Make a children's wigwam with your own hands drawings. Do-it-yourself wigwam: making children's huts for games

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We will need:

  • Fabric 1.5 meters wide - 3 meters (for the base, walls of the house);
  • Fabric 1.5 meters wide - 50 cm (for windows, pockets). You can use different fabrics, you can sew from the same fabric as the wigwam itself;
  • Sticks about 180 cm long, from a hardware store - 4 pieces;
  • Drill (for holes);
  • Thread - 1 spool per tone;
  • Velcro - 30–35 cm;
  • Dowel - about 70-100 cm to tie the base;
  • Sewing machine, scissors, pins;
  • The desire to create real estate for a child;
  • A little free space for cutting and free time for sewing.

Step 1: Cut out the walls

Entrust the most difficult work the laziest - he will figure out how to make it easier-))
We will cut all 4 walls in 2 cuts, don’t you believe me? Let's get started. In this diagram, you can see that all the lines are symmetrical. Fold the fabric with the pattern inward, in half. We retreat 10 cm on each side of the bottom, retreat 65 cm on each side of the top. We connect the marks with sticks, draw, cut.

Do you see how the sticks are lying? These are the lines we will be cutting along. 2 long cuts were folded and we got 5 parts.
Why 5, because there are only 4 walls? It's simple: 3 whole walls and side 4 (the entrance consists of 2 halves).

So we got:

  • Side 1 is blank
  • Side 2 pocket
  • Side 3 window
  • Side 4 consists of 2 halves - this is the entrance.

If you are not confident in yourself, you can make all sides (except the entrance:) solid.
Difficult work needs to be broken down into steps, and it will become easier. And the first step, side 1, is already ready.

Step 2. Pocket

Cut out the fabric. I took a piece measuring 30x40 cm. We turn the edge inward and sew it into the middle of the wall.

Step 3. Window

We fold our wall in half and cut out a window approximately 25x27 cm.
Why should fabrics disappear? Let's make “shutters” out of it, sew an edge of about 7 cm on all sides.
We cover the window itself with fabric and make a “double-glazed window” - just strips of fabric.
I sewed the shutters in two layers of fabric so that they were a little denser, and all the seams remained inside.
We sew on bias tape, or just another fabric, to make a frame for the window.

You can leave it like this, this time I made shutters with Velcro and opened downward (when there were ropes, the child constantly asked to tie and untie, but he can do it himself).

Above the window there is Velcro, below the window there is a seam for sewing on the shutter.

Step 4. Login

Step 5. Side seams

All! All four walls are ready. All that remains is to sew everything together and make the side seams. It's long, but simple. We sew the edges of the walls right along the front side, I was not mistaken on the front side!

When all four seams are ready, we turn the top and bottom of the wigwam.

Last 4 stitches left. Make places where we will insert our base sticks.

Step 6. Frame

We try on the width of the stick, make the necessary indentation and sew all four seams.

We put the sticks in. Please strong man make 4 holes in each stick, one at a time, to tie them together more tightly. We strengthen our house with the foundation. You can all call your children and try out your new home.

Here is our house, a wigwam, you can sew a floor under it, or lay a blanket, the children themselves quickly settle into their homes, with toys, pillows. In the photo, my poles are a little longer than necessary, they have already been sawed down, the holes have been redone.

Moms, grandmothers, godparents, just fairies who love to sew, I hope my master class was useful to you and it will help you make a house for your children.

For children, a wigwam (teepee, hut) is a secluded place in which reading books, gatherings with friends, games and sleep become much more interesting. And how stylish it looks in the interior of a nursery, living room or in the courtyard of a summer house! Today you can buy a ready-made hut in a specialized online store or from private craftsmen on Instagram. But if you have a free day and a desire to create, then it’s best to make a wigwam yourself.

There are several methods for making huts - from the simplest and not very reliable to quite labor-intensive, requiring sewing skills and a sewing machine.

