Scenario of an environmental holiday for Water Day.

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expand Expand students’ knowledge about the importance of water for human life,


increase the cognitive activity of children, instill the basics

environmental knowledge;

introduce negative influence man to nature;

cultivate a habit careful attitude to nature,

expand your horizons.




Holiday "Water Day"

Competitive game program for primary classes

Primary school teacher Natalya Anatolyevna Ryzhova

Goals: expand students’ knowledge about the importance of water for human life,


Increase the cognitive activity of children, instill the basics

Environmental knowledge;

To introduce the negative impact of humans on nature;

Develop the habit of caring for nature,

Expand your horizons.

Equipment : drawings of clouds, droplets, samovar, globe, photographs of rivers, lakes,

Seas, oceans, drawings by students on the topic “Portraits of Water”,

Sound file (murmur of water), vessels with water, ice in molds,

Plasticine, a tube (for experiment), snowflakes, icicles, clouds of

Foils. drawings, photographs of ponds and aquatic plants.

Progress of the program


Have you heard about water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap.

Like an icicle freezes

Fog creeps into our house,

It's boiling on the stove,

The steam of the kettle hisses,

Dissolves sugar in tea

We don't notice her

We are used to the fact that water is

Our companion always!

We can't wash ourselves without it.

Don't eat, don't get drunk!

I dare to report to you -

We cannot live without water.

Today we will try to uncover many secrets of the underwater world and learn a lot of interesting things about water. You will compete like streams running to your mother river. Questions, tasks, riddles about water await you.

There are 2 teams participating in our program: “Rosinka” and “Rucheyok”.

1 competition “Warm-up”

Guessing riddles.

Clouds, clouds, everything is flying somewhere,

Clouds, clouds, white as cotton wool,

We need to solve them quickly, guys!

What are clouds made of?

Yes, from droplets of water.

Riddles about water are written on the droplets. You guys take the drops, read the riddle and guess together.

1. He makes noise in the field and in the garden,

But it won’t get into the house.

And I'm not going anywhere

As long as he goes. (rain)

2. Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere,

The lower the wool, the closer the rain. (cloud)

3. He is always busy with work,

He can't go in vain.

He goes and paints it white

Everything he sees along the way. (snow)

4. I am water, and I swim on water. (ice)

5. There is a commotion in the yard:

Peas are falling from the sky.

Nina ate six peas

She now has a sore throat. (hail)

6. In the evening he will be born,

The night lives

In the morning he dies. (dew)

7. It grows upside down.

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her -

She will cry and die. (icicle)

8.Milk floated over the river

There was nothing to be seen.

The milk has dissolved

It became visible far away. (fog)

9.What kind of through stars are they?

On a coat and on a scarf?

All through, cut-out,

Will you take it - water in your hand? (Snowflakes)

10. Shakes a little in the breeze

Ribbon in the open.

The narrow tip is in the spring,

And wide - into the sea. (River)

11.In calm weather

We are nowhere

And the wind will blow -

We run on water. (Waves)

12. I’m running like up a flight of stairs

Ringing over the pebbles,

From afar by song

Do you recognize me? (Stream)

2nd competition “Collect proverbs”

There is nothing more precious than the wonderful, the most ordinary pure water. “Water is more valuable than gold,” said the Bedouins, who roamed the sands all their lives. “Water! Water, you have no taste, no smell, no color; you cannot be described; they enjoy you without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings...You are the greatest wealth in the world,” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote about water. Indeed, water is the greatest wealth, without which no person can live more than 3 to 5 days. And people came up with many proverbs about water. Teams need to correctly connect the parts of the proverbs.

1. What fell into the water was lost.

Pound water in a mortar and there will be water.

Water wears away stones.

2. Do not draw water with a sieve.

Bread will feed you, water will give you drink.

Without water, winter will not come.

3 competition "Song Backwater"

Water is rain, fog, snow, frost, hail, and ice. Now we’ll sing about all of this together. In 5 minutes the team must remember as many songs as possible about water, river, lake, sea, rain, fog, rainbow...

4th competition "Artistic"


I saw it myself today:
The elephant was flying through the sky!
Violet mascara,
Not in the rainforests
And here, above our land
An elephant was hanging around in the sky!
In the blue he swam importantly,
Even blocked the sun.
And again a miracle happened:
He turned into a camel.
I saw it all myself:
A camel sailed across the sky!
Not in the south, not in the desert,
Above Moscow, in the blue sky.

(V. Lifshits)

- What elephants and camels is the author of the poem talking about? Maybe some of you also saw them in the sky?

Each team cuts out clouds (3) from paper similar to those they observed. Glues all the clouds onto a large piece of blue paper. You will get a sky with clouds. And then the opposing team guesses what the other team's clouds look like.

5th competition "Poetry" (Homework)

Poets have always sung the praises of water and dedicated amazing lines to it. It's time for poetry.


Little, little river,
Where are you running?
- Far away!
- It's scary to run far,
small, small river!
The pits will go
the stones will fall
the beast may happen!
- I'll give him something to drink!
- You will meet a horned stump,
old and bearded,
with an ancient crooked pine!..
- I will wash their feet!
- You'll have to run at midnight...
At midnight Yaga sneaks away!
What if she offends?
- Will it offend you?
Nobody will see!
- Little, little river,
why are you running far away?
Why do you need work
yes grief?
What's so far away?
- Sea!

(E. Moshkovskaya)


The rain was dripping, drizzling,
He let it go, knocked, mowed down,
It poured like a shower, stood like a wall,
He drummed and crushed herbs.
The rain is blind and pouring,
Growing, mushroom,
Cover, hanging, fast,
Sleepy, slow and argumentative,
Like a reed, standing upright,
Both cold and hot,
And also thunderstorm,
Rainbow, stripe,
Parallels and in a grid,
And in the wind, even into the cage.
That's how much rain there is
For plants and people.

(O. Grigoriev)

6th competition "Pour it over"

A set is prepared for each team: a spoon and two glasses: one empty, the other with water. To make the water clearly visible, it can be tinted with watercolor paint. The essence of the competition: after the presenter’s signal, each of the active players must use a spoon to pour water from a full glass into an empty one. You can play for a while - then each next player starts re-transfusion immediately after the previous one finishes.

