Lucky numbers for twins. Lottery horoscope

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Why should you rely on your own Luck Horoscope? Reading these few lines, you will understand that you cannot but agree with this. First, let me explain to you in detail what our Luck Horoscope consists of, and how to use it with maximum benefit for yourself. The Roman Goddess Fortuna is the equivalent Greek Goddess good luck to Tyche, has been known since ancient times. The fact is that the Roman Goddess Fortune always possessed two qualities: enterprise (since all her affairs were successful) and sexuality (this is where the expression “kiss of luck” comes from). The Greek Goddess of Fortune, Tyche, was characterized by abundance: according to traditions, people could share both joy and sorrow in full, depending on how they perceived the events taking place.

With the help of the Luck Horoscope, you can find out in advance what fate has in store for you, and you can act accordingly without risking anything! The Good Luck Horoscope is waiting for you to help you satisfy your curiosity! In the past or present, the Horoscope of Luck always finds the most important thing: everyone would like to catch luck by the tail! And you too? Then just read the Good Luck Horoscope!

If our Horoscope of Luck is not enough for you to move forward, try consulting in the section: find out your lucky numbers! It is so simple!

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The impulsiveness inherent in Aries can lead to unpredictable consequences. But given the favorable position of the stars, this will only play into their hands. Because taking risks on precisely marked dates on the sidereal calendar brings stunning success. Even the most “unreasonable” lottery bet pays off with a substantial win. Have a good day in December you can safely count the 7th and 9th. Moreover, between them there is a lucky Friday for the sign. In general, you should pay attention to all numbers associated with the number 7. Either multiples of it (14, 21, 28), or containing it (17, 27).


Despite the fact that the lottery horoscope in 2017 does not particularly pamper Taurus, their attention to detail can play a positive role. While others recklessly risk their fortunes, representatives of the most stubborn sign of the Zodiac are waiting for their chance. And he can introduce himself to them certain days, marked by Fortune in the sky. These are numbers that are multiples of 6, and also contain a six in their composition (16, 26). In addition, December may bring success on one of the Sundays. The likelihood that it will be the 24th is extremely high. It is worth waiting for this date and not placing bets prematurely.


Few people understand the stubbornness of Gemini when they go towards their intended goal. This is due to the invisible presence of the second Self, which whispers to a person secret paths to success. For such people, it is extremely important to listen to their inner voice, since their intuition rarely fails them. This is especially true for the lottery. There can be no exact calculation here, as in chess. In everything you have to rely solely on the stars. And they recommend that Gemini pay attention to Tuesday. Wherein lucky numbers For bets you need to count the number one day ago. That is, all dates are Mondays (4, 11, 18, 25). This is important to remember.


It is difficult to guarantee stability in the lottery when the numbers are flashing before your eyes. But Cancers are famous for their strong grip. Knowing their lucky numbers, they will never miss theirs. Lucky number This sign is considered to be a two. However, in December the list of potentially successful numbers will expand somewhat. Any combination of numbers 1, 2 and 3 (11,12,13, 21, etc.) can be considered favorable for betting. They are the ones who can carry patient Cancers to the top of the money mountain. And since Saturday should be a good day for fateful events, it makes sense to invest in the number 23.

a lion

Leo is good with luck. Even if he does not see an immediate result, it is already waiting for him ahead. This is due to the solar nature of the royal sign. Therefore, their inherent certain imposing nature may be fully justified. Love for the number 3 should please you in the 12th month of the year (since 1 + 2 = 3). Therefore, in December it is strongly recommended to pay attention to all numbers with this figure. An ordinary lottery ticket can become a ticket to the stars.


Virgo's prudence takes place even in such an unpredictable form of gambling as the lottery. The fact is that representatives of this sensual sign intuitively understand the background of any symbols. And numbers are no exception. Therefore, even a sharp change in decision before the final choice can be due to a sudden (read: stellar) insight. And it warns in advance about successful numbers in December. These should be numbers that are multiples of six, but without the 6 itself in the face value. This is hidden luck that only Virgos should see. There is also a chance of winning on Thursday.


