Homemade candles. How to make beautiful candles at home

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You can find candles in almost any house or apartment. They are used in everyday life to decorate the interior during power outages. In addition, candles are used in churches for services. Of course, candles are not a product that you cannot do without, but nevertheless, the demand for these products is always quite high.

The candle production process itself is quite simple. Therefore, open a candle factory for production church candle or produce decorative candles Almost everyone can do it.

Making candles at home

Before you start opening own business It’s better to try making candles at home with your own hands. Of course, you cannot open a full-fledged production at home, but for a “test of the pen” this scale is quite acceptable.

Such tests will not require large investments of money. The materials from which candles are made are found in almost every home. What will be required?

  1. Mold for making candles. For the first tests, you can easily use what is at hand - plastic cups and even deodorant caps.
  2. Wicks can be made yourself from cotton threads or purchased ready-made.
  3. Dye for candles. Again, you can use any food coloring you have at home.
  4. You can purchase paraffin or use candles.
  5. You definitely need a container for melting paraffin in a water bath.
  6. A thermometer is also needed, because the paraffin must be heated to 85 degrees Celsius and ensure that it does not overheat.

Once you have prepared everything you need, you can begin making a test batch of candles. First you need to melt the paraffin in a water bath and bring its temperature to 85 degrees Celsius.

Next, prepare the mold; to do this, lubricate it from the inside. vegetable oil and secure the wick in a vertical position with a toothpick (above) and plasticine (below). If we are making a colored candle, then it’s time to add the dye to the paraffin and pour it into the mold.

When filling the mold with paraffin, you must ensure that no air bubbles form. Otherwise, there will be voids in the candle. Next, we wait until our candle cools down and take it out of the mold.

As you can see, making a candle at home is quite simple. The only negative that makes this process quite long is the waiting time for the paraffin to cool.

At the moment, there are many technologies for producing candles. There are products made from paraffin with stearin, and there are also those that are made only from them. beeswax.

Varieties of candles

As mentioned above, candles can be very for various purposes . In general, we can distinguish these types of candles.

  1. For decoration. This includes hand-carved and gel candles.
  2. Dining rooms. These are the most accessible and simple ones. There are twisted and even ones.
  3. Church. Such products are made only from wax. They include several varieties depending on the end user - wedding, service, patriarchal, for parishioners and the like.
  4. In aluminum sleeves in the form of tablets. This variety appeared not so long ago and is very popular.
  5. Household. Used in everyday use if a light source is needed.

Registration of ownership form

Candles made at home are, of course, beautiful and quite expensive, but since it is almost impossible to make a lot of them, the profit will be small.

In order to increase profitability, you need to start making candles at home as a business. To do this, first of all, you need to properly formalize the form of ownership for your business and register with the regulatory authorities.

Since ancient times, beeswax has been considered a valuable material; it was not easy to obtain. It was originally used to make candles, which were quite expensive. With the widespread development of beekeeping, everything has become much more accessible. However, real wax is still common only in narrow circles of beekeepers. But if you yourself or your relatives are engaged in beekeeping, it will not be difficult for you to get material to create wax candles with your own hands, which will serve interesting elements decor or great gifts for loved ones.

Natural beeswax has many advantages over paraffin or, for example, gel. Wax candles do not form soot when burning and do not emit carcinogens. They also contain propolis and natural essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on our body when burning.

Among other advantages, it is worth noting that with the spread of industry and urban life, people began to lose touch with nature and therefore value even small news from the green world more. And candles made from natural beeswax have every right to be considered a link between urbanization and artisan origins.

Rules for working with wax

To avoid force majeure that may overtake you when working with wax, remember a few simple rules:

  1. Always use an apron. It is desirable that it be made of thick canvas fabric.

  1. When working with wax, do not wear open clothes. It is better if you wear a sweater or long-sleeved shirt to avoid getting burned if hot wax gets on your body.
  2. The wax begins to melt at a temperature of 65°, you need to make sure that the wax does not overheat, otherwise it may ignite. This can be easily prevented by heating the material in a water bath, when the condition of the wax can be constantly monitored.
  3. When heating the wax, you need to be constantly nearby, you cannot leave.
  4. If wax catches fire, you should never put it out with water, otherwise an explosion may occur. In this case, you should always have baking soda on hand.

By following all the rules for working with wax, this activity will bring you only joy and pleasure.

Materials and preparation for work

To make original candles, you need to choose their design and color in advance, and decide whether they will be scented or regular.

For work we need following materials and tools:

  • water bath pan;
  • container for melting wax;
  • molds for candles. Before work, it is better to lubricate them with liquid soap, dishwashing detergent or vegetable oil;
  • baking soda;
  • wick. For wax candles It is recommended to use natural cotton threads;
  • wax dyes. Natural wax crayons are suitable, food colorings(just not on water based), you can also use gel pigments;
  • stick or pencil. Needed to secure the wick;
  • wick weight;
  • natural wax. It can be purchased in specialized stores in the form of wax or granules.

Manufacturing progress

The process of making wax candles is quite simple to perform. If everything is done correctly and all simple conditions are met, you will enjoy not only the work itself, but also the excellent result. This master class will help you navigate the choice of product and perform it in the best possible way.

First you need to melt the wax in a water bath.

On a note! If you purchased large pieces of material, it is better to cut it into smaller pieces.