7th competition “WHAT GROWS IN WATER”

They grow in water and on land different plants, aquatic plants are adapted specifically to existence in water and without it they die very quickly.

Each team receives illustrations of plants, including aquatic ones. Assignment: select only aquatic plants and place them in a “pond” (on a sheet of blue paper).


Water lilies grow only in standing or slowly flowing water.
Water lilies have beautiful white flowers with a yellow center. Various insects often fly to them and drink delicious juice- nectar. Water lily flowers are special: they seem to know what time it is, when it’s time for them to open and when to close. Water lilies open their petals in the morning and close in the evening. They are even called clock flowers. The leaves and flowers of water lilies are on long stems-ropes. These rope stems connect them with thick roots that lie on the bottom of the river and feed the plant. The stem of the water lily is very delicate; in the river it is supported by water, but on land it cannot stand upright. White water lilies are very beautiful, people willingly pick them for bouquets. Therefore, there are fewer and fewer of these wonderful flowers left in rivers and lakes. Once picked, without water, they quickly wither, the flowers close, and you have to throw them away. It is best to admire water lilies from the river bank and not pick them.
In some countries there are plants that look like water lilies, but their leaves are very, very large (the name of the plant is “Victoria regia”). Not only Thumbelina or Pinocchio, but also a real child can sit on such a sheet.
You can predict the weather by the behavior of water lily flowers: before bad weather they hide in the water.

YELLOW POWDER. No less famous aquatic plant- yellow capsule, which is often incorrectly called yellow lily. The egg capsule usually grows next to water lilies. It got its name because its fruits look like small green jugs - egg capsules. Beavers love to eat them.

ARROW LEAF. This interesting plant. It is easy to find in many reservoirs in our country. The plant received its name due to the shape of the upper, above-water leaves. The leaf resembles an arrowhead, hence the name. But this is not the only interesting thing about the arrowhead. Its lower part is always under water, and its upper part is above water, so the lower, underwater, leaves are not at all similar to the upper, above-water, arrow-shaped leaves. Lower leaves resemble long thin green ribbons. It turns out that on the same plant there are leaves of different shapes. It is very important to draw children's attention to this fact, since the existence of two types of leaves is explained by the fact that they grow in different environments: the lower ones are in the water (she holds them, so they are tender, thin), and the upper ones are above the water, in the air (they must support themselves, so the leaves are dense, hard).

DUCKWEED. There is also a lot of duckweed on our rivers - small green plates (circles) often cover a significant part of the reservoir. Duckweed swims well. Sometimes there is so much of it that it completely covers the water surface.
Typically, duckweed consists of three circles - one large and two small. This is a “mother” and her two “daughters”. Over time, the “daughters” will separate from the large circle of mother and will swim on their own. Then they will have their own daughter circles. Duckweed sticks to your hands very easily. Why? If an animal, for example a bird, lands on water where there is a lot of duckweed, several circles of the plant will stick to it. A bird will fly to another lake, and the duckweed will fly with it. So a duckweed plant will also appear in another body of water. Sometimes it can even be seen in puddles. Many aquatic animals feed on duckweed.

ROGOZ. This plant is widely known by another name - reed, but its real name is cattail. Its seeds and fluff are carried by the wind. Cattail grows along the wet banks of swamps, lakes, and rivers. Birds (ducks and others) hide in its thickets. Baskets are woven from cattail stems, ropes are made, and roofs are covered with them.

8th competition "Security"

This morning we received a letter from a once large, raging and full-flowing river. (“The River's Complaints” (excerpt) Robert Burns)

Hello man!

All that was left in me was silt.

The heavenly heat is cruel

Dried the streams to the bottom,

Stopped the flows.

Live fast trout

In rapid flight

Doomed to run aground

Flounder in a swamp.

Alas, there is nothing I can do

Help your trout

She lies on the shore

And he can barely breathe.

How long have I been to the formidable rocks

Seethed and roared

And my waterfall raged,

Boiling with white foam.

I ask, falling at your feet,

In the name of former glory.

You plant along the banks

Bushes, trees, grass.

When you come under the canopy of branches

The playing fish will splash

And the noble nightingale

You will sing thank you.

Let the alder passerby

It attracts with its coolness,

And the oak tree will cover the shepherd

From rain and hail.

Let the Christmas trees reach out to me

With its jagged shadow

And they see in the clear depths

Reflection of the tops.

Let the birch leaves ring

On stone cliffs

And my hawthorn keeps

Water must be saved! Everyone should understand and remember this! Come up with appeals to people relaxing near the water, fishermen, tourists (issue them in the form of leaflets).

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.

Water is one of the main resources on Earth. It is impossible to live on Earth without water. Humans, animals and plants need water.

Water beautifies our nature. Protect it from contamination! Save it! After all, a person is also a part of the surrounding world. Knowing this, a person must understand that nature must be treated with care.

Water travels in nature

It never disappears:

It will turn into snow, then into ice,

It melts - and again we go on a hike.

Along the mountain peaks,

Wide plains.

Suddenly it soars into the sky,

It will come back with rain.

Look around

Take a look at nature...

You are surrounded everywhere and always

This is a sorceress, a miracle - water!


(for spectators)

Do you know that…

1. How many oceans and seas are there on our planet?

Oceans – 4, seas – 54

2. Every summer in Cyprus there is a water festival dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite.

3. The largest lake on Earth...the Caspian Sea.

4. The deepest lake...Baikal.

5. The largest raindrop fell in America in 1953, and its size is 9 cm.

6. The most heavy rain lasted for 12 months from August 1, 1860 to July 31, 1861.

7. The Great Snowfall lasted 24 hours on Silver Lake in the USA from April 14 – 15, 1921.

Solving an environmental problem.

Guys, do you know what ecology is? Who are environmentalists?

(Ecology is a science that studies how living beings are connected to everything that surrounds them)

Now I invite you to try yourself in the role of ecologists.

Some industrial enterprises waste water is discharged into reservoirs. It contains chemicals.

How can this affect the inhabitants of the water? What do you propose to do?

