The best pans are safe. Which frying pans are the best and safest? Teflon from DuPont

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Frying pans – necessary element in the kitchen. With their help, a variety of dishes are prepared, and not necessarily fried ones. Depending on the type of cookware, you can use it to stew, create desserts and even soups. However, which frying pans are the best and safest? To answer this question you will have to understand a number of factors.

Now it's easiest to find in stores standard options with Teflon non-stick coating, but in fact there is much more types. This applies not only to the shape of the frying pan, but also to the thickness of its walls, and also, of course, the material of manufacture. When choosing best option you need to pay attention to all aspects.

Types of frying pans

Most often people buy in stores classic version round shape. These frying pans are quite versatile, you just need to buy a few pieces and you can fry and stew almost anything. However, there are also more highly specialized species. For example, a grill pan has square shape, and at its bottom there are ribs. It is very heavy, but it allows you to fry fish or meat as if on coals.

In any Chinese restaurant you can find dishes with high sides and a very small bottom. Theoretically, it can be round or flat, but round would not allow the use of woks on stoves. This has led to the fact that food in such a container needs to be constantly stirred; it heats up unevenly.

Something between a saucepan and a standard frying pan is a sauté pan, which is most often used to create sauces. It is distinguished by thick walls, which allow heat to be evenly distributed. At the same time, there is a grooved bottom, which reduces the likelihood of food burning. Sauté pans allow you to prepare not only sauces, but also almost any dish.

Pans designed for creating pancakes have a minimum side height. This design makes it easier to turn them over. Crepe pans are always small, round and, as a rule, covered with a non-stick coating. Usually it is enough for a housewife to have a couple of standard frying pans in the kitchen different sizes and one pancake maker.

What should you pay attention to?

When choosing the best and safest frying pan for yourself, you first need to decide on the type. You need to think about what is cooked most often and choose accordingly classic look or, for example, a stewpan. You shouldn't buy all the options, since most likely, most of the time they will only take up space.

The next aspect is also individual – the shape of the handle. There is no one best option that would suit everyone. Even in the store, you need to hold the handle of the frying pan and evaluate how convenient it is. An additional bonus is the ability to remove the handle, in which case the dishes can be used for the oven, and are also easier to clean in the dishwasher.

After this, it remains to deal with two very significant indicators. The first is the thickness of the bottom. This determines how food will cook under low heat and how evenly the heat will be distributed. The thickest bottom (about one and a half centimeters) can be found in cast iron frying pans. They are especially good for making stews.

Finally, you need to decide on the type of coverage. In specialized stores you can find the most various options. In addition to Teflon, marble, titanium and even pearl coatings are sold, but most often the choice is between Teflon, ceramics and cast iron.


The cheapest and most common type of non-stick coating is Teflon, which is also called fluoroplastic or polytetrafluoroethylene. Only DuPont, which patented it, has the right to use Teflon to create frying pans. However, this does not interfere with other companies at all; they simply indicate the name of the chemical compounds on the labels.

In fact, Teflon is a slightly modified plastic, and therefore for many years scientists have been arguing about how safe it is to use. Perfluorooctanoic acid is used to create this component. When purchasing a new thermostat new frying pan people have nothing to worry about, but everyone knows how easy it is to damage such non-stick coating.

If this happens, or the dishes overheat, the perfluorooctanoic acid will begin to release carcinogens into the food. At the same time, “overheating” does not mean really serious temperatures. Negative reactions in Teflon begin to occur after the thermometer shows more than 200 degrees.

According to studies, the carcinogens released during this process lead to a variety of diseases, such as pathologies of the endocrine system and oncological processes. In this case, Teflon surfaces are damaged even if only plastic or wooden spatulas are used for cooking. Such frying pans are dangerous and short-lived, but they are the cheapest.

Food steel and alloys

Food grade steel is usually labeled as 18/10 medical grade steel. This means that it is created from chromium and nickel, 18 and 10 percent respectively. In general, this is high-quality stainless steel, which is not only resistant to corrosion, but also durable and meets GOST standards.

To be sure of the quality of food grade steel, it is better to look for the brand or specific requirements on the packaging. For example, GOST 27002-86 may be indicated or the steel grade AISI 304 may be specified. Some researchers believe that nickel contained in the material can get into food and poison it, but this is only true for utensils that do not comply with GOST.

