The most extraordinary words. Dictionary of rare and forgotten words

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List of "rare" words in the Russian language ACCORDING TO THE SITE VERSION

The list is strange in places, but still interesting.

1.Multifora- this is the most common file for documents

2.Gap- threaten

3.Rubbish-blam(or halam-balam) - “This is not halam-balam for you!”

4.Kichkinka- baby, addressing a little girl - not Uzbek, but not Slavic either. From Uzbek "kichkintoy" - baby.

5.Yeh-ay-yay- Nizhny Novgorod exclamation of surprise

6.Kefirka- a girl trying to whiten her face with sour milk (it can be seen from the patches of unevenly lightened skin, and they smear it on her face and neck, sometimes her hands. Her ears look amazing)

7.Dubai- a lady who came to earn money and was engaged in prostitution. Or dressing “like a Dubai woman” - bright, tasteless, with an abundance of rhinestones, gold and trinkets.

8.Oud- part of the body (shameful oud - what is usually called an indecent word).

9.Shake- rag, rags - thick lace

10.Chuni- type of shoes. This is often the name for general shoes that are used to go out at night for minor needs.

11.Rumble- drink alcohol.

12.Confusion- a tangle of everyday affairs or events.

13.Galimyy(or golimy) - bad, low-quality, uninteresting

14.Yokarny Babai- exclamation (eprst, hedgehog cat, e-moe, etc.), resentment at the current situation.

15.Scoobut- shave, cut hair.

16.ShuflYadka(shuflyada) - small drawer(V desk, wardrobe, chest of drawers, etc.)

17.FLYING- last summer.

18.Ticket- receipt, bill, ticket, small piece of paper.

19.ZanAdto- too, too much.

20.MlYavatst, mlYavy - relaxation, reluctance to do anything, fatigue.

21.Get dirty- crack, make holes.

22.Kotsat- spoil.

23.To be a coward- run in small steps.

24.Scabrous- vulgar

25.Punch, plod - to walk slowly, not to keep up with someone.

26.Bukhich- alcoholic party.

27.Overdressed- very bright, dressed in a dirty manner.

28.Khabalka- a rude, uneducated woman.

29.Broody- chicken woman (offensive)

30.To gasp- hit.

31.Jamb- error.

32.spinogryz- harmful child.

33.Hag- crow, old woman.

34.Locker- porch.

35.Catch- attic.

36.BLUE- eggplants.

37.Fisherman, catcher - fisherman.

38.Nag- lose.

39.Tights- push in the crowd.

40.Sardonic laughter- uncontrollable, convulsive, bilious, angry, caustic.

41.Lapidarity- brevity, conciseness, expressiveness of syllable, style.

42.Algolagnia- sexual satisfaction experienced: - when pain is caused to a sexual partner (sadism); or - in connection with pain caused by a sexual partner (masochism).

43.Sublimation- this is a process in which attraction (LIBIDO) moves to another goal, far from sexual satisfaction, and the energy of instincts is transformed into socially acceptable, morally approved.

44.Lyalichny, Lyalichnaya - something very childish.

45.Buy up- do shopping.

46.Transcendental- incomprehensible to human understanding

47.Eschatology- ideas about the end of the world.

48.Apologist- Christian writer who defends Christianity from criticism.

49.Flute- vertical groove on the column.

50.Anagoga- allegorical explanation of biblical texts.

51.Lucullov- feast

52.Aiguillettes- these are these plastic things at the end of the laces.

53.Bonhomie- unceremonious, inappropriately familiar treatment under the guise of friendship.

54.Honeymoon(honeymoon in English) - we believe that this is the first month of newlyweds, but in English language the word is broken down into "honey" and "moon". More likely English word“honeymoon” implies that the ordinary Moon, which in the American imagination is in the form of cheese, becomes honey.

55.Acquisitive- a selfish, profit-seeking person. How many of them are around us...

