stand in a row. The leader takes a ring or some other small object and pretends to place this ring in the palms of each of the players. Then he says: “Ring, go out onto the porch!” and the one who really has the ring left in his palms tries to quickly jump out, and the other children try to prevent him from doing this. If the player manages to jump out, then he takes the place of the leader.

5. Game "Find the plant."

The children turn away, and the leader picks a leaf or any plant. The children’s task is to find the same one as quickly as possible. Whoever is first becomes the leader.

6. Game "In the sandbox".

We take some object, ask the children to turn away, and bury this little thing in the sandbox. Children must dig with shovels and find the buried object. (It’s very good to play this game on the beach. You just need to outline the area for searching).

7. Balloon Tennis game.

Take badminton or tennis rackets. Inflate a balloon and use it instead of a tennis ball or shuttlecock. The balloon flies for a long time, and the child has time to think a little about where to run and hit the ball.

8. Game "Winding the rope".

Only two people can play this game. If there are more people willing, then you can play alternately with the winner, and the rest are fans. Take two identical branches or sticks and a longer rope (3 and more than a meter). We tie a branch or stick to each end of the rope. In the middle of this rope we tie a flag or make a knot. Each participant takes a stick and moves away so that the rope itself is well stretched. So, at a signal, the children begin to wind the rope around their stick. Whoever reaches the knot or flag the fastest is the winner!

9. Game "Crow".

One child is blindfolded and stands with his back to the children. Each player must approach the leader and place his hand on his shoulder. The driver says: “Caw, crow!” The player croaks, and the driver guesses the name of the one who croaked. If he guesses correctly, he changes places with the player.

10. Game "Rain and Sunshine".

We draw a circle on the asphalt and ask the children to stand in it. When the presenter says “Sunshine,” the children leave the circle, run, and jump. And when they hear the word “Rain,” the children should form a circle as quickly as possible. Whoever is last loses.

11. Game "Snake".

Children join hands, and then a whole “chain” is built. The presenter takes the last one by the hand and leads this “snake”, making various unexpected turns. The kids must hold on tightly so as not to break the “chain.” If the children are quite old, then you can run like a snake.

12. Game "Deaf Phone".

Children line up. The first in the row whispers a word into the ear of his neighbor - he repeats this word to the other in a whisper, and so on. The latter names the word he heard. Usually the named word only causes laughter...

13. Game "Repeat".

Children stand in a circle, the first player shows some movement (for example, clapping), the next one repeats everything and adds another movement. So everyone must repeat all the movements shown in front of him and add his own. Whoever messes up is out of the game.

14. Game "Edible-Inedible".

For this game, take a ball. Have the children stand in a row or sit on a bench. The driver begins to throw the ball to each player, naming an edible or inedible object. If the named item can be eaten, the children catch the ball, if not, they throw it back to the driver.

15. Game "Slow down".

Children stand on one side of the “road”, and the leader stands on the other, turning his back to everyone. The presenter says: “If you drive more quietly, you will go further.” - the children begin to run, trying to reach the finish line as early as possible. After a few seconds, the presenter says: “Stop!” – the children stop running and freeze. The presenter turns around, and if he sees any movement of any player, he is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who runs to the finish line first.

16. Game "Hot Potato".

Children stand in a circle. The driver gives a signal or turns on music (you can use music from your phone). Children begin to throw the ball to each other, trying to get rid of it as quickly as possible. When the driver gives a signal or turns off the music, the one who still has the ball in his hands is eliminated from the game. When 1 player remains, the game ends and he becomes the winner.

17. Game "Fishermen and Fishes".

Two children are chosen as fishermen, and the rest are fish. The children begin to dance around the fishermen and sing a song: Fish live in the water, There is no beak, but they peck. If they have wings they don't fly, but they don't have legs but they walk. They don’t make nests, but they take out the babies. The “fishermen” join hands and quickly catch all the scattering “fish”. The “fish” that come across already become “fishermen”. Now these “fishermen” join hands and begin to catch other children. So the “Network” becomes even larger.

18. Game "Simon Says"

The presenter must say the words: “Simon says” and then say what all the children should do. If the words: “Simon says” do not sound, then the command should not be executed. And the children answer: “Simon didn’t say.” For example, the presenter says: “Simon says - run!” Children are running. Anyone who begins to carry out any command from the leader, without saying “Simon says,” misses a turn or leaves the game.

