Festive table setting. Table setting ideas at home: options for different occasions How to set the table correctly

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Serving (from French. servir - serve) has the following meanings: preparing the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner; proper placement of dishes, cutlery, and table linen intended for these purposes on the table.

Basic requirements for table setting:

    compliance with the type of service: breakfast, business lunch, lunch or dinner according to the custom-made menu;

    aesthetic orientation (correspondence of the shape and size of the plates to the shape and size of the table, combining them with the color of the tablecloth and napkins, the forms of folding the latter);

    coordination of serving items with the decorative design of the interior of the hall;

    compliance of tableware with the range of dishes, snacks and drinks served;

    reflection national characteristics and the thematic focus of the room or table.

There are two types of table setting: preliminary and additional. Preliminary is called serving, which is carried out when preparing the restaurant hall for service before the arrival of consumers, which significantly speeds up the service process and gives the hall solemnity and elegance.

Additional serving carried out in accordance with the accepted order and taking into account the range of dishes and drinks served.

Preliminary sorting of the table is carried out in the following sequence:

    covering the table with a tablecloth;

    serving with plates;

    serving with cutlery,

    serving with glassware;

    laying out napkins;

    arrangement of cutlery with spices, vases with flowers and other table accessories.

The specified sequence ensures quick serving and safety of the dishes Covering the table with a tablecloth is carried out as follows. First, the tablecloths, ironed and folded in four along the length, are laid out on the tables, then each one is unfolded and placed along the length of the table (Fig. 5, a). Take the edges of one of the sides with both hands (Fig. 5, b); the tablecloth is raised and lowered onto the tabletop with a sharp movement, as if shaking (Fig. 5, c). The air cushion formed between the unfolded tabletop and the tablecloth makes it possible to lay it in the desired position (Fig. 5, d). In this case, the central fold of the tablecloth should coincide with the center of the table (Fig. 5, d), the perpendicular fold should also run through the middle of the table.

When covering round and square tables, the edges of the tablecloth should fall equally on all sides of the table at least 25-30 cm from the edge of the tabletop, but not lower than the seat of the chair. The corners of the tablecloth should go down strictly along the table legs, covering them. When covering rectangular tables, the descent of the tablecloth from the ends increases to 35-40 cm.

It is not allowed to level the tablecloth by pulling the corners or stroking its surface with your hands. After covering the table with a tablecloth, the chairs (armchairs) are arranged, which is a guideline for the correct placement of plates on the table.

In Fig. Figure 6 shows a diagram of covering the tabletop with moulton, a tablecloth, a naperon, and arranging chairs. When setting a table with two small tablecloths, first cover the table with the tablecloth on the side opposite the entrance to the hall, then with the second tablecloth.

The tablecloth is replaced if a large stain has formed on it (Fig. 18). The waiter stands at the end of the table and pulls the tablecloth towards himself so that the opposite side is located along the edge of the table (a), then the tablecloth prepared for replacement is placed on the table, folded in four so that its middle is located at the bottom (b), the bottom the side of the clean tablecloth is lowered over the opposite edge of the table (c); Hold the middle edge of a clean tablecloth with your index and thumb, and with your middle finger

and ring fingers - the edges are stained. Gradually remove the dirty tablecloth and at the same time cover it with a clean one, moving towards you. The table top should not be exposed when replacing the tablecloth (d). Before changing the tablecloth, dishes and drinks are moved to the utility table. If the stain on the tablecloth is small, it should be squeezed out with a towel and covered with a napkin.

Utility tables, which are placed next to dining tables during service, are also covered with specially sewn tablecloths or large napkins.

Table setting with plates Depending on the type of service, table setting can begin with arranging serving, snack or pie plates. Plates (serving, snack plates) are placed on the tables strictly in the center of each chair (armchair) at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the table, pie plates - 5-10 cm from the edge of the table and 5-10 cm to the left of the snack plates. The company logo on the plate should be located on the side opposite the edge of the table.

When setting a table with serving plates, the waiter takes a stack of each type of plate on left hand, and with the right one arranges them. You can place a handbrake or a napkin folded in four on your left hand under a stack of plates. Each plate is pushed forward slightly with the thumb of the left hand, then with the right hand they are removed one by one and placed on the table. The table is set in the same way with snack plates, which are placed on serving racks. In both cases, the waiter moves clockwise (from right to left). Then the table is set with pie plates, holding the stack in the palm of the right hand, placing them on the table to the left with the left hand. At the same time, the waiter moves along the table from left to right.

Table setting with cutlery. After the preparatory work (wiping, polishing with a handbrake), the waiter lays out the cutlery on a medium tray covered with a napkin, or on a small dinner plate with a napkin folded in an envelope. The cutlery is placed on the tray in the order in which the table is served (Fig. 19). If the cutlery is placed on a plate, then table knives, snack knives, table and tea spoons are placed inside the envelope; Table and snack forks are placed under the folded corner of the napkin.

The table can be set with cutlery by holding it in a handle folded into an envelope, so that the cutlery is directed deep into it.

First, the table is set with knives and spoons, holding the handbrake in the left hand, then the table is set with forks, placing the handbrake with cutlery in the right hand. To the right of the plates (serving and snack bars), knives are laid out with the blade facing the plate at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the table to the handle of the utensil in the following sequence: table knife, table spoon (for dinner), snack knife. To the left of the plate, lay out the forks, tines up, in the following order (from right to left): table forks, snack forks. The distance between the plate and the device, as well as between the devices, should be no more than 0.5 cm. All devices should be located on the table parallel to each other.

