Table setting. We learn how to properly and beautifully set the table for a family lunch, dinner or holiday. The pie plate is placed

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Sooner or later a situation may arise that best friend or a new potential partner will invite you to a posh restaurant to celebrate their next anniversary or sign an incredibly lucrative contract. For some people, such an invitation will not seem unusual, while others may simply panic before going out. What is the reason for such incomprehensible excitement? Many of us have been abroad, visited numerous restaurants, and tasted a huge variety of national dishes. It seems impossible to surprise us with anything. But, nevertheless, when it comes to going to a top-class restaurant, panic and incredible worries begin: how to behave, what to order, how to combine dishes with drinks, etc. But the worst thing is table setting in a restaurant - a powerful arsenal of plates, cutlery, glasses on the table. Which side should you approach from? Which fork should I grab? What a shame it would be if guests noticed your lack of education in restaurant etiquette! It's okay, everything can be fixed!


The first question that arises when you are already at the table is: “What to do with this napkin beautifully folded into an original figure?” Yes, often when setting a table in a restaurant, napkins, the patterns of which can be very complex, are very frustrating to unwrap; they look like works of art. But still, take the napkin by the free corner, pull the edge, and it will unwind. Fold it in half and place it on your lap (do not push it into the collar or neckline of a lady's dress). This wipe is designed to keep crumbs and splashes from staining your clothes. You can get your mouth wet inside napkins, then the outer part will remain clean and will not spoil your weekend suit. Never use it to wipe off lipstick.

The principle of classic serving

The second stage is the desire to figure out what to do with all the cutlery and glasses? Don’t worry ahead of time: before serving the first course, the waiter will remove everything unnecessary. All that will remain is what you need for the meal. Table setting in a restaurant, the diagram of which is presented below, is not so difficult to remember. So:

  • There is a serving plate right in front of you, which serves as a stand for a hot dish;
  • most often at the beginning of the banquet there is a plate for appetizers on it;
  • to the left of the plates (in the direction from the guest) there is a table fork, a fish fork, a snack fork;
  • to the right of the plates there is a table knife, a fish knife, a snack knife, a table spoon;
  • above the plates there is a dessert fork (with the handle pointing to the left) and a dessert spoon (with the handle pointing to the right);
  • on the left above the plates there is a container for bread (pie plate) and a butter knife on it;
  • the right space above the plates is served with a glass for water, a glass for white wine, and a glass for red wine.

If you are further at a loss, remember: first take those utensils that lie on the edges, that is, farthest from the plate. Dessert utensils will be removed and removed later during dessert service.

Studying devices

In addition to classic serving devices, there are those that are used much less frequently. A video of table setting in a restaurant will clearly show how to use original cutlery.

Knives and forks


There are also several types of spoons:

  • lettuce, having three small teeth at the end. Used to transfer salad from a common plate to a serving plate;
  • the pouring room (ladle) is used for pouring compotes, milk, jelly and, of course, soups;
  • The spoon for salt is very small, located in the salt shaker.

shoulder blades

  • caviar spatula – similar to a scoop, used for transferring chum or granular caviar from the caviar bowl to a plate;
  • meat and vegetable dishes require a rectangular spatula when transferring;
  • hot and cold dishes are transferred from a common plate to a portioned one using a shaped spatula;
  • for pate, use a small figured spatula;
  • For cakes and pastries, use a square figured spatula.


Don't be alarmed, these are not the same forceps used in dental offices. These tongs are culinary tongs. Have you seen table settings like this in a restaurant? Pictures are included! There are:

  • snail tongs for holding the shell;
  • For baking use large pastry tongs;
  • For sugar, sweets, chocolate, small pastry tongs are used;
  • In order to crack the nuts, you need V-shaped tongs with nut indentations;
  • for ice you will need U-shaped tongs with serrated blades;
  • Asparagus tongs, offered for asparagus on the grill.


Hooks are not used to catch fish, but to remove the snail from its shell.

Glasses on the table and their purpose

The number of glasses on the table depends on what drinks will be served during the feast. The classic option is glasses for white wine, red wine, a wine glass or a glass for water.

If you plan to serve a table in a restaurant for a banquet, there can be much more glasses. How to deal with them?

Glasses are served to the right of the plates from small to large, straight or in an arc. If there are a lot of glasses, then they are served in two rows so that large glasses do not cover small ones.

Here you don’t have to worry - the waiter will fill a certain glass with the desired drink. But, nevertheless, take note:

  • a small glass is intended for vodka or strong liqueur;
  • Madeira glass - slightly larger in size than vodka - used for Madeira, port and sherry;
  • champagne glass - “flute” (“flute”, “flute”) - tall, delicate, on a thin stem;
  • glass for white wine - the edges are narrowed, the stem is high and thin (so as not to heat the cool white wine with the heat of your hand). Add white wine frequently;
  • A glass for red wine is barrel-shaped, the stem is thicker and shorter. The glass is two-thirds full;
  • glass for cognac - “brandy snifter”, spherical, narrowed at the top. Fills to the bottom;
  • glass for whiskey - “whisky”, “old fashion” - served, if desired, with ice, water, soda;
  • martini glass - “martinka” - an inverted cone on a thin stem, vermouth and martini-type cocktails are served in it.

