Homemade water well. Manual drilling: preparatory stage

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In areas where the city water supply does not function, the problem of water supply is one of the main ones. Water is necessary in the country. Irrigation of plants, household needs, cooking are not possible without it. A well is the best option for obtaining moisture in the garden. Moreover, this can be done in the shortest possible time and without significant financial costs. The main thing is to pre-designate the place most convenient for drilling.

Methods for searching for water, establishing the depth and installation point of the well

If there are no obvious signs of water in the garden area (areas with lush vegetation), you need to look for it yourself. There are many reconnaissance methods; let’s analyze the most effective ones.

Soil water covers

In the soil, as a rule, there are three or more aquifers, broken up by hard rocks, the relief outlines of which can differ significantly.

  1. The upper one is located at a depth of about 25 m. It is formed due to the accumulation of water from melted snow and precipitation. Suitable only for technical needs, as it may contain fertilizer residues and other undesirable chemicals. elements.
  2. The middle one (ground) comes immediately after the first one. Water extracted from this layer has a stable chemical composition and is suitable for consumption.
  3. The lower (artesian) is located 40 m deep. Not every drilling rig can drill such a well, and it will be very expensive. But the waters of the artesian layer are distinguished by exemplary taste, organoleptic and biochemical qualities.

Based on this, we can conclude that a depth of 25-40 m is suitable for obtaining high-quality water. It will be possible to determine more precisely only during drilling operations, during sampling. It is worth considering that on summer cottages located in lowlands or close to rivers and lakes, the level groundwater can be much higher (10 to 15 meters deep).

Search methods

  • Silica gel. Bags of beads are usually placed with shoes to absorb moisture, and can also be purchased at hardware stores. When dried (in the oven or in the sun), the balls are buried in the ground for a day, having previously been placed in a clay container (1m) in the place where it is planned to drill for water. After the specified time, the container is weighed, and the heavier it is, the closer the liquid is.
  • Barometric. A 0.1 mmHg barometer (any one capable of showing elevation changes will do) shows a difference in elevation of 1 meter. That is, you first need to take measurements on the shore of the nearest body of water, and then compare them with measurements directly in the selected area. The difference between the air pressure differences in both places will be an indicator of the depth of groundwater. It will be much more convenient to use an electronic downhole cable level gauge.
  • Preliminary drilling. An ordinary garden auger with an auger diameter of 30 cm will be enough to decide on the choice of location for the future source. Please note that you will have to go 6-10 m deeper, so take care in advance about increasing the length of the handle. It is recommended to remove soil every fifteen centimeters of the depression. This action must be performed until water appears in the extracted mixture. This is one of the most reliable search methods, but it requires a huge amount of labor.

Determining the location for the well

It is not advisable to choose a place for a well near sewerage structures, cesspools, garbage heaps and other sources of pollution. It is recommended to maintain a distance of 25-30 meters from them. An elevated area is best to prevent the pump from flooding.

How to drill a well on a site with your own hands

Many summer residents prefer to hire a team of people who have the appropriate equipment at their disposal, rather than trying to drill a well themselves.

In fact, the process is not complicated. You just need to understand the sequence of actions, prepare all the necessary equipment and get to work.

Subtypes of well structures

Regarding the depth of drilling, the volume of water produced, its quality and service life, there are following types structures:

  • Sand or filter. It is a pipe with a diameter of 100-130 mm, deepened by an auger into the sand for 20-30 m. A mesh of of stainless steel, acting as a filter. This design will last from 5 to 15 years, depending on the frequency of use: the less often it is used, the less it will function.
  • Artesian or filterless. This is an underground water collection structure for extracting water from porous limestone rocks. The depth of this type of well is from 20 to 200 m, and its service life is at least 50 years. In comparison with the previous type, it is almost impossible to dig an artesian well with your own hands, since a special drilling machine is required for this purpose.

Do-it-yourself methods for drilling wells

Today, there are several common methods of extracting water with your own hands.

Manual drilling of water wells

Used for drilling wells up to 25 m deep.

Required tool:

  • drill (its head is attached to the lower rod);
  • rods (can be made from pipes, connecting them with dowels or threads);
  • winch;
  • siege pipes;
  • drilling tower (if the well is planned to be deep, it will be used to raise/lower the drill with rods).

Stages technological process:

  1. Installing the tower at a height of 50-70 cm above the level of the rod (to make it easier to remove).
  2. Digging a hole for the drill (depth - two bayonet shovels).
  3. The initial rotation is easy, but then (as you dive in) you will need an additional pair of working hands.
  4. To facilitate the further entry of pipes, you can try to moisten the soil with water.
  5. Every 50 cm, you should raise the drill to the surface and clear the blades from the ground (since this takes a lot of time, you should try to capture as much soil as possible during each lift).
  6. You need to continue until the head falls into the waterproof layer.
  7. The slurry is pumped out using a submersible pump (AL-KO Drain 7000 Classic is suitable) until a clear liquid appears.

