Is Victoria a lucky name? Victorious Victoria: the meaning of the name and its fate

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Forms of the name Victoria

Frequently found variations of the name: Viki, Vikusya, Vika, Vikulya, Vikta, Viktusya, Tosha, Tusya, Vikusha, Vita (Vitya), Vitulya, Vitusya, Vikuka, Kusya, Vitusha (Vityusha), Vityanya (Vitana), Vira, Tora ( Torya), Tori, Viktorka

The name Victoria in different languages

Name Victoria in English: Victoria (Victoria)
Name Victoria in Chinese: 维克托莉娅 (Waketolia)
Name Victoria in Japanese: ヴィクトーリア (Vi-ku-to-ri-a)
Name Victoria in Spanish: Victoria (Victoria)
Name Victoria in German: Victoria (Victoria)
Name Victoria in Polish: Wiktoria (Victoria)
Name Victoria in Ukrainian: Victoria

Origin of the name Victoria:

Today, there are several theories about the origin of the name Victoria.

According to the first theory, the name Victoria came to us from Ancient Greece. There is a modified form of it - which, translated, means “victorious”.

According to another theory, Victoria is very... It is found in Roman mythology. This name is given to the ancient Roman goddess of victory, whose cult existed long before the appearance of the Roman-Greek pantheon of gods.

Victoria's character

Victoria spends a long time sorting out suitors. The reason for this is not a bad character, as may be thought, and not her high requirements to the future spouse, but indecision. She is always like this when it comes to some significant step in her life. After marriage, still not believing in what had happened, she continues to have doubts about the correctness of her step. A sensitive, attentive husband will help her gain self-confidence, after which she will literally be transformed. She will become trusting, frank, will love recklessly and strongly, and is ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of her loved one. However, one treacherous act of her husband - and peace of mind violated again. It's a pity! Victoria, although a little lazy, is worthy true love and happiness in marriage. She is a caring and faithful wife.

Characteristics of the name Victoria by season

“Winter” Victoria is ambitious and proud.

“Autumn” - collected, practical. This is a consultant, a programmer, a trade worker. The name matches patronymics: Igorevna, Ivanovna, Vitalievna, Efimovna, Andreevna, Bazhenovna, Valerievna.

“Summer” - not indifferent to men, amorous.

“Spring” - in addition to everything that has been said, it is also insidious, unpredictable, mysterious. She will do well in the service sector.

Astrological features of the name

Incompatibility of the name Victoria

Short form of the name Victoria. Vika, Vikusha, Vicky, Torka, Vikta, Toria, Victorka, Viktosha, Vita, Vitya, Vitulya, Vitusya, Vitusha, Vityusha, Vityanya, Viktusya, Vira, Tora, Torya, Tosha, Tusya.
Synonyms for the name Victoria. Vitoria, Viktoir, Vittoria, Victoria, Vihtoria.
Origin of the name Victoria. The name Victoria is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Victoria comes from the Latin word "Victoria", meaning "victory". The same interpretation is given to this name. In Roman mythology, Victoria is the goddess of victory, corresponds to the Greek goddess of victory Nike, therefore the name Nike is analogous to the name Victoria.

A related name is considered to be the name Victorina. The diminutive forms Tora, Vita are also independent names.

Victoria's baptism Orthodox Church produced under the name Nika. IN Orthodox calendar the name Victoria is not mentioned, Victoria's Catholic name days are indicated.

A woman named Victoria has character traits such as assertiveness, stubbornness, cunning, physical activity and mobility. At the same time, Victoria is a kind, amorous, extremely indecisive and shy person. To compensate for her indecision and assert herself, Vika uses demonstrativeness and pretentiousness: she will either start wearing harsh perfume, or buy an ultra-short skirt, or simply behave hyperactively.

Vika is lazy, can suddenly withdraw into herself, outwardly due to her insecurity she looks timid, but in fact this woman has great internal reserves. She may lie if there is a benefit. Vika is a headstrong and stubborn woman, standing firmly on the ground, with a strong will and a masculine mentality.

