Russian folk tales by roles, short scripts. A collection of scripts for staging children's plays based on famous fairy tales

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It so happened that in the 20th century in Russia, beautiful religious holidays were removed from the lives of children: Easter, Christmas, Angel's Day. Celebrate a child's birthday in a grand way New Year was considered indecent, and often impossible. Adults turned children's birthdays into family feasts. At the same time, the little heroes of the occasion, having sorted out the gifts, were usually bored in the corner.
In the last 5-10 years, with the development of the service sector, interest in organizing children's holiday leisure has finally emerged again. Special agencies began to be created that could turn into fairy tale any event in a child’s life: birthday, entry into first grade, or loss of the first baby tooth. Now you can invite professional animators, that is, specialists in organizing entertainment programs, to any holiday. However, those holidays that are created through the efforts of the parents themselves have no less, and perhaps even greater, value.
Conventionally, children's animated, that is, entertaining, programs can be divided into character-based and fairy-tale programs. Character programs came to us from America; they are widely known from Hollywood films. Children, regardless of their age and number, are invited to an animator - a clown (clown) who entertains the assembled guests by making balloon figures, holding fun competitions and performing magic tricks. In our country, instead of a clown, Snow White, Kolobok, Malvina or another bright character from well-known folk or literary fairy tales can appear.
The advantage of character programs is their cost-effectiveness, but the most significant disadvantage is that such programs are not suitable for children under 4 years old, as well as for very large companies. One animator is physically unable to pay sufficient attention to all the children and even keep track of them. Also, one animator, as a rule, has the same type of script, which does not imply a variety of events. Imagine how disappointed your child will be if it turns out that this particular clown with this particular program spent the birthday of one of his friends.
Of course, a fabulous entertainment program is best suited for children's parties. This program is a theatrical show based on fairy tales. Several animators create intrigue at the beginning of the holiday: for example, a bag of gifts is stolen or one of the goodies is bewitched. Next, children become the most important participants in the fairy-tale events being played out. It is children who need to solve a problem through games and competitions, help find a treasure or cast a spell on a princess.
Organizing a fabulous program requires some effort. If an animator based on the American system can perform without preliminary preparation, having a number of standard games and competitions in your arsenal, then for a “fairytale” birthday you need a script. The script can take into account all the wishes of the guests and individual characteristics birthday boy So, the little ones can have a party with Winnie the Pooh, an older girl can be invited to a real princess ball, and a boy can be offered a pirate party or space adventures.
The fairytale program will become even more interesting if you show children a puppet show as part of it. The advantage of puppet shows is that, as a rule, they are all based on fairy tales known and loved by children. It is well known that a fairy tale touches the deepest layers of the human psyche and helps children learn fundamental human values. A puppet fairy tale teaches a child to think, evaluate the actions of heroes, helps to assimilate ethical standards, and develops memory and speech. The rhythmic and melodious language of fairy tales, rich in repetitions and stable phrases (“once upon a time,” “runaway bunny,” “fox-sister”) creates an atmosphere of true magic.
Many parents think that it is impossible to organize a holiday on their own; it is necessary to invite professional animators, but this is not so. Who, if not loving parents, knows best the dreams and characteristics of their child! If you have a little free time and at least two friends or relatives who are ready to try on the roles of fairy-tale characters, you have everything you need to hold a “fairytale” birthday.
How can you make your child’s birthday a truly memorable event?
First of all, you need to take into account the age of the child. The best way to celebrate the arrival of one and two years is in the family circle. Remember that the most main character of this day - the child, not the relatives. So instead of busying yourself in the kitchen, make sure your baby is in a festive mood. Don't think that your child is too young to understand anything. It is at this age that the child’s brain greedily absorbs any information, and every little thing will contribute to the intellectual development of the baby.
To celebrate the first two birthdays, you should not organize noisy entertainment, as an excess of emotions, even positive ones, will tire the baby. Don't invite an animator - kids are often afraid of strangers. It is better if the mother or grandmother acts as the host of the holiday. For the same reason, never wear a mask or use stage makeup: the child may not recognize you and be scared. Show your child a simple puppet show based on a fairy tale that he knows. It could be “Ryaba Chicken” or “Teremok”. Play "Loaf" and arrange funny competitions for relatives.
It is not necessary to invite children guests to celebrate the first two birthdays. Due to their age, such children do not yet know how to play together. If you don’t want to devote the whole evening to separating children who need the same toy, invite only your relatives’ children, and even then no more than three.
If, thanks to kindergarten and developmental courses, your child is sociable and has experience in socialization, then already for his 3rd birthday you can organize a real entertainment program. You can invite animators to your home or where you plan to celebrate a birthday, or hold a theatrical celebration in a kindergarten.
Based on my own experience, I consider a program lasting 1-1.5 hours optimal for children 3-4 years old. When choosing a script for a show program for the birthday boy, keep in mind that even intellectually overdeveloped children under the age of
4 year olds are more interesting if they are mostly passive participants. They can follow the animator’s instructions clearly, but it is difficult for children to improvise and get used to the fairy-tale plot, since their skills are not yet sufficiently developed role playing game. Involving children in the entertainment program is achieved by key points the animator asks them questions that need to be answered to help the hero, or encourages the children to strictly specific action with minimal competitive bias.
If you invite animators from a specialized entertainment center or club, pay attention to the costumes, repertoire and even the gender of the animator. For children under 5 years old, any role, even male roles - a clown or Santa Claus - should be played by a woman. Male actors don't always find mutual language with kids, and children instantly feel the constraint and unnaturalness of an adult. It is better if you are familiarized with the holiday scenario in advance, this will help avoid unpleasant surprises.
Adults often do not know that most 3-4 year old children are afraid not only of Babu Yaga or Barmaley, but also of any clown. Put yourself in the place of a child: suddenly a loud-voiced Something in a bright suit, with a red nose and an unimaginable grimace on his face - either a mouth or a mouth - enters the room. Therefore, only kind characters familiar to children should entertain children 3-4 years old - the Good Fairy, Cinderella, Grandmother the storyteller or animals like Kotofeevich the Cat or Lisa Patrikeevna. If you still want to invite a clown, choose from the photographs the one who has a minimum of stage makeup.
Starting from the 4th birthday entertainment program you can include some intrigue: you need to disenchant the Snow Maiden or help find a stolen magic chest. How older child, the brighter and more complex the plot’s intricacies should be. At the age of 4 years, a child can already draw parallels between himself and a fairy-tale hero and make his own additions to the development of the storyline.
From the age of 5, children want to personally participate in events, so the entertainment program for children 5-8 years old can last longer - 1.5-2 hours, and for children 8-12 years old - 2.5 hours. The scenario, in turn, should be such that the birthday boy feels like a strong, self-confident person, a winner in difficult situations. Such fairy-tale programs form the child’s positive “I”, help him realize his capabilities and find ways to realize them.
If 5-8 children gather at the holiday, then two animators should work with them, if there are more than 8 children, a third animator is needed. The older the children, the more animators it makes sense to invite, since the theater program for children should be full of characters with a bright personality.
In a program for children over 4 years old, you can already use a negative character, but his role must be “balanced” by the role of a positive one. For example, Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Wise or Barmaley and Cinderella are present at the holiday at the same time. An animator representing a negative character (Baba Yaga) causes all sorts of troubles within the framework of the holiday script, and an animator playing the role of a positive character (Vasilisa the Wise) helps children unite and show their abilities in the fight against evil.
Children over 4 years old like it when, in addition to adult animators, a child animator also participates in the program. Many theater studios now offer programs based entirely on the participation of a child actor: the Snow Maiden with her assistant Hare, the sensible Malvina and the good-for-nothing Pinocchio, etc. By organizing an entertainment program at home, you can safely involve the birthday boy’s older sister or teenage nephew.
I note that for the program for children over 7 years old, you can choose any characters. Girls often want to see fairy princesses and fairies, and boys - pirates or robbers. I do not recommend organizing a party with the participation of any superheroes. Firstly, children place excessive hopes on such characters, expecting Batman to fly and Spider-Man to shoot his web. When it turns out that the animator does not know how to do this, the children are disappointed. Secondly, birthday parties with superheroes often end in general rioting, and children become almost uncontrollable by the end of the holiday.
Now regarding the choice of guests. Children 5-8 years old are most comfortable in the company of children close in age (plus or minus 2 years). Schoolchildren aged 8-10 often invite a noisy group of classmates and friends from the yard to a holiday. Try to limit the number of guests to 10-12, with a maximum of 15 children. As experience shows, purely “boy” birthdays are possible only if the number of children at the party together with the birthday boy does not exceed 5 people. Otherwise, any games end in finding out who is stronger or in a fight between “superheroes.”

