Rating of the craziest people by zodiac sign. The calmest sign of the zodiac

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How do representatives of different zodiac signs greet spring and whether the time of awakening from winter greyness can “blow their minds”.

This spring horoscope will be interesting to read even for those who don’t believe in “all this nonsense.”


Spring is a blessed time for all Aries and exhibitionists. In the sense that it’s time to finally take off winter clothes, which seems to hinder not only movements, but also thoughts. At the same time, Aries will not stop solely at the coat. If you undress, then completely. There is even such a sign: I saw a naked Aries - spring has come.


IN Everyday life Taurus are persistent people. If they fall in love, they will pursue their object of adoration to the bitter end. But spring turns them into terrible shy people, they begin to be shy and hide, hide their feelings. Hush, it’s Taurus kissing in the entrance, let’s not disturb him...


Spring has a slightly strange effect on Gemini. The life of the people around them becomes terribly interesting for them. Geminis turn into some kind of spies, they can even buy binoculars for themselves. So Taurus has something to fear during this period.


Representatives of this sign know a lot about love, but only if we are talking about real feelings, about those that last until the end of life. Light spring flirting and short-term relationships are not for them. And there is no time, what kind of love can we talk about if not everything is in order in business.

a lion

Leo's whole life is one continuous flirtation. Therefore, in the spring, everything is different for them than for people. At this time, the royal animal prefers to escape from its next victim. And since Leos are thoroughbred creatures, they prefer to leave in English. Well, that’s right, who needs a majestic mane to be watered by the tears of an abandoned person who cannot understand what he did wrong...


Spring is a time of passion for all Virgos. If the rest of the time they prefer calm and established relationships, then in the spring they get a little crazy. This is not without sarcasm, jealousy, desire to change partners and other incomprehensible emotions...


Spring time forces representatives of this sign to guard their loved ones. In the sense that Libra begins to be tormented by vague doubts, which are most often unfounded. It comes to a paradox: instead of talking about their suspicions and not wasting their nerves, Libra even secretly wants to see their soulmate in the arms of another person.


At this time, Scorpios mainly try to get enough vitamins, heal wounds and accumulate poison for the next victim. Representatives of this sign become sleepy, lethargic and tired in the spring. If desired, it is very easy to take advantage of their weakness...


“I want a bitch!” Here is a short but very succinct motto of all Sagittarius in spring period. And it's noticeable. At this time, their eyes begin to sparkle, they buy new things and smile at everyone, even those they did not pay attention to at other times. In general, representatives of this sign prepared their arrows and went hunting. The only thing left to do is hide or give up!


Durability winter frosts Capricorns associate it with the strength of relationships. Therefore, in the spring they are often overwhelmed by depression. Capricorns are unable to fall in love at this time of year. And if they love them, that’s a completely different story. Here you can change your principles, but still at this time Capricorns are not drawn to adventure. It’s better to stay at home and, wrapped in a blanket, drink tea...


In spring, Aquarians are looking for adventure. It is at this time that they do not want anything serious. They are attracted by travel, they need to change their image or buy new clothes. As for relationships, light flirting is perfect option. No commitments or serious intentions. In general, Cancer and Capricorn cannot understand!


“I lived this damn winter in vain again. I didn’t buy anything, I didn’t go skiing. She has grown fat to the size of a walrus...” This is approximately what a typical monologue of any Pisces sounds like in the spring. At this time, they begin to save money, take care of themselves and think about how they look in the eyes of others. There are no special “combat” actions taking place on the personal front, although if the plans outlined above come true, then by the end of spring everything is possible... Would you like to expand your knowledge about the influence of stars on humans? It is known what every sign of the Zodiac does when he gets screwed or is thrown by the will of fate onto a desert island, but what about adequacy and madness?


It is known that it only takes one second to fall into a bad mood, but it’s worse when they start to go crazy. Here we see a special kind of psychosis – manic-depressive. Here he grabs the razor with a wild desire to cut his wrists. Or he may also be overcome by misanthropic anger, making him want to hit those goats on the horns. Bang! A second and Aries is already in euphoria, overwhelmed by a stormy thirst for activity, joy and exhilaration - he will move any mountain and swim across any ocean. It's too early to rejoice, the tide vitality refers to mental illness.


He has two ways to go crazy: girls and money (male version), money and men (female version, although there may well be a threesome: a man, a woman and money, since a Taurus girl is sometimes more of a man than many men). In general, there are desires; it remains for Taurus to elevate them into a cult and satisfy them until they lose their pulse. How does this manifest itself? Yes, practically nothing. The difference in behavior will not be noticeable for many.