Manual drilling Wells for water has its advantages: low cost and does not disrupt the structure of the earth's cover. However, the dimensions of such a structure (both depth and diameter) do not allow storing a significant volume of water, and its service life does not exceed a decade.

Drilling a water well using the percussion-rope method

It consists of crushing rocks with a heavy object (a driving glass), which is suspended by a rope from a makeshift tower and falls down.

Before drilling a well with your own hands using the percussion-rope method, you must:

  1. Make a tower. It is made in the form of a tripod from steel pipes or wooden logs. The structure should rise 1.5 meters above the projectile.
  2. Prepare the driving glass. Installed at the end of the steel pipe cutting edge(a knife resembling an auger), and a little higher (about 50 cm) a hole is cut to extract the earth. The upper part of the projectile is attached to the tower with a cable.
  3. Stretch a rope that will winch the installation. Next, the same cycle occurs as in the previous method.

Shock-rope water extraction takes a long time and is troublesome, but is the cheapest method.

How to choose a pump for a well yourself

Before you drill a water well yourself, you need to carefully select the equipment. Since the diameter of the hole in the water well is not large (110-130 mm), the only option for supplying water to the surface is a pump. But making a choice in favor of one unit or another is difficult, since manufacturers provide consumers wide choose products. Before making a choice, it is necessary to carefully study not only the passport characteristics of the pumping apparatus, but also the features of the well design.

Options for selecting a specific model:

  • 24/7 water consumption. If you have an average family of 3-4 people, a pump with a capacity of 30-60 l/min will be sufficient, without taking into account additional costs for watering and irrigation. If there are such needs, you will need a more powerful device.
  • Source depth. It is not difficult to take accurate measurements. To do this, just tie a piece of metal or a small stone with a strong thread and sink it to the bottom. After this, all you have to do is measure the length of the wet and dry parts of the “meter” and determine the total height of the riser. The model should be selected in relation to it (the depth for submersible pumps is indicated in the passport).
  • Water residence rate (flow rate). You pump out all the water, note the time it takes for the liquid to drain and then fill, divide the first value by the second and get the result.
  • Diameter of the siege pipe. When drilling water wells, you need to take into account that most pumps are designed for a four-inch opening.
  • Quality of construction. Choose a unit designed specifically for wells, as they are equipped with fine mesh filters. Otherwise, you will have to change it soon, because it will not be able to cope with blockages (for example, washed-out sand) and will quickly fail.

Types of pumping stations

According to their functional features, all units are divided into two groups.


Installed on the ground surface. A pipe or hose is connected to them ( better pipe, the hose under pressure may become pinched and water will not be able to circulate). The main advantage is that they are easy to install and operate. Centrifugal models are best suited (vibrating models are not designed for pumping dirty water and can destroy the walls of the source with vibration), such as Optima JET80S, Pedrollo PLURIJET 4/200.

Surface pumps have more advantages than submersible ones. They have more power and protection against overheating. Since they are larger (their size is not limited by the parameters of the well), they have more advanced filters and are cooled better. They are also easier to lubricate or remove when repairs are needed.


Suitable for pumping water from 40-70 meters depth. They are placed at the bottom of the tower and from there they push the liquid up. The characteristics of a particular pumping system are determined by the consequences of the measurements taken. To do this, using the method described above, a rope with a load is lowered into the well. Add 3-4 m to the remaining dry part - this will be the height of the water jet. If it is up to 40 m, a unit with low power (indicated in the passport data) is suitable, and if higher, select a high-power pump.

Best choice It will become a fully automated device: in case of overheating or voltage drop in the electrical network, it turns off itself. Models: Pedrollo 4SR8m/13 - PD 2.2, WILO TWI 5-306 EM, Gardena 6000/5.

Bottom line

You can drill a well yourself without using rented expensive equipment. You may spend a little more time drilling and arranging the source, but in the end you will get a high-quality structure made by yourself.

Pay special attention to the choice of pump, since the hardware is very important when working with water. You need a truly high-quality device that is easy to repair and maintain.

For normal life support, there must be constant water in the house or country house. Most often the sources are a well or a borehole. Preferably a well. Firstly, because, as a rule, rather deep-lying aquifers with cleaner water are reached. Secondly, they last longer. Thirdly, their flow rate (replenishment rate) is much higher. It is also important that it is possible to drill water wells with your own hands. There are several technologies, you just need to choose.

Water near your home is always good

Methods for self-drilling water wells

Water wells are drilled or driven - different technologies require different methods. Drilling water wells with your own hands is not possible with all methods, but some can be used.