Next we proceed to fixing the wick. We attach a weight to the lower end of the thread so that the future wick does not dangle when filling the mold with wax. If it is possible to make a hole in the bottom of the container, then thread the thread there and tie a knot at its end; in this case, a weight is not required. It is advisable to wax the thread itself. Tie the upper end of the wick to a pencil or stick, as shown in the photo:

Now you can start filling the mold with wax. Let the wax harden. There is no need to rush to remove the finished candle from the mold; it is better to let it stay in it longer.

When the product has hardened well, you can pull it out of the container by pulling the end of the wick. This will work if there is a weight attached to the wick. If the thread is secured to the form with a knot, you just need to cut it.

If desired, you can easily and simply give the candle any color and shape. The color is created using dyes, the shape can be initially chosen to be curly. The easiest option is to use silicone baking molds. They are easy to use, it is easy to get a ready-made candle from them, they can be found in any hardware store in a large assortment:

Also unusual look The candle can be decorated using paper gluing:

It is possible to use a split form:

The option of using ice to create an openwork candle is very simple and interesting. When filling the mold with wax, pieces of ice are added to it, which then flows out through the holes, leaving an unusual ornament:

It is possible to make a magnificent rose with your own hands from wax. This does not require any special skills. Making the petals yourself is not difficult. You need to pour the melted wax onto a saucer thin layer, then begin to wrap the plates that are not completely frozen around the wick.

Video on the topic of the article

The videos below will help you complete the job of making wax candles correctly and without problems:

The need for a candle solely as a source of light is a thing of the past. Today, no one will read or sew in a dimly lit room, and power cuts to save money are no longer practiced. The product is useful only in a force majeure situation. IN modern world candles have become relevant again, but now as decoration. The stores offer an amazing variety of products and they are not that cheap. But you don't have to buy it finished products. It’s much more interesting to create unique candles with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages of making candles yourself

Making a candle yourself is quite possible. Consumables is freely available, and the recipes and technology are simple and understandable. The imagination of the masters reveals more and more new facets of this art. The variety of homemade interior candles is off the charts - shaped, scented, gel. Candles are a popular element of serving at weddings and New Year's table. To create your own high-class works, study the technology of their production. By making candles with your own hands, you realize own ideas, choose the desired shape, color, decor, and saturate it with your favorite aroma. The acquired skills will help you become a sought-after craftsman in the production of unique candles. This matter may eventually develop into profitable business. The benefits of creating products at home are plentiful.

Disadvantages of this activity - if you are going to do this professionally:

  • the presence of many competitors;
  • the need to find customers for sales.

Candle base - what material to choose

To make candles, they use the most different materials– wax, paraffin, stearin and even gel. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Lovers of all things natural can treat themselves to the opportunity to create their own candles from beeswax. His pleasant aroma outshines the odors of any artificial flavors. Foundation is a product secreted by bees through special glands. The inhabitants of the hives use it to build their honeycombs. The substance has known hardness and excellent bactericidal properties.

It is represented by a wide palette of colors - from white with a slight yellowish tint to dark yellow and even brown.

Heating to 35°C is enough to make the material plastic, but to melt it you need to raise the temperature to 62-68°C. Wax candles are light, attractive and fragrant. Products harden much faster than paraffin analogues. This is a natural and therefore expensive product. Its cost is 4 times higher than that of paraffin.

Use unnecessary containers to melt the wax, because it is extremely difficult to get rid of.


The gel is a transparent material. This environmentally friendly substance does not emit toxic substances. It consists of natural ingredients– glycerin, gelatin, tannin.

Transparent gel candles look more impressive than their paraffin and wax “brothers”. They do not drip as the substance evaporates from the candlestick. The empty container can be refilled with gel or used for another purpose. The service life of such products is several times longer than traditional options.

If your imagination has no limits, making gel candles will help unleash your potential. Such products look simply magical thanks to the transparent material, which reveals exquisite decor. Gel candles will be a wonderful gift for friends, relatives and colleagues.


Benefits of wax:

  • pleasant aroma;
  • bright burning;
  • ability to secrete phytoncides;
  • environmental friendliness.

Wax candles are made by repeatedly dipping a wick into melted material. If you add it to the “company” of paraffin and stearin, you can get very beautiful long-burning products.


The most commonly used material. It is one of the most inexpensive options. Paraffin is sold by weight or in the form of finished products. For home production Both options will do. Candles or paraffin briquettes need to be cut into small pieces. You can simplify your task and purchase ready-made masses for making candles with various fillers, flavors and dyes. They are somewhat more expensive than simple paraffin, but they allow you to save on the purchase of special additives.

Paraffin, when burned, releases a certain amount of harmful substances into the air, so you should not leave the candle burning for a long time.

Required Tools

To make candles at home you will need:

  • material for the base - wax, paraffin, stearin, soy wax are suitable;
  • “battery” of forms;
  • wick;
  • wick holders;
  • a plate for carefully moving appliqué fragments onto the wax base;
  • a metal knife for cutting large pieces of wax or paraffin;
  • grater for grinding materials;
  • two different-sized pans for setting up a water bath. It is advisable that the small pan have a spout;
  • thermometer;
  • stove - gas or electric;
  • flavorings;
  • varied decor;
  • stirring stick;
  • toothpicks;
  • dyes - you can also use wax crayons, crushed with a grater, aniline paints or actor's makeup;
  • stacks.

It is not advisable to add aromatic oils to wax. The candles will smoke and the smell will be completely different from what was intended. There are a variety of specialty candle scents available on the market.