Creative tasks for a theater studio in kindergarten And primary school

Murashova Natalia Yurievna Teacher additional education MBOU Secondary School No. 58, Khabarovsk.
Target: Theatricalization of a famous fairy tale in kindergarten.
- Adapt well-known fairy tales for short theatrical performances;
- Organize conditions for creative self-expression of a group of children;
- Develop improvisation skills among future KVN players.
Description: The idea to remake the Russians folk tales for short improvisations came to me a long time ago. Just then I was developing and testing my theater club program for various parallels. “The Golden Key,” “Little Red Riding Hood,” and “The Scarlet Flower” went to the middle grades, and I rewrote these fairy tales for elementary school. But, I think, in kindergarten they will be even more appropriate (you can slightly rewrite the lines in the fairy tale Kolobok, since I did it for 4th grade). Somewhere else I had a fairy tale about Mashenka and the three bears... but over the years, the printout has disappeared somewhere. I'll find it and post it later.
Such an impromptu theater will be useful to many: educators, additional education teachers, theater club leaders, animators and interested parents. It can be used on any children's day birthday, celebrating the birthday person in the classroom, during theater classes in kindergarten or elementary school, in all sorts of events dedicated to theater week.
Each participant in the action is given a piece of paper with one single phrase, which he will have to say every time he hears his “name” (role).
It is important to explain that you need to say your phrase differently each time: with different emotions corresponding to the situation.
It is extremely important to rehearse a couple of times in advance.


Grandfather - “Old age is no joy”
Grandma - “Youth is not life!”
Chicken Ryaba - “Where-tah-tah!”
Egg - “And I’m with a surprise!”
Mouse - “Well, they can’t do anything without me!”

THEATER – EXPROMT (text read by an adult)
Once upon a time there lived a grandfather (replica) and Baba (replica). And they had Chicken Ryaba (replica). The chicken laid it down (replica) Testicle (replica)- not a simple one, but a golden egg (replica). Grandfather (replica) beat and beat, did not break. Woman (replica) beat and beat, did not break. A Mouse (replica) ran, waved her tail... Egg (replica indignantly) rolled, fell and broke. Grandfather crying, Baba (sobbing, says his line) The chicken is crying and (replica) clucks. "Don't cry, Grandfather (replica), don't cry, Baba (replica), I'll lay you another Testicle (replica offended). Not golden, but simple.” And from then on the Ryaba Hen became (replica) every day an egg (another egg runs out and says the line: And I’m with a surprise!) carry. Or even two (the second egg runs out: Me too!), or even three (another one runs out: Yes, we are all here with surprises!). But there were no gold ones among them anymore.
All the artists come out to bow.


Old man - “I want to eat!”
Old woman - “Where is my frying pan!”
Kolobok - “They won’t catch up with us!”
Hare - “Lap and hop, and I’m hungry like a wolf.” (you can wear a vest, like an airborne soldier)
Wolf - “Shnyaga shnyaga - communal life. U-U-U-U" (possible with guitar)
Bear - “I’m the strongest here!” (the largest or, conversely, the smallest actor)
Fox - “I don’t eat koloboks, better give me mushrooms”

Once upon a time there lived an old man (replica) with the Old Woman (replica). Once upon a time the Old Woman (replica) broomed the barn, scraped the bottom of the barrel, kneaded the dough, baked Kolobok (replica) and put it on the window to cool. Tired of Kolobok (replica) lie on the window and he rolled from the windowsill - onto the rubble, from the rubble - onto the porch, from the porch - onto the path...
Rolling, rolling Kolobok (replica), and a Hare meets him (replica). Kolobok sang (replica) song and rolled on, only the Hare (replica offended) I saw him.
Rolling, rolling Kolobok (replica), and the Wolf meets him (replica). Kolobok sang (replica) song and rolled on, only the Wolf (replica) I saw him.
Rolling, rolling Kolobok (replica), and Bear meets him (replica in bass). Kolobok sang (replica) song and rolled on, only the Bear (replica) I saw him.
Rolling, rolling Kolobok (replica), and Fox meets him (replica). Kolobok sang (replica) a song, and while I was singing, Lisa (replica, rubbing paws) she quietly crept up and ate it.
This is where the fairy tale ends. Who watched - well done!


Teremok (2 people)- “Come in, make yourself at home!” (holding hands)
Mouse – “I’m a little mouse” (scratches behind ear with paw)
Frog – “I am a frog frog” (jumps)
Hedgehog - “I am a four-legged hedgehog”
Rook - “I am a foreign rook - fenkyu veri mach” (flapping its wings)
Donkey – “And I’m a sad donkey – before and after the elections”
Bear - “I’m going to crush everyone now!”