Auger drilling

With this technology, a well is drilled using a special drill - an auger. This is a steel pipe with blades welded in a spiral. When rotating, the projectile sinks into the ground. After it has gone to its full depth, it is taken out and the soil remaining on the blades is poured out. The auger is lowered into the well again, with a pipe growing on top, and excavation continues. So, taking out the shell over and over again and shaking off the soil, they drill a well. The pipes at the ends can be threaded or connected using studs.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is not suitable for all types of soil. Normally, soft or medium-hard rocks are drilled. If a stony or rocky layer is encountered, the work will be ineffective - the auger is powerless here. In loose soils, there will be blockages, which is also problematic.

Quite powerful installations use this technology, but there are even hand-held auger drills. It is very difficult to work with them, but it is possible. There is a simple device that makes auger drilling of water wells with your own hands easier - it’s a tripod with a collar and a block fixed at the top. With the help of a cable, a winch and a block, it is easier to remove the drill bit, and this must be done often.

Motorized drilling rigs are more convenient, and not necessarily purchased ones. Eat interesting homemade products. In any case, it is a frame with a movably mounted motor that drives the drill. An example of such an installation is in the following video. The auger drill is not used for water wells, but the essence of the installation itself and the operating principle do not change.

With the small size of the auger and rods that increase the length (up to 1.5 m), this method of drilling water wells can also be used inside a house, cottage, or bathhouse. The main thing is that the soils are suitable.

Hydro stimulation (using a pump or pump)

As the name implies, this method uses water to drill wells. At independent use Most often, water is pumped into a pipe. It comes out through special holes at the bottom of the drill and flows out by gravity through the gap between the outer wall of the pipe and the walls of the well.

In addition to the drill and threaded pipes, this method also requires a pump. Before starting work, two pits are dug near the future well. In the first, the bulk of the soil settles, in the second, water enters, devoid of most of the impurities. The process requires little water - it circulates constantly. From the first pit, sediment is periodically removed, usually with a shovel. If necessary, if the water has become too dirty, it can be replaced. It is pumped out using the same pump, only it is not fed into the well, but discharged somewhere on the site. Having filled in a new batch of water, you can continue drilling.

After the well has reached the required depth, a casing pipe with a filter at the end is inserted into it. IN Lately HDPE or PVC pipe is most often used. It is easier to work with HDPE - it bends well. The filter is holes drilled at the end of the casing. The length of such a filter is about a meter. Then you can wind stainless steel wire on top, and a fine mesh made of the same stainless steel on top.

Shock-rope method

One of the easiest ways to make a well yourself is the shock-rope method. But it is also the slowest and, in the absence of mechanization, requires significant physical effort. On the other hand, it can be considered as a simulator. Moreover, it is very effective - almost all muscles of the body work.

Do-it-yourself percussion-rope drilling of water wells - universal method, which can be used on any type of soil. Only the projectile changes, but the technology and installation remain the same:

Rope drilling installation can be done in different ways. The most common type is a tripod, in the center of which a block is fixed. But the block can also be attached to an L-shaped structure; an electric motor with a gearbox can also be used to make work easier.

Tripod - the most common type of installation

The technology of percussion-rope drilling itself is very simple: the projectile is lifted and released into free fall. This is repeated many times. With each blow the hole gets a little deeper. When a section of 50 cm has been covered, the projectile is removed and freed from the ground. And everything repeats itself again.

To drill faster, you need a heavy projectile. If the pipe walls are thick, the mass can already be significant. If necessary, you can make it heavier by filling the top of the pipe with lead. Also, to speed up the passage, the lower edge can be sharpened, but this must be done so that the bevel is directed inward. One more thing: pay attention to the slots in the drill bits. They make it easier to remove rock. This is especially important when passing through dense, viscous clay layers.

A cable for a shock-rope drilling rig needs a diameter of 10-12 mm. If you will be working manually, gloves are required. When going through the upper layers it is easier to use hand drill, and for more easy passage upper layers in dry times, you can fill the drilled well with water.

Casing and filter

All technologies described above self-drilling have water wells common features. After the well has reached the aquifer (water appears in large quantities in the rock), they continue to drill for some time, going 1-2 meters deep into the aquifer. Then the entire drilling rig is disassembled and installed inside the well casing pipe.

The casing needs to be dealt with. Select the diameter depending on the size of the well you drilled and the type of pump you plan to use. You must carefully consider the choice of material. For some time, casing was used asbestos pipes. But they are very harmful - a strong carcinogen. You should not use galvanized pipes either - zinc is not removed from the body and accumulates. And poisoning with it has very bad consequences.

Remains different big choice- pipes made of steel and stainless steel, as well as plastic - HDPE and PVC. Stainless steel - almost perfect option, except for the price and complexity of welding. To prevent the seam from rusting, welding in an argon environment is necessary, but this is not easy. Although, special stainless steel can help to some extent.

IN last years Plastic pipes are becoming increasingly popular. PVC and HDPE are cheap and cheerful, but to install them, the well must be perfectly level. Another point is that plastic does not withstand loads very well. Therefore, they can be used at shallow depths - up to 15 meters. In any case, use them for a well sewer pipes it’s not worth it, it’s better to find water pipes, although they are more expensive: the walls in them different thicknesses, so the investment will be worth it.