The wick can be:

  • a braid knitted from threads;
  • twisted cord;
  • jute twine.

The main condition when choosing is to take into account the material of the future candle. For a wax product, a loose braided cord made of cotton thread is suitable, which will not smoke. For other options, a dense wick is required. Ideally, you need to purchase twine from a specialized store. You can immediately buy several products of different thicknesses.

Manufacturers offer many types and sizes of cords. Keep in mind that if the wick is too thick, the flame will burn too hot and the candle will burn out faster than expected. Excessively thin laces will burn out before the candle and the fire will go out. The wider the bottom of the candle, the thicker the wick should be.

To select the correct cord thickness, pay attention to the markings:

  • No. 1 – for candles with a diameter of up to 3 cm;
  • No. 2 – from 3 to 5 cm;
  • No. 3 – from 5 to 6 cm;
  • No. 4 – from 6 cm.

Before pouring the melted candle mass into the mold, you need to immerse the tip of the wick in the mixture. This way it will burn better. To secure it in shape, pass it through the hole in the bottom and secure with tape. If there is no such hole, use a metal holder round shape or stick to the bottom with a drop of wax. The free end of the cord is wound around a pencil and pulled so that the wick is located in the center of the candle. After hardening, it is necessary to cut off the excess part of the cord - when burning, a sample that is too long will smoke.

If you decide to use old candles as a base, you can use their original wick.


To make candles, special molds are required. At the initial stage, you can use any empty containers. A cotton swab container, a tin can or a yogurt cup can be your first molds.

Types of forms for making candles:

  1. Polycarbonate - transparent, very convenient containers. They are not particularly durable and after a while they begin to crack and leak.
  2. Made of plastic - stronger than polycarbonate analogues. These products are a little cheaper, but they are opaque and this is not very convenient. Some models may be equipped with a stopper at the base of the container. This makes it easier to remove the finished candle.
  3. Made of soft, thin plastic - suitable for making miniature candles. If there is no hole in the bottom, you can pierce it using a hot knitting needle.
  4. Made of metal - aluminum, steel. Strong and durable containers with perfectly smooth walls, which allows you to get beautiful candles. Metal mold, filled with molten wax, gets very hot, so you should be careful.
  5. Made of silicone - detachable or drop-down products. You can use molds for baking and making ice. A hole is pierced in the bottom, but over time the hole begins to rupture. As a result, the paraffin is poured out. You can temporarily solve this problem using masking tape.

Original Silicone forms you can make it yourself.

Additional tools and accessories

When making candles, an important place is occupied by Additional materials and tools - stacks, spatulas, measuring cups, dyes, flavors, wick holders, thermometers that simplify the process.

Fragrances – give candles a pleasant smell and improve the atmosphere in the room. The air is purified and it becomes easier to breathe. But the sources of fragrances are different and not everyone will suit you.

There are several types of flavors:

  • Special - they are a liquid substance, sold along with other materials for the production of candles. For 1 kg of wax you can use no more than 30 ml of the composition;
  • aromatic oils are synthetic products not intended for candle making. If you do decide to use them, do not add more than 10-15 drops per 500 grams of wax;
  • natural flavors – finely ground cinnamon, lemon zest, crushed dried herbs. Some of them may not dissolve well in the molten material, preventing the wax from hardening or the wick from burning. For 450 grams of base, 1 tablespoon of powder will be enough.
  • essential oils – from natural herbs and flowers. Each of the oils has special specific properties. Not all of them are guaranteed to be suitable for making candles, so it's worth testing each new ingredient. For 450 grams of wax you will need no more than 10-15 drops.

Thermometer – necessary to measure the temperature of the candle mass. At the time of pouring into molds, it should be within 68-72ºС. Otherwise, the candle may end up with a frosty effect and a rough surface. Sometimes they deliberately achieve an “aged” effect using cooled paraffin. If the mixture is too hot, it may saturate the wick and leak out of the mold through the hole in the bottom. Thermometers are conventional and electronic.

Preparing the workplace and tools

Not everyone has the opportunity to allocate a separate room for a workshop. It is advisable that workplace was located in a room with running water and ventilation. It must maintain a constant temperature and exclude drafts. In urban conditions apartments will do kitchen. It is necessary to think about each stage of the work, correctly place materials and tools - dishes, molds, wicks, accessories, paper napkins. You will need space to grind, filter and pour the wax into containers.

You need a spacious and stable table with a horizontal top. The surface will have to be covered with something. Wrapping paper, an old waterproof tablecloth, towels, and newspapers are suitable. The floor should also be covered with an old rug or sheet of linoleum. You can use sheets of corrugated cardboard. Provide storage space for molds, utensils, tools, essential oils, dyes and other necessary components. You will need plywood for grinding wax, a stand for a hot container. You need a device on which you will melt the wax. You can use a regular stove and equip water bath, multicooker or rice cooker with temperature control.

How to melt wax correctly

To speed up the process, chop the material using a knife or grater. Fill a smaller pan with wax and place it in a larger container of water. For small dishes, you can use containers made of heat-resistant glass, stainless steel, enameled or aluminum pans. Do not use cast iron or copper as they will detract from the color of the wax. Cleaning wax from utensils is incredibly difficult, so forget about using it for cooking.

Installation and fastening of the filter

It is best to use wax that has undergone primary cleansing from propolis particles and debris. If you have unrefined material, you need to melt it and strain through a metal sieve. But this procedure is often not enough, so it is necessary to filter the wax again. This will get rid of any unwanted particles that may be in the molten material. Pass the substance through a nylon cloth secured to the container with a rubber band or a special paint filter.