  • We know a way to make a wigwam with your own hands, which looks cool, can open and close, is easy to wash, fold and disassemble, but... done in just a couple of hours and almost without sewing!

Master class on making a wigwam with your own hands

Today we invite you to make such a children's hut.

Materials and tools.

For the frame:

  • 6 wooden slats, 2 to 4 cm thick and 2 m long. Instead of slats, you can take bamboo sticks - they are light, inflexible and look nice.
  • Twine or other strong rope.
  • Roulette.
  • Drill and drill bit (optional, but recommended).
  • A strong rubber band (not needed if you have a drill).

For the "awning":

  • A piece of cotton or linen fabric 3 m long and 1.2-1.5 m wide. It is desirable that the fabric be dense.
  • 6 strips of fabric (cords, ribbons or ribbons) 30 cm long.
  • Needle and thread to match the fabric.
  • For finishing edges: threads to match the fabric and sewing machine(if available) or self-adhesive tape with iron on. If desired, the edges may not be processed at all.
  • For the door: small diameter eyelets + lace or any other accessories (buttons, rivets, laces, etc.).
  • Pencil.
  • Pins.


Step 1: First we need to “build” the frame of the teepee. You can do this in two ways:

  • Method 1: Gather all the poles together and tie them tightly with an elastic band, leaving 10-25 cm from the top edge. Then space the poles wide apart with roughly equal spacing and one wider run, as shown in the diagram below. Make sure the frame is installed securely.

  • Method 2: In each pole, use a drill to drill through hole, retreating 10-25 cm from the top edge. Then tie the poles loosely enough to each other as shown in the following photos.

Step 2. Now let's work on the canopy of the hut. Lay the fabric on the floor and fold it in half to form a 1.5 x 1.5 meter square (see step A in the diagram). Make sure the fold line is on the left side of the square. Fold the square diagonally, connecting two opposite corners to form a triangle (see step B in the diagram).

Step 3. Let's start cutting. To do this, first draw a marking: draw an arc from the base of the triangle (fold line) to one of its sides, starting about 5 centimeters from the edge of the fabric. Next, draw a second arc with a diameter of about 8 cm at the very tip of the triangle. Cut the fabric according to the markings, and then spread it on the floor - you should get a “tent” in the shape of a rainbow.

Step 4. Wrap the frame in fabric, wrong side out, and pin the ends together. Mark where the fabric meets each pole about 20cm above the floor.

Step 5. Remove the fabric from the frame and sew ribbons or pieces of the same twine 30 cm long on the wrong side in place of the marks.

Step 6. Process all sections of fabric: fold the edges twice and stitch (by hand/using a sewing machine) or glue them using a special tape and an iron. On next photo on the left is a method for quickly processing the upper round part of the canvas.

However, this stage is not necessary if you want to make the hut artistically careless.

Step 7. Now you need to figure out how to “fasten” the edges of the awning. In our project, small eyelets were used, which after installation were simply laced up. You can come up with your own way. For example, snaps, buttonholes, or ribbons work well.

Step 8. Cover the wigwam with an awning, fasten its top, and simply fold the “doors” back. If desired, they can be set aside and secured with Velcro or ribbons.

Step 9: Place a rug or blanket inside and throw in some cute pillows. Decorate the outside of the wigwam with fluffy pom-poms, yarn/paper tassels, and/or LED garland. You can put flags on the sticks. Well, that's all, the wigwam is ready!

Due to the fact that the tent is quickly assembled and stowed, it can be placed under open sky. For example, on summer cottage to hide from the sun and mosquitoes. If the awning gets dirty, you can easily remove it, wash it and hang it back on the frame.

Wigwam Decor Ideas

If you can choose almost any stick for the frame, then you should approach the choice of fabric responsibly. After all, how the wigwam will fit into the interior and how much the child will love it depends on its type. Further in the selection we presented several interesting examples huts for boys and girls.