Table setting with glassware(Fig. 20). On a tray covered with a linen napkin, place wine glasses in the amount of 4 or more units (a). The waiter approaches the table and places a wine glass with his right hand along the axis of the serving or appetizer plate. This arrangement of glass or crystal is called centric. You can place the wine glass to the right of the plate at the line where its top edge intersects with the end of the first knife. This arrangement of glass or crystal is called right-handed. The distance between the plate and the wine glass should be 0.5 cm.

Table setting with glass can be done by hand, holding four wine glasses between the fingers of your left hand. by the legs with the containers down (the hand is turned palm up)(b). When setting a table with glass, the waiter moves clockwise with the tray, stops on the right side of the chair, takes the wine glass with his right hand by the stem, without touching the container, and places it on the table to the right.

Laying out napkins. A napkin is a mandatory table setting item. It should be well ironed and beautifully folded. The linen napkin should not be heavily starched. The most convenient to use is a semi-soft napkin. When folding napkins, take into account the possibility of folding them comfortably and simply so that when unfolded they do not look wrinkled.

When setting the table, the waiter places napkins on appetizer plates, and in the absence of the latter, on the table between the cutlery.

When serving consumers on a daily basis, paper napkins are sometimes included in table settings for breakfast or business lunch. Each napkin is beautifully folded and placed in vases, stands and directly on the table. Do not cut paper napkins into pieces and place them in vases and stands.

Arrangement of cutlery with spices. The waiter places a salt and pepper shaker on a small dinner plate, covered with a linen napkin folded in an envelope, and an ashtray under the folded edge of the napkin and places the device with spices closer to the center of the small table or along the axis, and the ashtray closer to the edge of the table on the opposite side . In this case, the salt and pepper shaker should be placed in the right hand between the thumb, middle and index fingers, without touching their upper part. For a table for six or more people, two or more spice utensils are recommended. They are placed on the table asymmetrically on both sides behind the pie plates in line with the wine glasses. Often, devices with spices are placed on special stands. You can place bottles of vinegar next to them, vegetable oil and hot sauce.

Feasts are part of everyday culture; we are used to setting a festive table for the New Year and birthdays, weddings and March 8, and even simply inviting guests for tea. While worrying about delicious and varied dishes, we often forget about such an important component of the holiday as table setting. And no matter whether you are preparing a gala evening with several courses or serving dinner for family members, you need take into account the basic serving rules tables for all types of feasts.

WESTWING not only loves beautiful dishes and stylish table decor, but will also be happy to tell you how to present them correctly in order to comply with all the rules and at the same time pleasantly surprise your guests. Simple recommendations will help you quickly understand the basic requirements of serving and inspire you to creativity for table decoration.

Basic rules for table setting

Many people believe that table setting rules are limited to the correct arrangement of cutlery and dishes, but in fact they also include general recommendations for the appearance of the table and chairs and even the order in which dishes are served.

General rules for table setting that will help you give the table a festive look:

  • Table setting begins with chair arrangements for every guest. The distance between chairs is 50-80 cm, each guest should be allocated equal space at the table.
  • The table should not look overloaded. Only those plates, cutlery and glasses that are suitable for the specific serving of dishes should be placed on it.
  • Serving is determined based on the dishes planned to be served, the number of guests, time of day and reason for the feast. So, wedding table setting on a large number of guests will differ from lunch in country house in a small circle of friends.

Now let's look at all the serving steps in more detail.

Table setting rules: tablecloth

Table setting begins with a tablecloth. Classic option is snow-white tablecloth on a table made of thick quality material, for example, satin. Other colors of the tablecloth are allowed if they correspond to your decorative idea and echo the dishes or decoration, but the main recommendation is that the tablecloth be light: beige-pink, cream, soft blue and other pleasant neutral colors.

The main rule of table setting: the tablecloth must be washed, clean and properly ironed. It serves as a backdrop for your stylish serving and dishes, so it should not distract attention. If the tablecloth is too thin or slips on the table, you can place a thin flannel fabric underneath it. It will also muffle the knock of cutlery and glasses on the table. Plastic and oilcloth tablecloths for festive table setting not recommended.

Tablecloth size is calculated based on the fact that its ends should hang evenly by 25-30 cm, but not lower than the seat, and the corners should cover the legs.

Table setting rules: plates

Plates are placed on a neatly laid tablecloth. Please note that all dishes must be from the same set. In the center of each place there is a lower plate, which serves as a stand for a plate with snacks and hot dishes and serves primarily decorative purposes. It is located at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the table.

Placed on top of it snack or soup plate, depending on which dish you serve first. To the left of the snack plate, diagonally, place a small plate for bread and butter (also called a pie plate).

At each change of dishes, plates are replaced so that guests do not have to eat from plates that are dirty or not suitable for a particular type of dish. Any feast requires at least one change of plates, and sometimes three or four.

Table setting rules: cutlery

Most often, it is the correct placement of cutlery that causes the most questions when serving, although simple rules apply here too.

  1. Knives are always placed on the right side with the blade facing the plate, forks are placed on the left side with the tip up.
  2. If the menu includes soup, then the soup spoon is placed next to the knife with its spout facing up.
  3. Butter knife Place directly on the pie plate.
  4. Knives and forks depend on the type of food served. There are a pair of forks and knives for a snack bar, a dessert set, and a knife for fish and meat.
  5. The knife and fork for appetizers are placed at the edges, since the feast usually begins with appetizers. Thus, those devices that will be used first are placed further from the plate. When changing dishes, the cutlery and plates are removed.
  6. Then it’s time to cutlery for the second course. Knives differ depending on whether fish or meat is being served; both types of knives are often found. Fish knife features a rounded tip.
  7. The dessert set: leg, fork and spoon are placed immediately behind the plate parallel to the edge of the table. The knife and spoon for dessert are placed with the handle to the right, and the fork with the handle to the left.