Adding aromatic oils and paint

To color paraffin, place pieces of wax crayons or a special dye in a melting container. You can pour paraffin different colors layers or combine different pencils and get bright rainbow stains.

If you want to enjoy a scented candle, add your favorite essential oil to the melted wax. These substances have different properties. The scent of lavender oil is calming and relaxing. Lemon and rosemary help you take your mind off bad thoughts. The combination of orange and cloves improves your mood, and the aroma of cedar and lemon relieves stress.

Pouring wax and decorating the finished candle

After installing the wick, it is necessary to fix the lower edge of the cord. To do this, pour a little melted wax onto the bottom of the mold. If necessary, adjust the position of the wick and wait a minute for the material to set. Pour the remaining wax into the mold. Be careful - the melted mixture can seriously burn you. Within a day, the hardened candle can be removed from the mold and proceed to its further design.

Trim the wick, leaving the tip long enough for easy lighting. Use a new candle no sooner than 24 hours after it has completely hardened.

Decorating is a fascinating process. Suitable decorations include lace, jute twine, gift paper, threads of beads, ribbons, artificial flowers, dry sprigs of herbs and wildflowers, citrus slices. If you like spicy scents, use coffee or cinnamon in your candle design.

Decorate kitchen products with cereals or seeds. The simplest option is to place a candle in a transparent candlestick or a jar of larger diameter and fill the space between it and the walls with peas, millet, and colored rice. Another way is to paste the grains over the walls of the product, which is very easy to do with a hand-held hair dryer. Warm up the surface and press the grains into the softened wax.

Stylish and sophisticated products, decorated natural materials, ideal for the bathroom or living room. Surrounded by pebbles, shells, pine cones and dried branches, candles will look very impressive.

Making a new candle from old ones

If you want to make your first candle in your life, don’t rush to go to the store for the necessary components. First, check the contents of your drawers - perhaps there are a few old cinders lying around in the far corner. They fully deserve you to give them a second life. The remains of candles can be melted down and created a new - aesthetic and functional product.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare unnecessary candles. If you don't have it in your house suitable material, buy the cheapest products in the store.
  2. Grind them with a grater or knife.
  3. Build a water bath and place the crushed material in the top vessel.
  4. Melt the paraffin until there are no pieces left. You need to constantly stir the mixture and prevent it from overheating.
  5. Attach a wick to the bottom of the mold.
  6. Pour the liquid substance into the prepared form and wait until it hardens.
  7. We take the candle out of the mold and decorate it.

Uneven spots on the bottom of the candle can be removed using a hair dryer.

Making gel candles at home

Gel candles have gained popularity due to their attractive appearance and the ability to burn for a long time. The production uses the same melting technology as when creating wax or paraffin products. Do not allow the gel to overheat - it may become cloudy.

Stir the mixture carefully to prevent the formation of bubbles. After this, the gel is poured into glass or plastic molds. Candles in glasses look very beautiful. The main difference between this material is that it is completely transparent. You can place pebbles, sparkles, beads, glass balls, dried flowers, pieces of fruit or candied fruits inside the candle.

If you fill the container with decor before pouring the gel, the elements will be distributed along the bottom of the candle. Another way is to add decorations to an already filled mold so that they float or remain on the surface. This way you can distribute the decor over the entire area according to your idea. To ensure that the composition created inside the candle is clearly visible, you should choose transparent forms. The gel can be made colored and fragrant.

Before pouring the gel into molds, slightly heat the transparent containers. This will prevent the formation of bubbles.

How to make a paraffin candle

You can purchase paraffin bars or simply buy the cheapest candles in the store. Lubricate the mold for casting products with Vaseline or oil to make it easier to remove the hardened candle. Or place the filled container in the freezer so that when it thaws, the contents simply slide out.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. We turn paraffin into shavings.
  2. Melt the material in a water bath.
  3. We fix the wick in the mold - the thread should be taut with a stick and located in the center.
  4. Pour the mixture into the mold in one go so that the surface of the future candle is smooth. If dye is added to the composition, you need to stir the liquid when pouring it into the mold.
  5. Leave the candles in the same room to harden.

If after hardening there is empty space around the wick, heat a small amount of the mixture in a water bath and fill the hole.

How to properly color and decorate a candle

Coloring candle mass is very easy. You need to add pieces to the melted material special dyes for candles. They are available in a huge variety of shades.

The color saturation of hot candle mass is always greater than that of cooled wax. Therefore, even if the composition seems bright enough to you, it is better to add a little more dye.

Sometimes it is not possible to quickly find the required shade. Use available materials! Wax crayons are the best alternative to real paint.

You should not paint candles with gouache and other paints - they do not dissolve well and settle to the bottom of the mold. Cosmetics are also not suitable - eye shadow, blush, lipstick, as well as soap dyes, food colors and instant coffee.

To decorate candles, a variety of materials are used - fabric, lace, burlap, satin ribbons, flower petals. Carved candles look great. You can use the decoupage technique - there are suitable napkins for any occasion. Interesting idea- wrap the candle family photo or an image of you with your chosen one.

Ready-made kits for creating candles

Kits for self-made candles are most often intended for children's creativity. They use granulated white or already colored wax, gel, sterol or paraffin, which is proposed to be melted in a water bath. The kit includes dyes and flavors. Each set contains a certain amount of materials that will be needed to make crafts - figurines of animals, plants, fruits, fairy-tale characters. In addition to wax, the kit includes molds, stacks, wicks and wick holders, decor and instructions.