IN professional activity Vika shows the same assertiveness and demonstrativeness. However, if obstacles or resistance arise, Victoria will retreat from her plan. This woman is suitable for professions where the result will depend on her. She has a talent for teaching, so she will make an excellent teacher, educator, electronics engineer, scientist, pediatrician, nurse. If she has external characteristics, she can try herself as a fashion model or fashion model. She has excellent organizational skills, so Victoria will make a talented leader. However, Victoria will cope with the role of a housewife no less successfully. Victoria's parents should not prevent her from choosing a profession. Success comes a little late for these women, but Vika will definitely achieve it thanks to her perseverance and diligence.

In choosing a partner, Victoria proves to be a picky woman due to her indecisiveness. Even after getting married, Vika will doubt the correctness of this step for a long time. Her partner should be a sensitive and attentive man who will give Vika confidence in her abilities. In return, Victoria will give her partner trust and frankness, sincere love and a willingness to give everything for her beloved. Victoria will be a caring wife and a good housewife. She will never forgive her husband for deception or infidelity. Vika is a temperamental woman; as a rule, she has a pleasant appearance and natural charm, so she can turn any man’s head.

Vika is a sociable woman, but she has few friends. She prefers to have several reliable friends rather than many clueless ones. Victoria does not strive for leadership; a passive role is also suitable for her. In friendly relationships, she appreciates beauty and cannot tolerate shamelessness on the part of her friends. This is a sincere and sincere woman who treats with love not only her relatives and friends, but generally all the people around her.

Sound. Victoria is a rather long name, consisting of four syllables. Beauty is its most noticeable characteristic. Many also note the majesty (93%), strength (89%) and mystery (86%) of the sound of the name. Sometimes they also hear a certain femininity in it (73%). The names most similar in phonosemantic profile are Valeria, Zarina and Ekaterina.

Victoria's name day

Victoria celebrates her name day on March 12, March 23, April 29, May 8, September 12, October 24, November 17, December 23.

Famous people named Victoria

  • Victoria Yagling (cellist, composer and teacher, laureate of international cello competitions, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Victoria Postnikova (Russian pianist)
  • Victoria Abril (real name - Victoria Rojas; Spanish actress. Played in more than 80 films. Known for playing roles in films by Vicente Aranda and Pedro Almodóvar)
  • Victoria Daineko (Russian singer and actress)
  • Victoria Platova (real name - Victoria Solomatina; Russian writer, author of action novels)
  • Victoria Daujotite-Pakarenė (Lithuanian literary critic)
  • Victoria Perez (Argentine human rights activist)
  • Victoria Kovalchuk (graphic artist, illustrator, designer, writer)
  • Victoria Dawn Justice (American actress and singer)
  • Victoria Nikiforova (Russian playwright and journalist)
  • Victoria Volchkova (married to Butsaeva; Russian figure skater who competed in singles, currently a figure skating coach)
  • Victoria Chekovaya (Russian jazz, blues and ethno singer)
  • Victoria Ocampo ((1890 - 1979) Argentine writer, public figure and literary organizer, publisher, and influential intellectual. Igor Stravinsky dedicated the ballet “Persephone” to her, and Jorge Luis Borges dedicated the story “The Garden of Forking Paths.”)
  • Victoria Feodorovna ((1876 - 1936) née Victoria Melita; Princess of Great Britain, Ireland and Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duchess of Saxony, since 1907 Grand Duchess with the title of Imperial Highness)
  • Victoria Cmilyte (Lithuanian chess player)
  • Victoria Yartseva ((1906 - 1999) Soviet and Russian linguist, professor (1943), corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968) and the Saxon Academy of Sciences (1976); known for her works on history and stylistics in English, Celtic languages, theory of grammar, contrastive linguistics)
  • Victoria Pratt (Canadian actress and model)
  • Victoria Bonya (TV presenter)
  • Victoria Azarenka (Belarusian tennis player)
  • Victoria Gerasimova (Russian film and commercial actress, former MTV Russia VJ)
  • Victoria Belomlinskaya ((1937 - 2008) pseudonym - Victoria Platova; Russian writer)
  • Victoria Begalskaya (Ukrainian-Russian artist)
  • Victoria Motrichko (Ukrainian checkers player, specializing in the game on a small board (draughts-64); international grandmaster, world champion 2007, world champion mind games 2008)
  • Victoria Nikishina (Russian foil athlete, 2008 Olympic champion, 2002 world champion)
  • Victoria Hernandez (Spanish biathlete, member of the Spanish Olympic biathlon team at the winter Olympic Games 2010)
  • Victoria Sanchez (Canadian actress)
  • Karen Victoria Silvstedt (Swedish fashion model, actress, singer and TV presenter)
  • Victoria Alasheyeva (Russian theater and film actress)
  • Victoria Lepko (Russian theater and film actress)