A wide variety of frying pans are made from alloys. By combining minerals and hard metals, manufacturers began producing stone, marble, titanium and other non-stick coating options. They stand out from many of their own kind due to their ability to use metal blades and durability.

Dishes of this kind have two main disadvantages. The first is the very high cost. Secondly, sometimes manufacturers are cunning and keep silent about the fact that, in addition to alloys, Teflon was used in the manufacturing process. You need to carefully study everything that is written on the label to make sure that there are no such substances.

Cast iron

Just a few decades ago, almost all frying pans were cast iron. And now they can be found in kitchens, and owners will note that food in such containers turns out especially tasty. Over time, many abandoned cast iron for one simple reason - dishes made from it are very heavy, in this regard Teflon is significantly superior this material.

But cast iron can be used both in the stove and in the oven. It is not afraid of various acids, and therefore you can safely cook food with a large amount of it. citric acid or vinegar. The material has pores in which oil gradually accumulates, which is why a natural non-stick coating is formed.

With all these advantages, cast iron stands out for its main thing – safety. Reaction with temperature or environment does not lead to the appearance of any harmful substances. Moreover, during cooking, iron ions can enter food, which, on the contrary, are beneficial for the human body.

Unfortunately, in addition to its heavy weight, this material has several other disadvantages. It cannot be placed in dishwasher, and not all cleaning products are suitable for it. Unlike stainless steel, cast iron is quite susceptible to corrosion, and therefore you need to try to remove ready-made food from it.


According to experts, ceramic is now considered the safest non-stick coating. Ceramics are made from very simple elements- earth, stone and sand. Even if damaged, no hazardous substances can be released. In this case, the coverage:

  • Calmly withstands high temperatures,
  • Doesn't scratch
  • Can easily be washed in the dishwasher,
  • Does not cause food to burn even without the use of oil.

The most important thing is to avoid sudden temperature changes; no similar frying pan will survive this. Also this type The cookware is not suitable for use on induction cookers. Modern ceramic coatings are usually painted white or black.

Manufacturers use stainless steel and several types of aluminum as a base for ceramics. Thin stamped aluminum is considered the worst, as it is not functional and does not last long. The cast version and stainless steel are approximately at the same quality level.

When choosing the best and safest frying pans, many choose the Fissler Protect Alux model. On top of the cast aluminum body is two layers of ceramic coating that can withstand temperatures up to 450 degrees. The disadvantage here is the high cost.

When choosing a frying pan with a ceramic coating, you should give preference to the option whose walls are not narrower than 4 mm. It is better that not only the walls, but also the bottom are thicker than these indicators. The handle must be heat-resistant or at least removable so that the cookware can be used in the oven.

Each frying pan must come with instructions that describe all its characteristics. In particular, the patented ceramic composition. This can be found in products from companies like ILAG Ceralon, Whitford Fusion, Greblon Ceram and others. Every frying pan should have two types of warranty, one covering the body and the other covering the coating itself.

For any housewife, homemade kitchen utensils are undoubtedly both a means of saving time and an opportunity to surprise your household with a wonderful dish.

Therefore, how to choose a frying pan with a non-stick coating will not be an idle question for her, but an urgent problem that requires quick solution. The quality of the prepared food, as well as the mood of all family members, will largely depend on the choice of such an indispensable item in the kitchen.

Teflon coating: advantages and disadvantages

Any woman will agree with the statement that time spent in the kitchen can be colored by creativity and flights of fancy, or can be “eaten up” by the routine work of washing and cleaning pans and pots. Therefore, housewives always dream of miracle cookware that is easy to cook with and easy to care for.

Non-stick frying pans are among such wonderful culinary inventions of our time. But before you think about how to choose the right frying pan with a non-stick coating, you need to understand what kind of coatings there are and what the difference is between them.

There are four main types of coverage:

  • Teflon.
  • ceramic;
  • marble;
  • titanium.

The Teflon coating is truly wonderful, it allows you to cook any food without using oil. With this frying pan you will forget what spoiled burnt food is. Products placed in such dishes retain their qualities, vitamins, and most importantly - appetizing appearance.

In addition, which is very important, such pans are easy to clean. It is enough to run a damp sponge over the surface of the frying pan and it will already sparkle with pristine cleanliness.

If such a frying pan has a sufficiently thick (up to 6 mm) bottom, then it retains its frying qualities longer and has more long term operation.