The DetiArt company offers the “Star Layer Candles” set. In the box you will find granular candle mass, a melting container, a mold, dyes, a wick and all the necessary tools.

The Fixies set from CENTRUM contains only material, wick, dyes and molds - no tools or container.

BRADEX releases “DIY Candles” kits with granulated paraffin, already colored in two bright shades and 6 packets of multi-colored stearin granules. In addition to the standard filling, the kit includes glass and silicone molds for candles and a metal filter holder.

In the Experiment Kit “Science with Beeches” – Candle Factory from BONDIBON, wax was chosen as the main material. The set includes one dye white-pink color, three molds - a heart, a rose and a circle, soft pink tweezers, measuring cups and even a mirror plate.

Josephin offers a set of “Gel candles”. The material used is a gel that needs to be melted. For decoration, colored sand, shells, and sparkles are provided.

LORI “Wax for candles – the kits contain wax – a thin layer of beeswax, covered with miniature hexagonal cells. The sheet with the attached wick is simply rolled into a tube and you get an unusual candle.

Making candles yourself is interesting and accessible at any age.

An attractive idea for making money on your own is making candles at home as a business. Even a beginner can understand its features and technological process, and reviews from owners confirm that with established sales of products, you can achieve full payback within the first months.

Today candles are considered quite a popular product. After all, they are purchased as a gift, to decorate the interior, or create a romantic atmosphere. Ordinary household needs and use in churches have also not lost their popularity. The demand for such products is only increasing, and if you can attract a buyer with an original product, then your project will be a success.

Advantages of this business

Making candles at home has a number of advantages that make such an endeavor attractive:

  1. The cost of materials for manufacturing is quite low.
  2. The technology is simple and accessible to any beginner.
  3. At the same time, you can show your imagination, realize your creative potential and create original and unique products.
  4. There is a wide range of options for choosing a suitable niche.
  5. Registering a business is simple and does not require large tax deductions.
  6. High profitability indicators.
  7. You can do this in the form home business or aim at large production in mini-factory format.

Of course, there are also disadvantages. For example, beginning entrepreneurs may have difficulty selling finished goods, especially if there is quite high competition in the chosen region.

Do you need documents?

It is believed that when producing candles at home, it is not necessary to register even as an individual entrepreneur. As an artisan, you can file an annual tax return showing your income and make standard deductions. But since you also need to think about selling products, it is advisable to register as an entrepreneur or entity. In this case, there will be more trust in you as a supplier of goods.

The tax regime can be chosen according to a simplified system, and to reduce deductions, do not forget to enter all purchased equipment into the financial statements and put it on depreciation.

It is also important to register the enterprise with the following regulatory services:

  • Pension Fund;
  • statistical authorities;
  • sanitary and epidemiological station in the event of opening a separate workshop or plant;
  • fire inspection.

Variety of candles

Even at the business planning stage, you need to think about exactly what products you are going to offer to customers. There are quite a lot of options and they all require their own approach:

  1. Church - will disperse well if there are a lot of temples and churches nearby. They are used for official purposes, placed by parishioners during prayer, installed for holidays, weddings, etc. Each procedure requires its own shape, shade and even the raw materials used.
  2. Household - usually made from paraffin and have the same standard shade without added flavors and dyes. In demand in rural areas.
  3. Decorative – distinguished by originality of shape and shade. To create them, they use different materials and try to make them unique. Often purchased as a gift or to decorate a home, restaurants, rooms, etc. This type of candle is characterized by handmade and correspondingly high cost.
  4. Canteens are a cross between household and decorative options. Can be different shapes and shade, but simple materials are used for their production.
  5. Tablets - when wax or paraffin is poured into special small aluminum sleeves. They are often used to decorate and create a special atmosphere in a room. There is always a demand for them.
  6. Carved candles - are made on the basis of ordinary ones, but are dipped in colored paraffin for additional processing and providing the required patterns.
  7. Ice openwork is a separate type of decorative candle. Their manufacturing technology is distinguished by the addition of pieces of ice, which creates unusual openwork shapes.
  8. Colored cubes - while the wax or paraffin is hardening, the product is cut into pieces and then mixed again. After several such procedures, cubes of different shades are poured into the mold and when burned they create a unique effect.
  9. You can make scented candles that have an unobtrusive, pleasant scent. This is achieved by adding essential oil to melted paraffin.


Experienced entrepreneurs who create candles with their own hands argue that doing this in the kitchen at home is wrong. It is advisable to equip at least a small garage for production. Even if you make candles by hand, without special machines and equipment, you need to properly arrange your workspace:

  • The size of the room should be about 10-15 square meters. m.;
  • divide it by work area and finished products warehouse;
  • provide good ventilation;
  • make sure that the temperature is constant so that it is 18-20 degrees, since such material does not tolerate changes, and at elevated values ​​the entire product will deteriorate.

For storage, it is advisable to install convenient and free racks so that the products do not come into contact with each other. When making confectionery varieties, it is necessary to additionally disinfect all surfaces using kitchen products.