Do's and Don'ts in a Restaurant

Setting a table in a restaurant (example photo attached) is not all you need to learn regarding restaurant etiquette. There are other rules:

  1. You cannot powder, put on makeup, or comb your hair at the table. To do this, they go to the ladies' room. You are only allowed to look in the mirror at the end of the meal.
  2. You cannot persuade your table neighbor to drink or eat more.
  3. Equipment that has fallen to the floor cannot be picked up. Pretend that nothing happened and don't hesitate to ask the waiter to bring others.
  4. The knife is held exclusively in right hand, even if you are left-handed.
  5. The spoon and fork are held parallel to the table on their way to the mouth.
  6. The soup spoon does not fill to the brim.
  7. It is not customary to tilt a plate of soup.
  8. They do not eat bread with a fork, do not bite off a whole piece, and do not spread butter on a whole piece of bread. It is correct to break off a small piece with your hand above your plate.
  9. The pate, caviar and butter are taken with a knife, placed on a plate, and only then spread on bread.
  10. Fish bones should not be spat out onto the plate; they are discreetly taken out with your hand or a fork and placed on the edge of the plate.
  11. The poultry meat is separated from the bone with a knife and eaten with a fork. It is indecent to gnaw on bones picked up by hand.
  12. You can eat some dishes with your hands: asparagus, chicken tobacco.
  13. The knife does not cut everything at once, but one by one.
  14. It is not necessary to finish a dish or finish a glass of wine.
  15. If you want to take a break to drink water, place your cutlery on the plate as you held it: fork with the handle to the left, knife with the handle to the right.
  16. If you decide to take a break from eating, stack the cutlery on the plate crosswise.
  17. Parallel stacked cutlery marks the end of the meal. In this case, the waiter will remove your plate.
  18. A coffee or teaspoon is used to stir the sugar, then it should be placed on a saucer.
  19. The drink you drink through a straw should not be sucked completely.
  20. The napkin should be left unfolded on the right side of the plate at the end of the banquet.

That's all: the basic basics of restaurant etiquette have been covered. There is only one thing left: calmly, without a single worry, in a good mood, enter a prestigious restaurant and amaze those present at the table with your intelligence and education.

Table setting is a sign of good manners and hospitality of the hostess, so it is very important that the set table is replete with not only tasty and steaming dishes, but also beautiful elements, correctly arranged knives and forks.

This fascinating and certainly creative activity will be discussed in this article. Here you will find recommendations for correct layout cutlery, as well as photos of serving in different styles and flowers.

Since ancient times, eating was not just an everyday activity. Gathering in company big table, a seemingly simple dinner became something of a celebration.

At the table they didn’t just eat food prepared in advance, people communicated, shared news and their thoughts. As a result, such a concept as table setting was born.

The correct and beautiful arrangement of cutlery and dishes gave the festive table a special look, and with the advent of the first rules of table etiquette, proper table setting became an integral part of any feast.

Moreover, in ordinary home conditions, it’s not even a matter of etiquette. In fact, it’s just nice when there is order and a special atmosphere on the table.

But let's get down to the basic rules that will help you decorate the holiday table.

What you need to know about table setting

First of all, make sure that all dishes and cutlery are clean. To do this, first, without exception, all devices should be wiped with a warm and damp towel, and then polished dry with a dry one. Make sure that there are no water stains on the utensils and dishes.

The tablecloth must be carefully ironed. Its edges should hang down from the table by 25-30 centimeters, so that the corners slightly hide the table legs. Many housewives, in fear for the tablecloth, cover it with oilcloth on top, however, according to the rules of table setting and etiquette, this is unacceptable if you are receiving guests.

Number of cutlery on the table for each plate in different situations may be different. It all depends on the dishes that will be served during the meal.

Well, the last “golden” rule is that the location and type of equipment for each guest should be completely the same.

Proper table setting

Take a look at the following image:

Shown in the photo classic table setting table according to European etiquette. The picture shows all types of cutlery as an example. Of course, you most likely won’t need the entire “set,” so looking at this picture, you can arrange the cutlery in the same way, but leaving only what is necessary on the table (depending on the dishes).

For example, for an ordinary classic Russian dinner, it is enough to leave a pie plate for bread and butter, a spoon for the first course, a fork for the main course, a table knife, a decorative and soup plate, and a glass for water. In each specific case, something may change, for example, if there is dessert on the dinner menu, it is worth adding the appropriate cutlery to the table.

Types of napkins and their location

Napkins are one of the most important accessories on the festive table. There are two main types of napkins - fabric and paper. Cloth napkins (large in size) are usually intended to be placed on the guest's lap (to prevent food from getting on clothes).