Steel pipes definitely won’t crumple and will last a long time, but they also have a significant drawback: they rust. However, of the options described above, metal is the optimal one if you can’t afford stainless steel.

In order for water to flow into the casing pipe, a filter is made in its lower part, which is immersed in the aquifer. Holes are made in the pipe. There are two options. The first one is a drill large diameter, in four rows in a checkerboard pattern. The second is to cut longitudinal slits with a grinder (size 1.5-2.5 mm).

A wire (3-4 mm in diameter) is wound on top of the pipe, and a mesh with a very fine mesh is attached on top of it. It is best to use stainless steel. In this case, it will be possible to wash the filter from deposits using washing solutions, and the wire and mesh can be welded to the pipe.

If you use any other metal, the filter will fail after a while. Ferrous metal rusts, the rest is destroyed due to electrolytic corrosion.

Abyssinian well or needle well

This is a type of manual drilling of water wells and cannot be called drilling - a special rod with a cast cone-shaped tip is driven into the ground, increasing as needed with rod pipes (each 1-2 meters long), which are connected using threads. This type of well is called differently: driven, Abyssinian, needle. All this is about one method.

The difference from all other methods is that these pipes remain in the ground, and it is through them that water will flow. That is, this is a well without installing a casing pipe. It is pierced with the help of these pipes, and then they are used. Therefore, as rods used to extend the needle, they use water pipes with a thick wall. Diameter from 25 -32 mm. Since pipes become clogged forever, their connection must be airtight. Traditionally, to increase reliability, they use a winding (usually linen), which can be coated with sealant.

First element Abyssinian well called a needle. But the lance tip is far from the only difference between this part and the others. Holes are drilled into it almost the entire length of the pipe. This is a water filter. Water will flow inside through them. To prevent them from becoming clogged with rock, a wire is wound in a spiral over the pipe, and a fine mesh is attached to it. In order for the well to serve for a long time and not become clogged, it is possible to do flushing, the wire and mesh must be made of stainless steel. Only in this option will the filter serve for a long time and without problems. The use of other metals, even stainless ones, greatly reduces the service life of the well - the metals are destroyed due to electrolytic corrosion. Therefore, brass, copper or any other wire or mesh is not suitable for a steel pipe.

The first element of the Abyssinian well is a needle with a lance tip and a filter

One more thing. To prevent the mesh and winding from being torn off when driving, they are welded to the pipe. The next point: the diameter of the wide part of the cone should be wider than the diameter of the pipe. When hammered, the cone leaves a hole wider than the wound pipe that follows, so it will not be torn off.

The technical process of driving a needle hole is extremely simple: they hit the pipe, driving it into the ground. But if you hit the top of the pipe with something heavy, it will become deformed. Therefore, they make a special device - a headstock and a cone, which is screwed onto the top of the pipe. Inside the headstock, the striking surface also has the shape of a cone. The existing cavities inside are filled with lead to increase weight. The more the projectile weighs, the faster the pipe will clog, but keep in mind that you need to lift it with your hands and many times.

The diameter of the woman itself is much larger than the pipe that will be plugged. To ensure that there is no play when it moves, a washer of suitable diameter (slightly larger than the outer diameter of the pipe) is installed at the bottom. As a result, the headstock moves up/down freely, but without any play. The lifting height of the projectile is determined by its size - it must not fly off the pipe being clogged. The appearance of the headstock for driving the Abyssinian well and its drawing are located below.

This is not the only device with which wells are plugged. They put a powerful clamp on the pipe, which is fixed like a clamp. Instead of a headstock, a heavy metal ring with two handles is used. Watch the video to see how they work.

As you can see, you can drill a water well inside the house or even at the bottom of an old well. You don't need much space.

How to equip a broken well

Punching/drilling a well is not enough. We still need to raise the water, but that’s a completely different story. If you want to make the water supply constant, with normal pressure, so that you can connect household appliances, you will need .

For seasonal water supply at the dacha, you can get by with a more modest set:

  • vibration pump;
  • check valve, which is installed in front of the pump;
  • water container;
  • watering hose;
  • taps, etc.

Please note that the check valve is installed in front of the pump, and not at the end of the hose immersed in the well. It’s just that this same hose won’t break when it freezes. Another advantage of such a device is that it is easier to dismantle for the winter.

Another piece of advice: the well needs to be covered with something. In houses permanent residence they make a caisson - a concrete or plastic bunker that is located below the freezing depth. All equipment is placed in it. When using water only periodically, a caisson is too expensive. But something needs to be done to close the well. Firstly, some living creatures may fall into it, which will not make you happy. Secondly, “good” neighbors may drop something. A more budget-friendly solution is to build. Even more cheap option- dig a pit, cover it with a board, make a board cover. Key moment: All this must be locked.

