Paint the garden barrels. Decor of barrels at the dacha - adding colors to the design of the site

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Even the most durable materials in the countryside fade and crumble over time. Plus, they most often show rust. The same applies to barrels. As a result, such containers become ugly and spoil the entire appearance vegetable garden You can, of course, throw away the old tank and buy a new one. However, this requires a lot of money. That is why it is better to go the other way - paint the existing container in Beautiful colors using stencils.

This type of activity will have double benefits: the barrels will also be given new life, and children will be able to take part in this exciting activity.

Ways to paint barrels in the country

To hide rust on garden water barrels, you can use one of the methods for decorating the area:

  1. Disguise it using available means.
  2. Paint or decorate the tank using stencils.

When choosing a camouflage method, you can use the following means:

  1. Cover with vegetation.
  2. Cover with moss.
  3. Create small containers from willow twigs.
  4. Paint it in protective colors.

If you like covering the tank with vegetation, you can plant small trees or bushes and attach the tank behind them. You can simply leave it on the ground or bury half of it in the ground. In this case, it is necessary to wrap the bottom with oilcloth to prevent rust on the walls.

Beautifully disguise and decorate a barrel or bucket

When choosing to create containers, the following work is carried out:

  1. All natural material is prepared in advance: twigs and branches.
  2. Dried willow branches must be soaked.
  3. The ends of the branches should be sharpened and placed in the ground at a distance sufficient to place the barrel inside.
  4. The weaving process itself begins with an imperceptible prying eyes sides.
  5. Weaving is carried out with a “snake”: the twig, as it were, slips from different sides under the supporting branches.

If you can’t get comfortable with the weaving technique, you can use painting the tank in khaki color, which will successfully hide the tank among the thickets.

Read also about garden crafts made from plastic bottles.

Decoration with coloring pages

When choosing a coloring, you need to know about its features:

  1. Only clean tanks should be used.
  2. Before starting work, cleaning is done with a special brush and emery paper.
  3. Only paints that can withstand natural conditions can be used.
  4. A solvent is required to correct the image.
  5. You need to use brushes: wide - for tinting and narrow - for drawing.
  6. A graphite pencil will allow you to make preliminary markings.

Decorate with acrylic paints

It is best to paint water barrels with acrylic paints:

  • They will create a bright and unique drawing.
  • Most resistant to weather anomalies.
  • Easy to apply and wash off.
  • Does not contain substances hazardous to children.

When coloring metal containers you must use the following sequence of actions:

  1. The tank is cleaned of rust and dirt.
  2. It is primed in an even and thin layer.
  3. Then the bonding paint is applied.
  4. After drying, the image is drawn with acrylic.

The main types of drawings will be the following elements:

  1. Vivid images of fairy-tale characters.
  2. Use of dropouts.
  3. Plastic bottles.
  4. Leaf patterns.
  5. Foam for installation.

As fairy-tale characters, you can use those that children like or those that you love. Such barrels can be installed near the children's area or in an open place.

When using screenings, it is necessary to have glue applied to the tank and the natural material itself. It turns out quite original design. Plastic bottles should be cut into different shapes and glued to the tank.

Leaves can be used as a stencil. They are carefully glued, and an aerosol is sprayed on top. Then the sheet is removed, but the image remains.

Foam can be used both in the form of patterns and as a basis for drawing a pattern on top.

Using stencils in the garden for garden barrels

Stencils or coloring books are perfect solution for those who don’t know how to draw or can’t come up with anything original. Their use is extremely simple, and the effect is excellent. You can create them yourself, using ideas from the Internet, or purchase ready-made ones in a special store.

Types of stencils

There are the following types of stencils to decorate a barrel or bucket:

  1. Consisting of many layers and one sheet.
  2. Dense and flexible.
  3. With and without glue.

Multilayer stencils allow you to use them a large number of time. Their main advantages include the creation of voluminous and large drawings. The disadvantages include such items as high cost and the need to use glue.

Single-layer stencils are intended for one-time use. The advantages include a minimum of time spent, a low price and the ability to create any design. But they cannot be used on plastered surfaces.

You will find all the information about crafts made from tires for the garden.

How to color

Dense and flexible stencils are used to create any image. They can be various types: in the form of plants, flowers, stars and other things. Their advantages include non-standard design and low cost, while their disadvantages include a short duration of use.

Stencils using glue are used as follows: first, the adhesive base is peeled off, and then it is applied to the surface of the barrel and carefully smoothed out. Those that do not have glue are lubricated with the composition and glued.

