Scenario of spring fun for older children in kindergarten. Scenario of the holiday "Spring is Red" for children of the senior group

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— expand children’s understanding of the characteristic signs of spring, the behavior and habits of birds;

— improve previously acquired skills in musical and rhythmic movements, round dance songs, games;

- promote the development of confidence in individual performances;

- to develop the ability to transform into a theatrical image with the help of facial expressions, speech, plasticity, gestures;

— foster a culture of behavior at the event;

- arouse interest in music and creative activity, positive emotions and good mood.

Preliminary work: learning musical and literary material; individual memorization of the text of dramatization characters (birds); presentation “Spring, make way for spring”; exhibition of drawings “Our singing friends”.

Equipment: costumes of entertainment heroes, multimedia screen, traces, tambourine.

The hall is decorated like a forest clearing. Children sit on chairs and watch the action taking place on stage.

Leading. Somehow the birds returned after a long journey to their native forest and could not understand what had happened to it.

It's spring outside, but the buds still haven't swelled, the branches on the trees are broken, not a single ant or butterfly is visible. It's quiet in the forest, as if he's sleeping.

The birds gathered for advice and began to think and wonder what happened to the forest and what to do?

The lark sang his song high in the sky.

Children listen to “The Song of the Lark” (music by P.I. Tchaikovsky).

Lark. I know who is destroying our forest. This is the Swamp Boredom trying to lull, to enchant our trees, flowers, so that the leaves do not bloom, so that the flowers do not rise, so that the forest sleeps, and all living things in it too.


I'm a local in the forest here

And I stand behind the forest like a mountain.

I have any pest

It will not be saved under the bark.

I will save the forest from Swamp Boredom, because my knocking can be heard very far away. And if the guys also help me, we will quickly cope.

Owl. And I will scare Swamp Boredom.

I catch every rustle sensitively,

And when I scream, it will become creepy.

The sleeping grass will tremble,

This is how an owl hoots.


And I'm a bird - never

I don’t build nests for chicks.

I’ll sit on a branch somewhere and shout:

"Kuk-ku, kuk-ku."

Children listen to the Estonian folk song "Cuckoo".

Leading. Many people consider the cuckoo to be a harmful bird, but this is not so. The cuckoo destroys caterpillars that other birds do not eat. But now the cuckoo had no intention of fighting Swamp Boredom. And then the nightingale flew in.


I sing separately, sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly.

My nightingale would be pleased.

We can't cope with Swamp Boredom without the help of boys and girls. Boredom is very scary when birds sing in the forest, bees buzz and children play.

Leading. The birds began to decide who would fly to the children and lead them into the forest.

Birds fly and whisper to each other.

And then a magpie flew in.

Magpie. I'll bring the guys, I'll tell them everything.

Leading. And Soroka flew to the kindergarten to join the children.

Magpie. Here I am, hello my friends! Help disenchant the forest, help drive away the Swamp Boredom.

Leading. Well, guys, let's help the birds return spring chores to the forest, awaken the trees and grass? Show me the way, Soroka, and we’ll take the bus to pick you up.

Children move around the hall like a snake to the song “Blue Bus” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

Here we are in the forest. Yes, it's really boring. But in order to persuade Swamp Boredom to leave the forest, we need to find her. Here, I see footprints, let's follow them.

Children follow the tracks on the floor and approach the “swamp”.

Boredom Swamp(yawns). What, these guys came to me? Well, what do you say?

Leading. How does it happen, spring is outside, but the forest is sleeping? Where do birds build nests, where do children go for walks and where do they pick flowers? Why did you enchant the forest?

Boredom Swamp(yawns). No way, I'm just bored.

Leading. And play fun game do not want?

Bolotnaya boredom. You can also play.

Game "Occupy the House"

Children stand in pairs - this is a bird house. A group of “bird” children, of whom there are more than houses. The “birds” fly, but when they hear a loud blow on the tambourine, they get scared and hide in the houses. One child must occupy one house. Which of the children is left without a house drops out of the game.