Unfortunately, not all areas have water supply. Owners of such real estate have to choose an uncomfortable life “without amenities” or manually drill water wells. This method can be considered the cheapest and most common way of arranging a source for autonomous water supply. Specialists are usually invited to carry out the work, but if desired, you can do it yourself. Today we will look at how to drill a well with our own hands and what methods exist.

Self-drilling methods

Screw method

A very common drilling method, most often used for developing shallow wells. Its essence is that with the help of auger blades the soil is destroyed and brought to the surface. There are two technologies for such drilling. For the first, a screw is used, the blades of which are welded to the base at right angles. During operation, the blades cut the soil at an angle of 90°, after which it is crushed and transported upward. The main disadvantage of the method: part of the soil falls into the well and needs to be removed to the surface.

The blades of the auger tool that destroy the soil can be welded to the axis under different angles, this fact does not affect drilling technology. In any case, auger drilling resembles the twisting of a “corkscrew” with the sequential lifting of the destroyed rock

The second technology is more convenient. In this case, a screw with blades is used, which are welded to the pipe at an angle of 30-70°. The device cuts the soil and, without crushing it, transports it to the surface.

The advantage of the method is that nothing gets inside the well. On an industrial drilling rig, it is necessary to supply flushing fluid, most often water, into the workings. A jet pumped into the casing pipes washes the dump to the surface. In the process of manual well drilling, pumping is unlikely to be used. However, professionals recommend the use of flushing fluid, which greatly facilitates the drilling process.

Core drilling

When using this method, drilling is done using special tool, which is a pipe at the end of which there is a core crown with sharp cutters made of durable metal. Super-hard rocks are first broken up with a chisel, then drilled using a crown and the slurry that has clogged up in the core pipe is lifted.

The crown, rotating together with the pipe, goes deep into the ground, forming a well of the corresponding diameter. The sludge collects inside the projectile and rises with it to the surface. The blows of a heavy sledgehammer are used to free the hollow “glass” from the rock. In the process of drilling a well with your own hands, either clean water or mixed with clay must be supplied inside the projectile. This strengthens the walls of the well and prevents them from collapsing.

Core bits can be of various types; their choice depends on the physical and mechanical characteristics of the rock in which the well is to be drilled

In its upper part, the core pipe is equipped with fastening devices onto which rods are attached. This way the required drilling depth is achieved. The build-up occurs in stages. After the first section of the pipe has been buried, a new rod is attached to it, the length of which is from 1.2 to 1.5 m. Then the steps are repeated. Thus, a technological column is formed from the projectile and rods. It is very important that the glass and pipes are connected to each other as firmly as possible. There should be no noticeable play or unwanted movements at their attachment points.

Shock-rope method

A heavy drilling tool is raised to a height of 2 meters and forcefully lowered onto the drilling site. It breaks the rock and grabs it with a cutting and gripping device located on the lower edge of the pipe. It's called a bailer and can be the most different types, depending on the soil type.

To facilitate the drilling process, pour into the well clay mixture or water, which is later scooped out using a special device made in the form of a ladle.

Diagram of a bailer with a ball valve, one of the types of tools specially designed for working with soft and loose soil

The shock-rope method involves the use of a tripod. It is being built above the drilling site. The height of the device is about two meters. A block is mounted on the top of the equipment through which the cable is thrown. A bailer is firmly attached to its end. The tool is raised to the surface of the earth and lowered into the well using a cable. The bailer is cleaned of sludge through technological hole, located half a meter from its lower edge.

Some craftsmen claim that they know how to manually drill a well, which does not require erecting a tripod at all. Long-term practice shows that this is only possible for depths less than 10 m and will require excessive physical effort from builders.

You can learn more about the technology of drilling water-bearing wells from the following material:

Impact-rotational method

The method is very similar to the previous drilling method. The main difference: it performs rotational and impact movements at once. Thus, the forces applied to the projectile increase and the drilling process accelerates. The soil, knocked out with a bailer, is transported to the surface using a special bucket. The method is considered the best for constructing a well in rocky hard soils.

To facilitate the drilling process, a homemade tripod is used - a design that makes removing the drill from the well much simpler and easier

It should be noted that the least effective of all methods is the auger method. However, it is the simplest, which is why it is most often chosen when you are going to drill a well yourself. However, the choice of drilling method also depends on the composition of the soil on the site. The auger method is most often useless on hard soils, and the use of impact-rotary method is impractical on soft soils. Thus, before you start drilling, you should definitely find out the composition of the soil in the area.

The following material will help to pump up the well after drilling:

Drilling a well using an ice auger

There is a drilling method that will require minimal financial investment. This is manual drilling of wells using an ice drill. The tool is used as a drill, and homemade rods are used to build it up.