19. Game "Bear in the Forest".

One child squats in the designated area and pretends to be a sleeping bear. Children walk around him all the time and pretend that they are picking mushrooms and berries, singing a song together: “The bear in the forest has berries, I pick mushrooms, But the bear is no longer sleeping, He is looking at us! The basket overturned - the bear “pounced” on us. The “bear” quickly jumps up and begins to catch the children who are running away from him. Whoever the “bear” catches takes his place.

Yulia Maznina

Sometimes circumstances are such that the child is forced to spend most of the day at home: the mother is busy or the weather is not at all suitable for walking. But for a child’s normal well-being and development, both physical and mental, he must move a lot during the day. Is it possible to organize outdoor games for children at home so that the child gets his share of movement, and the house remains intact? Can. In addition, when playing outdoor games with child at home, you can teach him not only new movements, dexterity and the ability to control his body, but also combine movement games with role-playing and educational games. But first things first.

You can organize many outdoor games at home:

Gymnastics and games at the sports complex

One of the most simple options outdoor games at home is gymnastics, but it must be done in game form, adding some kind of plot to make it interesting for the child. You can play out nursery rhymes or poems. For example, like this:

Monkeys(from 1 year)

Early morning in the clearing

(I.p.: we squat. We stand up, raising our hands up, as if the sun is rising)
This is how the monkeys frolicked:

(We hop on two legs several times)
Right foot stomp, stomp
(Stomp with your right foot)
Left foot stomp, stomp!

(Stomp with your right foot)
Hands up, up, up!!! (Pull both hands up)
Who will rise the highest???

(We stand on our toes and stretch upward even more)

Hammer, Hammer, hamster(from 1 year)

Khomka, Khomka, hamster -
(Puff up our cheeks)
Striped barrel.
(Hands on the belt, bend to the sides)
Khomka gets up early
(Stretching, raising our arms up)
He washes his cheeks and rubs his neck.
(Rap the cheeks with both hands, then the neck)
Khomka sweeps the hut
(Imitate sweeping)
And goes out to charge.
One two three four five -
(Arms to the sides, rhythmically bend our elbows)
Khomka wants to become strong!
(Press your hands to your shoulder, tensing the arm muscles, as if showing how much strength they have)

Classes at the sports complex can also be accompanied by some kind of plot or poems.

Taxi in the miracle city(from 2 years)

Build a city out of a sports complex. Gift paper bags with handles can serve as houses. City residents are little toys. Hang the packages at different levels of the wall bars, rope ladder, rope (if the child knows how to climb a rope). You can paste on each house a picture of its resident or an inscription if the child can read. Invite your child to become a bus or taxi and take the residents of the wonder city home. To ensure that the child's two hands are free to climb around the sports complex, passengers can be placed in a pocket on the child's clothing.

In a troop of monkeys(from 2 years)

Monkeys are very funny animals that love to play pranks. Invite your child to turn into a monkey and have a little fun too. The monkey can:

  • swing on vines (swing on a trapeze and twist - spin on rings);
  • climb trees (climb and descend wall bars);
  • walk on branches on four paws (we walk on all fours on a bench, raised board or tape laid out on the floor);
  • move on your hands from branch to branch (we walk on a monkey bars, if there is one), we twist ourselves on rings);
  • sitting on a branch, throw fruits of the tree (attach a gift at the sports complex paper bag with balls from table tennis or rag balls at such a height that the child needs to climb up to it; the child can climb behind each ball or can perch on the crossbar and throw the balls at the target).

For climbing the wall bars, this poem by N. Shilov is perfect:

In the shop

In the shop,
Where is the halva
The hills rise
And the cookies
Where's the candy?
"Red poppy"
Like mountains
And the ranks
Like the ridges
Only for men -
Conquerors of peaks.

When playing at the sports complex, do not forget about safety precautions: there should be a mat under the sports complex, and insure the child when he makes new movements. You can read about how to organize a home sports corner in the article.

Imitation games

A good option outdoor games at home can become imitation games. The child can imitate your actions or pretend to be something. You can depict anything:

  • toys (yule, tumbler, ball);
  • animals (animals, birds, insects);
  • transport (bicycle, plane, car, train, etc.);
  • appliances (vacuum cleaner, iron, washing machine, hairdryer).