Patience and once again patience to you, loved ones, friends and sympathizers who are lucky enough to be surrounded by Gemini. Who is your interlocutor - or one of his multiple personalities or subpersonalities within them - you are not destined to find out. It is forbidden to believe crazy Geminis, since they have a million versions of one action. He says that he snatches them from the chorus of voices ringing in his head. This, friends, is schizophrenia.

Astrologers predict that Cancer will enter into a friendly alliance with Pisces and will move its claws into the occult. You shouldn’t put your hair in smoke when you go to see Cancer and see him in amulets from heels to crown, surrounded by skulls, crystal balls, protective pentagrams, candles, glaring at Tarot cards. And you won’t be able to leave without knowing your future for the next 55 minutes and what color your aura is.

“Very nice, Tsar.” Ah, a phrase from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”! No. It's about . This zodiac animal suffers from delusions of grandeur. Automatically, everyone around them is perceived as vassals, born in order to indulge the whims of the king of beasts. He sincerely does not know with what joy someone deigned to disobey and will rightly wait for the expected to be fulfilled. For which he may get a slap in the mane from his “subjects”; such sobering will bring him to a normal state for a moment, but with a little relaxation the disease will return.


As a rule, the roof heads its way into the domestic sphere of life. So, fearing germs, Virgo will mercilessly scrub her hands with soap, gel and shampoo, then switch to the whole house, scrubbing even the most distant nooks and crannies. Or maybe he will take on the decomposition of each product into atoms, first calculating the number of calories and studying the harmful substances it contains. Or another option: you will scrupulously balance your income and expenses, worrying too much about the latter. It’s okay if Virgos enjoyed this pleasure alone. And then, as a rule, those around them should do the counting and arranging, and Virgo will scoop out their brains with a teaspoon until she calms down.


Do you miss anxiety attacks and chronic indecisiveness? Libra will remind you! How scary is it to live - anything from a brick to a condom might fall on your head, your wallet might be stolen, and your house would blow up to hell? Was the faucet left open at home? If necessary, take any vital important decision, for example, a discussion with the boss about increasing the salary, they will engage in an internal dispute, determining whether they need it or not, will it work out, or maybe it won’t work out? The simplest solution will cause them serious concern. Otherwise, it will come to the point where the story with the mule will repeat itself, in front of whose nose two absolutely identical piles of hay were placed. The story goes that he spent a long time deciding which haystack to make his lunch from, until he became terribly hungry.


Paranoia covers this sign even in normal life. In chronic form, their life is like a joke

Having prepared to sleep, the grandfather and woman lie on the bed:
- Grandfather, did you lock the door with the top lock?
- Closed it.
- And for the middle castle?
- Closed;
-And I didn’t forget about the bottom one;
- Closed;
- And on the chain;
- Christmas trees, I forgot!
- We've arrived! Come, people, come, take what you want!


There is claustrophobia here - fear closed premises and obsessive fear. And how to survive in the city, you ask? The city is like a huge anthill. And he dreams of a horse on which he would gallop into an open field, where the grass rustles and the moon illuminates his path with a silvery light.


The threat lies in monotony and routine. However, Capricorn doesn’t give a damn about monotony, so he won’t even notice that he’s gone crazy. But it will be clearly obvious to relatives and friends. However, attempts by others to add variety to Capricorn's life will be met with bayonets.


There is complete freedom here, you can choose the type and shape. Aquarius is so receptive, so open, that it costs nothing to shake him or influence him. It's harder not to influence. In this case, without noticing the specks in his own eye, he will see the logs in the eyes of his friends. And this paranoid person will determine for himself the role of the savior of humanity or will engage in achieving spiritual goodness and enlightenment.


This sign has a fragile mental organization in best case scenario can count on prolonged depression. In the worst case scenario, friendly virtual correspondence with extraterrestrial beings in a dream will turn into daily planning meetings and communication from reality with a non-human mind. Don't pay attention to all the voices and spirits there. There is no reason to worry. You just need to publish a book on this topic later, perhaps you will become the next messiah. A wave of those out of phase, who cannot sit on Earth, give them the Moon and talk with extraterrestrial intelligence. Or those who want to find out in the media that humanity has decided to move from the material form of consciousness (being) to a highly spiritual and multidimensional one.