Text(adult reads, pausing for remarks)

Stands in the Teremok field (replica), he is neither short nor tall. Here across the field-field Mouse (replica) she runs, ran and knocks on the Teremok. And the Mouse became (replica) live.
Stands in the Teremok field (replica), he is neither short nor tall. Here across the field-field Frog (replica) runs, runs closer and knocks. The mouse looked out (replica) and began to call the Frog to her (replica) live together.
Stands in the Teremok field (replica), he is neither short nor tall. Here's a Hedgehog across the field (replica) runs, he ran to the door and knocks. And the mouse became (replica) yes Frog (replica) call for (waving their paws) Hedgehog to his place (replica) live together.
Stands in the Teremok field (replica), he is neither short nor tall. Here above the Rook field (replica important) flies, lands near the door and knocks. And the mouse became (replica), Frog (replica) yes Hedgehog (replica) call Rook to you (replica) live together.
Stands in the Teremok field (replica), he is neither short nor tall. Here, across the field, Donkey (replica) goes, he approached the door and knocks.. And the Mouse began (replica), Frog (replica), Hedgehog (replica) yes Rook (replica) invite Donkey to live with you.
Stands in the Teremok field (replica), he is neither short nor tall. There's a Bear across the field (replica) wanders, he came to the door and roars.. The Mouse got scared (replica scared), Frog (replica scared), Hedgehog (replica scared), Grach (replica scared) and Donkey (replica scared) and they jumped out of Teremok (replica scared). A Bear (replica) climbed onto the roof (hugged Teremok by the shoulders) and crushed Teremok (replica in chorus and dying voice).
That's the end of the fairy tale! Every viewer is well done!
The actors take their bows

Who didn't love skits as a child? And scenes based on fairy tales captivate everyone without exception. We bring to your attention fairy tale scenes for children.

Sketch for children "Zoo"


* elephant
* giraffe
* zebra
* Noble Sir
* Graceful Lady
* old lady

Act one

An Graceful Lady appears on the stage. She tells the Children that she really wants to go to the zoo, but she doesn’t know the way there. The Noble Sir appears and the Lady asks him how to get to the zoo. The gentleman does not hear well and does not immediately understand what is being asked of him. The lady shouts loudly:
- Sir, how can I get to the zoo? The gentleman answers:
- Madam, unfortunately, I don’t know why the arch fell apart. After several misunderstandings, the Lady still manages to explain to the Master what it is about, and they go to the zoo together.

Act two

A zebra appears. She rushes back and forth across the stage. The Lady and Gentleman stand at the edge of the stage and look at the zebra. They wonder why the stripes on it seem so familiar to them. (The children will certainly give some ideas by shouting.) The zebra disappears. An elephant comes out instead. At first, both zoo visitors do not notice him because they turn their backs to him. The Elephant pushes the Graceful Lady with its trunk, she gets scared, seeks protection from the Noble Master, and both run away.

Act three

The lady is lost in the zoo and can't find her way out. They see an old woman by the road. She says that she understands the language of animals, and suggests asking the giraffe where the exit is: after all, he has the longest neck, he can see far, and he can best show the shortest path. All three (and, of course, the children present) call for the giraffe, and he suddenly appears. The old woman talks to him in a funny language that no one understands. Then she translates this conversation to the audience. The Lady and Gentleman thank the old lady and invite her to eat chocolate cake with them.

A curtain.

Fairy tale based on "The Fox and the Rooster"


1 action

Chicken coop house
A fox walks through the forest, a chicken and a rooster sleep in a chicken coop.

I wandered through the forest all night, but I was still hungry: I didn’t catch a mouse or a bird. We need to climb into the chicken coop and drag away the fat chicken.

Crow! Crow! It's time for everyone to wake up!

Well, I ruined everything. It's time to run away, otherwise the owner's dogs might not have caught him.

Act 2.
Forest, Tree.
Kukareku, I’m walking through the forest, taking a walk. I pick mushrooms and berries. Isn't it going to rain? I’ll fly up the tree and have a look!

Hello, Petenka!
Why did the evil one bring it?

Hello, Petya the Cockerel, golden comb, butter head, silk beard! Let's forget all the grievances that happened between us. I want to make friends with you. Come down to me, Let's hug.

The rooster has descended. The fox caught him.

Now I'll give you a hard time! Do you remember your bad deeds? Remember how I on a cold night she came hungry and just wanted to steal one chicken, and you flapped your wings and screamed.

Ah, Fox, your words were sweet. Yes, listen, let me go, and I’ll go to the chicken coop and bring you some chickens.

broke out
This will not happen. You, Fox, are cunning, but I am more cunning, I will fly away from you. You and I can't be friends.

Fascinating scenario for children "Visiting a fairy tale"

The stage can be decorated with fabulous decorations. In all competitions, the Fairy gives the winners a book with fairy tales.

Fairy. Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we will take a journey into the world of fairy tales. You will remember your loved ones fairy-tale heroes, take part in fun competitions.

Storyteller. Good afternoon and Good evening!
I am a cheerful storyteller.
I came to you from fairy tales,
I found the way myself!
And about what will happen next,
I don't even know myself.
I only know every forest
Full of fabulous wonders.

Quiz "Who's the Boss"

Fairy. What do you have in your hands, Storyteller?
Storyteller. This is a magic casket, but I forgot magic words.
Fairy. Maybe the guys can help?
Storyteller. To open the casket, you need to remember from the fairy tale the magic words that open any door. Help guys.
The children answer. Sim, Sim, open up.
Storyteller. Oh, it's true. The casket is open. Let's see what I have here. I will show you objects, and you will tell me who is the owner of this thing.
Golden Key - Pinocchio.
Thermometer - Aibolit
Shoe - Cinderella
Little Red Riding Hood - Little Red Riding Hood
Boot with spur - Puss in Boots
Lamp - Aladdin
Needle - Koschey the Immortal

Quiz “Remember the fairy tale”

Fairy. Do you know the owners, do you remember the fairy tales?

1. In what fairy tale did the future king want to marry that girl who didn’t sleep all night, and it was the pea’s fault? ("Princess on the Pea")
2. Which Russian folk tale talks about difficulties farm? ("Turnip")
3. Which fairy tale talks about the dangers of excessive meat consumption? ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")
4. Which fairy tale talks about the increased demand of its heroes for bakery products? (“Kolobok”)
5. Which fairy tale contains a recipe for preparing an outlandish, unique in its taste dish? carpentry tools? ("Porridge from an ax")
6. Which fairy tale says that a hare became homeless, and a red-haired cheat took possession of all the real estate, and only the intervention of a third party helped restore justice? (“Hare Hut”)
7. In which Russian folk tale did they use unusual appearance transport to get to the king's palace? ("By magic")

Little Red Riding Hood comes out.