56.Chat(“he’s going to squabble”, “to squirm”, “don’t squirm”) - to get cocky, to “show off”, to show off.

57.MorosYaka, pamorha (emphasis on the first syllable) - drizzling rain in warm weather and sun.

58.Witchcraft(don't conjure) - to disturb something, to cause it to sway.

59.Vekhotka, whirlpool - a sponge (rag, washcloth) for washing dishes, bodies, etc.

60.Bawdy(noun “obscenity”) - vulgar, shameless.

61.Glumnoy- stupid.

62.Korchik, also known as a ladle, is a small saucepan with a long handle.

64.Deal on the ball- the same as for free.

65.Punch to the top- upside down.

66.KagalOm- all together.

67.WALK- fidgeting, not finding a place before falling asleep in bed.

68.kiss, kiss - kiss.

69.Trandykha(tryndet) - a woman who is an empty talker (talk nonsense).

70.Nonsense- verbal nonsense.

71.Trichomudia- junk, husband. genitals.

72.Fuck you- defecate.

73.Bundel(bundul) - large bottle, carboy

74.Hamanok- wallet.

75.Buza- dirt, thick.

76.Shkandybat- trudge, walk.

77.Snoop around- walk, jog.

78.Zhirovka- an invoice for payment.

79.Ida- let's go, come on (let's go to the store).

80.Exercise- exercise.

81.Exercise- do exercises, faire ses exercises

82.Buffoon- buffoon, pretentious person.

83.Phat- talker, braggart.

84.Skvalyga- stingy.

85.Yoksel-moxel- used with feeling in moments of complete chaos.

86.Mess- mess.

87.Idle talker- Chatterbox.

88.Mandibles- unskillful hands.

89.Rinda- queue.

90.Poland- volume of a certain container.

91.Maza- small (from Latvian Mazais).

92.Nonche- today.

93.Apotheosis- deification, glorification, exaltation of any person, event or phenomenon.

94.Sneeze- scold someone.

95.Planter, mochilo - a small artificial reservoir near the garden.

96.Sandy- scold.

97.Epidersion- accident, surprise.

98.Perdimonocle- an illogical unexpected conclusion.

99.Set up- set against.

100.Skip- skip something.

101.Insinuation- (from Latin insinuatio, literally - insinuating) - slander.

102.SkopidOmstvo- greed.

103.SabAn- a ladder with a platform (used when painting walls or other construction work).

104.Adobe- a dwelling made of reed bundles coated with clay.

105.Kryzhit— mark each verified list item with a checkmark.

106.Mikhryutka- a homely, frail person.

107.Dradedam- cloth (dradedam - a type of cloth) (the word is found in classical Russian literature).

108.Expansion- expansion of boundaries, limits.

109.De facto- actually, in fact.

110.De jure- legally, formally.

111.Rezochek- a cut piece of a product (from life).

112.looseness- different books in one box at the reception in the store.

113.Perzhnya- nonsense, trifle.

114.Check- the same as jackaling.

115.Herashka(vulg.) - something small and unpleasant, inorganic. origin.

116.Navel- something small, pleasant (Nabokov).

117.Pomuchtel(chekist.) - phone accounting assistant.

118.Triticale(bot.) - a hybrid of wheat and rye.

119.Rampetka- butterfly net (Nabokov).

120.Shpak- any civilian (Kuprin).

121.Bilbock- a toy (to catch a ball on a string with a stick) (L. Tolstoy).

122.Bibabo- a hand doll, like Obraztsov’s.

123.Nadys- the other day, recently, to spray, to brag, to brag.

124.Previously- better.

125.Smite- get dirty.

126.Mandibles- unskillful hands.