Technological process

Making a candle with your own hands is quite easy. You don’t even need special equipment or hire other employees to do this. The whole process goes through the following stages:

  1. Prepare the desired shape. You can buy it in specialized stores or make it yourself from scrap materials.
  2. The wick is installed in the center. If a volumetric candle is intended, then it is advisable to connect several threads (2-4 pieces) together and secure them at the end with a paper clip or iron stick.
  3. The paraffin or other base used is melted. This should be done strictly in a water bath, since it can ignite if it comes into direct contact with fire. If you crush the solid material, the melting process will speed up significantly.
  4. When a liquid state is achieved, dyes, flavors and other additives that are intended to be used for decoration can be added to the base. You need to stir the resulting mixture with a wooden stick.
  5. The finished liquid base is poured into molds. For safety reasons, be sure to use oven mitts, mittens and towels, as hot paraffin will cause burns if it comes into contact with your skin.
  6. After just a few hours, the product hardens and is ready for final decoration.

More detailed or varied techniques for creating candles at home can be learned through videos and other master classes, of which there are many today. Before starting a business, it is advisable to master suitable way and make a few for yourself.

This way, you can understand whether the job is working out and what the final result looks like. If this is not possible, then you can purchase ready-made simple candles and only decorate them.

What will you need?

Depending on the scale of production and the selected product options, different materials and equipment will be needed. For homemade it is desirable to have:

  • raw materials for the base;
  • forms;
  • utensils for melting paraffin (for example, pans);
  • a wick made from cotton thread;
  • and wooden rods for fixing it;
  • thin knives for carving and creating patterns;
  • stove;
  • stationery for decoration;
  • wax children's crayons are used for dyes;
  • and to add scent - essential oils.

If you are going to organize a small workshop, then you need to purchase expensive equipment:

  1. Candle machine.
  2. Tank for melting raw materials.
  3. Extruder press.
  4. Packaging machine.
  5. Hand stamps.
  6. Thermometer.
  7. Matrices.

It is possible to use as a basis:

  • Paraffin is the cheapest and most popular material.
  • Stearin – provides the candle long term combustion. Most often used for carved products. This fatty substance is added to the paraffin base to improve its characteristics.
  • Beeswax or soy wax, as well as foundation, are a natural and environmentally friendly product. When used, it releases a light, pleasant aroma.
  • Gel is a transparent jelly-like substance. Used for filling glass molds. It is characterized by high cost.

Don't forget to purchase enough cotton thread for wicks, aluminum sleeves, materials for decoration and packaging to give the candles a presentation.

Sales channels

If manufacturing is not particularly difficult, then for a novice entrepreneur the most difficult thing may be selling finished products. For this purpose, you need to study the market in advance, evaluate competitors, and find permanent points of sale of goods. Typically candles are sold through the following channels:

  1. Stationary shops with souvenirs.
  2. Hardware counters or department stores.
  3. Social media.
  4. Online stores.
  5. Specialized forums.
  6. Delivered directly to restaurants and hotels.
  7. Cooperate with churches and other religious organizations.
  8. Design studios, etc.

Financial calculations

When creating a real mini-factory for the production of candles, you will need considerable investments.

Expenses Cost, in rub.
1 Candle machine 300 000
2 Ready-made forms 35 000
3 Wick (for 3000 products) 1 000
4 Paraffin 31 500
5 Workshop rental 10 000
6 Public utilities 12 000
7 Salary to employees 15 000
8 Equipment installation 20 000
Total: 424 500

These figures assume the production of 3,000 table candles. They usually sell for 40 rubles apiece. This means that if the goods are sold well, the revenue will be 120 thousand rubles. Then you will only need to pay for the materials and monthly expenses, so the business will pay off within 3-4 months.

If you produce decorative candles at home, the costs will be minimal. You will only need to purchase materials for their creation and decoration, which will be included in the cost of production. Therefore, after the first sale of the product, you will fully return your investment and receive a net profit.

When planning the financial component, you need to take into account that household, church and table varieties cost 15-50 rubles per unit. But decorative, scented, gel and other options are priced much higher and can be sold from 150 rubles apiece or more. The profitability of the business will depend on your investment and the final price for the product.

Video: making decorative candles at home.

Individuality in your interior design will always be its winning side. Nothing gives it so much home comfort apartment, like things made by the hands of the owners. And if until now you could not boast of such fruits of handicraft, you have a great opportunity to fix it. We invite you to try making candles with your own hands.

Candles are a wonderful souvenir that can brighten the atmosphere of any occasion. family holiday. Candles have long been an attribute of celebration, significant dates, and romantic evenings. Yes, just sitting in silence, listening to your favorite music to the trembling of a gentle light - this is sometimes so missing.

For some, a candle is nothing more than a cute decorative item. And there is nothing wrong with this either; such products serve as wonderful decorations in the home. But scented candles can become a real psychotherapeutic tool: they will help create the necessary atmosphere for relaxation, taking a person into the world of dreams and pleasant memories.

In addition, a candle is a wonderful gift. The warmth of your hands and the light of a beautiful candle will best wishes to a loved one. Candles will decorate even the most modest furnishings, highlight the color scheme of your apartment, and become evidence of the excellent taste of the owner.

Needless to say, mothers on maternity leave can even earn extra money from such a pleasant activity. And not only mothers - everyone who is fascinated by the process of creating a candle. And you can be sure that there will be people who want to purchase such hand-made beauty.

So, we have many reasons to finally start our creative process. But to make a candle, we need to stock up on certain materials and tools.