Bolotnaya boredom. I liked playing with you. It’s a shame that the kids know so many songs and poems about birds, about spring, but there aren’t even poems about me.

Leading. Why not? Listen, the guys will tell you both a poem and a riddle.

1st child

The domestic cat shook its tail,

The domestic cat was sitting, bored.

The cat is sad from tail to ears:

What kind of apartment is there without mice?

O. Bundur

2nd child. And I'll tell you a riddle.

My name is - I don’t answer.

I’m sitting alone, swinging my leg.

I shake my leg and remain silent,

I don't want to play now.

She totally got me,

I'm terribly tired of her

Such a nasty thing

Her name is sad - ... (boredom).

Leading. Why did you, Boredom, enchant the forest and put it to sleep?

Bolotnaya boredom. And just like that. I'm bored, let everyone around me be bored.

Leading. Guys, is Boredom Swamp thinking correctly?

The children answer.

You said everything correctly, guys. You need, Boredom, to find friends and do something interesting, then you will never be bored. And friends are helpers, Interesting games, fun. He who has many friends never gets bored.

Children perform “Song about Friendship” (music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

Boredom Swamp. Will you agree to be my friends?

Children. Yes, and we’ll teach you a fun round dance.

Children perform the round dance song “Long Crane” (Russian folk song).

Leading. Break the spell, wake up the forest, Swamp Boredom, and we will thank you for this on our behalf and on behalf of all the feathered people.

Boredom begins to cast a spell, whisper something, and pictures of trees, a stream, migratory birds, insects, etc. appear on the multimedia screen.

What a good job we did guys. We helped Bolotnaya Boredom understand that she needs to enjoy spring, enjoy birds, and find friends and a favorite pastime. And we helped the birds, now they can calmly build houses - nests and hatch chicks in the green trees. It's time for us to get on the bus and go back to kindergarten. Goodbye, birds, goodbye, Swamp Boredom.

Children say goodbye to Boredom and walk around the music room in a “snake” to the music.

MADOU d/s 9 Belorechensk.

Scenario spring fun for children preschool age"Spring is red"

Subject: Scenario of spring entertainment for preschool children (Middle and senior groups)

"Spring is red"

creating a joyful mood in children, causing an emotional uplift and forming a festive culture (traditions of holidays, their organization, rules for inviting guests, guest etiquette).

expand children's horizons about spring;
bring up careful attitude to nature, to the signs of spring;
develop logical thinking, cognitive abilities.

Presenter: Nature has awakened again:
A field, a forest, a river woke up.
And the birds reported the news:
“Rejoice everyone! Spring came!"

♫ Song “Spring” Words and music by M.V. Sidorova

Children of the middle group.
1. Shine brighter, sunshine,
Warm our earth.
Grass, grass, greener,
Come, Spring, quickly!
2.White birch trees
They swing the branches.
So they spring red
You are invited to visit.

All in chorus: You come, Spring is a spring fly,
Come out to our clearing!
Together, together, with all the people,
We'll do a round dance.

♫ “Spring” comes to the music

Spring: Did you call me friends?
Presenter: Spring has come to visit us!
We'll start a round dance
And we'll sing a spring song.
Round dance for children of middle and senior groups.

♫ “Oh yes Spring!” Words and music by V.V. Skurlatova

Presenter: Let's start songs and dances,
Let's start different games...
Let's not let Spring get bored,
Let's celebrate the holiday!

Spring: Go out for a warm-up,
Show off your dexterity.

All in chorus: Without hesitation, without hesitation,
Let's do a warm-up together.

♫ Exercises to the music of “Zverobik”

Spring: Guys, would you like to ride the carousel? (Children answer.)

♫ Game "Carousel"

(Spring stands in the center, holding a base with long ribbons tied to it above her head. Children of the older and middle groups invite the kids and stand in pairs with them in a circle, holding the ribbon with one hand. Everyone begins to move to the right in a circle in accordance with the text. )

Spring: Barely, barely calm walking.
The carousel began to spin, walking with stomping steps.
And then, then, then -
cheerful music sounds, children run in pairs in a circle.
Everybody run, run, run!
Quiet, quiet, don’t rush, gradually the running slows down.
Stop the carousel. calm walking.
One, two, one, two -
The game is over! Stop.

