The most important disadvantages of the zodiac signs. Hidden virtues of different zodiac signs: Libra is a brilliant strategist, and Sagittarius is the best lover

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We are all accustomed to the fact that each zodiac sign has its own characteristic. But any of them is capable of appearing from a completely unexpected side!

Nice guys. Purposeful, keeping their promises. And you are unlikely to find a more faithful friend than Aries. The worse your situation, the more zealously he will support and save you. In this case, it does not matter at all whether he knew you from the cradle or whether you simply studied in the same stream on a course at the university. These people know how to gracefully get to the truth, even when you tightly batten down all the hatches of your soul. They will definitely find a loophole and show friendly participation.

Taciturn, on his own mind - this is also about Taurus. However, once you get to know him better, you will understand that this is a holiday man. Taurus can, like the French woman who easily makes a hat, a scandal and a salad out of nothing, build a holiday from improvised things. In principle, in order to please others, they don’t even really need a red date on the calendar. There is a mood in your soul, which means you need to give a holiday to your loved ones and loved ones. Taurus also remembers well all the good deeds that you have done for them. And capable of being grateful.

Gemini has the role of a shirt-guy. A person who will treat everyone around him until only a louse on a lasso remains in his pocket. But this impression, believe me, is deceptive. Geminis know how to count money like no other. They clearly know how much money they have in their budget and how much they can spend on a beautiful life at this very moment. This is probably why they often make excellent strategists and financiers.

An amazing feature of these people is the ability to listen and understand everything that you want to convey to them. Whatever you say, now this is real talent! In addition, Cancers are able to immediately separate the wheat from the chaff, main idea from stream of consciousness, delirium and lies. If a friend needs help, Cancer is unlikely to brush it off. He will find time in his busy schedule, sit next to you, breathe out and begin to listen. And then he’ll give you the right advice.

They are smart and rational. But they often prefer not to share their rich life experiences. They understand that every action inevitably follows consequences - and this frightens them. Meanwhile, these are precisely the people who can brilliantly decide crisis situations. But, as we remember, their credo is to keep a low profile. If they don’t call, Leos will come to the rescue only when there may be nothing left to save. So don’t be shy, approach them and boldly ask what to do. Just remember: we do this very soulfully and respectfully. Before us, after all, is Leo himself!

They quickly get along with people and know how to win them over. A girl will never tell them: “I don’t talk to strangers on the street.” Virgos know how to look at someone in such a way, to turn the course of events in their direction, that the stranger herself will say her first and last name, and address. Virgos' charm can be bottomless. By the way, there are quite a lot of femme fatales among this zodiac sign. Maybe not brilliantly beautiful, but possessing breathtaking charisma.

These are brilliant visionaries! They can plan events for the year ahead and beyond. Their life, as a rule, follows the trajectory they set only with some reservations. When Libra is spoken of as crackers, it is a lie. They are romantics and tireless inventors. Libras, as a rule, are able to keep in mind all the prices, work schedules of the necessary institutions, as well as all the discounts and promotions. Thanks to this, they can organize anything - be it a vacation or a dinner party, while spending a minimum of money and time.

Everyone is already accustomed to the fact that Scorpios are people who can annoy everyone with their corrosiveness. Meanwhile, they usually become crazy parents. Who would have thought! Just yesterday they wrinkled their noses at the mention of a dirty diaper. And today they avidly read parenting forums and choose diaper models that don’t hurt their butts. And so in everything! Scorpios meticulously study every aspect of their child's life. At the same time, they try to make sure that the child does not feel overly guarded.

If there is a concept of “sexual charisma,” it’s about Sagittarius. There is something inexplicable in them that attracts representatives of the opposite sex like a magnet. Sagittarius women, as a rule, are gentle and feminine, while men are strong and always ready to lend their strong shoulder. Perhaps Sagittarius will not offer you a strong family, but you will definitely remember the time spent with him as one of the most joyful and happiest.