Does your child like to build houses using chairs, stools, empty boxes, blankets in their play? And are you tired of clearing away the rubble of such construction every day? Then make a bright wigwam that will not only provide your child with interesting leisure time, but will also enliven the interior of the children's room.

Wigwam - a domed Indian hut North America. Simply put, it’s a hut on a frame with a chimney hole in the ceiling. It was made from thin trunks and covered with bark, branches, and mats.

How to make a wigwam in an apartment

Making a wigwam for a child is as easy as shelling pears, and you don’t need any special skills, just materials, time, and desire. Prepare:

  • slats with round– at least 4 pieces. Determine their length yourself, the main thing is that the children can freely, at their full height, be in their home;
  • a skein of rope for tying support elements;
  • fabric that will cover the future playhouse;
  • decorating elements in accordance with the chosen style.

Let's start building a wigwam.

  • Place one rail vertically. Attach the next one to it at an angle, crossing both at the top. Fold all the supports so that the top of the hut resembles a bouquet of twigs.
  • Tie the slats with ropes and reinforce the cross bars at the bottom of the frame.
  • Wrap the base sticks with pieces of fabric different color, securing them with buttons.

You can make a removable cover for the house, but it will take more time.

  • Measure the height of the frame and the width of each of its triangle parts.
  • Cut out a number of triangles from fabric equal to the number of sides of your structure. Cut off the tops of the triangles by 15 cm to get trapezoids - this will make it easier to pull the slats through the pockets. Add allowances to the sides for pole pockets. Cut one figure in the middle to get a door. Sew on a couple of Velcro strips and the lock is ready for it.
  • Sew the trapezoids together, sew pockets along the diameter of the sticks. Stretch the fabric over the frame and tie the top of the slats with ropes.
  • Decorate your home with whatever you want: flags, ribbons, lace. You can give the house an Indian flavor by decorating the building with feathers, and fabric walls paint with animals and birds. Place pillows, blankets, toys inside.

How to make a country wigwam for children

With the onset of spring days, we go to the dacha, and the question always arises, what to do with the children there in order to have time to dig, sow, and whitewash? The same wigwam house will come to the rescue. By building it from scrap materials, you will keep your child occupied and free up time for planting work.

Blanket wigwam

Stretch a clothesline between the trees and hang a blanket over it. Drive in pegs with ties and secure the edges of the fabric on four sides. Throw a blanket and a few pillows inside the hut. Such a structure will give children many hours of interesting game, and stay on fresh air useful for a growing body.

Wigwam made from hula hoop

Take a regular sports hoop and attach it to it with pins light fabric. Tie two long twines crosswise and secure their ends on opposite sides of the circle. Tie a strong rope with a knot. Hang the resulting house from a tree branch so that the ends of the canvas reach the ground. To make it heavier, sew heavy round pebbles to the bottom edge of the fabric, and then the wind will not blow up the walls of the wigwam. The summer residence is ready and waiting for its little owners.

Green wigwam

If you still have flexible branches after trimming your trees, start making a green hut. Draw a circle in the proposed parking area and insert branches densely, intertwining them. Tie the tops of the twigs into a ponytail with twine.

And in the fall, make a frame of sticks, plant fast-growing climbing plants between the future walls of the hut. Then by mid-summer you will have a living wigwam, where you can hide from the sun and light rain.

A wigwam is not only a toy that you won’t get tired of. This is a children's space where a child will play, fantasize, dream about the future, invite his parents to visit and fall asleep in a secluded house to the quiet voice of his mother's fairy tale.

Childhood is a carefree time for the most different games: both in the fresh air, and at home, and anywhere. Children's imagination and developed imagination can turn a boring shop in the queue of a clinic into a ship that goes to the shores of Africa. Or a temporarily placed stepladder instantly acquires a blanket cape and turns into a wigwam! Mom put up the stairs, hung the curtains, walked away for a minute - and then the Indians of the Forest Brook tribe seized the territory! So that.