Spring: Well, it's time to say goodbye.
Goodbye, goodbye.

Children of the older group.
1. The spring rain galloped through the garden,
I sprayed the leaves and counted the flowers.
The rain is cheerful, funny and mischievous
Jumped in puddles in the spring.
2. Spring rain, pour water!
In the fall there will be harvest in the gardens.
3.We’ll go out for a walk after the rain,
Let's jump through puddles in boots!
4.Look at us in the spring rain,
Give us a bright rainbow!
All children:
And the rainbow is big: Children say, cross their arms over their heads
From edge to edge. and spread them apart.
Sparkles in the sun
Rainbow colored.

♫ Song “Rainbow” Words and music by M.V. Sidorova

The intro of the melody from the film “Kid and Carlson” plays

Presenter: Guys, can you hear? Someone is rushing towards us.

♫ Fun music sounds, Carlson flies in

Carlson: Hello guys! How did you recognize me?
I am the most cheerful, the most educated,
And, of course, moderately well-fed!
I flew past the garden
And I saw you!
Why are you gathered here?
Dressed up and braided?

Presenter: We have a spring holiday here -
Everyone is waiting for games and fun!

Carlson: Exactly! I have a game for you -
I'll read the poems now
I'll start and you continue
Answer in unison: “Me too!”
This morning I woke up early... (Children answer)
I washed my face with water from the tap... (Children answer)
Then I made the bed... (Children answer)
I like to sleep until the evening... (Children answer)
At breakfast I ate porridge... (Children answer)
Then I sang songs loudly... (Children answer)
Then I went for a walk... (Children answer)
And he started throwing stones at the cats... (Children answer)
I saw a baby elephant at the circus... (Children answer)
He looks like a pig... (Children answer)
I love eating pears... (Children answer)
I haven’t cleaned my ears for a long time... (Children answer)

Presenter: Well, Carlson, he completely confused us, and, in my opinion, you yourself also confused everything!

Carlson: Well, then, kids, there will be a new game!
Want to play some more?

Children in chorus: Yes!

♫ “Collect the sun” relay race for children of the younger group

Carlson: Do you want to play some more?

Children in chorus: Yes!

♫ “Pass the Sun” relay race for middle and high school children

Carlson: Now I’ll check your mood by applause:
- only girls applaud...
- only boys applaud...
- only those who like to relax...
- and now those who like to chat...
- applaud those who love to dance...

Carlson: Well, I see that you are in a great mood. Then we start a fun dance.

♫ Dance “Boogie-woogie”

Presenter: Are you hot? Is there a blush on your cheeks?
The dancing must have tired you!
Now for relaxation - a game,
It's clearly time for you to rest!

Presenter: I ask those who love games and jokes to say “I” loudly.
- Who loves games?
— Who likes cartoons?
— Chewing gum?
— Erasers?
- Baskets?
- Cake?
- Ice cream?
- Marmalade?
- Treasure?
- And the slaps?
— Who likes to sunbathe?
- Who likes to yell?
— Swimming in a dirty puddle?
- Who doesn’t wash their ears?
—Who likes to sing and dance?
- What about playing?

♫ Game “Pass the ball”

(Children pass the ball around in a circle while the music plays. The child who has the ball,
after the end of the music, he goes to the center of the circle and dances.

Carlson: It’s a pity to part with you,
But it's time to say goodbye
Goodbye, guys!
♫ Carlson leaves to the music

Presenter: The holiday is over,
The meeting is over,
The hour of parting has come,
But don't be sad, we will meet again,
We will meet again more than once!

♫ To the music, everyone goes into their groups.

Olga Kucha
Entertainment scenario in senior group"Spring! Spring! We are glad to see her!”

Scenario for spring fun in the senior group"Kolobok"

« Spring! Spring! We glad to see her

Music plays (recorded song «» ) children run into the hall and line up scattered.

Leading. We have gathered in the hall today to start a story in spring.

We waited a long winter and very happy for her now.

