Business development in waste paper collection. Recycling as a successful business

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How to open a waste paper collection point, we will try to understand all the intricacies of such a business in this article.

Imagine: in our country every year, 100 million tons of raw materials are simply thrown away, which cost an average of 3 thousand rubles per ton. Are you wary? Can you smell the profit? We are talking about paper, or rather waste paper. Of this amount, only 11-12% is returned for recycling, the rest simply rots in landfills household waste. If we express this in money, we get a sum of 270 billion rubles. Billions! Which decompose in landfills. And after this we want order in the country.

I already talked once about how you can make money by processing recyclable materials (you can refresh your memory), and I promised that I would later tell you about each direction in more detail. Today I decided to fulfill my promise and start with a story about how to open a waste paper collection point.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business: 50,000-200,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with the population:from 80 thousand people
Industry situation:the supply market is not saturated
Difficulty of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: from 3 to 6 months

A little history

At a time when our country bore the proud name of 4 letters - the USSR, the government took one very wise step to solve the problem of collecting waste paper - it entrusted this task to schoolchildren, directing all their energy and enthusiasm to this, at the same time giving them the opportunity to earn money. An annual plan was even drawn up for the delivery of waste paper for each school. And it must be said that the students coped with the assigned task “excellently” - the USSR was one of the three leaders in reuse paper (Russia currently ranks approximately 14th in the world).

Currently, the very figure of 11-12% of the total amount of paper clearly shows that the “waste paper” business niche is practically empty. And given that the project to open a waste paper collection point requires the smallest financial investments, it becomes clear that this business idea requires the closest consideration.

This is interesting: About 55 kilograms of recycled paper can save 1 tree from being cut down. So, by engaging in the “waste paper” business, you can proudly say that you are saving nature. It will be true.

What is produced from waste paper

It would seem, what relation can this issue have to business? Our business is to collect it, hand it over, make a profit, the rest is unimportant. But it's not that simple. Knowing the entire chain of converting waste paper into paper will allow you to find consumers (purchasers) of waste paper in industries where others will not look for them. So, what is produced from old paper:

  • Oddly enough, waste paper is used to make... paper.
  • building materials, in particular, thermal insulation paper wool, and paper-polymer boards
  • medical cotton wool, and other sanitary and hygienic products.
  • fabrics
  • cardboard
  • disposable tableware

This is only a small part of what can be obtained from waste paper.

This is interesting: the first paper as we know it was created in the 2nd century BC. Chinese Cai Lun.

Categories of waste paper and approximate prices

Each country has its own classification of waste paper. In Russia it is divided into 3 groups:

  1. Group "A" which includes paper premium, for example - office white, or documents after passing through a shredder, in turn includes the following categories:
  • MS 1A is white uncoated paper for printing or writing.
  • MS 2A – white paper scraps, ruled lines and black or colored stripes are allowed.
  • MS 3A – waste from the production of paper containers and packaging made from unbleached sulphate pulp.
  • MS 4A - the same containers and bags, only after use.

The cost of such paper is up to 6.5 thousand rubles per ton when picked up, and up to 7.5 thousand when delivered to a warehouse.

  1. Group "B", considered the second grade, includes:
  • MS 5B – corrugated cardboard.
  • MS 6B – residues from the production of any cardboard. Printed design is acceptable.
  • MS 7B – printed products in the form of advertising brochures, books, magazines – printed on thick white paper, cleared of spines, hard covers, etc.

A ton of waste paper of this type is accepted for 6 thousand rubles for pickup, and for 7 thousand for delivery.

  1. Group "B"- this, one might say, is all that remains:
  • MS 8B – waste generated after the production of newspapers, old newspapers, and any other printed products on newsprint.
  • MS 9B – paper inserts, sleeves, etc.
  • MS 10V – paper “casting”.
  • MS 11V, MS 12V, and MS 13V – coated, impregnated, colored, black and brown paper. The lowest category of waste paper.