You can also give a task in several ways:

  • you simply show or tell the child what to do, who or what to portray;
  • the child chooses a card with a drawn or written task (such cards must be prepared in advance). If you depict animals, then on the task cards you can draw not the animals themselves, but their shadow, traces, or only part of them;
  • you can ask your child a riddle about what he will need to draw.

Here are some options for imitation games.

Do as I do(from 1 year)

The parent gives commands and carries them out together with the child. For example, reach with your handle to your head, your ear to your knee, your foot to your pillow. You can wish for objects in different parts rooms or apartments, so that you still need to run to them: touch the closet with your heel, touch the table with your elbow, and so on, as far as your imagination and surrounding objects are sufficient. You can execute these commands at speed.

Dwarves and giants

This is a well-known outdoor game for attentiveness. It's more interesting to play it with several children. The presenter can only pronounce the words “giants” and “gnomes”. When the word “giants” is said, everyone should rise on their toes and raise their hands. And when you hear the word “gnomes,” everyone should sit down lower.

The presenter tries to get the players to make mistakes. You can first say “giants” loudly, and “gnomes” quietly. And then suddenly it’s the other way around. Or another option: when saying “giants”, the presenter squats, and when saying “gnomes”, he rises on his tiptoes. And then suddenly it’s the other way around. The pace of the game needs to be gradually increased.

If you are playing with several children, the one who makes a mistake is out of the game. The last player who never makes a mistake becomes the leader. If you are playing together with a child, after a mistake you can simply change roles or assign a penalty for the mistake - for example, sit down 5 times.

Yula(from 1.5 years)

Surely you have a spinning top at home. Invite your child to spin around like a spinning top. When you say “stop”, the baby should stop. You can spin on two legs or on one leg (for children over 4 years old). The following poem by E. Gaiterova would suit this game well:

I’ll become a top now -
I'll spin on one leg.
And now I'll change my leg
And I’ll spin around on it a little.

Tumbler(from 1.5 years)

The most convenient way to play this game is on a mat on the floor. The child sits on his heels, leans or falls on one side, then on the other. A suitable poem by T. Koval “Vanka-Vstanka”:

Vanka-Vstanka is a tumbler.
Even if he wants to sleep,
Still worth it, poor thing,
And he can't go to bed.

Car(from 1.5 years)

Designate several places in the room: garage, gas station, station Maintenance, mail and so on. Invite your child to become a machine. Give the car directions where to go.

After 4 years, you can use places in your city that your child knows as places. You can also tell your child where to go, or ask him to give you a tour of the city: let the child driver hold your hand and choose the route himself.

Around the world(from 4 years old)

This game is a variation of the previous game, but for this game you will need political map peace. Designate in different places rooms or apartments in the country that can be reached in different ways - by land, by water, by air. Invite your child to take a trip. You suggest a country, the child decides how to get there and moves to Right place, performing the appropriate movements: driving a car or train, sailing on a ship or flying in a plane or helicopter. For example, you can get from Russia to France by car, train or plane. And from France to Canada - by plane or by ship.

Truck(from 1.5 years)

Invite your child to become a truck. You can use for the game a large truck that the child can drive with his hands, a car - a gurney on which the child moves, pushing off with his feet, or an ordinary backpack that the child will put on himself. At one end of the room, prepare the parts of a large construction set. These will be bricks. The truck must complete a task - transport bricks from the factory to the construction site. Help your child at the factory load bricks into the back of a car or backpack. At a construction site, a child truck must unload bricks. When all the bricks have been transported, you can build a house, a zoo, or something else out of them.

Horses(from 2 years)

Tell your child about how horses and ponies are trained, and offer to play with a trained horse. Designate a stable in the room. The mother-trainer gives commands to the horse, at the end the horse can receive a treat. Example commands that a horse can perform:

  • “step” - the horse walks, raising its knees high;
  • “trot” - the horse runs;
  • “turn” - the horse turns in a circle;
  • “bow” - the horse leans forward;
  • “to the stable” - the horse runs to a specially designated place, and so on.

Games with large objects, or building a shelter

Playing with large objects is an excellent physical activity for children under 4 years old.

We are building a house(from 2 years)

Invite your child to build a den for a bear, a hole for a mouse, a booth for a dog, and so on, out of pillows and blankets. This game can easily turn into a role-playing game.

