Sketch of congratulations from the most famous women. Impromptu scene with the participation of guests for a woman’s anniversary

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In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, and more specifically in the city "" - thirty years ago, with mom and dad

- the boy appeared -

And the news of this shot up.

And so our Seryozha was born!

Where are you, Seryozha? - Show up!

The soundtrack contains words from the song "I good boy!" - the hero of the day appears in a cap - slits for the head.

Can you hear his screams? (baby cries)

So that he doesn’t scream, we’ll give him a pacifier right away. (He has a cap on his head)

So he was born, stretched his arms (stretched), stomped his feet (stomped)

and fell asleep (shows that he is sleeping) He is asleep, snoring, and we

In the meantime, we’ll sing a song: “Bai-baiushki bayu, where is your mother?” (once again


(the baby is sleeping, put his hands under his cheek,)

I woke up...Seryozha...but my mother wasn’t there, I opened my eyes and started crying again

He spit out the pacifier (spits it out), cries and wants to eat.

I wiped my eyes and washed my face

Presenter. The baby was gluttonous, we won’t hide it.

He was reaching for the bottle, oh, Varnak!

Well, demonstrate this

And show me how it was, how?

The mother of the hero of the day, putting her hands through the slots, takes the bottle with a pacifier from the hands of the presenter and, not seeing the result of her labors, tries to give the hero of the day a drink from the bottle. The soundtrack plays a song performed by the group "Avaria" "Drink Beer!", the guests support the test with applause.

Presenter. That's enough, I'm already drunk!

Seryozha is growing, his teeth are appearing.

Now we want to see - here, in front of the people,

How these teeth are cleaned with a brush.

Transferred to mother or wife Toothbrush, she is trying to brush the teeth of the hero of the day, cheerful music is playing.

Presenter. Once the teeth have appeared, you need to eat.

This is a banana inflorescence!

It is necessary to clean before taking a sample,

Come on, Galina, feed me, try it!

A banana is given to the mother, she peels it and feeds the hero of the day. The soundtrack plays the children's song "Our happiness is constantly chewing coconuts, eating bananas, chunga-changa"

Presenter. Our Seryozha has eaten and treated himself,

And we could stop our test here,

But, friends, it’s no good to walk around uncombed -

It's time for the boy to comb his bangs!

Mom is given a comb, lines from the song performed by A. Varum “Charming” are heard, mom combs the hair of the hero of the day.

presenter: the baby grew up, went to school, physical education lesson: how to ride a bike, how to run, how to do exercises, ( right hand up, left leg to the side) and vice versa

Presenter. Of course, many years have passed, We are all watching the test -

The waters have already flown under the sea -

We remember the last gesture.

I grew up a little and decided that it was time to give up childhood.

Seryozha. took off the cap, cleverly tied the scarf on the side (we tied it) and off we went

to the disco (music), Seryozha dances, stamps his feet, hands

slams (shows), dances, and even squeaks. The music is cool, the girl is watching

corner girl hanging out

He decided to meet her, but for courage he drank a glass (drinks)

, lit a cigarette, he quickly called her (calls).

Nadya jumped up, ran up to him, and let them dance together (he with his arms, legs,

she is nearby, the music is fast) Nadya is happy

that Seryozha chose her, and let her perform a belly dance in front of him (resp.

music) They danced. Serezha really liked it and

the time has come, I fell in love,

He invited Nadezhda to marry

And so it happened - I burst into tears,

At least he held his feelings in his fist!

And you, Mommy, take a handkerchief here,

Wipe away the tears of farewell to youth.

And here our performance will end.

We wipe away our tears - One, two, three

Mom, having received a handkerchief, wipes away the imaginary tears of the hero of the day; the chorus of the song “I’m Crying” performed by T. Bulanova sounds in the soundtrack. The banner is removed, the presenter sums up

A cool birthday scenario “Everything for you” is intended for celebrating at home with family and friends. Suitable for women of any age and designed for a company of up to 30 people.

Additionally, you need to organize funny congratulations from unexpected guests, gifts from children, and other entertainment - this will help create the right mood for everyone present. Guests and the birthday girl will receive a charge of humor, positive emotions and vivid memories of a fun birthday.