Madness – it pushes people to do unexpected and unpredictable things. But isn't the world divided into madmen and conservative keepers of order? Without going into details, yes, it is indeed possible to draw such a line.

This trait will affect all aspects of human nature, even the signs of the zodiac. Imagine, the stars can show a person’s predisposition to madness and irresponsibility.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Cancers definitely cannot be called crazy. They pose no danger to others. On the contrary, they prefer to resolve everything peacefully, spreading their love and care. Strange and unpredictable thoughts are not for them.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

A lot of crazy things are done because emotional turmoil. Considering the emotionality of Pisces, it can be assumed that they would be the first to be suspected of having the makings of a maniac. But no, Pisces do not like violence and prefer to wash down the pain with wine.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

We think you already guessed that Libra is too balanced for crazy things. They ensure that harmony and peace are maintained. It is unlikely that they can ever be caught doing anything suspicious or unusual.

Taurus (April 20 - May 21)

Taurus, like Libra, prefers to think first and then act. They are too methodical for something crazy, so it’s impossible to make a Taurus maniac. Although their passion may compromise rationality into strange actions...

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Capricorns do not want to stop moving forward; they always move forward towards success. Sometimes movement requires getting rid of obstacles in the form of other people. In this case, Capricorns can be dangerous to others.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Proud and self-centered, their passion sometimes clouds their eyes, and the desire to be noticed pushes them to do crazy things. Be careful with Leos, their imbalance may turn out to be a manifestation of the qualities of a maniac.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Sagittarians are impulsive and unpredictable; they would rather ask for forgiveness for what they have done, rather than asking for permission to do something. Sagittarians are reckless and aren't afraid to make a few mistakes as long as it doesn't hurt them too much.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgos have character and inner rod, but despite this, it is very difficult for them to resist an explosion of emotions when someone has seriously offended or insulted them. Beware of Virgo's crazy actions, they won't hold back.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

If Aquarius becomes a maniac, then absolutely everyone around him will fear him. Aquarians are methodical and pedantic, they are able to hide the consequences of their actions and professionally cover their tracks.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries are dreamers, they don’t like to waste time on things and people that bring them absolutely no interest, so they can’t help but explode with their impatient rage. And yes, Aries don’t know what to do with it.

What is your level of craziness according to your zodiac sign? Tell me, how often are you called a crazy person? Or do you always manage to hide it successfully? Jokes aside, but now we know for sure which zodiac signs have the greatest tendency towards madness! Find yourself and find out what your level of crazy is!

Aries (March 21 - April 20): Crazy level - 30%!

Courageous, curious, confident and always ready to take risks, Aries - Good friends, lovers and... reliable climbing partners! They never back down, and if they set their minds to something, they follow through to the end! Isn't this crazy? You may not agree with all of Aries' crazy ideas, but the fact that they always stand their ground deserves respect!

Taurus (April 21 - May 21): Crazy level - 40%!

The reason Taurus is crazy is that he really looks a lot like... a bull! As a rule, these people have a large loving heart and broad-minded, but this sign can also be incredibly stubborn and strong-willed.

Taurus has only two states: either he rushes forward, or he died. Such people will argue with you until they are blue in the face, and then suddenly apologize. This makes them pretty crazy in other people's eyes, but at least they are consistently inconsistent.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21): Crazy level - 100%!

You never know which side Gemini will turn to you today. They are indecisive and flighty, but they are always incredibly fun to be with. Geminis easily adapt to any situation, but the problem is that then the situation begins to adapt to them. Starting the evening in an expensive restaurant, representatives of this sign are quite capable of meeting the morning at the city dump, telling local homeless people jokes of their own creation!

Cancer (June 22 - July 22): Crazy level - 90%!

Since Cancers are ruled by the Moon, the mood of these people changes like the ebb and flow of the tides. Despite the fact that they are usually avid homebodies, representatives of this sign are quite capable of breaking into a nightclub to get drunk with strangers.

A typical Cancer is quite capable of writing 10 love SMS per hour mixed with crazy voice messages about how much he hates you and your entire family. You can never predict in advance what Cancers will do next, and it really drives you crazy!

Leo (July 23 - August 21): Crazy level - 80%!

Leos are bright and boisterous people, they love to be the center of attention. It's no surprise that the drunkest person in the bar is usually a representative of this sign. You can hear anything from them, even things that no sane person would ever say out loud! Leos always achieve a high rank even in madness, because they really don’t know how to stop in time.