Materials for making candles

Indeed, how to make candles with your own hands without special materials? We will need the following in our work:

  • Wax melting vessel
  • Candle molds
  • Pan (for water bath)
  • Sticks (the first is to attach the wick, the second is to stir the wax)
  • Decorative elements for decorating the product
  • Wax crayons
  • Household candles or stubs of old candles
  • Paper threads (100% cotton)

All this will help us create, if not a wax masterpiece, then a beautiful original candle. So let's begin!

Candle wick

Now we have to learn how to make a candle wick with our own hands. Whether we make a gel, paraffin or wax candle, in any case we will need a wick. In order to make it, we need natural cotton thread without any impurities. Alternatively, use colored floss threads as a wick. It looks very cute and unusual.

The thickness and texture of the wick depend, first of all, on the thickness of the part of the candle that should burn out. For example, there are candles that are partially composed of flammable materials. Only the core burns out in them.

For those who are going to cast a candle from wax, you need to take thick threads and weave them not very tightly. Paraffin and gel candles, on the contrary, require a tight weave of threads (otherwise the wick will smoke when burning).

Wick for wax candles

Wick for gel candles

You also need to be attentive to the following detail: if the candle is colored with wax crayons, small shavings can clog the wick without dissolving in the paraffin or wax. In general, there are a lot of nuances in this issue; be prepared for the fact that choosing a wick for a certain type of candle will have to be done by trial and error.

If you use a very thick wick, it is possible that the candle will melt too much, which can lead to soot. If you make a very thin wick, it will constantly go out.

There are several options for designing a wick: it can be crocheted, braided, or twisted with a rope. Before pouring the candle, you can soak the thread with wax, or you can do both pouring and impregnation at the same time.

If you don’t want to waste time making a wick, then use a wick from ready-made household candles.

Candle mold

In this matter, your imagination plays a decisive role. You can use any plastic or metal molds that you think are cute and appropriate for making candles. Don't limit yourself to just ready-made molds: yogurt packaging, cream jars, baking molds, cans, glasses or mugs that can withstand high temperatures can also play an excellent role. Some even use milk tetrapack as a mold for a future candle.

Candles poured into tea cups

Candles made in eggshells

But for your first experience, it’s better not to split hairs: take something simple. For example, a yogurt cup. Be sure to remove the paper label first, as it may catch fire.

We take our glass and pierce a hole in the middle of its bottom with a thick needle - insert the ready-made wick there. WITH reverse side cup, the wick must be tied in a knot. In this very place of the knot there will be the top of our candle, because it will be poured “upside down”: the knot minimizes the flow of paraffin, stearin or wax through the hole we made at the bottom of the glass.

Go ahead. We need to place any stick across the glass - a toothpick, brush or pencil. We need to tie the other end of the wick on it. It should be positioned strictly in the center in a vertical, level position. This way, you guarantee yourself that the candle will burn and melt evenly.

Coloring a candle

You will get really beautiful candles if you don’t forget to color them. The simplest and most acceptable way is to color candles using simple children's wax crayons.

Do you think it would be smarter to use watercolor or gouache? Indeed, the palette of these paints is richer than the color variety of crayons. But the problem is that both gouache and watercolor are made on a water-soluble basis: these dyes are not suitable for working with a candle. They do not mix well with wax or paraffin, they can float in them in strange-colored flakes, and then completely settle to the bottom.

Decorating candles can and should be done only with fat-soluble dyes, and these are our wax crayons.

Often, many craftsmen use lipsticks or shadows to decorate candles. If you don't mind your cosmetics, please feel free to follow their example. But rest assured that the aroma of lipstick will linger throughout the house, which is not always pleasant. Many people may find this smell intrusive.

If you decide to make decorative candles with your own hands, it is better to use less aggressive materials. When choosing wax crayons, we focus on soft types of this dye. Candles made using mother-of-pearl wax crayons are especially good.

If you come across hard crayons, melting them will be difficult. Yes, and planing them is quite problematic. So, we chose a piece of chalk, sharpened it using a grater, and added these shavings to the wax cinders. Mix the shavings and cinders thoroughly with a stick.

However, there is another coloring option. In specialty stores it is easy to find tableted pigments of different colors. They can be mixed with each other and dosed. Using such pigments, you will be able to make a truly unusual, bright or delicate candle. Pigments in tablets significantly expand the possibility of obtaining interesting shades.

You should not refuse to use dyes: they give the candle a unique look and create a unique pattern.

Pouring a candle

Now that the wick is ready, it’s time to fill it. We will need a regular tin can. It has to be flattened a little to form a kind of nose. This is necessary to make the process of pouring out the molten material easier.

It is better to lubricate the pre-prepared form with a thin layer of dishwashing liquid or simple vegetable oil. Both remedies are equally good.

We need to put the fragments of candles in a jar (candles must be of the same quality). If we are going to make a paraffin or wax candle, we can take a saucepan or ladle for melting, which is not too much of a waste. In any case, this container should be placed in the pan that will be used as a water bath. In principle, you can use whatever you want, except glassware.

So, we fill the pan with water, boil the water, and then immerse the container with wax or paraffin. This is how our material will melt.

When the material and shavings are completely melted, you can begin pouring the candle.

Fill the bottom of our mold with wax and let it cool. Do not rush to fill the entire mold at once, otherwise a lot of wax or paraffin may leak out through the hole in the bottom. We pour the wax in layers, and what has flowed out is re-sent for re-melting. When the candle is completely filled, it needs to be cooled. The temperature should be room temperature.