It is important to pay Special attention decorating the room in which the celebration is planned to create a festive atmosphere. There is a “Happy Birthday” banner hanging on the wall; from photographs of the birthday girl you can make an applique in the form of a number - the age of the hero of the occasion. Guests will be interested to see how the birthday girl has changed with age.

You can entertain your guests with a photo zone, which you can easily make with your own hands. For example, create a wall of paper flowers different sizes or decorate with balloons. You can download a photo zone template on the Internet and make a large-format print.


Playing important role at any holiday. The repertoire should be thought out in advance, including the tastes of all invited guests. Music helps you get in the mood for the celebration, so it’s best to turn it on as soon as guests arrive. While waiting for latecomers, music lifts the mood.


  • 3 helium balloons;
  • broom with bow;
  • photo frame with a family photo;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • medal or cup “The Best Mom”;
  • a bag of tasks;
  • photo frame size 50x40;
  • multi-colored markers.

For Japanese:

  • robe;
  • wide belt;
  • sushi sticks or pencils to do your hair.


Leading: Words cannot describe how beautiful you are. And on this day of your birthday, we want to wish you many sunny days, radiant smiles, sincere friends and women's happiness. Be ready to accept congratulations all day long!
Dear guests, the rules of today's holiday are simple, please read:

1. Put sadness and sadness aside.
2. There is no need to be shy, dance until you drop.
3. Don’t get too drunk, don’t meet under the table, don’t kiss the salad.
4. Raise toasts to the birthday girl more often.
5. Don’t forget to give gifts.

We will punish violators to the fullest extent of the law. Dear guests, today there will be many more wishes addressed to the birthday girl. I know each of you has something to say! I propose to raise the first toast to the birthday girl. Let this day be remembered by you as one of the best, brightest, and most cheerful. We have gathered here for you. Happy birthday!

(Short break for a snack after the first toast)

Leading: Friends, who knows why men drink while standing up to women?

(Guests express their guesses)

Leading: Good options, but in fact, men drink while standing so as not to hear the phrase “Stop, you’ve had enough” from the ladies sitting next to you. So, men, I ask you to stand up and drink to the ladies present here - women friends and relatives of the birthday girl!

Leading: I hope you had time to have a little snack and talk, because now a surprise awaits you. Dear (name), having learned about your birthday, a special guest flew in from a very distant country. He did not fly alone, but with a translator, because he does not speak Russian at all. Are you ready to accept congratulations?

Congratulations from the Japanese

We need two: a Japanese and a translator. It is advisable to change clothes: a robe, a wide belt, and a hairstyle will do. The Japanese man has a broom hidden in his hands - a gift for the birthday girl.

Japanese: Nihau good-natured mare and mare san
Translator: Greetings, dear ladies and gentlemen!
Japanese: Watashi shine a light into Yaponidze's eye.
Translator: I am a representative of the land of the rising sun - Japan.
Japanese: For some reason Pepper's mother is Japanese.
Translator: I came to congratulate (name) on his birthday on behalf of the entire Japanese people.
Japanese: The bast shines, the mare’s dignity cannot be changed.
Translator: I wish you a lot of happiness, good luck, family well-being.
Japanese: Don't show off your snot, don't break the dishes.
Translator: May every day be filled with joy.
Japanese: Fuck the Euro, let the lotus bloom on your head.
Translator: A lot of money in your wallet, pure thoughts in your head.
Japanese: You want autumn.
Translator: I am glad to be present at this wonderful holiday today.
Japanese: Kharya is our Japanese mother.
Translator: On behalf of the entire Japanese people.
Japanese: I would like to give away this idleness.
Translator: Allow me to present you with this expensive gift.
Japanese: Get rid of whining.
Translator: Let him protect your home from sadness and adversity.
Japanese: Bloom like sakura!
Translator: Happy Birthday!

Leading: I think it’s a very good congratulations. (Name), let's invite the representative of the Japanese state and his assistant to the table, and drink to friendship between peoples!


Leading: Here we are all gathered at this table for the sake of our dear birthday girl. Family, friends, and work colleagues are present here. Each of you knows something about (name) that others do not know. It's time to show your cards! Everyone should tell some fact about the birthday girl, starting with the phrase “I know that (name of the birthday girl) ....” For example, I know that (name) is celebrating his birthday today.

(The game begins, during which the guests try to praise the birthday girl as much as possible.)