These people literally have an abyss of desire to help others. They are not always ready to advertise their desire, but if the opportunity arises to work in a shelter for homeless animals, give a patron concert in a nursing home, or raise money for those in need, Capricorns will be among the first to respond. And, of course, they will never excitedly talk about their good deeds. And this is another virtue of Capricorns.

There are different talents. Aquarius, for example, has the talent to forgive. He is physically incapable of being angry and sulking at someone for a long time. Even if he was greatly offended. He will raise his hand up and wave at everything. For there are much more exciting things to do in the world than resentment. Be sure that in the most difficult circumstances he will not remind you that you have stumbled somewhere.

Pisces probably has two hidden advantages at once. They are kind and generous. And this is very connected. They will always console you, always help you find a way out. difficult situation, and at the same time, not only will they not ask for any gratitude for their efforts, but they will also give you their last shirt as a load. And then for another couple of months they will ask: how are you living and do you need help with something?

Each zodiac sign has its own weaknesses and shortcomings.

When meeting people, they tend to show only their positive sides. Everything secret becomes clear only later certain time. Each representative of the Zodiac sign has key behavioral traits, and shortcomings are no exception.


Everyone probably knows about the impulsiveness and explosive nature of every typical Aries. But they also have one more interesting feature Aries were and remain very amorous people. Aries fall in love so often that their regular partner needs to be patient and wait until Aries makes his choice. Only after this they will become ideal partners, but not all people are ready to wait so long and pay so “dearly” for personal happiness.


Taurus needs to learn to relax. Hard-working people are ready to exhaust themselves day and night, constantly lacking sleep. They are sincerely confident that they will be able to earn all the money. Proving them otherwise would be a waste of time. If Taurus has decided something for himself, then no one will be able to convince him. Partners and friends should be wary of unjustified criticism of Taurus. They can only take pity on those close to them. With the rest, the conversation will be short and extremely clear.


Cancers are the most stable sign of the Zodiac, but at the same time they love to condemn the rash actions of their neighbors every time. The habit of stability does not indicate their own natural luck and ability to get around sharp corners. According to the horoscope, Cancers are extremely sensitive to everything new. The disadvantages of Cancers can be called caution, indecisiveness and paranoia. At the same time, they are constant and quite consistent; for some, these qualities look boring. Cancers can commit treason, but it will be extremely uncomfortable for them due to the huge number of doubts about their actions.

Leos are able to “finish off” any person who has stepped over the rules that were established by Leos. Such people are very demanding of themselves and absolutely ruthless towards the mistakes of others. Leos are vain individuals with a zero tolerance threshold; they cannot take it calmly if something around them is wrong or worse than they wish. But Leo’s determination and ambitions can be frankly envied.


Virgos are natural chameleons who are able to adapt to any conditions and present themselves as something they are not. While at first they come across as simple-minded, they may later surprise you with ulterior motives. Representatives of this sign rarely do anything simply out of the kindness of their hearts. They are used to living only for themselves and taking advantage of any situation. Understanding Virgos is quite difficult; even an experienced psychologist will not be able to do it.


Libra can only dream of patience and perseverance. They are not allowed to engage in daily routine. Libras are used to being on the move, generating ideas and selling them for implementation for big money. Therefore, those who are next to Libra may at first be amazed at their inhuman interest, and then, being impressed by Libra’s ideas and inspiring fantasies, not notice how they did all the work themselves. Possessing incredible charm, Libra will not miss the opportunity to sell their work to someone else.


Each representative of the Scorpio constellation has his own personal collection of grievances, which is replenished quite often. At the same time, Scorpios do not consider this a disadvantage at all. They are always ready to take revenge, and they do it ruthlessly and vilely. However, representatives of this zodiac sign fall in love once and for life, receiving the passionate feelings of their partner in their direction. The problem is that most often they connect different people. Therefore, Scorpios lead in number broken hearts among all the Signs.