However, unfortunately, these frying pans have disadvantages:

  • when heated to more than 200 degrees, toxic carcinogenic gas begins to be released from the surface of the frying pan
  • There is no possibility to use sharp objects, so when turning over you need to take objects with “blunt” edges.

With this in mind, you need to be very careful when using non-stick frying pan. Our advice and a thorough study of this topic, as well as a comparison of frying pans, will tell you how to choose one if you don’t currently have one. different companies and technical characteristics.

For example, if you decide to purchase a Teflon-coated frying pan, then you need to know that it can be made from various materials. Main materials: aluminum, steel, cast iron.

The service life and frying properties of the pans will depend on the material. Aluminum is the most suitable material for making frying pans, it is lightweight and has high thermal conductivity.

Therefore, when the question arises about purchasing a frying pan with a non-stick coating, how to choose and from what material will no longer be a problem for you. After all, experienced housewives know for sure, and therefore give preference to aluminum.

Ceramic coating: what are the advantages and disadvantages of such dishes

Along with Teflon-coated frying pans, ceramic cookware is also very popular among housewives. It has a number of obvious advantages, which we will discuss in detail below.

For visual perception, it is certainly more comfortable to cook on light-colored dishes. And the ceramic frying pan has just such a soft milky hue.

If during cooking (what if this happens by accident) in this frying pan something burns black, it will never stick. All cooked food is easily separated from the surface of the cookware. And this is a plus when washing such dishes from dirt.

Unlike Teflon frying pans, the ceramic coating can withstand heating temperatures of up to 450 degrees, which allows housewives to significantly diversify the menu.

After all, in Teflon-coated frying pans, due to temperature restrictions, not all dishes can be cooked. It is also possible to make do with minimal or no oil. Therefore, dishes prepared in such dishes will be more varied and retain their best taste.

The main advantage of ceramic coating is its safety and the absence of formation of toxic substances when heated.

But the disadvantages also make you wonder what the best non-stick frying pan coating is. Ceramic frying pans are very sensitive to mechanical stress. When using them, you always have to remember careful attitude to them. Such frying pans are resistant to even minor impacts, which can damage the surface and cause chips.

Also, ceramic coating is sensitive to temperature changes. Let's say you wanted to quickly heat up some semi-finished product, and you put an undefrosted product in a frying pan... or after frying, you immediately put the frying pan under running water... or you took the frying pan out of the refrigerator and put it right there on the stove. In such cases, if they are repeated frequently, the ceramic coating cannot withstand and cracks.

So, dear housewives, it’s up to you to decide which frying pans are better: ceramics or non-stick Teflon coating. After analyzing all the properties of both types kitchen appliances(both positive and negative) you can accurately determine for yourself what suits you best.

Marble coating: is it worth choosing such dishes?

Another type of non-stick cookware that is of genuine interest to housewives is frying pans with a non-stick marble coating. They differ from Teflon ones by adding marble chips to the coating composition.

Having the same advantages as Teflon and ceramic frying pans, tableware with marble coating also has a number of its own individual characteristics. First of all, these pans:

  • suffer less from contact with sharp objects;
  • cool down more slowly;
  • are not afraid of falls;
  • do not react so sharply to temperature changes.

Such frying pans with a non-stick coating have a very unusual appearance. Which ones are better in “appearance” - you decide for yourself, just keep in mind that such dishes have more high cost, compared to other frying pans.

This is probably the only drawback of this type of frying pan. Well, maybe also the fact that they are often sold without lids.

It is better to choose multi-layer pans with at least three layers of coating. Then, according to manufacturers' promises, their service life increases significantly - up to 25 years.

Titanium coating: pros and cons of a durable surface

Rounding out the list of wonderful frying pans are utensils with titanium coating. This coating is also called granite or diamond. This frying pan is the result latest achievements science and uses a nanocomposite coating based on titanium oxide.

Let’s not go into the scientific jungle, let’s just say that such a coating has the following positive characteristics:

  • increased wear resistance;
  • fast and uniform heating;
  • durability;
  • health safety;
  • similar in quality to cast iron frying pans.

The advantages, of course, of this frying pan are impressive, and one of the main advantages of such utensils - safety for health - leaves no doubt , which utensils should be preferred?

However, before choosing a non-stick frying pan, reviews experienced housewives also worth reading. In order not to waste your money, ask which frying pan is actually better, and then, after comparing all the pros and cons, buy it.