Successful year for Libra should end on a positive note. Libra can finally find balance and improve their financial position. With stellar recommendations, even the most unpredictable lottery will bring the expected profit. Astrological forecast predicts that representatives of the fairest sign of the Zodiac will receive compensation for all their efforts throughout the year. And this should happen in December. All numbers containing a four should be considered lucky numbers. 4 marks a cycle that ends with achieving success. It is highly recommended to pay attention to the 14th of the month, since it falls on Thursday. And this is symbolic, isn’t it.


A passionate desire to win has always been inherent in Scorpios. Even by retreating, they can achieve their goal. Their faith in success is merciless to any obstacles and doubts. Therefore, it is not surprising that some representatives of the sign have postponed their cash winnings for the last month of the year. This is their favorite game - to prolong the pleasure, knowing its inevitability. The stars can only suggest successful numbers in the lottery, since Scorpios have already done most of the work. And all numbers with one and eight in their composition should become like this. 1st place is the cherished goal, and 8th symbolizes infinity, a return to square one. When all the effort becomes worth it. So go for it, Scorpios. Your time has come.


Sagittarians wait a long time before making their bet. This is due to their desire to get into the top ten. They are only interested in the jackpot and nothing more. And this imposes a certain responsibility. You have to risk everything at once, without wasting money on unsuccessful numbers. To be confident in their target, Sagittarius should turn to the sky. The stars know about Sagittarius' passion for victory, and are ready to help them with this. The number 7 and the enchanted number 17 should bring success. The latter is rarely chosen in the lottery, since everyone is afraid to try their luck. But not Sagittarius.


Failures have never stopped Capricorns. They know very well that mistakes are the path to success. That there will always be luck for the thousandth time. However, why wait so long if you can trust the stars? They are not against a person fulfilling his destiny faster. And with money it’s easier to do this. Lucky combinations in the lottery should be all numbers with 3 in them. However, that's not all. 5 can also help make dreams come true. The main thing is to make a choice between these numbers, since no one has yet canceled free will.


If Aquarius has luck in his pocket, it will definitely manifest itself in December. Because the birthday is already close. And Fortune always strives to please a person on his holiday. It's just that not everyone knows about it. Therefore, the choice of representatives air element may coincide with the location of the stars. If this happens, the payoff will be huge. Astrologists have tried to take into account all aspects of the planets to come up with potentially successful numbers. All clusters near decades should be like this. That is, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, as well as 29, 30 and 31. In addition, one of them should fall on Tuesday - a lucky day for Aquarius.


No one else has the same love for the lottery that Pisces has. They feel absolutely free in the world of numbers. At the same time, the driving motive for them is not passion. But the desire to connect with the eternal cosmos. Intuitively guess the location of your stars. This brings them a genuine feeling of happiness and inner comfort. For the month of December, numbers with 8 and 9 in the composition should be favorable. In this case, two whole numbers (8 and 29) fall on Friday, which is favorable to Pisces. Don't miss your chance to shine before the stars!

Astrology has been in the service of humanity since ancient times. According to documentary sources, the first horoscopes were found in the 5th century BC. Since that time, the algorithm for making forecasts has not changed at all, except that the tools for calculations have become more advanced. Nowadays, astrologers use special computer programs in their work.

The calculation is based on the location of a particular celestial body, a person’s zodiac sign, place and time of birth. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to make forecasts of certain events for a day, week, or year. We are interested in the lottery horoscope. Let's talk about this.

You can, of course, use mathematical probability when playing lotto, but there is a certain allure attached to the ethereal world holding within its dark, mysterious depths the keys to your lottery success - such as your unique astrological combination in best times for you.
Of course, every zodiac sign has its moments of luck. They just need to be discovered during the high point of your Luck Cycle when you play the lottery.

Lottery horoscope for various zodiac signs

Aries (with the fire element) is luckiest when the sun is in any of the fire signs such as Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. Aries is also lucky when the sun is found in any of the air signs such as Aquarius, Gemini or Libra.