Sagittarians are quite often prone to depressive moods; it is difficult for them to live in such a terrible world. Sagittarians ideally strive to surround everyone with care, love, and guardianship. But if they see that they are beginning to manipulate and take advantage of it, then expect trouble. Sagittarians are ready to endure all the blows of fate, but at the same time they are vindictive. They will remember everything even in small details. And may you never meet an offended Sagittarius on your way.


Pessimism literally overwhelms Capricorns. They view the world through the lens of “everything is bad.” Some representatives of this Sign get along well in life, presenting the merits of others in a disgusting light. They know how to demonstrate themselves with the best side, humiliating others, this is typical for Capricorns. At the same time, the desire for an honorable position allows them to settle well in life; many of Capricorns are successful as individuals.


This zodiac sign reverently respects personal space. If Aquarius good mood, then they may allow you to get closer to him. In the worst case, representatives of this sign are ready to do anything, even buy themselves a desert island and let only the chosen and loved ones there. A disdainful attitude towards new people who are trying to break through the psychological defense of Aquarius, to humiliate them, pushes Aquarius to extreme measures, which can result in a scandal and uncontrollable curses.


Inconsistency is considered the main drawback of Pisces. Representatives of this sign create an illusory reality for themselves and others. In pursuit of new sensations, Pisces may forget or ignore the moral principles of society. Pisces can very easily and silently disappear from your life the same way they burst into it. At the same time, they can give you emotions that you will not find anywhere else. Light, sensual personalities, not devoid of romance, will easily put rose-colored glasses on you, allow you to look at the world through them, and then break them themselves.

There are no ideal people. Few would dare to argue with this truth. However, we need shortcomings like air, because they force us to work on ourselves. And if we are aware of the availability weaknesses our character, which means we know in which direction we need to work. Today we will talk about the shortcomings of representatives of the zodiac circle.


Aries have a hot temperament and impulsiveness. A straightforward and absurd character makes representatives of this sign speak first, and only then think. Try to refrain from uttering rash words, especially if you are speaking to someone in a raised voice. It doesn't hurt you to learn diplomatic techniques.


Here we have another stubborn zodiac sign. However, Taurus more often direct their stubbornness not at the outside world, but at themselves. They are afraid to feel sorry for themselves and do not know what self-indulgence is. This is great when you are busy with work from morning to evening, but you should not forget about rest. Do not ignore the care of loved ones, they act in your interests.


Your disadvantage is your strength. On the one hand, the analytical mind helps in the professional field, but on the other hand, the desire to see the truth greatly irritates family members and friends. It sounds like you don't want to hear the phrase "I beg to differ with you!" But having intelligence cannot insure you against mistakes. You are not as perfect as you think.


The disadvantage of Cancer is excessive emotionality. Most representatives of this sign are too committed to family values. However, having created their own family, they continue to compare with their own parents. If Cancer's childhood was cloudless, he experiences a strong attachment to his mom and dad. Not every spouse can withstand this competition. If there were problems in your relationship with your parents, then hatred of the past poisons your life.

a lion

You are too fixated on the attention of others. This can destroy you, because you are not able to see flattery behind the praise. It's easy to cloud your brain with beautiful words. This means that you can easily become a victim in behind-the-scenes intrigues or be used by someone for selfish purposes. Learn to evaluate yourself correctly.


Representatives of this sign are obsessed with total control. This makes life very difficult for them and those around them. Realize that your day won't be ruined if you don't sort your documents in alphabetical order. Allow chaos to invade your life at least occasionally.


Most big drawback Libra is their indecisiveness. Yes, they are trying to weigh the pros and cons, but sometimes delay can be like death. In addition, you tend to suppress emotions and pay too much attention to little things.


Scorpio's weak point is the unwillingness to hear a refusal. This is why you are so accustomed to childish behavior and whims. But if you don't like something, don't hit your head. closed doors until you hear the desired word “yes”. Your persistence may turn against you if the doors are much stronger than you think. Understand that if you are rejected, the Earth will not leave orbit. Look better at other, more worthy applicants.


Representatives of this sign are too attached to their comfort zone. This prevents them from enjoying life to the fullest. Realize that there is a lot of interesting things outside of your little world. Are you really going to sit in your cocoon until the end of your days? It's time for big things!