Competition Earth and Water

This game is designed to develop attention in children. The leader shouts the word “earth” - after which the children must jump one step forward. Then the leader shouts the word “water” - the children jump one step back. Next, the presenter should voice synonyms for the words “earth” and “water”. For example, if he shouts “shore” or “field,” the children jump forward. And the one who jumps in the wrong direction gets one point (with two points the child leaves the game). Accordingly, for “water” synonyms should be, for example, the following: “sea”, “lake”, “river”, etc. You can alternate the synonyms of earth and water every other time, or you can even call it whatever you want. The main thing is to confuse the participants in the game. The winner is the one who remains last.

March 22 is declared International Water Day on Earth. And this day is celebrated not because there is a lot of water on Earth, but because it most often requires protection.

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""Water Day" holiday script"

Municipal state-financed organization additional education

Center for extracurricular activities "Leisure" Proletarsky district of Rostov-on-Don

Ecological holiday scenario

Compiled by:

ON THE. Babeshkina


Participants: school leaders in the Proletarsky district

Design: environmental drawings

Presenters: Abajan L.A., guys from the “Small Theater Forms” group

Goal: Developing interest in studying nature, animals and flora.

Progress of the event

Leading: March 22 is declared International Water Day on Earth. And this day is celebrated not because there is a lot of water on Earth, but because it most often requires protection. So how much water is there on our planet? Will there be enough for everyone?

Now let's welcome our guest, who is she? Droplet comes out Do not know? Then I'll give you a hint:

They can't wait for her

And when they see it, they will run away (Droplet, rain)

droplet(is reading):

1. If our hands are waxed,

If there are blots on your nose,

Who is our first friend then?

Will it remove dirt from your face and hands?

What mom can't live without

No cooking, no washing?

Without what, we will say frankly,

Should a person die?

For the rain to fall from the sky,

So that the ears of bread grow,

For the ships to sail,

So that the jelly can be cooked,

So that there is no trouble -

We cannot live without... (water)!

Leading: Even though a drop only lives for a moment, people say that “a drop chisels a stone.” Many drops merge into such a powerful and strong current that they can not only hollow out a stone, but also carry it far, far away from its native places in a stormy spring stream.

Droplet and I invite you guys to take a journey along the rivers and seas and overcome all the obstacles along the way.

Leading: So what should we take with us on our journey?

Game "Necessary things"

The guys select cards from necessary things during the journey.

  • Warm clothes

  • Scuba

  • Sunglasses

    Suntan cream

  • Camera


Leading: we ended up on a desert island, which means that no one lives on it. I propose to populate this island with your friends, so that you don’t get bored alone.

Game "Friends"

On a piece of whatman paper, the teams draw little people; whichever team has the most people wins.

Leading: The amazing substance water! She not only gives life. This is another source of beauty on Earth. Phenomena in nature such as rain, snow, fog, hail, frost, ice - all this is... water. Only in different states.

Game “Water is not water”

A game of attentiveness. The presenter calls out the words. If the named word means something that contains water (cloud, puddle), then the children must stand up. If an object or phenomenon is indirectly related to water (ship, fish), children raise their hands. If an object or phenomenon is named that has no connection with water (wind, stone), children clap their hands.


  • Seaweed

Leading: Now guess a few riddles.

Island of Mysteries

1. There is a sea, but you can’t swim.

There are roads - you can't drive.

There is land, but you can’t plow it. ( Geographic map.)

2. There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Salty sea.)

3. He doesn’t hide from the wind,

And, with his chest exposed, he backs away. (Sail.)

4. It is not the swimmer, but the swimmer who helps to swim, not the cunning one,

And it blinks, blinks, blinks. (Lighthouse.)

5. We say: “it flows”

We say: “plays.”

She always runs forward

But he doesn't run away. (river)

6. When needed, they are abandoned,

If they are not needed, they are raised.

Can't guess? Well, it's in vain.

After all, this is... (Anchors)

Leading: Guys, how do people get to the other side of the river? Right on the bridge!

Relay "Let's build a bridge"

The guys place the planks under their feet and thus get to the other “shore”, run back, taking the planks in their hands, and then pass them on to the next relay participant.

Leading: Guys, who will answer the question: why is it raining? (Students’ answers.) Listen to this tale about rain.

One day, on a warm day, a drop of water, along with its sisters, the same droplets, was in the lake. The sun has warmed up. The water heated up and became light steam. The wind carried steam across the sky and collected it into large clouds. There were a lot of them - they began to push, crowd and offend each other. At the same time, their tears flowed. People called these tears rain.

Game "Bring a Drop"

The guys stand in a circle and pass each other to the music. balloon blue color- “drop”, the participant who still has the ball in his hands when the music is turned off is eliminated from the game.

Leading: and now, guys, let's imagine ourselves as the sisters and brothers of our Droplet and play the next game.

Game "Streams and Lakes"

The guys are divided into 5 - 6 teams, with the same number of participants. Every child is a trickle. At the signal “The streams ran!” everyone is running in different directions. When the signal “Lake” or the music stops, the players find each other and join hands, forming lakes.


Well done boys. Our holiday dedicated to Water Day is coming to an end. For this holiday, many children composed fairy tales, drew pictures, made electronic presentations and photographed the rivers and lakes of Rostov and Rostov region. And now we will sum it up creative works. The floor is given to the methodologist of the environmental center at the Vodokanal enterprise, Natalya Viktorovna Asaulova.

(summarizing the results of creative competitions, awarding the winners)

Vacuum cleaner


Suntan cream

First aid kit










Warm clothes




Municipal educational institution

additional education "Station of young naturalists" Krasnogvardeisky district of the Belgorod region

Educational event

“Water is the source of life!”

(celebration for World Day water resources)

Kasatkina Oksana Nikolaevna

additional education teacher

Biryuch, 2015

Development name: educational event.

Name and format: “Water is the source of life!” celebration for World Water Day.

Explanatory note

Target: developing students' cognitive interest in the problem of water resources protection.

Tasks: introduce students to the holiday “World Water Day”, the importance of water in nature and human life,with the consequences of human negligence towards water bodies.

To consolidate students' knowledge about the properties and state of water.

Develop the ability to analyze, contrast, compare and draw conclusions. To develop in students a sense of responsibility for the condition of water bodies.