In the video - a do-it-yourself stencil:

How to make your own decor

When painting a barrel using stencils, you can use the simplest method - using natural material. To do this, perform the following procedure:

  1. All unique shapes and sizes of leaves, branches and other things are prepared.
  2. The barrel or tank is installed on a hill and against the wind.
  3. First, the container is painted with light green paint. The diagonals are drawn on top using a white tint.
  4. Natural material is applied and sprayed from a spray can.
  5. This is how all the work is done.

If you want to create something more beautiful and unusual, you can make your own stencils. To create them, you can use one of the options.

Option one: paint using templates

Using templates: For this you can download already ready-made types, offered on many sites. Then the stencil is strengthened with paper.

Option two

Pattern Thickness: You can choose how many layers the stencil will contain. After this the following is done:

  1. The design of the drawing is being thought through.
  2. It is being created.
  3. Copying occurs either onto one tracing paper or onto multiple ones.

Option three

Choice of material. If you want to create a stencil on paper based, That:

  1. Select the type of paper.
  2. The template is sealed using paper or packing tape.
  3. The drawing is drawn and carefully cut out.

If it is made of a plastic base:

  1. The image is applied to a plastic surface.
  2. The sample is cut out.
  3. All sharp corners are rounded.

Thus, you can make absolutely any stencil.

You will learn how to make a birdhouse with your own hands.

On the video - how to paint a barrel in the country:

How to paint a water barrel

After creating a suitable sample, you need to use it to decorate the barrel. The following amount of work should be carried out:

  1. The stencil is fixed to the surface using paint or tape.
  2. The paint is applied using improvised means.
  3. It should be as small as possible so that the drawing does not blur.
  4. The brush is stuffed or rotated over a stencil.

The simplest type of stencil is ready. For a more complex and voluminous pattern, you can use the following steps:

  1. Using an already painted stencil, you should add different shades of paint - from lighter to darker.
  2. The same sequence should be performed - from the center to the edge.
  3. If you use round patterns, you can make a different sequence - from the edge to the center.

Thus, using different technologies by drawing the same stencil, you can create real masterpieces on the walls of barrels.

Country barrels can have different purposes. One is for settling water, another is a flower bed, the third is for storing sand... As a rule, country barrels are not examples of design, and metal ones even rust over time. But this can be fixed!

Before painting the barrel, wash it thoroughly inside and out, remove dirt and rust with sandpaper. Then it would be good to degrease the surface with alcohol. If the barrel is plastic, it can be painted right away, but it is better to pre-paint a metal barrel in any color that will become the background.

What paint should I use to paint a barrel? The best one is acrylic for different surfaces, you can use leftover paint for the walls and ceiling.

The easiest way to decorate a barrel is to cut out a stencil (for example, a flower or a heart), apply it to the barrel and apply spray paint around it. You will get, for example, a yellow or blue barrel with white (or another color) identical patterns. This option does not require any artistic abilities or special time investment.

DIY colored barrel

If you want to surprise everyone, including your neighbors, the barrel can be turned into a real work of art.

For this you will need:

First of all, think about what exactly will be depicted on your country barrel. If there are two of them, you can depict a couple in love (and attach umbrellas to them!), three - bears or piglets... Separately standing barrel You can paint it to resemble a jar of condensed milk or jam, Gzhel or Khokhloma, or you can depict a fairy-tale plot. Abstract pictures are also suitable, especially if they fit into the design of the summer cottage.

The contours of the design can be applied to the barrel with a thin brush or marker. It’s good if the barrel is pre-painted in the background color: unsuccessful contours can be easily painted over. You can also cut out a stencil of the design onto large sheet paper and paint over the cut out areas - this option is convenient for children.

Let the finished barrel dry for a day or two, then it can be used for its intended purpose.