If the element of your sign is air (Aquarius, Libra or Gemini), the most effective game of your lucky numbers lotto horoscope when the sun is found in any of the air signs. You are still lucky if the sun is in any of the fire signs.

If your sun sign is an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn); will be at its peak when the sun is in any of the earth signs, and almost as lucky when the sun is in one of the water signs.

And finally - for signs with a water element association (Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer). You should play when the sun is in one of the water signs - or your next best bet is when the sun is found in any of the earth signs.

Lottery horoscope for January 2019

For many, the lottery horoscope is complete nonsense. Partly I think so too. The only strategy that improves your chances is to increase the number of tickets you buy. Personal preference determines how to choose lottery numbers. Have fun playing lotto, but don't get carried away. Who knows, maybe one day, money luck will smile at you!

Dreams often come true, the main thing is to believe in miracles. Nowadays horoscopes are gaining enormous popularity. Many people, before leaving home, reread the forecasts for the week, month, and year several times. To bring success closer, astrologers have compiled a lottery horoscope that helps you win Jack-Pot.

We created a successful combination of numbers that replenishes the player’s budget. Astrologers have predicted the lottery horoscope of luck for 2018 for each zodiac sign. Success awaits many in the Year of the Dog. Astrologers study the star chart, the location of the stars and their influence on humans. Thanks to this, they create different horoscopes: luck, love, money, lottery.

Lottery horoscope for March 2018: horoscope for Aries, Gemini and Taurus

Today, family and love predictions are considered the most popular, thanks to which they learn the future and change something in relationships. Lottery horoscope compiled for March 2018 will help gambling people attract good luck and become rich. For a successful game, you should focus on your horoscope. Do not forget about the golden rule of playing the lottery: when you win three times, a person should stop, as fate can play a cruel joke.

For Aries, astrologers predicted no great luck in a win. A good day to buy a ticket is Thursday. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the numbers: 34, 6, 33, 25, 14, 9. One of these numbers can become fatal. The happiest days are 20, 30.

In 2018, Taurus will be able to hope for success and great luck in winning on numbers such as: 24, 19. According to astrologers, Taurus will receive a monetary reward thanks to tickets purchased on Friday. Numbers that can be crucial for winning are 23, 29, 30, 38, 40, 13.

Gemini can win double in 2018. Astrologers predicted success in the lottery for 2018. If there is any doubt, you should not buy tickets; success, and even more so, the profit won’t be brought only by waste. Particular attention should be paid to Friday; this particular day of the week will be successful for representatives of these zodiac signs.
The numbers you should pay attention to when filling out tickets are: 21, 4, 1, 41, 29, 24.

Lottery horoscope for March 2018: horoscope for Cancer, Virgo, Leo

For Cancers, one Tuesday in 2018 could become fateful. A good date to buy a lottery ticket: 9, 14, 18. Astrologers advise paying special attention to numbers when filling out such as: 32, 37, 43, 3, 28, 25. If you fail to win the sum of money, Cancer will receive great luck from valuable gifts from the organizers of the purchased lotteries.

Leo in March 2018 will want to play the lottery, although he himself is not very gambling, but special attention should be paid to Monday, it is on this day of the week that he will always smile financial luck. In 2018, representatives of this zodiac sign should pay attention to the following numbers: 13, 25. The winning combination may be hidden behind such numbers as: 19, 34, 42, 26, 44, 38.

In 2018, Virgos will only be able to win a cash prize from a purchased lottery on Tuesday. Virgos have a great opportunity to win a cash prize if they buy not one, but several tickets. When filling out tickets, you should pay special attention to numbers such as: 6, 40, 33, 7, 35.

Lottery horoscope for March 2018: horoscope for Libra, Sagittarius and Scorpio

For Libra, astrologers predicted good luck in lottery tickets purchased on Tuesday. The 3rd, 1st, and 8th days are good for purchasing. When filling out tickets, you should pay special attention to: 10, 11, 36, 3, 30, 27. The stars advise imagining yourself as a winner when purchasing a lottery ticket.