Paper napkins are usually used directly for eating, and they should be located in the center of the table, so that they are accessible to everyone. If the table is large, it is worth placing napkins in several places so that everyone at the table has direct access to them.

By the way, napkins can be placed on the table either in a regular napkin holder or by making original figures out of them. Below in the picture, you can see the four most regular options figurines made from napkins. As you can see in the photo, beautiful table setting largely depends on appearance napkins and their colors.

By the way, if the feast does not include a first course, then a beautifully folded napkin should be placed on each guest’s plate, but remember that in this case all napkins must be the same, and in the center of the table there must be a supply of them at the rate of 2-3 napkins per guest .

Table setting - photos with examples

Above in the photo, you saw classic version table setting, however, it is not at all necessary to strictly follow these rules if more interesting ideas. You can decorate the table perfectly different ways, the main thing is that the main devices are located in in the right places, and the rest is at the discretion of the hostess.

We will separately celebrate such a holiday as the New Year. Everyone's favorite feasts can be not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Let's take a look at a few more good options on the picture:

As you can see from these photos, table setting is quite a personal and creative activity. And although the rules are the same everywhere, it’s worth trying to “play” with the colors of napkins, dishes and tablecloths. Sometimes this has an amazing effect.

The word "serving" comes from the French servir, which means to serve and has two meanings:

  1. Preparing the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea (arranging dishes in a certain order),
  2. A set of items intended for this purpose (dishes, table linen, etc.).

Table setting is one of the main elements of the interior of the hall and has great importance for creating Have a good mood at the guests' place.

The main requirements for table setting at present are the following: simplicity, practicality, coordination with the interior of the room, and compliance with the food served. Along with this, much attention is paid to the aesthetic orientation of table setting: shape, color, design of dishes; the color of the tablecloth and napkins; compliance with its service topic, use national characteristics and etc.

Table setting, as well as the whole process of serving guests, is ceremonial in nature and is distinguished by its many options, but it is based on general rules that are determined by the national organization of work of service personnel, as well as the need to provide maximum convenience to consumers.

Basic rules for table setting

Table setting is carried out in a certain sequence: the table is covered with a tablecloth, then plates are placed, cutlery is laid out, glasses, napkins, and spice utensils (menage) are placed. Each serving element should have a specific place on the table.

Covering the table with a tablecloth. This operation is performed so that the ironed central seam of the tablecloth is located on the axis of the table and both sides of it are at the same level from the floor.

The edges of the tablecloth should fall equally on all sides by at least 25 cm, but not lower than the seat of the chair. A smaller descent gives the table an unaesthetic appearance, a larger one is inconvenient for those sitting. The corners of the tablecloth should go down along the table legs, covering them, and be at a distance of 35–40 cm from the floor.

When covering a table with two tablecloths, the first is laid on the far side of the table (in relation to the main entrance to the hall), the second is placed on top of the first with the side on which the edge was previously turned inward so that a straight line is formed.

Table setting with plates

Depending on the type of service, a small dining room, snack or dessert plate is placed opposite the guest’s chair. The distance from the plate to the edge of the table top should be approximately 2 cm. The emblem or design, if any, on the plate should be facing the guest.

At banquet serving The snack plate is placed on top of the shallow dining table. In this case, it is advisable to place a napkin between them, but so as not to cover the emblem.

The pie plate is placed on the left side of the main one (small dining room or snack bar) at a distance of 10–15 cm from it, depending on the number of cutlery (forks) to be placed later.

Possible various options placement of a pie plate in relation to a small dining room or snack bar.

When placing the plate on the table, take it large and index fingers, which pull in one direction along the side, the remaining fingers only support it.

Table setting with cutlery. Cutlery is placed to the right and left of the central (small dining room, snack or dessert) plate: knives are placed on the right, with the blade facing the plate, forks on the left, teeth up.

Table setting begins with knives

They must be placed on the right side of the plate, placed in the direction from left to right: tablevyy, fish, snack bar. It is customary to place forks on the left side of the plate, placing them in the direction from right to left: table, fish, diner. The guest uses the cutlery in the reverse order while eating.

The butter knife is placed on the right side of the pie plate. The tablespoon is always placed on the right side, with the indentation facing up.

Dessert cutlery is placed behind the plate (small table or snack bar) in the following order (from the plate to the center of the table): knife, fork, spoon. When setting the table with a dessert plate, dessert utensils are placed to the left (fork) and to the right (knife) of it. Often, when serving, only one of the dessert utensils is placed or in pairs - a spoon and fork, a knife and a fork. The cutlery is placed at a short distance from the plate, and next to each other, but so that they do not touch.

The following guest places are served at a distance of 70–80 cm (from the center of the main plate).

Table setting with glasses

The glasses are placed last, holding them by the stem or bottom edge. The glass that is placed first is called the main one. This is usually a water glass and can be placed centrally behind the plate or moved to the right until the top edge of the plate intersects the end of the first knife.