Today the name Victoria is one of the most popular names in Europe. And gradually it is gaining popularity in the CIS countries. But many parents don’t even know what the full meaning of the name Vika is. It is very suitable for a girl and rewards its owner with a victorious character. A lot of greatest women stories have bore this name: queens, empresses, baronesses. All of them were united by the character traits inherent in the Victorias.

Vika. The meaning of the name, character and fate

Literally, the name Victoria translated from Latin means “victory.” It has big story, going back to the ancient Greeks. It was in their mythology that there was a queen named Tori, who was depicted standing on a chariot with wings and raising a laurel wreath with her hands.

The name Vika, whose meaning was identified with victory, sounds proud and majestic. A queen with that name instantly won the love and trust of people, because victory was walking next to her.

Vika in childhood

Little Viki is not particularly active among other children. These are calm, slightly passive girls who will not become the leaders of the company. Almost always these are obedient children with whom parents do not have problems. Little Victoria's room is always in order: she carefully puts all the toys on the shelves. It happens that Victoria lags behind in development compared to her peers: she may start speaking or walking late.

But in the future this will not affect fate in any way. In kindergarten, as a rule, she will have few friends. She will study at school without enthusiasm and special zeal, but, nevertheless, successfully. Among Vicks there are more good students than excellent students, because they are not distinguished by any special desire to be the best. Vika will study in high school easily, without any effort.

Shy girl

As a teenager, Vika takes care of herself, but without fanaticism: she always looks neat and well-groomed. A confident gait and leisurely step are characteristic of girls named Vika. The meaning of a name and fate are closely related; a girl’s shyness and modesty often prevent her from making drastic changes in her life. Due to lack of self-confidence, Vika cannot take a step towards her dream, although masculine traits can be traced in her character. Because of this, a young girl most often resembles her father not only externally, but also internally.

It has been noticed that the name Vika, whose meaning is victory, helps its owners cope with uncertainty. She is down to earth and doesn't fly in the clouds like other girls. Prefers to adhere to a pre-planned plan of action and does not like to improvise. This is an impressionable and vulnerable person who will experience every an important event In my life. He often withdraws into himself, prefers to be alone with his thoughts, and does not look for interlocutors.

Hard worker

She approaches her career choice quite confidently: the girl clearly knows what she wants. Vika, the meaning of whose name speaks of clarity leadership qualities a person has a special mindset. She will feel comfortable in a male team. Vika shows interest in science and art. She needs a job in which she has the opportunity to fully reveal herself. Victoria avoids contact with people - she is more comfortable being alone. While building her career, she relies only on her own strengths and is confident in the results. Perseverance and prudence will help you climb career ladder girls who bear the name Vika. The meaning of the name is special: it gives confidence before new victories. Among the owners of this name you can find actresses, singers, dancers, artists, musicians, and writers.

Hearth Keeper

There are often problems with personal life. Because of her pride and melancholy, Vika rarely meets a man first and does not show feelings, even if they are very strong. Men often stare at girls whose name is Vika. The meaning of the name and fate rewarded her with a hot temperament that can ignite the flame of passion in any gentleman. She likes to be visible and dress provocatively, but Vika will wait for the first step from the male side.

Marriage is a fairly serious step for her, so she will not rush to get married. This girl has her own ideal man, which she is ready to search for half her life. Her man should be a strong support and a guarantor of security. She is touchy - a carelessly thrown word can seriously hurt her. In marriage, every girl named Vika will be a faithful wife and caring mother. The meaning of this name literally removes obstacles in her path. She cooks deliciously, takes good care of the household and strictly raises her children.