Unfortunately, hard work doesn't always pay off. But Capricorn is confident in the truth of the saying “What goes around comes around.” He works tirelessly and forgets about rebooting. Your main misconception is that rest is something of secondary importance. Understand that relaxation is a priority, otherwise your performance will suffer.


Before us is one of the most inconsistent and risky signs of the zodiac. These qualities can turn off the defense mechanism in Aquarius. It seems that trying to take on a dozen things at once is not a wise decision. You're letting your brain run on empty. Reconsider your desire to be ubiquitous and finish at least one project first.


We will not be surprised that the character of emo people was partially copied from representatives of the Pisces sign. They love to remember emotional experiences and reopen old wounds. If they fall in love, it will definitely be unrequited. Focus on the positive and try to build a relationship with a worthy partner. Stop absorbing negativity from your surroundings.

Disadvantages of each zodiac sign

And we continue to insist that the Zodiac is the best invention of human civilization. It’s just that, unlike our ancestors, we have forgotten how to cook it correctly. How was it before? “Yes, your honor, I behaved badly, raped women and burned half the continent, but show mercy, I’m still an Aries” - “Ah, Aries... remove the shackles from the poor fellow.”

Each sign has a certain set of shortcomings that you need to remember so as not to cry into your pillow later: “Who would have thought, he was so cute...”.


Everything is bad, we are all going to die. I'm a cute Capricorn, and everyone else is a bastard. Who achieved success through bed. Just because we don't know who Gates slept with to become a billionaire doesn't mean he didn't sleep with anyone. He sucked up his Microsoft, don’t go to a fortune teller. It should have been me in his place, but I am too principled. On the other hand, the extreme ambition of successful Capricorns often works in their favor - they become billionaires, and beginning Capricorns hiss at them from under the table, suspecting them of immorality.


Don't come near me, you nobodies, you're too noisy. While other signs protect their personal space as much as possible, Aquarians build a thick metaphorical (or even real, for that matter) wall around themselves so that not a single mouse can slip through. For complete happiness, Aquarius needs an uninhabited island with consistently warm weather, the Internet and rare visits from happy children. Inside the metaphorical (or real, yes) wall of Aquarius there are a lot of goodies that make it possible to survive any siege. But the gates open only for the lucky few.


The author does not indicate the date of birth of Baron Munchausen, but this is unnecessary. We already understand that the end of February is March. Pisces are special demiurges who create an illusory reality, draw those around them into it, and then disappear, leaving those abandoned in bewilderment to pick out shards of rose-colored glasses from their eyes. Generally accepted morality is categorically not suitable for Pisces - they have their own personal moral code, moreover, written in Sanskrit, so that Pisces itself does not always understand what it can and cannot do. But all Pisces will definitely go to heaven - for them, fooling the Apostle Peter is easier than steamed plankton.


Aries' ruling planet is Mars, so there will be plenty of action and tears. Not from Aries, of course, but from those around him. For Aries himself, everything will be fine - modern bleaching agents perfectly remove blood from a white coat. If Aries falls in love (and they fall in love all the time), then neither time, nor distance, nor a concrete bunker will stop them from adultery. But a well-fed Aries becomes ideal partner for life, and the one who waited for it receives a medal “For Patience” and a commemorative badge: “We should make nails out of these people.”


Taurus is very hard-working - he, tirelessly, every day and without getting enough sleep, erects miraculous monuments to his beautiful self. Or man-made monuments, optional. Taurus is the sweetest and most charming creature until you cross his path. And then events will begin to develop so rapidly that you yourself will not understand how it happened that your old mother is waiting in vain for her son to come home. And if Taurus has decided on something, then it is impossible to move it from its place even with the help of a tower crane. Which is extremely convenient for Taurus’s loved ones, and the rest are to blame.