Then the remaining glasses are installed. In this case, there are three ways to arrange them: in length, in a semicircle and in a block, but with any of them you must adhere to the following rule: lower glasses are placed in front of tall ones (the principle of “organ pipes”). This makes pouring drinks easier.

Today there is a tendency to reduce the number of glasses. Even at the most formal dinners, one glass (universal) or two are placed - a glass for water and a glass for wine (universal). All subsequent glasses are served additionally, if necessary, with the corresponding dishes. Beer glasses are usually placed next to the appliances in homes, but in restaurants they are served only upon order.

Setting the table with napkins

Linen napkins are placed on a snack or dessert plate, paper napkins are placed in special stands and vases. It is possible to place the napkin on the pie plate or directly on the tablecloth between the cutlery (knife and fork). Various options for folding napkins are shown in Figure 1.

1 – envelope, 2 – book, 3 – “into space”, 4 – cap, 5 – crown, 6 – umbrella, 7 – double crown, 8 – cap
Figure 1 - Options for folding napkins


Finally, salt, spices and seasonings are placed on the table. At mass service During the daytime, salt and pepper can be placed on the table. In other cases, it is recommended to add only salt when serving; other spices and seasonings are served with the appropriate dishes or at the request of consumers.

Characteristics of different types of table settings

Preliminary table setting. This is done before guests arrive. Daytime service (breakfast, lunch) includes snack bar and pie plates, cutlery (knife and fork; knife, fork, spoon), cutlery, wine glass, linen napkin, a device with spices.

In the evening (dinner), it is necessary to supplement the serving with snack utensils and remove the tablespoon. You can put dessert cutlery.

When setting the table for serving tea or coffee, the tea (coffee) saucer is placed to the right of the main plate at the level of its upper edge. The cup is placed on the saucer with the handle to the right. The tea (coffee) spoon is placed on the saucer to the right of the cup parallel to its handle.

Additional table setting. It is carried out at the time of serving guests after receiving an order for a particular dish. May include all utensils, utensils and drink glasses needed to serve custom-made meals.

Service methods

Depending on the number of serving guests, the class and equipment of catering establishments (restaurants, bars), various methods service. The most common are the French, English, American and Russian service methods. All methods of service use the labor of waiters.

French service.This type of service is common in haute cuisine restaurants, where it emphasizes the elegance of the service. French service is considered the most impressive and expensive in the world. A large dish with food laid out on it is shown to the guests. This takes into account visual perception a person of beautifully served food, which undoubtedly stimulates the appetite.

Approaching from the left side, the waiter places food from the dish onto the guests' plates. French view The service can be used both when serving individual guests and a large company.

English service(service from side table). In this method, the waiter places food on the guest's plate on a side table, then serves it from the right side. This type of service is labor intensive and is therefore only recommended for serving a limited number of guests (4-6).

American service.Food is prepared and plated directly in the kitchen. The waiters serve and place plates to the guests. This type is popular due to its simplicity and efficiency.

German service.The food is laid out on a large dish and placed on the table at an accessible distance from the guest so that he can serve himself.

Russian service. Food is served on a service platter. The waiter divides it into portions in front of the guests, then the guests themselves put these portions on plates.

Table setting rules
The word "serving" comes from the French servie, which means to serve, and has two meanings: preparing the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea (arranging dishes in a certain order); a set of items intended for this purpose (dishes, etc.)
The basic requirements for table setting are the following: simplicity, practicality, coordination with the interior of the room, and compliance with the suspected food. Along with this, much attention is paid to the aesthetic orientation of table setting: shape, color, design of dishes, color of tablecloth and napkins, compliance with the thematic focus of the enterprise, use of national characteristics, etc.
Requirements for table setting are determined by the basic rules for the operation of public catering establishments. It can be preliminary and executive.
Preliminary table setting is carried out in the process of preparing the room for service and includes a minimum number of items that can be used in the subsequent execution of the order. These include: pie plates, wine glasses, spice utensils, cutlery (knife, fork, spoon), napkins.
Executive (full) serving is carried out by the waiter, as a rule, depending on the menu of the accepted order.
Table setting depends on many factors: the type, class and specialization of the enterprise, the nature of the service, the method and features of serving individual dishes, etc.
In this regard, they provide table settings for serving breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea, coffee, and banquets.
Table setting, like the process of servicing consumers in general, is creative in nature and is distinguished by its multivariate nature, but it is based on general rules that are determined by rationality, the scientific organization of the work of waiters, as well as the need to provide maximum convenience to consumers.
Many requirements for table setting are determined
Table setting is carried out in a certain sequence: the table is covered with a tablecloth, then plates are placed, cutlery is laid out, wine glasses, napkins, and spice utensils are placed. Each serving element should have a specific place on the table.
Covering the table with a tablecloth is done so that the ironed central seam of the tablecloth is located along the axis of the table and both sides of it are at the same level of the table. The edges of the tablecloth should fall at least 25-35 cm from the edge of the tabletop, but not lower than the seat of the chair. A smaller descent of the tablecloth gives the table an unesthetic appearance, while a larger slope is inconvenient for consumers.

