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Installation and replacement of stained glass and glass on kitchen furniture

The ProRestavratsiya company provides professional, efficient installation of stained glass and glass inserts which were made to order.

Stained glass windows attract attention with their decorative effect. This detail can play a dominant role in the kitchen interior, or it can be a light addition. Illuminated stained glass windows look especially impressive. If lighting is not part of your plans, you can make stained glass even more attractive by using bright shades and decorative elements.

Stylish decor suits various trends:

  • country;
  • Gothic;
  • modern

The color range is different, and stained glass windows are produced both in monochrome and in paints. Thanks to the use of various technologies, stained glass windows are made using fusing, sandblasting, and broaching techniques. Magnificent stained glass windows with decals, with a pattern on glass with film, with sandblasting. New technologies and materials make it possible to create unique products that successfully combine the flavor of past eras and the innovations of today.

Using stained glass in the kitchen allows you to:

  • transform the appearance of the kitchen facade and the entire room as a whole;
  • give the kitchen a special charm and personality;
  • correctly and very accurately place the necessary accents.

You can install completely transparent stained glass windows, products with frosted or textured glass, which will allow you to reliably cover the contents kitchen cabinets and shelves. Besides kitchen facades, stained glass windows can be mounted in other elements of the kitchen interior:

  • window;
  • table;
  • ceiling;
  • work area.

Installation and replacement of stained glass is one of the main activities of our company, thanks to which we can provide comprehensive services when you require urgent production, installation or replacement of stained glass.

Warm and cold glazing on the kitchen facade

If you purchased new furniture and want to complement it with stained glass or replace glass elements with stained glass, we will complete all the work within the agreed time frame, carefully and efficiently. For this, our specialists use special materials and equipment:

  • liquid Nails;
  • glazing beads;
  • furniture hinges with plugs, if the work involves hanging a stained glass window and its further use as a door;
  • silicone, etc.

To install stained glass using the above equipment, an additional recess is formed in the furniture facade, in which the glass is fixed. If the opening is of significant depth, for installation glass products a groove is made. Another option for installing stained glass is installation in a metal profile.

Final cost of installation glass elements and stained glass directly depends on the complexity of the work performed.

Replacement of stained glass

Replacing the glazing on the facade is necessary in several cases, including when the product is destroyed and worn out. It is also produced if the client wants to update the interior of the room.

To work, specialists need to remove all the glazing beads or disassemble the facade equipped with a metal profile. After this, the old stained glass windows are dismantled and new structures are installed. Professionals perform all stages of work in a timely manner and with high quality.

To increase the service life of stained glass elements, during their installation a special film is applied to the back side of the product to prevent the formation of sharp fragments when mechanical damage glass The larger the area of ​​the canvas, the higher the need for this procedure.

If you want to transform your furniture or want to replace damaged stained glass or glass inserts, ProRestoration specialists will help you with this.

We offer profitable terms cooperation. We approach each order responsibly, regardless of its volume, complexity and final cost, and invest all our skills and experience. We offer the best prices in the region for services for the replacement and installation of stained glass and glass. In addition, you can take advantage of the opportunity to restore furniture or replace other damaged parts.

Through the efforts of our specialists, your home will become more comfortable, luxurious and functional, and your kitchen will regain its former beauty and even become more luxurious.

To replace the façade glazing, simply contact us for details. Next, the master will perform all stages of the work professionally, which will allow us to guarantee the durability and practicality of stained glass components and glass.

The HauzMebel company installs stained glass windows and glass inserts. Suitable option can be selected in the “Gallery of Works” section or developed individual project. Replacing glazing without changing the facade is enough labor-intensive process, requiring the participation of experienced specialists. Besides installation work, the company’s employees will help you decide on the design and choose the right color scheme.

Installation of stained glass windows in the kitchen – great option replacing cold glazing without changing the facade. He doesn't require high expenses, as opposed to a complete kitchen renovation. At the same time, the room will take on a different look and even stylistic direction.