Helping mom(from 2 years)

Ask your child to help you: move a pillow, stool or something else to another room big size, but not too heavy; put books on a high shelf and so on. The baby will not only be glad that he was able to be useful to you, but will also receive additional physical activity.


A great option outdoor games for children at home can become dancing. They not only contribute to the development of the baby’s gross motor skills, but also develop his auditory concentration and attention. Here are some options dance games.

Just dancing(from 6 months)

The child and you can simply move to the music the way you like.

Let's dance(from 1 year)

There are many simple children's songs that you can dance to by doing certain movements during the chorus (clapping, stomping, spinning).

Dance with stops(from 2 years)

This game will require a host who will periodically turn off the music. While the music is playing, the child dances; as soon as the music stops, the child must stop. For children over 4 years old, the task can be complicated: not just stop when the music ends, but freeze in the position in which he was at that moment. When the music starts again, the child starts dancing again.

We dress up and dance(from 2 years)

If your child is tired of just dancing, try dancing in costumes. For costumes, you can use items of clothing you have at home, or parts of fancy dress costumes if you have them. To dance in a certain costume, you can choose the appropriate music. Here are some examples:

  • put on a red and white Pinocchio cap and dance to the song from the movie “Pinocchio”;
  • on the head is a captain’s cap - we dance to the song “Brave Captain”;
  • We put on a cap and a sailor collar and dance to “Yablochko”;
  • there is a cowboy hat on our head and a wooden or inflatable horse under the saddle - we dance to the songs “Two Cowboys” and “The Song about Cowboy John”;
  • We put on our father’s or mother’s slippers or shoes – and dance to the song “Barbariki”;
  • put on khaki shorts and a military cap - we march to the song “Soldiers - Brave Children”;
  • mouse costume - Scary beast (Song about a mouse) music. A. Moskovoy sl. A. Shutko;

Musical "Cat and Mouse"(from 2 years)

You will need two melodies (loud and quiet) and a presenter who will switch them. You will be a cat, the child will be a mouse. When quiet music is playing, the child can run around the room as he wants, for example, he can try to steal crumbs from the table. When the melody changes, the cat wakes up and tries to catch the mouse. This game is fun to play with several children - mice.

Catching up at home

There is hardly a child who does not like to run. Catch-up, or tag, is one of the most ancient folk games, like hide and seek. With some restrictions, it is quite possible to play catch-up at home. The goal of the game is the same in all cases - the leader tries to catch up and make fun of the other player or players. If the apartment space does not allow active running, you can invite the baby to play catch on all fours.

Catch-up with the plot

There are a lot of catch-up plots with corresponding poetic accompaniment. While the poem is being told, the leader (bear, wolf, dog, etc.) hides or sleeps, and the children walk around him. As soon as the poem ends, the children run away, and the leader catches them:

By the bear in the forest

By the bear in the forest,
I take mushrooms and berries,
But the bear doesn't sleep
And he growls at us.

Geese, Geese

Shepherd: Geese, geese!
Geese: Ha, ha, ha.
Shepherd: Do you want to eat?
Geese: Yes, yes, yes.
Shepherd: Well, fly.
Geese: We can't. Gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.
Shepherd: Well, fly as you want, just take care of your wings.

Angry dog

Here lies a shaggy dog,
He buried his nose in his paws.
Quietly, quietly he lies,
Otherwise he’s dozing,
or else he's sleeping.
Let's go to him and wake him up
And let's see what happens...

Don't be as quiet as a mouse...

The mice dance in circles
The cat is dozing on the bed.
Hush, mice, don't make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
How Vaska the cat wakes up,
It will break up your round dance.

But you can easily come up with your own plot: a fox and a chicken, a wolf and a hare, and so on.

Catching up with houses

Houses can be circles made of rope, sheets of paper laid out on the floor, parts of a children's rug, stools and a sofa. The mother catches up with the baby, but if the baby has jumped into the house, the mother can no longer make fun of him. You can do without stationary houses: a player can be considered “in the house” if he squatted down, folded his hands above his head in the shape of a roof and said: “Cheers, I’m in the house.”

Feet higher off the ground

This game is similar to the previous one, but the mother cannot make fun of the baby only if he lifts his legs off the ground: sits on the sofa or on the floor and raises his legs, lies on the floor on his stomach and raises his legs bent at the knees, hangs on the crossbar. You can agree that you can stay in the house as long as the person cooking counts to 5 or 10.