Respectively: 3 and 4 thousand rubles.

All prices are indicated for the Moscow region by PZP VS Presnya and are current as of August 1 of this year. In the regions of the country, the cost of accepting 1 ton of paper is slightly cheaper. Therefore, when creating a price list, carefully study the price lists of competitors.

I advise you to immediately decide which category of paper you will work with, because it often happens that “spraying your efforts” and collecting cheap grades of paper becomes unprofitable, and the enterprise suffers a loss. Each group of waste paper requires the establishment of certain contacts among its suppliers, various methods collection and positioning in the market. It will be very, very difficult for a novice businessman who has not yet established himself in the market as a reliable partner to combine all areas.

Opening a waste paper collection point

So, I’ll go directly to the “technical” side of the question of how to open a waste paper collection point.

Step 1: rent a room

As I already said, this business does not require any “extra investments”. Therefore, at first, space for a waste paper warehouse can be organized in an ordinary garage (read what other ideas can be implemented in a garage). Over time, it will be possible to rent larger premises, which, in principle, depends on the number of residents of your city. If the settlement is small - up to 100 thousand people, then a more spacious area for storing waste paper will not be required.

Another advantage is that the warehouse can be rented even in remote areas of the city - it is easier in terms of unloading and loading, and the rental price will not be as high as in the center. Here you can also organize a garage for the car that will be next step business opening plan.

Step 2: buy a car

Most perfect option a vehicle for transporting waste paper to a small collection point is a Gazelle. A pickup truck or a covered trailer for a passenger car is also suitable. The volume of paper will grow, and the profit that can be used to purchase KamAZ or MAZ will also grow.

Moreover, a car is needed not only to transport waste paper to paper mills, but also to pick it up if you are offered to accept large quantities. When starting your business, always think ahead about its future expansion and possible prospects. All this can be reflected in the business plan of your enterprise. You can find out how to create a business plan in this source -.

Step 3: looking for distribution channels

For small volumes of paper that you will collect at first, the most best option- give it to large resellers who have at their disposal not only various equipment: presses, large trucks for transportation, huge storage areas, a staff of workers for sorting, etc., but also serious distribution channels.

When the business “grows up” a little and you get the hang of it, you can try to go directly to paper mills. In total, there are about 150 enterprises in Russia producing different kinds paper products. Of these, there are 12 large pulp and paper mills. So there won’t be any particular problems finding buyers. Another thing is that they don’t work with small batches.

Step 4: collecting waste paper

It would seem that this is the simplest stage of the matter - advertise and wait for the paper flow to fill the warehouse bins. But this is precisely where the painstaking work of advertising lies. You will have to spend a lot of time visiting various institutions to conclude contracts. Your wholesale suppliers can be:

  • Offices
  • Schools
  • Large stores
  • Catering establishments
  • Well, and, of course, ordinary residents of your city.

We must also not forget about the periphery, periodically traveling to the area and indicating the date of our next arrival, so that by this time the local population will be ready.

Nowadays, the waste paper business brings in a decent income. Paper waste recycling enterprises do not want to open recycling collection points in small populated areas. In this regard, there is practically no competition in this area. Let's try to figure out how to open a waste paper collection point in this article.

Where to begin?

Before starting a waste paper business, you should first determine the distribution channels for raw materials. This is very important stage, where you need to start working. Before you open a waste paper collection business, you must know exactly in what volumes you can sell the accepted raw materials. It is advisable to first conclude an agreement with a paper production factory. Don’t forget to immediately agree on the price at which paper waste will be purchased from you. You will be guided by it when drawing up a business plan for collecting waste paper and calculating the main expenses.

Business registration

If you want to open a waste paper collection point as a business, first of all you need to open your own company. Businessmen who do not plan to further develop their business can register a private entrepreneur. In addition, it is necessary to obtain all permits from the fire inspectorate for the collection and storage of paper waste.