Modern toy manufacturers offer parents and their fidgets the most different variants tent houses. Here and fairies, and heroes, and cartoon characters, and a paramilitary version - everything your heart desires. And the child asks for a hut, like in the summer when we went to the river. And the tent is no good for him. What to do? Take on drawings, patterns, call dad or grandpa drill holes in frame sticks, look for an old sheet and instructions on how to make a hut with your own hands - in a word, fulfill a childhood dream and plunge into all this magic yourself!

Materials and tools

The choice of materials primarily depends on where the hut or wigwam will live. If you are making a wigwam for children, the choice in any case will be more natural materials: cotton, burlap, etc. If the child will play exclusively at home, then an old sheet or similar fabric, suitable in size and color, will do.

For playing outdoors, in the courtyard of a house, in a country house, etc., it is better to take a denser fabric that will not be blown by the winds and will not get wet from the first drops of rain. Of course, you shouldn’t take tarpaulin, but it’s worth taking a closer look at fabric like cloth! Also street hut implies the presence of windows with insect nets and the same mesh canopy.

IN mandatory You will need foam rubber or sheet synthetic padding for the floor. If children of not the most conscious age who are just getting potty trained take part in the games, upper layer It is better to sew oilcloth onto the floor to protect it from unpleasant surprises. For a street hut, such a layer will in any case be small, unless the structure is installed on plank floor. If the hut will stand on the ground, it will definitely need sew pillows.

In addition to fabric and other sewing supplies, you will definitely need material for the frame, these can be wooden sticks required thickness or plastic pipes suitable diameter. The latter option is preferable, since the stick can still break under the pressure of children's games, and the plastic pipe is more likely to bend.

Frame and fabric- these are the main materials for a wigwam, but in addition to this, you will also need a strong rope that will hold the “top” of the frame together.

The tools for such a construction will require a drill to make holes in the frame for the ropes, as well as sewing accessories and a sewing machine, ruler, marker or pencil, stationery knife etc.

How to make a hut with your own hands

To work you will need:

  • Slats or plastic pipes with a diameter of approximately 2 cm - 6 pieces, 1.5−1.8 m;
  • Rope;
  • Drill, tape measure or long ruler;
  • Sewing machine, thread, scissors, needles, pencil, etc.;
  • Fabric measuring 3 by 1.5 m;
  • Ribbons 30-40 cm long, 6 pieces;
  • Sintepon and fabric for a pillow, whatman paper or a piece of wallpaper.

Step-by-step description of the process:

  1. Drill holes in the frame racks, departing from the top edge at least 20 cm. The diameter of the hole should correspond to the thickness of the rope. Thread the rope through the holes, tying the frame together, but not too tightly.
  2. Dissolve the risers to the sides as wide as possible, so that their lower ends form a circle. Secure this position with a rope that is threaded through the poles, and additionally secure it at the top where the posts intersect.
  3. Cape. Fold the fabric so that you get a square with sides of one and a half meters, the fold line should be on the left. Take the bottom right corners and fold them towards the top left corners, that is, folding the square diagonally.
  4. From the resulting triangle of fabric you need to make a cone. To do this, you need to step back 10 cm from the upper acute corner (it is located at the bottom if the fabric has not been turned over) and draw an arc. In the wide part of the triangle from right angle put 6 cm down and draw an arc again. The result is a cone. Cut along arcs and unfold the fabric.
  5. Throw fabric over frame, distribute it evenly and fix it temporarily. From the inside, where the fabric comes into contact with the frame, make marks on it at a distance of 15-20 cm from the floor. Remove the awning and sew the braid along the marks (parallel to the floor line).
  6. Processing edges and cuts. To process the upper rounded cut, you need to make notches 1.5-2 cm deep and 2 cm wide, bend them to the inside and stitch, preferably 2-3 times for strength. Fold the bottom 1.5 cm and also stitch. The “entrance” needs to be processed with a cut and a fold. In the upper part you need to close the entrance, that is, sew a distance of 20-25 cm from the upper arc.
  7. Carefully place the awning on the frame and tie the fabric to the poles with ribbons in the right places.
  8. Using a tape measure, measure the inside of the hut along the floor. On whatman paper, draw a template for the future pillow-bedding, cut 2-5 layers from sheet synthetic padding. Fold them in a stack, sew them crosswise with large stitches, do not tighten the thread too much.
  9. Using the same template, cut out two pieces for the pillowcase, making a 2 cm seam allowance. Fold the fabric face to face and stitch, leaving a window to insert the filling. Turn the pillowcase right side out, insert padding polyester, and sew up the slit. The pillow is ready!