Glasses and table setting

As you know, there is a glass for each type of drink. Your task is to place them correctly on the holiday table. Glasses are usually located to the right of the plates in one line at an angle of 45 degrees to the edge of the table.

Since each type of drink is also served in certain time meals (aperitif, main drink, dessert drink, digestif), glasses are removed along with plates and cutlery. The only type of glass that always remains on the table is water glass. Glasses should be placed in the order in which drinks are served, with the farthest glass being used first.

The complete table setting includes the following glasses:

  • Water glass
  • Champagne glass
  • White wine glass
  • Red wine glass
  • Cognac glass
  • Vodka glass
  • Liquor glass

Each of these glasses has its own unique characteristics that allow it to fully reveal the taste and aroma of a specific drink. Therefore, use appropriate glasses for all drinks served!

How to set a holiday table: napkins

The same high demands are placed on napkins as on tablecloths. They should be perfectly clean, ironed, preferably white or cream and pleasant to the touch. It is recommended to choose napkins from natural materials , since they come into contact with delicate facial skin and can cause allergies or irritation.

Traditionally, a folded napkin is placed to the left of the plate or directly on the appetizer plate. Make sure that the napkin is neatly folded; for this you can use special napkin rings, which will give the table a ceremonial and solemn look.

Knowing the recommendations for table setting, you can easily apply them in any situation, creatively adapt them to your holidays and decorate the table with flowers, candles and fruits at your discretion, without violating the basic rules.

Table setting using decorations

The main decoration of any event is, naturally, flowers. It is worth listening to the rules of table setting for decoration both on holidays and on holidays. Everyday life. To make flowers pleasing to the eye, follow some simple recommendations:

  1. Make sure that none of your guests are allergic to the flowers you have chosen for serving.
  2. Do not use plants with strong odor. Mixed with the aroma of dishes, it can significantly spoil your appetite.
  3. Place the vase so that fallen petals do not fall into the food.
  4. For the dining table, choose vases that will not interfere with the communication of guests. These can be low devices for small compositions or vases on a thin high leg.

If you follow the rules serving festive table , That Special attention you need to pay attention to the choice of textiles. In addition to rectangular tablecloths and napkins, table linen includes buffet skirts, table covers, chair covers and round tablecloths. When choosing textiles, you need to rely on the occasion for which the event is being organized, the location and format of its holding. One of the main criteria is also the combination of textiles and dishes.

How to set the breakfast table

For breakfast, bread is sliced ​​and served in a wicker basket or a special plate with a napkin. The oil is served in a butter dish. Sausage and cheese are cut into thin pieces. Jam and marmalade are served in a jam outlet. On the table I place a breakfast plate, a glass for juice and a mug for tea or coffee.

Table setting for lunch and dinner

For lunch and dinner they use canteens, snack bars and pie plates, to the left of the plate is a table fork, to the right is a table knife. Wine glasses and glasses are placed near the knife on top. Also, don’t forget about the napkin holder with napkins.

Tea table setting

The tea table is covered with a bright tablecloth and a tea or coffee set is beautifully arranged. A cup and saucer is placed to the right, diagonally from the dessert plate. A spoon and fork for desserts are placed to the right of the plate. The slot is decorated with flowers in a vase. Coffee and tea are served when everyone is seated at the table. They serve cakes, pastries or pies, sweets and other desserts.

Table etiquette: what is unacceptable

  • The napkin should not be used as a handkerchief or towel.
  • It is not customary to wipe dishes or cutlery with a napkin; it is better to ask for clean ones.
  • After finishing the meal, there is no need to try to give the used napkin its original appearance and fold it. You just need to put it next to the plate.
  • Napkins do not need to be tucked into the collar, but placed unfolded on your knees.

You can clearly familiarize yourself with the rules from the photos that are presented on the website of the WESTWING shopping club. Here you can also choose beautiful, high-quality textiles and exclusive tableware for your feast. If you use WESTWING's advice, your guests will be pleasantly surprised.

Since ancient times, celebrations have been accompanied by feasts, and it was then that customs and rules for table setting began to take shape. Over the years, they have been honed, turning into unique rituals. Some of them smoothly flowed into everyday life.

Introduction to Dining Etiquette

Many table settings, shown in films and TV series or described in books, are frightening because of their complexity. There are many devices, the purpose of which is not always clear. A variety of dishes that are scary to approach, and wine glasses of all sorts of shapes and sizes for who knows what drink. But everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance.

The basic rule of table etiquette is “from the edges to the center.” As dishes change, utensils are used that are located further and further from the plate. The same applies to glasses and shot glasses, changing from left to right.