To instill in students the desire to take care of water and actively participate in activities to protect water bodies.

Form: holiday.

Method: design, verbal, visual, game method.

Children's age: 7-11 years old.

Conditions for holding: assembly hall (spacious office).

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, exhibition of books about water bodies, presentation “Her Majesty is Water”, costume for the hero of the “River” holiday, environmental signs “Rules of Conduct in Nature”, symbolic calendars-gifts for those present.

Methodological advice for the preparatory period: children are learning poems about for the event, together with the teacher they are preparing an exhibition of books about water bodies, environmental signs “Rules of Conduct in Nature”, a costume for the guest of the holiday - the “River” costume, the teacher is preparing gift calendars and a presentation “Her Majesty is Water”.

Event plan

I. Organizing time.

    How to save and protect water.

III. Result of the event.

Progress of the event

I. Organizing time.

A phonogram with the sounds of water plays.


If our hands are waxed,

If there are blots on your nose,

Who is our first friend then?

Will it remove dirt from your face and hands?

What mom can't do without,

No cooking, no washing,

Without what, we will say frankly,

Should a person die?

For the rain to fall from the sky,

So that the ears of bread grow,

For ships to sail -

We can't live without...(Water.)

Teacher: Everything is correct, we cannot live without water, and not only us, without water there will be no life on Earth.

II. Main stages of the event.

    “The Queen is Water” - reading poetry by students.

Our event today is dedicated specifically to her, the queen of all queens - water.

1 child:

Autocratic queen

Always priceless for everyone,

You are not comparable to the firebird

Her Majesty is water!

2nd child:

You caress the shores with waves,

You give life to all beings.

From the clouds you water us with tears,

But those tears are our joy.

3rd child:

You saturate the earth with moisture,

You drive ships across the sea,

But when you are angry -

You sweep everything off the face of the earth!

4th child:

Water! We dedicate to you

Poems and songs and deeds!

We glorify you today,

May you always be with us.

5th child:

So that the rivers are full,

And they would always flow peacefully,

The water in them would be clear.

So that it rains on us

You are from clear blue skies,

And he would be less angry with us

Mighty and omnipotent Zeus!


To you, Water, we sing glory,

Live for happiness and fun!

And always make us happy!

Her Highness is WATER!

The poetry reading is accompanied by a presentation.

    Teacher's story "World Water Day".

Teacher: On March 22, World Water Day is celebrated around the world. In Russia, this holiday has been celebrated since 1995. This holiday was organized for a reason, but in order to attract the population to the problems of the condition and protection of water bodies.

Water spreads throughout the Earth in huge oceans and small puddles. We wash, swim, swim, and sled, skate, and ski in water. We drink and eat water because it is part of all living organisms. Fields and forests drink water. Neither animals nor birds can live without it. Water "extracts" electricity at power plants. Water washes cities, cars, roads. That's what it is, water! And we ourselves, more than half, consist of water. This is how necessary it is, necessary for the life of everything on Earth.

But we are used to only using water, without giving anything in return. There is less and less water left on Earth, both fresh and salty, and our today’s event should help us understand the tragedy of the situation and push us to pay attention to this problem and try to find a solution to it.

So what is water?

1 child:

Have you heard about water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap.

Like an icicle freezes

Fog creeps into our house,

It's boiling on the stove,

The steam of the kettle hisses,

Dissolves sugar in tea

We don't notice her

We are used to the fact that water is

Our companion always!

We can't wash ourselves without it.

Don't eat, don't get drunk!

I dare to report to you -

We cannot live without water.

    Riddles for children “Water is so different.”

Teacher: Now, tell me, having guessed the riddles, what forms can water take?

Without wings - he flies,

Without legs - he runs,

Without a sail, it floats.(Cloud)

An owl flies across the blue sky,

Wings spread out

The sun was covered up.(Cloud)

An ice bag hangs outside the window,

It is full of drops and smells like spring.(Icicle)

Trees in white velvet,

And fences and houses,

And when the wind attacks -

This velvet will fall off.(Frost)

The blanket is white,

Not made by hand,

It was not woven or cut -

It fell from the sky to the ground.(Snow)

What wonderful stars

On a coat and on a scarf?

All through, cut-out,

And if you take it, there is water in your hand.(Snowflakes)

Teacher: That's how much different forms water can take. Tell me, what kind of water is there? I'll give you a little hint and you can continue.


Children: Sea, river, lake, spring, dead, live, carbonated, mineral, drinking, industrial, tap , d clothing, swamp, melt, waste, flow, clean, dirty...

Teacher: Well done guys, it turns out you know a lot about water.

Today we have already talked about the fact that without water there will be no life on Earth, but we said nothing at all about what could happen to water if we do not pay attention to the problem of protecting water resources. There is a terrible threat hanging over the water - this threat is pollution. What pollutes water?

Children's answers.

Teacher: That's right - these are plants, factories, cars and people. And if we do not take urgent measures, then rivers, lakes will soon disappear, the inhabitants of reservoirs will disappear, and all of us will do the same if we do not take care of it. And after all, it is necessary to save not only the water in reservoirs, but also the water that flows from the tap, and sometimes it flows uselessly into the sewer.

    Guest of the "River's Complaints" festival.

We have an unusual guest at our event today.

A child appears on stage dressed as a polluted river.


Hello guys!

I came to you from far away,

I didn't just come to visit.

She came with prayer and longing

Ask you to help me!

Ask for protection, beg,


Look what's wrong with me

What have I become?

From full-flowing and large

I'm turning into trash.

At my bottom, where the catfish swam,

Now there is only viscous silt,

And in that mud there are boots and cans and bottles.

And there’s a package, it’s in the way

Swim by some fish.

Get out of the factory, what's wrong with the pipe?

The crappy slurry is flowing,

Again all the crayfish ran away

Well, where can they survive here?

But once upon a time, not long ago,

I gurgled and seethed.

And the fishermen come to me in a crowd

They came for the fish.

And the kids, those tomboys

We swam and frolicked.

And now I'm left alone,

What to do, respond!

Please, please,

O people, look around!

    How to save and protect water.

Teacher: Guys, this is not an ordinary guest we have. How can we help her, what can we do for her?

Children's answers.