1 child. Winter is over, rejoice, it has come spring!

The sun woke up first good people smiled.

2 child. Spring She took up her post and gave warmth to the whole earth.

And she entered every home like a bright ray of sunshine with a smile.

3 child. Spring is me, spring is you!

Spring- this is the sun and our flowers!

4 child. We will collect a bouquet of flowers on this spring day,

We will give it to all guests, congratulations!

Performed "Dance of Flowers"(the song is in the recording « Vesna-Krasna» )

(the presenter collects flowers in a bouquet

Leading: We start the holiday and Let's welcome spring!

Music sounds and enters the hall Spring.

Spring. Hello guys, here I am, Spring.

She walked along the ground with warm steps.

I brought the sun, hot, radiant

And it walks across the clear sky.

I'm glad to see you, Guys?

Spring. Hold hands then.

Let him whirl and sing our spring round dance!

A round dance is being performed « Stonefly»

Spring. Let's all go to spring forest, where there are many fabulous miracles.

So, follow me, don’t lag behind and start singing the song together.

A song and dance is performed "Jolly Travelers"

(children sit on chairs in their places)

Spring. The path led into the forest. It is full of fabulous wonders.

Listen, there is a din of birds in it, the birds have returned to us again.

(birds singing is heard in the recording "fly" birds stand in a semicircle)

Birds. Hello children!

Children. Hello, dear friends!

Spring. Tell the birds where you have been?

Tell the birds what you saw?

1. In hot countries, there is a hot summer, there is no winter, no snow.

2. Giant elephants roam there, monkeys scream all day long.

3. Liana trees grow there, bananas grow on palm trees there.

Spring. Did you live well away from home?

Who were your friends with in unfamiliar countries?

4. We missed the village, the ringing stream,

By the birdhouse, by the trees, by the neighbor's sparrow.

Leading. All of us you're welcome, friends, be with us always!

You should dance for us, we were really, really waiting for you.

Performed "Dance of the Birds"

But let's not be discouraged, we will play the game!

The game is being played "Cross the stream"

Spring. The sun is shining brightly and the streams are flowing,

Flowers grew in a forest clearing.

Child. If only white flowers bloomed in the field,

You and I would soon get tired of admiring them.

Child. If only yellow flowers bloomed in the field,

You and I would get bored with such beauty.

Child. It’s good that there are daisies, roses, asters, cornflowers,

Dandelions and porridge, forget-me-nots and frying.

Child. And now we will make wreaths for you from flowers.

From daisies, cornflowers, our wreath is ready.

The game is being played "Merry Wreath"

Child. It is impossible to live in the world without music and songs.

We will always be friends with music and songs!

A song is being performed "Song of Friends"

Spring. We will continue the holiday, we will have fun playing.

The game is being played "Fold the flower";

Held music game "We were walking in the forest";

The game is being played "Burn, burn clearly"

Child. The sun is shining in the morning, everything is warmer.

So she came to us spring, the song rang!

A song is being performed "Spring"

Spring. Now the time has come for me to say goodbye to you.

Smile, have fun and treat yourself to gifts!

(children receive a treat, return to group)

The holiday is over.

Publications on the topic:

OD summary on cognitive development for senior preschool age “Red Spring. Spring is beautiful" Abstract educational activities By cognitive development, for older ages on the topic: “Red spring. Beautiful spring" Use.

Summary of entertainment for children of the senior group “Spring is Red” Spring is Red Objectives: *develop creative imagination, encourage creative self-realization in song and plastic improvisations;

Summary of the thematic walk “Spring, spring outside, spring days” Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the time of year - spring, and what changes have occurred in nature. Objectives: Clarify and consolidate children’s ideas.

Entertainment script for the senior group “Spring has come, the birds have arrived”(Children enter the hall to the music) Educator: The earth is awakening from winter dreams. The sunlight, dazzling, is reflected in the running streams.

Entertainment script “Spring is coming to us, with quick steps” Goal: to create a joyful mood in children with the arrival of spring, to evoke emotional responsiveness, and to promote the development of interest in the environment.