Since raw materials need to be stored somewhere before customers pick them up, you'll need storage space. To avoid spending money on rent suitable premises, you can adapt a garage for this. The receiving point must be located in an area where there are no competitors, otherwise your business will be unprofitable.

If you set up the raw material sales schedule correctly, you won’t have to rent a large warehouse, since it simply won’t be needed.


At the start, you can work independently, without hired workers. But every business owner has certain problems and concerns, so it is better to involve assistants in this matter. These could be employees or members of your family. This type of work does not require any specific qualifications, so there will be no problems with recruiting personnel. If you properly organize waste paper collection as a business, over time your business will turn into a large, highly profitable enterprise.

Where to buy raw materials?

Paper waste can be donated by individuals, shops or other organizations. It is advisable to establish long-term cooperation with suppliers. Any small store can hand over 100–200 kg of paper waste every month. In addition, it is worth negotiating with schools, restaurants or cafes. A stable supply of raw materials will have a positive effect on your income.

In order for private individuals to pay attention to the reception point, conduct a small advertising campaign. Distribute leaflets on the streets encouraging people to hand over unwanted paper. This type of income attracts utility workers. By the way, they can be hired to sort raw materials for a small fee.

Principle of operation

Many enterprising people are interested in how to make money from waste paper? Everything is very simple. All paper waste that arrives at the collection point should be carefully sorted into classes:

  • First class is the most expensive. This is uncoated white paper, but not newsprint, as well as other types of white paper based on unbleached cellulose;
  • The second class is cardboard boxes, books, magazines;
  • The third class is paper pulp and newsprint.


In order to organize the collection of waste paper as a business, you need to take care not only of collecting paper waste, but also of sorting it and delivering it to the point of sale.

If you want to make your business more profitable, waste paper recycling can help you with this. To do this you need a special press. You should not buy new equipment for recycling waste paper for a regular collection point. A used unit for pressing paper into bales will cost you 50 thousand rubles.

To deliver sorted raw materials to customers, you should purchase a truck. On initial stage the vehicle can be rented. You can save a lot of money if you agree with other collection points to use one vehicle to remove raw materials.

Pulp production

It is worth noting that the waste paper business idea will be more profitable if it is partially processed and pulp is produced.

For this you will need:

  • Mixer;
  • Pump;
  • Tanks and other containers.

First of all, the paper needs to be soaked in water. Next, it goes through a process of disinfection and bleaching. After this, excess liquid is removed, and the remaining mass is whipped into foam. Such raw materials are purchased by factories for paper production. It costs much more than regular compressed paper. You can create your own from recycled materials, which will significantly increase the profitability of the enterprise.


Let's figure out how much you can earn from waste paper? Some people believe that paper waste cannot generate good profit. But besides private individuals, raw materials are also handed over to large companies who accumulate huge amounts of paper. This allows you to earn decent money from collecting waste paper. For example, in Moscow one collection point receives a net income of up to 1 million rubles per year. If we talk about the profitability of this business, it reaches 30–50%.


If you are interested in collecting waste paper, a business plan should be drawn up taking into account all the main expenses. To organize a business you will need certain start-up capital. The size of the initial investment largely depends on your plans. You can try to get a loan to open a business using waste paper. But if you have your own savings, it is better to do without outside help. Start working in own garage and rent transport. You can refuse to buy a press for now. If you invest 1 million rubles in a business, it will pay off in about 1-1.5 years.

Constantly make new contacts. At the start, you can try to accept waste paper from companies and organizations for free. Some businesses that don't want to pay to dispose of old archives and papers will be happy to give you their unwanted junk. If you manage to find such suppliers, the business will be successful in any case.