Health is normal

Victoria does not have any serious health problems, but this does not mean that you should treat yourself carelessly. It is advisable to engage in sports from childhood; jogging is ideal. fresh air. There is a tendency to problems with the spine, so it is worth taking time to exercise regularly. Victoria is also at risk viral diseases. To avoid this, she needs to strengthen her immune system. Vitamin diet proper nutrition and walks in the fresh air are the ideal medicine for those named Vika.

The meaning of the name, character and health are closely related. Such girls are sometimes prone to depression and emotional breakdowns. Sudden changes in mood will not do any good nervous system. They are impulsive and often worry about trifles, but quickly move away. They will benefit from yoga classes to maintain a healthy mind. Victoria endures illnesses without problems, not attaching any importance to them. We can say that nature has rewarded girls with this name with excellent health, you just have to remember to maintain it.

Friends should be trusted people

Victoria doesn't have many friends. A winner, next to whom there are always several faithful friends, is what they put into the meaning of the name Vika, Victoria. Friends are her long-term acquaintances, in whom the woman is one hundred percent confident.

In adult life, it is rare to meet Vika who is looking for new friends. She does not have a fanatical attitude towards friendship - for her it is like one of the components of life. She always strictly separates family and friends. Keeps her friends at arm's length, not allowing them to interfere in her personal relationships. Appreciates and prefers beauty in friendship, surrounding himself with a couple of chosen people. Treasured pleasant memories, does not skimp on gifts for loved ones.

"Winter" Victoria

Born in winter period, Vika often suffers from problems with men. She is driven by a desire to command, which literally overshadows common sense. A narcissistic and selfish girl who will not fail to make fun of someone's shortcomings.

"Spring" Vika

An interesting “spring” girl named Vika. She understands the meaning of beauty through the prism of her appearance. Born in spring, she is mysterious and full of secrets. You might think about her that she has her own mind, because it is quite difficult to predict Victoria’s train of thoughts. Extraordinary actions and unusual logic set her apart from other girls.

"Summer" Victoria

Light and airy can be described as Vika, who was born in the summer. This girl is dreamy and mysterious. Shows strong interest in opposite sex, which sometimes interferes with her life. She can fall in love quite easily and become completely immersed in a relationship. It is difficult to bear partings, because he believes in eternal love.

"Autumn" Victoria

This is the girl sticking strict rules which she installs herself. She always has order at home and at work: she is a fairly collected person. But Victoria often plunges headlong into home or work, forgetting about rest. But a short picnic trip would help defuse the situation and relax.

The name accompanies a person throughout his life and becomes his special energy code. Having solved this code and learned the secret of the name Victoria, you can find out its owner.

Meaning and origin of the name

The name Victoria has Latin roots, and it cannot be found in the calendar. It is of Roman origin and comes from the name of the goddess of victory, Victoria. This winged deity was considered in Rome the personification of justice and triumph. Actually, “victory” is the meaning of this name.

But it was not only the Roman goddess who gave Victoria her name. Greek goddess Nick's victories are also inextricably linked with him. Even at Victoria’s baptism she will be given the name Nika, not according to the Roman, but according to the Greek model.

The Greeks believed that Nike awarded the laurel wreath to true triumphants. Therefore, Victoria does not necessarily win victories herself. She can become the life partner of a real winner.

The fate and character of Victoria

Quite clearly in Victoria’s character a combination of qualities that compensate for each other is manifested. On the one hand, she is very stubborn and knows how to be assertive. On the other hand, there is indecisiveness and shyness in her. In many ways she is demonstrative and quite cunning. Sometimes Victoria behaves hyperactively, and sometimes, on the contrary, she becomes self-absorbed. Do not be deceived: on your own life path Victoria will definitely find a way to cope with indecision.

Victoria stands confidently on her feet and has a developed will, supported by a somewhat masculine mentality. And this allows Victoria, living up to her name, to win everywhere, and even where others give up and give up. She can occupy management positions on a par with men and even surpass them in terms of responsibility. If Victoria chooses a career, then finances do not come into her hands right away, but over time their flow only increases.