Pans with titanium coating have one drawback - high price. But you can close your eyes to such a drawback and allow yourself to spend money once, especially since the vessel will serve you faithfully for many years.

Double-sided frying pans: what you need to know

Along with ordinary frying pans, double-sided frying pans with non-stick coating are also popular among housewives. Which frying pan to choose is, of course, up to you, but everyone should definitely become familiar with the properties of this unusual utensil.

This miracle frying pan, consisting of two closed halves, allows you to evenly fry any food on different sides. This frying pan has best properties all representatives of this cookware, moreover, it has a non-stick coating, and even without oil it ensures perfect cooking.

And it doesn’t matter what you’re cooking: meat, vegetables or fish - the double-sided frying pan copes with any dishes, thanks to its coating consisting of four layers:

  • primer;
  • two layers of Teflon;
  • marble covering.

This type of non-stick coating is absolutely safe for health, and the taste of the food is perfectly preserved during cooking.

The frying pan is equipped with a silicone rim that prevents liquid from leaking out when turning over, and comfortable heat-resistant bakelite handles.

In a word, interesting invention worthy of attention!

We hope we were able to answer in detail the question of how to choose a non-stick frying pan. Listen to advice, read real reviews- and choose. Let your choice bring you a lot of positive emotions in the kitchen and not disappoint with the results of use.

A kitchen frying pan is perhaps the most necessary item in the house. The versatility of use makes this cookware indispensable in everyday life. Even the most inexperienced cook will be able to fry a banal scrambled egg if there is a frying pan in the house. Therefore the choice suitable cookware is very important for a complete and quality cooking food.

In this article we will talk about how to choose the right frying pan by contacting a retail chain. Consider the rich assortment kitchen utensils and analyze different types of cookware so as not to make a mistake when purchasing.


Select a frying pan universal purpose quite simple. The very first requirements are the bottom diameter and the height of the walls. In everyday life, medium-sized dishes (d 24-26 cm) with sloping edges 5-6 cm deep are most often used. A frying pan of this volume is optimal for preparing most fried and stewed dishes. Its diameter is also quite suitable for the size of standard burners.

But a good housewife can never get by with just one type of dishes. This is especially important if she has a large family. It is more convenient to use different utensils when cooking special purpose. To know how to choose the right frying pan, you need to decide for what purpose it will be used.

So, to bake delicious pancakes, the dishes should not have a very thin bottom and low sides. And for stewing vegetable stew, it is better to take a deep saucepan with a thick bottom and a lid. Cooking tobacco chicken or juicy chops will require the use of a heavy frying pan with a textured bottom. And this could go on for a very long time.

Having a large number of frying pans is mandatory for specialized catering establishments, but in a home kitchen, for ease of cooking, it is enough to have 4-5 items for various purposes, size and quality.


Which frying pan should you choose so that it has an attractive appearance and lasts a long time in the kitchen? According to reviews from experienced cooks, it is worth purchasing enamel cookware. Protective layer will provide the kitchen assistant with durability, practicality and resistance to external damage.

When choosing, you should be very careful, because you can mistakenly buy a frying pan with a varnish coating. Outwardly it looks like enamel, but its quality is much worse. Lacquerware quickly loses its appearance, burning and becoming damaged during cleaning.

Handles are an important detail

How to choose a frying pan with a suitable handle? Our advice: it is advisable that it be cast. The one-piece holder ensures reliability and confidence when using. It is very convenient when it is covered with wood or heat-resistant plastic. You can safely pick up such a frying pan without oven mitts, without any fear of burns.

If a housewife often bakes dishes in the oven, then she should buy dishes with a removable handle. This is also convenient when the frying pan has big size. In this case, the handle may simply not fit into the oven.

Optimal thickness

How to choose a good frying pan so that there is no hassle when using it? Reviews from experienced housewives indicate that you should definitely pay attention to Special attention to the thickness of all surfaces. A heavy frying pan with a thick bottom has many advantages:

  • uniform heating of the entire surface of the cookware;
  • confident stability;
  • no deformation due to overheating;
  • slow cooling.

The thickness of the bottom of a good frying pan should be at least 5 mm, and the walls - at least two. The inner surface is absolutely smooth, without flaws. It is good if the outer side of the bottom has a relief pattern or ribbing. This circumstance contributes to uniform heating and long-term temperature maintenance.