Pulp and paper mills accept raw materials at 3.5–5 thousand rubles per ton. Cardboard costs even more. You can try to establish relationships with nearby schools, whose students can collect waste paper in their free time. It is also worth attracting residents of nearby houses to this type of income. To do this, flyers should be distributed, for example, to mailboxes. They need to emphasize the social significance of your project in order to interest people in selling waste paper. Offer special prizes and bonuses to those who donate a lot of paper waste. Small gifts can interest schoolchildren, and they will take on this task with enthusiasm.


As you already understand, a waste paper collection point is quite promising business. When the enterprise begins to develop, you can purchase equipment for

“How to make money in a crisis”, “ways to make money”, “effective methods” - search engines provide hundreds of resources with recommendations on what to do in difficult times for Russians. “Experts” share ideas ranging from basic savings to a radical change in work activity.

However, most people don’t want to make a drastic change in their lives, and they are looking for some kind of “sweet spot” that would help them stay afloat while maintaining their job.

Among the simplest and effective methods— delivery of recyclable materials to collection points for metal, glass and paper. correspondent found out whether it is possible to make decent money in this field.

Waste paper

There are dozens of waste paper collection centers in every city. As admitted Perm businessman Vasily Tyulenev, there are two ways in this area. The simplest one is to collect all the available paper and take it to these same points.

“The main and, perhaps, the most important question is where to get the paper? Old magazines, paper scraps, cardboard, etc. will do. Cooperate with printing houses, newspapers, stores,” he says.

There are dozens of waste paper collection centers in every city. Photo: AiF/ Dmitry Ovchinnikov

Prices vary from 2 to 5 rubles per kilogram: paper costs on average 3 rubles, cardboard - 4 rubles. According to him, in small quantities waste paper big money won't bring it. To earn at least a thousand rubles, you need to collect half a ton.

The second option, which requires investment, is to open your own collection point. Here it is necessary small room, press, trucks and workers. And the collected product can already be exported in large volumes to enterprises and factories. There prices per kilogram are much higher - about 7.5 rubles. Hence the net revenue - about 3 rubles per kilogram.

“I’ll note one point - most companies work on credit. The money is not paid immediately. I brought hundreds of tons, and within a year you are paid the amount,” notes Vasily.

As the Perm resident adds, the crisis does not affect the industry, since waste paper recycling “did not arise yesterday.” Every year, for example, up to a thousand tons of raw materials are recycled in the Kama region.

Photo: AiF/ Dmitry Ovchinnikov

“Recycled paper is always in demand by enterprises; they have lines. Nobody thinks about closing. This good business“, he sums up.

Result: per ton of paper - 3 thousand rubles, when creating your own collection point - from 30 thousand rubles or more.


The situation with the delivery of glass containers is similar to the paper industry. But here the work is dirtier. Thus, one of the reception points in the center of Perm is in terrible condition - the iron facade is covered with graffiti, the room itself is stuffy and dark, and homeless people have settled at the entrance and inside - with knapsacks and rattling bags in their hands.

One beer bottle (called a “negotiable commodity”) costs from 10 to 50 kopecks. For a bottle of vodka - one ruble, and for a large glass three-liter jar They will gladly accept it for two rubles.

"Having received required quantity, we send glass to factories and enterprises. The benefit is small: bottles are purchased there from 30 kopecks to a ruble. They process it and make foam and fiberglass,” says a worker at the collection point.

One of the reception points in the center of Perm is in terrible condition. Photo: AiF/ Dmitry Ovchinnikov

According to him, in Lately There are very few clients, and every month it is becoming more and more difficult to collect the necessary glass containers in large volumes for a large sale.

Result: for 1000 bottles - 300 rubles; dirty work, the main clients of the receptions are homeless people.


The scrap metal market is traditionally divided into two parts - ferrous and non-ferrous scrap (copper, aluminum, bronze and others). In general, the structure of scrap purchase and sale is divided into three stages, says employee of the Regionvtormet company Ilya Batov.

“At the “lower” level there are people searching for scrap. They have some connections or channels to find him. Then they hand over, say, black scrap to “resellers,” who often work without a license and quietly, on average, at a price of 3-4 rubles per kilogram,” he explains.