In 2018, Scorpios will be lucky in lottery tickets purchased on Sunday. The fateful decision will come on the 17th and 27th. When filling out a lottery ticket, astrologers advise crossing out the following combinations of numbers: 1, 13, 32, 27, 7, 3.

Sagittarians buying lottery tickets on Wednesday will be able to attract financial luck. To purchase winning ticket The stars advise you to pay attention to such days of the week as: 1,2, 4. To fill out the playing field, you should pay attention to such numbers as: 45, 20, 33, 25, 37, 22.

Lottery horoscope for March 2018: horoscope for Capricorns, Aquarius and Pisces

Capricorns are very persistent, good luck will come if representatives of this zodiac sign buy happy ticket on Saturday. It is recommended to pay special attention to the numbers in the week: 24, 16, 13. Capricorns can play the lottery via the Internet. In 2018, success will follow on its heels. When playing the lottery, luck can be hidden behind the following combinations of numbers: 19, 27, 3, 7, 2.

Aquarius is not a gambling zodiac sign. But they also like to catch luck by the tail. Astrologers advise paying special attention to Thursday, as well as to the following days of the week: 18, 9, 8. They will bring great success and good luck. In a lottery ticket, you can focus your attention on numbers such as: 27, 23, 43, 45, 33, 34.

Pisces will not let go of luck, they can plunge into gambling. Astrologers advise paying attention to Thursday. Happy Days: 25, 3, 2. For good luck, you should cross out the numbers: 12, 21, 40, 42, 37.

Compatibility horoscope: Pisces zodiac sign lottery forecast - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Astrology has been in the service of humanity since ancient times. According to documentary sources, the first horoscopes were found in the 5th century BC. Since that time, the algorithm for making forecasts has not changed at all, except that the tools for calculations have become more advanced. Nowadays, astrologers use special computer programs in their work.

The calculation is based on the location of a particular celestial body, a person’s zodiac sign, place and time of birth. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to make forecasts of certain events for a day, week, or year. We are interested in the lottery horoscope. Let's talk about this.

You can, of course, use mathematical probability when playing lotto, but there is a certain allure attached to the ethereal world holding within its dark, mysterious depths the keys to your lottery success – such as your unique astrological lucky number combination for the best times for you.

Of course, every zodiac sign has its moments of luck. They just need to be discovered during the high point of your Luck Cycle when you play the lottery.

Lottery horoscope for various zodiac signs

Aries (with the fire element) is luckiest when the sun is in any of the fire signs such as Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. Aries is also lucky when the sun is found in any of the air signs such as Aquarius, Gemini or Libra.

If your sign's element is air (Aquarius, Libra or Gemini), you are the best performer of your lotto horoscope lucky numbers when the sun is found in any of the air signs. You are still lucky if the sun is in any of the fire signs.

If your sun sign is an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn); your luck will be at its peak when the sun is in any of the earth signs, and almost as lucky when the sun is in one of the water signs.

Finally - for signs with a water element association (Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer), you should play when the sun is in one of the water signs - or your next best bet is when the sun is found in any of the earth signs.

For many, the lottery horoscope is complete nonsense. Partly I think so too. The only strategy that increases your chances of winning is to increase the number of tickets you buy. Personal preference determines how to choose lottery numbers. Have fun playing lotto, but don't get carried away. Who knows, maybe one day, money luck will smile on you!

If you want to know the lucky days for any Zodiac Sign this month, CLICK on any of the buttons.

Pisces zodiac sign lottery forecast

Ruling planet – Neptune

Lucky numbers – 3, 9, 12

Colors that attract good luck - aqua, blue, purple

Favorable day for betting – Monday, Thursday

Unfavorable day – Wednesday

Friends and partners – Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo

Famous lottery players - Bruce Willis

Zodiac sign Pisces - main features

A water sign ruled by Neptune, Pisces is blessed with amazing intuition. The only trouble is that uncertainty and mood swings do not allow the representative of the Pisces zodiac sign to take advantage of his insight. Pisces are aware of the power and authority of money from an early age. And if they are unable to earn money themselves, then cunning Pisces find partners who know how to make money in order to manipulate this skill.