Table etiquette includes rules for serving dishes, the order in which cutlery is used, as well as table manners and basic politeness. The basic rules of etiquette include:

  • the location of the napkin is strictly on the knees;
  • “Thank you” and “Please” must be said both when making requests and when fulfilling them;
  • It is not customary to slouch while sitting at a table;
  • men sit at the table after women, having first pulled out a chair for them;
  • late for festive event is regarded as disrespect:
  • elbows on the table are a sign of bad manners;
  • you should not start eating if your dinner companions have not yet received their plates;
  • the knife must be held exclusively in the right hand;
  • fork and spoon - perfect combination for long pasta;

  • cut or bite bakery products it is indecent, you should eat them in small pieces, broken off from the whole;
  • a device dropped on the floor must be replaced;
  • well-mannered people chew with their mouths closed;
  • slurping in society is indecent;
  • bad form - eating with a knife;
  • Before pouring a drink, offer it to your neighbors;
  • no need to be greedy when serving from a common plate;
  • you need to close your eyes to violations of table etiquette by your interlocutor;
  • A little half-eaten soup is better than a tilted plate;
  • When using a knife and fork, use your strength to chew immediately without biting;
  • cutlery laid crosswise means that you are waiting for the next dish, folded in parallel - a sign of the finished meal;
  • In any awkward situation, you should apologize.

Purpose of the dishes

As mentioned above, there can be a lot of cutlery on a set table, but not all of them are there at once. Today, there are a lot of different cutlery designed strictly for a specific type of dish.

It is unacceptable to use them for eating other types of dishes, and so that those unfamiliar with complex serving guests are not confused by the variety of cutlery; they are advised to arrange them in the order in which the dishes are planned to be served.

Valid general rule "from the central plate to the sides."

Types and purpose of spoons:

  • dining room, oblong - for soup;
  • broth - round shape, otherwise indistinguishable from soup;
  • dessert room, smaller than the dining room;
  • tea room;
  • coffee - less than tea;
  • for ice cream - has the same dimensions as a coffee bar, but longer;
  • salad - served in a plate along with salad;
  • for caviar - another small spoon, resembling a shell;
  • pate – general cutlery for all guests;
  • sugar scoop;
  • sauce ladle - served with a gravy boat.


  • dining room - for main courses;
  • dessert;
  • for spaghetti – has five teeth, makes it easier to wrap pasta;
  • for sprat - a common device;
  • for seafood - a two-pronged fork;
  • for shellfish - with three teeth, the largest of which separates the meat from the shell;
  • herring - a two-pronged fork for transferring herring from a common dish;
  • salad - served in a plate with salad;
  • cocotte - an elegant tridental fork used for applying julienne;
  • lemon - used for arranging pieces;
  • for olives;
  • for fruits – used for cut or small fruits.


  • the dining room, its prerogative is main courses;
  • snack bar;
  • meat - served along with the dish;
  • fish;
  • cheese - used only for cutting;
  • oil - general device;
  • fruity – served for unpeeled fruits.

All tongs (except the last ones) are used by all diners together:

  1. for ice;
  2. confectionery;
  3. asparagus;
  4. for spaghetti;
  5. salad;
  6. for lobsters.

The very name of such tableware will tell the owners which tongs to put next to the salad bowl or in a bucket of ice.


  • soup - better wide and shallow;
  • bowl - narrow, small in diameter, very suitable for cream soups and broths;
  • snack bar - usually flat;
  • dessert, served only for confectionery products;
  • fish - a common dish for all guests;
  • chill mold - a small ladle for julienne;
  • Menazhnitsa is a sign that a buffet is organized at the celebration;
  • herring bowl - an oblong shaped dish;
  • egg;
  • saucer - used as a stand for cups;
  • socket;
  • creamer - used for jellies, mousses and ice cream.

Wine glasses and glasses:

  • high for champagne;
  • wine (separately for white and red varieties);
  • liqueur;
  • cognac;
  • for martini.


  • for whiskey;
  • for cocktails;
  • punch;
  • for juice and water.

As well as glasses for vodka and other drinks of comparable strength.


  • tea - on a saucer with a corresponding spoon;
  • small cylindrical - for espresso;
  • with cappuccino;
  • for the look.

As can be seen from all of the above, there are a lot of serving items. Don't be scared, because the names of each speak for themselves. The utensils used to serve dishes from common utensils are shared.

Is color important?

Color is always important, and their harmonious combination will help in design. A white tablecloth is a tribute to tradition; it matches almost all colors of dishes. Variegated dishes look advantageous on a plain tablecloth, but for a plain set, you can equally choose both tablecloth options. Napkins should be in harmony with the tablecloth.

It may seem that a black and white table setting is something out of scope, but it is not. The harmonious combination of these two colors can add special charisma to the reception.

The combination of purple and mint (green) looks very fresh, the red color adds solemnity. Silver and gold are integral attributes of a wedding. A dinner in honor of a man must be laconic, with white dishes and contrasting napkins. Bright colors- the best solution for a bachelorette party.

Arrangement rules

You shouldn’t put too many cutlery on the table, it’s better to leave a little free space. No matter how many changes of dishes are planned, it is better to take out the required utensils and items with a new serving. In the picture below you can see an example of proper serving.

As can be seen from the image, knives and spoons are always placed to the right of the plate (except for the oyster fork). Above them are wine glasses. To the left of the plate are forks, with a pie plate above them. Dessert cutlery should be placed above the plate. As mentioned above, the location of devices depends on the order in which they are used.

The napkin should be placed on a serving plate. Before serving dishes, it must be laid out on your lap. Shared dishes must be arranged symmetrically.

Serving sequence

You need to place dishes for a new dish only after the previous shift has been cleared. It is recommended to arrange the devices at the same time.

Appetizers are served first - first cold, and then hot. They are followed by the first course (soup), followed by the second course: fish, meat. Dessert is served before fruit, which concludes the meal.

In appetizers and cold main courses, you should move from fish to meat, then to vegetables and mushrooms, and finally to dairy (cheeses).

The serving sequence is observed to avoid loss of appetite and dulling of taste. Of course, everyone has the right not to eat what they don’t like, especially if everything is on the table at once.