“Resellers” take the finished product to official metal collection points and sell it for 6-7 rubles, from where the scrap is sent in large quantities to factories and large enterprises.

Prices for non-ferrous metals are much higher. Usually, along the above-mentioned chain, it is bought for 200 rubles per kilogram, then sold for 250-270 rubles, and it is sent to factories for 300 rubles. The scrap metal market is regulated by law. Renting hatches and rails is strictly prohibited. But “black buyers” do not disdain this. One of the transshipment places in the city is the central metal market.

"On scrap metal to an ordinary person it is impossible to make money, since scrap is extremely difficult to find on the streets of the city; it does not lie on the roads. And all the “delicious” places are already taken,” says Ilya.

Result: 100 kg of ferrous scrap - 500 rubles, 10 kg of non-ferrous metal - 2000 rubles; almost the entire business is occupied - the average city dweller only has the opportunity to hand over unnecessary scrap from the garage.

Central metal market in Perm. Photo: AiF/ Dmitry Ovchinnikov


A trip to a pawnshop can be attributed not to a way to earn money, but to the need to replenish your wallet in a difficult economic period. For many, this is a fresh breath of air before the long wait for a salary.

However, this must always be done wisely. First of all, you need to decide on a place. Price policy Each pawnshop has its own. For example, on central streets the percentage of deposits is higher than in remote areas of the city.

“People have even stopped taking out loans against collateral, and are just bringing things and quickly renting them out. The most popular goods are tablets, phones and wedding rings. “iPhones are generally selling like hot cakes,” says the owner of a Perm pawnshop.

At the same time, the man advises to be wary of imaginary pawn shops. These pseudo places are actually engaged in pure buying of things - from gold to forks; even “if a person took money as bail for two days, his item can be “drained” 10 minutes after he leaves.”

“Read the contract carefully when you pledge an item,” he says.

Each pawnshop has its own pricing policy. Photo: AiF/ Dmitry Ovchinnikov

According to him, pensioners used to come, but now young people with an average income began to come to the pawnshop. When evaluating a product, almost 70% of the price is immediately reset, and the item is actually given away for nothing. This doesn't bother clients.

Jewelry is accepted at a minimum cost - at the price of scrap, that is, one that has lost its appearance decorations. On average, the cost of gold, depending on the sample, can vary from 500 to 2 thousand rubles per gram.

Result: getting quick money, a pawnshop buys things at the lowest price; there is a chance of falling for scammers.


The opportunity to earn money at raw material collection points is quite small. Even if you try to hand over recyclables on weekends during your free time from your main job, the revenue will be from 2 to 3 thousand rubles per month.

To get at least some decent income, for example, to create your own own business, investments and contacts with enterprises and firms are required. And you should go to a pawnshop when absolutely necessary - when you urgently need money.

Considering that, according to expert estimates, Russians throw away over 100 million tons of paper per year, and waste paper is accepted from $50 per ton, there is no doubt that this business is profitable. But let’s give specific figures: according to experts, the profitability of the waste paper collection business is from 30 to 50%: - you must agree, there is something to think about.

This business is especially attractive because you can start it simply - using your garage as a temporary warehouse. The big plus is that this business is not particularly tied to location, which means there is no need to spend money on special warehouses(at least in the beginning). You also need to get a small truck or trailer. In fact, this will be the main starting capital.

As a rule, you will not need full-time staff at the initial stage - just notify maximum number acquaintances and strangers, working in organizations that throw away a lot of paper about how much you pay per ton.

Everyone determines the specific amount of payment independently, not forgetting, however, that your competitors are also trying to motivate these same people. Ideally, you should notify as soon as possible more people related to government agencies, schools, office centers and printing houses about their offer. If you manage to establish a fairly extensive network of paper suppliers, you will be provided with uninterrupted supplies of waste paper for a long time, since this business has virtually no seasonality.