Virgo (August 22 - September 23): Crazy level - 70%!

Virgo is quite different high level madness due to his inability to relinquish control. These people work tirelessly to achieve excellence. Sometimes they actually do very good things, like volunteering to help elderly people they don't know or raising a puppy with three legs.

But their ideality often borders on madness. Intellectual Virgos act in stressful situations without hesitation, even if they have to throw someone under a car to gain recognition and fame.

Libra (September 24 - October 23): Crazy level - 30%!

Since Libras are always in search of balance, they are willing to go to extreme measures to achieve harmony. However, Libra's dark side comes out when they start preying on members of the opposite sex.

Their inner self hums something like, “Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession...” Be careful not to compete with a Libra for someone's attention, as they always get what they need. Even if to do this they have to spread the most unpleasant rumors about you!

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22): Crazy level - 40%!

The fact is that Scorpios... sting painfully. Outsiders often praise representatives of this sign for their resourcefulness and intuition. But what about those who know them much better?

Let's just say that there is no one who hasn't been burned by a Scorpio. Rightfully considered the most sensual sign of the Zodiac, Scorpio gives amazingly beautiful courtship, but few people manage to curb his irrepressible sexuality.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22): Crazy level - 50%!

Sagittarians always fight for truth and independence. They value their freedom so much that they are capable of losing all their friends and family in the process of this struggle. If Sagittarius is inspired by some idea, you better immediately step aside and not interfere!

Capricorn (December 23 - January 20): Crazy level - 60%!

Capricorns thrive wherever professionalism is valued. This sign is extremely organized and hardworking, which means that these intellectuals are ready to take on any task with passion. But Capricorns are completely unable to relax their rigid demands when working on a group project.

If your idea is better, they are unlikely to approve it. The same rule applies to their personal life. With Capricorns, you will always have big problems when choosing a restaurant or cinema. They will only go where they like, or even stay at home!

Carefree Aquarius is a real prototype of a crazy professor who is completely unaware of the realities of life. This air sign calmly opens the door to strangers or overpays a tidy sum at the dentist (even if the cost of the service was discussed in advance). This is what Aquarius is all about!

Pisces (February 20 - March 20): Crazy level - 10%!

Of all the zodiac signs, Pisces are the least crazy. You can always count on these honest and compassionate people in any situation. Pisces are ready to step on the throat of their own song, just to brighten up someone’s day, and at the same time they will also apologize for keeping themselves waiting for a long time. This is what makes them the most sensible (and nice) representatives of the Zodiac Circle.

“Everyone goes crazy in their own way,” says popular wisdom. Indeed, each of us has our own quirks. Astrologers and the website will tell you which zodiac signs have the most exotic quirks, whose shocking antics are on the verge of madness.

Astrology as a tool for self-knowledge

Astrology helps us get to know ourselves and those around us better. Astrologers who regularly study planetary transits offer us a wide variety of horoscopes that tell us about the key character traits of different zodiac signs. They made a horoscope. Define the unbearable five - .

This knowledge helps us build more harmonious relationships with others. Knowing what to expect from a particular zodiac sign, you can deftly avoid sharp corners in communication and not create conflicts over trifles.

However, conflicts cannot be completely avoided, since each of us is capable of actions that, as they say, do not fit into any gate. However, the degree of insanity for each sign varies from 10 to 100%. Who has what percentage of madness, Ksenia Ivanichenko figured out.

Of course, this horoscope is humorous and should not be taken seriously. But in every joke, as you know, only part of the joke is mostly true. Therefore, knowledge of what eccentricities is capable of different signs the zodiac will be useful.


Madness level - 30%

Representatives of this zodiac sign will most likely be surprised and disappointed. Still would! Active, stubborn Aries are used to being ahead of the curve in everything, but here it’s only 30% madness. But after some thought, they will agree that it is so.

The madness of Aries is that they cannot and do not know how to retreat. It was about them that Vladimir Vysotsky sang: “If I decide to do something, I’ll definitely drink it.”


Insanity level - 40%

Those born under this constellation, like Aries, will also be surprised. But for the opposite reason. If Aries believes that the stars did not give them “crazy things,” then Taurus believes, on the contrary, that they went too far for them. However, the stars are not wrong. Taurus are practical and rational; more than anything else, they value a comfortable environment and hearty food. And in order to achieve this goal, they will move forward, destroying everything in their path. “Crazy stubborn people,” they will say about them. And they will be right.