The main thing is to remember the serving order and do not return to the previous dish.

What to do after eating?

If you have finished your meal, roll the napkin from your lap, hiding the soiled parts. You need to place it in the place of your plate, or if it is occupied, to the left of it.

At the end of the meal, the cutlery should be placed on a plate. The knife and fork are placed parallel to each other. The instrument handles should be directed to the right and down. The blade of the knife should be directed inside the plate, as well as the convex part of the fork.

After eating liquid food, utensils should be left in the plate or bowl in which the dish was served. Scolding a cook is considered bad manners, as is outright lying about how much you liked everything. It's better to highlight something that you really liked.

Reminder for every day

You need to set the table not only for guests, you can do it every day for yourself.

Breakfast is the start of the day and can be enjoyed beautifully. It is better to place the plate for the main course in the center, in front of you. It is better to place the fork or spoon on the left, and the knife on the right. You can place a tea cup and saucer over the knife, and bread over the fork.

At home, it is quite possible to dine on two courses. Let's take soup and pasta as an example. Under the deep plate we will place a plate for the second one, which will serve as a serving plate. There will be bread diagonally on the left, and on the right you can put a glass of water and a cup of coffee. Traditionally, the spoon and fork will be located on the right and left, respectively.

Dinner can be the perfect ending working day. You just need to add a couple of cutlery and arrange the wine glasses according to the wine glass. Paper napkins are placed on the left.

Examples of a beautiful table

There are a lot of options for table setting.

As mentioned earlier, black and white color will add solemnity and special chic. Black stripes of fabric and candles harmonize perfectly with gilded cutlery. The white tablecloth echoes the napkins and roses, and the snow-colored glasses and plates go perfectly with all of the above.

White tablecloth on round table with soft pink napkins and flowers in a vase will be an excellent holiday decoration in women's team. Glass candlesticks in tone with the flowers and napkins, the shape echoing the glasses, fill the atmosphere with coziness.

For creating beautiful table You don’t have to invent something special. A service with unobtrusive cream painting and a bouquet of flowers standing on a white tablecloth is everything you need for a small family dinner.

Turquoise wine glasses, napkins and tiny gift boxes are perfect for a celebration, and flowers that match the tablecloth will only lift your spirits.

The arrangement of fruits is very simple - you can simply cut them into plates. However, you can create an entire installation that will become a real decoration for the holiday.

And, of course, don't forget about alcohol. Buffet tables can be located in in different order, forming various figures. The glasses are arranged on them like a snake, a glass Christmas tree or triangles. And a pyramid of wine glasses can create a real sensation.

A creative approach can be found to everything. Table etiquette isn't that strict. You can arrange your own banquet, unforgettable and unlike any other.

You can learn about the correct layout of cutlery from the following video.

What housewife doesn't dream of surprising her guests with her culinary skills at the festive table? But to produce maximum effect, you need to know how to properly set the table at home. The correct arrangement of dishes and cutlery creates a special atmosphere. What do you need to know about serving? How to properly decorate a table for a birthday, New Year, for family breakfast, lunch, dinner?

Important etiquette rules

Table setting is not only the correct arrangement of cutlery, but also its design. The choice of decoration elements and set of dishes primarily depends on the format of the meal (birthday, family dinner, business lunch, wedding, etc.).

But some rules remain unchanged.

  • The banquet room should be bright, well ventilated and, of course, large enough to accommodate all invited guests.
  • Dishes and cutlery must be cleanly washed and polished. Be sure to check that there are no water stains left on them.
  • The table can be of any shape, but its size should be selected taking into account the number of guests. It is optimal if there is 80 cm of table length per person.
  • The tablecloth should be well ironed, clean and match the size of the table. It is correct if its edges hang down by 30 cm, and the corners cover the legs.
  • Near each plate in in the right order knives, spoons, forks, and glasses should be placed.
  • In addition to devices for individual use, auxiliary ones should be present on the table. They are necessary for serving food from common dishes.
  • The type of devices and location must be the same.
  • Mismatched sets, chipped corners, bent utensils, and dull knives are not acceptable.

To properly cover a table with a tablecloth at home, first place the folded item on the surface, and then, lifting it by the edges, sharply lower your hands down. Then she will lie perfectly.

Serving order

Whether it's a birthday party or a meal at home with family, according to the rules of etiquette, you need to set the table in a certain order.

  • The table is covered with a tablecloth.
  • Plates are placed opposite the chairs.
  • Then the cutlery is laid out.
  • Now it’s time for glasses, glasses, glasses.
  • On next stage Dishes are placed on the table.
  • Napkin holders are brought out.
  • Sets of spices and salt are laid out.
  • The table is beautifully decorated with flowers, candles or original compositions.

Placement of cutlery

At first glance, it seems that remembering the rules for placing cutlery on the table is very difficult. But in reality they are quite simple and designed for convenience. All cutlery is arranged in order of use, the outer ones are intended for first courses.

So, the basic rules.

  • The plates are located in the center seat 2 cm from the edge of the table. If several dishes will be served for a birthday or other holiday, then deep dishes can be placed on shallow ones. Bread (pie) plates are placed on the left hand, at a distance of approximately 10 cm.
  • As for spoons, knives and forks, they are laid out around the plate with the tip up (the blade of the knife faces the plate). There are forks on the left side and knives on the right. If dessert is expected, then the soup spoon is placed above the plate, otherwise - on right hand, to the knife. For a major holiday, such as a birthday, the set of cutlery should include a small appetizer fork, knife, utensils for fish or other specific dishes (depending on the menu). There should be a distance of 1 cm between the plate and the cutlery.
  • Drinkware should be on the right hand. If you plan to serve wine and water at the same time, then the drink that is more in harmony with the dish served first is placed closer. The nearest glass, wine glass or glass should be on the line of intersection of the first knife and plate. If there is a handle on the dish, it turns to the right. More than three items per guest is considered unacceptable.