Plugging a torn carotid artery with plantain is much easier than plugging up a Gemini telling a story. This fountain is inexhaustible - Gemini is capable of even own funeral rise from the grave with the text: “By the way, the joke is on topic! The doorbell rings, a man opens it, and on the threshold is Death with a Grim Reaper.” And he will tell the joke to the end, ignoring the squeals and fainting of those around him. Geminis are fantastically lazy, the only saving grace is that their natural ability to chat about nothing is perfectly monetized, for example, by writing horoscopes in Pics.


“This is Solomon Shklyar’s school, a ballroom dancing school, they tell you. Two steps left, two steps right, one step forward and two steps back.” You have listened to the Rakov anthem, you can sit down. This is “one step forward and two steps back” - this is our chitinous everything. The caution and indecision of Cancers is the talk of the town, on the one hand, but a balm on the heart for lovers of stability, on the other. Cancer is even uncomfortable with betrayal. Not for moral reasons, but solely because of paranoia - who knows this mistress, she’s a woman. And for women, as you know, the entrance is a ruble, the exit is three. Well, to hell with it.


Lev, of course, is smart and adorable, so pretty. When his name is "Simba" and you watch a cartoon about him. In life, he is a tyrant, a despot and a madman with a zero threshold of tolerance for the shortcomings of other people and a penchant for moralizing, pumped up to the level of “God”. A lion sitting in a cage can create the illusion of safety, but the guard, torn to atoms, does not even have time to notice how the illusion has dissipated. Leo is very easy to calculate, even without knowing the date of birth of the counterpart. The specific sign of a real Leo is speaking in complex sentences in which the word “I” occurs in any segment between commas. On the other hand, in our capitalist age, vanity is not a vice, but a powerful career engine. And Dante with his circles of hell is all literature and lies.


Before torturing yourself on the topic: “What’s in my Virgo’s head,” start with something simple - try to understand what’s in my Virgo’s head? serial killer. Does not work? Moreover, it won’t work with Virgo. If you imagine Virgo as a sweet, slightly old-fashioned creature who embroiders on a hoop and knits a scarf, you will be quite surprised when you find needles under your nails and a knitting needle in your eye. Virgo mimics perfectly in order to get the most delicious, most beautiful, place of the gender and this handsome guy in bed. And he gets it. And whoever didn’t hide is not the Virgin of the wine, it’s you who flapped your ears.


What other signs call “manic-depressive psychosis” is called “character traits” by Libra. Patience and perseverance for Libra are incomprehensible funny words from Ozhegov’s thick book. Libra can be passionate about some idea, throw all possible resources at its implementation, involve a bunch of people in the process and... cool down forever, having caught fire with a new idea. Treason for Libra is a completely organic state and does not cause pangs of conscience, because they are not going to destroy the family, therefore, they are not to blame, yeah. But Libras are fantastically charming, and they get away with anything. Q.E.D.


Remember the parable: “take me, turtle, to the other side, I won’t sting you”? But it stung because it was a scorpion. Scorpios are ruthless, vengeful and constantly fall in love with someone for life. But the main problem is that someone always falls in love with Scorpios for life, and much more often than Scorpio himself does. Therefore, they are champions in the number of broken hearts per square kilometer of a love boat. These people sit in Goa and, instead of swimming, with an inexorable hand they expand and expand the ban list in their social networks.


“Save the Dalmatian puppies, they will drown!!!” Sagittarius has no equal in the “take pity and feed everyone” genre. Therefore, excellent strong ropes curl from Sagittarius, on which, disappointed with the cruelty and lies that reign on the planet, Sagittarians always strive to hang themselves. But they don’t hang themselves, because who, if not me, will save the Far Eastern leopards? Employers love Sagittarius very much, because Sagittarius can be assigned any amount of work, and he won’t even say a word. And he will do everything, be it a carcass or a scarecrow. In general, at first glance, Sagittarius is a sweetheart. How, how... the main problem surrounding Sagittarius lies in his excellent memory. And a complete lack of easygoingness. If in a dark alley a stranger points a gun at you and says: “Remember, you called me a turd in kindergarten?”, then be sure that this is a Sagittarius. This knowledge, of course, will not save you, but you won’t have to, dying, whisper: “Why?”