The knife of the ice ax will serve as an auger, and you can use it as extension rods steel pipes diameter up to 25 mm. To make the process go faster, reinforced cutters are welded to the winding edges of the improvised auger

Among other things, the work will require casing pipes to form the wellbore, a shovel and a device for removing cuttings from the site.

Drilling with an auger made from an ice drill includes the following operations:

  • Preparation. We dig a guide hole: a hole two bayonets deep.
  • We lower the drill into the resulting recess and begin to screw it into the ground, using the rule for tightening the screws. It should be remembered that after every three or four revolutions the tool is removed to the surface and cleaned.
  • After the first meter has been penetrated in depth, we begin to form the trunk. To do this, a casing pipe is lowered into the well; its diameter should be slightly larger than the diameter of the drill. It is best to choose lightweight plastic parts equipped with threads for connection.
  • When the drilling tool begins to descend into the face to its full height, we attach an extension rod to it. This can be done in two ways: screw the part if there is a thread, or add it using a steel pin-rod if there is none.
  • During the work, we continue to form the casing string. As soon as about 10-15 cm of pipe remains on the surface, we attach the next one to it. The connection must be strong. This is usually done by threading or soldering.
  • We periodically check the verticality of the trunk. If the drill begins to hit the walls of the casing, we level the structure using wooden wedges. They get stuck between the soil and the casing.
  • After water appeared in the well and the decision was made to stop work, we install a filter and carefully fill the gap between the soil and the casing with gravel.

The casing can be installed after completion of drilling work. In this case, plastic pipes are inserted into the well and connected in series after the previous part is lowered down. This is not the most rational way, since you will have to clean the face of sludge again.

Plastic pipes are very light, quite durable and inexpensive, so they are most often chosen for constructing a well casing

Experience shows that drilling a well with your own hands is quite possible, although quite labor-intensive. The matter should be approached with full responsibility: choose the right drilling method, choose necessary materials, read the instructions and then get to work. The result of your efforts will be clean water from your own well on the site.

Everyone knows about the advantages of autonomous water supply in private homes, however, many refuse such options due to their high cost. A do-it-yourself water well can be made using several technologies, but before starting the work process, we suggest you understand the types of sources and determine which of them will fit ideally into your conditions and depend on financial and other possibilities.

All sources for autonomous water supply are considered economical, since they do not require waste during use, however, if you do not install it yourself, you will have to pay a lot of money for the creation of sources by qualified labor.

Drilling water wells with your own hands is not a simple process, so first let’s look at existing types well structures.

  1. Artesian well - perfect solution for a stable and harmless water supply at home. The depth of such an installation can reach up to 200 meters, depending on its purpose. To use water on the farm, 50 meters is enough. The advantages of such a source are that there is no need to further purify the water, and the water does not contain a large amount of iron.
  2. Abyssinian needle well - used in difficult conditions soil or when there is no need for perfectly clean water. If you use this option as the main source of water supply to the house, additional filtration is required.
  3. Sand well. Its depth reaches 30 meters, drilling occurs using an auger method. Typically, such water supply is carried out for summer cottages, but even for such cases, it is recommended to install a filter at a depth where coarse sand is found. This will save the well from damage.

Important! Before making a well, you should decide which drilling rig will perform this process. Rotary, auger and shock-rope equipment are usually used.

How to drill a well with your own hands: stages of work

Work on the production of wells for home water supply is divided into several main stages:

Attention! A filter pipe must be placed at the bottom of the well, it must be equipped with metal mesh to trap foreign particles.

  • To swing the source, you need to install a centrifugal type pump, having previously placed its pipe to the entire depth of the well. It is advisable to build a stand for the pump and connect it on the reverse side outlet pipe, which will power the entire house;
  • Next, we prepare trenches for the pipelines; when everything is done, we lay them at the same level so as not to create a pressure failure. At the end we bring pipes into the house, and from there we make branching structures into necessary premises. At this stage, installing a well and providing water supply to the house with your own hands is considered complete.

Please note that only with proper arrangement, taking into account all the characteristics, an autonomous source will provide good clean water for use.

Types of water well drilling

Of all the options used for drilling wells in the private sector, there are combined drilling, support drilling, hydraulic drilling, core drilling, shot drilling and rotary drilling. Each of the proposed types has its own characteristics and is used for specific conditions.

Combined drilling

This method involves using various suitable techniques alternately or in combination. This method is considered more rational as it is suitable for various geological conditions. Often combined drilling is used in places where the ground is rich in minerals and minerals.

Core drilling

Often this type of drilling is used to study geological structure layers of earth. Thanks to the creation of wells using reference technology, you can achieve good result and durability of the water source in difficult soil conditions.

This technique involves drilling a source using the maximum pressure of a special fluid. This method is most often used by professional drillers. However, it is not always possible to guess whether a given method is suitable for specific conditions. To avoid complications, it is important to prepare more liquid in advance, as some layers of soil absorb water too quickly.