Many people are confused about the rules for placing cutlery on the table, so we suggest you study them visually.

Important details: napkins and sets for spices and seasonings

Napkins are an indispensable part of table setting. There are linen and paper products. The first ones are placed under deep dishes (if there is no snack plate) or on the feet. Paper napkins are placed in a napkin holder at arm's length from guests. Additionally, you can roll them into fancy shapes, such as roses, envelopes, various geometric shapes or boats, animals (for a children's birthday). If the napkins are intended not only for table decoration, then it is important that they unfold easily.

When setting the table, it is important not to forget about the set of spices and seasonings. There must be salt and pepper on it. There is no need to fill the containers to the very brim; it will be enough to pour the seasonings halfway. If the menu contains meat dishes, then it is advisable to put mustard and horseradish on the table.

Setting the table at home

On weekends, the family usually gathers at home in full, and the housewife prepares her favorite delicious dishes, and during the meal there are intimate conversations. This is the best time to add special charm and comfort to breakfast, lunch and dinner with the right table setting. Even at home you can create a festive atmosphere. And if there are children in the family, then this will serve as an excellent lesson on how to behave in society, why different cutlery is needed and how to use them.

  • Breakfast.

An aesthetic meal in the morning sets the mood for the rest of the day. To serve dishes beautifully, you need to take into account some nuances. The first step is to arrange the snack plates, and then the cups, saucers and spoon. The latter are placed in the middle of the table so that everyone can easily reach them. If eggs are planned for breakfast, they are served in a special stand on a high leg. It should stand on a small saucer, and an egg spoon should be placed on it. The porridge is poured into a deep bowl, which is placed on top of a snack plate. The baked goods are served on a wide platter; butter, honey, jam or jam should also be present. For butter, each participant in the meal is given a small knife. A napkin holder with napkins must be present on the table. It will be beautiful if they are made in the same style as the insulation for the kettle. Don't forget about salt and sugar.

  • Dinner.

During the day, it is usually customary to serve first and second courses, as well as dessert. Therefore, to properly set the table at home, you will need several more utensils for lunch than for breakfast. For shared dishes you will need auxiliary spoons, spatulas and forks. Broth cups or deep plates are placed at snack bars, and dessert cups are brought at the end, when the first and second courses have already been eaten and the used dishes have been tidied up. Don't forget about knives for meat and fish. But for omelettes, meatballs, zrazas and cutlets, it will be enough to serve forks.

  • Dinner.

Evening serving for dinner is practically no different from morning. Usually pancakes, pancakes or pie are beautifully served on a common platter. Dessert plates are placed immediately, and dessert forks or spoons are placed on them on the right side. If you want to give dinner a romantic atmosphere, then place candles in candlesticks on the table and next to it.

Festive table setting

For a festive lunch or dinner, you need to take care of decorative elements. It is not only important here traditional rules table setting, but also the combination of colors and the sense of style of the housewife.

So, what should you consider when preparing for the holiday?

  • Tablecloth and napkins. The color scheme can be any, but it is important that the tablecloth is in harmony with the napkins. You can use universal white, delicate shades of lilac, blue, green. Rich pink, red and burgundy colors will come in handy for a romantic dinner. It is advisable to give the napkins unusual shape or simply roll them into tubes and tie them beautifully with a contrasting satin ribbon.
  • Crockery, cutlery. Banquet table decorate dishes in the form of non-standard geometric shapes, devices with curved, designer handles. A snow-white porcelain set will look most advantageous. However, if the tablecloth and napkins are also white, you can choose a dinnerware set with a border.
  • Candles. This decorative element is more appropriate for a wedding or a romantic dinner, but for a birthday it is better to limit yourself to candles on the cake. It should be remembered that the main role is played by the candlestick. It can be tall and thin, or the candles can float in flat bowls filled with water and flower petals.
  • Flowers. When decorating a table with flowers, it is important to choose the right vases. It is better to leave the tall ones for bouquets given to the birthday person. For serving, low vases that will not block the view for guests are more suitable. You should also take care of the moderate aroma of flowers; it should not mix with the smell of dishes or interrupt it.
  • Original compositions. Various fruit towers will look beautiful on the holiday table. Depending on the time of year, you can create decorations from spruce branches, cones, rowan berries, sea stones, sand, etc. Such compositions can then be placed at home. Handmade decorative items are at the peak of fashion.
  • Setting the children's table. For a birthday party for young guests, it is better to choose plastic dishes and limit yourself to safe utensils without sharp ends. A multi-colored tablecloth with cartoon and fairy tale characters is more suitable. You can add small gifts to the napkins folded into a fancy shape. If it’s a little princess’s birthday, then the table can be decorated with flowers. However, there should not be too many of them; it is better to limit them altogether balloons and paper garlands. Don’t forget to prepare signs with the names of little guests at each seating area; this will help avoid confusion at the party.

A properly and beautifully served festive table will make an unforgettable impression on your guests. And it’s not even a matter of etiquette - it’s always nice when order reigns at home, and a special atmosphere of comfort is in the air. Therefore, it is very important that a woman knows how to set the table correctly, knows all the rules of decoration and strictly follows them.