Leading: Our beloved (name), you have heard so much about yourself, all your secrets have been revealed. Tell me, don’t you regret inviting us? We are ready to make amends with a good toast, it will be said by the eldest representative of your family. Attention, the floor is given to grandmother (grandfather, mother, etc.).

(A toast sounds)

Leading: A lot has already been said today good wishes, but a birthday is not only congratulations, but also gifts. Dear, get ready to receive gifts from the people closest to you - your children.
Children prepare gifts in advance, the presentation of which is accompanied by poetry.

Congratulations from the children

We will always remain children for you,
There was so much between us.
We'll keep it all
Save it too best moments, Mother. (Photo frame with photo)

To our beloved mother
Only the best flowers.
Always be so beautiful
Let your dreams come true. (Bouquet of flowers)

Thank you, mommy, for everything:
Care, tenderness and love.
Responsible for your words
We are the children of the best mother in the world. (Medal or cup “The best mother”)

Leading: From a very distant and little-known country, the Sopranos came to congratulate the birthday girl, modest chorus girls. They are very shy and worried, let's support them with applause.

Congratulations from fairy-tale heroes

Before leaving, the host gives 3 guests each helium balloon. You need to draw in air to make your voice high. The characters perform a song adaptation to the tune of “Here’s someone coming down the hill”:

We came to congratulate you on your birthday
And wish from the bottom of my heart
Good luck, joy, luck
And never lose heart.

It doesn't matter how many years have passed
Everything is also good (name).
Continue to bloom like a rose
And let your soul sing.

Good health and money,
Mutual and great love
And many, many birthdays
Also note young.

We sang this song
Without falsehood, imaginary and lies,
And in conclusion they wanted
Say “Bloom, (name), bloom!”

Leading: Today we raised our glasses to the birthday girl. They wished a lot of good things. And to make things more fun, I propose to drink to the guests!

(Pause for snack)

Leading: A holiday is not only about sitting around the table, but also about movement, fun, and laughter. I suggest stretching out a little and dancing.

(Dancing begins)

Leading: Each of you came here to wish (name) a happy birthday, right? But that’s not true! You can't fool the presenter. The presenter knows everything and will lead anyone to “ clean water" I have in my hands magic cards that can read people's thoughts!

I came to my birthday because...

The host selectively approaches the guests and invites everyone to choose one card on which the true reason for the guest’s presence at the holiday will be written.

1. I wanted to drink for free.
2. It was necessary to hide from my wife/husband.
3. Not a single holiday is complete without me.
4. I have something to say to the birthday girl.
5. The door to my apartment slammed, but the keys remained inside.
6. I want to find my soulmate here.
7. I am a secret agent and collect dirt on everyone.
8. I was forced.
9. The food here is delicious.
10. The birthday girl means a lot to me and I want to share such an event with her.

Leading: Don’t be in a hurry to get bored, let’s continue playing.

Game "Special bag"

The guests are sitting at the table. Music plays, they pass each other a bag with tasks in any order. Whoever the music stops on takes the task out of the bag and completes it. If someone refuses to complete a task, he should make a nice toast. If the guests agree that the toast is good, the bag is passed on.

An anniversary is not an ordinary birthday, but a transition to a new stage of life. That is why it is customary to celebrate the anniversary on a grand scale. And so that the holiday does not become simple gatherings at the table, you need to add a little emotion and fun by playing out funny scenes. When preparing scenes for a woman’s anniversary, you need to pay special attention to costumes: they should be bright and unusual. And, of course, don’t forget about musical accompaniment and decorations.

No. 1 – “District”