However, even if you have regular suppliers, constantly inform others about your services. Experienced waste paper collectors recommend making and placing information on the sides of the vehicle about waste collection and handing out business cards to anyone who may be potentially useful in the future.

Don't forget about schoolchildren. And although the times of the Timurites are long gone, there will always be teenagers who want to earn extra money - and this, by the way, is a very powerful work force. Among other things, schoolchildren can easily interview neighbors on the street and bring the collected newspapers in a wheelbarrow directly to the collection point.

So that you don’t have to set up a time and travel around all the areas where you have independent “partners” to collect found waste paper, it is worth organizing stationary points in each district of the city. These points could logically again be the garages of your “largest” assistants. Of course, in this case you will have to slightly increase the purchase price for this item. On the other hand, you do not invest money in renting premises and the salary of the receptionist.

And of course, it is necessary to notify residents of the area about the presence of a collection point. Usually, all you need to do is put up a few signs, and your “intelligence network” will do the rest.

Well, of course, accepted waste paper should be paid not per ton, but per kilogram (from 50 kopecks per kilogram).

At this stage, it is no longer possible to do without investing in weighing equipment. But by that time you will already have a constant profit, part of which you will invest in expanding the network of collection points.

As in any business, a novice entrepreneur will have to make the main efforts at the very beginning. And if he copes with the initial stage of creating an agent network and developing a regular clientele among commercial enterprises and government agencies, then his future in this business will be very bright. Because no matter how the situation in the economy develops, no matter how acute the economic crisis In our bureaucratic state, paper waste has always existed and will always exist. This means that the business of collecting waste paper is almost eternal.

In this material:

Recycling is a business that has recently become in demand. It pays for itself quickly and brings good profits, which is why many beginning entrepreneurs choose it. By organizing a business in this direction, you can earn money and improve the environmental situation in your city or region.

Raw materials for recycling can be collected for free in garbage chutes or purchased for next to nothing. In this case, business development costs are significantly reduced. Despite the fact that this type of activity is not taken seriously by many entrepreneurs, it is considered quite profitable and profitable. In the modern economy, the development of this type of business will be very successful.

Before starting recycling activities, it is necessary to carefully study the entire waste component of the area, determine which raw materials can be processed and in which case the benefits will be best. Having assessed the prospects, they draw up a business plan and only then begin activities. You should not immediately take on the processing of raw materials; collecting waste and then delivering it to recycling sites will also be profitable. To begin with, you can open collection points for bottles, waste paper, and metal. If the business is successful, you can open your own processing plant.

Recyclable materials for business

Absolutely any thing can be made from recycled materials: plastic containers, paper packaging, fabrics and many other items. To make a profit in the recycling industry, you need to decide what type of waste will be processed. This choice depends on the location, the amount of demand for recycled items, and the possibility of transportation to other areas.

The following main types of waste are distinguished:

  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • metal;
  • polyethylene;
  • waste paper;
  • organic raw materials.

Absolutely any waste can be recycled, including organic waste, which can be beneficially used to create fertilizer. You can use plastic, plastic and polyethylene items:

  • plastic bottles and cans;
  • polyethylene packaging;
  • film.

When processed, they again turn into plastic and polyethylene. All recycling activities will be based on several points:

  • collection of plastic waste and its sorting;
  • creation of flex - polymer flakes, which are raw materials for finished products;
  • production of the finished product.

The sorting stage is necessary to separate all waste into white and colored, and remove parts not made of plastic.

To create a flex you need:

  • crushing in a special device;
  • purification of the mass in a steam boiler;
  • polishing in a special unit;
  • rinsing and washing;
  • drying in a special chamber.

The resulting raw materials are sent further for the manufacture of various products: bottles, brushes, films and even paving slabs. Purchasing a specialized recycling line for plastic waste requires high costs, and the business itself needs special preparation and fairly detailed planning, providing for all costs and ways to recoup the business.