Master class on creating a wigwam according to a drawing

This design, unlike the first option, will require a wigwam pattern - they are quite simple to construct and are, rather, drawings. This hut has a window and an additional pocket on inside walls, so it is also suitable for outdoor games. To work you will need:

  • Fabric for the base - 3 by 1.5 m; pocket fabric - 50 cm;
  • Window mesh- 50 cm (old tulle or nylon will do);
  • Frame - 4 sticks 1.8 m high, no more than 4 cm wide;
  • Drill;
  • Rope;
  • Velcro tape.

Description of the manufacturing process:

  1. The wigwam pattern itself is a trapezoid, the top side of which is 20 cm and the bottom side is 130 cm. For convenience, especially if you don’t have good sewing skills, it’s better to draw the template, for example, on a piece of wallpaper. For the pocket and window, also draw a template on thick cardboard.
  2. Next, you need to correctly place the pattern on the fabric. Lay out the material front side down. Step back 10 cm from the left edge and place the template, leaving an allowance at the bottom for the seams. Trace the template. Step back 20 cm from the right edge of the figure and trace the template again, also leaving seam allowances.
  3. Place and trace the window template on one of the circled fragments, and the pocket template on the other.
  4. Cut along the lines of the shape. You should get three identical trapezoids and two triangles. Two parts will have a window and a pocket, one part will be blank, two triangles will be the future entrance.
  5. Fold the part on which the window will be in half lengthwise. Cut out the window, leaving allowances for the seams and making cuts from them to the outline. Cut out the mesh and sew it to the window. Cut out a pocket from an additional piece of fabric and sew it to the second wall.
  6. Take two triangles that will be the entrance and an additional piece of fabric. From it, cut out a trapezoid with a side of 20 cm and 35 cm. Fold the triangles into a trapezoid, and sew Velcro to their “cut” lines. Sew a small trapezoid to the top, fastening the parts together.
  7. Sew along the long sides of the pieces. Measure the width of the stick, bend each seam to this distance and stitch. Insert the sticks into the compartments and distribute the fabric. Drill holes in the top of the sticks with a diameter corresponding to the thickness of the rope. Insert the rope and secure the top of the frame completely.

The wigwam is ready!

does not always imply vigorous and active games, often the child just wants to quietly play there alone, maybe read a book, etc. To have his own corner, closed from everyone, even in his own room - this need for children is not so rare. In order to make such a tent, you will need:

  • Aluminum hoop (aka hula hoop);
  • Fabric, thread, scissors, rope;
  • Hook or loop in the ceiling.

The fabric needs to be collected into a cone so that it is evenly distributed over the hoop, and a dome of approximately 30 cm remains at the top. From durable fabric sew a loop and place it in the center of this assembly. Sew the top of the head with thread and tie it with a rope on top. Use a few stitches to secure the fabric to the hoop.

Another option for a children's tent-hut, for which you will need:

  • Fabric - for example, an old sheet;
  • Bars 1.5 m long - 4 pcs. and a crossbar with a diameter of 1.5 cm and a length of 2 m;
  • Drill;
  • Underwear elastic;
  • Sewing supplies.