Were there Russians? What was the cutter used for? Who is Herzumsrolik? These and other words are on the list of the most interesting hapaxes - words used only once in history

Gapaxes(in Greek - ἅπαξ λεγόμενον, hapax legomenon, “named once”) are words that appear only once in the entire body of texts in a given language. There should be many such words in every language: according to Zipf’s statistical law, the frequency dictionary of any text and any collection of them contains a long tail of “ones”. Most of these hapaxes consist of well-known roots and suffixes and are understandable even to those who have not heard them before. However, some of these words are particularly interesting, especially when we are talking about dead languages ​​or literary classics: their meaning is often mysterious, their origin is unclear, and in some cases they are complete ghost words, resulting from an erroneous interpretation of the text.


Old Russian language

From the album “Peoples of Russia”. France, 1812-1813 Bibliothèque nationale de France

The most famous ancient Russian hapax is the word Russians. True, it occurs not once, but four times, but only in one short text- “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” But few of our contemporaries are unfamiliar with this word: in dozens of popular books and films, the inhabitants of Ancient Rus' are called only this way, so now the word “Rusich” has become a popular patriotic name for anything: from a subway car to a cinema. And yet ourselves East Slavs usually called themselves simply collectively - Rus. No one ancient monument With Russians It was not possible to find more, except for obvious crude fakes such as the “Veles Book”. Even in the medieval imitation of the “Word” - “Zadonshchina” - the words Russians not on any of the lists, but there is Russian sons.

For a long time, a minority of scientists defended the point of view according to which the Lay, the only manuscript of which burned in 1812, was fake. Of course, the name of the inhabitants of Rus', which does not exist anywhere else, served these authors as one of the arguments in favor of the forgery of the monument. Now it is shown that this word does not actually contradict ancient Russian norms; rare options for -ichi were in most names of peoples and denoted “children of a common ancestor.” In addition, a similar word was found in Ukrainian folklore Rusovichi. "The Word" is a poetic text, so unusual name could very well be used in it.


Old Russian language

In one ancient Russian text, the list of property mentions forged cutter. The “Dictionary of the Russian Language of the XI-XVII centuries” includes the word “fornicator” with the indication “the meaning is unclear.” Imagination draws some kind of metal forged tool, the purpose of which is better not to think about.

Linguist Vadim Krysko solved the riddle of the “fornicator.” This word simply does not exist: the letter “yus” (ѫ) is read not as most often - “u”, but as “yu”, and before us is simply “forged cut dish”, that is, a dish with a forged carved pattern. Nominative in such cases it happens in modern language: for example, in the inscription on the price tag “leather gloves”.


Ukrainian language

The father of Ukrainian literature, Ivan Kotlyarevsky, wrote in his poem “Aeneid”:

Dzheregels were woven here,
Chunks on the heads.

In the Ukrainian-Russian glossary appended to the Aeneid, he explained that these are “braids, finely braided and arranged like a wreath on the head.” Since then, this word has been included in various dictionaries. Ukrainian language, including a small dictionary compiled by the young N.V. Gogol; but all its uses ultimately go back to Kotlyarevsky. Where he got the word from and whether it exactly means what it says in the glossary is unclear. In the 1985 Etymological Dictionary it is associated with Polish ceregiela(“ceremony”), but the meaning Polish word completely different. For some time in the Russian Wikipedia there was an article “Dzheregeli”, illustrated with a photograph of Yulia Tymoshenko, but then it (the article) was deleted.


Belarusian language

Cab driver in Vilno

In Yanka Kupala's classic play "Tuteishyya" ("Local" or "Natives"), one character meets another carrying a cart with all sorts of junk, and says to him:

“What’s wrong with you? Didn't you leave the men's free Hertzum-roles? “like a wheelbarrow, you ram this buck with yourself.”

More Belarusian texts with the word hertsum-srolik No. But it was found in the essays in Russian “Travel through Polesie and the Belarusian Territory” by Pavel Shpilevsky, where, when describing the Nemiga spills, it is said:

“Since this channel is sometimes quite large, bridges are built to cross it: however, fast water demolishes the bridges on the same day as they are built, and then you have to cross in hired cab carts (like the Viennese Zeiselwagen) of the so-called Hertzum roller Jews, who fly to the shores of Novaya Nemiga in countless numbers and collect pennies from the riders for transportation.”