Zhmurki This is also a type of catch-up, but the driver is blindfolded with a thick scarf or scarf. The driver is spun up, and at the signal, the players scatter and begin to “tease” the driver, giving signals about their location. You can ring a bell or clap your hands. The driver needs to insult at least one of the players.

Catch up with a ball

In this version of the game of catch, you need to tease the child not with your hand, but with a ball (at home it is better to use a soft rag ball or a small beach ball) or a soft toy.


If you don’t want to play catch-up with your child, allow him to run around alone, but not just like that, but with a plot: you tell the poem and show the movements, the child repeats the movements after you, and at the last phrase he runs off about his business:


In the morning the butterfly woke up.
(We make fists like three eyes)
She stretched and smiled.
(We stand on our toes, stretch our arms up.)
Once - she washed herself with dew.
(We pretend to wash ourselves.)
Two - she spun gracefully.
(We spin around in place.)
Three - she bent down and sat down.
(Lean forward and squat.)
At four, it flew away.
(We run away, waving our arms).


Bees sit in the hives
(We squat down.)
And they look out the window.
(We support our cheek with our right fist. With our left hand we support the elbow of our right hand.)
Wanted to have some fun
(We get up.)
They flew off one after another.
(We run away.)


Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Build a labyrinth on the floor of a spacious room using large construction blocks or a long rope. The baby can run through the maze on his own, carry soft toys or drive cars.

Hide and seek at home

Hide and seek is also one of the outdoor games that can be played not only on the street, but also at home. There are a lot of options for playing hide and seek. The main thing in all of them is that the child is “hiding” from prying eyes himself or hides an object, and the leader looks for it or the hidden object.

Hide and seek for the little ones(from 1 year)

Everyone knows the little game of “peek-a-boo”. You can play it a little differently with kids: invite your baby to hide his arms with you (put them behind his back), legs (sit on his heels), and tummy (curl up). You can hide your shoulders, elbows, heels, knees by covering them with your hands. This game will allow your baby not only to learn to coordinate his movements, but also to learn body parts.

Looking for a toy(from 1 year)

Choose a toy with your baby that will hide. Ask your baby to close his eyes or close his eyes with his hands, and hide the toy yourself. The kid will probably take a peek and then quickly find it. Then switch roles. When you are searching, it is better to deliberately look in the wrong places and loudly comment on your actions. This will be more fun, and at the same time you will introduce your baby to the space and names of objects surrounding him at home.

The toys hid

Hide toys in the apartment so that they peek out a little and the child can notice them. Ask your child to find all the hidden toys. If the toys are small, they can be placed in a bucket or basket; if large, they can be placed in a specific place, for example, on the sofa. For older children, you can complicate the game: while searching, play funny music and warn that the toys need to be found while the music is playing.

We are looking for treasure(from 3 years)

Hide a “treasure” (sweets or a new toy) in a room or apartment and ask your child to find it. You can give him a hint:

  • make a riddle about the place where the treasure is hidden;
  • comment on his actions with the words “hot - cold”, “warmer - colder”.

For older children, you can draw a search map or use notes with hints.

Regular hide and seek(from 1.5 years)

Almost all children enjoy playing hide and seek at home. If space allows, you can hide behind doors, behind curtains, behind the end of a sofa or closet, in the closet itself, if you allow it. If you search for your baby, deliberately making mistakes and loudly commenting on your actions, this will give your child a lot of pleasure. You can also search for a child for a deliberately long time or with the help of binoculars or an improvised telescope. You can climb onto a stool and look for the child from there - you can see better from above.

Stick - squealer(from 3 years)

This is a version of hide and seek with a stick with a knocker, when it is first thrown into the house, and then the presenter must “knock” each player found with this stick. Determine a place - a house and put a stick there. As soon as you find a child, he should run to the house faster than you, knock with his stick and shout: “Knock.” knock, stick. Help me out! If he doesn’t have time, he becomes the leader.

Ball games at home

For ball games at home, it is better to use rag balls or small rubber balls: they can cause the least damage. You can also play at home with a small inflatable beach ball or a small plush toy.