On absolutely every summer cottage you can see several old water containers, mostly barrels. These containers are used for watering plants, and also as a reserve if the water in the area is suddenly turned off.
Painted barrels at the dacha
So that the appearance of the barrels (mostly rusty tanks) does not spoil the landscape design of the site, they can be beautifully decorated using paints.
A painted barrel can be installed anywhere: in the garden on the lawn, between the vegetable beds, in the front garden, on the porch of the dacha, etc.
This idea is popular because it requires virtually no effort or money.
Now let’s look at the technology for decorating plastic and metal barrels in the country.
How to paint barrels in the country?
First you need to select suitable barrels. Large 200-liter barrels look most beautiful, because... You can make drawings of any complexity on them.
To paint a barrel with your own hands you will need:
Empty clean water barrels
Metal brush and sandpaper
Water-repellent paints in various colors
Simple pencil
To Work with plastic barrel much easier, because Before painting it only needs to be thoroughly washed and dried.
Upon registration metal barrel First you need to completely remove all the rust. To do this, it is recommended to use a metal brush or sandpaper. Once all the rust has been removed, it is recommended to treat the surface of the barrel with a rag soaked in alcohol. This event will allow you to degrease the surface before painting.
After preparing the barrel for painting, you need to think about the design. It all depends on your imagination. The best looking barrels are those with the following pictures:
Fairy tale characters
AnimalsPeople (for example, a boy and a girl)
Having created a sketch of the drawing on paper, you need to transfer it to the barrel. To do this, first paint the barrel one color (entirely). Next, using a brush, the contours of the design are drawn, which are then painted with a suitable paint.
To paint a barrel beautifully and at the same time involve the whole family in the work, it is recommended to first paint the container one color and wait until the paint dries. Next, using paints different color, you can leave the handprints of each family member on the barrel. This idea will make the barrel creative and become a memory for the whole family.

Barrel with family prints
After the barrel is completely dry, place it in appropriate place at the dacha and enjoy the updated landscape design.
I would also like to note that the barrel can be additionally decorated with flowers. To do this, pour inside the container fertile soil and plant suitable plants.

Painted water barrel with flowers
Another tip is to make the background of the pattern on the barrels different. For example, paint one barrel red and the second green. The contrast of shades will make the composition of barrels more attractive.
Photo of painted barrels at the dacha
So that you can clearly see this idea for the garden, we present to your attention a photo of painted barrels in the country:

Blue painted barrel

Idea for using a painted barrel

Beautiful water barrel

Simple design of a water barrel

Barrel design in pop art style

Drawing of a bunny on a barrel

Beautiful barrels in the garden

DIY barrel coloring

Green barrel at the dacha

Painted barrel with climbing plants

Many people have a barrel at their dacha that spoils the entire landscape. It is very necessary, but rusty and so dull... but I want the site to look attractive in every detail. Is it possible to make a garden decoration out of an unsightly barrel? Easily! You just need to decorate it!


How to decorate water barrels in the country? Follow our advice. In general, the instructions are suitable for decorating any similar container.

First, prepare the surface of our future “canvas”:

  1. empty the barrel of water;
  2. clean the surface from dirt, old paint and rust using coarse sandpaper or a special metal brush;
  3. put the container to dry in the sun;
  4. Apply a special primer to the surface before painting;
  5. dry the barrel again.

Best suited for background coloring acrylic paint for any surfaces. It is not afraid of moisture and will protect the barrel from corrosion.

The most important task is to come up with a design or ornament. Here you can give free rein to your imagination. The main thing is to choose something that you will be able to implement on your own. Decorating garden barrels involves two main schemes - for professionals and for beginners.

Simple scheme - stencils

If you are an artist at heart, but in practice you can’t draw beautifully, it doesn’t matter! Use stencils. The easiest way to make them is from thick paper.

To decorate a barrel you can use the most common patterns - circles, diamonds or others geometric figures. Or create stencil drawings.

Required tools and materials:

  • cardboard or whatman paper;
  • background paint;
  • paint for drawing (it will work easiest if you buy paint in spray cans)
  • pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • paint brushes, roller and any other materials for painting;
  • varnish (preferably at the final stage).

How to make a stencil for decorating a barrel:

  • on a sheet of paper, draw a clear outline (by hand, with a ruler, using a glass or a printed template - whichever is more convenient for you);
  • Use a utility knife to carefully cut out the stencil. Try to avoid any irregularities or nicks;
  • That's it - the stencil is ready!

If you decide to make a simple ornament, for example “funny polka dots”, these simple instructions will do:

  1. paint the barrel with background paint;
  2. make stencils on a strip of large Whatman paper - you can cut out small and large circles alternately;
  3. wrap the strip with stencils around the barrel and secure with tape;
  4. then use an aerosol, brush or roller to carefully paint over the stencils;
  5. go down to the level below and turn the strip with stencils over so that the small and large circles change places;
  6. thus cover the entire surface with the pattern;
  7. wait until completely dry;
  8. If your paint is not durable, secure the design with a layer of varnish.