Victoria's personal fate is quite favorable and often almost cloudless. Victoria is attractive woman which many men like. Victoria herself can be quite amorous and for a long time doubt your choice. When love is mutual, Vika shows her burning temperament, becoming sincere and revealing her deep feelings to her chosen one. She does not forgive deception and, especially, infidelity. IN family life proves herself to be a good housewife and a wonderful wife.

The meaning of the name Victoria for a child: choosing a name for children

Since childhood, Vika has been quite sociable and friendly, but at the same time she prefers to have several close friends rather than a large social circle where she will be unsure of people. She treats her friends and family with love and cares about them with all her heart. She doesn’t like it if her friends behave shamelessly: this can in some cases even lead to a quarrel. He greatly values ​​beautiful and sincere friendships.

It’s better not to interfere with Vika’s choice of profession. She will be able to prove herself in many areas, but it is advisable to choose those areas and professions in which she herself wants to be successful. When choosing the name Victoria for a girl, it is important to remember that going to university in the specialty chosen by your parents and then going to a job you don’t like is not Victoria’s job. Organizational activities are quite suitable for her, given her tenacity. Success often comes gradually and slowly to bearers of this name.

Energy name

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Victoria is a shy and calm girl. Does not like conflicts, forgives insults quickly. In his youth, he is a bright and, at times, somewhat impulsive personality. She will pursue her goal purposefully and seriously until she achieves it.

Translated from Latin, the name Victoria means “victory.”

Origin of the name Victoria:

Today, there are several theories about the origin of the name Victoria.

According to the first theory, the name Victoria came to us from Ancient Greece. There is a modified form of it - Quiz, which translated means “victorious”.

According to another theory, Victoria is a very ancient Roman name. It is found in Roman mythology. This name is given to the ancient Roman goddess of victory, whose cult existed long before the appearance of the Roman-Greek pantheon of gods.

Character and interpretation of the name Victoria:

Little Vika most often takes her appearance traits from her father. Usually, this is a calm and balanced child, often withdrawn into himself and not verbose. Because of her natural slowness, she is rarely the ringleader in children's games. Vika likes to listen to her parents read books to her, but she herself does not want to learn to read for a long time. Vika often upsets her parents with her poor appetite.

At a young age, Victoria begins to “come to life” and becomes more open and sociable. But in childhood, having not learned to overcome her shyness, in an attempt to assert herself, she can rush to extremes - wear too provocative clothes, apply too bright makeup. This demonstrativeness will subsequently become entrenched in Vika’s character and become one of her main features.

Victoria is a “weak” student at school. Often, he cannot understand the lesson material and does not do his homework. He is wary with classmates. She will never take on any public assignment. And, if it is imposed on her, then she will try in every possible way to transfer it to someone else or will fulfill it “carelessly.” Teachers will more than once reproach Victoria for lack of performance and inattention. But her peers, despite Vicki’s aloofness, always treat her well. First of all, for a calm disposition, prudence and non-conflict.

When choosing a profession, Victoria should choose one that does not require constant communication with people. Despite all her tightness, Victoria is quite capable of becoming a successful fashion model, fashion model, and actress. The professions of a writer, cook, economist, accountant, and builder also promise her a good career. However, Victoria is not capable of leading - as soon as she receives the slightest rebuff from her colleagues, all her efficiency and activity evaporates.

Victoria chooses her partner very carefully, sometimes making exaggerated demands on her future spouse. And even when she is already married, she doubts whether she made the right choice. If her husband helps Victoria make sure that her choice is correct, then she will become endlessly devoted to him, trusting and frank.

Victoria will delay the birth of her children for a long time, doubting whether she will be able to raise them correctly and provide for them. Having become a mother, Vika will not care much about the moral development of her children, but, in material terms, she will fully provide for them.

Victoria names many different places on our planet, these are a state and a river in Australia, cities in the USA, Argentina, Chile, Canada, El Salvador, Mexico, a waterfall and lake in Africa, a mountain in New Guinea, islands in the Arctic.

Outside our planet, there is also Victoria - this is an asteroid whose orbit is between Mars and Jupiter.

The name is widely used in the names of sports clubs and in art.


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