Stained glass can become a bright detail of the interior or its harmonious addition. Products with lighting look especially impressive, but with a skillful combination of colors, textures and decorative elements, you can achieve an original result.

It is a mistake to believe that replacing cold glazing without changing the façade is only suitable for exterior finishing. Stained glass has long been used as interior decoration. Moreover, not only in gothic style. The products look interesting in a room embodying the traditions of modernism or stylized in the “country” style.

At the request of the customer, it is possible to make stained glass windows in one color scheme or use a combination of different shades. Choice production technology is not limited to one or two options. The greatest demand is for products with decals, sandblasted, with ornaments on glass or made using the fusing technique.

Stained glass windows against a modern background create a unique eclectic space in which the atmosphere of past centuries successfully coexists with the minimalist mood of the present. Perhaps this is the reason for the growing popularity of the service for replacing cold glazing without changing the facade; the price for it depends on the complexity of the work and the cost of materials.

Why do you need stained glass windows in the kitchen?

The kitchen is the most popular place in the house. It should be functional and attractive.

Stained glass helps accomplish both tasks. They visually expand the space, focus attention on certain details and make the room warm and emotionally charged.

Stained glass windows are installed in furniture facade, so you also need to pay attention to its condition. If the room temperature does not reach a comfortable level, or moisture often accumulates on the walls and ceilings, it makes sense to replace the cold facade with a warm one . It has a thermal insulation layer consisting of insulation, vapor barrier and external protective film. You can replace the glazing with warm glazing without changing the facade - HauzMebel specialists will help resolve this issue.

Stained glass windows are installed not only on windows, they decorate the doors of shelves, decorate the ceiling and table. Glass can be transparent, frosted or covered with ornaments - it all depends on the purpose of the stained glass window.

In addition to manufacturing and installing products in your kitchen, the company is engaged in dismantling old glass or stained glass structures, replacing cold facade glazing with warm . We help update the interior, fill it with unusual color schemes.

The following building materials are used in the work:

  • Liquid Nails.
  • Silicone.
  • Glazing beads.
  • Furniture hinges with plugs if the stained glass window will serve as a door for a cabinet.

There are 3 options for installing stained glass:

  1. In a metal profile.
  2. Into the recess that is formed in the facade.
  3. If the hole is too deep, the stained glass will fit into the groove.

A broken cabinet door, cracked countertop or chipped edge of a mirror has never brought joy to anyone. In our workshop, which works with glass and mirrors, our workshop provides repair services for glass products in this case: Repair glass tables in Moscow and the Moscow region. The advantages of repairs in our workshop: calling a specialist to your home, a one-year warranty on repairs. We also carry out restoration mirror doors, kitchen countertops, glass aprons and any other glass and mirror products.

Repairs cannot be thrown away

The quality of repair depends on the degree of damage and the presence of all fragments. In some cases, the gluing area is completely invisible, in others it can be disguised with artistic elements. In any case, it's worth a try. Only a qualified technician can determine that a product cannot be restored.
Repair of glass tables can be carried out either in a glass workshop in Moscow or with a technician visiting the customer’s home.

Methods for repairing glass and mirrors

Basic working methods:

  • pruning,
  • grinding,
  • polishing,
  • soldering and gluing damage.

Considered one of the most advanced ultraviolet bonding method. Polymer composition melts under the influence

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ultraviolet radiation and reliably holds parts together. The junction remains transparent. The method is universal and applicable to both glass surfaces, and to combined ones. The uniqueness of the polymer lies in its capillarity. It can penetrate even small cracks, protecting against further destruction.

Restoring damaged mirror surfaces is much more difficult. Over time, the mirror canvas may fade, blacken, crack, and stains may remain on its surface from household chemicals or limescale. Don't rush to throw away your favorite thing. Experienced craftsmen will be able to restore appearance damaged product. This is especially true for items of historical or decorative value.

Polishing with fine abrasive materials removes cloudy areas from the surface of the mirror.
A combination of grinding and polishing will help get rid of scratches and stubborn stains. Only a specialist should carry out such an operation, since the thickness of the glass does not allow large chips to be removed. After removing a small layer from the glass and polishing the surface, the reflective properties are restored. Detachment of amalgam appears as black or whitish spots on the mirror. Her recovery is difficult step by step process using chemical reagents. Conducted only in a workshop setting.