Crazy level - 100%

Representatives of this sign are unrivaled in their level of insanity. Those born between May 22 and June 21 can easily turn everything upside down. Geminis are so unpredictable that they themselves do not know exactly what they will do in the next moment: they will laugh or get angry. An evening that started in a pretentious club and ended at a city dump in the company of homeless people is a completely typical situation for eccentric Gemini.


Insanity level - 90%

Sensitive and reserved representatives of this sign are only slightly inferior to the frivolous Gemini. It is about people born under the constellation of Cancer that they say: “there are devils in still waters.” Representatives of this sign, who a moment ago were calmly communicating with friends on social networks, are capable of breaking loose and rushing off the next moment. Where they are going: to the airport to catch the next flight to Amsterdam, to an expensive restaurant or to their beloved girlfriend, Cancers themselves do not very clearly understand. They are guided by a well-developed intuition, which tells them what to do here and now.

a lion

Insanity level - 80%

Representatives of this sign need attention like air. They achieve it in a variety of, often extravagant, ways. They can say things that would never occur to anyone in their right mind and sober memory. And Leos will only shrug their shoulders in response to reproaches - they told the truth.

By the way, about sobriety. Irrepressible Leos do not know how to restrain themselves in everything. If you love, then love the queen and on a royal scale. If you drink, then only expensive drinks until you lose your pulse.


Insanity level - 70%

Those born between August 22 and September 23 are hardworking, intelligent, and have critical thinking. Don’t feed them honey, give them advice and morals on how and what to do. They always have a thousand and one recipes for getting out of trouble. difficult situations. Only intelligent Virgos sometimes offer non-standard solutions. If, for the benefit of a homeless kitten, they need to throw something or even someone out of the window, they will do it without hesitation.


Insanity level - 30%

Those born under this zodiac constellation are in constant search of harmony. And in order to achieve it, they are ready to do desperate things. For example, destroying the bar counter because the bartender does not perfectly master the art of making Bloody Mary.

However, Libra rarely uses their fists. They would prefer to tell the whole world about the imperfections of this unworthy bartender. This way they kill two birds with one stone. By pouring out their souls, sharing details, often fictitious, about the person who hurt Libra, they gain internal balance. At the same time, they attract the attention they desperately need. And they will go to any lengths to achieve it.


Madness level - 40%

There is no person in the world who has never been stung by Scorpio. Anyone, including themselves, can become a target for those born under this sign. People around you often mistake increased self-criticism as a craving for masochism. However, the line between these phenomena is extremely thin.

Sensitive Scorpios are incredibly jealous, but will never admit it. If they find out that they have been cheated on, they will take revenge by subjecting the victim to painful and prolonged torture.


Madness level - 50%

Sagittarius, who adore noisy companies, can get up and leave right in the midst of the holiday. “Where is the logic?”, those around him are perplexed, because Sagittarius did not leave the party for the sake of important meeting or the cause of illness, but inspired by his idea. He urgently needed to implement this idea, and he urgently took care of it. When a representative of this sign is inspired by an idea, it is better for everyone else to step aside and not interfere.


Insanity level - 60%

Representatives of this sign are stubborn and know exactly how to live. Only they decide which resort to vacation at and which bank to keep their savings in. Java if at the resort and financial institution dubious reputation, Capricorns cannot be convinced. If you get something in your head, you can’t knock it out with a crowbar.

However, in various kinds prudent and intelligent Capricorns are rarely found. They are hardworking, career-oriented and often occupy high positions. In the role of leader, Capricorns turn into tyrants. No, they will not bully anyone needlessly. But if they decide that this project, approved by everyone, is not suitable, then so be it. And there is nothing to discuss here!


Madness level - 20%

The eccentric Aquarius spends most of his time in castles in the air. When it comes to implementing plans and ideas, representatives of this sign will prefer to stay on the sidelines. Therefore, Aquarians rarely commit eccentricities, because they prefer to fantasize rather than act. If they do things, they are mostly extravagant. Opening the door to a stranger, singing in a crowded minibus or making a joke in line - this is what Aquarius is all about.


Madness level - 10%

People born between February 20 and March 20 are sweet and charming. As a rule, they have pleasant manners and a melodious voice. Others also sympathize with Pisces because representatives of this sign are compassionate. To the detriment of their own interests, they are ready to rush to help those who need it. They will easily change their plans to brighten someone's day. At the same time, they will also sweetly apologize for keeping themselves waiting for a long time.


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