Entertainment scenario “Spring - Easter” for senior or preparatory groups SPRING-EASTER Children enter the hall to the sound of round dance music: “Spring is called” 1. 1. Where are you, sunshine, wake up! Where are you, little bird, come back! Sprinkle.

Scenario of parent-child entertainment Spring is coming to us - Red has come!

(from the series of fine arts entertainment The Seasons)

P. Kamensk, Kabansky district, Buryatia.

Description: This scenario The event may be useful for teachers and parents. It is recommended to hold the event in the spring, together with children of senior preschool age and their parents. Conduct it in the form of entertainment or leisure. During the event, joint actions of children and parents are expected.

Target: Involving parents in organizing leisure activities for children and joint cooperation.

Tasks: Contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences for children and parents from joint celebration of the event;

Continue to improve the ability to create collective compositions;

Develop children's speech activity: activate preschoolers' vocabulary on the topic of Spring


To develop children's creative imagination, the ability and ability to convey an image through different types activities (musical, rhythmic and visual);

To cultivate curiosity, respect for art, and respect for nature;

Encourage children and parents to actively participate.

Preliminary work:

1. Selection of musical material ("Spring" by S. Rand, Strauss's waltz "Voices of Spring", Song of Spring

Snowdrop by P. Tchaikovsky, Song of the Lark by P. I. Tchaikovsky, round dance At the birch tree.

2. Development of the script Spring has come to us - Red has come!


3. Learning poems about spring: N. Zhelezkova Snowdrop

Spring has come T. Dmitriev, Elena Prikhodko Coltsfoot, S. Yu. Lizunova Snowdrop.

4. Meeting with parents for the purpose of cooperation on entertainment.

5. Talking with children about the signs of spring, getting to know spring flowers, looking at paintings, listening to music, musical and rhythmic activities.

6. Decorating the music room for the upcoming holiday.

7. Visiting the gallery of spring reproductions by parents together with their children.

Hall decoration: On the central wall there are images of the sun, clouds, birds and flowers, on the floor stylized trees, artificial and fresh flowers in pots and vases.

Characters: Adults: Presenter, Spring, Echo; Children: Birds, Butterflies.

Costumes: Spring, Echo.

Materials and equipment: Flower with petals - tasks, snowdrop flower templates, tape recorder, audio recordings with spring themes, soft brushes, gouache paints ( different color), watercolor, foam swabs, pokes

Cotton swabs, an unfinished drawing with snowdrops on a sheet of whatman paper, pine cones, 2-3 baskets, flower sprigs for each child, a ball, flowers made of blue, red, yellow and white cardboard, cut into petals and cores.

Progress of entertainment:

Children, accompanied by the song "Spring" (composer S. Randa), enter the hall and sit on chairs.


Hello, Dear guests and parents.

We invite you to the spring holiday.

Spring has come again,

Again she brought a holiday,

Please accept our congratulations,

And watch the children's performance!

1 Child

Spring came! Spring is red!

With green grass by the window.

I hung earrings on a white-legged birch tree.

Spring is everywhere! Spring is everywhere!

In an animal hole and in a nest!

2 Child

Spring has come, clear

Red Spring has come,

With sticky buds

With the first leaves.

3 Child

Spring came

The drops are ringing

Bird trills can be heard everywhere

And the skies became higher

The beauty of snowdrops is visible.

4 Child

Red Spring has come to us

And brought fun

The grass is turning green,

Sing songs to the birds,

I let the gardens bloom in spring,

And we need to grow up quickly.

5 Child

The sky turned bright blue

The sun warmed the earth.

From beyond the mountains, from beyond the seas

Flocks of cranes are rushing.

Streams in the forest sing,

And the snowdrops are blooming.

Everyone woke up from sleep.

It came to us...

Children (together) Spring.


I know they're waiting for me everywhere,

Everyone in the world needs me.

I bring joy to people

And my name is Spring!

Hello guys,

Hello dear guests!

So let's all be together

Let's sing a song about spring. (Children perform A song about spring

A phonogram of forest noise sounds.