Teacher: That's right, you need to remove garbage on the shore of a reservoir, organize a recreation area, make separate place for garbage. In the meantime, I suggest you give our guest special signs so that she places them along the banks and so that all guests who come to her know how to behave in nature.

Children present signs “Rules of behavior in nature” and explain them.

They see off the guest.

Teacher: So we talked about how to save water in reservoirs, but how to save the water that flows from the taps?

Children's answers.


A raindrop drives

Stream after stream,

They run without losing heart,

The rivers are fast. After,…

And then the blue of the sea!

And behind it is the ocean!

Without wasting water,

Close the tap tight!

III. Result of the event.

Teacher: Our event dedicated to water has come to an end. I hope that you understand how necessary water is for the life of all life on the planet and how you need to treat it, how to protect all water resources. And to finish, I would like to read you a wonderful poem and give you calendars as a souvenir of this holiday, “World Water Day.”

Let's save nature

For very pleasant meetings by the lake,

For meetings in the clearing, swimming in the river,

For relaxing at home, not away.

So that there is someone to protect nature,

We need to understand everything clearly and correctly -

Nature's king is man and crown,

But still, without it, a person is finished!

The teacher hands over symbolic calendars.

Methodological advice to organizers and producers

It is better to hold the event in assembly hall or a spacious office with a projector and large screen for showing presentations. Organize an exhibition of books about water bodies, prepare a presentation about water, water bodies, and the elements of water. To create the emotional mood of the group, you can use a calm musical accompaniment(the sound of water, surf, etc.).

Methodological advice for the immediate aftereffect period

The outcome of the event is summarized in unusual shape: the teacher hands the pupils memorable symbolic calendars and reads a poem about the need to be careful with water. You can invite students to organize an exhibition of drawings “Save Water”, and also offer to prepare presentations about any reservoirs in our region, which will reflect the problem of water bodies and organize a competition for the best presentation.


    Ananyev V.A. Teaching the basics of nature conservation in primary school. - Tomsk, 1994

    Molodova L.P. Ecological holidays for children: Educational and methodological manual. – M.: TsGL, 2003. – 128 p.: ill.

    International environmental actions at school. 7-9 grades (Conferences, holidays, role-playing games, theatrical performances) / Author-comp. G.A. Fadeeva. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2005. – 124 p.

Scenario of the ecological holiday "Water Day"

Target: formation of elements of environmental culture, civil responsibility for the environmental condition environment among the younger generation, support for creative amateur groups that promote

1. fostering respect for water bodies;
2. development creativity students;
Progress of the event:
The song “Look at this Earth from above” is played, lyrics and music by A. Ukupnik performed by O. Kormukhina.
This substance is very common in nature, but in pure form practically never occurs. Without this substance, life is not possible. Among ancient peoples, it was considered a symbol of immortality and fertility; it is the most common liquid in the world. Guess what substance we are talking about. ( Children's answers).

Have you heard about water?
They say she is everywhere!
In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
And in the water tap.
Like an icicle freezes
Fog creeps into our house,
It's boiling on the stove,
The steam of the kettle hisses,
Dissolves sugar in tea
We don't notice her
We are used to the fact that water is
Our companion always!
We can't wash ourselves without it.
Don't eat, don't get drunk!
I dare to report to you -
We cannot live without water.
Leading:- this is crystal water in the river, which you just want to scoop up to drink...

Leading:- And long gone are the days when you could drink from the river - rainbow stains of oil painted it in new colors. Heaps of garbage change the contours of its banks. Attention people! The planet is in danger! Environmental hazard!

Disturbing music sounds.
Adult presenter: - Over the past 100 years, people have achieved amazing results: many discoveries have been made, progress is moving by leaps and bounds, industry is developing. A person is madly carried away by his activities and has completely forgotten about what is happening around him.
- Many people don’t want to notice this - it’s easier to live without paying attention to troubles. But if we don’t change anything in our lives, what will happen to our home – planet Earth – in another 100 years? Those who care about the future of the planet decided to draw the attention of all humanity to the danger that threatens us. And the dates appeared on the calendar:
- April 22 – International Earth Day
- March 22 – International Water Day

Since 1993, many countries around the world have celebrated World Water Day on March 22, at the initiative of the International Water Supply Association and UNESCO. In the territory Russian Federation it has been held since 1995 under the motto “Water is life”.


1. We are too indifferent sometimes
We look at how the water pours and splashes.
Isn't it because water is a river?
And the lake, and even the clouds!
2. And we are complete only in the dark hour of trouble
We realize the greatness of water.
3. Water!...Just think about it: yes...
She waters the fields and carries ships.
She runs through pipes, like through wires,
4 . And there is no worse disaster: to come
And you won’t recognize your river, your water.
The grass in the river is black, the river is not the same
The water in the river is dead.
Presenter: - The color of the deceased is white,
And she was blue from birth.
No one can tell what it tastes like?
The water is dead. Terrible words.
Adult presenter: - Terrible, terrible words, but it’s true: today many rivers are dying.

So that you know what awaits us if we treat our planet differently caring owners, but as uneducated beings.
Presenter: -March 22 has been declared Water Day throughout the planet. It would probably be more correct to make every day a day of water, forest, the whole Earth...
Presenter: - We all understand how important it is to maintain the purity of water and its quality. And it’s not very difficult to do basic things - don’t litter rivers and lakes, don’t dump dirt and sewage into them.
Presenter: - There is a big problem– the problem of clean water. And we consider it very important to inform you about this and decide together with you how to live further. It depends on you and me what kind of world we will live in: among the rubbish heaps or on the green and blue happy planet Earth

Presenter: - Look at the emblem of our holiday: water has a soul; a drop is the heart of water!

Adult presenter: - In the time of Peter 1, those who decided to throw garbage into the waters of the Neva River were sent to hard labor. Isn't it time for us to introduce similar laws?
1 presenter: - Why? All is not lost yet. We are the generation that will change everything for the better. We will take care of nature, the purity of water and air, forests, fields, rivers - about the wealth that you and I still have! We will save everything for ourselves and for our descendants!

Game with the audience.