Core drilling type

It is a rotational technique. When creating a well by rotation, the soil rocks do not lose their structure and do not crumble during the operation of the source. A well of this type is constructed simultaneously with special drilling rigs. Such wells are often used for mining.

Shot drilling

It is rotary drilling using shot. Usually similar device used in difficult soil conditions. To clean the well from foreign material, a special cleaning fluid is used.

Rotary method

The drilling option is designed for industrial wells. For home use, they are used quite rarely in cases where the use of other types is unacceptable.

Choosing a season to install a water well

A lot depends on the choice of the season when it is best to install a well, and first of all, the cost of the procedure, of course, if you do not practice independently installing an autonomous source of water supply. Each time of year has its own advantages of installing a well:

Attention! At each time, you can choose a suitable period for installing a water supply source, depending on weather conditions.

How to clean a well without involving a professional?

Sooner or later, any well, even a well-made one, requires cleaning, since pipelines often become silted and corrode. Today, there are three techniques that are used to clean up the source without the help of specialists or the person working on this project. For home wells, compression, pumping and chemical cleaning are used.

The first cleaning option is carried out on initial stage, immediately after the well depth is finally prepared for further installation. This will require a special pipe of smaller diameter than the pipe in the well. It is lowered inside the well, a vacuum tip is put on top, to which the compressor hose is connected. The structure is securely fixed, and only then the compression pump is connected to the network. All dirty water must exit the well through the gap between the two pipes. If this approach does not produce results, we resort to the next method.

The pumping method is considered very neat. For this purpose they are used submersible pumps sufficient power. Ideally, such a device is designed to pump out contaminated water and at the same time sucks in sand and foreign particles up to 5 mm in diameter.

Important! Using the pumping option for cleaning wells, you will achieve maximum well cleaning by removing silt, dirt and crumbling soil particles.

The chemical method is the purification of sources by treating water with battery fluid. To do this, it is enough to pour it directly into the wellhead. However, it is worth noting that it will not be possible to use water from the source for domestic purposes for a sufficiently long period, and before using it, an examination must be carried out to prove the safe composition of the water.

Common mistakes and tips for correcting them when installing a water well

Unfortunately, all professionals sometimes make mistakes, and when drilling wells they can lead to consequences, including source failure.

Try not to trust the construction of an autonomous water supply to beginners, and if self-installation Read all the details in detail.

There is no central water supply in your area and there never will be. Or it is just being planned. Construction of a well is very labor-intensive; it is necessary to turn over a lot of soil, buy, deliver and dig heavy concrete rings. Having your own well is an excellent solution, but the services of geologists are very expensive. Especially for those who cannot afford big expenses and know how to work with their hands, we will tell you how to drill a well with your own hands.

Let’s make it clear right away that drilling water wells with your hands is literally impossible, man is not a mole, and his hands are not shovels. You will need certain devices and mechanisms. The savings are that drilling can be done on our own, and rent necessary equipment will cost much less than the services of a drilling rig on a truck bed. However, it should be understood that in 99.9% of cases the answer to the question of how to drill a well with your own hands to artesian water will sound like this: nothing. The fact is that reserves of high-quality groundwater, with rare exceptions, are located at a depth much greater than can be done without the use of complex and expensive mechanisms. In addition, artesian waters lie in layers of fairly hard rocks, which are only “tough” powerful installations. What types of groundwater are potentially available for independent device water intake?


Perchal water (soil water) is located close to the surface above fragmentary water-resistant lenses, often clays. You can’t find it everywhere; perennial water is often seasonal and can disappear altogether during the dry period of the year. It is usually of low quality and not suitable for drinking. Often it can only be used for economic purposes, mainly watering the garden. In the case of perched water, due to its shallow depth, the question of how to drill a well under water with your own hands can be solved using simple and cheap methods.


Groundwater lies in a sandy layer above the upper extensive impermeable layer; the depth can vary from 5 to 50 m. In wooded areas, groundwater can be found quite close to the surface, but in the steppe they are often located deep or absent altogether. Groundwater quality varies greatly and rarely meets drinking water standards, requiring the installation of a filtration system. Wells that are drilled for groundwater are called sand wells; due to their moderate cost, they are most common among owners of private estates with their own water intake.

Interformational waters

Interstratal water, as the name suggests, lies between waterproof layers of soil. The layer (or several) located on top serves as an effective filter, so such waters, as a rule, have high quality indicators. If you're lucky, certain conditions(low occurrence, soils without rocky inclusions) interstratal waters can be accessible for independent drilling. However, more often they are located at a distance of over 40 m from the surface; drilling a well manually to such a depth is problematic.

How to drill a water well yourself

So, how to drill a well yourself? Let us remind you that it is possible to drill a well using manual and low-power mechanisms only over a short distance and provided that the soil does not contain rocky inclusions and boulders. Before starting work, it would be a good idea to find out the potential depth of groundwater; for this, it is worth talking with neighbors who have already equipped their own water intake. A map of the drilling depths of wells in your area will also tell you about the level of interstratal and groundwater. Work can be carried out using manual mechanisms or a small-sized installation. Let's take a closer look at how to properly drill a water well on your own.