The figure shows what the correct descent of the tablecloth should be when laying square, round and rectangular tables.

Technique of work. The tablecloth is placed on the table from the side leading to the entrance to the hall. The waiter stands at the table with his back to the exit, unfolds it, leaving the tablecloth folded in four so that the edges hang evenly on the right and left sides. The center of the tablecloth and two free edges should be turned towards the waiter. The waiter takes the prepared tablecloth with both hands, grasping the upper edge with his thumb and forefinger and supporting the middle with the remaining fingers. Then he lifts the entire tablecloth and, holding it only by the top edge, points it forward and covers the end of the table. Holding the tablecloth between his thumb and forefinger, the waiter pulls it towards him across the table until the center fold aligns with the middle of the tabletop.
There is another technique: the waiter places the prepared tablecloth on the table, takes two of its four free corners (lying nearby) with his hands, shakes it vigorously and lowers it onto the tabletop.
A linen napkin is placed on a snack or dessert plate, paper napkins are placed in special stands or vases.
It is also possible to place napkins on a pie plate or directly on the tablecloth between cutlery (knife and fork). The different options for folding napkins are given below:

A small table, snack or dessert plate is placed exactly opposite the chair so that the distance from the plate to the edge of the tabletop is approximately 2 cm (Fig. 4, a). The logo should be on the side of the plate facing the middle of the table. When serving a banquet, the appetizer plate is placed on top of a small dining room. In this case, it is advisable to place a napkin between them, but so as not to cover the emblem (Fig. 4,b)
The pie plate is placed on the left side of the main one (small dining room or snack bar) at a distance of 5 - 10 cm, depending on the number of cutlery (forks) to be placed later. Various options for placing a pie plate in relation to a small or snack bar are possible (Fig. 4 c-f).
cutlery is placed to the right and left of the central (small table, snack, dessert) plate: knives are placed on the right with the blade facing it, forks are placed on the left with the teeth up. The waiter always starts setting the table with cutlery with a knife.

Knives must be placed on the right side of the plate, placing them in the direction from left to right: table, fish, snack (Fig. 5,a); It is customary to place forks on the left side of the plate, placing them in the direction from right to left: table, fish, snack (Fig. 5, b). The consumer uses the utensils in the reverse order while eating.
It is recommended to set the table with no more than three sets of cutlery. If necessary, the fourth set can be placed on a snack plate under a napkin (Fig. 5, d). The butter knife is placed on the right side of the pie plate (Fig. 5, e). The tablespoon is always placed on the right side, with the indentation facing up (Fig. 5, e)
Dessert cutlery is placed in front of the plate (small table or snack bar) in the following order (from the plate to the center of the table): knife, fork, spoon (Fig. 5, d). When setting the table with dessert plates, you can place dessert utensils to the left (fork) and to the right (knife, spoon) of it. Often, when serving, only one of the dessert utensils is placed (Fig. 5, a, b, f) or in pairs - a spoon and a fork, a knife and a fork (Fig. 5, e, c).
The cutlery is placed at a short distance from the plate, and next to each other, but so that they do not touch.
The wine glass can be placed in the center behind the plate or moved to the right to the line where the top edge of the plate intersects the end of the first knife.
For mass service during the daytime, salt and pepper can be placed on the table. In other cases, it is recommended to use only salt when setting the table; other spices and seasonings are served with the appropriate dishes or at the request of consumers.
Closed utensils for salt and spices are placed in the middle part of the table in special stands or on a pie plate. Salt and spices should be dry and easily pour out of salt and pepper shakers. The holes through which spices are poured must be firmly closed with special stoppers. When setting banquet tables, the opening of the salt and pepper shakers is placed on the tablecloth without stands. A spoon for spices is placed on each device.
To decorate the table, use fresh garden and wildflowers. They are placed in the center of the table in low vases of 3-5 pieces. in each. On some special occasions, cut flowers are laid out along the table in a path or 1-2 flowers are placed to the right of the knives near each place at the table.

Serving – ancient art decorating a table for a shared lunch or feast. To decorate the table in accordance with generally accepted rules and customs, you should familiarize yourself with them. It is necessary to learn the order of arranging cutlery and serving dishes, and also take into account the recommendations of specialists in choosing decorations and decorative elements to realize the ideal serving.


Today, few people pay due attention to studying traditions and customs, so not every housewife can talk about table setting or explain what it is. But it is worth familiarizing yourself not only with the concept itself, but also with the history of the development of serving.

By serving you need to understand correct location plates, cutlery, napkins and other elements for the meal. Great value The choice of decor plays a role.

​Serving can be presented in several varieties:

  • Preliminary- is the simplest. With such serving, it is enough to partially arrange the dishes and cutlery that will initially be required for the dishes presented first on the menu. When a new dish is served, the dishes will be replaced at the same time.