Many people make a mistake at this point: they try to speed up the cooling process by placing a candle in freezer. In this case, it may spread unevenly.

This is not critical if we fill the candle upside down. If you use another method, then you should leave a little wax in order to fill the depressions next to the wick. And after drying they will definitely appear.

When the temperature of the candle becomes equal to the temperature of the room, you need to untie the knot at the bottom of the mold. At this moment, we remove the product itself by carefully pulling the wick.

If you can’t do this, you can cut the mold. Or put it in the refrigerator for a minute, and then put it under hot water for a few seconds.

After this, we cut off the excess part of the wick, leaving a tip of 1 cm. If there are unsightly seams left from the mold, they can be removed with hot water. But with these manipulations, the candle may become cloudy, its shine may fade. That's why optimal solution will choose a candle mold that does not contain seams.

DIY aroma candles

Making scented candles with your own hands is quite possible. In particular, this is worth doing for those who are true fans of aromatherapy. In order for you to get exactly the aroma candles, you need to add some essential oils before pouring them into wax. The choice of oil depends on your taste: you can add any oil, except perhaps rose oil. After all, its smell when burning will be suffocating and heavy.

It would be great if the decor of the aroma candle matches the plant whose oil we use. For example, using lavender oil as the basis for the aroma, pink or lilac dyes should predominate in the decor of the candle.

Using laurel or mint oil, it is better to decorate a candle with green shades.

Vanilla or cinnamon will be organic in warm, beige-brown tones of a candle.

Not only oils can make your candle scented, regular coffee is a strong and pleasant flavor.

In principle, achieving the scent of a candle is not so difficult. Aromatic oils are added to paraffin, wax or gel. And then the process of making a scented candle is no different from creating a regular candle.

We advise experimenters to mix oils: you are guaranteed an unusual bouquet of aromas. If you are afraid of “doing something weird” and synthesizing incompatible smells, look at perfume recipes. Follow their instructions, just don't add rose oil.

Gel candles

Now let's talk about how to make gel candles with your own hands. In order to make gel candles, it is better to use ready-made gel wax. The recipes for making candles are often written on the packaging with it, and you can use it.

For those who are used to doing everything themselves, the following recipe can help:

  • 5 g gelatin
  • 2 g tannin
  • 20 ml water
  • 35 ml glycerin

First we need to dissolve the tannin in the glycerin through the heating process. We continue to heat, adding the remaining glycerin and gelatin to the composition. Add water to the resulting clear solution. Bring the mixture to a boil. Some cloudiness of the solution should not scare you: it will soon disappear. Until the water completely evaporates, you need to boil the solution.

You can also add essential oil to gel candles; this does not contradict the recipe. A separate, especially pleasant process is decorating gel candles. Place loosely on the bottom of any transparent container. decorative elements: beads, beads, pebbles, shells, sequins, coffee beans, dry plant stems or flowers. Then fill everything with gel transparent wax. This candle looks simply incredible: transparent, delicate, with a magical pattern inside.

Coffee candles

Making decorative candles is also not difficult. For example, you can make an original coffee candle. The decor is, of course, coffee beans. The principle of operation is this: a small one is inserted into a large mold. Between the walls of the two molds you need to pour coffee beans, and then fill them with candle mass.

As soon as the mass with coffee beans has frozen, the walls need to be blown with a hot hairdryer. Thanks to this, excess paraffin will drain and the coffee beans will be clearly visible.

Now the outer layer with coffee beans is ready. We put it back into the mold, fill the inside with paraffin/wax of a different color.

Coffee candles can be like this:

You can make sea candles in the same way: instead of grains, they will contain pebbles or sea shells. As an option - transparent gel candles with small pebbles or coffee beans.

Candle decoration options

How else can you decorate a candle you created with your own hands? The first way to add originality to your candle is to use unusual, unexpected shapes. Sometimes interesting shape can be more advantageous than even the most skillful decor. A wonderful decorative element for candles - various kinds glass stands.

In a specialized store you can find special stickers for decoration. Or decoupage is a great way to decorate candles. By the way, it is very fashionable among professional candle makers. Most often, napkins are used as the basis for decoupage. Don't forget about safety precautions: use special varnish for candles.

For lovers original decor The following option will do:

Before pouring, place shells, pieces of dried fruit, cinnamon, seeds, and dried flowers around the edges of the mold. Or let it be coffee beans in an ensemble with rhinestones and beads. But in the latter case, it would be more appropriate to talk about decor finished product: we insert decorative elements into melted paraffin/wax.

An already frozen candle can be covered with bamboo or cinnamon sticks. You can add star anise or the same coffee beans to them. This will be a beautiful decoration for aromatherapy candles.

If you are using dried plants (or any other decorative items that can become flammable), the candle wick should be thin so that the candle only melts in the middle.

In principle, if you have the opportunity to go to specialized stores for materials, you will get a lot of useful tools there. For example, markers and outlines are sold there; they do not burn, but during the smoldering of the wick they melt along with wax/paraffin.

If you don't want to collect old candle cinders, use paraffin beads or candle gel. In specialized stores you can even find ready-made wicks (with a metal holder). For floating candles, you can purchase specially formulated wax.

Today, the imagination of a creative person is practically unfettered by anything: prices for materials for making candles are not high, the process is exciting and not as long as it might seem. Having once created a beautiful candle with your own hands, you are unlikely to deny yourself the pleasure of experimenting again.

And for inspiration, we invite you to watch a wonderful video master class on creating carved candles



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