By themselves, Pisces are dreamers and contemplators; they prefer to observe rather than act.

The zodiac sign Pisces symbolizes The final stage personality development, therefore its representatives are carriers of a strong spiritual principle; they perceive events and things in accordance with their internal content. From the point of view of the majority, Pisces are people with oddities who do not fit into the standards.

Zodiac sign Pisces and lotteries

The winner of the American lottery jackpot is often only a dream for Pisces.

You can play American lotteries online on our website.

Pisces dream about big money, fame, a luxurious life, but often everything ends with dreams. Buying a lottery ticket is a difficult decision for Pisces! They do not like to part with money, preferring to save it. And if representatives of the sign decide to buy a ticket, then after much thought and weighing, carefully choosing the numbers. Pisces do not like systems, but they are ready to use a ready-made forecast, analyze it, and only then make a bet. Reinsurance and caution help the zodiac sign Pisces to avoid mistakes, and many people think that Pisces calmly wins without making any effort. Pisces are basically unfamiliar with the heat of excitement; they are driven only by the desire to make money. Although indecision sometimes turns into another problem for Pisces - the inability to reach the top. They win, but in a small way.

Advice to lottery players-Pisces - use your intuition more often. Random number generator and ticket autofill are not for you! The numbers that spontaneously come to mind are your successful and winning combination. Don’t get hung up on symbolism – birth dates and other numbers that are important to you are unlikely to help you win the lottery jackpot! The main key to a grandiose victory will be your ability to foresee. The bolder and more often you turn on your “inner vision,” the more you can win. All in your hands!

Lucky numbers for Pisces

Characteristics of the sign

Pisces (from the Latin Pisces) is the twelfth sign of the zodiac. According to Western astrology, the Sun is in the sign of Pisces from February 19 to March 20.

The element of Pisces is water - smoothly moving and fickle. Fishes swim with the flow. At any opportunity, they willingly look for workarounds without making any effort to overcome obstacles. They always consider themselves free in everything, although they often move in a given direction.

Pisces have a well-developed intuition, the main thing is to learn how to use it. This is a sign of creative professions; among Pisces there are many artists, collectors, and musicians. Pisces use their talent and vivid imagination in the advertising industry; their interest in travel and everything new makes them excellent journalists or travel agents.

The planet of Pisces is Neptune. It is the patronage of Neptune that gives representatives of this sign imagination and creative approach. Pisces' strongest personality traits are unusual intelligence and poise. In order to make the difficult path to wealth and success, Pisces needs strong support from others who will never give up in the face of difficulties.

The most famous and successful personalities born under the sign of Pisces: Valentina Tereshkova, Yuri Gagarin, Steve Jobs, George Washington, Victor Hugo.

Mythology of the sign

The zodiac sign has developed a recognizable symbol: two people swimming in different directions fish, but connected by a thread. This image is understandable ancient Greek myth about Aphrodite and Eros - the companion and assistant of the goddess. Somehow the mighty giant Typhon encroached on their freedom. Escaping, Aphrodite and Eros jumped into the water and turned into fish. And a silver thread tied them together.

What numbers bring good luck?

Lucky numbers for Pisces, which can be considered a talisman, are 6, 7, 11, as well as all numbers divisible by 7. Six is ​​a symbol of reliability and stability. So in the Taoist practice of Feng Shui, the six is ​​considered to bring “heavenly luck”, or in other words, unexpected luck - winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance. After 6 comes the magical number 7, which is considered lucky and gives lasting success. The number 11 in numerology has willpower and determination.