Quiz “Fairytale Beauties”

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello, I came here
I’m coming to you for the holiday, friends!
But tell me first
Am I too late yet?
Red Cap me
Calls the kids.
I didn’t come to you alone. My friends came with me, but yesterday there was a ball and they had not woken up yet. Try to find out who they are.

The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead the star is burning.
And she herself is majestic,
Protrudes like a peahen;
And as the speech says,
It's like a river babbling. (Swan Princess)

I did laundry for my stepmother,
I sorted out peas and buckwheat
And at night, with a thin candle.
And I slept by the warm stove. (Cinderella)

I can work beautifully and deftly,
I show skill in any matter.
I know how to bake bread and weave,
Sew shirts, embroider carpets
Swim across the lake like a white swan.
Who am I? (Vasilisa the Wise)

I was a toad in the swamp
I caught the arrow right away
Ivan the Fool saved me. (Princess Frog)

She was a theater performer
Although she lived in a box
But from the evil Karabas
Ran away forever (Malvina)

Malvina comes out.

Quiz “Through the pages of the Golden Key”

Malvina. I hear you're having fun here. Participate in various quizzes. Let's walk through the pages of my fairy tale.
1. What fairy tale did I come from, who is its author? (A.K. Tolstoy “The Golden Key”)
2. Who made the wooden boy? (Papa Carlo)
3. Who gave dad the log? (Joseppe)
4. How many years did Tortila the turtle live? (300 years)
5. Name the person who caught the leeches. (Duremar)
6. What was the name of the director of the puppet theater? (Karabas-Barabas)
7. Name my friends. (Pierrot, Artemon)

The princess comes out.

Competition "Princess and the Pea"

Princess. (Addresses Little Red Riding Hood)

Oh hi my friend
How is your old lady doing?

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello princess. My grandmother is on the mend. And here we hold fabulous quizzes.

Princess. Let's better competition we'll carry it out. Let's check if there are real princesses among the beauties present.

Any number of girls can participate in the competition. There are three chairs on the stage. There are small cushions on all the chairs. And only under one pillow is a pea. The girls take turns sitting on the chairs. And they stop near those chairs on which, in their opinion, the pea lies. The real princesses are those who correctly identified the location of the pea.

Cinderella comes out.

Competition "Cinderella"

Cinderella. Oh, so many kids -
Both girls and boys.
Did you come here to play?
Well, then hurry up and go.
When I lost my shoe at the ball, everyone knew that I had a special foot. A lot of time has passed since then. Let's find out if new Cinderellas have appeared, and the Storyteller will help me with this.
Any number of children can participate in the competition, regardless of gender. Everyone goes on stage; They take turns sitting down on a chair, and the Storyteller tries on Cinderella’s slipper for them. Whoever has the right shoe can be considered Cinderella.

Competition "Eat Pie"

Little Red Riding Hood. I will also hold my own competition. I have just a few pies left in my basket.
The number of players depends on the number of pies. Whoever eats the pie first wins. The pies should be big.

Dance evil spirits

Baba Yaga flies in on a broom
Baba Yaga. Beware! Disperse!
Hey broom, stop!
What kind of gathering are you having?
Are you having fun again?
That's enough, it's over, friends.
Hey, unclean one, come here!

Evil spirits come on stage and dance.

Quiz “According to Pushkin’s fairy tales”

Fairy. Baba Yaga, why do you want to stop the holiday?
Baba Yaga. What do I care? I do what I want! You didn't invite me, did you?
Fairy. We didn’t invite you because you don’t know how to do good deeds.
Baba Yaga. But that's not true. It’s in fairy tales that I’m bad, but in life I’m kindness itself. I also love to play and know fairy tales. Here try to answer my questions.

Answers to questions are written down on cards. 10 guys are called onto the stage and cards are given to them. Baba Yaga asks the audience a question. They answer. Only after this is the answer from the card read out. The guys who have the cards themselves (without consulting each other) must determine which of them has the correct answer to asked question.

1. How long did no one bother Dadon’s kingdom?
Answer: “A year or two passes peacefully;
The cockerel sits quietly..."
2. How many sons did King Dadon have?
Answer: “What a strange picture!
Before him are his two sons..."
3. How long did King Dadon feast in the queen’s tent?
Answer: “And then for exactly a week,
Obeying her, of course,
Bewitched, delighted,
Dadon feasted with her..."
4. For what pay did Balda agree to work for the priest?
Answer: “You get three clicks on your forehead a year...”
5. How many years did it take to collect the Ballad of Obrok with Church?
Answer: “You wouldn’t need a better income,
Yes, there is arrears on them for three years ... "
6. How many years did the old man fish?
Answer: “He fished for thirty years and three years...”
7. How many times did the old man throw the net before he caught it? goldfish?
Answer: “For the third time he cast the net,”
A seine came with one fish..." (2 times)
8.How long was the old woman queen?
Answer: “One week, another goes by...”
9. What size was the queen’s child born?
Answer: “God gave them a son the size of a yard...”
10. What dowry did the king prepare for his daughter?
Answer: "Seven trading cities
Yes, one hundred and forty towers..."

Storyteller. There are many fairy tales in the world, funny and sad, fairy tales are loved by children and adults. Each of us knows one or more fairy tales.

Baba Yaga. While I walk around the world, fairy tales will not end.

Cinderella. There are many different fairy tales, very, very diverse.

Malvina. And the prince will love Snow White,
And vanity will destroy the witch.

Little Red Riding Hood. The evil wolf will be killed during the hunt so that children can walk through the forests without fear.

Princess. And the month will shine clear
Under the scythe of Vasilisa the Beautiful...

Fairy. We take it with us on the road
Your favorite fairy tale friends.
In difficult times they will help you.
Find your dream and make your life brighter.

Together. Now the moment has come to say goodbye,
Our speech will be short;
We say to you: “Goodbye!
See you happy next time!”