In the beams, step back 15 cm from the top and drill a hole corresponding to the diameter of the crossbar. Assemble the frame - cross the beams in pairs and insert the ends of the crossbar into drilled holes. Place fabric over the frame and distribute it evenly. Process the edges and cuts using a machine. Sew 4 loops from the elastic band and sew them to each corner of the fabric. These loops are put on the legs of the frame so that the structure does not deform.

The children's tent is ready!

Winter plague in the yard

Outdoor games should be played not only in the warm season, but also in winter. On the eve of the New Year, many schools, kindergartens and children's yard clubs hold a competition for the best snow figure. However, few people undertake the construction of tents. Of course, for this to be a full-fledged winter home, you must at least have the roots of the small peoples of the north. But in order to build a winter temporary shelter, little is enough. You will need:

  • Thick poles - from 6 to 12 pieces, depending on the desired strength of the tent, the optimal number of poles is 9 pieces;
  • Thick rope, hammer;
  • Textile;
  • Snow and water.

It is desirable that the layer of snow on the ground should already be significant, and the frame poles could be stuck into it.

It is necessary to put all the poles together and wrap the top with rope. Distribute the poles over the optimal radius. Insert the poles into the snow, helping yourself with a hammer if necessary. Secure the ends of the poles with rope. Drape the fabric over the frame. If necessary, make slits in it and tie it to the frame with ribbons.

Start covering it with snow from the bottom up, first forming a snowdrift. After this, add density to the snow layer by sprinkling a little water on it and adding snow again. Increase the snow layer inside the chum. Ready!

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You will need

● Colored and plain thick cotton fabric
● Ribbons or bias tapes
● Volumenfliz for the base and fleecefix for applications (read tips on working with gaskets in)
● Three wooden sticks with a diameter of approx. 2 cm, length approx. 2 m
● Suitable sewing threads
● Pins ()
● Scissors ()
● Tailor's chalk ()
● Measuring tape ()
● Triangle
● Film ()
● Film marker ()

Description of work

Step 1: make patterns

For the base, draw an equilateral triangle on the film with a side length of 120 cm. For the walls of the tent, draw an equilateral triangle on the film, 120 cm wide and 180 cm high. Cut out the parts from the film.

Step 2: cut out the parts for the base

Pin the film parts onto the fabric. Add 1.5cm seam allowances on all sides.
● Cut the base from fabric 2 times and from volumenfleece 1 time.
● From the fabric for fixing the poles - see photo below left - cut out 3 squares measuring approx. 10 x 10 cm, fold them diagonally.
● Cut out 4 strips for the tie, approx. 15 cm and 8 cm wide, in finished form 3 cm wide.
● Cut out 3 bias tapes for edging the entrance to the wigwam.

Step 3: Sew the Base

Sew the ties cleanly, leaving one end open.
Tissue the base cleanly, while grabbing woolenfleece, squares folded diagonally and 2 ribbon ties.

Step 4: Sew the walls of the wigwam

Cut out 3 sides (the walls of the wigwam). Sew pockets on both sides; if desired, stitch or stick appliqués on the pockets before sewing. You can also decorate the walls of the wigwam with appliqués, for example, as described in
On the front side of the wigwam, make two cuts from the bottom edge at an angle so that the entrance can then be rolled up (see photo of the model). Sew the sections cleanly using bias tape as described in the master class on the basics of patchwork. Sew ties on both sides of the entrance (see photo of the model).

Step 5: stitch the walls and edge the entrance

Sew the three walls of the wigwam, leaving a hole at the top for sticks, and place the parts face to face. Fold the allowances under and stitch along the seam, or make a French seam. Finish the top and bottom edges cleanly using bias tape.

Step 6: Assemble the wigwam

Insert the sticks one at a time into the corners of the base and tie them tightly with ribbon at the top. At the bottom of the stick, additionally secure it with ribbons. Place the walls of the wigwam on sticks and, if desired, additionally secure them with ties.


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