As one can conclude, this word means a Minsk Jew who earns money as a cab driver, a kind of “bombilo”, a “free” non-professional. It is logical to look for its etymology in the Yiddish language. Linguist Alexandra Polyan suggested that it consists of her cu- “hey, you” and “Srolik” (in Ukrainian Yiddish Srul) - common Jewish name, a diminutive of Israel.


Ancient Greek language

“Chersonese Oath” - a monument from the territory of Crimea (near present-day Sevastopol), found in the central square ancient city Chersonese Tauride in the 1890s. Dated to the beginning of the 3rd century BC. e. This is a marble slab with a long text of the oath of a Chersonese citizen. Among the understandable oaths (“I will not betray anything to anyone, neither Greek nor barbarian”, “I will not violate democracy”, “I will not plot a conspiracy”, “I will be an enemy to attackers”) there is also this: “I will protect the saster (ΣAΣTNR) for the people.”

This word is not found in any other Greek text of Old or Modern times. The literature on Saster is enormous. There are many hypotheses, including some very eccentric ones. Max Vasmer and Lev Elnitsky, for example, believed that saster was the Scythian governor of Chersonesos, S. A. Zhebelev - that this was some kind of sacred object, for example an idol; V.V. Latyshev (the first publisher of the inscription) - that this is something legal concept, for example, the civil oath. Parallels were sought for this word in Iranian and other languages. Historical novels appeared in which the sacred saster towering above the Chersonesos shore appears; A festival called “Saster of Chersonesos” was held in Sevastopol. On the Internet you can listen to a song with the words “And I will find the magic saster” (with the emphasis on “a”) and read poetry with the line “The unknown saster that melts away from us” (with the emphasis on “e”).

But no one knows for certain what or who the “saster” is, which (which) the Chersonesos were supposed to protect for the people. This problem can be solved only if one day another inscription with this word is found in the Black Sea region.


Latin language

The Vulgate (the Latin translation of the Bible made by Saint Jerome) in most editions contains the following edition of verses 23-24 of chapter 19 of the Book of Job:

Quis mihi tribuat ut scribantur sermones mei? Quis mihi det ut exarentur in libro stylo ferreo et plumbi lamina, vel celte sculpantur in silice?

(“Oh, if only my words were written down! If only they were inscribed in a book with an iron and tin chisel, carved on stone for eternity!”)

Where in the Russian translation the words “for eternal time” (they are in both the Greek and Hebrew texts of the Bible; Jerome for some reason missed them), there is the Latin word celte- this can only be an ablative (in in this case analogue of the Russian instrumental case) from the word celtis, meaning, judging by the context, some kind of tool for carving stone, for example “cutter” or “chisel”. Word celtis not found, except for the translation of the Bible, in any ancient text; all of his medieval examples depend on the Vulgate. The word found its way into many Latin dictionaries, and during the Renaissance it was taken as a name by the humanist Conrad Celtis, whose real name Bickel means “pick, pick, ice pick” in German.

In many oldest lists Vulgates in place of the word celte is well known certe- “exactly” ( vel certificate Jerome means something like “or else”). A number of researchers believed that celte- a complete phantom, the result of a typo instead certe. Philologist Max Niederman rehabilitated this word, showed that there is no reason to consider it a secondary reading, and brought to it a number of interesting Indo-European parallels. That the word meaning instrument was not included in the bulk of Latin texts, only a small part of which was devoted to technical topics, is not surprising.

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In the Russian language, as well as in any other language, there are many outdated, little-known, uncommon, unusual, incomprehensible words and expressions, in other words - gloss. A collection of such words with explanations is called a glossary.