Replacement of facades– a complex procedure that requires experience and training. Our company employs specialists who can update kitchen furniture efficiently and quickly. Place your order right now and we will fulfill it as soon as possible.

Professional service

Our craftsmen will be able to replace facades if they have lost their presentable appearance, stopped closing properly or simply do not fit into the general interior premises. Immediately after registering the application, we:

  • We will take measurements taking into account the dimensions of doors, crossbars and racks;
  • We will help you choose the shade, material and design;
  • We will produce new components with the required dimensions.

Our specialists will arrive at the specified address and complete the installation at a pre-agreed time. Replacement of facades is carried out in a short time, and also includes the installation of handles, hinges, locks and other accessories.

Quality assurance

The Apriori Master company offers wide choose materials, colors and design solutions. You can view the available range online in the catalog on our website. When completing an order, we:

  • we use the highest quality materials;
  • We deliver exactly at the specified time;
  • We check the structure after installation.

Replacing facades allows you to avoid spending huge amounts of money on buying new furniture. By contacting us, you can save three times on costs. Before transportation, the craftsmen carefully pack and check all the parts, so you don’t have to worry about damage or defects. A contract will be drawn up in advance, providing the customer with full legal protection in case of any unforeseen situations.

Development of a unique design project

If necessary, Apriori Master specialists will produce exclusive turnkey facades. The customer has the right to choose any material, color, pattern, shape and type of pattern. We can create facades of straight or radius type, as well as with milling from:

  • Chipboard and MDF covered with PVC film;
  • aluminum profile;
  • natural wood;
  • aluminum and glass.

Our company provides guarantees that after installation the new doors will not sag, the hinges will last for a long time, and the appearance will not change even after long years operation. To slow down wear, we manufacture components using a special technology that ensures resistance to moisture and temperature changes. Replacement of facades in “Apriori Master” – perfect solution for people who want to update their furniture without spending a lot of money.

Replacement of facades on kitchen units - price

The cost of the service includes materials and the work of the craftsman both in the manufacture of the product itself and in its installation. Replacing the facade at a price , accessible to everyone, our company offers to produce.

The most expensive options are wood, metal and glass (from 3-4,000 rubles per linear meter), options made from MDF and chipboard will cost much less (from 1000 rubles). The cost also depends on the shape of the facade; the more complex it is, the more expensive the work.

Replace kitchen facades in Moscow– not difficult, the main thing is to choose a reliable assistant, which is the Apriori Master company. Minimum cost and effort decorative finishing furniture and maximum pleasure from the impeccable appearance of the updated kitchen. If necessary, he can only carry out restoration of surfaces.

  • Tree

    This material differs most at a high price, but at the same time it is the most handsome guy surfaces! Wooden facade can serve you for many decades if it has been properly dried and treated. The service life is also determined by the technology of cutting and gluing wood. If all conditions are met, it will serve you for 25-30 years. Even if the wood cracks during use, or the appearance of the facade loses its original attractiveness, it can still be used - it will not stop functioning.

  • Glass

    Durable material, characterized by practicality. His main drawback- fragility and obsolescence. Typically, glass is chosen for trendy facades, but over time, fashion passes and glass becomes boring. And such a façade breaks much more often than the first one, and this, by the way, is the main reason for its repair.

  • Chipboard

    Economical, but at the same time quickly wearing material. Chipboard facades must be protected from excess moisture and high temperatures, otherwise you will change it very often.

  • Plastic and aluminum

    A very fashionable material that allows you to create stylish kitchen. However, if the facade is deformed, then it will have to be replaced entirely, since it cannot be restored.

  • MDF

    Very often used for facades, it can be film or frame. Allows you to create an imitation of wood, which is much cheaper than buying a facade made of natural wood. It is durable and wear-resistant, cannot be restored, but it can be replaced with a new one on a budget.


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