How to drill a water well manually

There are several options for manual drilling, differing in labor intensity, the tools and mechanisms involved and, of course, the result.

  • Using a hand-held garden auger and a set of attachments, two people can actually make a hole up to 10 m deep in soft soil to reach the high water. A large hole diameter is not needed; it is enough to use nozzles of 70-80 mm, which will allow you to install a casing pipe of 50-60 mm. Since the height is minimal, a hand column or surface pump is used to lift water.

To drill a well with your own hands, you need to have a set of tools: a collar, a drill, rod attachments, open-end wrenches. The work is hard and unproductive. A stone the size of a fist or more that gets in the way will nullify all efforts

It is difficult not only to rotate the gate, but also to lift the drill to install additional rods. This task can be made easier by hanging the drill on a cable through a block to a tripod.

A simple combination of a tripod and a lifting block will help lift the drill on a cable, which will at least partially facilitate the work

  • A manual soil drill will allow you to achieve similar results, only faster and with less labor. You can rent a motor drill; you should choose a two-handed model with an engine with a power of at least 1 kW; you will also need a set of extension attachments. You need two people to work with such a device; it is difficult to hold it level alone.

How to drill a well under water using a small-sized drilling rig

Main disadvantage manual drilling - the inability to go to a significant depth. The reasons for this are the inability to develop significant force and keep the drill level, without distortions. The problem is solved by installing a more powerful engine on a durable frame that is not subject to displacement. The engine can be gasoline or electric; the more powerful, the higher the capabilities of the device. Frame - have a mechanism for lifting the drill and installing attachments, this will allow you to reach depths much greater than if the work was done manually. There are folk craftsmen who make such equipment with their own hands, fortunately the design is simple.

The simplest homemade drilling rig: a frame with a support platform, a movable platform with an engine is attached to it

But there are also quite productive factory-made small-sized drilling rigs (MDRs) that can be rented.

An MDR with a powerful electric motor and a stable frame allows drilling to a fairly large depth. Of course that's already enough complex equipment, but renting it is still much cheaper than hiring a full-fledged installation based on a truck

The passport indicates the maximum drilling depth depending on the type of soil and the diameter of the drill. How to drill a water well using a drilling rig? One operator monitors the operation of the device; assistants are needed only to bring it to the construction site and install it. In soils that do not contain rocky inclusions, using a small-sized installation, depending on its model, you can drill a well with a depth of 20 to 50 m. Most likely, this will make it possible to arrange a water intake for sand groundwater, and if you are lucky, high-quality interstratal water.

How to drill a well with your own hands without drilling

There is also a method of percussion-rope drilling, when a heavy pointed bit is dropped into the well, breaking the rock. It is attached to steel cable, which, in turn, is wound on a shaft with a stopper or secured to a block. This entire structure must be secured to a fairly high tower, its dimensions are larger than those of the MBU. The reciprocating movements of the bit can be provided by a motor or the cable is wound and released manually. Among the advantages of the shock-rope method are the possibility of constructing large-diameter wells and the ability to work in fairly hard rocks. However, the shallow drilling depth and very low pace of work make this method of little demand.

How to drill a well with your own hands using the shock-rope method? You will need a tripod with a block or shaft, a cable, a chisel and lifting mechanism. The deeper the water intake is planned to be dug, the greater the installation height

  1. Equipment manufacturers and craftsmen who are contracted to carry out work often use the hydrodrilling method. The video below shows how a well is drilled for water, liquid is pumped into it and removed along with soil particles. Water acts as a lubricant, thereby almost doubling the drilling depth. However, along with liquid from the surface, harmful microflora is inevitably introduced into the aquifer, which can lead to contamination of clean groundwater. If water intake is done to obtain drinking water, it is advisable not to use the hydromethod, but to drill “dry”. When this cannot be avoided, it is necessary to immediately after completion of the work install a casing pipe with a filter, lower a vibration pump into the well and continuously pump the water intake for at least a week. If this is not done, the source will have to be “treated” for a long time.
  1. When installing attachments on the drill, strictly follow safety precautions, otherwise you risk losing your fingers.

Video: how to drill a water well

A fairly powerful semi-automatic small-sized installation “Mole”, it is shown step by step how to drill a well for water.

It is clearly shown how to drill a well with your own hands using a motor drill with attachments.

You can try to drill and equip a well for water supply on your own if you have certain skills, time and desire. If there are none, entrust the task to professional geologists; competent specialists will first determine the approximate depth of occurrence various types water, will offer options for water intake installation, will perform high-quality well drilling and installation of a production casing. They will pump the source, determine the characteristics, issue a passport and give a guarantee for the work performed.


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