Two will be at the oars, one at anchor. This means we still need an anchor.
Residents laugh:
- Who will give you a boat? You have to leave it there; you can’t pull it back up the rapids. And they won’t sell it; we can’t be left without boats. Once there was a flood in Chulman and flooded the village. The junk and people were rescued on boats. Yes, we are nothing, there was one rescuer, God bless him, - Timofey Silych, in his years, but strong and dexterous, he knows how to handle water. There are plenty of men in strength, but it’s not enough to cope with a boat in a storm.
- How about ordering a boat? - I ask.
- Except that. Only the craftsmen have all left. Maybe in Chulmakan, but who remained in Kirpichny.
And from the upper terrace of the Chulman River I finally see a wonderful sight - they are building a boat, strong, with a keel, a wide stern, they are building not by charlatans, but by craftsmen (try to find them!), from dry boards (try to get them!), they are building quickly ( try to persuade!), do not get distracted every hour at the tea room (try to persuade!). I don’t believe it myself, but it’s a fact. You also need an anchor. Where can I get it? You'll have to order it and forge it.
“Eva,” say the fishermen. “There is no one to forge.” Geologists only have a forge. Coal geologists are twenty kilometers away. They have residential buildings, workshops, laboratories and a forge there. They don't oblige us to do anything. You have to ask.
It is known that main man not a boss, but a performer, a blacksmith. Bring him a hundred permits, if he doesn’t want it, he won’t do anything, he’ll find a hundred reasons, and the authorities will be powerless. If he wants, he will do it without permission. I know, but the discipline habit is strong and I get permission.
How do people usually order what they need from craftsmen in such cases? Great specialists are men. They uncork the bottle, find out where who came from and why, how they came, how life is in general, and everything is settled: they give nails, cartridges, change dogs, rent boats.
How should a woman approach such matters? And how does she do it? Each, obviously, in its own way. I have long known that all craftsmen - carpenters, mechanics, boatswains on ships, foremen - women who come to them with requests are divided into two categories: “ladies” and “non-ladies”, or “savvy”. “Ladies” can talk nonsense, which is why the cost of what is requested increases many times, the execution time increases by the same amount, although the work there is for fifteen minutes. They undertake to do it willingly, but are in no hurry. They grin to their heart's content.
The “non-ladies” understand the matter, but some of them seem to like to punch the master on the nose - no worse than you, they say, we all understand, your business is small, do what you need to do, as they say. Good-natured, interested attention immediately disappears from the masters. This is an attack on the secrets of the craft, relegating them to the role of simple performers and even an injection into purely male pride. With an ironic smile, looking at each other, they will explain that it is absolutely impossible to do this. They throw in rabble-rousing words, incomprehensible to her, and the more indignant she is that she is right, the more they will prove that she is speaking utter nonsense.
Other “savvy” ladies show their knowledge in moderation. Give credit to the masters. This will do everything without tricks. To some extent, I went through all of this.
The blacksmiths looked at my permission with indifference - there was a lot of work to do, the bosses themselves gave the plan, the materials were poor, there was nothing to forge from. But it was said in such a voice that only a fool would leave. I understood: if they take it on, they will do it well, because they are true masters, quick to work, and lovers of their craft.
I talk with the masters, it seems like I’m relaxing, and in fact, at least short term sat down. It’s interesting with them - it seems that they are too. From the third call-conversation we are almost friends, they will forge an anchor, they treat my work with professional interest - this is not an ordinary job. And so we all argued and shouted: what kind of water force would tear the boat off the rod, and how many paws to give to the anchor, that more than one person turned off the road to the forge to find out who was being beaten and whose living fate was being decided. But in general, fates, of course, were decided - Timpton probably wasn’t joking during the flood. The anchor will have four legs like this. And a chain.
I would like to go to the taiga with him
Silych turned out to be just as I imagined him, reliable, stocky, broad-shouldered, with deep wrinkles, big hands. In boots and a hat.

The script for the play “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!”

Enter the artists:
1. The fairy tale is a lie,
yes there is a hint in it -
good fellows - a lesson.
2. Let there be many hints in the fairy tale,
Don't judge her harshly.
3. A fairy tale teaches all people
Be wiser and kinder.
4. A fairy tale is not a deception, but a mystery,
Don't make a mistake by accident.
5. A fairy tale is a treasure, a clear light,
An answer to any question.
6. Good fellow, come on,
Open the book of fairy tales!
7. You will enjoy
This is a magical read!
They go backstage to their seats.
Song "Alyonushka"
Buffoons appear:
1. Like in the village of Fly Agaric
Fences bloom in spring,
And if where the log lies,
It will grow into a hut.
There are enough miracles for everything -
The garden is digging itself,
And a hundred buckets at a time
Carries water in a sieve.
2. Thieves steal garbage there...
But where are those Fly Agarics?
Look for them on the map,
What a waste of time to drag a bug by the tail.
And it’s just like that with us
There won't be even a nickel.
3. You enter the village
Look at the geese!

Two geese

Dramatization of the fable
Duration of the performance: 2 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 5.
First Goose
Second Goose
In the foreground, left and right, are bushes and trees. In the background is the sky. A Crow flies in and sits on a tree.
Crow (to the audience)
One day along the path along the edge
Two geese were walking - two girlfriends.
The crow flies away. The First Goose and the Second Goose emerge from behind the trees.
Geese (singing in chorus)
Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese -
One is gray, the other is white,
Two cheerful geese…
A Pig comes out from behind the trees to meet the geese.
Oink-oink - for you!
First Goose
And to you - Ha-ha!
Second Goose (feignedly friendly)
Hello dear friend!
First Goose (feignedly friendly)
Oh, how glad we are to see you!
Second Goose
You are the joy of hearts and eyes!
First Goose
Gorgeous! Crazy mountain!
Second Goose
Queen of the barnyard!
Pig (touched)
I'm so pleased to hear this!
There is no one better in the whole world than you!
The pig hugs and kisses the geese and dances off into the trees.
First Goose (with contempt)
What a nightmare!
Second Goose (with contempt)
What a horror!
First Goose
Now I can't sleep for three nights!
Second Goose
Why live with such an image,
It’s better to have a basket on your shoulders!
First Goose
The pig is fat!
Second Goose
The pig is dirty!
First Goose
She is the stupidest person in the village!
Second Goose
The sea will not wash away such a thing!
First Goose
And it smells like a bucket of slop!
A Cat comes out from behind the trees to meet the geese.
Mur-mur - for you!
First Goose (feigningly affectionately)
And to you - Ha-ha!
Second Goose (feigningly affectionately)
Hello dear friend!
First Goose
Oh, how glad we are to see you!
Second Goose
You are the joy of hearts and eyes!
First Goose
How elegant!
Second Goose
How slim!
First Goose
And the wool is so smooth and long!
Echoing Goose
Oh, what a ponytail!
First Goose
What legs!
Cat (flirty)
Purr purr! You flatter me a little!
Second goose
No, not at all!
First Goose
Not at all!
Love you!
The cat hugs and kisses the geese, and then, dancing, disappears behind the trees.
Second Goose (with contempt)
This is just creepy!
What a flea-ridden freak!
First Goose (with contempt)
And the tail is shabby, like a brush!
Second Goose
First Goose
Second Goose
First Goose
Second Goose
And the color of rotten borscht!
Geese (singing in chorus)
Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese -
One is gray, the other is white,
Two cheerful geese…
Geese, singing a song, walk across the stage.
First Goose
It's time for us to say goodbye to you!
Second Goose
It was nice to chat!
First Goose
Yes, you are like a sister to me, -
Smart and sharp-tongued!
Second Goose
And you, my friend, are lovely.
You are my double, I’ll tell you honestly.
I'm delighted with you, but
You still have to say goodbye.
Geese kiss and hug. The second Goose is hiding behind the trees. The First Goose waves after her.
First Goose (to viewers)
This goose is a fool!
No smart thoughts, no figure!
And how chatty she is, it’s just creepy -
She bored me the whole way!
The first Goose goes in the opposite direction.
First Goose (singing)
Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese -
One is gray, the other is white,
Two cheerful geese…
The First Goose is hiding behind the trees. A Crow flies onto the stage from a tree.
Crow (to the audience)
Alas, there are people too
They are very similar to those geese:
In the eyes of their speech, like honey,
And for the eyes - a complete litter.
The crow flies away.
Song "Fair"
Buffoons: 1. Like being in the village all day
Crazy stuff is happening!
2. Horses fly in the sky!
The cats on the fence are barking!
How a cat hired a dog