Grandfather Echo lives in the forest,

It's just fun to talk to him,

If we all shout ayy


Then we will hear in response

Echo(from behind the door):



Let's all say: Come here

Echo answers



Let's shout to grandfather: Where are you?

Echo answers



Enough, grandfather, to be naughty,

If only you could joke.

Come here!

We are waiting for you!

(Echo enters with a basket in her hands)

I live in the forest

I scream all day.

I just want to say

That I love to play

Make a joke, pamper,

Songs to sing and dance.


Hello, Grandpa Echo! What's in your basket?

My forest animals

They sent us their toys. (Takes out a bag of pine cones from the basket)

Here the squirrels gave me cones,

So that we can play with them here.

Game - attraction Who will collect more cones in the basket?

Children and parents are divided into 2-3 teams and collect cones into baskets while music plays. The team that completes the task faster wins.


Well done guys!

We played from the heart.

I have a picture

In the picture there is a forest all around,

And there are snowdrifts too.

Only through the snowdrift, kids,

Flowers of unprecedented beauty are springing up.

Shows children an unfinished painting


I don't understand anything. Where are the flowers - primroses?

I was in a hurry and didn’t have time to finish the picture. Maybe the guys can help me decorate the picture with snowdrops?


Of course, Grandpa Echo, children and adults will draw your favorite spring flowers.

The thawed patches were warmed by the sun from above,

And the first spring flowers bloomed.

To our delight, the most delicate snowdrops are showing off.

Just let people not tear them, but just admire them.

Against the background of music Snowdrop

P. Tchaikovsky, all children and adults draw in unconventional ways the collective work Snowdrops in a clearing. Parents trace snowdrop flowers according to the template, and children color them.


Echo, get some rest

Sit on the stump.

Children won't let you get bored

They will sing and dance.

Who's looking gloomy here?

The music starts again!

Get ready, kids.

Now it's time to dance!

Dance with flowers (Collection. Jingle the song

1. The flowers scattered,

Bright bouquets. Children with flowers are running around the hall

Flashed here and there

And they bloom in the sun.

2. Spin, spin

Show yourself to the kids. Spinning

Spin around, spin around

Show yourself to the kids.

3. Dance, flowers,

Bright bouquets. Making a spring

Squat, squat

And amuse the kids.

4. Breeze, come

And shake the flowers. They shake their hands,

Yes - yes - yes, come In which flowers are kept

And shake the flowers.


And I also prepared a surprise. I have greetings from Summer - A lovely, complex flower.

When I touch lightly

To the bud of a sleeping flower,

With a wave of your hand

The flower will open its petals!

Spring touches a closed flower with a spring twig. The petals of the flower open.

What tasks are hidden in the flower,

Do you kids want to know?

Then let's get started quickly!

Let's pick the petal and read the task!

A melody sounds. Spring picks a petal and reads the assignment.

Spring 1 task (blue petal)

Question: Do you know what birds come to us in the spring? What are their names?

Answer: Starlings, rooks, nightingales, swallows, and rooks fly to us. These are migratory birds.


Spring is upon us, spring is upon us

Spring has come to us,

The starlings have arrived,

They sat down to clean their feathers.

I'll go to the green garden

The nightingales are whistling there,

The cherries are blooming

The birds are waking up.

6 Child

Skvorushka, come,

Choose your own house

On a high tree

With a wide porch

Yes, fistulas more often,

Let the doody be louder

Bring out the songs loudly.


And here the squirrels are flying,

All guys are invited.

Who's smart here?

Let's play now.

Outdoor game with chairs - birdhouses Who will occupy the birdhouse faster?


To the Song of the Lark

Composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, birds fly and birdhouses try to occupy them.

SpringTask 2 (red petal)

A game Spring words

(characteristic features spring)

All players (adults and children) stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. The person who catches the ball must name something spring and immediately throw the ball to another child or adult.


Well done guys!

We played from the heart.

Spring Task 3 (green petal)

Now, my boys, guess the riddles.

She comes with affection

And with my fairy tale,

He waves his magic wand -

The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.


Blue handkerchief

Scarlet Ball

Rolls across the sky

Smiles at people.