Characters : district police officer, witnesses The district policeman enters Good evening. Allow me to introduce myself - Senior Lieutenant Ivanov, your local police officer. So, let's celebrate? Which one of you is a citizen (name of the birthday girl)? You? There is an anonymous complaint against you, which is why I came. Witnesses, come in. Witnesses come in So it is, citizen. Have you guessed yet why I came to you? No, not for the anniversary. Well, if you look closely, this holiday becomes direct evidence of the accusation against you. The point is this: the complaint states that you are in possession of an illegal moonshine still. Do you deny? Then why is there so much alcohol on the table? Did you buy it? Where did you get so much money! I immediately understood - drive it yourself! And aren’t you ashamed, citizen (last name)? Right under the nose of the authorities, without a license! What about taxes? What if you poison the whole area for me here? Good vodka you say? Well, let the witnesses judge. Pour for the witnesses. They pour it to the witnesses and at the same time offer it to the policeman. I'm on duty, so no need. The witnesses take the glasses, and the policeman stops them. Stop, comrades. How can I draw up a protocol if I don’t check it myself? Oh, I’ll have to take part in the identification too. They pour it to the district police officer, everyone clinks glasses and drinks. Eh, good! I mean, it’s a bit strong, it won’t do much... But I want it! What will the witnesses say to this? Fine? Good. Well, citizen, you have a good moonshine still! It’s somehow shameful to even take it away, especially on a birthday. Okay, pour another glass to make the protocol faster and easier to write. Well, now it’s not a sin to have a snack. Do you have any snacks? Yes, I know there will be! After all, I found my way here by smell! After all, the hero of the day is the director of a meat processing plant. How is it not? I have recorded in detail here in my anonymous account: how much moonshine and how much sausage. So, what kind of sausage do you like? (The birthday girl calls.) So do I! But I rarely try this: I have a busy job - I run around all day, no snacks, no drinks. I mean, neither sit nor eat. And the salary is tiny, just like this little glass. Oh, why is it empty? Witnesses, did you come here for identification or what? Pour it, and I’ll read the protocol: During the inspection it was established: The citizen (birthday girl) has moonshine still… years. After explanatory and preventive work, she made her verbal promise not to use it again. Literally: “I promise not to do this again, I’ll do it differently.” Based on the above, the police commissioner, Senior Lieutenant Ivanov, decided: To oblige the citizen (name of the birthday girl) to distill moonshine exclusively for her own needs, that is, to treat only her relatives and guests, especially Senior Lieutenant Ivanov. Date of compilation and signatures of witnesses. Well, (name of the birthday girl), formally everything is clean. So we can continue the celebration. Witnesses, pour it! Happy anniversary, citizen (name of the birthday girl)!

No. 2 – “The Doctor’s Visit”

Characters: doctor Someone dresses up in a doctor's costume and, instead of another toast, reads out the medical testimony of the birthday girl. They should be beautifully designed in the form of a letter. Dear guests, I was in a hurry to go to the holiday to check the health of our hero of the day. So, after observing her condition a little, I can read out her medical testimony to you, if, of course, she doesn’t mind. Last name and first name of the birthday girl Age: in his prime. Blood type: real “blood and milk” Tone of life: fully developed Pulse: It is not always possible to measure, because it is in full swing. Heartbeat: fickle - sometimes ticking like a clock, sometimes jumping from an excess of emotions and excitement. Vision: 100%, can notice any little things. Smell: subtle sense of smell - can easily determine where the wind is blowing from and with whom the husband communicated the day before. Hearing: like a big ear.

Diseases: falls into hibernation for no particular reason after a luxurious dinner at a restaurant and while reading books. Daily regime: V Lately Instead of walking, I switched to sitting and even lying down. Conclusion: the patient is absolutely healthy and is just beginning to live. Recommendations:

  • more assets;
  • less negativity;
  • take from life everything that is still not received due to hard work.

The certificate is presented to the hero of the occasion amid applause.

No. 3 – “The Cleaning Lady”

This small scene done during a break between other numbers, or performed when everyone is sitting at the table. Characters: cleaning woman. A cleaning lady appears on the stage in a believable image - a robe, a mop, a bucket of water. And he begins to wash the floor (not for fun). Leading(or one of the guests): What are you doing here, it’s actually a holiday here! Cleaning woman: I need to work. All sorts of people come here and get dirty, and I wipe them off until midnight. (continues to grumble quietly and wash the floor). The presenter chuckles and leaves. At this time, the guests continue to celebrate, and the cleaning lady continues to clean the floor. At some point, she must leave for a while and exchange it for the same bucket, only filled with confetti instead of water.

After this she goes to the edge of the stage (or festive table) and with a calm look pours the contents of the bucket onto the guests with all his might. Usually, everyone tries to dodge, and then laughs for a long time.

No. 4 – “Babe”

Characters: presenter, baby. It’s better to cast the role of a baby doll full man and dress him up like a little girl: bows on his head, lace pantaloons to the knee, a small blouse, a toy in his hand, and so on. Presenter: Dear guests! Let's remind our birthday girl of a carefree time - childhood. Moreover, we have a guest who can tell us about it with complete confidence. The “babe” runs out skipping and begins to sing in a child’s voice (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”).