During pre-serving, it is necessary to use a table knife, a fork, a teaspoon, a pie plate, a wine glass, a wine glass, decorations for placing in the center, a pepper shaker and salt shaker, as well as a cloth napkin without a print.

  • Banquet room– consists of simultaneous arrangement of decor, plates and cutlery. To create this type of serving you will need snack utensils, namely:
    • forks and knives;
    • soup spoon;
    • fish utensils;
    • baking plate;
    • bakery plate;
    • butter knife;
    • dessert spoon;
    • pepper shaker;
    • soup plate;
    • small saucer.

Silk napkins are the ideal decoration for this type of table setting. They can be in the form of rectangles or squares.

  • "Bistro"- the usual arrangement of dishes for a casual breakfast or lunch in an informal setting. It can be used in areas where self-service is used. This type of serving is used in establishments where personal staff are served. The choice of cutlery and their location depends on the menu, the cost of the dish and even the style of the establishment. The table should be decorated with a tablecloth, as well as additional napkins.


For proper decoration of a table at home, in a chic restaurant or cafe it is necessary to follow generally accepted serving rules. If you set the table correctly, then the holiday will be brighter and more spectacular. A mistake when choosing dishes can ruin the whole holiday. The type of meal affects the choice of plates, glasses, even napkins, as well as other elements.

Used frequently serving for two. This option is ideal for embodying a romantic atmosphere. To decorate the table, you can use a variety of elements (candles, alcohol in the form of champagne or wine, a fruit basket). It is worth giving preference to a tablecloth of snow-white or bright red color.

To set a table for two, you need to maintain synchronicity. The dishes should be placed opposite each other, and the distance between the interlocutors should be small so that they can touch at arm's length.

When creating a romantic atmosphere, you should not focus on proper serving; on the contrary, it is better to use a minimum of utensils and cutlery.

When planning home banquet You should take care of the comfortable location of each guest, and for this you should maintain a certain distance. If you need to accommodate 4 people at a table, then you can use both the square and oval options. But remember that for a convenient location for one person you need 76 cm, and for an overweight guest - 90 cm. Furniture with standard sizes Ideal for comfortably accommodating 4 people.

If 6 people are to be seated at a table, then more information needs to be taken into account. You can choose a rectangular or round table.

To one side rectangular table to seat two people, its width should be 240 cm, since 46 cm should remain free at each edge.

When choosing round table for 6 people, it is worth considering that the radius of the tabletop must be at least 80 cm, then 76 cm can be used for serving for one person.

To hold a joint family holiday you will need big table. Standard dishes and cutlery are designed for a maximum of 12 people.

  • You should decorate the table with a tablecloth.
  • Arrange the plates, taking into account the number of people at the table.
  • Arrange cutlery.
  • The location of glasses, glasses, wine glasses largely depends on what kind of alcoholic drinks will be consumed.
  • Arrange and decorate the table with original napkins.
  • Decorating on a specific theme.

Subtleties of serving

To beautifully organize a meal at the table according to etiquette, you need to take into account many nuances and details. To organize a meal at home, you first need to purchase a beautiful set of dishes. All family members should be provided with the same plates and cutlery.

Before serving you need to think about the menu first, since each dish requires a certain set of serving. When arranging appliances, it is worth remembering that at least 80 centimeters of free space must be allocated for one person. This distance is enough for a comfortable position at the table.

All equipment must be clean. It is better to wipe each fork, knife and spoon with a dry towel before placing them on the table to prevent the possibility of stains from residual water.

How to arrange the devices?

At home, you can beautifully decorate the table for a shared meal if you set it up correctly. First you need to cover the table with a tablecloth and purchase a beautiful set of dishes and cutlery. You can’t use all the dishes to set the table at home. It should be selected depending on personal preferences and food needs.

The tablecloth plays a major role in table decoration, as it sets the tone for the entire event. For a holiday, you should choose an exclusively white tablecloth; for everyday use, you can use the product in yellow color or cream shade. The main thing is that the tablecloth is washed and ironed.

For informal meetings, you can use colored tablecloths in light colors; for themed meetings, models with prints; for example, for celebrating a child’s birthday, a tablecloth with a children’s theme is suitable. A table covered with two tablecloths looks original, and they are positioned in such a way that the corners of the lower tablecloth are visible from under the upper one.

Options with a minimal amount of decor look beautiful, although you can use models with perforation, lace or complemented with silk ribbons.

When choosing the size of the tablecloth, remember that you need to start from the dimensions of the table on which it will be located. According to etiquette, the edges of the product should hang over the edge by about 30 centimeters. But there are also exceptions. For example, in Italian and French restaurants it is considered normal for the edges of the tablecloth to touch the floor. When choosing a product material, it is better to give preference to cotton or silk.