The lottery knows a case where six and seven brought one of the most stunning victories. In the 36th draw of the Gosloto “6 out of 45” lottery, Albert Begrakyan filled out 6 fields of 7 numbers on the ticket, making an expanded bet, and won 100,000,000 rubles.

On February 10, 2014, in the 735th draw of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery, Valery from Omsk won 184 million 513 thousand 512 rubles. One of the big wins in modern history Russian lotteries. His bet included the coveted six: 8, 6, 35, 18, 41, 22.

But over the entire period of the State Housing Lottery, a seven was drawn in 13% of draws. If you look at the statistics of the Rapido lottery on the website, you can note that the numbers 6, 7 and 11 were drawn more often than others during the entire period of the draws.

Representatives of Pisces should pay attention to what day of the week you purchase lottery tickets or play on the website The luckiest days for you will be Monday, Thursday and Friday.

Below you will see a table with the correspondence between the date of birth and important numbers. The author of this system is Lewis Hamon, an expert in astrology who predicted the life of the English King George IV, the fate of Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain and much more. Numbers can bring good luck: the author advises planning the implementation of your plans on these dates. Those who monitor their horoscope can use them to create lottery combinations or select tickets for the Russian Lotto and the State Housing Lottery.

Lottery horoscope

Astrology and horoscopes at the service of lotteries, professional compilation of horoscopes for playing the lottery for each month.

The whole world is divided into those who believe in the predictions of astrologers and those who ignore them. But even those who are skeptical about all kinds of astral forecasts, no, no, and listen: what, I wonder, awaits me today?

The first mention of astrology, a tool for creating horoscopes, is found in documentary sources dating back to the 5th century BC. e. The algorithm for creating a horoscope is based on determining the position of various solar luminaries and planets. It is also taken into account in which zodiac constellation a particular celestial body is located. Based on the data obtained, checking them with existing tables and comparing them with the date of birth of a particular person, you can make a fairly accurate forecast for the day, week, year. It is not surprising that a person involved in any field wants to succeed. This is impossible without possessing the information that astrology represents. People have many different interests. That is why there are a great many different horoscopes. However, we will dwell in more detail on lottery horoscope.

So, let's say: you believe that life is full of miracles and pleasant surprises. So why do you still doubt the possibility of becoming a winner of any lottery? How to take advantage of your chance for a miracle? Just buy lottery tickets from time to time, fill them out and wait for luck? This is possible, especially since you have probably heard about the incredible victories of individual players. But everything is hardly limited to standard moves.

Try reading this lottery horoscope, and who knows, maybe it will become the first step towards your unprecedented triumph! Find out which lottery is most suitable for your zodiac sign. Perhaps this knowledge will help you become a wealthy person!

Aries (March 21 to April 20)

This sign is influenced by Mars, and therefore Aries is distinguished by passion, determination and incredible stamina. People born between the end of March and the end of April are distinguished by their energy and tirelessness, spiritual strength and amazing determination. Among the shortcomings, we note stubbornness and straightforwardness. They achieve results not because of, but in spite of. Success often accompanies Aries, and they are born to win, but sometimes they lack sufficient composure. The best lottery for them is “La Primitiva”. It is characterized by high chances of winning, and therefore the player does not have to work long and hard to catch his luck.

Taurus (from April 21 to May 20)

These guys are known for their loyalty to friends and family. Taurus are cautious and practical in everything; responsibility is not an empty phrase for them. They work hard and methodically to achieve their goals, despite the difficulties. Their materialistic approach to life means that for them the best lottery is the EuroMillions. Happens in it big wins, you just need to put in a little effort for this, and Taurus are not lacking in the ability to carry out such a strategy.

Gemini (from May 21 to June 21)

People born at the junction of spring and summer are extremely smart, cheerful and charming citizens who can easily overcome the most difficult problems. They are distinguished by flexibility in solving various issues, as well as curiosity and friendliness. Of the lotteries, the Spanish Loteria Nacional is most suitable for them.