(Sky, sun)

Palace on a tree

There is a singer in the palace.

What kind of palace is this?


Lying between the trees

Pillow with needles.

She lay quietly

Then suddenly she ran away.


In a white sundress

She stood in the clearing.

The tits were flying,

They sat on their braids.



And our guys know how to dance around a birch tree. And we have our own birch tree. Look how slim and beautiful she is. (Brings out the girl - birch tree


Come on, play the music!

Invite us to dance!

A round dance is being performed At the birch tree


We dance and sing

Let's clap our hands

We don’t get tired at all,

With good music.

Spring Task 4 (yellow petal)

Let's continue the holiday, let's have fun playing!

Relay race Collect a flower

2 teams are created from children and parents. 2 flowers made of blue and red, yellow and white cardboard, cut into petals and cores. The flower parts are in disarray. After the signal, the participants of both teams, on the petal a certain color, collect a flower. The team that completes the task faster wins.

2 girls run in - butterflies

They fly towards the collected flowers, their wings are not colored.

Spring Task 5 (orange petal)

Color the wings of the butterflies

Teams of children and parents are created. It is necessary to paint the wings of butterflies using an unconventional method (with a foam swab, poking

With cotton swabs) as quickly and accurately as possible.


(7 child)

We'll spread our wings

The pattern on them is beautiful.

We are spinning, fluttering,

What space all around!

We arrived at the meadow

And here we dance the waltz.

And it seems that with us

The whole meadow began to dance.


When the music starts playing

Gathers all the dancers.

Come on, everyone get up together

Let's start the happy dance.

Plastic sketch The most beautiful butterfly

Children and adults are invited to participate. To the music, all participants make smooth movements, similar to the flight of a butterfly. At the end of the music, they freeze in different positions. Spring chooses the most beautiful butterfly.

What great guys you all are: you sing, you dance, you know a lot about birds and plants.

Are you familiar with the rules of behavior in nature?

Children and adults name the rules:

Don't break tree branches.

Do not damage the bark of trees.

Don't touch birds' nests.

Don't make noise in the forest.

Don't destroy anthills.

Never throw garbage into waterways.

How much fun you have there kindergarten!

Thank you for inviting me to visit,

I was amused.

But now it's time for me to go to the forest,

Goodbye, kids! But before I go, I will please you. A magical tree blossomed in the forest, and magical candies grew on it. Whoever eats the candy will hear the voices of the forest, and will never violate the rules of behavior in the forest.

A small tree is brought out on a stand with candies hanging on it. (Echo leaves)


You greeted me kindly

They greeted us with song and dance.

I will give everyone a gift,

I won't deprive anyone!

A tray of pie is brought out...

Now it's time for me to go to the fields and forests.

Come visit, my friends. (Spring is leaving).


We are ending our fairy tale,

What else can we say?

Let me say goodbye

We wish you good health!

Thank you for your attention! (to parents)

Thank you for your efforts, (children)

Our deepest bow to all of you!

The children leave the hall to the music.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten No. 57 “Rainbow”

Entertainment summary

in senior group No. 1

on the topic of:


Prepared by:

Rumyantseva M. V.

Emelyanova N. P.

Stary Oskol - 2014

Topic: “Spring!”

Program content:continue to introduce children to Russian folk art. Improve children's ability to move and perform dance moves. Create a cheerful, joyful mood for children. To cultivate in children emotional responsiveness to Russian folk songs, dances and games.

(Children enter the hall and sing the song “Kulik-Spring”)

  • Kulik-spring!

What did you come with?

  • On the whip

On the clamp.

  • Leave the sleigh

Take the cart!

We will go near Rostov

Bow to spring

Drink from the spring.

Leading. Spring! Blessed, long-awaited! People have written many songs, poems, and sayings about this time of year.

Go, spring,

Go red!

Bring me a spike of rye,

oat sheaf,

Big harvest

To our region!

Presenter (to children). Guys! Which birds return first from warmer climes?(Children answer: “rooks.”)That's right, with their arrival spring begins.

What months is spring divided into?