Text: Alexandra Smilyanskaya

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Astrologers have long compiled their own characteristics of both the advantages and disadvantages of representatives of different zodiac signs. And if you know what negative character traits are inherent in, say, Cancer, then perhaps this will help you get around the rough edges in communication.

Once we get to know a person, we begin to gradually recognize him. It’s clear that, first of all, we are shown exclusively positive character traits. And suddenly, completely unexpectedly, something opens up that you don’t even know how to react. Of course, you want to know about the shortcomings in advance. Astrologers have long compiled a list of certain negative character traits of all zodiac signs. Just don't take it seriously. After all, stars can joke too.


If you meet an Aries on your way, then be prepared that this person can express everything directly to the forehead, without hiding anything. And you yourself cannot hide from him - if he wants to get it, he will certainly get it. What other desires do you have, what personal space is there? Aries will break into your room in the middle of the night with a nonsense problem and will sincerely be perplexed - why are they looking at him askance? It has long been known about Aries that they break through any walls with their foreheads, well, that’s right, the head is not created to think with it, you need to eat with it. By the way, about food. Aries know that they are simple-minded and like to pretend to be such gourmets and connoisseurs of all sorts of delights. Let them tell themselves fairy tales about how they love deflope and blue cheese - don’t believe it! The same applies to fashion, art, films and theatrical productions. You look at Aries at some premiere - his teeth are churning from boredom, but everyone is still there, chasing the image of an intellectual. In love, Aries resembles a natural disaster. Having received what he wanted - be it a loved one, a toy, a position, Aries instantly loses interest in all this and rushes headlong further, looking for new adventures for his fillet and having found them, joyfully and enthusiastically steps on the same rake again and again.


The fact that Taurus never rushes (to conclusions) is clear to many after the very first minutes of communication. But this is only an appearance. Taurus can sleep with with open eyes during a conversation or deliver remarks inappropriately. And all because the topic is not interesting to him, that is, it does not directly concern him personally. Your Taurus friend will be cute, sleepy and fluffy until his interests are touched. Here everyone will immediately see how a soft and kind little chick turns into an angry buffalo. And no red rags are needed - just try to take the last cookie from the plate that Taurus has set his sights on. Then sitting on the high tree in the area, you will have enough time to think about the restraint of Taurus and their generosity. By the way, about soul and matter - Taurus are terrible materialists. And they love money unselfishly. Anyone who tries to do business with Taurus can see how selfless it is. Employers shudder nervously at the mere mention of Taurus - not only will such a person not overwork, but he will also demand all the allotted vacation pay, bonuses, maternity pay, as well as the 13th and 14th salary. In love, Taurus is a romantic and idealist. He can devour you with a languid gaze for years, but he will be either lazy or scared to approach you. To push Taurus to a love attack, a good kick - in the form of a potential rival or suitor - won't hurt.


The fact that Geminis are famous talkers and brainwashers is not known only to the lazy or those who have not encountered them in life. Geminis seem to be created in order to generate and spread rumors, which they sincerely consider to be objective information. Irony, in their understanding, is quite specific humor aimed at pinning away absent friends and acquaintances. At the same time, any self-respecting Gemini looks like an angel without wings. Therefore, when you once again laugh cheerfully at his harsh jokes aimed at a mutual friend, think about it - what does Gemini say about you when you are not around? It’s unlikely that he’ll sing your praises, and you certainly won’t get that from him. Sometimes there is complete confusion in Gemini's head - today he says one thing, tomorrow he says something completely different, and he himself does not know what he will say the day after tomorrow. The advice “Sometimes it’s better to chew than talk” was definitely created by someone who suffered from Gemini’s talkativeness. But even quite reserved Geminis (and there are some, yes!) can surprise, especially in the love sphere. How do you like this idea - to have several love affairs at the same time and conduct psychological experiments on naive girls (or boys)? Sigmund Freud is just nervously smoking on the sidelines!