Evgeniy Sedov

When hands grow out the right place, life is more fun :)


The ancient art of decorating a ceremonial feast, arranging dishes for a dinner party or family celebration, the ability to set it beautifully and serve it festively is called table setting. It is based on a set of established rules and customs, including the order of laying out cutlery and serving dishes, recommendations for choosing decorations, stylish elements decor to create an elegant appearance. How to decorate a table for guests or husband?

What is table setting

The correct arrangement of plates, salad bowls and dishes, as well as the layout of cutlery, napkins and other small items necessary during a meal - all this is serving. This also includes the choice of tablecloths, napkins and other decorative elements. There are three types of serving: preliminary, banquet and “Bistro”. How they differ and what are the features of the procedure - all this is interesting to know not only for restaurant regulars, but also for ordinary housewives, because then their celebrations will be decorated in an interesting way.

Types of serving

The first type is the simplest. A set table with it involves a partial arrangement of dishes and cutlery for serving the dishes that come first on the menu. In this case, in the process of changing dishes, the entire set of dishes is replaced. Pre-service includes:

  • table-knife;
  • fork;
  • teaspoon;
  • pie plate;
  • objects placed in the center (flowers, candlestick, porcelain figurines);
  • red wine glass;
  • wine glass;
  • salt shaker, pepper shaker;
  • a fabric napkin without a pattern.

Banquet serving is a one-time arrangement of plates, cutlery and decorative elements. Devices used in this type of serving:

  • snack utensils (knife, fork);
  • soup spoon;
  • pepper shaker;
  • bread plate;
  • fish utensils;
  • a plate for pies or other pastries;
  • dessert spoon;
  • soup plate;
  • butter knife;
  • saucer (oval or round);
  • glassware;
  • fabric or silk napkins (rectangular or square).

"Bistro" is simple variety arrangements for informal, non-formal occasions, a modern everyday option for lunch or breakfast. It is used in restaurants, hotels, hostels, self-service canteens and kebab shops, establishments that serve their own staff. The devices and their location depend on the specific menu, the style of the establishment, average cost dishes. Cover the tabletop with white cloth tablecloths and serve with paper napkins.

Table setting rules

The decoration of a table, especially a festive one, both in restaurants and cafes, and at home, should be carried out in accordance with generally accepted standards. Proper serving The festive table sets the tone for the holiday. If you choose the wrong dishes, you can ruin a gala dinner on the occasion of an event or an important business lunch. According to etiquette, certain napkins and glasses should be used - the choice depends on the type of meal (celebratory, for receiving guests, for a romantic date).


The overall tone of the event can be set by the tablecloth. For a formal meal, it should be snow-white; for simpler meals, a cream color or color is allowed Ivory. Regardless of the event, the material must be immaculately clean and ironed. The presence of delicate decorative elements is allowed: lace, silk ribbons, perforation. Traditionally, the edges should hang 25-30 cm from the edge of the tabletop. In French and Italian restaurants, the edges are allowed to touch the floor. The material of the tablecloth should be natural: silk or cotton.

Types of plates

There are approximately 35 types of serving plates, but only about 5-6 are commonly used. The rules of etiquette stipulate that plates must be from the same set or, at least, made in the same style. The number and type of plates served depend on what dishes will be served and how many people are participating in the gala dinner. The main plates used in restaurants are:

  • soup;
  • a plate or bowl for mustard;
  • herring fish;
  • large and small flat plates;
  • meat dishes;
  • dessert shallow and deep;
  • pie

Cutlery for table setting

To the right of the plate is a soup spoon, immediately behind it on the outer edge there is a fork and a knife for appetizers (meat), the last place is a tea or coffee spoon. Cutlery for the main course is placed immediately next to the plate, and the dessert spoon is located behind the plate. Small knife for butter located on pie plate. The devices must be polished using boiling water or special means to shine. Some restaurants place a special napkin under the cutlery.


The classic is two glasses: for wine and champagne. The remaining varieties for alcoholic beverages are agreed upon in advance; if necessary, glassware for strong alcohol (shot glasses, glasses for whiskey, liqueur) is added. Glasses are arranged in this order: for red wine, for white wine, for champagne, and then glassware for strong alcohol in the order in which it is served. In addition, there is a separate glass (wine glass) for drinking water or juice, it is placed on the left.


If a problem occurs budget decoration table, then serving napkins will help solve it. Napkins are one of the essential accessories on the formal dinner table. There are two main types for serving - fabric and paper:

  • Fabric napkins are larger in size, square, and made of linen fabric. Designed to be placed on your lap or for decoration.
  • Paper napkins are used directly during meals, and they should be in the center of the tabletop - so that they are convenient to use. In addition, they must be accessible to every person sitting at the table. Napkins are placed in a napkin holder or in the form of figures as decoration. Paper napkins at official receptions and celebrations should be plain, without patterns.

You can beautifully arrange dishes for lunch or dinner at home. To do this, you need to buy a tablecloth, a set of cutlery and dishes. For home option You don’t have to have everything for serving; you should proceed only from your own needs and food preferences. To set a table for one person you need:

  • tablecloth, napkins (paper or fabric);
  • deep and flat plates;
  • table spoon, tea spoon, dessert spoon and fork;
  • table-knife;
  • tea pair (jam rosette), wine glass;
  • glass for water.