Dramatization of the fable

Duration of the performance: 2 minutes; number of actors: from 1 to 5.
On the stage left and right there are two houses with porches.
The cat was unhappy with his feeding,
He became lazy and was fired for it.
The door of the house on the left creaks open. The Cat flies out of it head over heels with a loud meow. After him, his bundle of things is thrown away.
Cat (grumpily)
Just think! Not a great honor
Serve all day and not eat enough!
With my talent and willingness to work
I'll find a better job.
I just need a chance.
The Magpie postman flies out from behind the house with a newspaper and flies past the Cat. The cat takes the newspaper and opens it.
Cat (joyfully)
And here he is!
(reads syllables)
Need a dog... Address... Phone...
Feeding twice a day... housing...
(with enthusiasm)
I'll go and work as a dog.
With my mind and such a mustache
I'm much better than any dog!
The cat takes the bundle, goes to the porch of the house on the right and knocks on the door. The Master opens it for him.
I came to get hired based on an advertisement.
Boss (surprised)
But you're a cat!
Born a cat, not my fault.
I really need this work.
I can definitely handle it, just give me time!
Well, am I hired?
No! Bark first.
Why bark? It’s clear that it’s true
That any fool can bark.
Yes, I have a lot of talents:
I can roll balls, play with a bow,
I can purr and catch mice,
I can rock and nurse babies.
I can still climb a tree.
How can a dog compete with me?
I'm much better, believe me...
The Dog appears with a newspaper and approaches the porch.
Woof! Woof!
Master (Dog)
You suit me perfectly!
The job is yours!
Guard the house from the thief
The dog was hired without further ado.
And the cat was left on the porch with nothing.
The dog enters the house. The owner closes the door in the cat's face.
Cat (indignantly)
Why does he need a dog? Well, why?
The owner looks out the window.
Because you don’t have the skill -
Although you are good to everyone, you can’t bark.
This is how it happens: people sometimes
They've been looking for work for years,
Not understanding what's at work
Skill is not the same as hunting.
Song "Porushka Paranya"
Buffoons: 1. How we have a wedding in our village!
The bear is getting married!
2. And the bride is a fox!
Let's watch the matchmaking!
Bear and Fox
(or How the Bear Wooed the Fox)

Russian folk tale for reading and presentation

Duration of the performance: 3 minutes; number of actors: from 1 to 3.
We lived in the thicket next door
And we knew each other since childhood
Brown bear and fox
Forests of local beauty.
It's not good to live alone,
And the Bear decided to get married.
Everyone recommended
Go to the fox to woo.
Knock-Knock! Fox maiden,
The Bear is knocking on your house.
Will you marry me?
Well, Bear! Wow!
I won't marry you
I'll find a better husband.
Look at your paws
Short and clubfooted,
Wool is like felt boots, and you
Not the hero of my dreams!
Well, okay! Well, let!
I'll marry another fox!
And the Bear went home.
And the fox:
Oh my god!
I shouldn't be doing that! Rich bear -
He shovels honey.
Stop toiling around alone
I will become his wife.
And the fox went to the bear.
Who's there?
I refused in vain
I agree to get married!
Should I marry you?
Am I my own enemy?!
You are a red fox
The redhead is shameless!
And I heard from the mole,
Your paws are unclean!
Get out!
These are the words
I'll marry someone else!
I'm leaving forever!
She burst into tears from shame
And the little fox went home.
A Bear:
What a hysterical girl!
But it seems she's into me
Very much in love!
I shouldn't have gotten so excited,
I almost married her
After all, she is a beauty
And everyone likes it in the forest.
What a fool, what am I waiting for?
I'll go get married again!
And the Bear went to the fox.
Knock-Knock! Who is home?
That's it, dear fox,
I decided to get married again!
Marry me!
Get out of here! Leave!
Well, why are you standing there?
You'll see, even a mouse
This won't work,
Find a better groom!
I come to you with all my heart...
Yes, a small gift!
Well, I'll leave
I'm going to woo the mouse!
The mouse will be happy!
You'll spend your whole life with girls!
And the Bear left with nothing.
And the fox is completely alone.
What have I done?
The most important thing in life is family!
But Mishenka is handsome,
At least a little thick-skinned.
Where can I find this?
I'd better go for him!
But when she came, the Bear didn’t want to,
He's fooling his head again,
And the fox to him for it
Pays with the same coin
Afterwards the tears fall into the pillow.
That's how they match each other!

Buffoons: 1. I had a beautiful chicken.
Oh, what a smart chicken she was!
She sewed caftans for me, sewed boots,
She baked sweet, rosy pies for me.
2. And when he manages, he sits at the gate -
He will tell a fairy tale, sing a song.