The author wanted to create a dictionary of rare and forgotten words, and not just outdated ones. The fact is that not every outdated word is forgotten and not every rare word- outdated. This is not difficult to verify if you look at the Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov, which almost everyone has at hand. Almost a third of the words here have signs " obsolete", "antique"But it is difficult to recognize them as rare and forgotten: they are often used both in literature and in oral speech(amorous, sweetheart, execution). Words of this kind are not included in the glossary. It is quite obvious why: they are well known to the modern reader. Another thing is words like " grid"(member of the princely squad), " custodian"(watchman)" grivoise"(playful, immodest), " shibai"(small dealer-reseller) or expressions" person on the twentieth"(employee)" Egyptian maidens"(gypsies)" on the third platoon" (very drunk). There are countless words and expressions like this, because the layer of words called glossa is quite powerful in the Russian language.

Many of them are present in the works of Russian writers from Alexander Sumarokov (mid-18th century) to Alexander Blok (early 20th century). Not only a young reader, but also a sophisticated book lover may have difficulty reading the masterpieces of Russian literature of the golden and silver age. Especially in cases where the context does not help to understand the meaning glosses, and in explanatory dictionaries she is absent. This is where a glossary is needed.

This is a popular reference book for the thoughtful reader of belles lettres. Hence the simplification of the dictionary entry, in which there is no emphasis on the heading words (they are in their list), grammatical and stylistic notes, indications of direct and figurative meanings of words. The quotation from a literary source is not formatted in the tradition of linguistic dictionaries. This is done so that the reader, according to the compiler’s intention, pays attention first of all to what kind of old word, in what meaning, in which writer and poet it occurs. For the inquisitive reader, information about the origin of words and information about some realities is also provided.

The author has no doubt that his book is not without flaws, for it was said by a French writer of the 18th century. Antoine Rivarol: “There is no work that contains more shortcomings than a dictionary.” However, the author was consoled by Rivarol’s contemporary lexicographer Pierre Buast, who melancholy remarked that “God alone can compose perfect dictionary". (V.P. Somov)

In this article we will look at some buzzwords and their meaning. Many of them are probably familiar to you. However, not everyone knows what they mean. We took the most from various areas of human knowledge.


Quintessence - in medieval and ancient alchemy and natural philosophy - the fifth element, ether, the fifth element. He is like lightning. This is one of the main elements (elements), the most accurate and subtle. In modern cosmology, quintessence is a model of dark energy (its hypothetical form, which has negative pressure and uniformly fills the space of the Universe). Quintessence in figurative meaning- this is the most important, essential, the main point, the purest and subtlest essence, extract.


Onomatopoeia is a word that is an onomatopoeia that arose as a result of phonetic assimilation to various non-speech complexes. Onomatopoeic vocabulary is most often associated directly with objects and creatures - sources of sound. These are, for example, verbs such as “meow”, “croak”, “rumble”, “crow”, and nouns derived from them.


Singularity - which represents a certain point at which the mathematical function in question tends to infinity or has some other irregular behavior.

There is also a gravitational singularity. This is a region of space-time where the curvature of the continuum turns to infinity or suffers a discontinuity, or the metric has other pathological properties that do not allow physical interpretation. - a short period of rapid technological progress assumed by researchers. The singularity of consciousness is a globally generalizing, expanded state of consciousness. In cosmology, this is the state of the Universe in which it was at the beginning of the Big Bang, it is characterized by infinite temperature and density of matter. In biology, this concept is used mainly to generalize the evolutionary process.


The term "transcendence" (the adjective is "transcendent") comes from the Latin word meaning "to step over." This is a philosophical term that characterizes something inaccessible to experimental knowledge. B was used together with the term “transcendental” to denote God, soul and other concepts. Immanent is its opposite.


“Catharsis” is a term from modern psychoanalysis that denotes the process of relieving or reducing anxiety, frustration, conflict through emotional release and their verbalization. In ancient Greek aesthetics, this concept was used to express in words the impact of art on a person. The term "catharsis" in ancient philosophy was used to designate the result and process of ennobling, purifying, facilitating the impact various factors per person.