“Without water, neither here nor there”
The presenter reads the quatrain without finishing the last word. The audience “picks up” him in chorus.
- I don’t want to wake up early in the morning - as always.
Will help us become cheerful, fresh and cheerful... (water)

On a summer day the sun is blazing, the heat is impossible.
Where can one find salvation for the body? What will help us...(water)

Hands and shirt are dirty. How can we help such a problem?
And again we run to the tap, to clean, gentle...(water)

A steamboat, a steamboat - it’s carrying us an important cargo.
Pears, plums, oranges, grapes and tangerines
It will be delivered to us without difficulty if there is ... (water) in the sea

Should we eat fish? So good for the mind!
But fish, as you know, do not live everywhere,
But only in clear and clean...(water)

Warm the tea, cook the soup, and water the plants
You can do it anytime, if there is ... (water) in the tap.

Host: now let's try our hand. How much do you know about water? Be careful!

You will travel like streams, carrying precious water in cups. In the quiet backwaters, questions, tasks, and riddles about water await you. For each correct answer or completed task, the team will receive 1 glass of clean water as a reward. The results of the game will be determined based on the amount of water collected and stored (take care of every drop!). The following creeks await you: “Experimental”, “Tasting”, “Song”, etc. For each correct answer, the team receives a drop token.

And now we will divide into 3 teams, and each team will have its own color, and

“aquatic” name, for example, Dolphin, or Blue Sea, or Goldfish

So, let’s go “rivulets”! Quick water for you!


Backwater “Experienced”

There is so much water in the world!
There is sea and river water.
Ozernaya and key,
Dead and alive
Carbonated and mineral
Drinking and industrial,
Well and water supply,
Rainy and swampy,
There is even heavy water,
And there is water and it’s fun,
Sunny, wonderful,
Imported and local,
Magical, melting,
Big and small
Waste, flow,
Clean and dirty...
Well, in general, very different.

Water is an amazing substance and you will see this now.

Water from a biological point of view:

So, first questions about water. Be careful!

    Can water move up?

    Why is the water in the sea salty?

3. Why does ice float?

4. In the world's oceans there are seas with colored names, what are these names? What explains this?

5. How many oceans are there on our planet, which one is the smallest and the largest?

6.Which animal can drink 250 liters of water at once?

7.What kind of cereal grows under a layer of water?

8. Which 2 fish “living in different fairy tales” fulfill the wishes of the people who catch them?

9. Name the river in the Saratov region that bears the mistress of the taiga?

10. Which country has the largest number of waterfalls?

11. What properties are unique to water?

On the surface of planet Earth, water occupies:

A) 50%
B) 29%
B) 71%

Did you know:

1. What does water taste like?

2. What does the water smell like? (look, smell)

3. Will the spoon be visible in a glass of water?

4. What happens to sugar if you stir it in water?

5. What happens if you boil water?

6. What happens if you take water out into the cold?


    water without taste;

    odorless water;

    the water is clear.

4.water solvent;



What kind of stars are they through?
On a coat and on a scarf?
All through, cut-out,
Will you take it - water in your hand?

The sun ordered: stop,
The Seven Color Bridge is cool!
The cloud hid the sun's light -
The bridge has collapsed and there are no splinters.

White, but not sugar, Not prickly, light blue (Hoarfrost)

There are no legs, but he walks? Hanging on the bushes...(Snow)

Transparent like glass
Why don't you put it in the window...

The children sat on the ledge
And they grow down all the time.

Shakes a little in the breeze
Ribbon in the open.
The narrow tip is in the spring,
And wide - into the sea.

In calm weather
We are nowhere
And the wind will blow -
We run on water.

There is water all around,
But drinking is a problem.

I'm running like up a flight of stairs,
Ringing over the pebbles,
From afar by song
You will recognize me.

In the morning the beads sparkled,
They covered all the grass
And we went to look for them during the day,
We are looking, we are looking and we will not find.

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won’t get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere
As long as he goes.

In the new wall
In the round window
During the day the glass is broken
Installed overnight.
(Ice hole)

The rain passed, but I stayed
On the path in the yard.
Sparrows bathed in me
For the amusement of the kids.
But until tomorrow
The sun will dry me out.

Not water and not land -
You can't get away on a boat
And you can't walk with your feet.

Fluffy cotton wool
Floating somewhere
The lower the wool,
The closer the rain comes.

Across the skies in a horde
The bags are full of holes.
And it happens - sometimes
Water flows from the bags.
Let's hide better
From the holey...

Stage game: Push-Pull

Rules of the game

    Children are divided into pairs.

    Each couple stands with their backs to each other and clasps their hands at the elbows.

    In this position, children must run to the finish line and, without turning around, return to the start. Thus, each player runs forward with his face in one direction, and with his back in the other.


Backwater “Water and Man”

      The human body consists of water on:

A) 20%
B) 50%
B) 70%

      What are the folk rituals associated with water?

Holy water, baptism, bathing Orthodox holidays(Ivan Kupala)

      What are the methods of treatment with water?

Steam in the bath, hot baths, hardening, inhalation

      Name the main reasons for the shortage fresh water on the ground:

a) its absence;
b) its pollution.

Stage game: Stream.

Rules of the game

    Two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their arms up. The result is “collars”.

    The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front or simply join hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate.

    Children who are caught also become “gatekeepers.” Gradually the number of “gates” increases, and the chain decreases.

    The game ends when all children become "gates"


Backwater “Security”

There is nothing more precious than wonderful, ordinary clean water. “Water is more valuable than gold,” said the Bedouins, who roamed the sands all their lives. “Water! Water, you have no taste, no smell, no color; you cannot be described; they enjoy you without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings...You are the greatest wealth in the world,” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote about water. Indeed, water is the greatest wealth, without which no person can live more than 3 to 5 days. But sometimes people forget about this wealth and squander it on trifles.

This morning we received a letter from a once large, raging and full-flowing river. (“The River's Complaints” (excerpt) Robert Burns)

Hello man!
All that was left in me was silt.
The heavenly heat is cruel
Dried the streams to the bottom,

Stopped the flows.

Live fast trout
In rapid flight
Doomed to run aground
Flounder in a swamp.

Alas, there is nothing I can do
Help your trout
She lies on the shore
And he can barely breathe.