Dance "Bird Yard"
Three Klushi

Dramatization of the fable

Duration of the performance: 5 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 8.
First Chicken
Second Chicken
Third Hen
In the foreground on the right is a fence and a spreading pear tree, in the middle is a fence with a torn board, and on the left is a bush. In the background is the garden.
On a hot day under the fence near the pear tree
Young blackbirds were sitting nearby.
Three hens and chicks come out from behind the right wing to the music. The hens sit decorously under the tree, and the chickens begin to play near them. While the chickens are talking, they play around and move further and further away from them.
While their chickens are in the yard
We played on the trampled grass,
They, without annoying the restless ones,
They had a sedate conversation among themselves.
First Chicken (enthusiastically)
Oh, how good our little ones are!
Second Chicken (with affection)
They're so beautiful, you can't paint a picture of them!
At this time, the chickens play around and offend each other, but the mothers do not pay attention to this.
Third Chicken (proudly)
Yes, they have everything - both intelligence and education!
Not like those obnoxious creatures
That some mothers will be born,
Which just to feed quickly
And fly away from the nest in the same minute.
First Chicken (confused)
I think that being an orphan is hardly worse!
And there is no need to be surprised later,
That half was eaten by the cat,
And the one who unfortunately survived,
He steals and loiters around.
I can't wait for winter to come
And he will drive them away.
Second Chicken
You're right, godfather!
Their proximity is our only loss!
First Chicken (sympathetically)
Poor things! After maternal torture
Never expect anything good from them!
Third Hen (grumpily)
I think it's time to pass a law
What if the mother went away somewhere,
Remove the chicks and put them in an incubator,
To eradicate vice and evil natures
And raise them to be exemplary chickens!
Second Chicken (disdainfully)
They still won’t become like our children -
There are few talents.
Third Hen (arrogantly)
Yes, not everyone in the world
Fly high through life like we do.
First Chicken
But at least they will be able to say: “Ko-ko!”
For them, believe me, this is not enough!
While these three were chatting,
Their chickens, walking around the yard,
A hole was found in the fence
And we got out.
The chickens go through the hole in the fence to the left half of the scene. The chickens don't pay attention to this.
One was caught by a cat.
The Cat runs out from behind the bush, says “Meow!”, grabs the squeaking chicken and drags it off the stage.
Another drowning in a spring on the path.
There is a gurgling sound and the second chicken disappears.
The third one was hit by a passing tarantass.
There is a roar, neighing, a horse harnessed to a tarantass rushes past the chickens, and the third chicken disappears.
The fourth fought with the fifth - he pecked in the eye.
Two chickens fight desperately and run into the bushes.
Those who remained were driven back by the children.
A boy with a stick runs out from behind a bush, he chases the squeaking chickens and drives them back into the yard.
No one noticed the loss from the cows,
While the rooster learned about the trouble
I didn't pluck all the fluff out of all three.
A Rooster appears on the fence, crows loudly, flies down and, with an indignant cackling, chases the chickens around the stage and pecks them. Chickens rush about, fluff and feathers fly.
Rooster (angrily)
There you are! So that the tails are not rubbed in vain,
And the children were properly supervised!
And sometimes it happens to people
Such adventures with kids.
So that the children of others grow up no worse,
No chatter - they need supervision.

All the actors come out
1. Why do we need fairy tales?
What does a person look for in them?
2. Maybe kindness and affection.
Maybe yesterday's snow.
3. In a fairy tale, joy wins,
A fairy tale teaches us to love.
4. In a fairy tale, animals come to life,
They start talking.
5. In a fairy tale, everything is fair:
Both the beginning and the end.
6. The brave prince leads the princess
Definitely down the aisle.
7. Snow White and the mermaid,
Old dwarf, good gnome -
8. It’s a pity for us to leave the fairy tale,
Like a cozy sweet home.
9. Read fairy tales to children!
Teach them to love.
10. Maybe in this world
It will become easier for people to live.

Script for the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” by C. Perrault.

Characters: Little Red Riding Hood, wolf, grandmother, lumberjacks.

Scenery: forest, house.

Actions: Little Red Riding Hood is walking along the path.

Leading: Once upon a time there lived a girl, and everyone called her Little Red Riding Hood. Her mother asked her grandmother to visit her and gave her a pot of butter and pies. A girl walks along the path, sings songs, collects flowers, and a wolf meets her.


Hello, hello girl
Where are you going.
What's in the basket, you bring your own delicious food.

I'm going to visit my grandmother
I bring her pies.


If along this path
You will go.
Quickly, quickly you will come to your grandmother's house.

I'll go along the path
I'll come to my grandmother soon.
I'll come to my grandmother soon.
I'll bring her a treat

Actions: Laughs merrily and runs away along the path.


I'll deceive the girl
I'll be the first to come to the house.
Along the short path
I'll get there quickly, quickly.

Actions: rubs his hands, smiles joyfully, runs away along the short path. The wolf approaches the house and knocks.


Who's that knocking on the door?
Has a man or a beast come?


I'm your granddaughter
I brought you a little treat. (In a thin voice.)


Pull the rope
Press and boil.


I'll open the door now.
I'll swallow granny in one go.

Actions: He opens the door, eats the grandmother, puts on her cap and lies down on the bed. Little Red Riding Hood comes to the door and knocks.


Who's that knocking on the door?
A man or a beast came.

I'm your granddaughter
I brought you a little treat.


Pull the string
Press and boil.

Actions: Little Red Riding Hood enters the house and approaches her grandmother.

K. Sh: Grandma, you have big eyes.

Wolf: To see you better.

K. Sh: Grandma, you have big ears.

Wolf: This is to hear better.

K. Sh: Grandma, you have a big mouth.

Wolf: To eat you, my friend.

Actions: The wolf attacks the girl, she hides.

Leading: The wolf swallowed the girl, but luckily the lumberjacks were passing by, heard a noise in the house, ran in and saved the grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood.


At least you'll go around half the world
You won't find us stronger.
We are in a hurry to help everyone
We want to help everyone out.

Script for V. Suteev’s work “Who Said Meow”.

Characters: Puppy, rooster, mouse, adult dog, bee, fish, frog, kitten.

Actions: The puppy is sleeping in the room.


The puppy was sleeping on the rug near the sofa.
Suddenly I heard someone say: “Meow”!
The puppy looked - there was no one.
I must have dreamed it in a dream.
And I lay down more comfortably on the carpet.
I closed my eyes and heard again
Someone said quietly, “meow-meow.”
The puppy jumped up and looked around
But there is no one under the table or under the bed.

The puppy climbed onto the windowsill and saw a rooster walking in the yard.


That's who didn't let me sleep.
Wasn’t it you who said “Meow?”


If I suddenly start drinking,
Then I shout: “ku-ka-re-ku”!


Who didn't let me sleep?
Who said “meow-meow”?

Leading: Suddenly, right on the porch, someone said “Meow.”

“It’s here”: said the puppy,
He quickly started digging in the sand.
He saw a mouse there
And he barked very loudly.


That's who didn't let me sleep.
Wasn’t it you who said “Meow?”


No, I'm not saying that.
Oh, I'm scared, I'm running.