What Cancer comes up with in his head no psychoanalyst will be able to unravel, and if he tries, Cancer will most likely be mortally offended. There are sacred words for any Cancer - these are “mine”, “personal”, “property”. Therefore, Cancers will protect their property and their personal lives with equal frenzy. Cancers are so original! They can ignore something really rude addressed to them, and become mortally offended by an innocent remark. By the way, speaking of grievances, it is almost impossible to understand what Cancer was offended by. You can guess on cards, on coffee grounds, on beans - the result is the same, you will hit the sky with your finger. Cancer just hasn’t figured it out yet - there will always be a reason to pout at you for, it won’t be a matter of that. In love, Cancers are eerily mysterious - either they love-they-cannot-love, overpowering the object of passion with calls and wrapping pink snot around their fists, or they cold-bloodedly cheat with those who are wealthier and stronger in terms of character.


Anyone who meets a Leo in society is usually enchanted - what a darling, charmer and charmer! Attention! This is a demo version. Everyone is pleased to admire the handsome Leo performing solo at the party. But, don’t forget – admire only from a distance! If such an instance approaches and enters your life, it will be a disaster - first of all, for you. Have you heard the words - despot, tyrant? So, this is all about him. To subjugate a loved one or friend to their will, Leos use everything - threats, breaking dishes and furniture. Remember that Leo strives to fill all the space with himself, so the only thing left is to either give him everything or drive him into a reservation. True, in this case, the relationship or friendship with Leo will clearly not last. To say that in love Leos pull the blanket over themselves is to say nothing. You will communicate with whomever Leo says, go where he is interested and live his life.


Those who believe that Virgos are harmless, kind, meek and modest creatures, oh, how mistaken they are. This is just an appearance! Such a modest daisy will easily shave off anyone who carelessly decides to cross the path of her or her loved ones. In career matters, Virgo's disinterested appearance regularly deceives the vigilance of competitors. While they are running, like wounded squirrels in a wheel, it somehow turns out imperceptibly that it is Virgo who becomes the boss. Sleight of hand and no fraud! From time to time, a poem comes over Virgos, and they suddenly become kind and generous, but, as a rule, it doesn’t last long. Virgos are terribly thrifty, and have great difficulty parting with both money and spiritual energy. The most difficult thing in love is to get a Virgo; this sign is really not inclined towards marriage. But then you can relax afterwards - Virgo will selflessly and freely correct you with criticism, teach you about life and polish a diamond like you, but she won’t get away from you.


Libras are romantic and sweet, but with strangers and strangers. Therefore, it is better for them to remain that way. Once Libra gets to know you better, where does everything come from? Or rather, where does everything disappear - gallantry, politeness, attentiveness! Libras can resemble unsweetened candy in a very beautiful package: upon closer acquaintance, they reveal stubbornness, self-centeredness, whims, and mood swings. A special bummer threatens lovers who are seduced by Libra’s sexy appearance. Under the sexy wrapper is a cold careerist or careerist, with sudden mood swings, obsessed with achieving his personal goals. Anyone who has seriously fallen in love with Libra should know that they are also mercantile, so marriage of convenience is not uncommon for them, but rather the rule. True, we should give them their due, Libra has its own own code honor, which they do not violate - since they promised to be together in sickness and in health, in poverty and wealth, in sorrow and joy, they will, where to go - gritting their teeth and saying “I can’t”.


Astrologers responsibly declare that the sexual capabilities of Scorpios are greatly exaggerated! Most likely, by the Scorpios themselves. Being a slow, fixed sign, Scorpios are leisurely in developing relationships. The fire in them flares up slowly, but just as slowly goes out. That is, the object of Scorpio’s love can long ago leave for someone else, get married and give birth to children, and Scorpio will continue to call and breathe into the phone, lie in wait at the entrance and offer to “start all over again.” Once you give up and answer “yes”, before you know it, you’ll be sitting in his kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, cooking a pot of borscht according to his mom’s favorite recipe. Such a development of relationships is clearly intended for an amateur, so Scorpios live in anticipation of such a shot. Both at work and at home, Scorpios do only what they themselves consider necessary. Concerns about daily bread and everyday life often fall on the shoulders of Scorpio spouses, so it is better to connect your life only with Scorpios - hereditary princes or oligarchs.