What other smart words should you know? For example, continuum. This is a set equal to the set of all real numbers, or a class of such sets. In philosophy, this term was used by the ancient Greeks, as well as in the works of the scholastics of the Middle Ages. IN contemporary works in connection with changes in the “continuum” itself, it is often replaced by the noun “duration”, “continuity”, “indissolubility”.


"Nigredo" is a term of alchemy that denotes the complete decomposition or first stage of the creation of the so-called philosopher's stone. This is the formation of a homogeneous black mass of components. The next stages after nigredo are albedo (the white stage, which produces the small elixir, which turns metals into silver) and rubedo (the red stage, after which the great elixir is obtained).


“Entropy” is a concept that was introduced by the German mathematician and physicist Clausius. It is used in thermodynamics to determine the degree of deviation from an ideal real process, the degree of energy dissipation. Entropy, defined as the sum of reduced heats, is a function of state. It is constant under various reversible processes, and in irreversible change its always positive. We can highlight, in particular, This is a measure of the uncertainty of a certain message source, which is determined by the probabilities of the appearance of certain symbols during transmission.


In psychology, there are often smart words, and their designations sometimes cause difficulties in definition. One of the most popular is the word “empathy”. This is the ability to empathize, the ability to put oneself in the place of another (object or person). Also, empathy is the ability to accurately identify a particular person based on actions, facial reactions, gestures, etc.


Clever words and expressions from psychology also include a direction in this science that explains human behavior. It studies the direct connections existing between reactions (reflexes) and stimuli. Behaviorism directs the attention of psychologists to the study of experience and skills, as opposed to psychoanalysis and associationism.


Enduro is a style of riding on special trails or off-road, racing over long distances over rough terrain. They differ from motocross in that the race takes place on a closed track, and the lap length ranges from 15 to 60 km. Riders cover several laps per day, the total distance being from 200 to 300 km. Basically, the route is laid in mountainous areas and is quite difficult to pass due to the abundance of streams, fords, descents, ascents, etc. Enduro is also a mixture of city and motocross motorcycles.

They are easy to drive, like road vehicles, and have increased cross-country ability. Enduros are close in a number of characteristics to cross-country skis. You can call them jeep motorcycles. One of their main qualities is unpretentiousness.

Other smart words and their meanings

Existentialism (otherwise known as the philosophy of existence) is a movement in the 20th century in philosophy that viewed man as a spiritual being capable of choosing his own destiny.

Synergetics is an interdisciplinary area of ​​research in science, the task of which is to study natural processes and phenomena based on the principles of self-organization various systems, which consist of subsystems.

Annihilation is the reaction of the transformation of an antiparticle and a particle upon collision into some particles different from the original ones.

A priori (literal translation from Latin - “from what precedes”) is knowledge that is obtained independently of and before experience.

Modern smart words are not understood by everyone. For example, "metanoia" (from Greek word, meaning “rethinking”, “after the mind”) - a term that means repentance (especially in psychotherapy and psychology), regret about what happened.

Compilation (otherwise known as programming) is the transformation by some compiler program of text written in difficult language, into a machine, close to it, or objective module.

Rasterization is the conversion of an image, which is described in a vector format, into dots or pixels for output to a printer or display. This is a process that is the inverse of vectorization.

The next term is intubation. It comes from the Latin words for "into" and "pipe." This is the insertion of a special tube into the larynx in case of narrowings that threaten suffocation (with swelling of the larynx, for example), as well as into the trachea in order to administer anesthesia.

Vivisection - performing on a living animal surgical operations to study body functions or individual organs removed, to study the effects of various drugs, to develop surgical treatments, or for educational purposes.

The list of “Smart words and their meaning” can, of course, be continued. There are a lot of such words in various branches of knowledge. We have highlighted only a few that are quite widespread today. Knowing buzzwords and their meaning is useful. This develops erudition and allows you to better navigate the world. Therefore, it would be nice to remember what smart words are called.