Actions: The mouse runs away, and the puppy stands, lost in thought. Someone says “Meow” again.


Someone says “Meow.”
I see the kennel is standing.
I'll take a look there.

Actions: The puppy runs around the kennel, but does not find anyone. Suddenly a huge shaggy Dog jumped out to meet him.

Dog: R-r-r-r-r-r-r


I just wanted to know
Who is here: “Meow,” he could say.

I? You're laughing Puppy!
How could I say this?

Actions: The puppy rushed as fast as he could into the garden and hid there under a bush.

Leading: And then again I heard: “Meow.” The puppy looked out from under the bush. A furry bee was sitting on a flower right in front of him.


That's who says “Meow”.
It won't fly away from me.

Actions: The puppy tries to grab a bee with its teeth.

Bee: Wow! I'll sting you now.

Leading: The puppy got scared and ran, and the bee followed him. The Puppy ran up to the pond - and into the water! The puppy surfaced, the Bee was no longer there. A fish was swimming in the pond. And then someone said again: “Meow”


"Meow! Meow!" you say.
Well, where are you rushing?

Actions: The fish silently swims away, a croaking sound is heard, and a frog appears.


“Meow” who said it again?
This is what I wanted to know.


Everyone should know this
Pisces are always silent.

Actions: The frog jumps into the water, and the puppy goes home. He lies down on the rug near the sofa. And suddenly he hears: “Meow”

Leading: The Puppy jumped up, looked around, there was a fluffy cat sitting on the windowsill.


Leading: The Puppy jumped up and barked: “Aw-aw-aw.” Then he remembered how the shaggy Dog growled, and growled: “Ry-ry-r-r.” The cat hissed and jumped out of the window. And the Puppy returned to his rug and went to bed. Now he knew who said: “Meow”!

Script for the fairy tale “Under the Fungus” by V. Suteev.

Stage decoration: forest clearing, fungus, cloud.

Characters: ant, butterfly, mouse, bunny, fox.

Leading: The cloud stopped over the clearing. Suddenly it began to rain: drip-drip-drip. And a fungus grew in the clearing. Only there was a very small fungus. The fungus was happy about the rain. An ant crawls across a clearing. He is not happy about the rain, he is all wet.


I run, run, run.
I want to escape from the rain
The rain is getting heavier and heavier.
I’ll hide under the fungus as soon as possible.

The ant runs around the fungus, examines it and hides.


An ant hid under a fungus
And the rain keeps coming drip-drip-drip.
A butterfly flew into the clearing
I got all wet, saw the fungus, and was happy.


I flew, I fluttered.
I pollinated the flowers.
The cloud was brought by the breeze.
Cover me, fungus.
All wet from the rain
I can't fly now.

A butterfly flies around the fungus and flaps its wings.


The fungus is very small.


I won't take up much space
The rain will stop, I'll leave.

A butterfly hides under a fungus. Sing a song:


Leading: A little mouse came out into the clearing, his fur coat was wet, his tail was shaking. Looking for somewhere to hide from the rain.


I ran away from the rain,
I was completely wet.
So I run and search
Where can I hide?
Is there no place for me
Make room, friends.


The fungus is very small
It will be very crowded for everyone here.


I'll just stand on the edge
When my fur coat dries, I’ll leave.

The mouse hides under the fungus.

Leading: Here are three of them under the fungus.

Everyone sings:

It's fun, it's fun to stand under the fungus
It's great, it's great to wait out the rain.

Leading: The bunny is running, completely out of breath. Apparently someone is chasing him.


A fox is chasing me
Hide me, friends,
Help me hide
Save me from the fox.

Jumps around the fungus, trembles, looks around.


The fungus is very small
It will be very crowded for everyone here.


I won't displace you here
I won't take up much space.

The bunny is hiding under a fungus.Everyone sings:

It's fun, it's fun to stand under the fungus
It's great, it's great to wait out the rain.

Leading: The fox comes out into the clearing, looks around, and approaches the fungus.


The hare couldn't hide here
A very small fungus.

All: Yes, yes, yes, a very small fungus.


I won't miss the hare
I'll look elsewhere.

It's fun, it's fun to stand under the fungus
It's great, it's great to wait out the rain.


The rain came and went
There is singing and laughter.
Friends are surprised
Like a fungus, it hid them all.
The little frog jumped up
He looked at the fungus and said:

Little Frog:

While the rain was falling
The fungus has grown and become large.

Yes, yes, yes, we all escaped the rain
We will always be friends
After all, we cannot live without friendship.

Scenario for the Belarusian folk tale “Spikelet”.

Characters: Cockerel, little mice Spin, Spin.

Actions: The cockerel goes into the yard, sweeps, and the little mice play.

Leading: Once upon a time there were two mice, Krut and Vert. Yes cockerel Vocal throat.

The little mice sang and danced all day long
They spun and spun.
And the cockerel rose early,
He got to work.
I was sweeping the yard once,
He sang his songs.
Petya's ringing voice
Suddenly he found a spikelet.


Hey little mice come
Look what I found.

Little mice: It needs to be taken to the mill and threshed.


Who will go to the mill?
Who will carry the spikelet?

Little mice: Not me! Not me!


I'll go to the mill
I'll carry the spikelet.


The cockerel got to work.
Oh, it was not an easy job for him.
And the little mice played lapta,
There was no help for the cockerel.

Leading: The cockerel has returned and is calling the mice.


Hey little mice come
Look at the work.
I went to the mill
The spikelet was threshed.

Little mice: I need to grind some flour.

Cockerel: Who will bear it?

Little mice: Not me. Not me.

Cockerel: OK. I will go.


The cockerel worked honestly
And the mouse Krut had fun.
And the mouse Vert sang and danced.
The cockerel returned and called the mice.


Hey little mice, come
Look at the work.
I came from the mill
Grind the grain into flour.

Little mice:

Oh yes cockerel! Well done!
You need to knead the dough and bake the pies.

Cockerel: Who will bake the pies?

Little mice: Not me. Not me.

Cockerel: Apparently I'll have to.


The cockerel got down to business.
I lit the oven and kneaded the dough.
I baked pies.
The mice didn’t waste any time either
They sang, danced, played merrily.
The pies were baked, they were cooling on the table,
There was no need to call the mice
They came running themselves.


Wait, wait!
You tell me first
Who found the spikelet
And threshed the grain,
Who went to the mill?

Little mice: It's all you. It's all you.

Cockerel: What did you do?

Leading: And the little mice have nothing to say. They left the table, but the cockerel could not stop them. There is no reason to treat such lazy people with pies.

Actions: The little mice are sad, get up and leave the table.


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