I'm a tiny girl

I don't sit still

(Insert name of the hero of the day), like candy,

I appreciate it the most!

Everyone calls me baby

But everyone sees for themselves:

My big belly

You can see it here and there!

In your favorite children's dress

I came to you for the holiday,

To the beautiful birthday girl

I have some surprises in store.

They are sitting beautiful

Among your guests!

Very tasty for this

The candy will be for her!

The little one runs to the hero of the day and presents a sweet present - a large candy, coin or medal.

No. 5 – “Fortune Teller”

Characters: gypsy woman A gypsy woman appears with a bag. It contains Kinder Surprise eggs. You need to unpack them in advance and come up with them for each toy. comic prediction, if it works out, you can improvise. There are as many eggs as there are guests plus the birthday girl. If the budget is limited, then you can take a few eggs and the gypsy herself will choose the people to tell fortunes for, without forgetting about the hero of the occasion.

Today to each of you

I will predict a simple fate.

I'll find the solution quickly

Taking one look at the essence.

Take an egg each

Forgetting about your age and position!

Let what's hiding below

No. 6 – “Eastern Guest”

Characters: old man Hottabych Old man Hottabych appears, dressed in a robe, a turban and holding in his hands a rug and a small bag (in it are pieces of paper with numbers for completing tasks). He bows and addresses everyone present: Hello, honorable guests and the most beautiful of the birthday girls! He lays out a rug and sits on it. Then he turns to the birthday girl: Oh, the sun of my life, the most beautiful (name of the birthday girl)! I have come here from a distant land to fulfill your wishes. But first I would like to be convinced of your wisdom and ask some tricky questions. If, of course, you allow it. The hero of the day allows it. I obey, my lady. First, I’ll ask you this: is it possible to celebrate a birthday two days in a row? The answer is no, because they are separated by night. My incomparable one! Listen next question: What does the birthday girl have, but other people use it more often? The answer is the name. And now, my sun and stars, I will fulfill your deepest desires, and the honorable guests will help me with this. He gets up, bows and goes to the guests. Dear guests. Now you will fulfill the wishes of our dear (name). To do this, you must be ready for anything and complete tasks without hesitation. Now, pull out your tickets. Each person is given a bag from which a piece of paper with a number is drawn. Then Hottabych gives the task by number.

To cheer everyone up,

You should sing a little.

Kohl arrived for the anniversary,

Drink a glass quickly!

Giving a little happiness,

Take the swallow pose.

And with deep respect,

Make a short toast!

You, my friend, got the right

Give your neighbor on the right a kiss!

Give a compliment

To the hero of the day from the heart.

Our birthday girl

Just a fairy tale - top class!

Come to her quickly

And hug me tightly.

Kiss the hero of the day,

Just don't hurt!

Well, my friend, come on,

Tell me a joke.

When all tasks are completed, Hottabych says: Oh, incomparable (name)! There is one more gift left with which I want to please your beautiful eyes and ears. This oriental dance is for you! You can take two or three guests as performers, both women and men, who have not previously been involved in the competition. Oriental music comes on and Hottabych dances with them. After finishing, he approaches the hero of the occasion, bows and says: My lady, I am leaving, but leaving you in good hands: your guests will always fulfill your wishes. Well, I'll be back for the next anniversary.

An anniversary is a special date, so you can’t leave it unnoticed. Well, funny scenes will not leave even the most serious guests indifferent.

Impromptu with the participation of guests.
Roles are assigned among the guests and they are given a text. Jubilee - the hero of the occasion (""), Friends ("Happy anniversary!"), MEN ("Pour it up!"), G o st ь (“Where am I?”), Zhen agosti (“Let’s have a bite!”), Tamada (“”).