There are 35 types of plates for table setting, but usually only 5 or 6 types are used. According to the rules of etiquette, all plates should ideally be from the same set or at least be made in a single style direction. The choice of plate type depends on the dishes that will be served on the table, and their quantity depends on the number of people who will be present at dinner.

The main types of plates that are very often used for serving: soup, flat plate (large and small), dessert (shallow and deep), pie plate, herring bowl, mustard plate or bowl, meat dish.

Need to choose the right cutlery and arrange them correctly. To begin with, on the right side of the dish you need to place a soup spoon, place a fork and a snack knife near it, then a coffee or tea spoon. If all this needs to be placed directly next to the main plate, then the dessert spoon is usually placed behind the plate. Knife for butter usually found on a pie plate.

Before serving, the cutlery must be thoroughly polished to a shine. Often in cafes, cutlery is placed directly on a special napkin.

A classic choice among glasses is the option for champagne and wine. There are other types of glassware for alcohol, but they should be placed on the table depending on what drink will be presented on the table. These can be glasses for liquor, whiskey, shot glasses.

When arranging glasses, you should adhere to the following sequence: for red wine, white wine, champagne and a container for stronger alcohol in the order in which they will be served on the table. Don't forget that there should be a glass for water or juice on the left side of the table.

Serving napkins are an indispensable element for decorating a formal feast. They can be either paper or fabric. Most people prefer napkins made from various types fabrics. Square-shaped linen models are often used and big size. They can be placed on the knees to protect clothes from possible stains or used as decoration.

Paper napkins are intended to be used during meals, so they should be placed in the center of the table so that everyone can easily reach the napkins. To do this, you can use a napkin holder or special figures with clips. For special occasions, you should use plain paper models, without a bright and catchy print.

In a modern dining room interior, the main element is often a round table. Many housewives are faced with the fact that round table top provides less space than rectangular. When setting the table round shape You should only use the necessary items: a flat and deep plate, a fork for the main dish, a knife and a wine glass. If the guest wishes, other items of tableware can be served. Decorate the center of the table with a bouquet of flowers, a bright and unusual dessert or a bottle of wine, complemented by a red or black napkin.

If a birthday is celebrated in the home circle, then the table should become a bright accent when organizing the holiday. To achieve this goal, it is worth using unusual desserts, choosing decorations, and also using beautiful serving dishes.

If you are deciding what to set the table with, then you should start from the personality of the birthday person. To decorate the table in honor children's party It’s worth decorating the table beautifully with soft toys or images on cardboard of famous cartoon characters. For children, you can organize a simple sweet table.

To decorate a table in honor of a young girl’s birthday, then you should pay attention to fresh flowers at the table, fashionable dishes made of multi-colored glass, vases with fruit, and attractive desserts.

For men, the table should look more concise. It should be covered with various foods: meat, tomato and cucumber salads and side dishes.

When setting a festive sweet table, it is worth considering that only desserts are presented on the table. You should not use decor, as it will look unnecessary against the backdrop of bright desserts. It is worth using plates in several tiers, stands for muffins or cake pops, and pyramids. It is worth using dishes in a single color scheme.

To decorate a table, even for one person, according to etiquette, you should use a tablecloth and place napkins made of paper or fabric on it. Kitchen utensils you will need:

  • the plate is flat, deep;
  • table spoon, dessert spoon, tea spoon;
  • fork;
  • glass for water;
  • wine glass

To decorate the dinner it is worth making a certain order actions:

  • Cover the table with a tablecloth.
  • Place a large plate flat type, put a deep one on it.
  • On both sides of the plate you should place cutlery intended for the main course, and then for the appetizer.
  • The teaspoon should be placed in front of the plate.
  • At the top on the right side of the plate there is usually a pair of tea or a wine glass.
  • Additionally, the table can be decorated not only with fabric napkins, but also with exquisite candles or fresh flowers.

Setting a table for organizing lunch is quite simple, since it has virtually no differences compared to setting a table for dinner. The only difference is that dinner table can be decorated only with napkins or flowers. And you also don’t need to use a snow-white tablecloth for the dining table.

It is worth taking a more practical approach to this issue and using silicone or plastic substrates. They are characterized by ease of cleaning.

If you are going to organize a dinner for guests, then the serving remains the same, but the number of cutlery and plates only increases. An alternative to tablecloths are special stands designed to protect from hot dishes. You should not use additional decor.

Dinner for guests requires a snow-white tablecloth. To begin with, you should serve light snacks with liqueur or wine.

It is very difficult to organize the correct arrangement of cutlery at a party when many guests will be sitting at the table on your own. Therefore, you should not pay special attention to the arrangement of cutlery and plates; the main thing is to lay a white tablecloth and decorate the table with napkins. The main task is to create the most comfortable conditions for relaxation at the festive table.

Using napkins

Napkins are an integral attribute of serving. To decorate the table for tea drinking, you can use rectangular or round napkins. Linen options are ideal for decorating a table in honor of a celebration.

It is customary to place a napkin made of paper or fabric at the bottom of the plate or to the left of it. Paper napkins can be placed in a special napkin holder.