Piggy toy(from 2 years)

You will need a funny plush toy, such as a cockerel, pig or frog, fun rhythmic music and an assistant who will stop and turn on the music. To the music, we throw the toy into each other's hands. Suddenly the music stops. The one who at that moment found himself with a toy in his hands crows loudly, grunts or croaks!

“Edible – inedible” and other question-answer games(from 3 years)

“Edible – Inedible” is one of the most famous ball games. The presenter throws the ball to other players and names some food or object when throwing. The player to whom the presenter throws the ball must catch it if something edible is named (apple, porridge, juice), and throw it away if an inedible object is named (car, sofa, scissors).

You can diversify this game. For example, agree that players catch the ball only if the one named by the leader the subject has a certain sign (of blue color, can fly, live and so on).

Another ball game where you have to catch the ball is the game "question answer". While throwing the ball, the leader can ask a question, and the player who caught the ball answers it by throwing the ball to the leader. Questions can be any or on the same topic. For example, on the topic of family: Who are you to your mother? Who is your daddy's brother? and so on. Or on the topic of birds: What do birds build in trees? Can the ostrich bird fly? Sparrow is Domestic bird? and so on.

Another version of the ball game, which involves the players' responses. The leader and players determine topic, for example, transport or vegetables. The presenter throws the ball to the players, the players catch the ball and, throwing it to the player, name an object from the selected group. For example, for the general concept of “transport” the following answers are suitable: car, bus, train, plane, and so on.

By playing these ball games, show your baby that the ball can be thrown different ways: from the chest, from behind the head, from below, with one and two hands.

Roll the ball(from 1 year)

Show your child how to roll a ball on the floor. Can roll the ball to each other sitting on the floor.

After 3 years, you can offer the child, holding the ball with his hand, take a ride his snake– between construction kit parts or soft animals.

Can be arranged at home bowling. If you don't have skittles, empty plastic bottles can replace them. Let your child throw or push the ball, trying to knock down the pins placed on the floor. Filling bottles with water will make them harder to knock down.

Right on target(from 1.5 years)

Attach a large target on whatman paper or a piece of paper to a wall or door at the child’s eye level. Show your child how to throw a small ball at a target. Your child’s successful throws can be marked on the target with felt-tip pens or stickers. You can throw balls into a large bucket or basin. Gradually increase the distance to the target or bucket.

Let's practice hitting(from 1.5 years)

Hang the ball in a toy net on a sports complex or door handle. Invite your child to hit the ball with a table tennis racket or plastic bottle.

Football(from 1.5 years)

Children under 3 years old can play football at home with a soft ball. Show your child how to kick a ball. Let him try to score it into the goal. The gate can be a stool turned on its side, or a table covered on three sides with fabric. You can designate a gate with two large construction blocks.

Outdoor games with balloons at home

Balloons are perfect for outdoor games at home. Here are some game options.

Flyer(from 9 months)

Children really like this game. You will need one balloon. Inflate the balloon, but do not tie it. Give the ball to the child and ask him to let it go. The air will come out of the ball, and the ball will fly around the room, making indescribable turns. Children enjoy running after the flying ball and looking for where it fell.

Volleyball(from 3 years)

You will need one inflated balloon. The goal of the game is to push the ball up with your hands so that it doesn’t fall as long as possible. You cannot catch the ball with your hands.

Race balloons (from 4 years old)

You will need two inflated balloons (or more depending on the number of participants), a free floor or long table. The goal of the game is to move the balls from one part of the room to another. You can blow on the balls, push them with your feet, elbows, chin, and so on.

You can make the game more difficult by adding obstacles that need to be avoided, such as stools or a tunnel through which you need to crawl. The tunnel can be a box without a top or bottom, placed on its side, a rolled-up gymnastics mat, or a table covered with a cloth.

Running with balloons (from 4 years old)

You will need two inflated balloons (or more depending on the number of participants). Goal: move from one part to another without letting the ball fall to the floor. The balls can be pushed with your hands, carried on plastic plates, you can toss them with a table tennis or volleyball racket (if you don’t have a racket at hand, you can make one from a plastic plate and a stick using tape), you can jump with the ball clamped between your knees.

Transfer(from 2 years)

You will need several balls of two colors. You can use balls small size. Blow up the balloons and scatter them around the room. Divide the room into two parts. Choose the color of the balls that you will collect and which ones your child will collect. The goal of the game is to collect balls of your own color in your half faster than your opponent. You can collect the balls in large bags or a basin. You can agree that the orange balls are pumpkins, the green balls are zucchini, and harvest.