Suitable weight

You should not opt ​​for too light products with thin walls and bottom. Despite the fact that such pans are usually cheap, they break down very quickly. The bottom of such products is easily deformed, which does not allow food to be fried evenly. Minimum weight dishes should be five hundred grams.

Special weight requirements are imposed when purchasing a pancake pan. Which utensils should I choose for these purposes? Take our advice: a base that is too thick will add unnecessary weight to the entire pan. It will not be easy to constantly lift and turn it over in your hands. That's why the best solution will become aluminum cookware with a bottom thickness of 2-3 mm and a wall height of 1.5-2 cm. Such a frying pan will help to fry thin pancakes evenly and is easy to handle. The diameter should be chosen based on your preferences.

Teflon coating

Many modern housewives prefer kitchenware with non-stick coating. One of them (Teflon) is a special type of polymer material characterized by high strength characteristics. Successful chemical development has been around for over eighty years. The authorship of the idea belongs to American scientists. The high popularity of Teflon frying pans is due to many advantages:

  • reduced fat consumption;
  • impossibility of food sticking to the frying surface;
  • resistance to acidic and alkaline environments;
  • the possibility of strong heating without compromising the quality of the product;
  • an easier way to wash.

If you choose a Teflon-coated frying pan for your household, you should remember that it has only one significant drawback - a short service life. This is due to the fact that the non-stick coating very quickly loses its qualities, burning out from regular use. You can also shorten the life of a Teflon frying pan by using metal spatulas, which easily damage the coating.

How to choose a Teflon-coated frying pan? Our advice: when purchasing, you should pay attention to the condition of the bottom. The surface can be perfectly smooth or textured. It is better to choose a bottom with convex patterns. This frying pan is more suitable for frequent use as it significantly reduces the risk of food burning.

In addition, you can cook vegetables in such dishes without using oil. A large number of The moisture contained in the products does not evaporate immediately, but remains in the grooves between the volumetric protrusions. This allows vegetables to cook without sticking, maintaining their juiciness and taste.

Ceramic frying pans

Cookware with a new type of non-stick coating has become widespread not so long ago. Despite the fact that ceramics as a material has been known to people for thousands of years, its use as a coating is a new invention of mankind.

How to choose ceramic frying pan? We can finally answer this question after we find out what these kitchen products are. The name of the frying pan reflects only part of the essence of the production process.

The composition of the coating is a nanocomposite material based on a ceramic compound with the inclusion of titanium elements. Its obvious advantage is its high environmental friendliness. Unlike Teflon, the ceramic layer is not afraid of overheating (it can be heated up to 450 °C without hindrance) and is not capable of releasing harmful substances. Innovative material melts into the base metal of the pan, enhancing its strength, durability and increasing resistance mechanical damage. Ceramic cookware does not like sudden temperature changes, so it is not advisable to place food in it that has not been pre-thawed.

When choosing a new type of kitchen utensil, it is important to avoid mistakes. Therefore, answering the question of how to choose a ceramic frying pan, we will give practical advice. In the store, you should carefully consider the product offered. There have been cases when careless sellers tried to pass off aluminum frying pans with a thin enamel layer as ceramic ones. You also need to pay attention to the weight of the dishes and the price: a fake will cost less than the original product.

When deciding which coating to choose a frying pan with, you should evaluate the advantages and disadvantages different types spraying. The price of the product, purpose and expected service life are taken into account. When using any non-stick coating, it is advisable to use devices made of gentle materials: wood or soft plastic.

Cast iron products are a symbol of reliability and durability

When buying a new frying pan for your household, it is not at all necessary to opt for newfangled products. You can turn your attention to grandma's good old cast iron frying pans. They produce the most delicious cutlets and never burn chicken legs. Housewives usually do not have any difficulties with how to choose a cast-iron frying pan. The only question may be determining the appropriate size and depth.

This perfect option frying pan, because cast iron is good guide heat and gets quite hot. The porous structure of the metal contributes to the formation of a natural non-stick coating on the surface of the frying pan - a fat film. It is not recommended to wash cast iron products using modern chemicals. detergents, which destroy the natural coating. After use, it is better to wipe the pan dry with paper towels.

When using cast iron cookware, you should be very careful: it is characterized by increased fragility. This is perhaps the only significant drawback traditional look kitchen utensils.