How long have I been to the formidable rocks
Seethed and roared
And my waterfall raged,
Boiling with white foam.

I ask, falling at your feet,
In the name of former glory.
You plant along the banks
Bushes, trees, grass.

When you come under the canopy of branches
The playing fish will splash
And the noble nightingale
You will sing thank you.

Let the alder passerby
It attracts with its coolness,
And the oak tree will cover the shepherd
From rain and hail.

Let the Christmas trees reach out to me
With its jagged shadow
And they see in the clear depths
Reflection of the tops.

Let the birch leaves ring
On stone cliffs
And my hawthorn keeps
Singers with clear voices.

Water must be saved! Everyone should understand and remember this! Come up with appeals to people relaxing near the water, to fishermen, tourists. (recorded by all team members on large sheet paper)


Backwater "Creative"

The team draws a general picture on whatman paper on the topic “What kind of water exists in nature” (seas, rivers, reservoirs, rain, fog, glaciers, snow). Hint for children: draw a landscape of any season.

The Tale of the Life of Ivan the Fool or “If you’ve done the job, walk boldly”
The fairy tale is acted out by students ( Characters: reader, Ivan the fool, fish, monster, drop of water)
Once upon a time there lived Ivan, a fool. Whatever he took on, he did everything somehow.
He lived one day: - Ah! We'll think about the future later!
Ivan wanted to clean up the trash in the house. - Where should all this “good” go?
And next to the house there was a lake - it wasn’t far to walk to it.
It was crystal clear, the water was simply silver.
And it’s true - the ends are in the water (You can’t see anything in the water),
There is no dirt in the house, and no one is offended.
Ivan started to do the laundry. - Oh, the laundry has accumulated again!
I bleached it white and soaped it with powder.
- And so as not to carry a lot of water, I will rinse the laundry at the lake.
And multi-colored soap foam floats across the surface of the lake...
Ivan was tired and lay down on the sofa.
I’m terribly pleased with myself: - I’ve remade a mountain of things, I’m scared myself!!
He hears water gurgling in the kitchen.
- Apparently I forgot to close the tap.
And that’s okay, it doesn’t matter - there was and will always be water in the tap.
And Ivan sees in a dream: he went for a walk, to swim,
Enjoy nature
Lo and behold, there is no lake, and in its place is a swamp - not a swamp, but maybe just a puddle
Dirty. And someone is stirring and moving in it: scary, dirty...
The fish come out.
- Why did you change our life, pollute the water, muddy it,
He created a mess in our house and forced our children to play in the dirt.
We don’t have the strength to remove this garbage - all we can do is die in silence...
A monster comes out
And behind them is a terrible monster:
Shaggy, hairy - apparently terribly dangerous!
- thank you, Ivan is a fool,
Because you did everything wrong!
- Where did you get this from?
It was born from your lake!
Because from dirty water and waste
Freaks like this appear!
Ivan rushed home as fast as he could and locked the door with a stick.
And run and drink some water and moisten your throat.
The tap opens - trouble! No water comes out of it.
Only one sad drop shakes its head reproachfully at him:
- That's it, Ivan, no. more water. Think in the future so that trouble does not happen.
Ivan woke up sweating.
He thinks: what am I doing! I live here myself, I drink water, I breathe air...
Such disgrace should not happen! From now on I will do everything differently!”

Water is rain and fog and tornado and frost and ice. And now let’s remember songs that focus on water.

Finale of the holiday:
presenter: - How scary it is - the dying of a race,
All of them, every single one.
When nature is devastated
I can no longer do anything.
And the leprosy of desolation will creep in,
And the threads of water will dry up,
And the birds will die out, and the plants will fall,
And the beast will not escape its misfortune.
And no matter how much self-interest you seek here,
What excuse do you not have?
The earth requires protection. Protection.
She asks people for salvation.
International Water Day is celebrated around the world on March 22. It would probably be more correct to make every day a day of water, forest, and the whole planet. It would be nice if each of us lived by the motto: “ Woke up - put the planet in order!” Let's start from today

In the assembly hall, the results for each competition are summed up for all teams (buckets of water are checked), drawings are presented (children must tell what is drawn on them and where the water is), and the winners are awarded.

Scenario of the ecological holiday "Water Day"

Target: Drawing children's attention to the pricelessness of water


  • contribute to consolidating the system of students’ ideas about the properties of water and its importance in nature and human life

  • promote the development of children's interest in experimental activities; promote the development of children's creative abilities.

  • promote a love of nature and respect for water.

Slide No. 1.Leading: Good afternoon We dedicate today's lesson to water. Since 1993, in many countries around the world, on the initiative of the International Water Supply Association and UNESCO, World Water Day is celebrated on March 22. In the Russian Federation, it has been held since 1995 under the motto “Water is life.” Today I offer you a trip along the river by boat. Sometimes slowing down our journey in a quiet backwater, and sometimes stopping in a harbor or bay, we will try to uncover many secrets of the water world and learn a lot of interesting things about water. For active participation and correct answers you will receive a token - a “drop”, and at the end of our festive event we will summarize.

Slide number 2. Clip "Steamboat".

Leading: The educational journey begins! Good luck! The floor is given to the speaker with information about water)

Slide No. 3-5 (students tell)

Student: Have you heard about water?
They say she is everywhere!
In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
And in the water tap.
Like an icicle freezes
Fog creeps into our house,
It's boiling on the stove,
The steam of the kettle hisses,
Dissolves sugar in tea
We don't notice her
We can't live without water!

Student: There is so much water in the world!
There is sea and river water.
Ozernaya and key,
Dead and alive
Carbonated and mineral
Drinking and industrial,
Well and water supply,
Rainy and swampy,
There is even heavy water,
And there is water and it’s fun,
Sunny, wonderful,
Imported and local,
Magical, melting,
Big and small
Waste, flow,
Clean and dirty...
Well, in general, very different.

Leading: Now we will remember where water comes from.

Slide No. 6-20 (Cycle of substances in nature)

Slide number 21.

Leading: Water is the most abundant of earth's elements. It covers more than 70% earth's surface, and its volume is approximately 1.4 billion cubic kilometers. Our planet is a planet of oceans. Three quarters of its surface are occupied by seas and oceans.