For dinner


  • The tablecloth must be spread on the table, a flat plate should be placed, and a deep plate should be placed on top of it.
  • To the right and left you need to put cutlery for the main course, followed by snack bars.
  • Place a teaspoon or coffee spoon in front of the plate.
  • A pair of tea or a wine glass is placed on the top right.
  • If desired, you can decorate the table with fabric napkins, flowers in vases or candles.

Dining table

Recommendations on how to properly set a table for lunch for one person are no different from those for setting dinner. With the exception that for dinner the table is not decorated with anything other than napkins or flowers. In addition, instead of a white tablecloth for dinner, you can use special plastic or silicone substrates - they are more practical and can be easily washed off food and spilled drinks.

For guests

During lunch, serving for guests is done in a similar way, only the number of cutlery and plates on the table changes. Decorations are almost never used; the tablecloth can be replaced with decorative stands for hot dishes. If dinner is provided for guests, then light snacks and alcohol (wine, liquor) should be served, and coasters should be replaced with a white tablecloth.

For the holiday

Arranging your own lunch for the holiday is a labor-intensive task, because... At celebrations, many dishes are served and a large number of people are present. For the holiday, the table is decorated with vases of flowers and fruits. At home, you don’t have to follow the rules regarding the arrangement of plates and cutlery, but only use a tablecloth, napkins and make sure that every guest feels comfortable.

Beautiful table setting

Vases with flowers, satin or silk ribbons, porcelain angel figurines, and napkin rings are used as decoration. The creation of a festive atmosphere is facilitated by: air balloons, serpentine, elegant tablecloths. Decorations for serving are selected in accordance with the holiday - a wedding, anniversary or romantic dinner. The main decorative elements are a tablecloth and fabric napkins.


Traditionally, for a casual lunch or dinner, the tabletop is decorated with flowers or napkin rings. At classic serving the main condition is the impeccable cleanliness of the tablecloth, napkins, cutlery, and utensils for spices. To set the table beautifully, but at the same time avoid excessive solemnity, you can choose napkins in bright, saturated colors - this move will help brighten up a boring meal.

Banquet room

Table decoration for a mass banquet - not an easy task. In this case, they try to make all decorative elements in the same style or color. They are selected according to the type of banquet: anniversary, corporate party or other event. More often they use bright napkins, fresh or artificial flowers. First of all, the wishes of people ordering a gala dinner are taken into account.


When serving a wedding dinner, the emphasis is on the places for the newlyweds, which are decorated with symbols of love (hearts, roses, posters with wishes, figurines of swans). Places for the newlyweds are marked with separate glasses (decorated or tied with ribbons). The wedding banquet is served with white dishes with a gold or silver border. The tablecloth is only snow-white, symbolizing the purity of the newlyweds’ feelings.

Table setting for two

To create a romantic atmosphere, when serving dinner for two, it is customary to use candles, a basket in which fruits and alcohol (wine or champagne) are beautifully placed. The tablecloth is chosen scarlet or white. The dishes are placed opposite each other, but in such a way that the person sitting opposite can be reached without effort by hand. There is not a lot of dishes and cutlery provided for two people, the emphasis here is on romance.

The main problem when arranging a meal for round table top- a small space, so the meal is served only with the necessary cutlery, deep and flat plates, a knife, fork for the main course, and a glass for wine. The rest is served as needed. A vase with a bouquet of flowers, a dessert or a bottle of wine, decorated with a red or black napkin, is placed in the center.

For a birthday

Table decoration for a birthday involves an emphasis on the solemnity of the event. Serving dishes and choosing the right decorations, including decorating desserts, will help with this. How to set the table beautifully? It all depends on the personality of the birthday person:

  1. Children's table You can decorate your birthday using various toys, cardboard or paper cartoon characters.
  2. A young girl or older woman traditionally uses fresh flowers, original desserts, vases with exotic fruits, napkins, sockets, stylish dishes made of multi-colored glass.
  3. It is customary for men to decorate a festive lunch or dinner laconically, with the help of beautiful contrasting napkins and tablecloths, with classic cutlery and white dishes.

Serving a festive sweet table

For an event with a lot of sweets or a holiday that only includes desserts, it is not customary to use decorative elements. Multi-tiered plates, pyramids, and special stands for cake pops or muffins are used. It's better if everything is collected in one color scheme. If you use additional festive decorations, the design will turn out to be pockmarked, overly pretentious and tasteless.

Table setting ideas

To surprise family and guests at celebrations or during regular meals, the following serving options can be offered:

  1. Spring. The tabletop is covered with a tablecloth, and fresh flowers and herbs are used as decorations. A linen napkin is placed on the plate, and a flower is placed on top. If desired, you can use a green tablecloth and decorations in the form of insects (chafer bugs, ladybugs). Fresh salad leaves are served at the beginning of the meal.
  2. Decoration for tea. Tea pairs are placed on a tablecloth of any color and decorated with bright napkins. You can use spectacular cutouts for cookies and small desserts (marshmallows, sweets, muffins). In the center of the composition is a large teapot, around it are rosettes with jam and honey.
  3. Breakfast at the dacha. The tablecloth is either not used at all, or linen in a natural gray color. Used as decoration ceramic tableware, enamel bowls with flowers in water.
  4. Hen-party. The tablecloth is used in fresh, bright colors (pink, coral, blue). Dishes are placed in a minimal amount (glasses, wine glasses, champagne or martini glasses), the main area is occupied by desserts, snacks, and drinks. You can decorate the surface with flowers and decorative beads.
  5. Children's holiday. They use oilcloth napkins of bright colors, plain or with images of cartoon characters or animals; the entire surface of the tabletop is occupied by sweets: sweets, pastries, fruits, cakes.


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