Dictionary of rarely used words, terms and proper names

Adonais (Adonis) – character Greek mythology, a beautiful young man with whom the goddess of love fell in love

Aphrodite, died very young, killed by a boar. The English poet P. B. Shelley gave the nickname Adonais to the poet J. Keats in an elegy of the same name on the death of the latter (1821): for Shelley, the death of the poet was as untimely as the death of Adonis.

Baphomet is a symbolic satanic goat, usually depicted as a half-man, half-goat or a man with a goat's head.

Bityugi is a Russian breed of draft horse.

Harrow – here: to defend.

Brany - patterned.

Brashno - food, dish.

Buchilo is a vessel in which laundry is washed and bleached.

Valkyrie - in Scandinavian mythology, the daughter of the supreme god Wotan, who soars on a winged horse over the battlefield and takes the lives of warriors.

Veksha is a squirrel.

Versha is a fishing tackle-trap.

Pole - branch, pole.

Vishnu is one of the supreme gods Hindu pantheon, included together with Brahma and Shiva in the triad (trimurti) and performing the cosmic function of storing the world, acting in it through many of its incarnations, the main of which are Rama and Krishna.

The Vlachs are Eastern Roman peoples, here probably referring to the Romanians.

Gorlach is a big krinka.

The Hotchkiss gun is a small, rapid-firing naval gun made in France.

Gras - single-shot French Gras guns from 20 to 28 calibers, converted from rifles in 1871.

Delos is an island in the Aegean Sea, where, according to ancient Greek myths, the gods Apollo and Artemis were born. In ancient times, hymn and musical competitions of Greek choirs from different cities were held on the island.

Jazz band is a small jazz orchestra (up to 10 performers).

To reach – here: to overtake.

Essenes - a Jewish religious sect (2nd century BC - end of 1st century AD), a separate and closed brotherhood; believed, like the Pharisees, in the need for personal piety and avoidance of filth Everyday life, as well as in posthumous retribution (unlike the Sadducees, the Essenes believed in the physical resurrection of the dead); considered themselves the only true Israel.

Zane – because.

Inda - even.

Isaiah - biblical prophet, who preached, among other things, moral values. “Rejoice, Isaiah!” - sung during the sacrament of marriage.

Kerenzyats are graduates of cadet schools in the second half of 1917, during the reign of A.F. Kerensky.

Comanches are North American Indians.

Scabbers! - an exclamation meaning a nasty, stupid person or animal.

Kochet is a rooster.

Circled - here: old name taverns.

Kruti-gavrila - hand brake wheel of a steam locomotive; the expression “Cool it!” means “Release the brakes!”

Kuban is a big krinka, a loudmouth.

Kismet - rock.

Leviathan is a monstrous sea serpent, sometimes identified with Satan, mentioned in the Old Testament (Job 3 8, 40 20 - 41 26; Ps 73 14, 103 26).

Lewis - English light machine gun from the 1st World War.

Lying - frail, worthless.

Maxim is a heavy machine gun developed by American gunsmith Hiram Maxim in 1883.

Mamalyga is a steeply brewed porridge made from corn flour, which is cut with a special thread or a wooden knife.

Mamon, mammon - belly, stomach.

The Mannlicher rifle is a repeating automatic rifle developed by the Austro-Hungarian gunsmith Ferdinand Mannlicher.

Honey – here it means: light alcoholic drink, made from bee honey.

To measure here means: to evaluate according to your own understanding.

Masichka – table (Bulgarian).

Younger - younger.

Molonia – lightning.

Molosser refers to a breed of large fighting dogs bred by the Hellenic Molossian tribe.

Nazarene is the nickname of Jesus Christ, who lived in Nazareth before the beginning of his ministry.

Nishkni is an exclamation that means: don’t shout, shut up.