Cancer (from June 22 to July 22)

Cancers – sensitive people, but at the same time they are full of determination and perseverance in achieving the goal. They value order in everything and attach importance to those around them. If you need to solve a difficult life problem, turn to Cancer. The most suitable lottery for them is “Loto 6 of 49” with its amazing jackpots and large prize amounts.

Leo (from July 23 to August 23)

The pride and generosity of lions knows no bounds. People of this sign are distinguished by their generosity and charm. They are charismatic, know how and love to be in the center of everyone's attention and adoration. As for lotteries, the best one for Leos is the American “Powerball” - a lottery popular all over the world!

Virgo (from August 24 to September 22)

Virgos are thorough, serious people, with a balanced approach to resolving any issue, and for them there are no secondary issues. They are also distinguished by a desire for excellence and high intelligence. Virgos are not shy about learning throughout their adult life and constantly improving. They do not tolerate chaos and omissions. They need clarity and specificity in everything. Among the many advantages of people of this sign are self-discipline and a love of organization. This helps girls achieve best result in its activities, regardless of its specifics. A suitable lottery for Virgos is Eurojackpot. This game is constantly being improved, which is especially popular with representatives of this sign!

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Libras are the most peaceful and enlightened representatives of humanity. It's hard to resist their charm. They are incredibly sociable and need to communicate with other people more than anyone else. Often they lack cooperation with their allies to successfully complete the work they have started. These are born diplomats, smart people and aesthetes. The SuperEnalotto lottery, a popular game from the Apennine Peninsula, promises sure luck for Libra.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 22)

Scorpios are passionate, but at the same time creative people who know how to analyze what is happening well. They are lovers of all that is best and perfect. At the same time, you can rely on Scorpios in any situation. life situations– they won’t let you down. The main lottery for this sign is “Loto 6 of 45” from Austria. There are high chances of winning and high prize money here.

Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21)

Sagittarius people are cosmopolitan and carefree. Their straightforwardness and free-thinking are legendary. However, there is no more optimistic sign. Sagittarius likes variety, and therefore it costs them nothing to get involved in an adventure at any second, even a very risky one! There is an assumption that Sagittarians will certainly be lucky in the lottery called “Mega Millions”.

Capricorn (from December 22 to January 20)

Those who are serious, productive and hardworking are Capricorns. They are distinguished by rare practicality in achieving their cherished goal. People born under this sign are potential leaders, comrades with a healthy sense of humor. It is very pleasant to communicate with them! The optimal lottery for this sign is “France Lotto”. Like all French people, Capricorns respect traditions, and therefore they need to try playing “France Lotto”, because the lottery draws are traditionally played three times a week.

Aquarius (from January 21 to February 19)

Aquarians are characterized by resourcefulness and desperate ingenuity. Representatives of the sign are very charismatic, they are true to their life credo. They are also unusually persistent and tolerant of other people. We recommend that Aquarians play the Dupla Sena lottery, which originates from Brazil.

Pisces (from February 20 to March 20)

Pisces are creative, kind and helpful people. They are very sensitive, and often have a subconscious perception of things - popularly called telepathy. People of this sign are characterized by empathy for the problems of their neighbors; they are always ready to listen and, if possible, help the suffering. Pisces are endowed with imagination, and therefore they have a love of creativity. The Canada Lotto 6/49 lottery is ideal for them - it offers mind-blowing jackpots!

Everyone determines the degree of confidence in astrology for themselves. Conventionally, people are divided into three categories. Some cannot take a step without the “recommendation of the stars”, others find an entertaining component in horoscopes, while others do not believe at all that celestial bodies can somehow seriously influence the events taking place in the world, and even more so on winning the lottery.

Apparently, the latter's point of view is trustworthy. It seems unlikely that the same numbers will appear in similar lotteries on the same day in several countries. In addition, sites that make mailing lists with lucky numbers are unlikely to have astrologers on their staff.

In all lottery horoscopes, as a rule, the day of the week or the number favorable to winning is indicated, and, of course, the combination of winning numbers.


website of astrologer Elena Zimovets

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Horoscope for 2017

March 17, 2013

Winning the lottery and horoscope indicators

PR – designation of progressions. Progressions or secondary directorates are one of the most important techniques forecast in astrology.