Slide number 22.

Water is life! Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a French writer, poet and professional pilot, addressed the water with this confession:

“Water, you have neither taste nor smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You are the greatest wealth in the world.”

Slide number 23. Meanwhile, the water is in great danger!

Slide number 24. Every liter Wastewater, getting into a reservoir, renders 100 liters of good water unusable. About 13-14 million tons enter the World Ocean annually petroleum products. Oil enters water bodies as a result of leakage during tanker loading, tanker accidents, or the discharge of residual oil cargo.

Slide No. 25. According to the World Health Organization, half of all hospital beds in the world are occupied by people sick due to dirty water. From poor quality water dies more people than from all forms of violence, including war.

Slide number 26. The main sources of water in cities are nearby rivers and lakes. Tell me, guys, what kind of water do we drink and where does it come from? (The source is the Kama River. The Chelnyvodokanal supplies us with water).

Slide number 27. The fact that we drink high-quality water is thanks to the Chelnyvodokanal, which supplies water to the northern and eastern parts of the city, as well as KamAZ plants, thermal power plants, the cities of Almetyevsk, and Bugulma.

Slide No. 28 After purification, the water comes to us through pipes, which contain almost everything that the water was purified from.

Leading: What conclusion can you guys draw from these facts? What solutions can be taken to improve the quality of drinking water?(Suggested answers: environmental protection, drink purified water, replace the pipes through which water flows, install filters, etc.).

Slide number 29. Backwater "Istoki"

Leading: The general prototypical meaning is moisture. In Tatar it sounds “su”. Folk wisdom is rich in proverbs and sayings about water, many folk signs, riddles, folk tales.

Slide number 30. Russian fairy tales that focus on water.

Slide number 31. Now let's get acquainted with proverbs and sayings, as well as folk signs about water.

(Students prepare proverbs and sayings about water in Russian and Tatar languages) Water does not flow under a lying stone, water wears away a stone, water is more valuable than gold, health is in water. In Tatar language: court baka kychkyra bashlaganda sabanga chyk,tamchy tama-tama tash quiet.There are phraseological units and stable combinations about water. A storm in a glass of water, it doesn’t sink in water, it doesn’t burn in fire, take water into your mouth, use a pitchfork on the water, you can’t spill it with water, bring it to clean water, get out of the water unscathed, like looking into water; Tap water, tap water, boiled water, living water/dead water, holy water, melt water In Tatar: su anasy, su asty, su buye and others.

Slide number 32. Riddles about water.

What kind of stars are they through?
On a coat and on a scarf?
All through, cut-out,
Will you take it - water in your hand? (Snowflakes) There are no legs, but is he walking? Hanging on the bushes... (Snow) Transparent like glass,
Can’t you put it in the window... (Ice) The children sat on the ledge
And they grow down all the time. (Icicles)6. Shakes a little in the breeze
Ribbon in the open.
The narrow tip is in the spring,
And wide - into the sea. (River) In calm weather
We are nowhere
And the wind will blow -
We run on water. (Waves) There is water all around,
But drinking is a problem. (Sea)

Slide number 33. Harbor "experimental"

Leading: Water is an amazing substance and you will see this now.

Slide number 34. Cognitive experiences.(Children prepare in advance to conduct and demonstrate experiments).

1. Trick “with toothpicks” 2. “Experiment with a straw” 3. Experiment “Crystal from salt”4. Experiment “Egg in salt water”5. “Cultivation of staloctite” and others. Leading: I am very glad that you are interested in conducting experiments. All tricks and experiments are based on certain natural physical phenomena and reflect the properties of water. Great opportunities for research and discovery lie ahead of you. I wish you success in the future research activities!

Slide number 35. "Musical Current"

Leading: Continuing our journey on the ship, we unexpectedly find ourselves in a musical current. Slide No. 36 -39. Guess the melody. Leading: In order for us to continue to move along the intended course, we must guess the melodies associated with water. (Two cheerful geese, Let them run clumsily, Watery) Slide number 40. Let’s sing, friends! Leading: Well done, you did a good job. Now, let's sing songs about water ourselves: captain - captain, smile”, “from a blue stream, a river begins” and others).

Slide number 41. The river's complaint.

Leading: Thank you very much, we had a very good rest and we good mood. We're having fun, but we almost listened to the river's complaint.

(Children perform).Excerpt from "The River's Complaint" by Robert Burns.

Hello man!
All that was left in me was silt.
The heavenly heat is cruel
Dried the streams to the bottom, Stopped the flows. Live fast trout
In rapid flight
Doomed to run aground
Flounder in the swamp. Alas, I can’t do anything
Help your trout
She lies on the shore
And he can barely breathe. How long have I been to the formidable rocks
Seethed and roared
And my waterfall raged,
Boiling with white foam. I ask, falling at your feet,
In the name of former glory.
You plant along the banks
Bushes, trees, grass. When you come under the canopy of branches
The playing fish will splash
And the noble nightingale
You will sing thank you.

Slide number 42 . Okhrannaya Bay.

Slide No. 43. About 13-14 million tons of petroleum products enter the World Ocean annually. Oil enters water bodies as a result of leakage during tanker loading, tanker accidents, or the discharge of residual oil cargo. Slide No. 44. Nature needs our protection! And we need her protection: clean air to breathe, crystal water to drink, all of Nature to live. She - nature - has always been and will be stronger than man. Because she gave birth to him. He is just a moment in her life. She is eternal and endless. For her, a person is a detail. She is everything to him! Nature forgives nothing!

Slide number 45.

Leading: Eras pass - millions of years, the Earth lives and will always live, Until the Source of Life - Pure Water - dries up in its arteries... “There is nothing more precious than the wonderful, most ordinary clean water. “Water is more valuable than gold,” said the Bedouins, who roamed the sands all their lives. Indeed, water is the greatest wealth, without which no person can live more than 3 to 5 days. But sometimes people forget about this wealth and waste it on trifles. Water must be protected! Everyone should understand and remember this! Leading: And now our holiday is approaching the finale. It's time to sum it up. Who has the most drops today? Well done, let's give them a round of applause, guys, they were very active today. And if we put all the drops together, what will happen? A pond is forming!


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