In the same way, you can paint a barrel with “daisies”, “suns” and other simple patterns. The process is similar to a coloring book familiar from childhood. The main thing is to work slowly, applying the drawing carefully.

More complex figures should be drawn using separate stencils. Hold the cardboard with the cut out template in place with one hand and apply paint with the other. Or attach the stencil with tape. However, make sure that the tape does not leave marks, because after it the paint may lie unevenly on the surface.

Complex diagram - we draw it ourselves

If you can boast of artistic talent, decorating barrels in your dacha will become even more creative and will bring you a lot of pleasure. You can use all your imagination and create a real masterpiece.

Is there only one barrel at the dacha? Then turn it into a painting with a fairy-tale plot or landscape. Draw something that will fit in or be a continuation landscape design at your summer cottage. This could be an image flowering branch apple trees in the garden, a “portrait” of a hedgehog or a favorite pet.

If there are several containers, you can play on quantity. Create an interesting plot from barrels: draw a couple in love, characters from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” or even seven dwarves, if you like.

Tips for artists:

  • as in the first scheme, after priming, apply a background coating of moisture-resistant paint;
  • if you are not sure that you can draw accurately the first time, first make a “sketch” with a marker;
  • to better draw details, use brushes of different sizes;
  • work slowly;
  • Don’t worry about small “blunders” - they can be hidden with background paint.

Original ideas for decorating a water barrel in the country

  • Instead of paper stencils, you can use tree leaves. This pattern fits harmoniously into the natural design of the summer cottage.
  • If you have drawn a character or just a cheerful person, a bright umbrella is suitable to complete the image.
  • To create a watercolor effect, you can use a sponge instead of brushes when painting a barrel. But only an experienced artist can handle this task well. Although country cottage area- this is exactly the place where beginners can practice.
  • A creative idea for kids to participate: you can create a design on a garden barrel using your palms. This way you will capture the hands of your children, give them incredible joy and make original decor in the country. In this case, you should use non-aggressive types of paints for the ornament, and the resulting pattern should be varnished after drying.

Decorate garden barrel it can be done in different ways. Show your imagination, and simple summer cottage equipment will become the highlight of your summer cottage.

Painting a water barrel in the garden takes some effort. After all, a garden is not only a place where vegetables and fruits are grown, it is also a place of relaxation. And therefore it is important to keep it beautiful, take care of the plantings, and water the plants. But watering from a hose is not enough; often for this purpose they use settled water, which is collected in a barrel in advance. And it should also fit into the interior of the garden.

First you need to decide on the size of the barrel that you want to install on your site. It may depend on several factors, such as the size of the garden and the number of beds that will use water.

If you choose a large volume, then it makes sense to show your imagination and decorate it with some kind of design. But you need to immediately decide what will be depicted on it. The amount of paint that will be used to cover the surface will depend on this. A small barrel can be painted one color. But if you want, you can still dream up your imagination and draw a small masterpiece on it.

Next you need to decide on the location of the container in the garden. You should choose a place in the sun so that the water can heat up. If you try, you can easily fit the barrel into the interior of your garden. After you have decided on the future design, you need to clean the future art object from rust and dirt so that it is not affected by corrosion and the water in it is always clean. An iron sponge is perfect for this; it can easily remove rust.

After this, you need to treat the surface of the barrel with alcohol to degrease the surface. Only after this can you start painting.

Painting the container

It is advisable to give preference to water-repellent paint. You can coat the barrel with a metal primer. It will help level out uneven areas, then the paint will adhere better.

When painting, you can show all your imagination. You can paint it in green camouflage, then the barrel will look great in the garden. The first layer of paint on the barrel must be applied with a roller. What happens next depends only on you. If you have children, then you should please them with drawings.

But if there are no children or children’s drawings will not match the barbecue, old sofa or hammock, then you can depict a floral pattern on the barrel. Using a few cans of spray paint and branches from various plants you can turn your barrel into a work of art. You can also use a stencil for this. Big choice stencils allows you to find one that will appeal to any summer resident.

It is important that the design is proportional to the size of the barrel.

The drawing can be outlined, small details highlighted in a different color, then the image will look even better. But you should only choose colors that are compatible with each other.

Colors and designs

Each color has its own effect on a person. Red has a stimulating effect on a person, green lowers blood pressure, soothes the eyes, and blue helps to concentrate. Ready barrel can be placed in the garden, in the vegetable garden between the beds or in the front garden. To make the barrel fit into the interior, you can resort to in different ways. For example, if the barrel is green, then the lower part can be disguised as grass.


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