There will be less costs if you purchase a mini-plant.

To transport a small structure, a 6-meter container is sufficient, which can be transported by truck.

Waste paper and glass as recyclable materials

Despite the long-standing existence of paper waste recycling activities, it has not lost its significance today. Only the production volume has become slightly smaller. Not everyone wants to do this, because the main problem is the difficulty in collecting raw materials, a lot of which is thrown away, but little is processed. Paper waste according to state standards is divided into grades, on which its cost and the price of the finished product after processing depend.

Business on recyclable materials is profitable and troublesome at the same time. Glass waste can also be used for recycling. It is possible to accept not only whole bottles, but also broken glass. The raw materials will be used in construction, food and other industries, so this kind of business is not just profitable, but promising.

Glass goes through several stages during processing:

  • primary sorting by color and grade;
  • purification from foreign impurities;
  • splitting up;
  • repeated cleansing;
  • remelting

To open a business you need:

  • different-sized sieves;
  • crushing device;
  • conveyor design;
  • melting furnace;
  • air vehicles.

Automation of the line allows you to get by with a small number of employees; the cost of purchasing equipment will quickly be justified.

Metal processing business

The metal products processing industry is still well developed. Any metal is accepted for smelting: copper, iron, aluminum, etc. Organizing a business for accepting scrap metal requires a minimum number of actions:

  • creation of a reception point;
  • acquisition of necessary structures: gas cutting device and press;
  • sales of scrap metal to foundries.

Those who do not want to recycle waste, but want to open a business in this area, have no choice but to open a recycling collection point. After collection, the products are sent for processing.

Every day, people send a lot of waste to the dump, most of which could be recycled. These large monetary losses combined with pollution environment can be eliminated if you open a recycling business. A little competition in the market for secondary processing of raw materials will allow you to earn a decent profit. The main thing is to decide where to start and how to lead production to generate income. A carefully developed business plan will help you achieve these goals.

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INGLOT is a wide network of branded salons of European professional decorative cosmetics and cosmetics for skin care. Our brand independently creates cosmetic products, accessories and equipment, currently uniting more than 700 retail outlets around the world. The mission of our company is the production of cosmetics High Quality at a price affordable for everyone. These are products you can trust...

Investments: Investments 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 ₽

In 2016, the company made a full launch of automated production of the joint venture “First Furniture Factory-ALNO”, rebranding of the factory, new the lineup for various segments and the premium kitchen brand Bruno Piatti. A joint venture with the Piatti Factory made it possible to produce kitchens according to Swiss quality standards. Today, the First Furniture-ALNO is: -52,000 m2 of production and warehouse space. -Capacity – 50,000 sets of furniture...

Investment: Investment 75,000 ₽

We produce unique " Norwegian houses"for 5 years now. We invite you to open a production facility" Norwegian houses"in your region and earn 2.5 million rubles per year! Uniqueness of "Norwegian houses": Residential 2x storey house For permanent residence, with an area of ​​33 sq.m., is installed in 1 day and costs only 590,000 rubles! The house is manufactured in a factory, ready to be transported and installed...

Investments: Investments 1,500,000 - 3,500,000 ₽

H-Point is a workshop providing services for the production and repair of hoses high pressure and rigid pipeline. The first H-POINT enterprise opened in 2010. Today, our workshops successfully operate in Russia, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan. The idea of ​​creating such workshops came from the Hydravia company, the largest supplier of equipment for the manufacture of hoses, hoses and hoses in Russia and the CIS countries...

Investments: Investments 990,000 - 1,500,000 ₽

Senor Doner is a regional chain of grill cafes. We use modern technologies analytics and optimization to create a business that will work for decades, improving every day. Our Menu consists of wide choice dishes. The main dishes include locomotive goods - doner kebab (shawarma) and shaverbox, there are also other groups of goods - snacks (Potatoes...


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