TR - transit - refers to the daily transit movement of the planets.

EQHS is a shared housing system.

Aspects – you can read about aspects in astrology and their meaning here.

F. Drago worked as a police officer for 28 years. On April 30, 1982, he went to a McDonald's restaurant for lunch, where he was given a lottery ticket along with a hamburger at 3:30 p.m. CST, 88W.07, 30N.41. He won $500,000 on the ticket. In Drago's horoscope, the Moon is in trine to Venus and iodine to Jupiter-Uranus. Jupiter does not have a trine, PR Jupiter is not in aspect; we can assume that Drago did not squander the money. There is no contact between Jupiter and Neptune or between Mars and Jupiter and between Mars and Neptune. Venus is in square to Uranus, PR Venus is in quincunx to Uranus. There are no reverse Venus or Jupiter. Pluto is broadly sextile to Mars in the 2nd house, while the ruler of the 2nd house, Mercury, is square (1°) to PR Pluto.

Lottery horoscope for 2017

We all know the expression “The stars aligned”. Of course, because humanity watched heavenly bodies from its very inception.

At first, it was enough for us to simply look at the beautiful luminous points in the heights, later our ancestors began to look for them in motion cosmic bodies certain patterns. This is how it appeared astronomy , and behind it astrology , which is a set of predictions based on the influence of stars on the destinies of people. Horoscopes, as one of the practices of astrology, were very popular back in Ancient China, India, Greece, Mexico (Mayan civilization). Today, astronomical forecasts are not taken as seriously as in ancient times, and are considered more of a form of entertainment. To believe in them or not is everyone’s business. Today we offer you a special lottery horoscope for 2017- year Fire Rooster!

Lucky numbers for Aries this year will be: 1, 9, 14, 20, 27, 37 . Happy day of the week: Friday. Winning days in a month: 7, 9, 13 .

Lucky numbers for Taurus: 16, 17, 19, 35, 42 . Luck will be especially favorable to them on Sunday. Days of the month when you should take the risk: 11, 17, 27 .

Fire rooster prophesies such successful numbers for the twins: 16, 18, 25, 31, 32 . Lucky days of the month: 6, 11, 13 . A favorable day for betting is Tuesday.

Insert the lucky numbers for your horoscope and play the best lottery in the world right now!

Winning numbers for these watermarks: 15, 16, 20, 29, 35, 40 . Favorable day of the week is Saturday. Best numbers to play in the month: 11, 13, 23 .

Lucky numbers for 2017 for lions there will be: 13, 15, 22, 23, 30 . In month: 7, 24 And 29 . The stars point to Monday as the best day for lottery wins.

This year the numbers that will bring victory to the virgins are: 12, 14, 29, 30, 33, 45 . Successful day is Thursday. Better days month: 2, 6 And 7 .

For Libra, the stars determined the following best numbers in 2017: 1, 4, 5, 20, 41, 44 . Successful dates in the month will be: 17, 25, 26 . The best day of the week for winning is Tuesday.

Scorpios should take a closer look at the numbers this year: 15, 21, 23, 34, 43, 44 . The day of the week when the probability of winning the lottery will be highest for this sign is Friday. Top numbers month: 7, 9, 17 .

The luckiest lottery numbers for Sagittarius: 3, 12, 17, 18, 30, 41 . Best days of the month: 4, 10, 16 . The most favorable day of the week for lottery achievements is Sunday.

Astrologers have determined the following “lucky” combination for Capricorns: 3, 7, 27, 31, 36, 39 . Days of the month to play: 25, 26, 28 . Fortune will smile on Capricorn on Monday.

Heavenly seers point to such a set of numbers for Aquarius in this year: 19, 22, 23, 27, 39, 40 . Tuesday is best for Aquarius to participate in lotteries. Happy days in the month: 4, 15, 27 .


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