Leading: Once I gathered for an anniversary
The company is cheerful alone.
Everyone sang songs to the hero of the day
And they drank glasses to the bottom.
And they were all so cheerful,
And the hero of the day treated everyone...
Anniversary girl: Drink, eat, dear guests!
Leading: There was noise and loud laughter at the table.
Friends congratulated...
Girlfriends: Happy anniversary!
Leading: The men were screaming...
Men: Pour it up!
Leading: Then some Guest suddenly asked...
Guest: And where am I?
Leading: His wife...
Guest's wife: Come on, have a snack!
Leading: But Tamada spoke without stopping.
There is no end to his speeches!
I chose the right toast, congratulating the hero of the day...
Toastmaster: Live - don't be discouraged for another hundred years!
Leading: They gave all the gifts to the hero of the day:
A car, a doll, a hairdryer, a box of chocolates,
A coffee pot, a brooch, 100 rubles and slippers.
No one has such gifts!
Everyone liked the gifts for the hero of the day.
To celebrate, I kissed everyone...
Anniversary girl: Drink, eat, dear guests!
Leading: For this, it’s not a sin for everyone to drink again!
Friends hugged...
Girlfriends: Happy anniversary!
Leading: Men, as usual...
Men: Pour it up!
Leading: And the Guest suddenly woke up...
Guest: And where am I?
Leading: The wife carefully...
Guest's wife: Come on, have a snack!
Leading: And Tamada, having already taken a little,
As said! (Sorry, there is no microphone.)
He strictly observed the main toast...
Toastmaster: Live - don't be discouraged for another hundred years!
Leading: Let's all go dance, inviting partners,
And twist, and step, and even rock and roll.
Eh, they lit it up, crouching down with a scream,
And some of them fell under the table.
They just made the hero of the day laugh,
She became younger, blossomed...
Anniversary girl: Drink, eat, dear guests!
Leading: And she poured glasses full for everyone.
The friends got drunk...
Girlfriends: Happy anniversary!
Leading: The men did not sober up...
Men: Pour it up!
Leading: Then the Guest from under the table asked...
Guest: And where am I?
Leading: Wife, shaking her leg...
Guest's wife: Come on, have a snack!
Leading: And Tamada (how did he stay on his feet?)
Already shouted to the whole wide world,
And he didn’t forget the main toast, he tried...
Toastmaster: Live - don't be discouraged for another hundred years!
Leading: Then they sang songs about different things,
All about love, about happiness, about spring.
And the women wiped away tears,
The men smoked more than one.
It’s like everyone forgot the snack and vodka,
At least the hero of the day treated me again...
Anniversary girl: Drink, eat, dear guests!
Leading: And everyone decided to drink to love!
The friends perked up...
Girlfriends: Happy anniversary!
Leading: The men perked up...
Men: Pour it up!
Leading: The salad guest muttered...
Guest: And where am I?
Leading: My wife gave me some advice...
Guest's wife: Come on, have a snack!
Leading: But Tamada was silent (he probably fell asleep).
The guests didn’t worry, no!
After all, everyone remembered the main toast correctly...
All. Live - don't be discouraged for another hundred years!
Leading: There is a moral in every story.
I will say this in the first person:
Now, if it weren’t for the wife who doesn’t forget about her husband,
He would not have lived to see the end of the fairy tale!

If you are organizing a celebration of an anniversary, then you need to prepare well for it. Be sure to come up with funny pranks and games for guests. It’s even better if you have a couple of skits that will make guests laugh so hard that they will fall off their chairs. For example, the scene: hu and li is great option for the anniversary. Hu and Li are the names of foreign guests who came from far away to congratulate the hero of the occasion on the anniversary. The names alone will cause delight and laughter among guests. And you will find out for yourself what will happen next.

Everyone knows how great it is to get together with a group of friends and sit out in the evening. And to make it even better and more interesting for you, there are new impromptu fairy tales for a drunken group of friends for various holidays. For example, for an anniversary or New Year, birthday or just for friendly gatherings. See our ideas, take something for yourself and have fun.

How to sit well with friends, drink beer and discuss last news. But sooner or later, simple get-togethers get boring and you need more. You want to have fun and laugh to make the evening even better and brighter. What should you play? Maybe new fairy tale adaptations for drunken company? It is very easy to role-play such fairy tales. You just need to assign roles, and then everything will go by itself. Look at our ideas and try to bring them to life.

Whatever holiday you celebrate, you always need to organize games and competitions, have fun game blocks and even make fairy tales and performances! But in order to show a fairy tale or a play, you need to rehearse, but there is no time for this. How to be? This is where an instant impromptu performance comes to the rescue. fun company, which does not require preparation and rehearsals. You only need to select guests to participate in the performances. Give them a role and words and that’s it - you can show the skit to the audience, who will definitely appreciate it.


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