About what other games are possible with balloons, you can read in the article.

We play outdoor games in a circle at home

If there are more than two children gathered, you can also play outdoor games in a circle at home in a spacious room. Distinctive feature of these games is that the participants move in a circle, and the leader is in the center of the circle.


The presenter reads a poem. The players stand in a circle and hold hands (or a hoop). Move in a circle clockwise. Gradually they speed up their pace, then run. Then they gradually slow down, stop and squat down:

Barely, barely
The carousels are spinning
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush.
Stop the carousel.

Next time you can move counterclockwise.

Blow up, bubble

The players join hands, forming a circle, move back, expanding the circle and saying:

Blow up, bubble,
Blow up big
Stay like this
Don't burst!

Then, if the leader says: “The air is coming out!”, the players, without opening the circle, run to the center, depicting the air coming out: “shhh.” If the presenter says: “The bubble has burst!”, the players scatter around the room.


This game can be played not only at birthday parties.

As on (child's name) name day
We baked a loaf:
(Children dance around the birthday child).
Such a height
(Raise clasped hands up).
Such lows
(Squatting down, they lower their hands.)
This is the width
(Children spread out to the width of outstretched arms, stretching the circle.)
These are the dinners.
(Children converge in the center of the circle, lowering their hands down and slightly forward).
Loaf, loaf, choose who you love!
(The birthday boy chooses children by walking around them in a circle).
I really love everyone
But (name of the chosen child) is the best!
(Points to one of the children in the circle).

The game is repeated with the selected child.

Children will be happy if adults join them in these games. Playing in a circle creates an amazing feeling of togetherness between children and parents.

Good for home outdoor games with ropes. You can read more about these games in the article.

We play outdoor games at home for a walk

As you probably already understood, many outdoor games that you play with your child on a walk can be adapted for home by adding a little imagination and reducing the running speed. Here are some more options outdoor games with children at home depending on the time of year.

Snowballs at home. It's winter outside and your little one really enjoys playing in the snow? But there's a snowstorm outside and you can't go for a walk? Play snowballs at home: Crumpled sheets of white printer paper work well as snowballs. Shelters made from chairs and sofa cushions, will make the game even more interesting.

Home leaf fall. It's autumn now, and outside it's raining, and just yesterday you were playing so well with fallen leaves? Try to arrange leaf fall at home: leaves can be cut out of colored paper or scraps of fabric.

Ships at home. Does your child like to float boats in spring streams? Invite him to become the captain of such a ship. To play, you will need a boat on a string of such length that the baby can pull it behind him. You can take a toy boat or make a boat out of paper. You can simply pull the boat along the stream (the stream can be made from tape blue color or a piece of fabric). And here is a suitable poem by A. Barto “The Ship”:

Rope in hand
I'm pulling the boat
By fast river,
And the frogs jump
On my heels
And they ask me:
- Take it for a ride, captain!

Or you can, while playing this game, tell your child about how a stream is born from a spring, how a stream flows into a river, and a river into the sea. For streams and rivers you will need ribbons different thicknesses, for the sea - a piece of blue or light blue fabric. The Norwegian folk song translated by Yu. Vronsky “In a wooden shoe” is perfect for this trip.

You, me, you and me
In a wooden shoe
With a fair breeze
We will go to the sea along the river.

And then, and then
We will cross the sea
We'll come overseas
We'll meet the musician.

The musician will play for us
Something like that
So to the legs, so to the legs
There was no peace.

And then home again
You, me, you and me
By sea and by river
In a wooden shoe.

Once, while acting out this poem, we used a real shoe, although not a wooden one.

Home hike. Have you ever gone camping with your baby? If so, then he probably really liked it. Why not repeat it at home? If not, then it's time to practice at home. How? Set up an obstacle course for your child and play it like a hiking game: mountains, rivers, forests, clearings. Don’t forget to pack your backpack before the game, and take a short break in the middle of the hike. If you have a home tent, you can even organize an “overnight stay.”

Such games will not only bring a lot of fun to your baby, but will also contribute to the development of his imagination.

A few more ideas for outdoor games with children at home you can find in this video:

Have fun playing games at home!

You can read about what outdoor games you can play with your baby depending on his age in the following articles.


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