Popularly, spring is divided into the spring of light (March - thaw), the spring of water (April - snowmobile) and the spring of green grass (May - grass).

March is the first month of spring. There is still snow, but the sun is warming more gently. No wonder they say: “Spring, light up the light!”

All the children (speaking):

Mother spring is coming,

Open the gate.

The first of March has come-

He spent all the children;

And behind it is April-

He opened the window and the door;

And when May came,

Walk as much as you want!

(Spring leads a chain of all the children through the gate and starts a circle. “Swallow” appears (a girl in a swallow costume)).


Swallow, swallow,

Sweet swallow.

Where were you?

What did you come with?


Been overseas

I got the spring,

I bring, I bring Spring - red!

What a glorious day!

Get ready, people, for a round dance!

Let's walk around

Let's have some fun in the spring.

Let's start a round dance,

Let's all drink together:

  • Hello, hello, spring!

Performed, Russian folk song “The winter is already passing”» (edited by I. Arseev).

Leading. Now let's play. Let's count first (in unison)


The birds were singing

Soared -

They flew to the forest,

The birds' nests have become

Build nests.

Who doesn't howl -

Drive him!

Russian folk game“I catch birds on the fly.”

Game “Catching Birds on the Fly”

(Children are put on hats with pictures of birds on their heads. The text addressed to the trap is pronounced)

(The catcher (driver) catches up with the birds and tries to touch them. The one who gets caught drops out of the game.)

Leading. April is the second month of spring, spring of water.

People have long said: “April is Aquarius!”

Children (one by one). Water flowed from the mountains - it brought spring! April streams wake everyone up. April will get everyone drunk.

Leading. In April, the days become longer and warmer. Nature awakens. The first spring rains will fall.

1st child. Rain, rain,

Have fun!

Drip, drip,

Do not be sorry!

Just don't kill us!

Don't knock on the window in vain!

Splash more into the field:

The grass will become thicker!

2nd child. Rainbow-arc,

Let it rain!

From the bucket-lagoon

To the forests, to the meadows.

3rd child.

Rain, rain, water!

There will be a glorious harvest!

And rowan and viburnum,

And a merry round dance

Red maidens at the gate.

Leading. Round dances have long been held in Rus'. The accordion will play, the eyes will shine, the cheeks will glow - and into the circle! They especially loved to do the round dance “And we sowed millet.” Let's start this round dance too.

(Children lead a round dance “And we sowed millet» (arranged by I. Arceez). The Russian folk song “In the Forge” is staged. Children perform movements according to the lyrics of the song.)

Leading. Braid, wattle, braid,

Wind up, golden trumpet!

And now we will play the game “Weave”.

GAME "Wattage"

Children, holding hands, become four ranks (one opposite the other). To the music of a Russian folk melody, each of the ranks in turn walks towards the opposite rank and bows. After bowing, the children return to their original place. As the merry dance begins, the children leave their ranks, disperse throughout the room, and dance using well-known dance movements. With the end of the music, each line must take its original place, and the children quickly and correctly “braid the fence” and hold hands crosswise.

Leading. May is the third month of spring, spring of green grass. Leaves are blooming on the trees, nightingales and finches are singing in the forests... in May the first thunderstorms thunder.

Children (one by one).Spring rain is never too much. Just as there is rain in May, so there will be rye.

Leading. In May, spring work begins in the fields, vegetable gardens and orchards.

Sunshine, sunshine,

Red bucket,

Rise high

Shine far:

To the dark forests,

On damp borochki,

To the river, to the fields,

To the blue seas,

To the green garden

And for all the people.

RUSSIAN FOLK GAME “Burners with a handkerchief”

(The participants in the game stand in pairs, one behind the other. The leader is in front, holding a handkerchief in his hand above his head.)


Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

(The children of the last pair run along the column (one on the right, the other on the left). The one who runs to the driver first takes a handkerchief from him and stands with it in front of the column, and the latecomer “burns”, i.e. leads.)

Leading. And I would be glad to see spring last forever in Rus', may May end and summer begin. And we'll talk about summer next time.


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