Stainless steel products

Which frying pan should you choose for those who support the preparation of tasty and healthy food? Our advice is obvious: you should look at products made from of stainless steel. An ideal medical alloy of iron, nickel and chromium guarantees complete safety of the prepared dishes. This is achieved due to the fact that stainless steel does not enter into any chemical processes with components products.

Consumers invariably have another question: “How to choose a frying pan?” Reviews from fans of steel products speak in favor of a thick bottom. The greater the number of layers compressed in a frying pan, the higher the strength, the greater the weight of the product and the longer the heat is retained.

With regular care steel utensils After washing, be sure to wipe it dry so that streaks do not appear on the surface.

Aluminum is a winged metal

Lightweight and inexpensive products made from this material serve well in the kitchen, quickly gaining temperature and cooling slowly. Unfortunately, their service life is short. How to choose an aluminum frying pan so that it lasts longer? We advise customers to take dishes that have a thick bottom - at least 6 mm. This will prevent the pan from deforming under high heat. As a rule, thick-walled products are made cast. We do not recommend buying a stamped aluminum frying pan at all - it is an unnecessary waste of money.

Sounding copper

Copper frying pans receive good reviews from housewives. Metal utensils people have been using it since ancient times. In a copper frying pan, food is fried well without burning, without loss of taste and nutritional qualities.

At the time of buying metal products You should pay attention to the fact that the bottom is covered with a special layer of stainless steel. To avoid oxidation, do not wash copper utensils using detergents. To clean, it is better to use mustard and salt, and then wipe thoroughly.

What kind of oven do you have?

When choosing a new frying pan, you should think about whether it will suit the type of stove you have. There are no obstacles for gas installations - you can safely fry in any container. If you have an electric stove, you should refrain from using stamped aluminum pans, whose bottoms will immediately bend. Other types of frying pans should be selected and used in accordance with the diameter of the electric burners. A frying pan that is too wide will not allow food to cook evenly.

IN modern kitchens Glass-ceramic stoves are becoming increasingly popular. To prepare dishes on them, you need to select dishes with a perfectly flat, thick bottom. For induction hobs, it is optimal to use cast aluminum or stainless steel pans.

Let's sum it up

Having considered and analyzed the main types modern species frying utensils, we can draw some conclusions:

  • Firstly, before choosing a frying pan, you should carefully consider the purpose of the new product and its size.
  • Secondly, you need to take into account the type of stovetop you are cooking on.
  • Thirdly, you should not give in to the call to buy a newfangled product that has some incredible properties. Most likely it's simple good publicity in order to obtain high profits.
  • Fourthly, you should look carefully at the brand and give preference to well-known and trusted brands.

We sincerely hope that our advice will help you do right choice frying pans and the process of cooking will be a great holiday for you.

First of all, you should pay attention to the material from which the product is made. Owners of gas and electric stoves can choose any options, but those who purchased a glass-ceramic model should pay attention to steel products and cross all aluminum frying pans off the list.

One of the most reliable options is a cast iron frying pan. This item is ideal for food, since the material from which it is made ensures uniform heating of the surface. Besides, cast iron frying pans low maintenance and durable. However, it is important to remember that they are heavy. If you want to buy something lighter, look at other options.

Aluminum models, on the contrary, are lightweight. They are easy and convenient to use. In addition, such pans are quite cheap, which makes them accessible to a wide range of buyers. However, it is important to understand that aluminum objects do not last long, especially if they are thin. Such products are easily deformed when exposed to high temperatures.

High-quality Teflon is an ideal option for those who adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. This product allows you to fry foods without oil, while preserving them beneficial features. However, it should be remembered that Teflon-coated pans are difficult to clean: they are easy to scratch, which means that such products must be cleaned and cooked with caution.

If you need a frying pan for quickly frying food, choose a model with a ceramic coating. It has excellent non-stick properties and can heat up to 450 degrees Celsius. However, it is important to understand that poor quality coating can cause quick breakdown frying pans Cracks, deformation, constantly burning food - all these problems are typical for cheap frying pans from unreliable manufacturers.

What to look for when choosing a frying pan

If you plan to use the pan for cooking in the oven, choose a model with a removable handle. If it is sufficient to use the product for hob, a frying pan with a monolithic handle is suitable.

The larger the pan, the more food you can cook with it at once. But small products are easier to store, and their weight is relatively small.


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