Sifting - residues from sifting grain, in figuratively- a girl who was not married.

Oder is an old, exhausted horse, a nag.

To come to your senses, to cross yourself, to calm down.

Paneva - ancient women's clothing, homespun skirt.

Parkes - three goddesses of fate in ancient Roman mythology: Nona spins the thread human life, Decima winds the thread on the spindle, distributing fate, Morta cuts the thread of fate.

To take revenge - to be heard, to appear.

Honor - give honor.

Razzavod - breeding, keep for razzavod - keep for breeding, for future use.

Rakia is a strong alcoholic drink made from fruits, similar to brandy, popular among the South Slavic peoples.

Stand up! - Help, save!

Repetilov is a character in the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", a chatterbox, mindlessly repeating other people's opinions.

Sam-friend - together.

Sennaya girl is a yard girl, serving the masters, a maid.

Rolling pearls are large, smooth pearls that can easily roll along the surface.

The tabernacle is the sanctuary.

Stogny – squares and streets of the city.

Tatarva - Tatars (Tatars in ancient Rus' could name any foreign-language nationalities).

To flutter - to dangle, to dangle, to walk very slowly.

Tiara is a triple crown, the headdress of ancient eastern kings, the Pope.

Fata Morgana are mirages in which objects are seen repeatedly and with various distortions (according to legend, the fairy Morgana, who lives on the seabed, deceives travelers with ghostly visions).

Vatera – living quarters (a distortion of the word “apartment”).

A roan horse is a gray horse mixed with other hair.

The Schwarzlose machine gun is an easel Austro-Hungarian medium-caliber machine gun.

Extemporale - cool paperwork by translation from native language to foreign without preliminary preparation; improvisation.

Eleus (Eleusis) is a city in Attica (Greece), known in ancient times for its mysteries.

Yarilo is the sun.

The dictionary was compiled by publishers and commentators
E.N. Egorova and others. Pavel Nedosekin
for the convenience of readers.


Your dictionary, Yuri Alexandrovich, seemed interesting to me.

Veksha is a squirrel. Hence the surname Vekshegonov. I wonder when the Russians forgot the previous name for squirrel? 200 years ago, 300?

Mamalyga is a steeply brewed porridge made from corn flour. During the Great Patriotic War The Germans prepared hominy for Russian prisoners. The exhausted stomachs of the prisoners, who had not seen food for weeks, could not stand it, and diarrhea (diarrhea) developed everywhere. The number of camp prisoners, without any effort on the part of the German administration, naturally decreased by 90%.

Nazarene is the nickname of Jesus Christ, who lived in Nazareth before the beginning of his ministry. Nazarene is also the name of one of the religious sects. Nazarenes, by tradition, did not cut their hair or wash their hair. The legendary Samson was a Nazarene. No wonder Jesus spent weeks in the Judean desert, where he did not cut his hair or wash himself. Such was his faith.
It is no coincidence that modern historians cannot find the city of Nazareth. He was absent! Jesus is a Nazarene - this does not mean a resident of Nazareth (a city that did not exist). Nazarene - a faith akin to the Jews.

Ferias are holidays in the ancient Roman calendar.
Well, of course! After all, we all come from the same Indo-European cauldron!
In German, fire is a holiday.

Dear Leo!

The dictionary of rarely used words on Yuri Reinhardt’s page does not exist on its own, but refers to his stories and memories of the Volunteer Army, poems and fairy tales. Moreover, this is not his work: we, the publishers and commentators, compiled the dictionary to make it easier for modern readers to perceive the works of Yuri Alexandrovich. It’s better to read his works on his page, follow the links. The page also has a biographical sketch about him.
As for Jesus of Nazareth, his nickname was based on the city of Nazareth. He had nothing to do with the Nazarenes. And the squirrel is still called a veksha in some dialects. Before the revolution, this name was quite common in literary Russian.

Host of Yuri Reinardt's page
Elena Nikolaevna Egorova


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