Sagittarius' enthusiasm and optimism greatly helps them cope with various problems and difficulties that they have created for themselves. Sagittarius is a typical shoemaker without boots, this is the case when the fat one teaches how to lose weight, the poor one teaches how to get rich and the childless one teaches how to raise children. The mystery is that he teaches, as a rule, successfully! Getting a Sagittarius is as easy as shelling pears - pretend that you need to learn something from him and that's it, it's all in the bag. It’s enough just to nod from time to time and say: “Yes?”, “Really?”, “I would never think of that.” If Sagittarius doesn't professional teacher, then he harasses his family and work colleagues, teaching everyone everything. Possessing, moreover, a healthy conceit, Sagittarius is never able to suspect how tired they are of everyone around them. In addition, Sagittarians are so unbearably kind, they rush to help so willingly that no one simply dares to open their eyes to them. Fortunately for those around them, most representatives of this sign love change, so their jobs, colleagues, wives and husbands change with a certain periodicity.


This sign seems to be created in order to eternally prepare for something important and global in their lives. They even go to the store with the same attitude as others when they storm the Winter Palace. Capricorns are rarely happy with their fate: they either rushed to be born, or were late, or it would have been better for them not to have been born at all. Realists and pessimists Capricorns are, nevertheless, as naive as children in some matters. It seems to them, for example, that if you plan your whole life correctly, you will end up with - well, if not fame, then at least fame. Thank God, Capricorns do not have the patience to follow their own deceitful plans, but no one stops them from being sad and depressed about what did not happen in their lives. Over the years, when youthful idealism evaporates, Capricorns turn into cheerful and optimistic old men and women. They finally begin to live one day at a time, and their spouses for once receive bouquets of flowers and romantic gifts - if, of course, they live to see this happy day.


Aquarians are real aliens, and those who do not seem like such are simply successfully disguised. Almost every Aquarius has his own “thing”, sometimes it is hidden, and sometimes not. Someone takes photographs of UFOs, someone deduces the formula for money, playing all possible gambling, someone invents a time machine, someone comes up with a super-successful business. Aquarius selects friends and loved ones from among like-minded people. But if everything is clear with friends - they are enthusiasts like himself, then with loved ones not everything is so transparent. The Aquarius love boat often breaks down in everyday life. After some time, it turns out that what a loved one means by family is not a joint “invention of the wheel” or a journey with Aquarius through the Altai taiga in search of “places of power.” The only thing that sometimes reconciles Aquarius with family life is children. Most Aquarians cherish in the depths of their souls the dream that someday their children will continue their work and discover a Bigfoot den in the forests of the Moscow region or find the treasures of the Romanov family in an abandoned sewer.


It must be said in fairness - individuals born under the sign of Pisces and freely related to moral standards are found more often than under other signs of the Zodiac. Those of them who swim against the tide, at least, do not pretend to be saints, but honestly push towards their goal, demolishing everything in their path like a tsunami wave. The strong intuition and energy of Pisces allows them to instantly “read” the situation and make the right moves. Fortunately, there are not many such Pisces, otherwise mere mortals would not be able to resist their hypnotic charm and magical magnetism. Much more common are lovers of secret adultery, “underground” millionaires, as well as mystics, fortune tellers and clairvoyants. At first glance, these are good spouses, friends, colleagues and parents, but what they really think about their lives, fortunately, is a mystery shrouded in darkness. A self-respecting Pisces will never admit to cheating, even if caught red-handed, she will say that everything is wrong and you imagined everything. Pisces will say the same thing if she is accused of some other unseemly act. Before you know it, you will find yourself to blame for everything, and Pisces will still heartily console you and ask you not to worry and not to blame yourself for everything.


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