There are many ways to fold a cloth napkin in interesting ways. It can be presented in the form of an envelope, a cone or a sail. Unusual animals or delicate flowers. Each option looks elegant and cute, so you can come up with your own version of decorating the napkin.

For a festive feast

At a holiday, the table always plays a huge role, because it acts as a stylish accent. To decorate a festive feast, you can use small vases with flowers, special rings for decorating napkins, porcelain angel figurines, as well as silk or satin ribbons. Formal tablecloths, balloons and serpentine will look beautiful.

The choice of table decorations depends on the holiday itself and its purpose. It could be a romantic dinner, an anniversary or a wedding. An important element is fabric napkins and an elegant tablecloth.

For a regular dinner or lunch, napkins decorated with rings and fresh flowers are used. This decor is suitable for a regular tea party. It is worth understanding that dishes, cutlery, tablecloths and napkins must be very clean. To set the table beautifully, you can use bright napkins. They will help give the feast originality and effectiveness.

A lot of effort must be put into decorating a banquet. To decorate the table in honor of Christmas Eve or Easter, you should use appropriate decorative elements. To organize a large banquet, it is worth using decorative elements made in the same color and style. Napkins can be bright colors, but must be sterile. Flowers can be used both fresh and artificial. The choice is completely individual.

When organizing a wedding feast, the emphasis should be on the places for the newlyweds. They should be decorated with symbols on the theme of love. These can be figurines of swans, roses, hearts or posters with wishes. For the newlyweds, separate glasses, originally decorated, should be presented. Snow-white dishes with a silver or gold border and, of course, a white tablecloth look beautiful on the wedding table.

remember, that festive table setting table consists of large quantity nuances. In order not to forget anything, you first need to make a preliminary serving - make an arrangement important elements. Just before the feast, it will be enough to put additional cutlery and plates to make it full serving.

To serve a Russian holiday table, it is worth understanding that traditionally a lot of different foods should be presented on such a table. To decorate a table in a traditional style, just select several dishes from the national cuisine.

When serving a traditional Russian feast, you should adhere to the following scheme:

  • Snacks - there should be a lot of them, because the traditional drink is vodka, and it requires a good snack. Pickled cucumbers and pickled tomatoes must be present on the table. Many people really like mushrooms with onions or sauerkraut with beets. Among cold appetizers, meat options and sliced ​​salted lard are in demand. Among the salads, you should give preference to “herring under a fur coat” or “Olivier”.

  • Main courses are served hot. Often a pig or poultry is prepared for the table in the oven. They are usually filled with porridge and decorated with apples. Often, cabbage rolls and home-style roast or fish dishes are served on the festive table.
  • Dessert - traditional are cheesecakes, pies, gingerbreads, as well as filled pies, baked apples with sugar syrup and aromatic cinnamon.
  • Drinks - traditionally, strong vodka is placed on the table, which is often infused with tangerine peels, pine nuts or various herbs. Among non-alcoholic drinks, kvass and fruit drinks made from berry jam are in demand.

Delicious food should have a beautiful, attractive appearance so that you immediately want to eat it. When choosing dishes from a certain world cuisine, you should understand that table decorations are different countries produced in different ways, using a variety of decorative elements.

Table setting in France is a unique art. It differs in many ways from traditional serving in Russia. The French are famous gourmets who have an excellent understanding of delicious food and also pay a lot of attention to table decoration. They highly value high-quality and stylish dishes, tablecloths, and decor.

The peculiarity of table setting in France is that they always use stand plates, which not only add elegance and beauty to the table setting, but also act as reliable protection for the tablecloth from various stains.

Serving in Japan is very different from the European presentation, so for us it is quite complex and multi-component. To perfectly master the peculiarities of Japanese serving, you need to have a good understanding of plates, cups, trays, bowls and chopsticks. The Japanese value convenience and comfort. When serving, they tend to be asymmetrical, creating free compositions and taking into account the available space. All decorative elements on the table should be positioned freely.

An interesting fact is that the arrangement of cutlery varies from country to country. For example, when positioning the fork in England it should lie with the cloves up, and in France - with the cloves down.

Beautiful examples and options

  • Spring. It is worth focusing on natural colors and textures. The tablecloth on the table is not mandatory element. The table can be decorated with a wicker stand. A branch of a living tree will allow you to decorate the table setting. Place a white napkin on a green plate, a cream plate and a transparent dish on top. There should be a fork and a teaspoon on the right side of the plates, and a wine glass at the top right.

  • For a romantic dinner Fresh flowers and candles are often used as decoration. A red tablecloth will set you up for a romantic wave. Snow-white dishes are suitable for table setting. To begin with, you can place a square plate, and on top - a round-shaped plate. An ideal addition would be a soft pink fabric napkin folded into an envelope. On the left side there is a knife, on the right there is a knife and a soup spoon. Above the plates there is a glass for water and champagne.


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